The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 24, 1899, Image 1

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    tn l NOTICE
'-'b.wry w.lhout j) .-miission. Any
be JiabJ io prcstjcution.
it sir
. . . ...
."' f Wl at. I .AAA.. Jk. A. .
NO. 74
The I3Mt on Knrllt
Why wear shoddy cloihn or pay your Ullnr tnormnu price, when
w offer you ololhlnf, equal in .v.ry respect to t llor-ma4 good;
workmanship and quality lh very finest: pattern finish up-to-dat.
and thoroughly rinslrabl. Will out wear any other clothing on
th. market and retain shp ami color a long at worn.
W hart alto a full Una of wll herrtngbon box coat.
...Hardware Co.
Pacific Sheet
Vegetable ...Aif9...
Fruit Syrup
Lithographing on
San Francisco, Cal.
Here Is a List
01 some High Grade Goods at moderate prices
good things.
Jleoi Zealand Fife IflsoBflce Go
11 Of New Zealand.
W. P. Thomas, Mgr., San Franciaco.
Subscribetl Capital - $5,000,000
Paid-Up Capital 1,000,000
Assots 2,545,114
Assets in United, States 300,000
Surplus to Policy Holders 1,718,792
Has been Underwriting on tho Pacific Coast over Twenty-two yearc,
Resident Agents, Astoria, Oregon
ConU 12th Si wis.
All slwl ranges lMriUe you unfortunately
bought ft clicup oiio. Iluy a
They are warrantod in every j'tirticuUr, by a
firm C'J ywtn in tht ItioiiuMt
Blank and
New Crape and :
Type-writing. !
Waterman Fountain Pens I
llox Decorated Paper !
and Knveiope--ioo. i
Metal Works
Tin a Specialty.
Astoria, Ore. Falrbaven, Wash,
Writ Ua for Prlctoa
Fresh from the mills.
AROMATIC SPICES guaranteed the rincst.
rivalled, Together with a host of other
Liys Bare Weak Points In Evi
dence Against Dreyfus.
WltociatlAtUnpl to Sully Dreyful'
Prlviit Character-Tflil Will
List Twenty Dfiyi.
RENNKK, Aug. 2J. Tti deposition
read In the Dreyfus trial today were
not productive uf any really thrilling
incidents. Tim systematic production
of the flimsiest truh, which tlx prose
cution drt-itia profitable and which Ut
ter accept an evidence, was1 proceeded
with. Much or thit ridiculous testimony
of th inuriiltig wa devoted to an at
tempt to Hum Dreyfu' private char-1
actcr, though when Mult to Lnbori and.
Demangr had finished with the wltnea-1
their bubble of lllllc-laltU) were
badly pricked. Much of the time waaj
occupied In reading the testimony of
l.'sterhary nriJ Mm. I'aya before the
court vf causation, during which niany ,
l.ri the ourL
M. LaIktI dl.ilngul.tied hlmaelt In J
laying tinre the weak poliita of tht ,
t vldenre. Hi wai leil fierce, however, j
than yeatenlay, thoUh quite aggrea-1
Ive enough to arouoe the latent of i
the judg. which ihowed Itielf In
varloui w.yi M. Laborl la no favor
ite, either with Mnjor Carrlcre. govern
ment conimluiary, an! the latter make,
no aerlout efTnria to conceal hla (eal
Uur toward tht lawyer.
M. tborl bore little trace of the
efTerta of the outrage upon him. He
roae, aat down and moved hla body
and limb, apparently without much
difficulty. Only occarionally he put hla
handa to hli back aa though sufferlnc
During acme of the detpoaltloni, M.
iAborl appeared very nervoua. lie waa
unable to remain still an Initant.
twitching ila finger and ahaklng pa
per In hl handa. Couimel waa al
miMit too Impatient to watt until the
A splendid lot of tht celebrated
Southern Oregon peaches Jut
Other Fruit...
In abundance and of all vwrl
tie. Vegetables...
The most complete selection in
the city and all fresh and crisp.
Pruniptv delivery to
nil pitrUof the city
and outside points.
Foard & Stokes Co.
Your Wife
Will like it; so will the cook.
Star Estate Range
Satisfy all who us them.
If your bettor halt does th. eooklnx,
that I. an it.Utlnsl rtikin why there
should be a Blur Estst. Range In your
kllrhen. Th use of them prevent worry
ana disappointment.
