NOTIOM! Dock3. Periodicals. MaKn.n'. Ar 1 NOTIOFTI toks. Periodic,!. MYp.. ... I UK )jAiMJ - an ,tr.iry without ,-,orn;0'J; ' Wv " fell" NO. 82 VOL. L, ASTORIA, OREGON, FBI DAY MORNINO. 8K1TKMBER 1. 185)9 ASICRIA PDBUC UBRARY ASS0CIATl3x www i i m it wnm m m mi-. MEW'S CLOTHING Our nsw lln, Croua. Brndg'i mak. pa. bn Mltotsd aot only wllb vltw to th. desirability of lh styl ivnd pattern but alto on account of uperior wearing qualltita, i ... rr" : t PHIL. STOKES. nONT CONDEJTN... ...HtifdWttrc Co. GRIFFIN Pacific Sheet MANUFACTURERS OF Salmon Vegetable Fruit Lithographing on GAN Sao Francisco, Cat. . Astoria, Ore. , Writ Us for Prlaaa Here Is a List Ot some High Grade Goods at moderate prices RALSTON HEALTH POUDS In great variety good things. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO jleui Zealand Fire Insafanee Co Of New Zealand. W. P. Thomas, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS. Subscribed Cnpitnl $5,000,000 Poid-Up Cnpital 1,000,000 Assots 2,545,114 Assets in United Statos 300,000 Surplus to Policy Holders 1,718,792 , Has boon Underwriting on the Pacific Coast over Twenty-two years, SAHUEL ELMORE & CO., Resident Agents, Astoria, Oregon MEN'S SHOES Our Fall and Winter Hock of th. wry beit make, and very tateit style, bar. bo relv.4 and for low price and .xeell.nt values cannot b aqual.d. Cod. 4 12lb Streets, All itwl ranges tccnuw you unfortunuti'ly bought a cheap one. Huy a 'SUPERIOR" Tbey aro Wftrrttntva hi every particular, ly a firm 62 years in the Iumiuhi .BOB UOND BTREGT Books... Blank and Miscellaneous. Paper... New Crape and Type-writing. Waterman Fountain Peris flux Decorated Paper and Envelope-ioo. f & REED Metal Works spice and Syrnpj Tin a Specialty. Fairbaven, Wasb. S fresh from the mills. , , ' AROMATIC Sl'ICES guaranteed the finest. ... tillmaxn:s i-irb extracts. CHASE & SANBORN'S COPPEES are un rivalled. Toocthcr with a host of other CERTAIN TO CONSOLIDATE 0. R. 4 N. Shortly to Become Pirt of I). P. 6ystera. REASON FOR ABSORPTION Llai From Omihi to PorrinJ Too Lout Bt Successfully Operate! -llf Cilntse Steamer Line. OMAHA. Aug. Jl.-l'resldenl Burt and aevtrsl other leading officials of the t'nlun Paella an holding an ex ecutive conference here to acre upon a plan of consolidating the system by cl i-r alllanr with tbt Oregon Short Lin. One view la that the Vander bllt Interests pmpoae that tht Union Pacific be operated a at present, but that the Short Line became a part of the Union Paln I to be operated from alt Lake City a now and that after thla hti oven done, the Bhort Line will gradually take poasesslon of the 0. R. N. line and operate that portion of the system from Salt Lake. Thti I made possible by the Short Line controlling the majority of the Navigation stork. It In ov-r JWO mllea from Omaha to Portland. Or'gn, which It ssld to be too long a distance for one line to be The other reaams why the conaoll daitnn la considered certain, are: , Julg? Sanborn haa discharged a auc ce.eory of recetvera of the 8hort Line. Oliver V. Mink and Thomaa P. Wil ton. The tale of the Union Pacific'! hold ings of Navigation company preferred atock to a ayndlrate of the Union Pa cific Intereat la officially confirmed at New Tork. TOCONTnOL CHINA TRADE. Capltallita Will Organlie Dig Company In San Franclaco. BAN FRANCISCO, Aug. Sl.