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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1899)
lUK DAILY 1ST0RLA1H TU&iDA. MOKMNU, AUOl'ST M, !8i9. JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone Msln C TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent bjr null, por yr H tout by mall, per morns, M sWrvrd br can ter, r coontn SEMl-W-KKLT. But ty null, pr year, 1b advoo....HM Posts free to sutjacrtber. All cotnnwatcaUons InUOdiJ tor publl eatlon should be directed to toe editor. Business ovnunltlons of all Wads ...I HnlnufM must b 4drMd. to "To Astorlan." Ths Astorlan guarantee to Ua adver riser the ianjest circulation at ear Msrspaper published oa ta Columbia riTr. AJrertUinf rate caa o baa ! attoo to th bmlnses maar. judge Bowlbjrs letter is another eot mmn contains wmi valuabls stigsea tlona, Astoria and Clatsop county ar the localities pre-eminently where tb mooamenu to the early northwest explorer and their discoveries should be established. It Is strange that any other section should hare been thought f in this connection, especially Seat tle, now occupying ground which was then supposed to be British territory and which is even yet open to serious question as being Included in the orig inal Louisiana purchase. Portland can claim no right to the distinction of commemorating the centennial of Levi and Clarke's discoveries, nor is there any good reason why a monu ment or other form of permanent me morial should be erected to the dtscov erers in that city. Astoria, cn the other band, as Judge Bowlby points out, U the real historic ground of that famous expedition. This point was the goal for which the explorers start ed oa their long and perilous trip through the wilderness, and it Is here only that any visible signs of their presence remain. A local society should be immediately organized to verify and establish these historic spots, and steps should be taken to carry out Judge BowIbys idea of their public acquisition and marking in some fitting manner. Steps should also be taken to prepare for a centen nial celebration In 1905. Such an event would attract attention all over the country, and bring visitors from all the leading historical societies of both Europe and America. WHT OREGON GETS NO GOVERN MENT TRANSPORT BUSINESS. The last number of the Northwest Herald arraigns the Oregonlan for Or egon's exclusion from any share In the transport service now carried on by the government between this coast and the Philippines, rhe Herald says: San Francisco on the south, Seattle on tbe north, are humming with busi ness developed by the transport service to the Philippines. Vessel after vessel arrives and departs, while we are com pelled to sit In idleness and see this trade go by us. Vancouver, six miles away. Is the main recruiting station and rendezvous for the Northwest, but the regiments there recruited take the train for Seattle to depart on their voyage. Vancouver is the head of the quartermaster's department for the Northwest, yet the government has es tablished quartermaster and commis sary departments at Seattle. This trade will run Into the millions. Is It not wjrth having? Why don't we get It? Will the business men of this com munity never wake up? Will they never realize what Is behind all this? Do they think they can afford to be made tools of, politically, and not ay the' penalty? Tou all know what your "only paper," a republican organ, has been doing lately for "advertising pur poses" only. Tou all know that this re publican organ has been even more abusive than the democratic papers of the administration. Fair criticism of the administration Is not out of place from a republican paper, but the un dignified personal abuse of the presi dent the "only paper" Indulges In would have been improper even In a democratic paper. It received its re ward In the advertising It got. Port land receives Its reward In the business It loses. We think the Herald does Injustice to the Oregonian In ascribing Oregon's III fortune respecting this trade solely to the political course of the Portland dally. It Is doubtful If the administra tion Is so narrow ax to seek the pun ishment of all Oregon for the fault of one newspaper. The fact cannot be denied that there nre some goofl people in Oregon, republicans a well