The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, March 04, 1921, Image 4

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"West Extension Supply Store"
X Our line in now complete for the Farmer. We have:
t Groceries
When they ask where you got it, say
Boardman Trading Co.
Symbolic of purity. Exemplified in I
the lily of Easterl ide, B
The most appropriate gift at this, '
I Sawtelle's, Snc. 1
Pendleton, OlVolorS Oregon j
The Large! Diamond Dealers in ;'i
Pattern Oregon , j
iamond Tires
and Tubes
Nighty Easy Riding
Gas Oils Accessories
Expert Guaranteed Repair Work
At Reasonable Prices
Service Car Any
Time Any Where
If your Lord is sick We can cure it.
No cure, no pay
Boardman Garage
Illinois Experiment Station Secured
Reliable Figures From 680
Dairy Farms.
There arc various estimates on milk
production costs and they nre likely
to he different under different circum
stances. Moreover, there Is consider
able variation in milk quality, also, g.:
It ranges from barely three per cer
burterfat test to nearly five per cer ,
However, none of the figures avalle le
show that the producer of mil! is
In Illinois the state experiment sta
tion secured accurate figures on milk
production costs from 080 dairy farms
with a total of 18,002 cows. Those fig
ures showed the cost of all Items en
tering Into the production of 100
pounds of milk as follows:
Grain, 44 pounds at $."if) per ton. .$1.21
Silage, 188 pounds at $0 per ton.. .56
Hay, 60 pounds at $30 per ton 75
Other roughage, 39 pounds, at $10
per ton
Labor, '-V-i hours at 30 cents per
Total cost per 100 pounds $3.40
The cost is 3.40 cents per pound, or,
inking 2.15 pounds per quart, 7.44
cents tier quart
Used as Check Upon Older Methods,
as It Happens Occasionally Re
actors Escape.
The eye test for detecting tubercu
losis in cattle has the approval of the
scientists of the bureau of animal in
dustry, United Slates Department of
Agriculture. The ophthalmic or eye
test Is used as a Check upon the older
methods, as it happens occasionally
that an animal that will not react to
the subcutaneous Injection or Intra
dermal test will react to the eye test.
Two tuberculin tablets are placed In
the conjunctival sac beneath t lie lower
lid of t lie left eye and observations are
taken at approximately the third hour
Eye Teat for Tuberculosis Has Its
Best Use on Dairy Farm, Where
Conditions Are Best Suited.
following and at frequent Intervals up
to 24 hours. Reaction to the test Is In
dicated by discharge and swelling.
The bureau of animal industry is not
prepared to accept the evidence of the
eye test alone where cattle lire Intend
ed for Interstate shipment. The test,
however, furnishes an additional safe
guiird when used with the older
The eye test Is not well adapted for
use upon range cattle or cattle In
transit, because of the possibility for
dust setting up an Irritation not relat
ed to tuberculosis. It has Its best use
on the dairy Farm, where conditions
are such as to give sure results.
The experts liuve observed that In
herds which are frequently tested by
the rabCUtanSOttt method It is advis
able to apply the Intradermal and the
eye test. The combined test sometimes
detect reactors which have escaped
detection by other means.
Any Aid Given Cow In Digestion of
Food Will Show In Increased
Flow of Milk.
There Is DO animal harder worked
than the dairy cow giving a large flow
of milk, nml am aid given her In di
gestion will stem decided increase In
milk and In her condition. Some
rains are easy of mastication and di
gestion, but the usual ration of the
corn licit Is comprised mainly of wheat,
Corn, oats, rye and barley. All of
tlu-o grains will show up In the feces
If fed whole and unless the Cattle are
followed by hogs It Is entirely lost.
Crushing grain Is better than grind
Ing It tine, for the digestibility may be
decreased due to failure to mix prop
erly with the saliva. Beware of dairy
feeds too finely ground, for they may
contain filler and cannot he properly
Because of Labor In Harvesting and
Cost of Handling Are Not a
Cheap as Silage.
Sugar beets are an excellent feed
for dairy cows, but because of the
labor In harvesting and the excuse of
handling, are not as economical as corn
silage. They have u larger amount of
nutriment than mangels or rutabaga,
but It Is generally held that the latter
will yield somewhat more per acre
nnd ar less difficult to handle. Sugar
beets are not hard on the kidneys, but
If fed In too large quantities there Is
a tendency to scour the animals. This
Is due to the high sugar content of
the beet.
Automobiles using the state high
way for the transportation of freight
or passengers are placed under the
supervision and control of the state
public service commission.
The co-operative marketing associa
tion measure was amended so as to
make It more effective. It will re
quire a couple of years to determine
how it will work out with respect to
the producers, the middlemen and the
consumers. Much, however, was ex
pected of it.
