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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1899)
litis. IA1U A3T0K1AN. tll.M.., .utmM.v.. uiiUST X9, Ml TU HKAlKK.-xle "DaUj Astorlaa" twaula wto M narh reMtng BIMtM ajr ih-r papar pahliU4 la Aatarta II It Uh paper that praJWU lit raedarl with 4ml rlirrihl rprt. Cu AV KKTIKRJ.-Tha "Doll A tarlaa" kH Mar tkM nasy fil ar aay ntiiw paper patiUak4 la At ria. ll lhrftr mora Uuta lata a valaabl a aa Mtvartutng BMMllaav TODXTB WEATHER. Fair, warmer weather. AROUND TOWN. Crabi at the National Cafe. 8weet cream Is any amount at th Parlor. Fresh torn cod and herring at the Pat Market The Samson crowed out Bun day fOD Gray's harbor. The steamer Elmore ail leave out for Kehalem this morning. The BrltUh bark Sofala left 119 la tow for Portland ytstenlay. The State of California arrived In yerday morning from gan Fraclsco. Cold luaoh, plckl4 plf tt, oysters, beep tongua, eip a( kl Rational Cafe. A lr JnYSi? Of Lwney" famoua just ri.vH p Candy Factory. The Oriental steamship Monmouth shire will leave down the rtrer from Portland tomorrow. - afternoon and evening Co&JirfiTtr street, t the "Fashion," Ui AHor Sund A Nylund, proprietor. the British ship fcllmory arrived down from Portland Sunday, wheat laden for Qu-wnstown for orders. The most dainty and delicious con fectionery and the best Ice cream In the city at The Spa Sandy Factory. The Clatsop mill baseball team de feated a picked nine at the A. F. C grounds Sunday. The score was U to 4. When you get our ice cream and confectionery, you know you have the best. There Is none better. The Bpa Candy Factory. Reduction In passenger rates between Portland and Astoria J1.I0 cne way and IL80 round trip over the Astoria and Columbia River Railroad. Prof. Stoddard's clasa In Ralston physlclal culture will meet hereafter at the Presbyterian church, on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday even ings. After the first day of September, the Astoria WoJyard Company, will sell Knappton mills slabwood, two-cut, di rect from scow, at 1125 a cord; fir cord wood. S17I. Miss. Kate Lampman, test medium, will holl her last circles Tuesday and Friday evenings, August and Sep tember 1st Life readings daily, Main Street house. PALMIST Miss Maud Lampman, the celebrated palmist, will give life readings. Can be consulted at the Main Street House from 10 a. m. to S p. m. for a few days only. FOR RENT. Furnished rooms for When Good Coffee Big Presents re Wanted j Try Grsat Asisricai Iiporttai Tea Co'i Big Value Store. m OomacrcM SL. Aatarta. MARMEtOUS VALUES OlR September 15th Our Large, New Store Will be Ready for Occupancy. Prior to Moving Time Our Entire Stock of Dry Goods and Fancy Goods Remaining on Hand at the Old Store will be Sold at Or Near Actual Cost. Sale commences Monday, Aug. 23, continuing until our removal Sept. 15. -ALBERT DUNBAR'S housekeeping; alto single rooms In pri vate family. 124 . Fourteenth street. Call at the Spa candy factory for par ticulars. The Gearhart hotel closed last Satur day for the season. A large majority or the guests left on the same day, an Infalllabl sign that the hymeneal days are coming apace. - The steamer North Star la lying In side the O. 15. X. dock. The crew have tv?n paid off and she will remain idle until the Alaska salmon season opens next spring. Workmen removed all the wood work of the grand stand yesterday and noth ing was left standing except the tower. This will be left Intact and will be used again for next years' carnival The "Degree of Honor," the ladles or der of the A. O. U. W held a meeting at Hanthorne hall last night. The same society wll) give an entertain ment In the hall next Monday evening. The Fort Stevens baseball team de featsd the Astortans In the baseball game at Lcng Beach Sunday, with a score of If to I. The Astortans were f lckfvj nine, A fair crwd witnessed Ihe gam, -.. . . . u;.- '"tw The county court was engagej yes terday In adjusting the boundaries of the road, districts as required by the new registration law. The court had not finished when adjournment was taken until tnla morning. A brother of Or. A. A. Finch, who has been In attendance at the regatta festivities, returned to his home In San Francisco yesterday. Mr. Finch Is connected with the postortlee depart ment In the Golden Gate city. r - A. a. coomey, proprietor vi w confectionery and Ice cream parlor, spent yesterday in Portland purchasing supplies. The Spa's Ice cream Is a noted commodity In Astoria and finds a market in a large number of fashion able homes. Rev. Mr. Marcotte, equipped with a omplete U'nnls outfit, boarded the train for Fort Stevens yesterday. He was accompanied by several