as democrats, who voted for McKln. ley and without whose aid the state would surely have been lost to the gold standard ticket and to whom some of the Oregonian's criticisms of McKlnley appeal with strong favor. ' But the great mass of the repbllen party, with every republican paper sn tbe state outside of Portland, Is loyal to McKlnley and earnestly supports his administration. In any case, Port land Isn't the whole state of Oregon. But even In Portland It Is unfair to select the Oregonlan aj the scapegoat of that city's plight In being shut out of the government's Phttllplne busi ness. Tht Oregonlan Is partly to blame, to be sure. Perhaps that paper is mors to blame than any other par ticular influence In Portland. Not, however, because there Is any reason to believe McKlnley would adopt ruch an unworthy method to avenge his political wrongs at the hands of of the Oregonlan, but for a reason much more legitimate and which goes much deeper. The government sends no Philippine business out of Port land because that city has ceased to figure as a seaport for general com merce. The men who control the gov ernment's transport service know the difficulties encountered In navigating the 100 miles of river channel between Portland and the sea. Some of them, like General Otis, have been stationed on the Columbia river. They cannot be caught and gulled by the bogus statistic published from Urn to time In Portland papers regarding that city's location and commercial Import ance. These statements please Port land people, because a majority of the newspaper readers of that city are too blind or prejudiced to admit the ac tual facts as to Portland's decline In competition with the Puget sound sea ports from which the commerce of the North Pacific Is now being conducted; but they don't fool the government Oregon, with her immense seaboard her matchless fresh-water harbor. In close proximity to the sea and Con nected by railroad with all sections of the country, gets none of tbe gov eminent transport service rlmply be cause Portland stands tn the way. The commerce that city Is unable to do by reason of her Inland location she will not let Astoria have, lest It build up a substantial seaport at the mouth of the river. This is why the govern' ment sends Vancouver troops to sea by way of Puget sound. The political course of the Oregonlan has" nothing to do with it Reecham's Pills w asas- AMUf WM rsallllfl CUKE SlOX HEADAOUE amd met like suite as a weak mtomach ami disorder! liver. Ml ii I rim n Til ilrn rim f By allowing the secumtnaaos tn the bowels to reman, the entire system is poisoned. D Witt's Utile Early Risers regulate the bowels. Try Went and you will always use them. CharhM Rogers. There are very few cynics found among the successful. Pneumonia, la grippe, eougns, eelds. croup and whoopicg cough readily yleid ;o Oi Minute Cough Cure. Use this remedy sn time and savt a doctor's bill -or the undertaker" Charles Rogers. Cold weather never prt" of fuel contracts the Some of the results or neglected dye. peptic conditions of the stomacn are can cer, consumption, heart disease and en. Uepey. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure prevent all this by effecting a quick cure tn all cases of dyspepsia. Charles Roger. A fair exchange is no robbery, and a fair robbery Is no exchange. Crippled by Rheumatism. Tboae who have Rheumatism find themselves growing steadily worse all the while. One reason of this Is that the remedies prescribed by tbe doc ton eon tain mercury and potash, which ul timately intensify thediseass by caus ing the Joint to swell and stiffen, producing a severe aching of the bones. B. 8. S. has been curing Rheumatism for twenty years even the worst casei which seemed almost incurable. Capt. O.K. Hashes, the popular rallmae conductor, of Columbia, 8. 0., bad sn eissrl. enee with RheumatUm wbieb. convinced him that there ) obIt one cure for that painful dis ease. He ayn: "I was a rrc&t suilerer f ronvmua. i.r Rbeumatiim tor two yean. I oould get Be permanent rQaf from any medicine pra- rirtbed if my DDyalolaa. look aboet a doseo boV tU of yoar g. 8. 