The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, June 24, 1921, Image 1

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The annual meeting of the state as
sociation of Elks will be held in Marsh
field August 18, 19 and 20.
The Linn county court has taken
steps to advertise for sale $100,000
county road bonds on July 9.
Fire destroyed the $12,000 ranch
home belonging to Mrs. Lois Gilpin,
eight miles east of The Dalles.
The Tillamook fair board has decid
ed on September 13, 14, 15 and 16 as
dates for the annual county fair.
The Oregon Wool and Mohair asso
ciation now has 1000 members who
have signed up for 150,000 fleeces.
The Canada thistle is spreading rap
idly in Lane county, according to C.
E. Stewart, county fruit inspector.
More than half a million dollars will
be spent in education of approximate
ly fiilOO school children in Jackson
county this year.
Every section of Oregon was repre
sented at the firemen's convention,
which was held In Corvallis, 38 fire
chiefs having registered.
The largest class in the history of
Oregon Agricultural college was grad
uated Monday, when more than 300
students received diplomas.
The Hessian fly, one of the worst
grain pests that ever infested the
fields of Oregon farmers, has made
its appearance in Lane county.
Twelve carloads of sheep were ship
ped from Nyssa to Omaha, Neb., by
H. J. Ward and Lem Wilson, promin
ent Malheur county stockmen.
Some of the wickedest horses in
Eastern Oregon are being rounded up
for the Cowboys' convention, which
is to be held at Ukiah this year, July
4 end 5.
Word has been received at Cofvallis
by Mrs. Daisy Luton that she is one
of Che heirs to the estate of her grand
father in New York city, valued at
Contractors for carpenter work,
plastering and wiring have started
work to finish the Baker natatoriuni.
It seems likely the building will be
completed within 60 days.
The postoffice department has au
thorized the establishment of a daily
temporary star route service from
Medford to Crater Lake, except Sun
day, for all classes of mall.
A mule at Prairie City sunk its
teeth into the leg of young Clarence
Porter, son of Allen Porter, and re
fused to let go until its jaws were
slit and a crowbar applied.
The Larkln Green Logging company
at Blind Slough has completed the ex
tension of its railroad into a tract of
about 100,000,000 feet of timber which
it is to log in the near future.
Eugene Peterson, who was struck
by a Southern Pacific train while he
was sleeping pear the tracks at a
point about a mile north of Gervals,
recently, died in a Salem hospital.
The Oregon senators have been re
quested by the treasury department
to recommend a successor to Milton
A. Miller, present collector of internal
revenue for the district of Oregon.
The Shell Oil company of California
has remitted to the secretary of state
$4710.49, covering the tax on the cor
poration's sales of gasoline and distil
late in Oregon during the month of
A. C. Barber, state insurance com
missioner, will be reappointed to this
office by Governor Olcott at the ex
piration of his present term, June 30,
according to announcement made at
Mineral rights which have not been
assessed for the last five years, can
be assessed by the sheriff and should
be assessed as real property, according
to a legal opinion given by the attorney-general.
The Pacific highway from Portland
toward Oregon City, which is being
Improved by the state highway com
mission, has been completed as far
as Glenmorrie. This marks the finish
ing of two-fifths of the entire project.
The following Oregon postoffices
have been advanced in the annual re
adjustment of postmasters' salaries:
Second to first class, Corvallis and
The Dalles; third class to second-class,
Cottage Grove, Heppner Lakeview,
Lebanon and Mllwaukie.
Substantial reductions in the cost of
foodstuffs since last December were
indicated in bids received at Salun
by the state board of control for fur
nishing supplies, for the suit instiiu
tions during the period of July 10 to
December 31 of (his year.
Refunds of taxes paid on motor fuels
under a new law enacted at the last
session of the legislature, during the
period from March 1, 1921, to May 31,
1921, aggregated $2217.17. according
to a report prepared by Sam A. Kozer,
secretary of state. Reports of dealers
for the months of March and April
and estimates for the month of May
indicate that the sale of motor fuels in
Oregon during that period totaled 11.
?00,000 gallons.
bids for the improvement of approx
imately 80 miles of road in Oregon
-ill be opened and considered at a
neeting of the state highway commis
sion to be held in Portland June 28
uid 29. The roads to be improved are
widely scattered throughout the state.
A $25,000 order for canned pears of
last year's crop, coming from England,
was filled by the Eugene Fruit Grow
ers' association. This order was for
nore than 5000 cases of the fruit and
when filled the warehouses of the as
sociation were cleared i ! this product.
