Hot "'ri 21 THE BOARDMAN MIRROR Vol,, i BOARDMAN, MORROW COtfNTY, ORFAION, FRIDAY, MARCH 1M, 1931 No. 6 OREGON NEWS NOTES OF PRINCIPAL EVENTS HAPPENING DURING WEEK WRIT OF ST. PATRICK IS ST I LI WITH US Hot lunches are being served dally In three public schools near Halsey. The Clatsop County Medical asso ciation has voted to affiliate with the Oregon State Medical society. Klamath Falls post of the Ameri can Legion has $10,000 as a start toward the erection of its own build ing. Building activities at Salem during January and February were one-third greater than during the same months of 1920. A total of $216,000 will be returned to Union county if the service men's bonus bill is passed at the election in June. Peaches are in full bloom in most sections of Douglas county, and there is every prospect of a bumper crop this year. The Douglas county jail, which has been condemned by every grand jury during the last ten years, will be slightly remodeled. B. B. Stephens, on trial at Marsh field, charged with the murder of Bd Wilson, was acquitted after the jury had deliberated two hours. The beekeepers of Mini and Ben ton counties formed an organization for their mutual benefit at a meeting held in Albany recently. In the vicinity of Bandon, a few miles north, a number of miners are searching the black sands for gold and platinum and with fair success. William F. Gratke has been elected secretary of the Astoria Chamber of Commerce to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of C. I. Barr. Mrs. Sarah F. Osburn, pioneer of 1853, is dead at flarrisburg at the age of 90 years. She was related to Kit Carson and General Robert E. Lee. Mr loasii iu Oregon, exclusive of Portland, for the month of February, aggregated $204,675, according to a report prepared by the state fire mar shal. An application for increase of rates has been filed with the public service commission by the Coos-Curry Tele phone company, with offices at Marsli field. The Eugene Fruitgrowers' associa tion shipped two carloads of dried prunes to the east last week and has but live or six carloads left In the warehouse. At the last report from the watch man at the Warmsprings Irrigation district's reservoir in Malheur county, a total of 56,000 acre-feet has flowed into the basin. Lumber shipments from Klamath Falls showed an increase of 200 per cent over January and February. Aver age shipments of 15 carloads daily were maintained. The new $75,000 music building at the University of Oregon, having a capacity of 615 well equipped studios and practice rooms, will be ready for occupancy by May. Klamath Falls residents who took part in Sunday's rabbit drive near Dorris, Cal., reports that 400 persons joined In the extermination and de stroyed 1500 rabbits. E. V. Carter, of Ashland, was ap pointed a member of the state fair board to succeed A. C. Marsters of Roseburg, at the expiration of the latter's term on March 14. Much road work has begun In the Medlord section and, weather permit ting, large crews will be at work on the Pacific highway and tributary roads within a short time. The Lane county court has de creased wages for road laborers to $3.50 a day, as compared with J4 last year, and $7 a day for man and team instead of IS previously paid. The state fair board has completed arrangements for the construction of a new poultry pavilion and agricul tural and implement building, the two structures to cost $45,000. The Oregon Dairymen's league has decided to dispose of the sklmmilk. whey and buttermilk of Its factories under contract, the contracts to be awarded to the highest bidders. A tract of ten lots on the railroad spur In north Roseburg has been purchased by the Union Oil company, which will immediately begin con struction of a distributing plant on the property. At a special election in Bandon to vote $110,000 bonds to purchase the Bandon Power company property and to Install a municipal hydro-electric plant on Willow creek in northern Curry county carried by a vote of 463 to 10. Members of the Joint committee of the associations of the plant depart ment employes of the Pacific Tele phone & Telegraph company have sent a letter to the Oregon public service commission thanking thai body for its action In Increasing thi rates for service furnished by that co lporatiou. A chapter of the Collegiate Alum nae association has been formed at Oregon Agricultural college. The as sociation is composed of women grad uates from 70 universities throughout the United States. Japanese are taking large stocks of Oregon white cedar for the con struction of airplanes, according to Andy P. Davis, resident inspector of the Pacific coast lumber inspection bureau at Marshfield. Five crates of Mongolian