-The pro ject of certain monled men to organ- ! lie a United Statea and China trading company to control the bulk of the ! trade In China haa excited much com- Peaches... . A aplendld lot of the celebrated Southern Oregon peaches juat received- Other Fruit... In abundant), and of all varl tle. IVegetables... The moit complete .election In the city and all freah and ort.p. Prompt delivery to all putts of the city and outside points. Foard & Stokes Co. Your Wife Will Ilk Hi ao will the cook. Star Estate Range atlify all who ua. then. If rour batter half does the cookie that is an iMUInal reason why there ahould be a Star Katste Rang In your kitchen. The u.e of them prevents worry and dlaappointmenc. W. J. BCUIiLT, Agent, 4a Bond Street mm IS ment among the commwolal pople of thla city, mimn of whom give the atatement formulated by Ho Tow, the Chinee conaul general, tbelr un qualified approval. A move haa been made to organize the company, which It la underetood la liberally backed by the Chlneae gov ernment, alth-i'Jgh the conaul I. acting In hla Individual capacity. In brief the j ofoiuon m trim 11 . vuoiau im luoiini here with from five to ten million dol lar, capital It can secure from the Chlneae government about every trad ing, contracting and commercial con cession that it sees fit to ask for. i To prevent total annihilation as a nation, the Flowery Kingdom Is oblig ed to secure a commercial alliance with eonie other nation, and the only friendly government has proved to be the United States. The manufacturers and producers av sorlatloo haa appointed Its president. A. 8. Parbero, to act in the matter anil at meeting of capitalists and business men, It has been decided to prepare an addrraM to be sent to every commercial body In the Union setting forth the adi vantages of accepting the offer mad. virtually by the Chinese government J IIEKU8J:D TO OBEY THE . ORDEK OF THE COURT. 1 - ' Only Woman President of a Railroad Fined for Contempt of Court and sentenced to Five Days In Jail. """""" '. BAN FRANCISCO. Aug. Il.-The only . woman president of a railroad com pany In the United States waa formally committed to the county )all for five days for oontempt of court by Judge Troutt today. The woman In question is Mrs. Annie bMn broU(ht (,for, hra that cold Jan Kline Rlkert. and the railway co.por- vary mornnrf hch ushered In the atlon of which she Is the head la the ' ,n of hu detTdaUon. Major For Stockton k Taolumme Ttallroad Com- fene,t a ,fln of heart xot in umple pany. Some time ago Charles Erlck- ' wordf aftJ unarrected roannei the story son, contractor, sued the company to of Dr,yfug. BlrUggie with the madden recover .7 for labor performed and nf lim ,,)on t0 uke hli uftf and ,he material fun.lahed. When the case ,nterventtan of his wife, as an angel, came up for trial the court ordered p,,,ntlnf cul th road of umjr. Tbtn Mrs. Rlkert to bring the books Into ' he pruonjr-, i,reMt heaved court, wlthjut fait Mrs. Rlkert Ig- I mllh ...,.. .nA tear droD, irliklM nored the order and the court fined her 2'Jt for contempt and sentenced her to . five days In Jalt DEWEY DREADS VlIB RECEPTION. Olympla Sails From Vllle for Olbralter Admiral In Perfect Health. VIl.I.EFHANCHE. Aug. SL-Admlral this morning. At 4 o'clock the cruiser sailed out of the harbor for Gibraltar, The admiral says he Is In perfect ' health. He expects to stay at Gibraltar until Sentember II. He exDressod pleasure previous to his departure at his stay here, and dreads his country men's reception. The admiral's visit here waa the most Interesting In the history of the harbor. PENSION ROLL REPORT, WASHINGTON, Aug. St The , an Clajr Evans, nual report of Hon. H. commleeioner of pensions, shows that during the year there were added to ; th. pension roll 40.2!t names and 43.. 184 were dropped, 84.145 ot these by rea son of death. There was expended for pensions. $1S8.SS5,06! The roll is made up of 753.4M surviving soldiers. 237,415 widows and dependent relatives and (73 , nurses. TRANSPORT VICTORIA SAILS. TACOMA. Aug. Sl.-The transport ' Victoria sailed tonight with horses, feed and provisions for the Philippines. There are 75 members of the Third ; cavalry aboard. 