The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, April 08, 1921, Image 1

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No. 9
Paving of the highway connecting
Marshfield with Coquille has been
Eggs were sold in Eugene last week
by producers at 16 cents a dozen, the
lowest price in 12 years.
The city of Salem has purchased a
motorcycle to be used by the traffic
officer of the police department.
At a special election in Vale bonds
of $35,000 were voted for enlarging
and extending the water system.
Lincoln county residents are rejoic
ing over the announcement that there
will be plenty of gasoline this year.
The Oregon Wood Products company
in Salem is busy turning out broom
handles at the rate of G000 per day.
Water now' covers half the old bed
Of Silver lake, in Deschutes county,
which had been dry for four years.
By action of the carpenters' union
of Astoria, the minimum wage scale
has been reduced from $S to $7.50.
The Jesse Lower sawmill on Bear
Creek, Creswell, which was destroyed
by fire recently, will be rebuilt at once.
The census report for Marion county
shows that the number of farms in
creased from 390 in 1910 to 3081 in
Jasper Miller, widely known pioneer
and resident of Benton county for 40
years, is dead at his home in Dewitt,
aged 75.
The Reedsport Lumber company has
posted notices reducing wages, making
13.25 per day the minimum for com
mon labor.
The Astoria Flouring Mills company
has closed a deal tor the sale of 14,
000 barrels of flour to the Czecho
slovak government.
Elks in Corvallis have secured a
charter for a lodge. It will be known
as No. 1412 and will start with a char
ter membership of 75.
R. N. Ferguson of Oregon Agricul
tural college is mixing 1040 quarts of
rat and squirrel poison for use by
Linn county farmers.
Roseburg again has been designated
as headquarters for officers of the
Indian supervisorship for California,
Oregon and Washington.
The greater part of the stock of the
Bank of Prineville has been subscribed
and it is thought the bank will open
about the middle of April.
The city of Corvallis voted on a
$100,000 bond issue Tuesday for the
purpose of making needed extensions
to the city's water system.
Thirty-eight men and 10 women ob
tained positions through the Eugene
office of the United States employment
bureau during the past week.
There were 401 accidents in Oregon
industries in the week ending March
31, according to a report issued by
the state accident commission.
The Pendleton Commercial associa
tion now has an enrollment of 405,
and a drive has been started to in
crease the membership to 500.
Lake Ochoco has a total storage ca
pacity of 47,000 acre feet of water,
and the total amount in storage at the
present time is 38,500 acre feet.
The Johnson mill at Reedsport has
started cutting an order of 10,000,000
teet of pulp wood for the Crown-Willamette
Paper milis at Oregon City.
Umatilla county sheepmen expect to
pay 10 to 12 1-2 cents a head to shear
ers this season, a decrease of last
year's price, which was 17 1-2 cents.
After being idle for several months,
the St. Helens shipyard has resumed
work. Thirty men are now busy, and
the forre will soon be increased to 50.
The National Home Economics con
vention for the year 1922 will be h- Id
in Corvallis. Leading educators from
all sections of the United States will
Governor Olcott has appointed Dr.
David B. Hill of Pendleton and Dr.
Fred W. Haynes of Roseburg as mem
bers of the state board of dental ex
At a mass meeting of taxpayers In
Canyon City It was determined to call
referendum on senate bill 283, which
raised the salaries of Grant county
By a vote of nearly tree to one,
Albany's taxpayers have approved the
$40,000 bond issue to provide funds
for building an addition to the Madi
son school.
Officials of the weights and mea
sures department have undertaken an
inveDiigaiion of the marking of boxes
and containers used in the candy trade
of the state.
Eai 1 Gates, manager of the Coos and
Curry Telephone company, announces
that the construction contemplated
for the coming year will be approxi
mately $35,000.
An army siege gun which, under a
resolution of the recent legislature,
has been presented to Sedgwick post,
G. A. R.. of Salem, has arrived. The
gun has been turned over to the state
by Sedgwick post and will be placed
on the state capitol grounds.
With 6666 regular patrons the Sa
lem city library now has more than
one-third of the city's entire popula
tion on its list of book readers and a
total of 15,950 books on its shelves.
Insurance companies operating in
Oregon received net premiums of $10,
258.429 during the year 1920, accord
ing to a report prepared by A. S.
