The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, May 06, 1921, Image 1

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    E I 11 r w
Vol. i
No. 13
Considerable street paving work is
In prospect in Albany this summer.
Snow is yet six feet in depth on the
Long Creek Prairie wagon road in
Grant county.
The Creswell city council has decid
ed to purchase the present local water
plant at a price of $2000.
John B. Yeon has resigned as super
intendent of the Columbia river high
way tn Multnomah county.
The Cottage Grove Electric company
will double the caapcity of its plant,
which now is 900 horsepower.
McMinnville college debaters will
meet the College of Puget Sound in
a dual deDate May 27 at McMinnville
and Tacoma.
H. O. McClaren, aged 60, a farmer
living near Wallowa, fell from a load
of hay, the wason running over hlni
and killing him instantly.
While picking wild flowers with a
playmate, Virgil Kohler, aged 3, son of
Percy Kohler of Dufur. was drowned
In upper Fifteen Mile creek.
The coming week is set for the drive
for the Methodist church campaign to
raise $50,000 for the erection of a new
1100,000 church as Corvallis.
Governor Olcott, acting at the re
quest of President Harding, has desig
nated the week, May 22 to 28, inclu
sive, as forest protection week.
Lane county pure-bred Poland-China
hogs are now going to the Hawaiian
Islands, and their quality is so high
that the demand cannot be met.
Community organization work has
been carried on in 17 different com
munities in Lane county by Ira P.
Whitney, county agricultural agent.
There apparently wlU be no lack of j
teachers available for the schools in
Clatsop county the coming school year,
according to County Superintendent !
Twenty-five additional indictments :
and civil suits arising out of the fail
ure of the Bank of Jacksonville will
be returned by the May term of the
grand jury.
J. R. Hardwick, a nightwatchman
on the O.-W. R. & N. line at Arlington,
was instantly killed when he was run
over by a train while he was on his
hand speeder.
June 3 and 4 have been decided upon
as the date for the 29th annual pioneer
picnic held each year at Weston under
the auspices of the Umatilla County
Pioneers' association.
The Smythe-I.onegan ice and storage
plant at Pendleton, which suffered a
75,000 fire two months ago, is being
rebuilt on an extensive scale, and will
be completed by May 10..
At a recent meeting of The Dalles
city council bids for construction of
20 blocks of concrete streets were open
ed and the lowest bid received was
for $2.74 per square yard.
The strike of the longshoremen in
the lower Columbia river district Is
still in progress and as a result the
loading of vessels at the lumber mills
is much slower than usual.
Retrial of Henry Albers "immediate
ly" was demanded by the executive
committee of Portland post of the
American Legion in a telegram sent
Attorney-General Daugherty.
Bids on $52,000 of Lane county's
road bond$ were accepted by the coun
ty court. The bids for the bonds were
at par and the money will be used for
immediate road construction.
The directors of the Oregon Inter
state Fair association met at Prine
ville to lay the preliminary plans for
the annual fair, which will be held
there October 5 to 8, inclusive.
Pendleton expects to be host to more
than 500 visitors June 14, 15 and 16.
when members of the Grand Army of
the Republic and Daughters of Veter
ans will hold their annual conventions
Helen Crawford, 4-year old daughter
of Frank Craw ford of Rock Creek, Gil
liam county, while endeavoring to as
sist her cousin, who had fallen into
the creek, was dragged in and
Major Clarence R. Hotchkiss of Port
land has been appointed by Governor
Olcott a member of the soldiers' and
sailors' relief commission of Oregon
to succeed Dr. Robert C. Yenney, who
died recently.
The Dalles-California highway and
the so-called Sherman county connec
tion are now tn fine condition as far
as construction work ha proceeded.
according to Herbert Nunn, state high
way engineer.
The United States government Is
now negotiating with Japan over a
treaty concerning the subject of Jap
anese immigration, according to a tel
egram received at the executive of
fices in Salem from Senator McNary.