8TYINER... The I'.lcctric Doctor. SECOND TALK. If you suffer with a nervous or chronic disease that poisons and drugs have failed to cure, or If you are a weak man or weak woman and have searched In vain for health and vigor, do not despuir. My new system of proprietary home treatments has brought health and happi ness to hundreds that were once drug slaves to no avail. My system Is a bringing back of the nerve energy and vital force that Is needed to restore sick, low spirited, weak men and women to health strength and manly and womanly vigor. I will submit a few names of people living close by who came and will vouch for the merits of my system: Mr. Z. T. Bryant, Lebanon. Or.; Mr. N. J. Korb and wife, Scotts Mills, Or.; Mrs. John Scott, Scotts Mills, Or.; Mrs. H. Oleaon, Sllverton, Or.; Mrs. T. Dibble. Walallu, Or.; Mrs. Clara Engle, Molalla, Or. Mrs. N. Herrlngton, Marquam, 1 Or.: Mr. and Mrs. Comings, Lebanon. Or., and many others that space will not permit their publication, Call an investigate. STYNKR, the Electric Doctor, Main Street House, 159 9th St. Advice and Electrical Disease Reading Free. Hours from 10 to 4 dally. FINDS RELIEF IN TEARS DrtVfUS WeeCS it the PCCltfil Of His Sufferings. TEMPTED TO END BIS LIFE A WiueuTtlU of III Wife's Inter-ventloi-PrUonei and Mine. Drey fas WteeTof ether Afterward. ItENNES, Aug. Il.-Dryfus had the I most trying day be has yet gone . A ..... . hi. fillings and sought relief In tears. The generals have branded him as a traitor before the court and their subordinates have pointed the Onger of ocorn at jjlm Bu. bc oni. once flinched when tne 0(riCiaj report of his treatment on Dvlls Island waa read before him and thi pictures of his sufferings, mentaj ntiv... ... thro- vlviaiy m the serene of bis memory. Then be hid his features and wept He passed through another such cri sis today, w,on. after Captain i-ebrun Renault and n-ltness after wt'.nest had hu chteKfc He roa and after . - , . to -!, a. he mike a few words concerning his de nlal to Colonel Paty du Clam that he wrcte the Bordereau, lie turned to F ren!lli. with a look of thnnks fcr the consilatlon so needed. Dreyfus then uttered these words of heartfelt gratitude to his wife for the courage M-i.h nlch she Inspired hln 'It Is due to her," Je cried, "that I am allv today The prisoner could articulate no more but st dewn abruptly it conceal his distress. Ti.e proceedings conc'nded A W minutes later and he was Uken back to his prison, where his wife visited him. and In the presence of Mme, Dreyfus and the gendarmeries guard he broke down completely, the tnnlon tad been too much for hl.u. He sob I bed oon ulsively and U.e partner of his sorrows Joined him In the silence of te rs. wrrNESSE3 FAVOR PRETFUS, Onlv Three Out of Thirteen Affirm Dreyfus is Author of Bordereau. NEW TORK. Aug. ft Th. Tribune's correspondent summing up the Drey fug case says: The preponderance of the testimony of the handwriting experts which clos ed with the evidence of M. Glry. mem I her of the institute, is decidedly favor w for rwyfus judging from the OUMtloni DUt by Colonel Jouanste. ,,,.,.-, colonel Tiroglnar and Cap .. r,.,,..... WM clearly th? lmpres- I sion made upon the court. Of 13 ex perts, only three Bertllion ana nis understudy, Captain Valerlo and Teys sonnleres affirm that Dreyfus Is the author of the bordereau. Four experts Glry, Molinler, Meyer and Caravay are absolutely positive that the border eau Is In Eisterhasy's handwriting. Two experts Faraf Java! and Bernard- have completely demolished Bertlllon's theory and declare that the bordereau was written In natural handwriting not thot of Dreyfus. Pelletler also agrees with Paraf Java! and Bernard that It l not in Drevfus' handwriting. Three experts Varinard, Belhomme and Couard testify that the bordereau is not In Eaterhaiy's handwriting but de cllne to afflrm that it is in Dreyfus handwriting. I Of all the expert testimony that of M. Molinler, professor In the school of manuscripts, produced the greatest effect on the members of the court martial, for besides his conclusive tecb-l nleal demonstrations, Molinler said the Involved phraseology and the use of unnecssary words, which