The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, July 08, 1921, Image 1

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    309 8 j
Frank J. Lovelt has been appoiut
d state tax commissioner.
Only seven forest fires have been
reported to the state forester so far
this season.
A second shift meaning the employ
ment of 100 more men, wili be started
at the Brooks-Scanlon mill at Bend.
Fire completely destroyed" the large
barn and contents on the McDonald
ranch, two miles southwest of Weston.
Home building has progressed at the
average rate of $801, 693 a month in
Portland for the first six months of
the year 1921.
Haying in eastern Linn county is
well under way and the farm .s are
trying to care for one of the largest
hay crops ever raised in the county.
The sixth annual tournament for
the tennis championship of the Wil
lamette valley will open at Salem
July 7, and continue for three days.
The society of Oregon composers,
through its president, Dr. Shall Kmui
of Portland, has presented to the state
library a volume of Oregon composi
tions. Grasshoppers are becoming so plen
tiful on Crane prairie, near Bend, that
destruction of the range, which ordb
narily curries 1700 head of cattle, is
Presidents and secretaries of com
mercial clubs of ten Umatilla county
towns were guests of the Pendleton
Commercial association at a banquet
in Pendleton.
H. II, Gardner of Stayton, has filed
with the state engineer application to
appropriate 1200 second feet of water
from the North Santiam river for
power purposes.
dry kiln and (1 cars of lumber.
Members f the Douglass county
forest patrol and 4 the United States
forest service nut in Roseburg Sat
urday with supervising wardens from
adjoining counties for a school of
methods and foresters' cc a vent km.
Motor vehicle registrations la Ore
gon during the period January 1 to
June 30, 1921, aggregated 102,274 as
against 89,173 for the same months
last year, according to a report is
sued by Sam A. Kozer, secretary of
Approximately $1,094,205.25 has
been received by the state from taxes
levied on gasoline and distillate sales
in Oregon during the period February
1, 1919, to May 31, 1921, according to
a report prepared by Sam A. Kozer,
secretary of stats.
Through -the opening of a second
pool by the Willamette Valley Prune
association, loganberry growers of the
Salem vicinity are hopeful of receiv
ing 5 cents a pound for their product.
The pool will be open to all growers,
who have not yet obtained a market
for their berries.
'I'll" auto camp grounds in Mc.Mmn
vllle are being remodeled.
Harry C. Brumbaugh of Portland
has been appointed executive secre
tary of the t.orld war veterans' state
aid commission, created under an act
of the last legislature.
More than 100 deaf persons, many
of them graduates of the Oregon
school for the deaf, assembled at
Salem S '"rday and organized the
Oregon Stat? Association for the Deaf.
Approximately half of the 7000 cor
porations operating in Oregon have
The marine strike has had U-tflfi. wit'.; the state corporation de
fect upon the cargo lumber shipments
from the Columbia, which for June
were the smallest of any single month
in several years.
There were a total of 125 permits to
appropriiite water and six permits to
store water issued by Percy Cvppi r.
state engineer, during the months of
April, May and June.
The president of the Oregon State
Bankers' association has appointed a
committee to investigate the salmon
industry with the idea of devising the
best method of financing it.
Several hundred representatives of
Oregon's 14,000 ex-service men who
are banded together in the American
Legion met Saturday in Eugene for
the Oregon department's third annual
William A. Botz, who lives on a
ranch near Bend, received through the
Red Cross, his croix de guerre award
ed him by the French government. To
the cross was added a star for par
ticular bravery.
Fire destroyed four grain ware
houses, an elevator and m my thou
sand bushels of grain at Mynck sta
tion, six miles northeast of Pendleton,
causing damage estimated at from
$165,000 to $200,000.
'rtie second woman fire lookout to
be employed on the Deschutes na
tional forest has taken up her official
duties. Mrs. Robert Merrill of Port
land has been stationed at Black butte,
35 miles from Bend.
