The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, February 18, 1921, Image 1

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Salem. Following precedent, the
legislature started on the final week
of the 40-day session with the usual
jam of unfinished business. Both
houses were badly congested and the
closing days will undoubtedly witness
the usual confusion, heated arguments
and strenuous efforts to save pet bills.
It seems to be a habit with legisla
tures to waste much valuable time dur
ing the early days of a session while
important measures are held back for
committee tinkering and then rushed
through during the closing hours,
when there is little time for consid
The measures which ran the gaunt
let of both houses during the first five
weeks of the present session were,
mostly unimportant and of no great
interest to the state at large, Man
of the big bills remained for linn,
consideration by one or both houses.
Night sessions will be in order this
week, and President llituer and Speak
er Bean will endeavor to speed up
work. Perhups the steam roller wili
be oiled up and placed in commissioi
in the attempt to finish up the wori;
this week. Hard work and mufflers
on the orators may enable the legisla
ture to clear up most of the importan;
business before the session ends nex:
Saturday night or early Sunday morn
Road Legislation Unfinished.
Road legislation is still in more or
less of a chaotic condition and the
main highway bills have not receivi d
attention in either house up to the
close of the fifth week of the session
The Roosevelt Highway bill which
paaggjjthe senate and was sent over
toSssrnouse, was recalled by the sen
ate last week and put to sleep in the
senate committee. Just what will be
its fate is problematical.
When the joint ways and means
committee began holding executive
sessions to round out the appropria
tion bills 11 was confronted with the
task of pruning about $2,500,000 from
the demands made upon the state
treasury. Estimates in the original
budget prepared before the legislature
met called for appropriations totalling
19,810,860.63, a sum $819,37li.22 in ex
cess of visible revenues, which total
18,990,974.41. Since the legislature
met various state institutions and de
partments have revised their estimates
upward so as to Increase the demands
in excess of visible revenues to more
than $2,500,000.
Estimates Must Be Cut.
The committee is under the painful
necessity of making some drastic cuts
In the estimates in order to keep
within the 6 per cent constitutional
tax limitation.
One of the most heated contests of
the present session was aroused over
a house bill fathered by Representa
4ives Burdick and Gallagher, under
which it was proposed to. oust the
state engineer from office and make
some radical changes in the irrigation
laws of the state. After one of the
longest oratorical battles of the ses
slon the bill was defeated by a vote ol
11 for and 43 against.
Motor Code Introduced.
Under a revised motor vehicle code
Introduced in the house by the joint
roads and highways committee, own
ers of passenger cars will be required
to pay a license fee based on the
weight of the car, and motor trueks
and trailers will be licensed on the
basis of tire width.
Automobiles, except motor trucks,
trailers and semi-trailers, having a
rated maximum load carrying capac
ity of one ton or over, shall pay the
follow ing license fees, according to the
proposed code: Weighing 18U0 pounds
or less, $15; more than 1800 pound.-'
and not more than 2000, $20; 2000
pounds to 2400. $25; 2400 to 2800. $30;
2800 pounds to 3200, $35; 3200 pounds
to 3500, $45; 3500 pounds to 4100, $60;
more than 4100 pounds, $75.
Licenses of motor trucks, trailers
and semi-trailers will be based on the
total tire width of such vehicles.
House Passes Bonus Bill.
The house passed the soldiers' cash
bonus and loan bill and the resolution .
referring to the people the constitu
tional amendment authorizing sale of
$30,00", 000 of bonds necessary to carry
out the plan, without a dissenting
Under the provisions of the bill as
amended since its introduction, Ore
gon veterans of the world war will be
paid a casli bonus of $15 a month for
each month of service, with a maxi
mum of $250, or may borrow from the
state a sum cot to exceed $3000, se
cured by real property and payable in
installments over a considerable pe
riod of years.
Another amendment to the bill per
mits veterans who were citizens of the
state at the time of enlistment, but
who have since moved out of the state,
to participate in the benefits of the
bill under certain restrictions.
Proposes Special Election June 7.
A bill providing for a special state
election on June 7 was introduced In
the senate. The election would afford
the voters an opportunity to pass up
on the several constitutional amend
ments which have been and are yet to
be referred to the voters by the pres
ent legislative session. Among these
problems are soldiers' bonus, the de
partment of hydro-electric power and
extension of the legislative session to
60 days.