young ladles and gentlemen, all of whom were the guests of Lieutenant Patter son on arrival. Wong Glng. the Chinese cook at the Occident, was arrested yesterday on a charge of assaulting H. F. Taylor, one of the waiters at the hotel The case was tried before Justice Hughes and the defendant was found guilty and fined 110, which he paid. C. H. Williams, a recent attache of the writing staff of the Astorian, leaves this evening for his home In Oregon City, where he will henceforth abide. Mr. Williams is a bright and capable newsgithirer, and will be missed by his many friends In this city. There will be a meeting of the Gun club this evening In the rooms of the Astoria Progressive Association at 8 o'clock, the object of the meeting Is the securing of grounds to shoot on the coming season and as a consequence, it is very desirous in having all mem bers attend. The story published In the Astorian a few days ago that the schooner Jessie would soon be remodeled and equipped for deep sea fishing, promises to be speedily fulfilled. Carpenters com menced work on her yeserday. pre paratory to a cruise under command of Captain Henderson. Kow that the regatta Is over and friends have departed, all who value scientific systematic exercise should Join Professor Stoddard's class tonight. Tonight's lesson is the first in the last half of the term and will probably be tbe last chance for receiving this most excellent instruction. Don't think It too late to Join as' the whole term's work will be received during the next two weeks. Olln D. Wheeler, of the passenger de partment of the Northern Pacific, has been In Astoria for several days past, gathering material for a new edition Great Removal Sale of the Lewis and Clarke story. Mr. Wheeler Is accompanied by his wife, and also Mr. Geo, II. Hlmea, of he Oregon rionocr Association, of Port land. . klr. Hltnes has In prospect some new historical data which he la per fecting arrangements to accumulate through the aid of surviving members of the now almost extinct tribe of the Clatsop. County Judge Gray stated that the warrant for tlii, which was ordered drawn In favor of the state board of Immigration, was Issued with the un derstanding that unless the other counties of the state put up a propor tionate amount the money would be returned. The warrant Is subject to the order if the county court and la now In the hands of W, G. Gosslln. A carpenter with the British ship Garnet Hill, now anchored In the har bor, met with a painful accident yes terday morning. It seems that while chopping at a spar, the ax slipped and glancing, struck his right foot, cutting an ugly gas Erectly forward of the ankle. He was itfovght Into the city, and waited on by JJr. , A. Ful ton, who stitched and benrlajvj the wound. . , Ci r. P?"!"", fio r?rn4 i wntly from the Nehalem, reports that there Is some sort of a caterpillar making havoc with the Umber of that section, denuding the trees of every vestige of foliage. The timber has been thus damaged for .nlles east from Cannon beach, the strip being about hree miles wide. This destructive pest does not confine Itself to the timber, either, but takes In the underbrush and products of the farm and garden as well. " ..islon of the naval reserves, was ilghtod off the mouth of the Co lumbia river yesterday. She was tak ing a southerly course, and left in her train a tortuous reach of smoke, that betokened a lively ipeed. The gentle man who detcrted the vesel. oboerved that the boys were either too 111 to re quest being landed or have sufficiently recovered from their squeamlshness to desire a continuation of the voyage Sheriff Llnvllle yesterday sold several lots under an execution In the cim of W. & Dement vs Mary A. Rs Hi-t. ' el aU The property sold was lot 4, ; block 145; lot 1, block 147: lot 7. block ' 133, MeClure s. H. B. Parker was the 1 purchaser, the consideration being tn the case of the Clatsop Mill j Company, vs Sal Get, et al, a tract of ! land was sold tn section !4, township 8 ! north, range 10 west, and lot S. block , McClure's to the plaintiff for HJ7L S3. In the case of Freeman Parker vs estate of W. W. Parker, lot t, block 11 was sold to the plaintiff for 3.131!5. Again this cofumn is constrained to make a few remarks touching tbe al most phenomenal success which trials In the wake of the Improved make-up I and appearance of "he Astorian. In ! other words, the Astorian Is the otie ; and only representative local dally at ,' present holding the field, and with our ' newly arranged and enlarged facilities, it la the purpose of the management to make it still further Astoria's prom inent business and social organ, en hancing its aspect with unique and