In every county In Oregon wL i
neasures carrying increased salai i s
for officials were submitted to the
voters at the recent special election
they were defeated by decisive majori
ties, according to returns received at
the offices of the secretary of state.
Governor Olcott has announced the
appointment of Archie F. Roth and
L. B. Hickman of Portland, Walter E.
Lees of l a Grande, Leo G. Devaney of
Koseburg and Floyd Hart of Medford
as members of the state board of aero
nautics created by an act of the last
The Oswego Lake Water Power
company, which supplies water to the
consumers of Oswego, was instructed
by the Oregon public service commis
sion to improve its water supply im
mediately, under penalty of having ihe
complaint referred to the attorney-general
for legal action.
With many expressions of apprecia
tion for the treatment they had re
ceived, veterans of the Grand Army ef
the Republic, and the women of their
three allied organizations, bid Pendle
ton goodbye Friday and departed for
their homes, after concluding their
40th annual encampment there.
Construction has begun on the first
unit of the Condon-Arlington section
of the John Day highway, the first
five miles north of Condon. This piece
of road, which is to cost $76,000, is
being built by the state. When com
pleted, Gilliam county will reimburse
the state with half the cost of building.
There were two fatalities in Oregon
due to industrial accidents during the
week ending June 16, according to a
report prepared by the state industrial
accident commission. The victims
were Harry E. Eekenstein, warehouse
man of Portland, and Frank Joerg,
logger of Cochran. A total of 340 ac
cidents were reported.
Karl Gunster, hoseman of engine 22,
was killed, seven other persons were
Injun d or overcome with smoke funn'S
and property damage estimated at $75,
OuO resulted from a fire which broke
out In the May apartments, Fourteenth
and Taylor streets, in Portland, and
swept through the structure from base
ment to roof with alarming rapidity.
Suspected of being the two box-car
bandits who shot and killed J. H. Phil
lips, O. W. R. & N. agent, in a gun fight
in the railroad yards in Portland,
Tuesday night, John Burns, 26, and
Dan Casey, alias Patrick J. Casey,
were arrested by a squad of city de
tectives, railroad operatives and depu
ty sheriffs at a hotel operated by
Tremendously decreased costs, cou
pled with the unusually abundant
grass on the range, will mean as large
a profit to central Oregon sheepmen
from 18 or 20-cent wool as was gained
from the abnormally high prices pre
vailing during and for the first two
years after the war, Is the belief held
by representative Deschutes and Lake
county wool growers.
Organization of what will be known
as the Oregon Cooperative council,
was effected at the close of the co
operative marketing conference in
connection with farmers' week at the
Oregon Agricultural college. This is
considered by prominent men in at
tendance as being the most Important
te.p In the history of co-operative or-
When a country girl makes up her
mind to get an education the short
age of money in the family bank
account doesn't necessarily upset her
plans. The soil is there and the sun
shine, and only grim determination I
is needed, with the help and sug
gestion of the home demonstration
agents, to start the work There are
such girls, hundreds of them, and
many stories of their fine achieve
ments are reported to the United
States Department of Agriculture by
the home demonstration agents.
Five girls living near Little Rock
joined a canning club, worked hard
all summer, and won scholarships
offered by a glass jar manufacturing
company and the Arkansas Bankers'
Money talks. A home demonstra
tion agent of the United Stales De
partment of Agriculture in Sheridan
county, Wyoming, tells of a farmer
who remained unconvinced for five
years thai liis wife's dabbling in
poultry paid. She has now proved to
him through the systematic records
she keeps that she can make more
money with chickens on 1 acre of
land than he can by farming about
90 acres.
His wife is now raising chickens
on a large scale for exhibition pur
poses, and also sells chickens and
eggs to the Pullman diner service.
Miss Bertha Hoke has returned to
her home in Hood River, after a
fortnight's visit with the Hands.
Of the 2 30 students who are gra
duating this year from the Univer
sity of Oregon, 80 per cent have
earned more than a third of their
own way during four years of study,
according to statements made by
members of the class this week. 20
per cent have been entirely self-supporting.
Many and interesting are the jobs
ganizations In Oregon.
Up until June 15, 1921, a total of
$916,638.65 had been paid by the state
to ex-service men on account of educa
tional financial aid authorized under
a measure approved by the voters at
a special election held In the year 1919,
according to a report prepared by Sam
A. Kozer, secretary of state. This mon
ey was disbursed to 5545 persons at
tending 147 different institutions In
the state.
