Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1921)
MIIKAN TRADING CO. t "West Extension Supply Store" Our line ii now complete for the Farmer. We have: Groceries f Dry good s Shoes hardware Implements Tires f i-" f reeu . W hen tliei ask when) yon grot ii. bay ' Boardman Trading Co. "WBST BXTKN8ION st'l'l'I.Y 8TORB" m IL & 5 I v t ? r useful, enduring, beaut if ail silently sug gestive of the cozy warmth of perfect hospitality; always appropriate for any occasion. "Sterling or Plate" . Sawteilc's, Snc. Pendleton, OWclCi 'S Oregon The Largest Diamond Dealers in Blast ern )i egon mmm jeBgSflP'MI'iL"mMII"'"ul'HBWtaMHBtUllttlllMm w amend Tires and Tubes Nighty Easy Riding Gas Oils Accessories Expert Guaranteed Repair Work At Reasonable Prices Service Car Any Time Any Where It your Ford is sick W e can cure it. No cure, no pay Boardman Garage WAGE LONG WAR ON SAVAGES Holland Never Able to Subdue Fierce Tribe Living in Rich East Indian Archipelago. The military forces of Holland, which the news dispatches say are to be reduced Dearly one-half, find con siderable employment In the East Indian archipelago, nearly all of which belongs to the Dutch, it is con siderable territory, covering, a distance from cast to .. esi as great as that from New York to San b'runoisco. The wild native tribes are trouble some. J Jut WOrst of all are the Achee nese, who occupy a little country at the north end of Sumatra Acheen Is an absolute monarchy, recognising no authority or control from the Dutch or anybody else. One of 1 lie Ion-rest wars lu history has been fought by the Dutch against the Achi cnese. It was started In 1872, and has been going on ever since, with no present prospect of bringing It to an end. In former days the Acheenese, who are Malays, engaged largely In piracy. In their swift salting proas they scoured the sens, capturing every ua ti rm.'d vessel they came across, and customarily butchering everybody on board. By their depredation thdy al most destroyed trade through the straiis of Malacca. The Dutch did away with this mis chief by running down the pirate crafl with small Steam vessels and destroying them. But the Acheenese are sun Independent and defiant on land. When ihe Dutch avenge an out rage by burning their villages and rice plantations, they retire to Inaccessible in-iin -sis of ihe mountains. The best the Dutch can do Is to hold the ex treme northern tip of Sumatra, where they have planted a Fortified town culled Rots Radja, Usually about eiu'lit thousand troops are kept there In garris, hi. Across ihe have of the tip a string of fourteen little forts extend con nected with the town by railroad and telegraph, Bach is defended by elabo rate barbed-wire entanglements and by a hedge of the spiky plants called Spanish bayonets, thirty feet wide, which is even more effective, if a tort is attached re-enforcements from Kota Radja are summoned by wire. Not far from the town Is Gold mountain, Which Is said to be full of the yellow metal ; but it Is outside the line of forts and so the gold remains UlldUg. For the Acheenese are Just about the most ferocious savages In the world, a little fad of theirs being mutilation of their enemies, whose legs, arms ami ears they cut off. Their country Is a primeval forest, peopled by orang-outangs and full of a deadly malaria. W ii CLEAN MILK DURING WINTER Much Can Be Done to Exclude Stable Filth and Dust by Using Plenty of Bedding. Many dairymen consider that It Is not necessary to take the same pre cautions In milking and bundling milk during freezing weather as when it Is warmer. It should be kept In mind that milk Is a food a very wholesome food when It Is secured from healthy cows j under 'unitary conditions, but a dan gerous food If It conies from tuber, u lar cows and is so carelessly, secured j and handled us to permit the entrance I of stable filth and dust. Men who have made a careful study of tuberculosis in dairies State that," on ihe average of at least one In eight of our dairy cows harbors ihe germs of tuberculosis and that these organ isms find their way inio the manger and gutter. Dust from the feed or from the manure, or small particles of the latter may convey ihese danger ous bacteria iu the milk. Much may he done to lessen this danger by using plenty of bedding, feeding moistened feeds and a thor ough wiping of Hie mliler and Hank of the cow witli a damp cloth, A covered pall Is also of considerable assistance. Stable dust can be settled by sprinkling the stable floor a short lime before the cows are milked. Bacteria stick to wet surfaces, but as they are free to tloat In the air again as soon as the surfaces have become dry. the floor should be kept moist until after the period of milk ing. if all of ihe dairy i-mvs were sub jected to the tuberculin lest, the pre caution mentioned above would not be s,; Important for ihe tubercular COW COUtd be Identified ami removed, yet i here are other bacteria in the Stable dust and manure which nre in- Columbia Trading Co. General Merchandise Boardman, Oregon Confections Gasoline Lunch Goods Oils Fruits Vegetables Hay FLOUR and FEED I n H A T I Meal Estate Insurance Legal Conveyances Made - - - - .' - . J x - I We are Now Prepared to Exchange Your I Temporary Libert Bonds, First to Fourth 1 kchisivc, for Permanent Bonds, with all I Interest Coupons Attached Severe Spanish "Blue Law." Kissing