The fish and game matters have
been divorced and the commercial fish
ing laws been put into the hands of the
fish commission, while the game fish
and game propagation and regulation
have been put in the hands of the
game commission. The administrative
law under which these two commis
sions mut,t operate has been separated
into a distinct and separate fish code
and a game code.
7, ornen of Oregon will be permitted
to serve on juries. The privilege of
jury service, however, is only optional
with the members of the gentler sex
who may refuse to serve in this ca
pacity if they so choose, giving only
their sex as the reason for such re
fusal. The conferees on the agricultural
appropriation bill allowed three strict
ly Oregon items, put in by Senator
McNary, to stand, with a little reduc
tion in two cases. An appropriation
of $15,000 to fight the pine beetle in
the forests of Klamath county was
agreed to. along with $15,000 for the
irrigation experiment station at Herm
iston and $9000 for a frost service in
the Rogue river valley, with head
quarters at Medford.
The personnel of the new fish com
mission for Oregon and the new state
game commission, as provided for in
the segregatipn bills which were passed
!t the recent session of the legislature
and which have been signed by Gov
ernor Olcott, have been announced by
the governor. Members of the fish
commission are: Frank M. Warren,
Portland, appointment to June 1, 1925;
Christian F. Schmidt, Astoria, appoint
ment to June 1, 1924; Al H. Powers,
Powers, Coos county, appointment to
June 1, 1923. The state game commis
sion personnel follows: State at large
George H. Kelly, Portland, five-year
term; game distric' No. 1 (counties
west of the Cascade mountains), I.
N. Fleischner, Portland, four-year
term; Bert Anderson, Medford, two
year term. Game district No. 2 (coun
ies east of the Cascade .mountains),
M, A. Lynch, Redmond, three year
term; Blaine Hallock, Baker, one-year
term. Under the new laws, the juris
diction over commercial fishing and
over the administration of affairs of
the wild game life of the state are com
pletely divorced and placed under two
separate commissions.
One of the cheapest and best winter
rations for the dairy heifer, according
to the Missouri station, is an average
dally of about six pounds, of alfalfa
hay, two pounds of corn, and silage at
free will (tills means on the aviiage
about twenty pounds dally). This
kind of ration has kept the heifers
growing it just about the right rate
to im' i the liest kind of mature cows,
Bill j ft the expense has not been un
duly great.
To Weigh and Measure Children.
To establish a standard table of the
heights and weights of children a con
ference of representatives of the
United States children's bureau, the
United States bureau of education, the
United States public health service
and various educational and private
organizations working for the bet
terment of children has Just been
held in New York city. At the pres
ent time various tallies of measure
men) are In use by the different or
ganlaation engaged in weighing and
measuring children. The results of
the tests ure not ii;. : also
considerable confusion lias arist'U bo
cause of apparent differences in the
standards of normal levelopwent as
given out by the various o.ganlza
A complete standard table will be
prepared by a committee, and all fu
ture weighing and measuring of chil
dren can then be III 'dance with
I heir uniform table. The findings
of the tests will be comparable ami
much greater use can h made of the
facts revealed.
FaMinq Manna.
Nobody tutu ever eeii the laziest
man In the Texas o.i lit is do a stroke
of work, yet he already had n few
deep holes bored in his land anil was
confidently predicting that some day
he would strike oil.
"I low d'ye do It. Bill?" asked a
neighbor. "Ye sit around yer pi-azr.y
all day and next niornln' ye got a new
hole as deep as any of us?"
"It's by the grace of Qod and ihe
Wright brothers." the laziest man con
Dried. "The air passenger route to
Mexico passes right over my place and
pretty near every day they throw a
bum off the aerial express." -American
Legion Weekly,
Columbia Trading Co.
General Merchandise
Boardman, Oregon
Confections Gasoline
Lunch Goods Oils
Fruits Vegetables Hay
Real Estate Insurance
Legal Conveyances Made
Egg Made Monster Omelet
An ostrich's egg from the New York
ioelogical garden has sufficed for an
omelet for .'& people. The food value
and flavor are about the same as
those of the egg of the domestic hen.
The ostrich egg has less pioteln and
more fat than meat, and its useful
Constituent! Include Iron and phosphorus.
We are Now PreDared to Exchange Your 1
Temporary Liberty Bonds, First to Fourth
Inclusive, for Permanent Bonds, with all
Interest Coupons Attached
First National Bank
of Her mis ton
Surety Bonds
Safety Deposit Boxes
Travelers' Checks
The final test of efficiency in home build
ing is proven by the satisfaction which
follows the completed home, itself.
The preliminary planning ami designing
is of vital importance to you.
Guesswork in connection with the ar
rangement, construction and cost
is sure to cause dissatisfaction and
Bn ihf right you will probably build but
Call at our office and make the selection
of your new home from a collection of
over 500 modern designs.
Let us assume your building worries.
You'll secure a home of beauty, com
fort and convenience.
Successor to