The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, June 10, 1921, Image 1

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May was a rainy month m the Rogue
river valley, during which 2.47 inches
Marion county this year will pro
duce more than 1200 tons of straw
bei rles.
The annual reunion of the ex-students
of the old Wilbur academy was
held at Wilbur.
Brownsville is raising funds by popu
lar subscription for the building of a
community house.
Corvallis is to have a new $50,000
hospital, the building to be started
within a few weeks.
A co-operative canning company has
been organized at Dallas with a capi
tal stock of $100,000.
Following 64 years' residence In
Baker county, O. C. Koontz, 67, died
at his home in Baker last week.
A big crowd greeted the opening
day of the 14th annual strawberry
festival and rose show in Lebanon.
Warren P. Reed has resigned as
mayor of Reedsport, giving as a reason
stress of personal business matters.
With an attendance of more than
120, the 16th annual convention of
the Oregon Bankers association was
held at Seaside.
Walter Post, well known pioneer, is
dead at Oakville, aged 77. He ha 1
been a resident of Linn county practi
cally all his life.
Membership in the Bend post, Amer
ican Legion, was boosted to 164 in the
course of a membership campaign car
ried OH last week.
There were 954 traffic accidents on
Portland streets during May, which
caused the death of two persons aui
Injuries to 95 others.
Civil service examination will soon
be held to select postmasters for Pen
dleton and Dayton, the postoffice de
partment h,.- announced.
There are now 33 claimants to the
reward offered for the apprehension
Of the murderers of Til Taylor, late
sheriff of Umatilla county.
Organization of the Oregon Co-operative
Grain Growers' association in
Marion county was launched at a mass
meeting held near Silverton.
More than 100 persons attended the
fourteenth annual convention of the
Oregon Retail Jewelers' association,
held at Astoria Monday and Tuesday. post, American Legion, has
taken a lease on the Hanna farm, a
mile south of Roseburg, and will place
the field in condition for an aviation
The strawberry crop in Lane county
is heavy and the cannery of the Ku
gene Fruit Growers' association is
working on the surplus oversales
Fishermen at the mouth of Rogue
river have had a very poor season.
The run was light and the price has
dropped from 14 cents to 7 cents a
H. Hammond, 45, of Portland, was
decapitated when a bight on a high
line at the logging camp at Keigr, Nan
& Flora near St. Helens broke and
caught him.
It is said that fruit growers in thr
Salem district will cooperate with
packers in a financial way to make the
season a successful one for the plants
located there.
Ready to handle all the products of
its members, the Co-operative Canning
and Packing company at Salem open
ed its doors last week to commence
packing strawberries.
A petition signed by 300 legal voters
calls for the recall of M. H. Harlow,
county commissioner of Lane county,
and L. H. Roney of Eugene is a candi
date to succeed him.
J. D. Farrell of Portland has resign
ed as a member of the state fair board
and H. C. Browne, manager of the
Western Breeders' Gazette, has been
appointed in his place.
The Oregon public service commis
sion, in an .order has increased the
rates of the Mosier water service suf
ficiently to care for the operating ex
penses of the corporation.
There are a total of 342 industrial
plants in Oregon a; the present time
that use more than lOo-horse power,
according to a report prepared by C.
H. Gram, state labor commissioner.
W. E. Johnstone, postmaster at
Antelope, shot and killed himself, fol
lowing an investigation into the ac
counts of the postoffice by G. O. Brun
ner of The Dalies, postoffice inspector.
Pankratins J. Marugg, 7S, who lived
in a cabin on a 30 acre tract about
three miles from Brightwood on the
Mount Hood road, was found dead by
a neighbor. The man had committed
suicide with a 30-30 rifle.
The state board of contiol at n spe
cial meeting awarded the feneral con
tract for the new cement dormitory
on the site of the state home for the
feeble-minded to Carl Engstrom of
Salem. His bid was $28,599.
Reconsideration of the recent order
reducing the rates of the Portland
Gas & Coke company approximately
15 cents per thousand cubic feet was
denied in an order issued by the Ore
gon public service commission.
Seventeen towns and cities in Mar
ion county have joined in a plan where
by literature and advertising matter
will be exchanged for distribution in
the various tourist campgrounds lo
cated in this section of the state.
Mrs. Fred Julian, who stablied and
fatally wounded her ex-husband when
he attempted to enter her home on
the night of May 25, was exonera'oi
by a coroner's jury at St. He' 'as, which
found that she acted in self -defense.
