I - ITS TMCSyOP AD OdWK j I "O" - - - "; -1 ' . -. D - PLEAS : ' : - 7 ' MrmiiNe. . c ntwasM SfckiHCW US WHAT VOU HUM " V i TWE HALF AWAY -VP amo Down- an 1 IT LEAVES THREE j I. The Boardman Mirror PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDA1 Makk A. Clevkland. .: Saaamatioa In i4tik J2 00 fa Yea Application for-ntry as woni-clasi nsanr at tlit i 'ffi. v at Bt-iardman. On-cn. pendinff The bars are down. Thctr&njf is opened Ai'neannir before the joint coa.mitte' on Jadk-iar.v at Salem were the represena tives of the P. R L & P Go., the Pacific Powr v Light Co and numerous smaller compan ies protesting to this committee that the people of Oregon not he allowed to vote at the next g-n eral election as to whether the state haj) or shall not create electric power. They would fctiflie the heritage the Creator gave you tefore you could say yes or no. You are not to be al lowed to vo ce your desires by ballot as the pleadings of these i ampere dispensers fell on the ears of an "unsaved Senate" 1 he managers of these panies work on the iines drawn for them by scientists. During! the war, tests of intelligence were applied to 1,700.X0 prospective soiaiers The result is startling j S' venty men of every one hun-j dred were below the mental age I of the school child of fifteen They are called a "Moron " A moron is defined as an adult who is of the mental age of from eighi to fifteen ears. Are you a Moron Are vou going to let some one think for you electr.cal ly, or are ou going to thinK for yourself The development of the elec trical resource-of the states of Oregon and Washington is the most pr ogressive step that can be taken to the advancement of these sister states The form ing of an Hydro-Electric com mission means luore to the de velopment of .Oregon than the Highway commission, and many of you know w hat good roads have done in unshackling tbe litMil rural bondage. We set in adiinring woi der and watch the majestic Coliiiibia roll by us to the sea. We do not give thot I.Moronl that wrapped in its it, ews is untold horse ioer w a.st log because ou and I do noi piaee an obstruction in its path that it may work lor us ever af ter. We prefer to pay duty to adjoining states for our heat and light because w Moron. The Creator placed in the vaults of Mother Karth, minerals, coal and oil There they remain un til man taps them lor tbe Use at industry and a-t Once used they are gone for ever. Not so! with water power. It is the only 1 concrete example that I know of' where you can eat our cake and still have it It roils on forever. Perpetual motion. Don't y u think it ten yea O'd thinking of you audi th t We do no take action to put itj to work. Lei us apply tins to our county seat They are pay j ing 800 a y. ar per H P. for their lighting system. You can not cail it a commercial light j I would call it a sentimental linbt. There ate periods of light and darkness Whether the belt slips or the slab wood is wet I know not. but for poooej swains and melting coeds it's cheap at $ii0 per boise. Hepp ner, is I'hiatilla power' worth the time of thinking or shall we listen to the power com ; panies treatises on the over sup I ply of electric power.- Just so iorg as the electric poxer of the state of Oregon is in the hands , of private control ju-t that long will our development be retard ed. Lev us cite you a personal i observation of a Boardman man who says: "Some eight years ago I gave up hope of the Gov en me i t ever r i r,ging water to these lands. I went to Portland to interest tbe Pacific Power fc Light Co in bringing in electric power to pump water for irriga tion purposes The interview ; boiled into a kilowatt was this You go back home, sign up enough land to pay us 0 on tie- investment of putting power ' into your country an ! we wi l i bund If the Pi grim fathers j bad demanded 10 for hewing the trail that started at the base of Plymouth Rock, the bunch of us today would be back in Wales separating coal iro:n slate, or trundling peat from the bogs of Ireland. The company wanted Sr".! per H P. for six months use and a mortgage on tbe ranch. The fact that I already had a bet with the Government that I cotn' ! would starve in rive vears ore veoted me from taking on the Power company." Gent.'emen are we going to "Moron" or are we goiag to ad vance It's up to you. The Bon rd man Mirror, We are in receipt of the Hoard man Mirror, volume one, number one, published at Stanfield by M A Cleveland. The Mirror is a bright looking newspaper, well tilled with ads and speaks well for thecommun ity represented from a financial standpoint, and the news columns are written well and look oetter than the average country week ly. We wish Editor Cleveland and the people of Boardman every success with the new venture. Boardman needs a newspaper, md we are glad to see them have one. Hermiston Herald. L K .; W . V . I L L s L E V Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Phone Residence 711 Office 551 (Office on-: i'.aux Liu:d:i.t. Merrc'ston Ca: answered at a. h .