8, sod 9 ' saw I am a wall a 1 r evevwaelnroylif. Iam anjr l rial your meojoina -used me. and I weald c Everybody kaosrt tka Rheumatism to a diseased state of tt t)lood, and osjy a bleed tvnrn&j ts Us only proper treatment, but a xearaody containing potash and roereary 00 1 aggravate, the troobte. S.S.SMood teiag Purely Ttgwtabls, goes direot to th vary cause of the disease and a per naoent to ahrays results . It If the only blood reuvedy swasenlstil to so- Aln do potaea. sua oar 1 or want oeu caxoos mixwrsis. f Dc Shilohs ft Cough and M9ns1.mpf.on uire This I bevr-nd question the tnoet successful Couch sldl cim ever known to science: a tw doe Invariably cure the wo rut cases of Ctm:h, Croup ami Htoncnitis, while its wun. derful nttni tn the cure of Conumntion it without a par alleltnthehtati.rvot medicine, tunc iw Ant discovery It has km sold on a ruarantee, a It st which no nther nmtK-lne caa stand, it yon have Couch, we earnestly alt y totryit. Inl'nitvdMetveand Canada iV, and SUM. and la Kit land la. 1, a. SO. and s.J, SOLE PROPRIETORS !fS.CWEiis&Co, Por Sal by C3r.UU.KB ROOBR8. Liars should possess good memories. A baby is like crasv patch work, composed of bits of it ancestor. All of them contribute some thing to baby ' phytic! or mental or moral make-op. The mother give tbe largest (hare. To great extent the health of child drpenda upon tbe health of the mother, both before sad after birth. If, during the penou of es prctancy, the mother enjoy good general and local health, the will have a child with a rohatt body, as alert brain and vigorous health. ion cannot expect such a child from a weak, sickly, nervous, despondent woman, who is broken down by derangements and disease of tbe distinctly feminine organ. A woman tn that condition it almost sure to have a puny, sickly, peeviih babv. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the brst preparation for motherhood. It relieves maternity of its dangers, and of almost all Its pain. It restores tbe delicate and im portant orrans that bear the brunt of ma ternity to perfect health and strength, and assists tbe regular ana Drauniui perform, ance of all the natural function. It ban ishes the ailment of tbe critical penod. and makes bsbv's debut easy and almost painless. It insure the little new comer's health. Thousands have testified to Its merits. Good medicine dealers sell it and no honest druggist will insult your intelli gence by urging upon yon something else as "just as good.'1 Tbe "just as good" kind is dear at any price. Mrs. P. S Csanings, of K& 43s Humphrey Street St. Louis, lio.. writrs : "I am sow the happy mother of a nee. beanhv baby girl. I feel thai your ' Faeorne rnacriptioa ' has done me more rood than earthing I have ever taken I took three bottles of the 'Prescription.' and the consequences were I was only i labor (arty UT minutes. With say first bsbv I aunVres eighteen hour, sad the had to lose Mas. A $1.50 home doctor-book rsaa. Por s paper-covered copy of Dr. Pierce' Common Sense Medical Adviser tend 91 one-cent tamps to cover coat of mailing only. Cloth binding 10 cents extra. Address Dr. Jt V. Pieice, Baflalo, N. Y. Tor many years science has studied liquors. Result the whole world uses hlskey. It has proven the best stim ulant and does not Injurs nerves and tissues like coca wines and other drug' ged compounds. And Harper Whiskey Is the Ideal whiskey. Sold by Foard A Ftokes Co, Astoria Oregon. Don 1 mink you caa cure mat siigai attack of dyspepsia by dieting, or mat It will cure Itself. Kodol Dyspepsia Cur wUl cur It; It "dlsrests what you eat," and restores tbe dlgeetrv organ to health. Charles Roarers. Trouble drives fewer men to drink than drink drives to trouble. If you have piles, cur raam. Ho as undergoing horrible operations that sis. ply remote the result of tb disease without disturbing ttt dlseass Itself. Place your confidence In DeWltt's Witch Hasei Balv. It has never failed ts sort others; It will not fall to eur ron. Charles Rogers. The soo Chin; and hearins; properties of Cltsunbarlaln's Cough Remedy, Its pteas. M taste and prompt and permanent cures, have mad It a great favorite wtth to people everywhere. For sals by Charles Rogers. The less a woman tries to be lrre slstable the more she Is. During Che civil war, as well as an our late war with Spain, dtarrohea was on of the most troublesome dmeases the army bad to contend with. In many n stancs It boame enronte and the old soU Clers st 111 suffer from It. Mr. David