pheasants from the state game farm at Eugene have been liberated at Klamath Kails during the past few days. The birds were imported by the Klamath Coun ty Sportsmen's association. Dr. Phil Keizer of North Bend found influenza in 16 families at Lakeside, and declares there is an epidemic almost equal to that of 1918, although to date the affliction has not resulted in any deaths. Formal incorporation of the Atlantic Pacific Highways and Electrical ex position, to be held in Portland dur ing 1925, was completed at the firHt meeting of the newly appointed execu tive board held in Portland last week. Rather than close down entirely and throw its force out of employ ment, the Hammond Lumber company is operating its iilll City plant three days a week, thus affording each em ploye sufficient wages to support himself and family. A jury in the Jackson county cir cuit court acquitted Lark Evans, Charged with robbery. The net pro ceed of the crime which Evans was charged with were a two-bladed jack knife and $27.15, and his two trialB cost the county $7500. Twelve hundred farmers joined the Washington county farm bureau, as results of the recent membership drive, according to reports of Charles J. Herb, the campaign manager. Seventy five per cent of the farmers solicited signed membership agreements. The worst Astoria fire in several months for a time threatened to de velop Into a serious conflagration and, before it was brought under control, had destroyed the Hawes business block at Eleventh and Bond streets, causing a loss of approximately $30, 000. The hatching of Balmon at the South Coos and North Coquille river hatch eries this season has been of import ance to the district, as over 5,000, 000 fry are now being fed in the ponds and all of them are doing nicely. They will be turned out during the spring and summer. The re-appointment of State Game Warden Burghduff, the appointment of M. L. Riekman as superintendent of trout hatcheries, and the general discussion of policies marked the first session of the newly appointed state game and fish commission, held in Portland last week. I Governor Olcott has issued a proc- lamation recommending to the next legislature the payment of $1000 by j special appropriation to the person or ! persons instrumental in bringing about ! the arrest and conviction of the mur- derer or murderers of Simon J. Yoder, J Wood burn garage operator. As a result of arrangements made by O. P. Hoff. state treasurer, with Governor Olcott and William Marshall, members of the newly created state bond commission, acting in an ad ' vlsory capacity, there will be available ' for loans to Oregon farmers approxi mately $164,000 of the irreducible school fund. This sum is in addition to $60,000 In school funds recently al lotted to 12 counties of the state. This money will draw 6 per cent interest. I 'j GOOD NEWS FOR BOARDMAN -TELEPHONE LINES TO EXTEND Walter J. Mead writes us that an additional circuit will be con nected up with Board man, giv ing direct telephone communica tion with Walla Walla and two wires to Arlington instead of one as at present. This will be done im mediately. COUNTY AGENT HUNT ON DIVERSIFIED FARM1NI? Subscribe for The Mirror. I helieve that every thinking farmer in the Board man com munity realizes the advisability if possible of providing some kind of a steady income rather than to depend entirely upon the sale of alfalfa hay. To do this about three or four varieties of diversified farming! are available. Dairy farming.of course, stands out as being usee j by a number of the farmers witr . 1. TT .1 very fair results, However, u' every man is a natural dairyman and it is a little difficult for na ture to be entirely worked over within a short period of time. Hog raising is another indus try that offers some inducement to a few people. A number of I Boardman people and people a- j round Hermiston have splendid herds of pure-bred hogs This some years will also offer in ducement. The industry which has re ceived probably more attention than any other within the last year has been the production of honey. There is no doubt but this is a valuable industry, and in time will be extended to one of considerable commercial importance. Another industry which it seems to me is being quite large ly overlooked at the present time is the Poultry Industry. It may not be generally known that the production of poultry in the state of Oregon during the last year has approached jillO,- 000,000. It has been estimated by some of the best poultry pro ducers as being near $80,000,000. At least it is a conservative statement to say that it has by considerable extent surpassed the value of the production of I wheat in this state. Many of thes prominent