Complete investigation and partial
revision of the system of taxation now
in operation in Oregon, opening up of
additional sources of state revenue and
other proposals whereby real estate
may be relieved of at least a small
part of the financial burdens of gov
ernment and at the same time raise
money with which to meet the de
mands upon the public coffers, were
discussed at the meeting of the so
called tax investigation committee
held at Salem last week.
The 36th annual grand encampment
of the Indian War Veterans of the
north Pacific coast closed its sessions
at Portland with the election of offi
cers for the ensuing year. Erastus
Morgan of Portland was elected grand
commander; G. W. Riddle of Kiddle
was elected senior vice-grand con
mander, and John W. Kelly of Oregon,
junior vice-grand commander, The
other officers elected were M. Dickson
of Portland, grand adjutant; L. A.
Bailey o' Scappoose, assistant grand
adjutant, and N. M. Mc Daniels of Port
iand, grand paymaster.
which have yielded an income to
these young men and women while
they studied. The hop yards, log
ging camps, shipyards, fishing
grounds, saw mills, highway con
struction, harvest fields, farms, ware
houses, and the forest service all
have been the sources of pay cheeks
Carefully saved during the summer
to pay school expenses in the winter.
Dishwashing, mowing lawns, pulling
in wood, cooking, waiting on tables,
sweeping lloors, have been homely
tusks willingly and even eagerly per
formed by the young men and WO
men wearing caps and gowns on the
campus this week.
A graduate from Klamath Falls
t ells how he got up at four o'clock
in the morning to do janitor work.
A girl from Washington trolled for
a'mon in the Columbia. Another
girl ba. been a cook for harvest
hands. Two young men were oilers
on a ship. Another was foreman of
a 9,000-aere farm. A girl carried
the mall and earned 25 per cent of
her own way. Still another girl
worked at a soda fountain.
The work that will be taken up by
these 230 young men and women
upon graduation is almost as varied
as the tasks by which they earned
their way. A huge number will be
high school teachers. Several will
leach in colleges. Some will practice
law. Others will take up medicine.
Many will continue their studies for
higher degrees. A few have been
ordained as ministers and will
preach. Banks, life insurance, for
eign trade, the d iplomal ic service,
architecture, farms. engineering,
music, newspaiier. publishing bouses,
literature, aerial forest patrol, nurs
ing, library work, laboratories, ship
ping offices, art stores, and many
other lines, will claim the services
of those who graduated from Ihe
I'niversiu of Oregon on June 20th.
IF. mail order house never has a
bargain NOT FOR YOU, ANY
WAY. If there are bargains occa
sionally, the thousands of employ
ees of the mail order concern get
them, they or their friends.
Your own home town merchant
ficquently has bargains and TELLS
YOU about them through the
paper you read.
The mail order house that re
ceives your order doesn't know you
from Adam and doesn't care.
1 he home town merchant know
you as a neighbor and HE CARES.
He cares enough for you and your
trade that he goes to the trouble
and expense of telling you about
his goods and his bargains. He
cares enough to carefully show yon
his goods. He gives you I hoice among many ; if you don't
like one article, he shows you another until you are pleased.
Trade at home and you service, choice quality, and as
good pr-ces. Trade at home and your money helps your town
which is only another word for saying that you help to make
your own property or your own job better.
The annual school election passed
oft very pleasantly last Monday
afternoon, the community making it
a regular social affair. The ladies,
of the P. T. A. served ice cream
cake and lemonade.
Almost everyone on the Project
Was present to combine pleasure
with business. There was very little
business to transact, as the stale at
torney had decided that the Budge'
could not now be voted on. merel
hearing the clerk's financial tepor'
and electing one director for Hire
years, and a clerk for one year.
There were three nominations for
director; Chas. DllltOD of the West
End, C. (1. Blayden of ihe town, and
Mrs. Anna Boardman of the P. T. A.,
who the ladies gave their support,
thinking they were entitled to a rep
resentative on the Hoard, Knowing
she would devote her energies to the
work, and expecting her to advocate
some needed reforms. But Ihe wo
men being in I lie minority ,and so
many of the men thinking that a
woman was incapable of holding an
office of this sort, she was defeated.
Mr. Dillon was elected with 86
votes; Mrs. Boardman received 4 4
vites; C. (1 Blayden 14 votes. Mr.
Blayden, so we are informed, did not
desire the position. Mr. Dillon is a
newcomer to this section, and not
very well known, but was backed
solidly by the people of the Weal
End, and if all will give him the
support they should, we can expect
greal things.