one's wife in public Is a crime-, according to the laws- of Ma drid. Spain. Therefore a severe reprimand ami a warning not to let the misdemeanor occur again has Just been administered to a visitor to Ma drid who, when be assisted his wife Inlo a cab at the door of his hotel iai the I 'ttert n dtd Sol, kissed her gond by. A policeman on duly close by wit nessed the offense and remonstrated, threatening Is take the man to the police Station, whereupon Ihe visitor, u traveler In many lands, smiled ami Nitid: "Do your worst, Tuke ine to t)M sintion ROUSe and we'll see what the punishment is for kissing one's wife." The policeman led him off to face his Captain, who, on hearing tns nature of the charge was even ini'u severe than the ordinary paftceo an. He Informed the offender thai Ignor ance of Ihe law was no excuse, but ibat he had committed a terious of ten ee against the laws of Madrid, which Forbids a man to klSS any wom an while In the streets of the clly, with or without her consent, lie. hew ever, let him off with a caution. r'. First National Bank of Eferstiisfon INSURANCE Safety Deposit Boxes Travelers' Checks 8 Mf m Surety Bonds Mp I t fit BUILD THE I 5 i m pmu it i a Of Much P . antage to Wipe Off Cow's Udder id Flanks Before Milking Oper,-; jn. JUrimra in the human system. Mill; sec 'd from cows free from tuher- '-Is, with clean moist flanks and Udders, milked with clean hands into sterile covered pails In dust free sta bles and kept cold Is a safe anil welcome food. Lacks Sense of Right nnd Vrong. A child's frertk inn eel puzzling ihe Hampshire (Bngli nutboritlss titiil the boanl of edu UtiOB. 'Ihe chihl, a twelve-year Old girl, catnio! ilisilngtilsh tight from Wrong, Her la ther applied to the Odlham maglstrme. ami obtained tut orccr to semi her to an Industrial school. The attendance officer said she hail been absent from school for six ni'iiuhs, and stayed out all night several Moms, and recently wulkeil 18 mllel lo Basingstoke, where she was foiled nt midnight on the sta tion platform. A doctor described ihe girl as morally and not mentally de fective. The case w as so unusual, he said, that all the facts hail been sub milled to Ihe board of education. The Child WM normal, except that part of the Intellect which enabled u person to discern right from wrong whs iuKs-Ing. DELIVER DAIRY GOODS CLEAN Wholesome Product? Arc Best Adver tisements and Any Infraction of Rules Is Harmful. Of all the mediums of good sound ndvertlslng in the dairy Industry there Is not one which can excel that of "quality." When we observe the methods of those who have rvilly achieved in the dairy business we 'II P 1 In every Instance that SUCCC u ai uflde possi ble through the itppllcut ion of com mon son-.e rules . f ch-uuliuess M)d sanitation, DISSS wholesome dairy products are the best advertisement, ami any In fraction of these axiomatic first prin ciples will work to the dairyman's dis advantage and remli' H dilticult to re pair the damage wrought, Dairymen are. as u rule, in the busi ness to make a SUCCe of It, and there Is no single factor that will promote business fusier thin. ' r production of a clean wholesome product, CLEANLINtSo Or IMPORTANCE Buried Forest Found. A prehistoric forest. bUrtsd under I .'III feet of meadow marsh, tuts been fDUnd near Qfcestnnt Neck, on the New ! York-Atlantic Ctty nintor route, t'e-l dar and talk trtSS have been round In I a perfect state of preservation, while nt other points the burled timber bad been reduced to charcoul. The dis covery was made by linemen creeling poles to carry electric power to the transatlantic wireless plant in Tttck- ertrtn. Poles SO feet long are beim: used across a "bottomless" stretch of the Mulllcn rieT mendows. Looked Lrke Net Player. Lets, aired five was iMiing In the country, and. SSSlttg a potato bug for the Brat time, she asked: "Mamma, docs riles pht ttssntsf "No, dear." repllett the mother. "Why do you ask?" "Hecause," answered the little miss. "1 Just saw one with sweater on." Utensils and Mangers in Which Calves Are Fed Should Be Given Close Attention. Strict attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the utensils and mangers in which the calves are fed as well as to the box stalls lu which i hay are q Bartered. The latter should le cleaned out at least jmce a week and preferably oftener. GOOD COWS ARE PROFITABLE Must Produce Milk or Butterfat of Value Over Cost of Feed Calf and Manure Help. A cow Is profitable If she produces milk or butterfat of value over the vest of feed. The alue of the Calf a cow pi edUCSS each year, plus the value of the manure left on the farm, is ii-ually eonlilored sufficient to pay for her keep outside of feed. O t a- NATIONAL WAY $30000 WORTH of BUILDING ADVICE FOR THE ASKING The final test of efficiency in home build ing is proven by the nat'sfaction which follows the completed homej itself. The preliminary planning and designing is of vital importance to you. Guesswork in connection with the ar rangement, construction and cost is sure to cause dissatisfaction and n igret. Build right you will probably build but once. Cull at our office and make the selection of your new home from a collection of OVer 500 modern tlesigus. Let us assume your building worries. You'll secure a home of beauty, com fort and convenience. CALL AND TALK IT OVER W.A.VAURCHIE Successor to J. C. BALLENGER LUMBER CO.