The Oregon public service commis
sion, in an order issued, has granted
the request of the city of Portland for
a continuance of the rehearing of the
Pacific Telephone & Telegraph com
pany rate case from June 27 to July 18.
Increased fares on the traction lines
of the corporation, together with
slightly advanced charges for gas,
was set out in n new tariff filed
. the Oregon public service commission
by the Pacific Power & Light company
of Astoria.
Between 600 and 700 members of
Knights of Pythias lodges from ail sec
tions of Oregon belonging to the Dra
matic Order Knights of Khorassan, a
branch of the Pythian organization,
were guests of the Salem branch of
the lodge Saturday.
A boulder, loosened by heavy rains,
crashed down the slope of the Des
chutes canyon south of Bend, break
ing out tne tooting ot the main flume
of the Central Oregon Irrigation com
pany and resulting in the washing out
of 54 feet of flume.
Mr. and Mrs. William Chiiders, an
eldery couple from Gold Hill, lost their
lives when an automobile which they
were driving plunged from the Pacific
highway near the town of Rogue River
and went down the steep embankment
into the river. Both were drowned.
Thousands of giant rats, driven from
the wharves and Front street base
ments by the high water, are swarm
ing through the business section of
Portland seeking new habitation. Com
plaints have begun pouring in to the
authorities from store owners and shop
The state game commission must
start action to have judicial deter
mination and an order of the court
awarding to it property seized by an
officer from a person arrested for vio
lating the state fish laws, before such
property can legally be confiscated by
the commission, according to a legal
opinion given out by the attorney
general. There were three fatalities In Ore
gon due to industrial accidents during
the week ended June 2, according to
a report prepared by the state in
dustrial accident commission. The
victims were: Tom Flannery, chaser,
V'alsctz; W. G. Earl, hooker, Knappa,
and Harry J. Foster, section-man.
Salem A total of 295 accidents were
Clyde B. Attcheson, commissioner on
the interstate commerce commission
and exresident of Oregon, is soon to
visit the Pacific coast on business for
the commission which will include a
hearing at Portland July 29 in the
case of the Empress Coal company
against the Oregon-Washington Rail
road & Navigation company and the
Northern Pacific railroad.
Mount Hood loop road will be clear
ed and graded this season for the 23
miles between Multnomah couuty line
and Zigzag. It is possible that part
of it may even be macadamized this
year. This announcement was made
by Robert A. Booth, chairman of the
state highway commission, following
information received from the Mult
nomah county commission that Mult
nomah county had pledged $170,000
toward the road.
New businti&s and lumber shipment
Chicago, June 9. W e are advised Che impression that such things as-
daily by the economists that by potroast, leg of mutton, side meat,
thrift we must restore the capital spare ribs and hens are as much
destroyed by the war. out of style as cabbage and kings,
If thrifty, we are assured, we can
make good, in twelve years, the to
tal destruction of the great Euro
pean conflict.
Only by thrift, we are warned,
can we get the abundant capital
which means permanently easy
money anu. cieuu, pe! malleoli, cell(,y "standards" .which one must
prosperous business and national sp,,ml $2 C0() or $3 000 a pear tQ
welfare. &re llp t0 and wn0i, wouid con.
The opportunity for thrift is here. , dfemn four.flrihg of the head and
The cost of living has gone down naild work(,rs in ,he TInited Sta(PS
30 to
The man who lived through war j and not distant dt,ath
But there are plenty of signs In
daily life to the same effect. One
does not have to read books, or
He may buy the same things circulars, (o flnd theMK
bought a year ago, and at the end A young woman ,,arning $25 a
of the month have a surplus to put week pavs ?l8 for a pair of suede
la , 1. . 1 1 . I 1 I
I" mo i. am. ui, ua may uuj niui o i !,,, Tho.-n 1 l,nu,. n.l u 111m .o-
o such shoes still stand at $18
and that: only sliced ham at K0
cents a pound, porterhouse steak,
rib chops, rib roasts and broilers are
fit food for any American family.
Even Government statisticians
seem to hold this point of view.
They still figure out health and de-
1U Kr ceni ceriainiy one- ; ministers, doctors and teachers,
in the year just passed. anion nthur tn .n inH-t Mfo
tunes, and still is in business, may
now save a part of his income if
he wishes.
things than he bought a year ago,
nd at the end of the month have
nothing but receipted bills. It is
his choice.