W. J. SCULLT. Agent,
431 Bond Street.
wltneeaoa concluded their teatlmony.
The only dang-rjua opponent of
lreyfui today waa Ovneral Uont, who
mounted the atagM with a quick at-p
and apparently light heart, but ha left
It badly mauled by M. Laborl.
General Qona bejan by declaring be
cam to defend hi honor against tboae
'drivelling" agalnat him. Hut when
hl cruaa examination waa finished be
returned to hi aeat with hla tall be
tween hla leg, fur M. Laborl bad driv
en hl.n Into a corner on the attempta
of the general alafl to ihlvld E.terhaiy,
and had shown that the general tas
for which tious waa responsible, bad
engineered Ksterhaxy'a eacaua from
the hand of Justice. The confident
lone of the general had by then
dwindled into a proverbial ittll, (mail
voice, and hi defiant bearing had
changed Into the abashed air of a
schoolboy caught telling lie.
Tb day proved certainly a poor oo
for the general ataff. Two good sam
ple of the men put up to sully Drey,
fus' prlvaie character were the thhtl
and fourth wltneaae. Tb first. Ma
Jor Purhatelet, repeated an alleged
conversation with Dreyfu regarding
the lady at who house Dreyfua i
alleged to have gambled and lost mon
ey, but hen cross-examined Ducha
telet' memory failed him entirely, es
pecially when aaked the name of the
lady and the atreet ah reld-d la and
the sum Dreyfu lost The next. 11
Drublul, ahowed equally aatnunut.ig
forgetfullnes of the Important point!
of hla evidence concerning Dreyfu'
acquaintance with tb foreign attache,
and when M. Demang capped bl uc
cesxful examination of those point by
showing that the dlbreulle record In
fh law unlirtl la Ta. fmni , V. a
wltneM left the .(and badly discredit-1
1 ... - , "... , ,., .
Pre talked thla afternoon with M.
Jaures, the socialist leader, who with
Malhlew Dreyfu visited Maltre La
bor! every day after the aesslon, and
who la acquainted with the tactic
of the defense. M. Jaure said;
"I am convinced tha Dreyfua will
be actuated. He' must be acquitted,
for no new fact haa been brought up
agnlnst him. The general. I believe,
are going to make their stand on th
Dertlllon system, which they Intend
to submit as proving Dreyfus guilty.
"Intelligent men laugh at It, but It
Is very Ingenious and has merit in
the eyoa of general of being incom
prehensible to the ordinary man, and
thus calculate to impress him, It up
ported by puppet of the general ataff.
tiertlllon' theory haa already been
Introduced by uue of the military
witninsea, who declare their confidence
In it. The trial, In my belief, will laat
about another twenty day."
Dr. Sponagla Removed From Agnew
Insane Assylum at San Francisco
For Gross Immorality. .
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug.j3.-The atate
board of lunacy commissioner met to
day to hear the report of Governor
Gng on the result of the investigation
of the board Into the conditions existing
at Agnew asylum for the insame.
ultuated near San Jose, in Santa Clara
county. Governor Gage report la
doubtless one of the most startling pa
pers of its kind ever presented to sim
ilar board for its consideration.
It is based principally upon the ca
reer of Dr. Sponagle, medlcitl director
of the nsvlum. previous to his Instal
lation a such. As a result of the in
vestigation, Dr. Sponnglo and two of
his assistants, 'Dr. Sterling and Dr.
Crystal, have been summarily removed.
th. assistants not being charged with
anything more grave than Incomp-
etency. Th investigation of the af
fair at Agnws waa the result of th.
birth of a rhlld to one of the oatlent.
Sensational charge vere made at th j
tlme and an Investigation followed.
Governor Gago Included in his report
the testimony of reputable people tend
ing to show that Sponnglo' career wa
on. of gross immorality and erlme.
Ofllcer and Men Making Ready to
Take Part In It Crew to Land at
Vlllo for Drill Purpoe.
K-TPR Aim S.-A.lmlral Dewev ,nd
olHcer. and men of the Olympla, now
at Vllle, France, near here, are already
anticipating their New York reception
and are preparing for their part in It.
Th. admiral has received permission
from the authorities to land the Olym
pla batalllon at Vllle, France, for drill
purpose, during th. remainder of the
cruisers stay here.
M. Grenet, perfect of Alpes-Marl-1
times, vlnlted Admiral Dewey today.
Tho former expressed the pleasur. of
the Fronch government at -the adml-
nil's viBlt. adJlng his asaucances of
personal admiration.