There were two nominees for
clerk; Mrs. draco Stewart, and Mrs.
Claire P. Barter. Mrs. Hurler was
re-elected with 74 votes, while Mrs.
Stewart received only 44 votes.
After Mr Dillon had been sworn
in. Hie new board adjourned to the
superintendent's room for a regular
We bad anticipated an exciting
time at i lie election; perhaps a rep
etition of I wo years ago, but it was
a very mild affair, which pleased all
The ladies of the P. T. A. served
ice cream, cake and lemonade on
election day to make a few dollars
for their treasury. The ice cream
and cake was very popular, and the
few cakes left over wen' quickly
sold. Around $1S was taken in.
As the home demonstration agent
from the United siates Department
Of Agriculture visits the mother to
discuss with her certain changes in
the children's diet, she is frequently
met with Ihe objection, "But Mary
will noi t ouch that!" This leads to
the application of a little psychology
in ihe demonstrations at which
children are present. Tin? children
may have a taste of any of tin food
that Is prepared at Ihe group meet
ings. Children will often eat what
they see other children eating.
At a recent demonstration in
Hampden county, Mass., the dish
prepared was vegetable soup, kepi
hot on an electric plate and served
to everyone present. The next day
the home demonstration agent called
on one of Ihe mothers who had re
peaieiily staled thai she could not
gel her children to eat carrots. As
the agent, entered Ihe homo she
smelt carrots and soup and was
greeted with: "You see what I got
stewin' here? Eva came home fiom
your place yesterday with a recipe
in her hand, and she said she bad it
al school and it lasted good. So I
made II for her. If they want It,
they can have It."
The problem of soup and carrols
has been solved in dial home.
Adolf Skoubo has received word
from the county court that Judge
Phelps has signed his final citizen
While serving In the army ho
was hindered in gelling the papers on
account of sickness, and when after
being discharged, he applied to the
court for them he found thai some
body bad put in charges against
him to the effect that he was an un
desirable alien.
The (7, S. Department of Labor
and also Ihe American I-cglon of
Hermlston and Heppner Investigated
I be mallei' and apparently found
that there was no basis for such
The people on Ihe Project are for
lunate In having a meat man from
lone, who has established a route
here, bringing fresh meal every
Wednesday The lloardman bouse
wiveH hail him with delight since
hot weather came, as so few of the
farmers butcher at this time of the
The BoardmaO district meeting
of the Oregon Hay G rowers' associa
tion will be held at the school house
Saturday evening, June 25lh for the
purpose of electing one director to
represent them for another year
The general meeting will In- held
at Hermlston the following year.
The ha growers of the Boardman
district tune signed up the major
portion of their acreage grown for
the Beg) three years.
Speculators and foreign buyeJS
attempting to transact business out
side of the association will in all
probability find "slim pickin's" for
I ohic t line to come.
Secretary of Agriculture Wallace
and President Harding have both
gone on record as strongly favoring
such organizations, and if the bills
now pending in Congress dealing
with iVderal Aid to cooperative or
ganization is enacted into law, we
may look forward to many more
such organizations being formed in
the near future, and farm life will
lake on a rosier hue than in Ihe
years gone by.
The men folk held
Saturday evening at tin
cem i rig Ihe matter of
a meeting
1 store con
a ceineierv
We hope a cemetery will not be
needed for a long time, but it Is a
necessary requisite In lime of need.
A rabbit drive is planned for next
Sunday for the Mast Side The peo
ple are asked to meet al the Mulkey
Messncr road and start driving duo
east, driving as far as Tom Miller's.
following this all will have lunch
on the Larson lawn. In the after
noon the tines will form again on
Hie gravel road between the highway
and Urn Brown's corner and drive
up Jnuiper canyon as far as King's
No guns will be tolerated, so bring
your clubs.
The West Slders have been asked
to co operate in this with the pro
mise of reciprocity when they wish
to exterminate a few thousand of
the bunnies Captains of the drive
will be Tom Miller and Itay Brown.
D i;v tints hold MEETlNGi
We understand that there are to
be lectures in the Seventh Day Ad
vent 1st tent tabernaele every night,
commencing Wednesday evening at
H I' M , Juno 2'1, and continuing In
definitely. The lectures are on pre
sent day events and prophesy, com
bined with ihe story of "Eden lost
to Eden Kcstored " These meet ings
are worth while attending.
MessrH King & Kutznor, on the
East End, have constructed a pole
derrick slacker to aid in putting up
their hay. A number of slackers
are putting In an appearance on the
Let us print your Butter Wrappers.