-urs. DK V. Y. PRIME DENTISTRY Hsmngroif, ohjc Hank Building PhovE) ' OBI -c w Horn 1 Boardman Ba The Boardman latest adventure in the istic field and we this week ceivtd the initial number of N B7 Paper. Mirror is the journal- re the Francis McNenamin LAWYER Heppner, Oregon Roberts H!dg. Phor $43 S. E. NOTSON Attorney-at-Law Office In Court House Heppner - - Oregon Volume I, Xo, 1. of the Board man Mirror has maue its appear ance and the first number shoi-. s up well. It should have a gooo patn nage from the enterprising community of Boardman lone 1 ntiepemient While l)i?r i li? I here t.nt ID Polan ." v -HI ai elsowLere. The tol-r;el lit air-n) niut tit s .nl.lf error (or r "sonp" up.- Tlierp-il be a fltie job lot of gen erals for hire when Villa retires. When ii nisn iimrT'es for money lie eeka a good fii,'ure inure tliurj a pretty fuce. rew paper which is scheduled to appear every Friday with Mark A Cleveland as publisher. Mr i Cleveland is also publisher ol the Stanfieid Standard and the new publication is printed in the Standard o3iee and mailed out from Boardman. It is a neat little publication, and while Boardman is still a small com m unity this .-ort of arrangement j for getting out a paper is per 1 ha(s the best. The Mirror wilt 1 try to faithfully reflect the ac tivities of the splendid Board man section and we hope to see it get the support it is entitled to and that trie paper will assist in further bringing Boar dm m to the front so that ultimately she ; will reach the goal anticipated by her loyal and united citizens' Success to t he Mn roi . Heonner Gazette Times. Subscrilie for The Mirror. : FOR SALE It. C. Rhode Island ItecL Prise wiuning ejckerers, M.A0 each. Paul smith. Board m:in. 3-4t pd 4 Expert Work ON WATCHES. CLOCKS OR ANY THING IN MY LINE Bring or send your work or orders and Will Pay Return Postage Wm. B. Ogden ! i I I I 4 :rTLD ?0 TBE 'LS1 lit) HES.IISTOB . V Only Reetaur&iit in Pen dleton Employing full crew of white help The French - RESTAURANT HUH BACH BROS., Props. fcMBkal Kurnii-!it1 Rooms in Counei iion fJHMMI a Mellr) I preiBrii,; to Bi-.'ept Can- da' word mat L'ucle Sam iB good oelthlor. So long as there nre grmle croslnc sod reel, lev j drivers there will be tragedies. Students of "nnrest" will find the mol interest jog and distinctive spec-linens id Kuroi. The rent profiteer ha no c onclenc Rolhe Imu ace. cannot improve wit) J. L. Vaughan 206 E Cswt St . PtadltiH On. Sectrc fix tures Supplies Kiectric- CoMtraetlac Tti the r lu ha no rights th- lolor driver will respect Lemons are reported as cheap, at present, ptu tieulurly polltirnl lemons. FOB SALK -About three tons of (food when nay. Claud While, liuardimiii. siaiiiveasBiniE , . I UPOp in at the H iPastime Cainhfs T( baoc l't N '1 1!( mi Barber Shop I SMVKl.v ltourilinun. Or egon PROFESSION 1. CA1M I'riiiicisi P, Adaittl t'li!ui.in .iim surticoi IISHMI-1XIN. OKI. nk Kids. riiKiM oas at k. i Offlt'.' Liouni i-l Calls anawurvd day or l. MANY MOTHER HI 3BAKDS Sou: I CT r. m .-t nni p.'J WiLio The Continental Insurance Co. of iSew York Arthur L. R. siHent BOAy.. : l.arsen Agent mm BARGAINS IN WINDBREAK AND SHADE TREES FOR SPRING PLANTING Here are some of the trees we can furnish you this Spring at satisfactory prices: Bairn of Gilead American Elm Horse Chestnut Linden Locust Msples - -Soft. Sugar and Norway Poplars-Carolina, Lombardy Wr e :;.iy not be able to plant your trees for some time NOW is a eood time to check up your needs and don't forget me amve rruit treei, Btirutroery, Koses, etc. ji anu man ims aa ana on an order ot jilU or more we wi j give you credit for SI U0 Bend rn your list now so we can get your order READY be- iore the Spring rush arrives. More good active salesmen wanted. Oregon Nursery Cnmpany, Orenco, Ore. PLANT DEPENDABLE. TREES' Depa rt mut A R. N. Stanhield. Kalpii a. Hoi.tk. President Frank Sloan, 1st Vice President Cashier M. H. Lino, tni Vice-President Bank of Stanfield CAPITAL STOCK $25,000 Four per cent Interest p;iid on Time Certificates of Deposit BOARDMAN Townsite Co E. P. DODD, Pres. City Lots for Sale at Proper Prices Boardman is a New Town But Not a Boom Town 0 H WtrMr. PM) . BaAKMAV 01ECOK BOARDMAN AUTO LIVERY W (t iwiaWrt lift! ar t WE SILL LAND ar aa Ta a acafatraa1 Wf it ftnt. L: aa a 701. Ideally located on railroad and Columbia river, far enough awav I f any large town to naturally become the trading center of a wonderful growing country.