The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, April 15, 1921, Image 4

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West Extension Supply Store"
Our line is now complete for the Farmer. We have:
Canned Peas, 2 for 35c
Canned Corn, 2 for 35c
Tomatoes, 15c
Peaches, 25c
Salmon, can, 15c
Some of our prices, (iet them before sending
When tlie.y ask where yon got it, say
Boardman Trading Co.
Diamond Solitaires
No ot her stone possesses i he al i rafeVlVe qualll ies
of I he diamond. It's wonderful color is matchless.
Compared with other Items that could be bougfht
with the same outlay of money, the diamond is the
beat Investment beoauae it can ie worn forever
without deteriorating.
We can show yon a variety of heanl ifnl stones
M( it) plain styles or in fancy plaiinnm mountings
t hat- are also popular.
Sawtellc's, y?ic.
Pendleton, OWcloS Oregon
The Leading Diamond Dealers in
Bastern Oregon
Diamond Tires
and Tubes
Nighty Easy Riding
Gas Oils Accessories
Expert Guaranteed Repair Work
At Reasonable Prices
Service Car Any
Time Any Where
If your Ford l sick We can cure it,
No cure, no pay
Boardman Garage
Holder Rigged Up Leaving Sufficient
Space for Animal's Head Is
Easily Constructed.
' lock Rate for f8tcblng und hold
hi.' COWS while I hey are being de
horned and iparked, is simple in con
struction. First make u gateway In the lot
fence, using not less than 4-Inch ma
terial for the gateposts. Now nail
a li-lnch hoard on each side of these
posts, across the gate at the ground,
and also two others across at the top
of the pouts. Close up half of the
opening by nailing hoards diagonally
to the hoards at top and bottom of
Hie posts, as Illustrated. Get u strong
pole, about 4 Inches hi diameter and
12 feet long. Bore a hole tli rough its
large end with a 1-lueh auger; also
bore through the bottom boards, about
8 or 10 inches from the post at the
open side of the gate. Let the pole
down between the top boards and the
bottom ones, and insert a 1 inch rod
through the bottom boards and the
pole. Then tie a 1-inch rope to the
t -i cud of the pole.
When ready to dehorn or mark a
large strong animal, drive her toward
the gate. Just as she passes her head
by the pole, pull it over against her
neck, and she is easily held. There
A Gate, Rigged Up So as to Leave
Only an Opening Big Enough for
the Animal's Head, Is Useful When
the Animal Is to Be Marked or De
horned. Is no danger of her doing damage
wMh her horns, for she cannot move
tier head. Popular Mechanics Magazine.
Figures Secured From Dairy Herds of
University of Illinois Factors
That Influence.
A very well-bred Holsteln hull calf
weighing 11L' pounds was recently
dropped at the Kansas state agricul
tural college farm at Manhattan Must
of the dairy Infants, however, weigh
Considerably less than this Kansas
In the dairy herds of the University
of Illinois the average weights of the
calves of the various breeds at birth
have been as follows: Holsteln male.
00 lbs. ; female. &S lbs. ; Ayrshire male.
77.7; female. 71.4; Guernsey male. 70;
female. asS; Jersey male. (12.4; fe
male. 50.7 lbs.
It Is i good practice to note and
record the approximate weights of
calves at birth, because this Informa
tion Is valuable In apportioning milk
to the young animals The 111' pound
Kansas giant, for Instance, could
handle a feeding of milk that would
put a Jersej I alf of average weight
In line for castor oil.
Resides breed and sire, heredity and
the age. size and physical condition
of the dam Influence birth weights
Good Plan on Very Cold Days to Heat
It Just Enough to Take Dl.
agreeable Chill Off
The dry cow must have plenty of
good water and on very cold days in
winter It Is s good plan to warm It
Inst enough to take the chill off
When cows are forced to drink Ice
cold water In zero weather they will
turn away from It before they have
consumed enough to meet their re
quirements If salt Is sprinkled over
the fodder portion of the cow's ration
or otherwise supplied at Intervals of
two or three times n week it will as
sist in keeping her system In good
Fill Receptacles With Water When
Emptied to Prevent Albumen and
Cassin Hardening.
It Is
The milk bottle. If not washed ss
soon as emptied, should be rilled with
ton or lukewarm water till
washed. The albumen nml
harden and stick fast when they
is -II us when heated So that If
hot water Is poured In the bottle or
an that has had milk In It the alhu
men and casein will harden and stick
After washing with lukewarm water
use hot water, which remows the fat,
and rinse In boiling water or steam to
kill the bacteria.