wheat raisers of east ern Oregon find that it is a very Drotitable adiunet, to their busi- n II to keep a pen of chickens Some of the largest farmers in Sherman county have been able to realize a matter of a hundred j dollars a month by keeping a matter of lo0 chickens. These chickens are not allow ed to roam at large or do not take up more space than 50 feet and are certainly a matter of great financial importance to these men. We think that there are probably several farmers in the vicinity of Boardman, who would find $75 or $100 a month coming in as a pay check, of con siderable importance. While, it is true that not every man or woman can keep chickens it is proably true that more peo ple are able to realize ready money and profitable returns from the keeping of a number of chickens than they are from either dairving, hog raising, or keeping bees. Therejis no reason whv Boardman country with its sunny climate and soil and green alfalfa fields providing . a great amount of green feed should not in time develop into a great poultry industry. We think that it would be advisable for every man to have a small bunch of chickens, probably 100 or 150 chickens, and would unhesitat ingly recommend as the most profitable kind to Weep the White Leghorns. The keeping of poul try and the handling of them is really almost an exact science these days and anyone who will take the pains to carefully as certain the proper methods should have no real difficulty in obtaining financial returns. This is at least one way of getting away from a one sided method of farming. Alfalfa is a splendid crop to raise but you only market it once a year. The eggs you market every week. sity of employing such bolshev istic methods as were in vogue when we were still in the infant stage of the industry. Here's a slogan for you neighbors Plant a tree. It will repay your labors, Plain a t tee. If the sun is shining sweetly And you're tilled with Joy completely Get your tools togsl her Heel ly And plant a tree. Get this notion In your cocoa Plant tree. The (oiks say you're eating loco Plahl a tree. When you've grown a nut or lemon Paach, plum, oherrj or persimmon, Cups of Joy will then be brimmln1 I ust plant a tree. Wlien the stormy clouds are lower, Plant a tree. Be of future Joy a grower. Plant a I tee When t he years have fled enchanted, And you've long been safely piameu All your fame will be descanted So plant a tree. Sincerely BTAULIGHT HOW ONTARIO 80LVFD THE ELECTRIC PROBLEM We publish this week another of the many replies being re ceived by George Mitchell. He has surely hit upon a most pron -ising proposition and his fame is widely spreading to the lour corners of the earth. Seattle, Wash., March 13, Wit Mr. Ceo. Mitchell, Boardman, Oregon. Dear Sir: Head with great interest in the Heppoer Herald the article relating to your new enterprise, t ho Wonder Worm. Being deeply (sea) Interested in Balling would be pleased to have you quote me prices on pan s, aibo the information on the probable in crease per pair? Would it be neoes sary to inoculate I he soilY When would you be ready to make delivery of pairs? Thanking you IB advance for this information, I remain, yours Truly, w Pboht, p, s. Would prefer the sucker variety. STATU NKWS MOT BUI L, A. Hunt, Morrow County Agent. Reflections of Starlight Did you rniss Starlight last week? She cDuldn't shine be cause, oh just because. Well if you must have the reason, Sam Boardman rounded up all his jack rabbits and started them off in a whistling contest. Holy mackinaw how the wind did blow. Starlight just couldn't shine thru. Too much real estate moving. h siieoa now is eMMM let u O ver all the Mirror ' fare A s our Sam Is think loir l li Inking. H iihhiV. wlibttlc UifoUgli the (,la, e 1) am the woiiijs wonlMav corralled M itchair g Ion dsibrrrowB, A II re gla'l to read about It H ow we ll make this rliylnelel clotB. Whatcha goin to plant as a special exhibit for the fair this fall? Castor beans do well here. Why not interest eastern capital in the castor oil plant and then get congress to apply a protec tive tariff on this article in or der to encourage the Infant In dustry. Or perhaps Sam Board man could cross the castor ban with his coca-nut rind banana. Fond mothers could then pre- . . ,, . a , t pur,, ft fieiectabiB stew lor uuibi wise recalcitrant youngster which would obviate the neces Railroads operating in Oregon have been authorized to extend for a period of from six to nine months milling in transit privileges, according to a tele gram received iy the Oregon public service commission from Bdgat 10. Clark, chairman of the interstate com mission. Extension of these privileges was sought by the lumber Interests and the recent