Barbur, state insurance commissioner.
The Home Telephone company, with
headquarters at Medford, made 2.4 per
cent on its investment during the vear
1920, according to its annual report I
filed with the public service commit1
The cargo lumber shipments from
the Columbia river in March were j
the lightest for several months, A !
grand total of 86.878,858 feet of lum- j
her left the Columbia river during ;
the month.
In memory of Kenneth Lucas Fen- :
ton, his son, who was aecidently kill- 1
ed on May 31, 1917, William D. Fen-
ton of Portland has given his noted
law library to the law school for the
University of Oregon.
Meeting of the Crater Lake project
development committee, of which Gov
ernor Oicott is honorary chairman,
will be held at Medford within three
weeks, when details for placing the
resort on a real basis will be taken up.
The forest service will plant 450,000 I
trees in Oregon and Washington forest '
lands this spring, according to J. F. !
Kummel, in charge of reforestation for I
this district. The trees will cover 740 j
acres in the Rainier, Santiam and
Crater national forest.
All but 200 of the China pheasant 1
hens and 40 of the cocks raised at the
state game farm near Eugene in the
past season have been liberated in d if-
ferent parts of the state this spring.
More than 2500 of the birds have been
distributed where it is thought they
will multiply rapidly.
In addition to funds proposed to be
raised in Douglas county by Wie bond
ing measure recently indorsed by tax
payers, there will be approximately
$68,000 for market roads. At the
November election a 1-mill tax was
voted for market roads, which on a
$34,000,000 valuation, will provide 34y
000. The state will match this amount.
McMinnville is making an extension
of its electric power line out "Three
Mile Lane," east of the city. Farmers'
residences along the lane will be illum
inated and power furnished those who
wish it. The lane is being hard sur
faced by the county. It is part of the
West Dayton-MeMinnville cutoff on
the Pacific highway from Portland to
Receipts for motor vehicle registra
tions during the month of March ag
gregated $180,371.25, according to a
report prepared by Sam A. Kozer, sec
retary of state. This has swelled the
receipts for the first three months of
1921 to $1,850,058.75. Money derived
from motor vehicle registrations is
turned over to the state treasurer and
credited to the state highway funds.
Commercial secretaries of the state
who attended a week's short course
at the school of commerce of the
University of Oregon elected officers
as follows: W. A. Reid, secretary of
the Marshfield chamber of commerce,
president; T. L. Stanley, manager of
the Klamath Kails chamber of com
merce, vice-presidant; F. Antles, sec
retary of the Bend Commercial club,
Proposals for road improvements ag
gregating a cost of more than 82,000,
000 were considered at a two days'
meeting of the state highway com
mission held in Portland Tuesday aud
Wednesday. The contemplated Im
provements include the paving of ap
proximately 50 miles of highway, grad
ing estimated at 80 miles, 25 miles of
rock surfacing, considerable graveling
sud a number of substantial bridgei
, .:. Cmi THE DELUGE
only AM IxVVV
V ,7 si . " S -5-kn-
'-' . ; ... ;. - .
gate jggjjlg: rSMk
si i rviiien KxiwrHs Coil fid no
Members of the Oregon Dairymen's
Cooperative league met recently in
Coquille, Ore., and passed the follow
ing rCSOlu! ions:
"Whereas, there are many false
rumors being ol oulated by those who
are no! in sympathy with farmer" co
operative marketing associations in
tlie state of Oregon and whlo are ap
parent Ij designed to injure the con
fidence of individual members in the
management of our dairy marketing
organlzal ion, and
"Whereas, We recognize that the
country Is going thru a general period
of after-war adjustment, which has
meant to the dairy industry as it is to
many basic productive phases of ag
riculture a deflation on the market
value of their product f Km pal ci n!