Oregon's delegation in congress was
memorialized by the legislature to pro
cure the enactment of legislation
which will provide Bhips or cargo
space for supplies for the sufferers in
China and the near east.
Logged Olf Land Bill Passes House.
Development of logged-off lands in
Oregon through the creation of logged
off land districts, similar in character
to irrigation districts, is provided in
a bill which was passed by the hous
with but one dissenting vote.
MemberB of the house from coast
counties championed the bill when h
reached the house. It was assertec
that through the passage of this bill
thousands of acres of land now use
less could be transformed into pro
ductive agricultural lands, increasing
the value of such lands and also the
tax value, which would bring addition
al revenue to the state.
The bill provides for the creation of
logged-off land districts in Oregon
through petition to the county courts
and the holding of elections, at which
authority can be granted not alone
for the creation of districts, but also
for the issuance of bonds.
State Aid For Power Plants.
Amendment of the constitution so
as to allow the state to lend its credit
and incur indebtedness in an amount
not to exceed four per cent of the
valuation of all assessable property
for the purpose of providing funtls
with which to acquire, construct and
develop hydroelectric power plants,
ahd generate and transmit the power
for use at a reasonable rate, is pro
vided in a senate joint resolution in
troduced by Senators Joseph and Nor
blad and Representatives Bean and
Provision is made in the resolution
that any plant so constructed under
the terms of the amendment shall be
sold at such price as will tend to pro
mote the industrial development of
the state, and with a view to ulti
mately repay to the state all moneys
Invested in such development.
For the purpose of handling the
bonds necessary to carry out the In
tent of the act, there is provided a
hydro-electric power commission to
be composed of the state engineer, attorney-general
and the superintendent
of hanks.
Would Revise Constitution.
A move to revise the constitution of
Oregon has been begun through the
Introduction of a house bill by Repre
sentative Sheldon, of Jackson county.
Under the Sheldon bill, a committee
of fifteen is to be appointed by the
supreme court to prepare a revised
draft of the state constitution. The
committee is instructed to retain In
the new constitution all provisions in
principle that the people have voted
into the present constitution, and the
matters now in the constitution which
the committee may deem more proper
ly belonging in the state'B statutes are
to be preserved as legislation.
This committee would have four
years In which to complete its work
Fertiliser Is to Be Cheap Again
Farmers who have been forced to pay exorbitant prices for fer
tilizer face relief. The Department of Agriculture has found a new
method of removing phosphoric acid from phosphate rock, which is
thought will revolutionize the world's fertilizer industry. The new
process is shown in the picture dumping the phosphate rock in at
the top it Is heated with coke and sand in the fuel-fed furnace
the acid coming out at the bottom front pipes, held by the man at
the left. There is no loss of rock by this process, whereas the old
Teening method resulted in an 80 per cent loss.
The American women entries In the
Olympic games explain why the
donhbov Ming of the girl they left
behind them.
A committee consisting of
Messrs Ballenger Weston, Dil
labaugh, Cobb ami Barnes made
a trip to Prosit" Monday to con
fer with t lie commercial club of
that, city regarding theVstabliah
ment of an up-to-date ferry ai
this point.
This is a matter of Importance
toward future development of
this locality as well us a boon to
our neighboring committee north
of the Columbia in that it will
unite the Columbia Highway and
the Seattle Spokane highway
wit 1 1 a direct rdote, this greatly
reducing the distance from east
ern Oregon and Washington
points to Portland and Seattle,
as well as improve transporta
tion facilities of a number of en
terprising communities who are
left to work out their own sal
vation in this respect.
Missionary TuikH
The Ladies Aid gave a very
interesting entertainment Mon
day evening. Miss Crawford of
New York City, Held represen
tative of Che Presbyterian M's
sionary school gave a very inter
esting taU on her line of work.
Numerous musical selections,
were render, d after which all
present took an active part in
the election of Officers and the
formation of a Ohristain Endeav
or Society Officers elected
were Mrs. Meriam, president;
Edna Broyles, vice president;
Mrs. Finnell, secretary.
A most ei joyable evening ter
minated with refreshments
Albany's city Jail has been con
J tuned as unfit to house prisoners,
Bounties for 12 bobcats and four coy
otes were paid in Linn county last
The city of Sheridan has complet
ed the Balo of $11,000 of street paving
Severs! cases of smallpox and
scarlet lever are under quarantine at
La Grande.