Cheese producers in Curry county,
instead of shipping to Coos Bay for
reshipment have undertaken a deliv
ery at San Francisco, where the first
cargo was recently taken by the gaso
line schooner Osprey.
Seven hundred thousand bushels of
the new crop of wheat have been con
tracted for at $1 a bushel, or prices
near that figure, by H. W. Collins,
prominent Pendleton grainman, ac
cording to announcement.
Damage estimated at $175,000 to
$200,000 was caused at Astoria by two
fires which destroyed the main saw
mill and power plant at the Astoria
Box company's plant, the big double
partment their annual reports as re
quired under the state laws. The
statutes require that these statements
shall be filed by July 1.
Complaints charging burglary were
filed in the justice court at Albany
by District Attorney Lewoiling
against William A. Schultz. Irvin L.
Wright and R. W. Cooley, as a result
of their attempt to break into the Hal
sey State bank last week.
Increased rates, sought by the
American Railway Express company
affecting the transportation of but
termilk, cream, milk and ice cream
have been denied by the Oregon pub
lic service commission. The increase
requested in the application ranged
from 20 to 26 per cent.
The most important wool sale of the
season was held at Shaniko, in whic h
the clip of that section was offered
for sealed bids. The sale attracted
buyers from many foreign and eastern
mills. About 250,000 pounds, the clips
of 31 growers, were disposed of at
prices ranging from 13 to 20 cents.
Linn county and Oregon will have
the distinction of supplying the young
est member of the famous Sousa's
band on its next tour. Loren J LiU
per of Tangent, who Is only 22 years
old, will leave early In July for New
York, where he will become a mem
ber of this famous musical organiza
tion. Fred Williams, chairman of the Ore
gon public service commission, will
go to San Francisco July 13, where
he will attend a conference of the
interstate commerce commission, with
relation to an adjustment of freight
rates on the Weed-Klamatn Falls
branch of the Southern Pacific rail
road. The extent of the powers vented
in the state board eugenics under the
so-called sterilization act, will be de
termined in a test case filed In the
circuit court at Salem by Tom Gar
land, Portland attorney. The proceed
ings were brought on behalf of Jacob
('line, an Inmate of the Oregon state
Uncle Sam wants us all to cat more onions. He says the onion
as been falsely painted that in reality it is only an edible lily. Says we
shouldn't pay any attention to etiquette in attempting to eliminate odors
iroin the breath but instead follow our appetites and eat the onion we
all like and is good for us. At least the U, S. Bureau of Markets says
t contains more vitamines than any oilier vegetable, vitamine arc essen
tial, say food experts. Pictured here an- two tots of the southwest and
t a rnrt of the new 7,000 car crop' which is n'jw coming on.
Frolic in the South Seas
On on,, of the Gilbert Islands I snw
a "bateta" (dance) of InforgetaWe
splendor. In the afternoon natives
were busy making wreaths nod neck
laces of the young coconut leaf and
of the small white Bower of the
male papaya tree. In deep pfnk opal,
Mother-of-pearl and lavender the sun
set beside the palms. I n the lagoon
bench was kindled a great lire. Pres
ently the mellow moon and huge stars,
rising through the fantastic coconut
and more fantastic pandanus, cast the
black shadows of the trees athwart the
white lands. Over the rustle of the
palm fronds, the soft fall of feet in
the dust of the dim pathways, and the
murmur of flower-crowned men and
women on their way to the dance,
dime the voice of the surf on the outer
A chant and a clapping arose from
30 to ID persons, men and women not
one standing who sal cross-legged on
Another rabbit drive is scheduled
for next Sunday. Added zest will be
given this one by the announcement
that there will be eats this time.
Get your shillaluh ready and show
up early.
Arch Kibble and wife of Missouri,
who are making a four months'
tour of the West, are visiting a shot'!
time at the Leon Kutzner home.
