The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 01, 1899, Image 4

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    THE 1A11A AST0K1AN. KtilDW JttftNlMi. SEPTEMBER 1,
1 i
..-., many
TO RKADKKS. Th "Dally AaUrlu11
eaUlas twle a Mark reading statu aa
sy thrtprpabllsh4 la Astarla. It
la Ui maty papar that praaaata Ua rra
.., v
TO AUVKRTI8KHa.-rha "Dally Aa- P 100 nuuu'n
aria" tuts MtlhMtwlv as saaay read-, .
.nH,oKp.P -.MI.I.ll.A.t-! The clrcu no doubt
Ha. II la lharerar Hon thaa twlM aa ; multitude of people Into the city to
valaahla a aa aaartuia tMMaM. 1
Crabs at th National Car.
Sweet cream In any amount at th
fresh torn cod and herring at tht;
w Mantei.
Th tug Astoria crossed out yester
day for South Bend.
Wanted Girl for general housework
Apply at l EUvsnth street.
Cold lunch, ploklsd pigs feet, oysters.
sheep tongu, at th National;
Cafe. : , i . I
. . i
a urge invoic or mwney. ramoua.
choolates Just rolrt4 t Th Spa 1
Pnrtv Flrtnrv. -
ft- -
, "
.vMiaiV Pltftrk TKI-1V WaMttakrB laW
' 'TT',-. .. " Ti."
pue M-4Ig)f nt.TUf ) MUU
"5 . rri f
Th stealrtlp Monmouthshlrt to
dy to sail for th. Orient and if .
ted 4 w out today. '
- . . i m
Concert every afternoon and sveaing ,
? TSU nro?rtti0r
Sund ft Mlund. pronrlto-,
; '
The most daiT n4 iiuctoua con-.
f-tion - rt Ice cream In
ldy Factory.
a large front
, centrally lo
t. next Ninth.
the Woodburn !
.am Mnndav.
be called at J i
- !
. .e'
tsnoaiwaier oay,
ed as a cannery
lo cream and
iw you have th
tter. Th Spa
rates between"
n way and
st aria and
ir pleas
Ul last
a were
ant rt
night Dancing ana" . N
the order of the occaslo-
The British ship Durbridge 'rt
land yesterday, wheat latf.'u, or
Queenstown for orders. She Is expect-1
d to arrive In Astoria today. 4
After th first day of September, the
Astoria Woadyard Company, will aell
Knappton mills slabwood, two-cut, di
rect from scow, at $2.25 a cord; llr cord
wood, UTS.
MUs Kate Lampman, teat medium,
wlU boll her last circles Tuesday and
Triday evenings, August 29 SJid Sep
mber 1st Ufa readings dally, Main
.otreet house. '
PALMIST Miss Maud Lampman,
the celebrated palmist, will give life
readings. Can be consulted at the Main
Street House from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m.
for a few days only.
New arrivaU-Th latest ran diocks
of "The Waldorf Special" one of th
finest hats in the world Just arrived
at Herman Wise's. Sole agent for As
toria; price $4. Soft and stiff In all
A special meeting of the city council
wlil be held at 7:30 tomorrow for the
purpose of passing an ordinance au
thorizing the auditor and police Judge
to lease engine house No. 1 for a term
of 10 years.
September 15th Our Large, New Store . Will be Ready for Occupancy. Prior to
Moving Time Our Entire Stock of
Dry Goods and Fancy Goods
Remaining on Hand at the Old Store will be Sold at Or Near Actual Cost.
Sale commencis Monday, Aug. 2, continuing until our removal Sept. 15.
Th contract for raising the Occident
hotel vu let yetrday to Leander
Lebeck. Contractor Suprenant tot lb
contract of making alteration anil re-
morrow. It will behove the little folk I
who are competing for the Aitorlan
crises to keep a sharp lookout for rel
ative and friend.
The American barkentln Addenda
arrived In yesterday from South Bend,
In tow of the tug Astoria. She ha
on board SST.000 feet of lumber and
will complete her cargo at the Knapp
ton mill, where the now lie.
I Th train 4ii In l. .... X .1 . I
..M n m . I
M m u Beld on tne day. of i
the circus, September Snd, until J:S0
p. m. In order to accommodate parties
attending th afternoon performance. I
Harry McDowell, an experienced
chef, has accepted a position at th
National cafe and will henceforth serv ,
the nightly viands for which this re-1
xrt la becoming famous. He Is a 1
painstaking caterer and no doubt will
- . r . . .
much to th popularity of th
The T. J. Pottr cun la jrwtertlay.