Mrs. Lou Reader of Ashland Is the
owner of a hen which recently laid an
egg that measured nine Inches the long
way and seven inches around. The egg,
though perfect in appearance, consist
ed of two eggs, one within the other.
The Oregon Growers' Co-operative
association, with headquarters in Sa
lem, has announced that the organiza
tion would handle the crop from ap
proximately 500 acres of broeeoli dur
ing the next season. This estimate in
cluded the acreage at Roseburg. There
will be 250 acres of broccoli in the
Willamette valley as well as smaller
acreage In Polk county.
The Union county court has author
ized immediate sale of $400,000 worth
of the $1, 4U0.000 of road bonds voted
by Union county. Sale of the tionds
probably will mean that the road from
Cove to La Grande will be paved this
After being struck on the forehead
by a golf club in the hands of Frt der
ick Basche, 14, a chum, Lyle Mcln
tyre, 10, died following an operation
at Baker. The actident look place
when the boys were playing on the
Because it was feared that the pro
posed strawberry festival planned for
Hood River for June might interfere
with harvest help of the upper valley,
where picking would be at its he light,
plans for the valley event have been
The 15th annual convention of the
United Metal Trades association of the
Pacific coasi was held in Portland with
nearly 100 delegates, representing the
districts of Washington, British Colum !
bia, Oregon and the Inland Empire, in
Both the Hawley Pulp & Paper com
pany and the Crown Willamette com
pany, each operating big paper mills
in Oregon City, have announced a 20
per cent cut in wages, effective May 1.
Both skilled and unskilled labor will
be affected.
The state highway commission, at
a meeting to be held in Portland May
26 and 27, will open bids for the im
provement and construction of roads
at an estimated cost of $600,000, and
bridges involving aggregate expendi- i
tures of $270,000.
Orders for lumber In western Ore-
gon and western Washington have
fallen off 52 per cent in the first 16
weeks of the present year, according
to reports presented at a meeting of
the West Coast Lumbermen's associa
tion In Portland.
Lane county farmerB offer to take
30,000 of Lane county road bonds at,
par, bids having been opened by the
county court last week. The farmers
interested in the new road from Eu
gene to Crow and Hadleyville oft. red
the only bid on this issue.
A conference in Portland or at some
other convenient point in Oregon to
consider freight rates on fruits con
signed to. the eastern markets was
urged In a telegram prepared by the J
Oregon public service commission and
sent to the Interstate commerce com
mission at Washington.
That the summer regional confer
ence of representatives of fedi ral and
state boards for vocational education
will be held in Portland during the
summer of 1922 was the opinion ex
pressed at Salem by E. E. Elliott, di
rector for the Oregon state beard of
vocational training at Salem.
Plans for the Portland exposition to
be he'd in 1925, being carried on In
Washington, D. C, by Colonel D. M.
i Dunne of Portland and W. P. Hawley
of Oregon City, encountered a snag
with the discovery that arrangements
are still under way In Boston to hold
an exposition there the same year.
Twenty-five or more alleged victims
of Carlos L. Byron, who is now serv
ing a term in federal penitentiary for
fraudulent locations on timber lands,
wers summoned to appear in Portland
Monday to testify before the federal
grand jury. Byron wrote contracts
with more than 125 people of Marion
county, It is said.
Commencement Week
Wednesday, May 90th, In t he Auditorium.
Invocation Rev. J. W. Hood
Piano Solo Schubert's Serenade
Belle Packard
Oration Immigration
Uram Messenger
Oration Where Shall We Anchor
Paul Hatch
Vocal Solo Spring Song
Mrs. W. L. Finnell
Address "Panaceas"
Jesse Franklin Brumbaugh. A. M LI.. 11, Professor
of Psychology. O. A. C.
Piano Duet The Jolly Blacksmith
Mrs. Edith Crawford, Miss Naomi Runner
Baccalaureate Sermon Sunday, May
Eleven thirty A. M., at the church.