Smallpox has made its appearance
again in Independence. Two homes are
Albany's third annual automobile
show was held Friday and Saturday
at the iirinory.
Oregon City is industrially prosper
Pus, the payrolls now fcggri gating close
to 1850,000 a month.
Albany's Shrine i-1 ill) has been reor
ganized with a membership of 30. IB.
D. Cuilck Is president.
I'e'.ry TitUS, uged 80, resident of
Clatsop county for 4ti years, is dead
tit his home in Astoria.
During the month of January, 23 ar
rests were made in ftoseburg and fines
amounting to $138 wer.e collected.
.lames Stephens, tit) years old, an old
resilient of Orant county, was found
lead in his bed near Mount Vernon.
The egg market in Salem Friday
reached Its lowest point in seven years.
Eggs sold at 25 cents a dozen retail.
William It. Tucker, at present county
Bgent of Ada county, Idaho, has been
appointed county agent for Crook
The body of Michael lloff, pioneer
business man of Baker, was found in
his woodshed, when' he had hanged
Firs losses in Portland In 1920 to
taled $1,048,742, according to the sn
ntiiil report of Edward Qrenfell, fire
The membership drive recently In
augurated by the BhlgSBS Country club
has resulted In 46 new names being
The overhead iM'idge across the
Coyote cutoff east of lloardinan on the
Columbia highway has been thrown
Open for traffic.
Nels Nelson, mayor of Carlton and
a long time resident of that district,
died at McMinnville hospital, follow
uiy an operation.
B, W. McMindes of the State Agri-
Seed t ern
Any farmers on the west ex
tension desiring seed corn can
secure some from the O W. R &
N. Co. at Mcs-ner Farmer
Smith lias offered seed coin to
those that will contract to build
a silo this year, to others the
price of seed is Hi cents per lb.
in quantities less than 100 lbs
and Tic per lb. in quantities over
100 pounds. This is all accli
mated seed.
The Boardman Trading ('.
having purchased the hardware
stock from J, C. Mai lender have
consolidated the two stores giv
ing us one of the best stocked
general stores in this part of the
country and have done a good
business from the stsrt
A number of Board man people
attended the dance at Morgan.
Saturday, Feb 12th. Music was
furnished by the Boardman or
chestra. Refreshments were
served and a good time enjoyed
by a large crowd.
Among the numerous agencies
thruoiit. the country co-operating
with Herbert Hoover, Chair
man of the European Relief
Council, in his (Tort to raise
$38,000,000 by meMS Of national
collection for the relief of incip
ient st a r vat ion among 8,600,000
children in the wnr-strieken
countries of Central and Eastern
Europe are the American Kx
'press Company and the Ameri
jcan Railway Expiess Company.
Thru the authorization of G.
C. Taylor, president of both or
ganizations "Invisible Guest"
certificates, certfying that the
purchaser has sal vaged the life
of one or more of the little war
j victims, have been placed on
' sale at 25,000 of the company's
offices tnruout the doited States.
"Invisible Guest" certificates,
which can be purchased for any
amount from $1.00 up, are on
sale at the local office of the
American Railway Express
Subscribe for The Mirror,
Considerable hay is moving
out of boardman to points west,
cultural college extension department
has been appointed agricultural agent
for Clatsop county.
Owing to an. epidemic of smallpox,
measles, Influenza and other diseases,
the public schools at Yoncalla have
been ordered closed.
A Hhort course for Commercial club
secretaries of Oregon will be held at
the University of Oregon or one week,
beginning March 28.
With but 54 families in the parish
Catholics of Roy, In Washington COUU
, ty, are erecting a church edifice at
I an expenditure of 881,000,
IThe night train service on the Coos
Bay line will not be resumed until
weather conditions obviate the danger
I of trees falling ai ross the track.
Mrs. Martha J. P, Quick, Oregon pio
neer, is dead at Halscy, BSjSd 80. Mrs
Quick cami to Oregon in 1847 and had
lived In I. Inn county since 1859.
Worthless checks Issued in Ilend dur
ing the past six months cost business
men on an average of (I no a month.
District Attorney A. J. Moore stated
The Corvallis water commission Is
starting proceedings for an election to
authorize a bond Issue of $100,000 with
which to build a new 12-Inch, pipe line.
Mr. and Mrs A. L. Woodard have
Just returned to Cottage drove from a
transcontinental motor trip of 111,000
miles, which consumed 19 months und
20 days.