Iher decks scant with poger,
carrying a goodly-slsed cargo fit
jfrelsht. Th majority of the downr
rtvver vellers d Embarked her a. .
P too advanced or traffic j
f lrrtance tg th watering tt-.
frelghL Th majority of the do-1
.ab .
-"' ---
ho baa served l .
' ' ""..rn Union Tele-
--npany during . th past
months, has resigned his position, ana
probability leave the city to
Mtend the State Agricultural college.
I at Corvallls. He will b succeeded by
J. H. Byer.
The steamer State of California ar-
; rived down from Portland early yester-
day morning and crossed out for San .
Francisco. Her cargo from Astoria
consisted of SOO sacks of oysters and 100 '
! tons of ah wks. besides some mlscel- !
laneous freight. She carried no pas.
s- .
sengera from Astoria.
A booming souni accompanied by
shout, and laughter, emanated from
the A. F. C. rooms last night. An
! Inquiry developed that the monthly (
I bowling tournament was on. At a :
t ... . t
i late hour. It was announces mai a. aA nmnii Mtj, virtnr vtth a
score to his credit of 158. lne r w" ...
j the intention of the governor and party
The steamer Harrison U scheduled to to go a few miles off the river from
sail this morning with a full cargo of ' where a view of the Oregon and Wash
supplies consigned to the Elmore ' lngton coast could be had. A heavy
Packing Company at Its various can- awell prevailed at the mouth of the
.ri kwtt nn the Nehalem. Tllla- river and two of th party were soon
! mook, 81uslaw and Cmpqua rivers. Th
Harrison will probably be occupied a
full week In making the round trip.
The ateamshlD decree W. Elder
crossed out early Veaterday morning
for San Francisc. On her arrival
there' she. will be turned over to, the
war deDartroent for us as an army
transport After undergoing some al-
teratlons, the Elder will be put In ser-
vice between San Francisco and Manila
and will be capable of accommodating
00 soldiers
The clanging of th flre-bell abou , said a gentleman lost night "The artist
two o'clock yesterday brought out J will be a finished architect and the
great concourse of people who looked subject will be the proposed new ex
anxiously for flaming buildings and a , hlbltlon building. It will be done In
blood-hued sky. A few expressed dis- j water colors, and the people will be
appointment when it was learned that ' offered an excellent opportunity to
the chief was slyly chuckling In bis see Just what the promoters have In
sleeve and at the same tlm practically ( view." An Investigation Into the mat
testjng the responsive quality of the . ter reveals that the committee having
alarm boxes. ! the project in hand means business In
N j the word's very fullest conception.
While next Monday Ss Labor day j Plana and estimates sre being prepared
and In consequence, a national holiday, and an Interest so potent la manifested
It la understood that the common ' that already several offers of ground
council will not pass an ordinance pro-1 pace have been submitted to the Push
hlbltlng the appearance of. the A. F. Club for early and careful consldera
C and Woodburn baseball teams In a ( tion. A a consequence, the committee
nine round contest In this city. Th t feel highly elated, and sanguine that
umpire will call time at tw o'clock, I the venture will be successfully fln
and the men are expec-to ct each ! anced. In this connection, It Is well to
other In the very prln of condition, j gay that a large proportion of the cit
The small sum of 25 cents has been j ns really appreciate that the ex
fixed as the admission prioe. position building Is a needed acqulsl-
0ur Great...
Removal Sale
Fifteen couple of Attorta' pleasure
seeking clement Journeyed to the
Hotel Plavl lat evenly, where the
time wa passed delightfully In dancing
and other amusements. Th company
boarded a launch at 7;M o'clock and
made a quick run down th river. Th
boat returned about H: o'clock. Thl
I la the second of the very pleasant re-
ceptton given thl acaaon at the Hotel
Flavel, a charming entertainment hav
lnj taken place under the aam sua
plcle the lith of last month. The par
Ue were full dress functions, and are
regarded as among th moat pleaaant
and Important of th season.
At two o'clock this morning a me
sage was received at th O. It. N.
dock that the steamer Potter had met
with soma nilshan uo th river and re-
quired Immediate help. Th crew of
u w"uia was routea out ana
soon aa steam could be raised was
dispatched to the acen of th trouble.
What the nature of the accident waa
could not be learned, a no particulars
wer receive i, other than that th tug
whs needed. The weather was very
thick at th time and all that waa
known of the trouble was that th Pot-
ter was awn distance below Skamok-
awa and that she waa firing rockets
and whistling for assistance.
The pilot schooner San Joe returned
yesterday from a week's cruise outside.