How is he choosing? Often sen
sibly; that is one reason why
there are some signs of business
improvement; sometimes foolishly;
that is one reason why the improve
ment is not more general.
The lesson of thrift is still to be
learned in many cases.
For example: Tabulations of
household budgets, family expendi
tures, come to hand every week.
From reading them, one often gets
last week still were in excess of pro
duction in the lumber industry ot the
districts of western Oregon and Wash
ington, according to the weekly lum
ber review of the West Coast Lutn
bermen's association. New business
totaled 61,328,838 feet, shipments 67.
800,639 feet and production 5C. 591. 246
feet. Reports were received from 112
mills. Production was declared to be
30 per cent below normal.
The procedure for levying special
taxes by many school districts in Ore
gon at their annual meetings in June
this year, was upset by the passage of
the socalled budget law at the last
session of the legislature. Under the
new budget law, as interpreted by J.
A. Churchill, state superintendent of
schools, school districts of any class,
when levying special tax, must first
call together as many taxpayers as
there are school directors in the dis
trict, and prepare the budget, together
with the amount of tax it is proposed
to levy.
in the shops.
A man pays $16 for a pair of
shoes, although by walking a few
blocks he can get equally good ones
for $9. And so, with the raw ma
terials for shoes costing less than
ten years ago, the $16 shoe is still
priced, and sold as readily to some
men, as in 1918.
A few miles from Chicago, the
proprietor of a drug store drives a
medlutt) priced motor car; he owns
the business. His delivery "boy"
also drives a car which, new, cost
only a few hundred dollars less than
the proprietor's.
The other evening a seven-passenger
motor car drove up to a
house where the writer was to dine.
A young woman got out, who after
ward appeared in the dining room
as a waitress. Her father, who was
not overpaid as a small town em
ploye, had brought her in his ma
chine to do her bit of work and he
called for her later when the bit
was done.
Very good, lucky father and fortu
nate daughter; perhaps it is capti
ous to mention it only, if motor
cars, cord (ires and gasoline are to
continue to be necessary to the
"health and decency" of standard
living, the readjustment is certainly
complicated, and the reconstruction
will have to be notably revised and
How many persons have heard the
expression from unemployed men of
late: "I'd starve before I'd work for
$5 a day"?
Plenty of them, if they have kept
Complete or partial returns from
every county in the state except
Curry and Lake yesterday rolled up
the majority in favor of the soldiers'
bonus amendment to more than 45,
000. The amendment carried by a
favorable vote of two and one-half
to one. The bonus amendment car
ried all but two counties. In Linn
and Morrow counties small majori
ties were registered against it.
The amendment lengthening the
legislative session and increasing the
pay of members was decisively beat
en. The amendment giving the gov
ernor power to veto an emergency
clause attached to a legislative en
actment without affecting the re
mainder of the bill carried by a
strong majority. The voters have
defeated the hygienic marriage bill.
The measure in doubt is the bill
providing for optional jury duty by
The special election passed very
quietly In the Boardman precinct,
about 60 per cent vote being cast.
All the measures were favored.
All of the hay fanners of the
West Extension Irrigation) Project
who are contemplating silling hay
through the Oregon Hay Growers
association are keenely Interested In
knowing what graded hay neally
Signifies. The following is a copy of
the State Regulations regarding the
grades of alfalfa:
"Choice alfalfa hay shall be alfal
fa hay 95 per cent pure, good, clean,
and of natural color, sound, sweet
and well baled.
No. 1 alfalfa hay shall be alfalfa
hay with a mixture of not to exceed
ten per cent combined of bright
bleached or other tame grasses, and
may contain not more than a slight
trace of foxtail. It shall be leafy,
reasonably line, of good green na
tural color, sound, sweet and well
No. 2 alfalfa shall be alfalfa with
a mixture of not to exceed twenty
per cent of other lame grasses.