Mrs. Kibble and Mrs. Kutzner are
sisters. They will drive on to California.
the coral, writes Andrew Fnrtoll In
Asia Magazine. Members of the bal
let, four and the deep, made three
sides of i rectangle; on the open side
Were the spectators. All of the men,
itnd some of the women, were nude to
the waist. S'ecttlaCea of white coco
nut leaf, long anil many-pointed, hung
don upon the breasts; greeneries
Were twisted in the pierced lobes of
their ears; and from under white coco
nut and chaplets of flowers gleamed
their white eyeballs and whiter teeth.
In the forefront of the ballet sat a
woman a Micronesian Aphrodite
doereil front her waist down with a
fine dancing mat. She was the princi
pal, and only she and two men did
not heat hand against hand and
against breast. One of these a great,
bearded. Arablike fellow was the
lender of the chorus. He gave calls,
nccompanlod by a sweep of the raised
arm. At the second or third call the
second man, a broad bodied Bacchus,
opened the song in a tenor, and the
I- o hers joined, chanting and beating,
the women's voices high ninl nasal, the
men's round and full. The chants wore
altogether monotonous repetitions of h
few words. 'neotuit oiled bodies
(teamed under the fire. Hands, feet,
arms ami trunks of the three princi
pals kept exquisite time to the beat,
bent of the chorttfl. My ears were
filled with the tumult, toy eyelids were
heavy w ith drowsiness. I sat ill ii hyp
notic (laze; I awoke with a start. io
lind the singers silent and their bodies
languid. A brief pause- a Settling
back of the wearied singers- -mu!
again the leader gave the call ami the
sweep of file Upraised arm
III' city mail order house, iloinp a nn
tional business and advertising na
tn nally, litis a million or more cus
tomers. You are only otic of them,
and there is nobody in that mail
order establishment that has the
time to give your order a single
thought except to fill it.
You take what you get, at long
distance, and be thankful that
you're alive.
Trade at home and your mer
chant has to give you uality to re
tain your trade and the trade of his
other neighbors If by accident
there is anything wrong with the
iiiality, you are where you can get
instant satisfaction The satisfac
tion you get by long distance is
poor, it any
Wise people in the country are quitting the mail order houses
in great numbers. This is apparent by the fact that the biggest
of them are all but on the financial rocks Don't be in the tail
of the procession. Trade at home, where a part of your dollai
comes back to you.
The day began with a baseball
game on the school diamond be
tween the married men and the sin
gle1 men of the Project.
Well, if you missed that game
you were "out of luck" because it
was a fast and interesting game,
and the score was so close until the
last inning when the single men
Showed (heir powess by sending
their opponents down to defeat to
the tune of 4 to ti. It the lloardman
loam had played as well during the
season as they did that day, they
would have won more than the cel
lar championship. Bam Boardman
was left fielder, and made some pret
ty catches that would have caused
envy lo a professional.
Following is the lineup as carried
as near as we could obtain it:
Single Married
A. Klitz c Nizer
V. Keys p l(. Kands
Al Mel'i'ord lb N. Macolnber
Ralph Humphrey 3b 0, Mitchell
R, Qilbreath :ib w. King
1J. Carpenter ss Tom Miller
Opal Wagner cent. 11. Everett
Kd Smith rf D, Kansier
L. Cummins if s. Boardman
Following this we journeyed on
to Coyote, where the most Important
event of the day took place, A
large part of the crowd who did
not come down to the game were
(here, and the ladies spread the ta
bles under i he trees and it was in
deed a feast: Fried chicken, salads,
sandwiches, pies, cakes, rookies,
lemonade, etc., etc., and the crowd
consumed only the small amount of
thirty gallons of ice cream. Every
thing was free!
A short program was hold after
dinner, but thero was so much con
fusion that it was a bit hard to
A dispatch from Washington, I)
0. recently slates that Dr. George
Oils Smith, as director of tin- United
Slates Geological Survey, is official!
in charge of the study of the conn
try's Water resources He is in fa
vor of the development of the na
tion's water-power resources, which
would bring cheap power to hun
dreds of communities which now
lack it.