Tar lor, of Wind Ridge, Greene Co., Pa., is on of these. He use Charrtberlaln'i Colic, Cholera and DUurnoea, Remedy aid says he never found anything that yould give him such quick relief. It Is for sale by Charles Rogers. Go to the Columbia Klectrla dV Re pair Company for all kinds of new and repair work, from a cambric needle to a bicycle, boiler er engta. Quick work and satisfaction guaran teed. Logging machinery of all kinds a specialty. Shop opposite Ross, Hl glns A Co. An enterprising Chicago man Is about to open a training school for pu gilists. The full course will enprac seven languages. If yuu suffer from tenderness or full ness on the right side, pains under the shoulder blade, constipation, bllMusnea sick headache and feel dull, heavy and sleepy, your liver Is torpid and son. gested. DeWltt's Little Early Risers Will, .cure you promptly, pleasantly and pt-rmanently by removing th congestion and causing th bll duet to opa and flow naturally They are goes pills. Charles Rogtrs. I If W LEROY, N.X f,I HAM I BUSINESS POINTERS. jefff ;j VTuit vMk. th ooty" wurant. , .1 Cri at tha Kattonal Caf tooUM. Also Olympla oratsr. Rvst U-eent msaU, Rising tun rant, tU C-xnmwvtai street. For ttMtt hungry feeMng try the up uWte New Boston restaurass. to Our lo cream Is warranted to be made of purs cream. The Parlor, aval lo Joha Haha's. Dtgst and best meal at Denver Kitch en on Ninth street. U cents. Wblis cook. Try It. Best CaJkVmaa wins K cants per gal. too, Akss OUbsrt, sots agent for As turks, TeJaphooe n, Cream Purs Rye, Aoaertoa's Baas whiskey. Tbe only pur goods, guar teed rloa and Btettow. Jobs U Oartaoo, sol strsot. Until further noUoe, tn steamer IWkftay Omtsert will leave Astoria, 6Xin days it I p. a, instead of Saturdays. No ochr cbang tn sohedias will b i mads, KeOays trsiisfsf wseroas dUver boa sf tsty so saort kft at SapTs furoi- ture store, SN Ooaunsacussl trt, wU re. oat re protnpt asteneioa. Telephone Ht Bargains la lew and heels, from St ap, New aad Braboiasa ssbeess -kept for rent Sols ageot for th fajnsv Rambler. Repair aad sun dries at lowest rata. Columbia Klo irloal Repair Co.. 19 Bjss. The new Orearsjery ustawrant. street. Bear the alley betweea 11th aad Don streets, sscras tas best seat aal ever set oat aa Astoria. erytfclnT Is new, anat aod clean, and absotat satis, faotlos is guaraatsed aO saxroa. The concert hall opened by Charlie Wise at No. 331 Astor street. Is th on and only popular resort of Its kind In that vicinity. Mr. Wise Is doing some thing new among concert halls. Us Is nut only selling a class of purs liquors, but Is giving his placs a management which Insures gentlemanly attention and treatment to his patrons. Th good muslo and ths crowd will be found at Charll WUe's place. UNIVKRSITT Or 0REC30N. Tuition term begin SVplenbsr 11. 1S3 Excellent course in ancient and modern language, sciences, nuwheoiatlca, u. Graduates from tb tenth grade and from all accredited schools admitted without examination. 8iudita not fully prepared to enter. can take atudls la which they srs de flclent, la tn Eugene city high school. For ca-Jtiogiie and further Information addrea the Prasldent, or Boa J. J. Wal ton, 8evr.rta.-y. Eugene, Or. It Is estimated that at th present rate of growth London, which now has a population of B.t5T.O0O, will In 1M1. hav over 13.000.000. Tber I mor CaSLxrm tn tni eotloa of th country that) all other disss. put togather, and until ths last few years supposed 10 be tnoura&t. For a great tnaay year doctor pronounced It a kxmt case, and prescribed local ro dies, and by constantly fall In; to eur wttli local trnaunarst, pronounced It In curatol. Scieno has proven catarrh to b a ooostltutftxial dlseas. sad therefor requires constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cur, maaufaotured by F. J. (leney A C. Toledo, Ohio, Is th only onostt'.utlo-ial our on th market It U takso IntenaHy In dose frotn 10 drop to a teaapoorsful. . It acts directly on tn beood and mucous surfao of ttt system, They offer on hundred dollar tor any k falls to curs. Band fur circular end testimonials. Addrea F. J. CHENKT A CO.. Toledo, O. Bold by Droa-gist, ISo, Hall's Family Pills ar tb bast J. A. Fastabend General Contractor and Builder House-mo ving Tools for Rent. riERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality Lost Vlror asa Miobood. Cure Impotency, Night FmlMlonsand wanting diseases, all effects of self GJft abuse, or excess and India- 3'wjblood builder. Brings the plnic clow to paie cneeus ana restores the fire of youth. Bv mail KOc tier box. O boxes for A2.50: with a written iruaran- tee to cure or refund the money. Send for circular. Address, NCR VITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A Jackson Sta., CHICAGO, laX For Bal by Charles Rossra, Druggist Astoria. Oregon. Dyspepsia Cura Digests what you eat. ItartlflclallydlBeRtHthefoodtnfgWg Kature In strenirtbenlng aod reoon BtructiDgthe exhauHted digestive o gang. Itlsthelatestdiscovered(3l(fert. ant and tonic. No ot her preparatlor can approach it In efficiency. II In stantly relievcs-and permanently caret Dyspepsia, IndlPstloD, Ileartbnrn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nanaea. SickIleadache,Gatrag1a,Crrops,aDo all other resultaof imperfect digestion, Prepored hy I C. Cc'Jd t A Co.. C flic ego. Tot BaJs by OHAKLXf JtOOaVM, . . lift Those who tiavs delayed buying. Bummer Poutwenr ar fortunate. They can save at least a third on th usual coat of high grade shoes. W ar closing out all of our summer tan shoes st a great reduction. W hav them for men, women and children, which should bring everyone to th store. They nre new goods which have overstayed their time. Consider the figures. Petersen & Brown. 80m men ar like cigars, th mor you puff them th smaller they become. WHEN TOU RIDE TOl'R WhICKl. Always shake Into yJur tnoes Aliens roo'.Kai. a pJJl" f.-r lh feet I; keep your feel coot, prevent 1 srrel rg set and make your eoliri: ten fold greater. Over one -nil. In wheel peopl ar utlr.g Allen's root-Ess. They all pral It. It gtva rest aod comfort to smarting, hot, sroiln, aching (eat and Is a certain cur f r Ingrowing nsil All the drvgghits and sho stores, c. 8mp: free by aaalL Addrea, Alien B. Oims ed. L Rvy. N. T. TODAT AND NOT TOMORROW. Now la ths tlm. Do not delay In buying your foot wear, but com at once and select what you want and need. Stylo Is combined with economy at the Roiton 8ho Co., iSi Commercial street NOTICE. The regatta committee has adjourned until Tuesday. August t, 189$, at noon. At this tlm the business of th last regatta will be wound up and the com mittee will adjourn sine die. All bills must be presented at the above date. Prises not delivered can be had In ihe meantlm by calling upon Mr. H. Hemblut O. C FULTON, President HARRISON ALLEN, Secretary. THE SALE FOR THIRTT DATS. Baby shoes, IS cents, worth ?t cents, at Boston Shoe Co., 43S Commercial street AUCTION SAXE. C. B. Anderson will ell his entire stuck ot oil paintings at his studio, corner of Tenth and Duane street be ginning Monday evening, August A at T o'clock. THE BOSTON SHOE COMPANT. Gents' French Calf Shoes, ft, worth U, iU Commercial street J. D. Bridge, editor ans proprietor of Ihe Democrat, Lancaster, N. H.. snys: "1 would not be without On Isinut Cough Cur for my boy, when troubled with a ooufh or cold. It Is the best remedy for croup 1 ever used." Cbarie Rogers. NOW IS THE TIME. To buy chlldrm's school shoes for M cents worth 11 and tl-ZS, at th Dos ton Shoe Company, 4U Commercial street Why not change the motto on the all ver dollar to "In New Jersey we trust' A MOTHER TELb MOW RHE BAVED HER LITTLE DAUGHTER'S LIFE I sen the mother of eight children and hav had a great deal of experlanc wttn nedloJn. Last summer my little daughter had th dysentery In lis worst form. We thought she would dl. I tried everything I could think of but nothing seemed to do her any good. I saw by an advertisement In our paper ttut Chamberlain' Co'.lc Cholera and Dl r, rloeaRernedy was recommended and sent and gt a bottl st one. II proved to be on of lbs very best medicines w trer had In the bouse. It saved my little daughter's life. I am anxious for every mother to know what an excellent medi. tine It Is. Had I known It at flrsi U would hav saved me a great deal of anxiety and my little daughter muob suf. ferlng. Tours truly, Mrs. Oeorgt F. Bur. dick. Liberty. R. I. For sale by Charles Rogers. DON'T OO BAREFOOTED. When you can buy children's school shoes at 75 cents, worth tl.M, at Bos. ton Shoe Company, 436 commercial street During th civil war, as well as In our late war with Spain, dlarrohea was one of th most troublesome diseases ths army had to contend with. . In many Instances It became chronlo and the old soldiers still suffer from It. Mr. David Taylur, of Wind Illdge, Oreene Co., P., Is on of these. He uses Cham berlaln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and says he never found any. thing that would give him such galck relief. It is for sale by Charles Rosrers. WHT NOT BUT SHOES. At the Boston Shoe Company's store? Ladles' Fine Kid Shoes for $1.25, worth 12.00. 