The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, April 08, 1921, Image 4

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"West Extension Supply Store
Our line is now complete lor the Farmer. We have:
Shoes X
Ti res
When tin". ;isi where you got it, say
Boardman Trading Co.
We are headquarters for glassware,
whel bet you want the Inexpensive table
oiiiss at 90c fi dozen or i be be! fcer kind.
But you are sure to find here jusl wnat
vhii ate seeking in glass and al the
pi-ice yon expect to pay.
Sawtcllc 's, Snc.
The Lead in Diamond Deaiert in
Bastero Onon
Diamond Tires
and Tubes
Mighty Easy Riding
Gas Oils Accessories
Expert Guaranteed Repair Work
At Reasonable Prices
TTh a mm
Labor of Watering Stock Can Be Prac
tically Eliminated by Installing
Automatic Bowls.
Many dairy limners are still depend
ing on their hired help to lead tile
rows to the watering trough for water
liming the times they are confined to
their stalls, depending do the work
man tO remember when a cow may
Deed wnier anil requiring much of the
man's valuable time in watering the
The labor of w atering the si nek can
be practically eliminated and at the
same time the milk production of tile
cow increased by installing sanitary
automatic watering bowls.
Most dairy farmers realize the Im
portance Of an abundance of pure wa
ter for the cow, but do not realize t lie
cost of labor consumed in watering
the cow, nor the importance of the j
cow getting her drink Just when she
Wants it. says Dairy Fanner.
About St per cent of the milk is
writer. A cow requires 8 gallon-? of
Witter to produce 10 gallons of milk,
be Ides the water she needs for her
body. She requires 2Vi pounds of wa
ll i' for each pound of mil U produced.
Why supply high-priced feed lo in
crease milk production and neglect to
:;i" her sufficient water?
In answer to letters sent lo dairy
.armors in If. slates using various
innkes of water bowls, which will al
low the cow lo drink at any lime, (!"
Service Car Any
Time Any Where
ll your Ford is sick We can cure it.
No cure, no pay
Boardman Garage
Importance ot Watsr Supply for Cows
Is Realized by Many Dairymen.
replies stated that there was a saving
of labor ranging from one-half hoar
to five hours per day. An approximate
average ot these would be about IV4
bonis depending upon the si.o of the
Succulence It Supplies Ii Very Neces
sary for Large Milk Production
Cheapest of Feeds.
SllagC Is the best and cheapest form
In which to store succulent feed
Many forage crops can he made Into
silage, but corn, where it can be
grown Successfully, makes the best
Qood (Dag depends upon cutting
the crop at the right stage, tine cut
ting, even distribution. thorough
packing and plcntv of moisture ID the
cut material When rightly pUl up
anil carefully fed. there Should hi'
little if any loss through Spoiling.
Silage Is well suited for feeding to
all live stock. Puiry cows need It
' perhaps more than other Cli -es of
i anlnmls. because the HUCi once it
supplies Is very nocessun for large
milk production It i a cheap and
economical feed for beef catlle, from
Breed inn cow to fattening steer sheep
like It, and It Is well suited to their
needs Kven horses anil mules may
lie fed limited quantities of good
liloga with excellent results.
isnroo lira ha
t ' ftp-
it. . !
Philippine Resident
Isnuro Gnbaldon
mm i mv m ::::
-;'.: I j
".Must the heart
of America beat
only for the free
dom of Ireland, of
Poland and of the
Czecho - Slovaks,
and not for the
independence of
the Philippine Is
lands?" This was the
question Resident
C o m in 1 s s 1 oner
Isauro Gabaldon
of the riiiiippines
adressed directly
to the member
ship of the House
of Uepiesentaives
In a speech which was given very
close attention and was frequently ap
plauded. 'At une time," said Commissioner
Qabaldon, "Congress laid before it no
less than thirty resolutions expressing
sympathy with the aspirations of the
ttfsli i pie, if not actuaiy urging Bug
land to grant Independence to Ireland.
At that time, alBO the Filipinos were
knocking at your door. Out of the
wonib of war, many Kurnpean repub
lics were born, and America has re
joiced to uphold the same. And yet
the claim of the I-'IIipinos is still un
heeded. .Must there be exceptions,
then, in International justice?