Commencement Exercises Wednesday, May
Bight P. M., Auditorium
Eighth Grade Promotion" Exorcises, Friday, May
Eight P. M., Auditorium
ftlghth Grade Promotion Exercises.
Friday, May 90th, in the Auditorium.
Song Dairy Maids Primary
Dialogue Waiting for the Train Junior
Recitation Trading Hoss's. Edward McClellan
Piano Duet Misses Runner and McNeill
Song- O, Tell tls Merry Birds J. H. S. Girls
Piano Solo Con Amore Mildred Paisley
Dialogue Father's Convention J. II. S. Hons
Song Shoemaker's Song Primary
Recitation -The Teacher's Dream.... Marie Messenger
Vocal Solo Wahnona Keyes
Duet Jas Weech, Earl Olson, Raymond Hango
Piano Duet Ethel Broyles, Belle Packard
Won. Lost P. C.
Ilermiston 6 0 1.000
Stanfield 4 2 .666
Echo 3 2 .600
Umatilla 3 3 .500
irrigon 1 5 .166
iioardman 0 5 .000
Carl Ayers
Ray De rap Bey
Frances C.ilbreth
Raymond Hango
James Howeil
Odessa Leonard
Eighth Grade Class
Ida. Mefford
karl Olson
James Weech
Howard Packard
Robert Partlow
Cathleen Marshall
Owing to high wind the Hoard-man-
Echo game was called off Sun
day alter the seventh inning with
i lie score standing IS to 3 or words
to that effect, J. I) Zurcher, the
able umpire of Stanfield, officiated.
Rounds pitched the first four in
nings for Boardman in good form,
and was relieved by Hal Stewart
for the remainder of the game.
We are sorry to learn that Um
pire Zureher will not be with us
next Sunday. "
E. H. Kuntz of Boardman has
joined) the Wattenburger shearing
crew of Echo.
W. M. Smith assistant superin
tendent of public instruction, and
Mrs. Lena Snell Shurto, county su
perintendent of Morrow are on an
inspection trip covering the big
high schools of the county. Pine
City, Irrigon and Boardman were
favored with calls on Thursday and
lone and Lexington on Friday. Mr.
Smith will address a school board
convention at Heppner on Satur
day iu the interests of teachers' salaries.
The Parent-Teachers association
met May 2 with Mrs. Bellenger, pies
ident, In the chair. The purchase
of a "movie" machine was discuss
ed, and insurance, etc., investigated.
Report of committees and delegates
elected to attend the state conven
tion held in Pendleton May 1 1 id
J. Walter Meade of Nehalem,
who built the Iioardman telephone
system was in Hoard man on Fri
day in company with G. G. Mc
Pherson who lias purchased Mr.
Meade's interests and will locate In
Boardman to manage the same. Im
provements contemplated are an
extension to Irrigon and another
long distance line out of Board
man. Mr. Mcpherson has pur
chased two lots and will build him
a home here, and perhaps engage
in other business, as he is much
pleased with this country after
bavin;; lived in Texas many years.
The dates for the eighth annual
Morrow County Fair have been sei
for September 15, Hi and 17, 1921.
and the premium list has been made
public by Secretary-Manager W. W.
.The premium list is comprehen
sive and seems to cover about every
line of endeavor in the county and
cash prizes are offered in all de
part ments.
In addition to the regular depart
ment awards special awards will be
made as follows:
Bach community scoring 60
points $20.00.
Each individual scoring 66 points
on farm display, 110.00,
Best display of wheat, three or
more varieties, $7.00, $5.00, $2.50.
Best displays of wool in the fleece
$7.00, $5.00, $2.50.
Best fat hog $7.00, $5 00, $2.50.
Beat exhibit of soda and baking
powder biscuit (all material sup
plied and you make and bake I hem
In the presence of the judges),
$5.00, $3.00, $2.00.
Most artistically decorated school
booth, open to all schools in the
county, must score 66 points, $10.0(1
$7.50, $5.00.
May 2nd was a very busy day at
the Boardman public school.