435 Commercial street ASTORIA'S GREAT SURPRISE.., Boston Shoo Co,, Ladles' fine kid slippers and ties, 76 cent; worth $1.50, 435 Commercial street, . iiiitv You Don't Change Cars If you g tas, via Billing aad the Hurt Inert oa roust, Th Uurtlngton routs run through tourist sleeper tsrto a week. ea'.U to Kansas CtUr-Oet 00 at any point along th main tin of th Northern Item In Washington or Montana get of! at Kama City. taadard si etwee, every day In th week, llun to 0t Louis Via Lincoln, Omaha, snd Bt Jo. A. C. WaUXHiN, General rier Agent Portland, Oregon, TICKKTS tO tall Hpvtf points EftST P dining snd library observation oar. E1.CJANT VCcrriBVLE TRAINS. No, United leave Portland al l:U p. m. No. I Limited arrtves Portland S l:M a. m. Tor rat, tic, call or addrea a w. LoirNsBcnnr, Agent O R, N., Astoria, or a C. DENNHTON. C P. T. A.. Portland, Or L LEBECK Carpenler strict Ilulldor a)rrrit Contractor HOUSe RAI5INU AND MOVINO A SPECIALTY Andrew L,ake gas COMMERCIAL ST. ...Merchant Tailor... 'effect Tit Guaraotctd. Low Trices. Repairing and Cleaning Neatly Dons. Astoria Public Library RXACINO ROOK nUTI TO ALL very ...ay from 1 sstsok ts 141 aasl I IS t :. ss, uWeriptlos rates par aaaasa. West Car. Sieves th sad Osaas auwsta KOPP'S BEST A r Th North Psoiflo Brewery, of which VfrJobn Kopp Is proprietor, sjakstbssr (or domes lo snd export trade. 4orth Pacific Brewerg W. F. SCHEIBE, S S-ll i4 PI. a sssoksrs' ArtMe. 41 A Cemmrclsl THE Seventh and SHASTA MINERAL WATER, PCfPER, NOBLE, HICK010' AND SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LIQUORS, WINES, BEER AID CIGARS Served Day end Nlflht. AUGUST KRAT2. C-urtn ( 1 of Mf bJM, llletlpatkofkl CtJKt, W J.ttMW. CUP l0 M N ft H OO. sm r"T?";-L wk a t. cinulan a . A dnwa. "isv1,lleiMl .. reanelaeo. THE PROOF of th pudding Is In th aod th proof of liquor IS IN SAMPLING That's an argument that's elualv Aerowsvatton. Ours will stand th , HUGHES & CO. Oregon Short Line srv a Kanroau. THS DIRIOCT ROUTE TO Montana, Utah, Colorado and ill Cittern Points. Otvs ohotc of two favortts route, via th Union Paolflo fast MsU Das, r th. Rio Or and Seense Lines, LOOK AT THS TIMB .... Is ' 1) Pujato Salt Uke 2J Dayi to iVnvcr 3) Inya to C'lilcgQ 4 Pays to New York. Free reoiinlng ohalrs, urholtrd loss 11 steepanf ean, and Pullmaa palao slteper. operated oa all train. Tor furthae InfueenakitaB. entile aa Agent, a a. t Or Astoria, OrsaTos, C a TERRT. W. B. COM AN, Trsv. Pass Agt Oea. Agent IM Third Et, Portland, or. UMo TIIB 5Crtl!DUtR Kroni rurtland , DKFART Aaaivs Fax Mall !.. . ti I . h . It..,., in Worth, bmalia. llsn-i 'sat i lly, m. Uuis. . I hlrrn-,, and Ks'L .aaL 1 r kan rnr 110. Walla Walls, Himkas. lll,,u,.,l .. Sl.l'.iil' aaais la. r-l- . slliintLMHi., ni.i aiii, . Iiuluth. MlUaukes , I'hlcassaud but, I M from Astorl OCEAN aTBAMMIlPA All Hailing IMee tub liwrl to rhaiis. for (kss rraotn-ll 1U(. ill fiVei 8a Inn Tue Tliur, Frt sua. I sstMO Coli'mMa Hive indar HlMmer JpmTiiM To Portias aaa ! luur rri Way Laadlaga 1 p t Sat WIIUMMtle sad YssH I B p n. Ta m. kill Klvsrs. Hon. .Wed, TuM.Tliurt 0reg"B t'lty, laytoo, A sud rn. snd Way-taudliiss. HlKarla Ls dly! 5ak Rlvar. HlparlaloUwIsteo. UUsrlsta I lu a to dally I to. St. Tntni Portland- lam. .-"'". 4k)r. 1 Mod, Wed Ore on fit. Nswherf. Tu.a. fhi rrldsi I aalcm A wafUnda gamrJar WILLsMKHK KiVXH hur O. W. fcOOKaUERRT. Ageal Aswrhs. at HTJXImBUIlT, Osa, Pas. Agt reruaas. or. Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure BoKlod Beer tor family use, or kef bssr loppllej at any tine, delivery Is tbe city tree. nA'wVyr T?lbls "La Belle Astoria" Clfar Schelte'a Opera Star Sctielbe'a Special And Other Brands LOUVRE Astor Street - - Manager bk Wma tn tnc srr ) yrtn hm lh Iratcira at (h MonMst ttm fh ni mt ia ki seti y-mg arianiaT newt rot watt