or more in a period of 12 or 14 months'
time, and
"Whereas. We believe that, with
out the concent ralcd cooperative ac
tion of farmers thru cooperative
marketing associat ions, as the Oregon
Dairymen's Cooperative leagne, the
Fruit O rovers' association, ihe Paci
fic (.. operative Poultry association,
etc., etc.. which organizations are
operated to save through more eco
nomic met hodS Of dist rihut ion a la rger
per cent ol I he consumers' dollar for
the original producer, the Farmers
will lie further forced to Stand a much
lower deflation in their pr duct,
which will mean ruin to many of our
long-term tenants and farmers win
are making contract pa inenls on
farms; t here fore, he it
"Resolved, By this mass meeting of
dairymen, members of ihe Oregon
Dairymen's Cooperative league, as
sembled lo Coquille this SOth day of
Match. 1921. without ItlflUftBOS or pre
judice, do herein wish to have gener
ally publicly known among the farm
ers in other parts Of the state and
other states in the Union that we
firmly believe onr cooperative market
ing organization to he founded on the
right cooperative collective bargain
ing principle and reaffirm p e indorse
ment of t his principle of cooperative
marketing While there may he
some mistakes which we and the man
agement of our organization have
made during the period of its tirst
year In organization, we do not be
lieve them to be more than can be ex
pected thru the initiation of so large
an organisation in so short a time,
and especially at a time when the
world's finance has been In such a
chaotic condition. We furthermore
realize that in a cooperative organiza
tion of this type more or less confi
dence must he placed in our board of
directors and its management thru its
pAld officers of our affairs and we wish
t express I his confidence in our pre
.ul iwiard of 25 members."
The report was adopted with only
six dissent ing votes in a mass meeting
of over loo dairymen advertised tor
league members only.
Gftlloped Salmon.
1-lb can pink or chum salmon, J cup
of tine dry bread crumbs: 1 teaspoon
butter, 1 heaping tablespoon Hour, I
pint good rich milk, salt, pepper and
Melt butter in a saucepan and add
Hour and stir until melted and mixed
but not browned llemuve from tire
anil slowly add milk until smooth.
Then return to lire to thicken like
cream Add a lit t le salt , pepper and
paprika to suit taste. Ih inovcsalmon
from the can, remove an) bits of boos
and skin, and separate Hakes with
fork. Butter a pudding dldi, add a
layer of bread crumbs, then a layer
of salmon, and cover wit h the dress
ing Lastly cover top with crumbs
and bits of butter and place ill the
oven about 20 minutes to heat t hrougb
thoroughly and brown on top. The
size of the baking dish will regulate
the number id layers of salmon and
other ingredients.
New Secretary oi: Agriculture and wife just
plain folks from Iowa i
tfg f .asu - g fL'nram
Boardman lost again, and it
was the seventh inning again
when the explosion occured,
The manager of the team has
asked that we be granted a
special dispensation to play only
six innings.
The game was cinched just
as ii was in Henniston but the
rrigon boys never gave up and
a victory for the home team was
turned to a 4 vi defeat.
Board man has a good team
but some voodo possesses them
and in the two games played
identically the same conditions
arose- an emergency came and
they weren't there.
But we're going against Echo
next Sunday full of pep and out
to win.
Henry C Wallace ol Des Moines Is., farmer, itock raiser and publisher,
new Scretary ol Agriculture in the Harding administration, with his wife delights
to be known as lust plain "home folks " Mrs. Wallace doe all her work and
has mothered six children. Tbe Wallace family and former president Roosevelt
were visiting inencU
Standing f Teams lu lrritrn-
li.iii League.
w,m Lost Pwc't'ge
Slnntleld 0 1.000
Hortnlston - o i,n
Bcbo l l son
Irrliron 1 1 500
Boiiriliiian 0 2 000
thmullla 0 '2 000
The schedule of future games as
adopted is as follows:
April L0
Stanfteld at Hermlston.
Roardman at EchrZ
I 'mat ilia at 1 rrigon,
April 17
I rrigon at SI antield.
Rcho at Henniston.
I 'mat ilia at Boardman,
April 24
Starfield at EohO.
I lermlston at I rrigon.
Boardman ai Umatilla.
May 1
Umatilla at Stanfield,
Echo at Boardman.
rrigon at Henniston.
May 8
Stanfteld at Boardman.
Henniston at Echo,
I rrigon at Umat Ilia.
Mav 15
Boardman at stanfteld.
I ' mat ilia at Rermlston.
Echo at I rrigon.
May 22
Stanfield at Umatilla.