entertaining features wholly unattain able by any of Its competitors. A woodchopper addressed a circle of acquaintances on Bond street yester day, drifting from the common place In discourse to flowing and impassion ed utterances. The gist of his ovation was that he would leave for Salem this morning, "There Is too much work here," he said. "Labor Is scarce and one man has to do the work of two, and In some cases three. I've got twenty-five dollars saved and I'll go over there and pick hops and make twenty-five more. That will last me until November first. I'll be broke then and come back and make a new stake. ' At a meeting of the chamber of ' commerce, which was held last even : Ing, the correspondence relating to : the recent visit of the congressional j delegation to Astoria was read, and the see question of dwpenlivg the channel In front of the city was discoursed and referred to the committee on eoinmerve and navigation, with Instructions to Investigate and report. The secretary was Instructed to acknowledge the le celpt and extend the thanks of the chamber to the I'nlon Pacific railway company for a aerlea of ma lately donated to the chamber. The chamber since Its renovation. prwn:s a much more Inviting appearance than for merly, and there has been a gratify- i Ing Improvement In the Interval and attendance al the meetings. j A sad aei'l lent occurred yesterday to ! Mrs. Caasldy, of Portland, who Is visit- j Ing at the home of Mr, and Mrs. I. N. ' JeftVrs on th Lewis and Clarke. While ! driving In a buggy to Seaside one of the w heels struck a stump wirh such ! force as to throw her violently to the ! ground. Mrs. Cassldy Ml on her head ' and was rendered unconscious. She i was place.! In the buggy and taken ' back to the residence of Mr. Jcffers, A ' physician was summoned from Astoria I and had not returned at an early hour ' this morning, Is feared that she U fatally injured, J "I had a good company listed for ! Veptf nibtr Sod." said Manager Sellg. of ! the opera bouse, yesterday, "but the; and Appearance of Walter Main's circus on the same day kills all chances for any theatrical business. I could play against an oratl m by President McKlnley or a Jeffreys Fttssimmons prixe fight, but not against a circus. Bald heads from babies to old men go to see the clown sad the elephant, and you can't stop them. No. I shall cancel that attrac tion and play something good very i6un thereafter," , - j Farmers lnj other 'ho navt .J c.utlon to uae the Lewis and Clark : road, are loud In their denunciations j of Us present miserable condition. In f.i'-t. Its surface Is so rough and Jag ted, and so generously defiled with mud ant slush thut the milkmen who hith erto have traveled It to and from the city, are again using the river boats In preference. There is a general opin ion that the road commissioners, rather than to plow and scrape and wrench treat holes !y removing tree trunks, should leave them Intact, and plank the road In a substantial and Inviting condition. To do so would be to save money. If the opinions of those Inter ested are to be taken as criterlans. About two weeks ago, an Interview with Miss Lampman, the life-reading medium, was published In the Astorian. , The subjects discussed were of a vary ing character, and In one Instance, ref-1 emnce was made to the 'act that the j late Robert G. Ingersoll had already : delivered two lectures In the realms I of the spirit world, and bad expressed a regret that his life had not been pro- ', tracted another year In order that he might have rectified many, erroneous Impressions which his eloquence and ! caustic pen had given currency. Tea- ' terday, William Chance, of this city, j received the last issue of the Progres- i slve Thinker containing two lectures ' referred to by the spirit who waits on 1 Miss Lampman. The medium through ' whom Colonel Ingersoll gave utterance Was Mrs. Cora L. V. Richmond. j The weather of Sunday and Monday was of a quality to sult the most ex-1 acting decrk-r. The sun was obscured , but little by the clouds and streamed ; down In a glorious flood of warmth ' and brightness that filled the streets ' with a happy people and the drive- j ways with conveyances old and new and ranging from the commonest of ' express wagons to the most fashion-' able broughams. The weather In Port-' land was likewise of a delightful char-: acter. The street cars did an Immense ' passenger truffle, while the parks and other out-of-door resorts were crowd ed with the classes who look to the Sabbath as a day for recreation. Could Astoria have had yesterday's weather for the opening day of the regatta. there la little doubt that thousands of people additional to