MMMMIMIMIMiMMMMMIMIIIIIMIMMIMMCI T Prices Reduced ONE-HALF! Do you realize thai we art' selling goods at the market price, regardless of what we paid lor them. Rring hills to us before jou send away and let us figure on them. We may be able to save you some money. HERE IS JUST A FEW OF OCR PRICES: Salmon, 1 lb., 15c per can; dozen $1.75 Pure Fruit Jam, 1 'Aoz , 15c each; per dozen $1.75 Tomatoes, Standard, 15c per can; per dozen $1.75 Peas, Standard, 15c per can; Corn, Standard, 1 5c per can; $1.75 $2.90 per dozen Peaches, 2 5c can; doz. Plums, 25c can; doz $2.!I0 Zephyr Ginghams, yard 25c Percales, per yard 25c Toilet Soaps 5c and 10c per dozen $1.75 ; Sugar, 10 lbs. $1; sack.. ..$9. 00 Come In and see what we have and ffet prices. Let us figure on your bill. There is no freight to add to these prices, they are delivered from our stock. We buy hay and produce and sell you what you want. Price on shoes. I'uinishings, liv Goods, Hardware, Pumituri Have all Been Reduced, Yours to Serve, Boardman Trading Co. ttMIMMttllllllMt9iMMMMttMMMMMtlHij IN FEW MINUTES i ABOARD THE ARK Immortal Poetry Fruit of Mo ments of Inspiration. t i Beautiful, Useful and Lasting BRIDAL GIFTS The beauty and simplicity of Sawtell silver will lend charm to any Bride's (iifi Table. It serves a lifelong purpose and is a constant reminder of the giver. Selections may be made from such articles as in it IHslios, Individual Suits anil Peppers, Cream Pitchers, Mayonnaise Bowls, Lemon Sets, steal; Sets, Prull Dishes, Candle Sticks, Toilet Silver, Table Silver, Vases, Tea Sets, Coffee Sets, Sand wich Trays, Hon Hon Dishes, Compotes and Many Others, GRADUATION GIFTS PirsntS and friends will find here a varied as sortment of choice articles from which to select the graduation gift for boy or girl. Watches, Wrist Watches, Pins, Lavuiiiers, Brancelets, Rings 0 I V T S T II A T LAS T Sawtellc 'sj Snc. Ej) penditon JEWELERS o r bTq o n fig Tlie Largest Diamond Dealers in Eastern Oregon AjrM Diamond Tires and Tubes Mighty Easy Riding llllli G A S OILS - A C C E S S 0 R I E S Expert Guaranteed Repair Work ut Reasonable Prices. Service Car Any Time Any Where I! Your FORD Is Sick. We Can ( lire It. No Cure, No Pay, Boardman Garage Masterpieces of the Language "Thrown Off," as It Were, by Imperious Command Tennyson wrote that exquisite lyric, "Crossing the Bar." in a few minutes. He Raid to his son, the present Lord Tennyson, "It came in a moment," ac cording to a writer in London Answers. Burns composed what Cnrlyle char acterizes as the grenetst of all battle odes, "Scots Wha Hae," while riding through storm and darkness across a lonesome moor. One of the very greatest productions of poetic inspira tion, Keats' justly famous "ode to a Nightingale," was Written in the course of one afternoon In the poet's garden at Hampstead, and his great sonnet on Chapman's Homer was the product of an hour. While visiting at Mlnto, Thomas Campbell went to bed early one eve ning, his mind full of a new poem. About tWO in the morning he suddenly awoke, repeating "Events to come cast their Shadows before." Kinging the hell, he summoned a butler, who found I he poet half in and half out of bed. "Are you 111, sir'" asked the servant. "I was never better," replied the poet. "Leave the candle and bring me a cup of tea." Seizing his pen and changing "Events to come" to "Coming events," he not only coined one of the best known lines In English poetry, hut went on to finish the first draft .of "Loch lei's Warning." Cowper composed and memorized t lie whole of his humorous master piece, Molm. Gilpin," during a sleep less night. Hayley, the poet's biog rapher, tells the story : "It happened In those years when Itls accomplished friend, Lady Austen, made a purl of his little evening eir ele, that she observed him sinking Into Increasing dejection; it was her cus tom on these occasions to try Immedi ate relief. She told him the story of John Gilpin to dissipate the gloom of the passing hour. Its effect on the fancy of Cowper had the air of en chantment. "He Informed her the next morning that convulsions of laughter, brought on by his recollections of her story, hud kept hlra awake during the great er part of the night, and that he had turned It into a ballad, So arose the pleasanl poem of 'John Gilpin.' " Seeing thai it runs to 2iVJ lines