The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, February 11, 1921, Image 4

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It, will In' oiir pleasure to have our
latrons come ;it will and inspect the in-
tereHtuig things al sawd-iie s at percecu
leiHure without obligation to laiy.
Everything is within reach, where it
may be exam i tied and compared. Our
prices are all in plain figures and we are
glad to explain the making of the var
ious articles.
We Want You to Feel That This 's Your Store
Sawtellc '$9 Snc.
l". yclVocrS Oregon
The Largest Diamond Dealers in
Eastern Oregon
"West Extension Supply Store" j
Our line iw now complete lor i he farmer, We have:
Dry goods
t Feed
T When i hey ask where you got it, SAY
I Board man Trading Co.
I "wicst kxtknsio.n sri'ri.v STORK"
F'ar and away thp most influ
ential, enthusiastic and promis
ibg meeting of the kind aver
held in tin' northwfst was the
organization meeting of the!
Umatilla tiapids Power Site as
sociation in Pendleton. Saturday,
Engineers who knew th'ir sub
ject explain! d the feasibility and
ease of consti uction of the dam
Legislators voiced th-ir a))
proval and assured their help
Railroads were represented and
offered encouragement for the
use of t h r power for transportation.
Bankers suggested, means of
financing the htupetuluous un
dertaking. Prominent men from all sec
tions were there and t;ave ap
proval and manifested their
eagerness to start with a rush
and bring this wonderful pro
position to a head.
The organization was affected
vithout hitch and ws made a
.strong one.
Judge G. W. Phelps, the tern
n rary ohaii man, was made per
manent president and Oregon
and Washington are equally
represented in the officers and
Another meeting is to be held
in Walla Walla Saturday, Feb.
19th. A large attendance is an
ticipated, for the project is in
good, live hands -men who have
and can do bitf things and the
enthusiasm will not be allowed
to die.
Let all attend who can. Here
is a, wonderful opportunity for
the present, right now, if we
strike while the iron is hot.
t means lower rates for elec
tricity, more water for arid lands,
economical fuel for transporta-
j felon and factories- and can be
obtained right now if we use
judgment and concerted action.
Missouri Orgrnizstlon Doubled in
Membership in Two Years Be
cause of Its Usefulness.
Two gears ago ttio United states
Department of Agriculture and co
operating agencies organized u null
association In Webster county, Mo.,
w itli :S1 members. Now there fire twice
that nn.ny members, due to the suc
cess and usefulness of the association.
Before the association was formed
there were 18 bulls owned by the; men
who afterwards Joined it. Upon the
formation of the organization the num
ber of hulls wus reduced by two
thirds, because after the members had
been arranged tato blocks, it was
found thai six bulls were enough.
These were much liner animals, haw
ever. Judging them by their money
value, the new ones weft three or four
times as good as the ones they re
placed, since the average Investment
per lUU was $75 before organization,
arid $2Tfl nfler. ,
,Yet, OVi in.; to the smaller number of
mils needed HO ler the co operative BP
angeinent, the cost per former was
,ut little more. The members hud on
the average $48.71 invested in their in
ferlnr bulls, while the superior bulls
owned by the association cost each
member onlyi S63.45, This $10 in
craase of cost per member meant a
$200 Increase of value In the Indi
vidual bulls from which they now
Diamond Tires
and Tubes
Nighty Easy Riding
Gas Oils Accessories
Expert Guaranteed Repair Work
At Reasonable Prices
Service Car Any
Time Any Where
If your Ford la sick We can cure it.
No cure, no pay
Will Plant TrecH
The Itoardmnn schools are not
going tO Wait for eastern Ore
Igon Arbor Day but will have
tree piantiiiir exercises in con
neetion with the Lincoln Day
I program next Friday. Lines
have been run along the east
and west property lines of the
school grounds where the trees
will be planted Each grade ill
the school will dedicate a tree.
The Board man garage donates
the use of a truck to make a tr,p
i to lrrinon and Hertniston to col-
led trees for planting. The dist
rict will deed to the towpsite a
00 foot street along the front of
the school property.
Think K Over
The posting of a notice on
the fence corner may have its
virtues, but lew people have the
inclination to get out of their
automobiles or tie up their teams
to read a poorly composed ad
tacked up on a ftneepoet. The
same notice, perhaps at a cost
not to exceed "." to 50 cents,
might be placed before a thou
sand fanners who would be per
mitted to read it while spending
the evening around the parlor
table, with plenty of time to
think it over.