order, If properly in terpreted, should enable lumber manu facturers to move their accumulated stocks to eastern markets without I sacrifice. The unemployment problem In I'ort I land is being met with a remarkable degree of efficiency liy tin- unemploy ment committee of Portland Post No. I, American hegion, according to sta tistics brought to Sulem. Governor Olcott and other state officials were outspoken in praise of the commit tee's efforts as disclosed by the fig ures submitted. The committee's ef forts resulted In furnishing employ ment for from 14 to 152 men dally dur ing the month of February, or a total of 220H for the month. The Oregon supreme court, In an oral opinion, ha refused to accept jurisdiction In mandamus proceeding to be filed by Attorney General Van Winkle to gain possession for Gover nor Olcott of the Interstate bridge spanning the Columbia river between ! Portland and Vancouver. Wash. Tak ling over the structure was made In umbent upon the governor under the provisions of a law passed at the re ent session of the legislature As a result of the supreme court opinion the attorney general probably will rile mandamus proceedings In the circuit court for Multnomah county. rhe Province of Ontario Is turning her streams into electrical energy. Beginning In 1901, a Union other cit ies and towns were formed, in iuo:i ninety municipalities had Joined this Union, This union made applica tion to the Legislature for authority to develop, transmit, buy and sell e ieotrlcal energy. It took fouryearsof education helore the legislature would act. In 1906 an act was passed creat ing the Hydroelectric Power Com mission, Three men comprised this Commission. This Commission with a corps of engineers made a complete survey of the water power resources of the province. A thorough Investi gation of private power plants. The Commission made its report to the public, a delegation of one thousand representing seventy municipalities waited on t he Premier urging Govern ment act ion. In passing, Is it loo much of a. Stretch of the imagination to picture one thousand Oregonians waiting on the Governor to demand .Mate SOtiOO furthering some public development. The Hist plant constructed was one of ten thousand il. P. Today eleven ol her plants hae been added. S16- 000 11. 1'. is developed and in use. Three new plants are under const ruc tion and when completed during the next, tWO years the Commission will have a total of 1400,000 II. I'. I Iwre Is sWt.y million 11. 1'. ta 'lie IN,e.t Slates. Twenty live trill I ion ol this is In California, Oregon and Washing ton. Six per cent of this live million has been developed, mostly In Cali fornia. Should not we awaken to this latent reoource? Is I he idea too big for you lo seriously consider thu benefits to bo derived from 320,000 active II. I". at, the Umatilla Site? Is it not the gross est kind of negligence on our part t hat we do not invest our capital lo ccinst rucl a barrier in t he pat h of t his mighty stream that we may put it to work for ourselves and till Eternity, The delopment of Hydro-Electric power has brought out the EleCtrlO Chemlcal and the Electro-metallurgical furnace. These two processes a lone would consume all the elect rical energy developed at Niagara if It were possible for them to attain ft. Power companies of the coast will tell you that you have no market for the 890,000 II P. at Umatilla Phos phate rook is mined in Idaho, lent by rail to Portland, (Past the rjma- tllla site.) Theaflfc by Ship 0 Japan to bt used for fertilizer, This rock re ceives no treatment it contains is percent phosponw and S'J per cent waste. i f t rested by elect rofurnee at Dotal ilia, M per cent phosperous and lu per cent, waste. If you can market this product in the crude as it is now being 'lone what of the market u the waste is cut out? Umatilla is ate) port. BmOpe Uses 200 pounds of fer tilizer to the acre. Weave given to the Chase of the Almighty Dollar. The Worth while things are repre sunted by I he Intervening dark space between two glittering stars W stand on t he base of a ilver dollar and eagerly reach out for t he next one, and meanwhile the big things, which often limes are the little things which go to make our life worth while are overlooked. What hasheeti done may be repeated. Let' QSVelOP I Ins sleeping giant. Selling Hums , Bone. The keeper of a public cemetery of h small Bohemian town Deaf IVr ie excavated the older rrs oi' lb grave yard, sod solo all the "Id bore, b could find for industrial purjH, as he found that certain iisiuifact, ers paid more for Iratoan boae . for those of animals. He bud ', earn ing money In this wy f several years before lie WSJ detect and sus pended from the post