1 rrigon at Echo
Hermiston at Boardman
May I'll
Hermisl on at St antield
Echo at Umatilla
Boardman at l rrigon
After t he ten games scheduled to
end May L'ntli five more games will be
played on a schedule arranged as fol-
The standing of I he clubs will be
computed and the two highest in the
percentage column will play t wo games,
the team with the highest a vsrage to
gel the first game on I heir home
grounds. The two next highest will
plav t yo names on I he samp dates and
as above, and t be two lowest teams
will also play two names on the same
dat es ami as above. Alter the I yvo
games have been played, the percen
tages Will again lie added and I yvo
more games play ed on t be same Kind
of arrangements Alter Ihtse last
two games are played, the percen
tages will again be ascertained and
one game will he played on a similar
plan as before with this exception
that the game will be played on the
grounds agreed upon by the conten
ders aud the n;11' receipts win be
spilt 60-60.
Stories That Have Long Been Implic
itly Believed Really Have No
Foundation In Fact.
The f ii mollis Damascus blades that
were fabled to cut iron bars in two
WefS not superior lo the Toledo blades
of the present time. ,
Benecs was not a balf-Cbiistlsa
philosopher, hut a grasping money
lender, and died leaving u fietillie
equivalent to three million dollars.
Charles IX did not fife upon the
Huguenots with a barquebos from
the window of the LpttvrS during the
iimsMiere of st. Bathotomew,
The .Maelstrom Is not u whirlpool
which sinks ships down Into t tie
depths of the ocean. It IS an eddy,
which In fuir weather can be crossed
in safety by any vessel.
HOratlUI never defended the bridge.
It was a story manufactured by Hie
same Hoiiinn historian who put forth
that other fabrication of history that
Mleius Scaevola put Ills band In the
I'itt never made the celebrated re
ply to Wiilpole beginning. "The
atrocious crime of being a young man."
It wus composed by Doctor Johnson,
who was not even present when the
actual reply was spoken.
Alfred the tireat did not visit tbe
Dsnlsa camp disguised us u minstrel.
There Is excellent authority for assert
in;: that be could neither piny Hie
h up nor IpSSll Itiuilsh. He did not
let the cakes burn, either, as history
records. ,
The hanging gardens of Babylon did
not Msg mill they were not gardens.
They WSTS terraces supported by
niches and overgrown tree!. They
were erected for the amusement of h
Babylonian fVjSSfl WhS had come from
ii monotalucui couutry,
Pocahontas, the Indian prlmesH, did
not save fibS life of ( apt. Jobs Smith
by Standing between him and a club
held by her father or by any other
method, b Ik now considered but u
romance yarn spun by CsptSlS
Smith's UflsgftiatiM and perpetuated
by tin- historians,
Hiiiuillifil did not send three bush
els of fold rings tal. en from the hands
of Ihe gofflan knlglltl killed on the
field of Csnnse back to CsrtJtsge as
evidence of Ids victory. The fact was
us fOliOWS! The ne ssenger who car
ried to the t'lirttuiglnliin sfiuile tbe
i i v. - on deigning his report, "opened
Ids robe and threw out a number' of
gold rings gathered on the field."
I NtsrbOfB Independent
Robert A. Booth of Kugune, whose
term as stale highway corhnitBalonBl
expires On April 15, will be reappoint
ed, according lo announcement by
Governor Olcott.
A medical detachment of the Oregon
National Guard will be formed in Al
bany. The detachment win consisl or
one sergeant, one corporal and seven
first class privates.
Approximately $IS,()(i() appropriated
at Hi.' recent session of the legislature
will be expended in Improving the
capitol and lapremS court buildings
at Salem (his year.
Following reports that Bsnd was the
third city In Oregon in the employ
ment of alien labor, Investigation re
veals only two men are employed In
that city who are not citizens.
The StatS land board has received a
check for 117,700, covering the pay
ment of $ 7 . f, 0 an acre for deeds to lamls
canceled by the government la no
called Hrds-Benson selections,
The Hood River OOUtlty Game Pro
tective association has released 24
pairs of valley or crested quail In out
lying sections of tbe valley. The biniB
were from Ihe stale game farm.
An old Ihuiutii coin, dating back to
the fourth Century, Is being exhibited
in Kugcne by (Purge D. Poster, who
Obtained the pine while serving with
the Fourth engineers In Kruiice.
Subscribe for I he Minor.
Where to Draw the Line.
"A mnn sbonld mind his own bnsl
e.s " suid Jud TtHlktnS, "but not to
AS (Stent that gets hiui to prof-ticerin'."
i$ iJsttta-