W. A Hood win has been spending
t lie week in Port land.
To-night is the regular meet
ing of. the Farm Bureau. A
Special communication from Mr.
Hunt is at hand, and it is time
the organization for the coming
year should bo completed La
dies are requested to bring sand
wiches and cake
Saturday is the regular meet
ing oi the Grange.
Boardman Garage
Valentine social at the church
Monday night. Feb. 11th. Miss
i'i awtoni. tloiil secretary of New
J York will be present.
::::'.:-::::-:..-: ...::-: ::-
Jersey Bull A Sire Is "nlore Than
Half the Herd."
have service one thing which ac
counta for the doubling of the mem
bership of the association after run
ning two years. The value of the calf
crop will probably show a very much
greater Increase.
Dairymen Dissatisfied With Commer
cial Materials Are Turning to
Co-operative Buying.
"Farmers nre almost universally dis
satisfied with mixed commercial feeds
iiiui are depending more on mixing
their own rations," savs Henry Me
Oough, chairman of the dairy commit
tee of the Illinois Agricultural associa
tion, lie ndds: "They arc nil inter
ested in the co-operative buying of
mill feeds such BS bran, cottonseed
meal tod glttten and St times when
there is a shortage In roughages In
the purchase of alfalfa hay."
Commercial mixed feeds ought to
give more satisfactory results because
the manufacturers with their improved
machinery for mixing, large capital
mid ability lo purchase feeds nnd
drains in huge Quantities should be
able to Supply I satisfactory feed at
h reasonable price. Oat bulls, weed
seeds, chaff nnd cheap molasSSS do
not mai;e a nourishing or satisfactory
feed and their extensive use hy some
mixers has brought these disparaging
remarks from Mr. Met Sough.
Columbia Trading Co.
General Merchandise
Boardman, Oregon
Confections Gasoline
Lunch Goods Oils
Fruits Vegetables Hay
Real Estate Insurance
Legal Conveyances Made
Carelessness in Breeding and Calf
Raising Is Sure to Result Dis
astrously to Herd.
Success in dairy Canning depends
to a great extent upon the careful
rearing of the cuives. Carelessness In
breeding SBd calf raising is hound to
result disastrously to a herd, or at
least keep it nt a standstill, as far as
Improvement is concerned, Without
raising calves from which' to replace
discarded animsts it is almost impos
sible to raise the average production
of the herd. Purchasing cows for this
purpose is a very unsatisfactory meth
od. Cows placed on the market are
almost certain to lie of very ordinary
grade, since a good cow whose value
ns a milk producer is known Is not
offered for sale nt market price.
Therefore, the dairy farmer should
take every precaution in handling the
young CSlveS which are to lie placed
in the herd.
Animal May Be Considered Profitable
If She Yields 6.000 Pounds
of Milk Each Year.
A cow may he considered profitable
If she produces 6,000 pounds of milk
or "J00 pounds of hutterfat per year
A good dairy cow should produce
8.1HHI pound Or more of milk or 400
pounds or more Of butterfat.
The monthly meeting of the j
school board will be held in the
sohool offlca Saturday afternoon
at 2
Must Be Capable of Producing Large
Quantity of Milk and Butterfat
A dairy cow Is one of distinct dairy
type nnd dairy breed capable of pro-
duc'tig large Quantity of milk and
hutterfat economically or nt n profit,
nnd to produce calves regularly as
good or better than herself.
I xv wvMwuwmiwMimMvw ft
We are Now Prepared to Exchange Your
Temporary Liberty Bonds, First to Fourth
Inclusive, for Permanent Bonds, with all
..... Interest Coupons Attached
First National Bank
of Kermiston
Surety Bonds
Safety Deposit Boxes
Travelers' Checks
Everybody in the Northwest should oat
Durihg Prune Week. This is your opportunity to buy
Average Orchard Run of Oregon Italian Prunes
1920 Crop
At the Following wholesale prices:
Take advantage of this offer.
By freight prepaid. 101) lbs. or over. 10c per lb
By Parcel Post, prepaid, 25, 50 or 75 lbs.,
or over, 1 1c per lb
Packed only in 25 and 50 Pound Boxes
Orders mailed up to Feb. 19th will be accepted
Bend Remittance with order to
Oregon Prune Campaign Committee
Portland - Oregon
References: r.-S- National Bank, Portland. Oregon.
baud & bush. Bankers, Satom. Oregon.
I". .National bank, alein. Oregon.