"My plea, gentlemen of the Ameri
can Congress, is that you Ignore no
nger the repeated requests of a de
serving people for an Independence
thai rightfully belongs to them. The
granting Of Independence now affords
the United States a golden opportunity
to i:ive to I lie world unanswerable
moi or ns sincerity, its consistency
I its altruism, it win be the great
example of square dealing in the
history nf the ages.
"I)o not think we are not annre-
clatlVe of till you have done for us.
We are. America has truly treated
the Filipino people as no Other nation
has ever ireated an alien ruoe in all
history. The high points of the Amer
ican policy iii the Philippine! have
been consistently inspired by altruism.
We know that you were actuated In
youi labors by the desire to contrib
ute to our own welfare.
"And we love ymi perhaps most of
nil for your solemn promise to grant
u fhat which we hold dearer than life
Itself our freedom. Independence Is
our national ideal. It is our all ab
sorbing aim. It grows Stronger every
hour. For the spirit of nationalism
pevS;! dies. Much less can it lie sub
dued. We believe that we can never
hope to be a Sturdy nation if we are
to rely fori ver on the magnanimity of
the United Slates.
"America's task in the Philippine
Islands is finished. What you have as
sumed as your sacred obligation In
thai pari of the world has been ftll-
e With a medieval sys
utions hns been trans
it conscious nation, im
I that is modern in the
IStlonS, And if you give
deuce our gratitude to you
so a thousand fold ; it will
r if you keep faith with us.
"There is but one issue in the Phil
ippine question, and that is: Is there
today a Stable government OH the Is
lands? In the Jones law you promised
independence upon the establishment
of such a stable government. Your
own flovemor-Oeneral has officially
reported that there is a Stable gov
ernment in existence today, and we
also have submitted plenty of evidence
to substantiate Its existence. There
ore, we hope and expect America will
now carry out Its pledge."
lilted. A pe
tern of In
formed ii i
lined wlt'i a
us Inr 'pe
will . acre
last forev
Columbia Trading Co.
General Merchandise
Boardman, Oregon
Confections Gasoline
Lunch Goods Oils
Fruits Vegetables Hay
t . Drop in ;it t he
-r andies Pool Room
tobacco Barber Shot) m
;iIHl'4f HH''? -f "f f -f . t -r i -f l'4Hhl,4"i'inl,'M' vt
Attention to Small Details
is One of Our Hobbies
Is it any satisfaction to you to know that your
Insurance Policy Never Expires while in our care until
you order it discontinued?
First National Bank
of Hermiston
Surety Bonds
Safety Deposit Boxes Travelers' Checks
Feed Prices Have Slumped While
Price of Butter Still Remains at
High Figure in Cities.
I'ecd prices down Ml per cent or
more and hutterfnt prices still high
should mean that men who are now
milking cows oi get Into the dairy
business will make money, ('urn and
tfalfa have made decided drops In
price, S'blle butter Is still retailing
around 1(0 cents a pound In ihcs,
cities. Hence the best way to mar
ket these two feeds would appear to
be through stock, especially milk cows
A few good milk cows, with food as
cheap as It now Is, assures an Income
sin! should mean a good profit.
Often Hsppens That Foreign Matter
Lodges in Screw Causing De.
crease In the Flow
If the flow from the cr. .un spout
of the separator seems smaller 'ban
onllusrily It usually pays u ,:
gate In spite of nil precautions. It
often happen that foreign matter
lodges In the cream'screw thus cans.
Ing part of the cream to be retained
with (lie skim milk. A test of the
skitumilk will tell.
J. Y
5 1
This Filipins is making a Philippine
hat. which is Oecoming quite popular
with both men and women in the
United States, and is usually a source
of great pride to the wearsr.
1 1 hi. -111:0 Tribune.)
We do not blame the r'llipino people
for wanting their complete freedom. It
is the natural uspiraliou of niauklud.
Your building problems may seem bir
to you but to us. who every day have
been learning all thai is besl about build
ing ami materials, it may be simple.
Let us heli you We consider that
part of our job and without any extra
We are all convinced now that every
family should own its own home. Build
ing is going to boom this spriug but no
matter whether it is a new home, a new
barn or .-inipli' little repairs we are here
to help you and our prices are right.
Let us estimate your job.
Successor to
J. C. Ballenger Lumber Co.