The supreme court has upheld Cor
poration Commissioner llandley In a
suit by a Texas oil syndicate, to force
him to Issue It a permit to sell stoc k
in Oregon.
K I". Fisher, on the banks of the
Clackamas near Oregon City, claims
that his flock of 180 hens in January
produced 2528 eggs, and for the year
25,532 eggs.
Hugh Hoyle, a citizen of Scotland,
and I'edro Hernandez, a Mexican, in
Jail at Kugene, are In line for deporta
tion. Hoth are charged with robbery
and vagrancy.
Following investigations by a squad
of detectives, one of whom was a
woman, Wasco county officers have
I made a round-up of alleged prohibi
tion law violators,
January was a hard month on bob
cats in bane county. Seventeen men
and one woman collected bounties on
23 bpbeat pelts, thro mountain lions,
two coyotes and one wolf.
Alvlu C, 1.. Chance, wanted on a
charge of embezzlement of funds of
the Ontario branch of the Itoise Pay
ette Lumber company, was arrested at
Long Beaoh, Cel., according to word
received by Sheriff Noe of Malheur
More (ban a score of former state,
Bounty or municipal officials have or
ganized an X-club in Pendleton and
will devote their efforts to giving
present and future official the benefit
of their experience.
Interest in Hie drilling at the Trl
gonia oil well in Jackson county has
much increased in the past week, dur
ing which oil indications have become
more pronounced The 800 feel of
1 0-inch casing has all been set.
From 50 to 75 messages from every
American Legion post in Oregon were
dispatched to Senator McNury, re
(Ittcsting him to support Hie appoint'
menl of Senator QeergS B. Chamber
lain as a member pi ths United states
hipping board under the Hauling ad
ministration. Senator McMary secured the adop
tion of an amendment to the agricul
tural appropriation bill Increasing the
appropriation for forest fire preven
tion and forest preservation from $125,
000 lo $(125,000. This money will be
used in eo -opera) Ion wUh the states of
the northwest.
There were I wo fatalities due to In
dustrial accidents In. Orego.i during
the week ending February 10, accord
ing to a report prepared by the state
Industrial accident commission. The
victims were William Campbell, car
penter. Portland, and Orvlll Smith,
logger, Deschutes
Two DeSChntel county townslfes,
Harper and Imperial, existing only on
paper for years, win cease to appear
on the map within two more months.
Tsxss delinquent since vis are the
I. lis for a judgment order signed by
Circuit Judge Duffy which authorizes
a sheriff's sale of the properties.
With Hie lop of tin? head chopped
off. probably with an ex, the body of
Qeb Hansen. OO-jour-old recluse, llv
ing in a three room slyick on the bank
of the Columbia river, west of The
Dulles, wus found lodged among a pile
of boulders at the foot of a 40 foot
cliff which dropped to the river, below
bis shack.
Allegations that the Deschutes Lum
ber company cut 1,297,007 feel of plan
timber belonging to the A I wort h-
Washburn company during the past
year are contained In a complaint
filed by the hitter Corporation in cir
cuit court at Ilend, In which recovery
of $15,01)0 Is sought, together with
$5000 damages.
ii PYestone of Saskatchewan, Cana
da, will be the firs) alien ever to re
01 Ive final papers on a central Ore
gon homestead The fact that his
son, Thomas, who made the filing, was
killed In action In France, has made
It possible for the fattier lo obtain
title, under the rules of the United
States laud office,
Definite information received In
Portland that United States Senator
Oeorge K. Clnimperlnin will accept
appointment lo the United States
Shipping board If the position is offer
er! him has given the Portland ('ham
ber of Commerce and his supporters
throughout tin- entire state an added
Incentive to work for his appointment.
That the proposal of J. J. Hand
saker, state director of the China
famine fund and tne near east relief
to accept foodstuffs In lieu of cash,
to be Shipped direct from Portland
lo northern China points In govern
ment vessels, has met with a hearty
response throughout the state, accord
ing to reports received at headquarters
in Portland,
Notice of the pardon and release of
W. M. Heivo of Astoria, sentenced to
serve two years at McNeil's island for
publishing matter that cast reflection
on the United States military forces
has been received by federal auth
orltles. According to the notice,
Kelvo'H pardon was signed by Presl
dent Wilson on January 26, and he was
released on January 27.