this is no me, hi feat, Sir Arthur I'lnero must he Included In any list of rapid writers. His "Two Hundred a Year" was the work of a single aftem I, and "The Money Spill- tier" was written with almost equal ra pidity; while "Lords and Commons," a big work, cost only ten days' toll. Of course, Byron worked as fust as the fastest. He said of himself that he was like a tiger if he missed his first Spring, he had to go grumbling hack to the Jungle. The rainy days at Ouchy produced "The Prisoner of Chlllon," and It has been said thai he wrote it at one sitting with one pen; and the first sketch of "The Bride f Ahydos" was written In four nights. Longfellow's tine ballad, "The Wreck of the Hesperus," one of the most fa miliar poems In the language, came to him us he sat cosily by the tire during n violent Storm Which made the win dows rattle. Like Cowper, he went to bed and, finding himself too preoc cupied to sleep, finished the poem be fore morning. Praise for Norway M.ip'e. When the ordinary mail thinks of shade trees, he thinks of maples as a matter of course, and some of the ma ples may he included In a list of shade trees that have attractive dowers, The Norway maple Is the one which I shall mention us being especially worth rec ommending. It is a ver cosmopolitan sort of tree, for In spite of Its name its grows all over the European conti nent, and thrives Just us well here as at home. The Sowers, which open he fore the leaves, are greenish yellow, and arranged in compact, round clus ters. The Norway maple is handsome all the year through and bears the hard conditions of city unusually well. Moreover, it grows better at the sea shore, thun most of our native trees. i'xchitnge. Again a Cure for Seasickness. I, ! - .. nviumnt-H ior seasicKtiess come an- j uuullj wlih the spring Mowers but I Professor Noir of the university of Liege claims to have discovered a uni formly successful one in (he shape of a milligram of sulphate or Strops on going ou board, and additional doses of half this strength at Intervals of half an hour. The professor does not explain how It affects the pneumogas trlc nerve, but it ovidenll does if we give credence to the excellent reports. Seasickness itself, hy-lho-bye. Is sup posed to he caused hj a movement of the liquids of the Internal ear which j sit'ins to affect the pneumogastric nerve.- Scientific American. Noah's Passenger List Must Have Been Long One. Either the Bark Was a Mighty Flota tion, or the Voyagers Were De. cidedly Crowded. it is probable the human population of this earth, itself only a spinning atom in sidereal darkness, rises to up ward of two billions, and is certainly not less than 1,650,000.000. But how many creatures of all kinds has pro lific nature spaw'ned upon this rela tively Dlinute .-peek in cosmos' If Noah took a pair of every living spe cies aboard his ark. how vast an army ilid he have with uitu on his great flotation, and how large must have been that mighty ark? Sir E. Kay Luitkeater gives some Il luminating and surprising ligures in his "Secrets of Earth and Sea." He says that it Is, to be sure, impossible to estimate the number of Individuals in existence. But naturalists have iden tified and classified a large number of kinds, breeds, or, more correctly, spe cies of animals and plants. Not all, it is certain. There are 10.000 spe cies of mammals, about 14,000 of birds, 7,000 of reptiles, 10,000 species of fishes, 500,000 sorts of six-legged In sects, 15,000 of crustacea such as the siirlmps. lobsters and crabs; 011,000 of molluscs, such as snails, mussels, oysterj and the like; 5,000 corals and polyps, .'1,000 sponges, (1,000 microscop ic protozoa, and many others. In all, about 800,000 species of ani mals have been found. The scientist says probably as many more remain to be recognized, and described. A Single species may contain far more individuals than there are men on earth. "The total number of described spe cies of plants," adds Sir liny, "has not beet) estimated, but some idea may be formed from the fact that 1,800 species of flowering plants alone have been found in Britain, 17,000 in British In dia, 22,000 in Brazil, not to mention those of Australia and Africa! These ligures do not Include the vast num ber of flowerles.s plants," Sir Ray might have advanced even more startling ligures if he had In eluded insects In his list. One of the early American jokes about the ark was credited to Andrew Jackson, who. after grievous annoyance during one of Ids Indian campaigns, remarked that he surely wished Noah had accident ally stepped on that pair of chiggers he took with him Into the urk. The remark about a single species containing numberless individuals might be applied to varieties In the case of Insects. Columbia Trading Co. GENERAL MERCHANDISE Boardman, Oregon CONFECTIONS LUNCH GOODS EBHTJBT 'Si.-- FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Gasoline Oils Hay FLOUR and FEED t Drop in at the I PAS T I M E Hi I r Candies Tool Loom Tobacco Barber Shop j T f! R C R F 1 A M T f C. SNIVELY Boardman, Oregon "IT IMHwnv mn O. H. WARNER, Proprietor Boardiiuin, Oregon In Connection BOARDMAN AUTO LIVERY "We go anywhere night or day" W E S E L L L A N D or show you a homestead. We saw it first. Let us .sin v on. Americans and Their Wives. I am picking my words. In spite of their proclamation, I doubt whether the American man Is quite as much at his wife's feet as is made out. It seems to me that he respects his wife as lie respects an expensive picture. He talks -rent deal about the high qualities "i women, but tends to treut them like little dears. lie seems to revere omen in general, but perhaps not T n particular, his wife the most particular of Instances, in America women do have a great deal of power, but I suspect that this is because the men are so busy that they have no time to argue, and too Utile time to exercise alt the powers themselves. So they hand over some of the minor pow ers and honestly believe that this con stitutes a feminine coronation. W. L. George In Harper's .Magazine. Plants on a Daylight Ration. It will come U a surprise to ninny persons that plants may suffer by rea son of being allowed too much sun light. In other words they sometimes thrive better If they are put on ra tions as far us light !i concerned. A recent discovery by V.' W, O.irner and H. A. Allan!, of the bureau of plant industry, United st tes Department of Agriculture, shows that, entirety apart from any effect of burning, it Is pos sible for plants to hnVu too much sun light, or. In other words, too many hours of daylight in comparison with the number of hours of .hirkness. Too long a day as well im too short a day will prevent many kinds of plants from ever reaching their stage of flowering and trill ting. HOUSE WILL BE OPEN UP UNTIL 9 A. M. ALL MORN INGS, AND AFTER 5 P. M. ON SATURDAYS. x $5.00 BOOK FOR $4.75 II ' (t. Ji.i ..Vuiilil I! In Ruby Mountains. In the Humboldt National forest there are no movies nor any Jazz bands to SM wide Often the quiet of the night, but just a bit of unspoiled wilderness where one can hunt with cunierH, tlsh, climb not too rugged mountains, or Just rest to a full con tentment amid interesting and restful surroundings, says the American For estry .Magazine. The gems of Kuby mountains the lakes, streams, peaks and canyons found bete--are all yours to enjoy If you will but come and cntnp near the three lakes that nestle in the high valley amid pine dotted meadows. Long Telephone Lines in India. Long distance telephone lines In Iu- ' dm have rccentl) been greatly extend- ' ed. A IflOnaHS line from Simla to t'eshttwar Is liuislied, hut needs mod ern equipment to lie of commercial value. I'rom Simla to Lit home a line over 300 miles long Is now In regular service, as Is a line west from t'al cutta Into the Chota Nagpur coal fields. An SO-mile Bombay Tootia line is iu official use, though uot yet ready i for miblio service. What Muskrats Did for Maryland. Maryland has many muskrat farms. Owners of the marsh land of thirrhsjsj ter county harvest from ItMMIOO to 1L'.000 muskrat skins u year. There Is a market for the meat as well as for the fur. A single Baltimore firm handles 'J'.OOO to .10.000 muskrat car casses a .war, and Is nimble to sup ply the demand at thst. Hotels in Maryland offer them 00 their hill of tares as "marsh rabbit." Marshes for merly considered valueleM are now worth $.;o to $40 au acre for muskrat culture. I WW INSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILE. We will do it for vou. W. A. MURCHIE Successor to J. C. BaUenger Lumber Company BOARDMAN, ORECON ssjgjejsssssstst'i m0mtmmmgmmmfmmw0fmttgam'mm" 1