Starting at 2 o'clock was the
crowning of the Queen of May, by
master of ceremony and her accept
ance of the throne, which with her
trailing robe of white, and small
flower girls and pagea, was very
The w inding of two May poles,
by fairies in gold and purple, and a
wand drill by the boys, concluded
the program.
Those present immediately re
turned to the high school room
Where Miss Helen Cowgill, club
worker from O. A. C. gave a very
Interesting talk on club work and
tlie summer school, which lasts for
two weeks, after arriving the ex
pense of which is only $15 and the
boys and girls are taught the prac
tical side of homeraaklng, or the
agricultural course. Of course
there is some play, such as the
swimming tanks, picnics, etc.,
which have capable instructors, or
chaperons, as the case may be.
The county athletic meet sched
uled for May 14 has been called off
for this year and only Hie declama
tion contest on the evening of the
13th will be held
The Boardman SChoOl baseball
team will go to Hermision
Friday the 6th for a game with
Ilermiston school team.
Ladies Aid met Wednesday .af
ternoon in the church. Mrs. Board
man 0!ng absent the business
meeting was conducted by the vice
president Mrs. Halter. To the few
ladies of the project who do not
attend and indeed they are few, If
you knew what interesting limes
were had you'd not fail to attend,
You know the old time-worn joke
about ladles aid being a place to
learn all the new gossip; in our
town that doesn't hold good be
cause perhaps p.:: one of the mem
bers once expressed It, "We can't
talk about our neighbors, for a very
gooil reason, they are always
Si Hil l Ti
c Nx 1 r ill
A community meeting in the in
terests of the proposed ferry at
Iioardman is called for Saturday
night. The athletic association of
the school plan to give a dance that
same night to raise money to de
fray the expenses of the a relation.
W. II. Stewart accom inied Di
vision Engineer R, H. idock on
an inspection tour i Umatilla
county Friday.
Edgar Smith has irCU. d the
little red bug of J C. Ualleuger,
much against the wishes of Mrs.
Ballenger who had become so great
ly attach to Lizzie.
H. A. Miller of the Miller Lum
ber Co. of llend, was a business
sailer in Boardman Tuesday.
J. W. Downing is on the sick list
this week.
Mrs. S. II. Iioardman attended a
onventicn of the ladles aid in l'en-
dleion Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mrs. ('. P. Hurler, vice president
of the Ladies Aid. called a special
meeting Sunday morning after
DUrcl services for all Aid mem-
icrs present to discuss the matter
of sending a delegate to the Pres
byterian Missionary meeting at
Pendletorl. Mrs. S. II. Iioardman
was unanimously elected to repre-
MBl this society and she left Tues
day afternoon to be present at the
young peoples session that evening
md for the opining meeting Wed
nesday morning. Mrs. Boardman
has been such a sincere, devoted
worker for the Ladies Aid of the
ommunity Church and has had so
much to do with the upbuilding of
both it and the church Dial the
members thol her more than de
serving Of the honor bestowed.
Owing to a colli wind it was
neeesary to stage the May Day
exercises in the school audi-
torlutn. Queen Mildred was
si oiled to her throne by the mau
ler of ceremonies and attendants.
Whereupon two maypole dances
were given by groups of girls and a
wand drill by the hoys and a song
by the primary pupils. Then Mr.
H. R. Carpenter of Arlington took
a photograph of the crowd. About
fifty visitors were present. The P.
T. A. met immediately after and
iirianged for delegates to the state
convention at Pendleton May li
lt, Mrs. S. II Iioardman, Mrs. C.
0. Illaydon, Mrs. Earl Harper and
Mrs. Lulu Wlcklander were chosen.
The association had the pleasure of
a talk on Club Work by Miss Helen
Cowgill of O. A. C. Miss Cowgill
In ni Tuesday with the Boardman
school club members leaving in the
afternoon for Pendleton and later
she will go to Malheur County.
The high school dance Saturday
night was well attended and enjoy
able. The boys cleared about $15
for the athletic fund.