It shall be of fnlr color, leafy, rea
sonably tine, sound, sweet and well
No. 1 mixed alfalfa hay shall be
hay carrying a mixture of 15 to 50
per cent of clover, or 20 to 50 per
cent of timothy or other tame
grasses, exclusive of redtop, or it
may contain 20 per cent of redtop
or 15 per cent wild hay In lieu of
ejther clover or timothy or other
tame grasses. It shall contain not
more than a trace of foxtail and
shall be bright, sound, sweet and
well baled
No. 2 mixed alfalfa hay shall car
ry the same percentage of mixture,
but is not of good color for No. 1.
their ears open. But why multiply
Now, if it were possible, most of
us would be gratified to see all de
livery boys ride in touring cars,
waitresses motor to their appoint
ments, all the men and women walk
down th' boulevard in $18 suedes
and $16 calfskins, and everybody
employed at wages that would make
$5 a day look like starvation.
Only it is not possible; there Isn't
mone y enough In the United States;
even In the flush times of war, there
was not money enough. If all the
incomes above $25,000 a year had
been taken away from their posses
sors and had been distributed among
the rest of us, we should have re
ceived an increase of lesB than a dol
lar a week each.
What is the lesson? Simply that
a lot more of us should sober up,
reckon with things as they are
rather than with things as they were
or, perhaps, should be and do
our part In accumulating by thrift
the savings, Hih rurplus, the capital,
Dial Is to replace the losses of war
and float business again into the
deep and smooth waters of general
wellare and permanent prosperity.
By Heorge Wheeler Illnnian, not
ed financial authority.
The savings division of the Treas
ury department has been preaching
the gospel of thrift and saving
constantly since the signing of the
Armistice. The Government Is seek
ing to Induce everyone to save and
invest their savings in Government
Savings Securities, such as the 25
cent Thrirt Stamp, the $1 Treasury
Savings Stamp, the $5 War Savings
Stamp, and the $25, $100 and $1000
Treasury Savings Certificates. This
would release banking resources for
commercial enterprises These se
curities are on sale continuously at
post offices and banks.
It shall be of fair color, sound, sweet
and well baled.
We believe that a careful study of
these grades will convince every hay
grower that we have very little to
gain by asking for State Inspection,
as this must be paid for by the peo
ple requesting the inspection. It
seems to me to be far preferable If
the association would undertake to
provide its own Inspection and its
own interpretation of what, these
gardes really . mean and back up
their own interpretation with their
own inspection. This is of course a
matter which must be worked out
later. L. A. HUNT, Co. Agent.
How to Increase your dairy re
ceipts by proper management and
care of the dairy herd will be cover
ed by lectures ami demonstrations
at O. A. C. Farmers' week, June
13th to 18th.
Dairying U one of Oregon's lead
ing Industries and Is also one that
probably suffers a larger loss thru
poor management than any other in
dustry of the state. The loss from
disease, which can largely be eli
minated, is 20 per cent of the value
of the dairy products sold yearly;
and the loss thru poor management
is probably as great or greater.
A study of breeds and types of
dairy cattle and a discussion on why
your cream test varies from test to
lest are for Monday.
Dairy cattle judging demonstra
tions, the principles of feedlng
dairy cattle, raising the dairy calf,
selection, care and management of
the bull, and an easy way to increase
your cream check, Tuesday.
Wednesday program will begin
with what official testing does for the
breeder, followed by making up the
dairy ration, the causes and treat
ment of udder disease, progress of
experimental work of the dairy de
partment, cooling of milk on the
dairy farm, making your own Ice
cream, sterility in cattle, the great
est need of Oregon's dairy Industry.
Many subjects of vital Importance
to the dairymen will be given In
'Ihuisday's program The value of
bard record -keeping and cow test
ing assoclal Ion, feeding and care of
fi wi on Official test, does it pay to
Ned in In to cows on pasture, how
tin experiment station can help the
dairyman, how to bottle and sell
milk, and sale of dairy bulls bred
by the college, follow.
Notice is hereby given to the legal
voters of School District No. 25, of
Morrow county. State 00 Oregon,
ING of said district will be held at
the school house to beln at the
hour of 2:00 p. m. on the third
Monday of June, being the 20th day
of June. A. D . 1921.
This meeting Is called for the pur
pose of electing one director, one
clrk, and to vote on the 1922 1923
budget and the transaction of busi
ness usual at such meeting.
Dated this 2 1st day of May, 1921.
Attest: Mrs. Claire P. Harter,
Kugeue Cumins, Clerk.
The ladles' Aid realized a neat
sum from the lunch served Tuesday
at the school house. Not as many
came as were anticipated, but those
who had lunch at the Cafeteria pro
nounced it excellent, and what food
remained was quickly sold.