are so appar ent In the bordereau make it highly im probable that It was done by the tedi ous process. Measurements from a "kevword" wjre also ridiculous. Sup pose that Dreyfus was the author of the bordereau; he would have wasted 1 the time In committing the handwrit ing of Esterhaay who was known to be In correspondence with Schwsrkoppen Mollnler's testimony was so convincing that General Mereler, who by a strange ! indulgence of the court Is allowed to gethi-f with General Roget to act prs. tlcally In the capacity of counsel for the prosecution, sprang to bis feet and succeeded in making the clerk read th. evidence of Grenler, who testified be fore the court of cassation that Ester hasy had changed bis handwriting in 1SV7, piece of evidence which points all th. more strongly to Esterhasy be ing the real author of th. bordereau and forcasts a change in the tactics of the prosecution. Since yesterday there I a distinctly new departure In Colonel Jouanste" s method of conducting the trial He now directs th. evidence more strictl; before th. court, namely whether or not Dreyfus wrote the bordereau. The hearsay of Picot, a member of the Institute who said th Australn at tache. Colonel Schneider told him in substance that Esterhasy was the real traitor, fell fiat on the Judges, although, the court listened eagerly to General Roget. who In his role of Junior counsel for the proM7Vtion, made a spicy tittle speech In behalf of French officers a against .foreign attaches. The testimony of General Delore. di rector of the French artillery was fav orable to Dreyfus, as showing that an JtlUery officer. Dreyfus would not have made the technical blunder of referring to the hindo-pneumatlc brake of the field gun H20-short," as "hy draulic brake," as the person who wrote the bordereau did. General De loye also abowed that the opportunities to secure information .numerated In the bordereau were common to many officers In the line as welt as staff beilde Dreyfus. THREE MEN PERISH ON A DESOLATE RIVER. San Francisco Party of Prospectors Ascend Black River, Alaska, and Three Die of Scurvy. SEATTLE. Aug. Jt Advices from Dawson state that the news of the death of three members of a San Fran cisco party of four who wintered on the Black river haa been received there. E. F. Amstor, Herbert Earl, X B. McDonald and C. D. Whltmore, known aa the Amstor party, of San Francisco, left Fort Tukon last fall for th. Black river to prospect , They got up th. river about 10 miles when w tnteroverfook hem and they "Were compelled to go Into winter quarters. All four became sick with scurvy and before the river opened three of them died. C. D. Whltmore managed to rig up a boat and drifted down the river. He was found and taken in by some fish ermen at the mouth of they?wc)1)lne In a most helpless condition and waa sent to the hospital aj Circle City where he is now. ( ' INCREASED ESTIMATES . FOR NAVAL SERVICE. The Unprecedented', Development of the Navy Shaw a Large Increase Vessels Under Construction. WASHINGTON, , Aug. It The sec retary of the nary haa directed that all estimates for requirements for naval service next year ahall be submitted by tomorrow September 1. thus giving him three months for co-ordinating them for submission to congress. Th. estimates show In general considerable Increase all along th line, owing to the rapid development of the navy, the un precedented Amount of naval ship building now In progress and the en larged demands growing out of the war and the acnlsitlon of new territory. The largest item, $13,000,000 under the head of Increase, of the' navy, which Is tS.OOO.OOO more than any previous esti mate under this ead. It Is due to the unusual number tot warships now In course of construction, aggregating 54 In all classes, the total being much In excess of the number in construction at any previous time in the history of the navy. These