"There is no doubt that the coun
try in general is ready to give prac
tical attention lo the control, de
velopment and Utilisation of its
rivers," he said in a statement to
the press.
"If the people could only be made
to understand that the control and
Utilisation of rivers means millions
of dollars to them and offers one of
the greatest economic advantages
that can be taken of the natural re
kOUroeS, they would not be slow In
approving plans for river develop
Bieat, Not only such development
as looks merely lo Hood prevention
although this in itself would save
billions of dollars but development
that will provide a uniform (low for
rivers anil Streams by which power
could be generated that could be
brought within the reach of bun
droits of communities which do not
j have it now.
"The development of water-power
i of the rivers of the country Is go
I ing to be one of the great achleve-
i menu the United states win see in
I tin- BeXI few years. It will be a
saving to the people so great that it
can not now be fully comprehended.
In Ihe Bast we are learning that our
rivers can serve us best when bitch
ed up with our great sieam power
plants "
hear. Several community songs were
sung. Mrs. Karl Cramer gave a
reading which was appropriate to
the day, touching upon the forget
Culness of the people regarding the
principles fought lor from '7 6 up to
the present day. She has a clear
Voice, and a good expression, and
it was well rendered.
Following this was a short ad
dress bj Colonel Callahan, and we
a ' I enjoy hearing him speak al any
t has,
The program closed with the com
munity singing our National hymn,
There was no dragging along and
waling thai day, and the sports were
immediately started and of all the
'I he races were good. Opal Wag
goner won the young men's race;
the married men's race was won by
King; the fat man's race by Strait;
three legged race by Waggoner and
Everett; women's race won by Mrs.
Tom Miller; girl's race by Violet
Gilbreth; tug of war between the
F.asl and West end caused much,
amusement, and looked for awhile
as I hough Ihe West end would win.
but the Hast end ladies' pitched in
and helped so it ended in a tie. The
bOrse race was won by Teddy Part
low. The prizes consisted of $1.00
So ended one of Ihe most enjoy
able Fourth of Julys in lioardnian
ideal weather, and not an incident
to mar Ihe pleasure.
The youag people needed a dance
to finish the day Monday, and since
Boardman has a dearth,' f good
dancing Moors, permission was given
and a pleasant dame was held In
the school house. Kveryone had a
good time, and voted It "The F.nd
of a Perfect Day."
The route lo be traveled through
the slate by the first trainload of
settlers who are scheduled to arrive
from the Middle West on July 25th
for an Inspection of the slate's agri
cultural resources has been announc
ed by the Oregon Stale Chamber of
The task of arranging an Miner
a i y which would include the repre
sentative districts of the state in the
limited time allowed under Ihe
hnmeseekers' ticket, twenty-one
days, was an exceedingly dilllcult
one, according lo Secretary Quuyle.
The matter has been under advise
ment .since Hie Land Settlement con
ference hold in Portland on June 7,
and every effort has been made to
route ihe party over the state in the
most effect Ive way.
While the itinerary III general
will be followed as outlined, it was
announced thai it was subject to
change in some instances, inasmuch
as the nulling of Ihe party through
a few districts would be governed
by the number of setlleiH who make
up the party.
The train will leae Omaha at
1 : 20 a. m on July 19th,
It will make numerous stops in
the principal cities of Oregon, and
the dale for arrival at Pendleton
will be July 2 f. t li . arriving at 6:00
a. in. Will leave llerinlston, at
10:00 p in.
After a drive through I'uiatilla
OOUnty wheal fields, luncheon will
be served at Stanfield. The
party will then be taken through the
Covernineiil Irrigation Project In
Hermislon, nine dinner will be
served. us print your butter wrappers
Til lLOrV
1 -lwCjav J?T. &
,,u.l now FOR a brulze M t vVl7
i'll tlach you