Sve B4(1 on p,lot x,, 8ttpi
itatjhewa and Tatton. They report
,,h,-, M(1 T,lton. They
tn t ffW dav, ,
dlrtjr ... AllnoUfh
frl0 yfs,el, ar ay du th J
All alnKI A ..II 1.1 Iih '
wneai carriers am aciiwti&j i
"-f ' w
t..h.Hveranyd.y. They ar. all n
and out th average
Ume from thelr wrti porta Those
now due ar th British ship Benecla,
i dv from Hamburg; th British
nmt,A ti davs from San Wego; ,
the Bernian ship Neck. M days from
Nagasaki; the British bark Arracan.
K davs from Hongkong, and the Brit-
Uh bark Lorton. Ua days from Ham- ,
. . vessel In i
" charteretl. !
a party, consist-'
, v'?' r " !
ol -"" ' j
, Foard. Farrell
!"-'' rnmm,MloU!r,
ra .i ram ni aiihiii. n nil i
ni TA unt wun ,
" . . .
moving for a rip out. do the pilot
schooner Pulltxer. Fuutr
In tow of the tug wauuia ana omyi
went a far as the bar. Their trip was
anitail aAnnuP
than was expected owing
, "
to Some
or me parry wtomiui
In a helpless condition from seasick-
; nesa. The Pulltxer was towea oaca io
; an anchorage abreast of th city and
the party was brought ashore. Cover-
i nor deer and Commissioner Farrell
took th evening train for Portland.
; "
Increasing Interest Exhibited on all
t 8ldes In Favor of the Project
1 "There will soon be a handsome plc-
lure "'sP'ayea in one oi ine proimnrnv
I show windows of Commercial street"
tlon. This Is demonstrated In th fact
that s-vtwl Influential people, without
solicitation, hav called on the Push
Club and volunteered to assist. Among
others who visited the commtttf yes
terday was the rvpreseiitatlv of a
large bicycle house, who nsiwd, In
N hHlf of his company, to u th big
hall under a monthly rental, or at Uan
on such nights as may not be demand
ed by other attritions. A merchant
talked with an At'.orlan reporter as
"There Is no reason why a county
fair should not become one of Astoria's
regularly eatabllshe Institutions, If
th exposition building i puahel to a
success. I don't know that there ar
any so foolish aa to seriously oppos
th plan, but If there are, they should
remember th experience of th people
at Tillamook. When It was proposed
to Inaugurate a county fair at that point
a certain rlaxa of croaker sent up a
howl and prophesied a funeral for It
really before th scheme waa out of
Its swaddling clothes. However, It so
happened that aom gentlemen of en
terprise had th proposition In hand
and they fought It through deaplt th
counteraction. The result waa that th
fair was and has remained a splendid
success. The sain remarks ar equally
applicable to th original movement
for a regatta celebration her. Th two
gentlemen who solicited th funds en
countered hostility, for all that lhy
could refer to waa th crowd that at
tended the Astoria Centennial festivi
ties two year before, and It was gen
erally believed that such a stroke of
fJ f'?HUn pf progjMrit ajul.J hM1It
Now, th re
-" -
gatta Is as fixed a featur aa Christmas
or the glorious Fourth of July. By all
mean there should be no fall down
on the propoaed exposition building.
The city needs It, and will feel after
ti,reclatln Its advantage, that It
wasted several years of Its existence in
not having It a long time before." ,
-a" ,
Astoria's Boys and Olrls Kxclted Over
the Aatorlan's Subscription Contest.
Although th W.atlief wa rainy and
unpleasant yestervlay. It had no appar-1
... ,.!.,, f .he bl armv
" w
of chlluren who have set In : to captur ,
, wuiif,,i H.ea
.w,lnllrtn ,..
- .. ....... .....
. nd big tots, and of a)! aliea and de-
i s riptions nocaea to me ousiness
trnm , . - ,.. -nd ouerled the of
- -
fic fore regarding the contest which
It Is now certain Is to take shape aa
a memorable struggle In the annals
of Oregon newspaper history.
Th following tetter was handed In
directly beforw the supper hour:
Astoria, Ore., Aug. SI, 1S9S.
To the Business Manager.
of th Astorian.
Dear Sir: I am 11 yar old. I would
like to ask whether. If I bring you a
whole year's subscription, you will give
me 12 of your prlx ticket or Just one?
One" of papa's friends says he will tak
the Astorian for a year and let me have
the subscription, and my uncle says he
will atart In with a month. Pleas to
say In the paper and I will know.
Tours truly.
The Astorlan's answer 1 that If a
year's subscription Is brju;ht In, It will
call for as many tickets as there are
months In the year. Therefore, under
the foregoing circumstances. Willie, for
th yearly and monthly subscriptions.
will be entitled to IS ticket or chance
In the contest for th trophle.