Congressman Ed
ward J. King
of Illinois.
appointed hour Is
here: let the Phil
ippine be free."
This was the key
note of a speech by
Congressman Ed
ward J. King of Illi
nois. (Republican)
In which he review
ed the American oc
cupation of the Is
lands from the first
day to the present
time. He declared
that t h e U n 1 1 ed
States was honor
bound to grant in
dependence without further delay.
Congressman King is one of an in
creasing number of Republicans in the
House who are urging quick action
on Philippine Independence. Mr.
King is the author of a bill whlcWpro
vlde.s that within one year the Philip
pine government, under presidential
proclamation, may assemble a conven
tion and frame a constitution.
After the constitution is ratified by
the Filipino people the President may
recognize the Philippine Islands us "a
Separate and self-governing nation."
The transfer of authority is to be
completed within one year. Provision
is made for safeguarding American In
vestments in the Philippines and for
the providing of coaling stations and
Submarine bases In the islands by the
United States.
Word from the Philippines is that
the people expect early independence
and will he solely disappointed if they
do not get It.
"No nation has the right," said Con
gressman King "to hold another people
In peonage, even though it may be
argued by the professoriate that the
condition Is simply one of 'tutelage.'
"A little more observance of the
golden rule in national and Interna
tional affairs would soon dispel that
desire for exploitation, the fiercest foe
of freedom in the world today.
"When we went to the Philippines
We declared before the whole world
that we were not actuated by any self
ish desire of conquest or territorial
aggrandizement, but solely by humani
tarian impulses."
Congressman King called attention
to the fact that Filipinos are now
raising funds to erect a monument to
Admiral Dewey, w hich he said was In
directly u tribute to the American peo
ple as well as to Dewey. He recalled
the cable that Dewey had sent to
President McKInley, which was as
follows :
"In my opinion these people (Fili
pinos) are superior In Intelligence and
more capable of self government than
the natives of Cuba, and I am familiar
wiih both."
Congressman King then recited the
preamble to t lie Jones law, passed
August 20, 1.116, and declared It was a
definite pledge of independence. The
preamble stated "It is as it lias always
been the purpose of the people of
the T'ulted States to withdraw their
sovereignty over the Philippine Islands
and to recognize their Independence as
soon as a stable government can be
established therein."
Congressman King stated there was
no Question but that the Filipinos had
established the specified stable gov
ernment and, therefore, it is the
solemn duty of the I'nited States to
grant the promised independence.
Manila. Frun
r s Rnrtou Harri
oc fori, er gov
ernor general of
the Philippine is
hinds, offered to
lender his resig
nation eighteen
months ago upon
condition that the
Secretary of Wur
f e c o in mend to
President Wilson
that a Filipino he
appointed his suc
cessor. He made
the offer while In
Washington In
1 !!!.
D'scussing Philip, , ne independence,
the governor general said :
"I can see in the future a very
beautiful rlslon. When the Hag of
the Philippine republic shall lie hoist
ed, when the Stars and Stripes will
come Moating down to the strains of
The Star Spangled Banner'- that Mag.
Old Glory, so rich in happy and hon
orable achievements, will be DtMi
doubly dear because it will mean that
the 1'nited States will have kept 5 1 s
word lo the people of the Philippine
Francis Burton
School of Journalism In Philippines
.Manila. A school of Journalism, the
first In the Fur Fast, has been estah
lislied at the InUerstty of the Philip
pines, In Manila.
Admission to the School of Journal
Ism is limited to third und fourth year
students who have shown marked
ability In the use of English. The
course is open to both men and wo
men. A class of about .VI registered
at the opening of the journalistic
Columbia Trading Co.
General Merchandise
Boardman, Oregon
Confections Gasoline
Lunch Goods Oils
Fruits Vegetables Hay
Drop in at the
4 Candies Pool Koom
Tobacco Barber Shop
1 . . .
i " r it
JJ Boardman, - - Oregon T
Attention to Small Details
is One of Our Hobbies
Ls it any satisfaction to yon to know that your
Insurance Polioy Never Expires while in our care until
you order it discontinued?
First National Bank
of Hermiston
Surety Bonds
Safety Deposit Boxes Travelers' Checks
We are now pre
pared to store
Successor to
J. C. Ballenger Lumber Co.