Include 11 battleships, four monitors, three armored cruisers, six protected cruisers, thirty-three destroyers and torpedo boats and sev eral mlscelleneaous craft, submarine boats, etc. Admiral Melville will also make esti mates for the new engineering plants. equipments, tools, buildings, etc., at Norfolk, Port Royal, Port Orchard and Mare Island. The plants are old and th requirements now made on them nduce the chief engineer eo recommend the most modern appliances and such remodeling of buildings as will bring them up to date. The man who does the least work Is the one who does the most talking about having his salary raised. hy tvj ir0VB2L; Makes the food more delicious end wholesome pv MmO DISPUTE MAY BE SETTLED Transvaal Sends a Conciliatory Note t9 Great Britain. OFFER MAY BE AGREED UPOft Baer Womea Awing-Orders , for Eaulpeegt Issue!-Looks Very flux Like War. PRETORIA, Aug. JL Th. Trans vaal's not. to great Britain offering a five year franchise and other conces sions was strongly worded and explain; ed that concessions were made with t sincere desire to fully settle all differ, enoes, and to put an end to the strained relations and to avert a disastrous war, therefore, a prompt answer was re quested. The note of Conyngham Green. In reply, was conciliatory and tautamount to an acceptance of the five year offer. It was agreed to waive the suggested commission of Inquiry provided a rep resentative to be appointed by Sir Al fred MUner should be given facilities in Pretoria to make an investigation of the franchise question, and provided the report of such representative should prove satisfactory. Otherwise the transvaal government was request ed to await further sussesUeES from the Imperial government before sub mitting new proposals to the Volks read. Green's note in conclusion sug gested a further conference at Cap. ' Town. BOER WOMEN ARMING. ' JOHANNESBURG. Aus. St Th. Standard and Diggers News, of Johan nesburg, describes the Boer women as warlike. Tney are iorming nne tmw Transvaal governmeaVngalnst grant ing a franchise to. the Uitlanders on a basis of a flyryear residence. ORDERS FOR ARMS ISSUED. BLOMFONTEIN, Aug. Sl.-It is as sertetf by a local paper that orders have been given for an immediate supply ot equipment and cartridges to the Or ange Free 8tate artillery. LOOKS UKE WAR ' PRETORIA, Aug. St-President Kruger today announced to the Volks raad that he received a telegram from the governor of Moxamblque, saying the detained ammunition would be for. warded immediately. The entire cor respondence between the Imperial and the Transvaal governments was read in open session and President Kruger asked Raad to meet secretly tonight for th. purpose of considering th. reply. f MINISTRY MT BE DISMISSED. LONDON, Aug. 31. The Dally Chron icle publishes the following dispatch from Cape Town: It Is rumored her. that Sir Alfred Mllner, governor of Cape Coloney, contemplates dismissing the Schrelner ministry under his spec ial powers. If he does. It is feared that a rebellion will break out as the Dutch would believe that Great Britain Is a train forcing Cecil Rhodes to the front MEDALS FOR VOLUNTEERS. OLTMPIA, Aug. 31. Governor Rog ers has asken Mayor Humes, of Seat, tie, to take charge ot the subscription fund to purchase medals for the re turning volunteers to be presented on their arrival In Seattle. The design of the medal Is a handsome cross made of gun metal suspended from a red whits and blue ribbon. It will require about 3500 to purchase the desired number. BIG FIRE AT BALLARD. SEATTLE, Aug. 3t A fire at Bal lard this afternoon, destroyed the plant of the Bay Lumber & Single Company, public school building and a rmall dwelling. The total loss Is estimated at 360,000, ot which (50,00. falls on the mill company. How can there be time for every thing when so much of it is wasted. rtArCHff-c. K1WS CO. , HEW TOW. for fnlt.