The battle I now on with a vim, and
while the boy at thl moment ar the
more demonstrative In th competition
there are several little girls who
have their eyes on the prises, and may
yet prove the victor If their brother
are unmindful.
Prize 1. The boy or girl under II
years of age sen ling In the largest
number of monthly or yearly subscrib
ers to the Dally Astorian during th
months of September and October will
be entitled to a choice of the best (trad
of H0 Rambler bicycles. This prise 1
contributed by the Columbia Electrical
ft P.palr Company.
Prize 2. The boy or girl under II
years of age sending In the second larg
est number of monthly or yearly sub
scribers to the Dally Astorian during
September and October will be enti
tled to a $10 suit, If a boy, or It equlv
alent In cash, If a girl. Thl prize Is
given by Mr. Danzlger of the popular
San Francisco Store.
Prize . The boy or girl under II
years of age. sending In the third
largest number of monthly or yearly
subscribers to the Dally Astorian dur
ing September and October, will be
entitled to a beautiful sterling sliver
watch, American movement, guaran
teed for on year, value 17.60. This
prize Is tendered by Mr. J. H. Seymour,
the well-known Jeweler at 461 Com
mercial street,
Each boy or girl participating In the
contest must bring the name and ad
dress of each subBcrlber, legibly writ
ten on a separate piece of paper, to
the business office of the Astorian, be
tween 1 and I p. m. of any day during
the contest, together with the amount
of the subscription, at the rata of M
ci-nls a month, for the term of the sub
scription. In return, each boy or girl
will receive a printed card bearing the
name and address, of the subscriber,
with ,he date and amount of the sub
script; in. These cards will be retained
by thi recipient until the second day
of Oc(, )lier, 19. On that day the
cards ecelved by the children must
be retui ned to a committee of clergy-'
to Arrivals in illira
men, whose name will hereafter b
announced, and these gentlemen will
compare th card so returned with
th records of th office and make th
award of prises thus shown to b
earned. An order will be given to th
lucky boys or girl and th dealer will
Immediately deliver to them th prises
J. O. Spencer, of Clifton, was In th
city yesterday.
Mrs. Chas. Comstock, of Dundee, Or.,
1 a guest of Mrs. J. T. Ross.
Mrs. James llanthorn Is seriously 111
at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.
C. Ferguson.
Guy Wallace and Mrs. Wallace, who
have been spending the summer In As
toria, will leave for their horn In Port
land this morning.
C. L. Parker and family, of Portland,
were In the city yesterday, enroute
home from Seaside where they have
been spending the summer.
Miss Elizabeth Boise, of Portland, Is
spending the summer with Mrs. W. W,
Parker of this city. Miss Boise Is a
well-known school teacher of th Wil
lamette valley.
Good Tea
Big Preterits
rican Importiiiii Tea Co'i
Big Value Stores.
171 Coounerdal St,' Astoria.
We hive now on sale the most elegant
line of Millinery ever shown In Astoria.
Everything in the latest creation of Styles
and Colors. We give a cordial invitation
to the ladles of Astoria and surrounding
country to call and examine our Hoe.
Saturday, September 2d
Will be the last tiny (or the sale of
the remainder of the very firwsU...
Boots and Shoes
T STIt.Lxrrstsr sacrifice
H ay. Tliey sml t
and Mil slioea otimr
had batter rom now and gt
Mn's Frsaeh CslfHhM. .....
Men's Fin fall Slinr.
Roys' Bchnnl IMuim......
riillrtrsn's School flux
Ijultss rreneli Klt Mutton shuts .
Udlts' flu Kid Shun)...... ....
Ladles' French K til Ties
IIInhm' School Hliosa.......
i'Ai Commercial St., neit to Astsrlon
Breakfast Food
Barley Food
Acme Gluten Farina, Atme Wheat Flakes and Standard Soiled Oats
a2 A. V.
Astorlafs Leading Hotel
Mcgler & Wrlcht, Props.
W. W. Whlpple.ProprUstO r.
Finest Restaurant North of San,; Francisco
538 Commercial St.
"III t ssaae wenevsr carry any shoes
"(lit, Hnirmbr we ar mnufclurrr
llisu nay null mn buy tbent.wyeu
.ll do lh M ou
,. I worth J 10
.. n worth UtO
.. I worth
,.. I AO wurth i w
... I to wurth I S
... 00 worth I M
... 74 worth 1 10
Off let, Astoria, Or.
Select Bran . . .
Yeast, Cocoa
Astoria, Oregon
I . "s