the great crowd which attended, would have availed themselves of the opportunity nd fa vored the city with their presence. , The regular meeting ' of ' the "Push Club was hel.l last night. "There was a fair attendance and President Ham blett presided. A communication was read from W. B. Wells, of the Port land P acidic Monthly regarding the advertising of Astoria.' The proposi tion of Secretary Lyman to secure general information by making a aer ies of trips through the country was favorably received and he was ' In structed to do so. The building of a large halls capable of accommodating 800 or 1000 people was generally dis cussed. A motion was passed that a committee of two, consisting of Messrs. Newell and II. O. VanDusen, be ap pointed to look Into the matter and obtain plans of a suitable bulldthg'. The members favored the location of such a hall between 17th sreet and the Clatsop mill. The erection of a new hotel building was also discussed, but no definite action was taken. Secretary Lyman stated that the creamery was progressing very favorable Mr. Lyman also stated that a creamery would soon be established on Gray's river, the promoter of the enterprise being al ready there to look over the ground. THE MISHAPS OF THE GARNKT HILL. Her Detention on the Willamette Bar Strained the Ship and Resulted In A Chain of Other Misfortunes. The British bark Garnet Hill Is still lying at anchor In the harbor awaiting -..-lr nn ,m n I m mi ..SH AX A HAN'S.. TWO STORES 4- for a grain charter for Europe. Ono of the bright young apprentices who la In training on the ship for an oncer's commission told the, story of the last voyage to a visitor yesterday, , , , "We loft Portland a little over , a year ago, loaded with (umber for China. As soon as we renched the mouth, of the Willamette on our way duwp, w ran aground, and were on the, bar there for 18 days. Finally we got oft and proceeded on our way. We sooa encountered rough weather, and pur deck load of railroad ties .caused ,pi lots of trouble.,, We, were continually losing ties from this deckload, and finally In the China ran ifltp a tybpoon and our bulwarks were par tially washed away, seams In, the hull opened, and we, were forced to put into a flrydock for repairs. ., ; "I have of ten " thought that , the straining the ship sustained , at tha mouth of the Willamette while coming ddwn from Portland was the cause of much of our trouble afterward, and I bulleve it Is taking tall chances to bring a loaded ship drawing any depth of water down the river, ,'( , "It has been two years since wo were In a home port, but we expect to make our next voyage to Europe, in which case we will visit England, our na tive land again." TO CLEANSE THE SYSTEM. . Effectually yet gently, when costive or bilious, to permanently overcome habitual constipation, to awaken tha kidneys, and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them. to dispel headaches, colds, or fevers, use Syrup of Figs, made by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co, AT 438 COMMERCIAL STREET. The Boston Shoe Co. sells ladles, French kid shoes for 12 worth M and 18 a pair. t J 7 THE ... a'. r. i ' " LAST ,;- i ' r i. al .If 4 WEEK a FT 'UlkTiif. .a I 1 voH if" o 7j I;; W Jl!ii,,;r We have " now. on sale the most elcfint line of Millinery ever shown tn Astoria. Everythlncln the latest creation Of Styles and.. Colors. We give a cordial Invitation to the ladles of Astorta and snrroundlng country to call and examine our line. t !' .". i C Saturday, September 2d Will be the last day for the sale of the remainder of the very finest.... ; Boots and Shoes Tf ITIW. ifwaier acrlrto will he made t we nvr carry any alines J Tlioy tnu.l be ol.L lUiwmtwr w are aiauunwiarera and wll sIkh plmpsr than say rsulUr ran buy U)u,Myoo ' bad better rase now aud get them. Men's French Calf Hho . Mao's Fins fall slugs.,,. ,- Burs' fc-Uool gttfwa. Chtldim'sHehool Hluxa, Ladles' rreueli Kid Button Hha .:... Ladl.s' Knit Kid SIkm..... Udlss' French Kid Ties MIsms' ttchool Hliuea. BOSTON, SHOE CO. 435 Commercial Su.ocit to Astorloa 4 RALSTON HEALTH CLUB Breakfast FV J.Seect Bran V. -V 7 . Barley taFoodVTi .J Yeast, Cocoa- - Acme Gluten Farina, Acme Wheat Flakes and Standard Rolled Oats. i A. Y, ALLEN'S i 'U' raae n I Astoria's Lrepidliig Hotel I 1 Mcj?lcr t$ Wrights' Props' , PALACE SSTiSSl . W. W. Whlpp.e.ProprietOr. v r..; Finest Restaurant North of San Francisco ATTBNTrVB SERVICE..,. FIR87VCLA08 CU1MNX., i PRIVATE ROOMS FOR LADIES. 538 Commercial St. t, i M worth N in I 00 snirlh t JO It worth I w . J" worth 1 00 I M wurlli 4 oq ..1W worth I at . 99 worth M .......... TSworin 1U Of f let. Astoria, Or. mc-n ipt i Astor Jo, ".Oregon