It is expeutei that Admiral Dewey
will come to Nice tomorrow and return
the perfect' and other official call.
American General Applies Exclu
sion Act In Philippines.
No Reserve Force Will It Held Back
Disc DStiof Report From
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2!.-Th Ute
department baa been informed through
diplomatic channela that General Oil
has applied tb Chinese exclusion law
to the Philippine. The information
wa a surprise to the authorities) ber.
The matter wa brought to tb at
tention of the (tat department by toe
Chinese minister, and an Inquiry made
j a to how the action was brought
about, a the Chinese government ha
been olU'ltlous since the American
military control waa established in the
Philippine, and that the United Statea
exclusion law should not be extended
over these Island.
The Chinese officials were advised
that any action taken by General Otis
ln app,yln ,he w,U"'on Uw' t0, 'he
Philippine wa not the reault of In-
itructlon sent from here.
There 1 little doubt that th Chinese
will seek to have General Otis' order
held in abeyance until the authorities
her. pas upon the general question
which haa been under consideration
between the two governments.
The slate department baa received
an Important hnter-frora Mr. Williams,
former consul at Manila, who UU re
mains there in a confidential capacity.
He say the native Filipino are
strongly opposed to Chinese labor, and
in his opinion the exclusion of the
Chinese from the islands would ma
terially aid in bringing the war to a
close. He placea the Chinese popula
tion at
Will Sail in Through Golden Gate Today-Great
Rejoicing Over Their
8AN FRANCISCO. Aug. tl-The
United States transport Sherman, bear
ing the First California regiment of
volunteers, was sighted four miles out
side the heads a few minutes before
six this evening. No one living any
where within the boundaries of San
Francisco waa long in ignorance of
the arrival of the transport. Steam
whls les shrieked, siren acreamed,
bell rang and the street were soon
filled with shouting, cheering throngs.
In expectation that the Sherman
would arrive tomorrow, a tug convey
ing the customa officials had gone out
to the Faralone islands and boarded
the incoming transport two hours be
fore she was sighted by the lookout
at Point Reyes. The task of the in
spectors was easily accomplished, and
then the federal quarantine officer ex
amined the soldiers, giving the Sher
man a clean bill of health.
No obstacle then intervened to pre
vent ihe docking of the transport to
night, but as this would mar the plans
of the cltliens committee, which for the
ptst month has been planning a suit
able reception to the returning soldiers.
Major General Shatter, commanding
th8 department of the Pacific, ordered
that the Sherman remain outside all
night. Sha la now anchored a mile be-
yond the heads, but will come In at 10
tomorrow morning.
The Call scored a triumph in th. de
velopment of wireless telegraphy in
connection with the Sherman's arriv
al. Receiving stations were estab
lished at the Cliff House and on the
lightship, nine mile out. and when the
news came "The Sherman i in light,"
It was soon followed by the cheering
Intelligence received the same way,
"All well on board. No deaths during
the voyage."
Thla premature arrival of the Sher-
' uir...Ci. ,....
to a certain extent, but it ha. been
decided that tomorrow there will be
an Imposing naval pageant as the
transport sails In through the Golden
Result of a Fight Between Gendrames
and Unpaid Cuban Soldiers.
Flva men are dead and 10 wounded as
j the result of a right last nlgnt between
j gendarmes and disappointed Cuban
soldiers at Ceuvltas, three miles from
Santiago, where payment of the Cuban
troops is progressing.
Five thousand Cubans bad gathered
there to receive pay, and. after three
day, only C80 had been paid. Thous
and who had been disappointed at
other points had com. to Cuevlta as
the last place of payment in th prov
ince. Th Imperfect Hat cause great dis
satisfaction, and a rumor circulated
yesterday that th paymaster would
leave today, alarmed th men who bad
not been paid. They began to collect In
group and to show their annoyance.
Finally their threats became lerioua.
Captain Balat with gendarmes was
preient to preserve order among the
applicant and the United State
troop, to protect Colonel lioale, th
officer having charg of tb. payment.
Suddenly Captain Balls t, who waa
mounted, wa currounded by a mob,
truck by stone and bottles and (hot
in the arm. HI men promptly fired a
volley into th. mob and t persons were
Instantly killed and U wounded, two
of whom died thi morning. Colonel
Moale'a guard promptly aurrounded
the money office but took Co part In
the fight.
For few minute there was a live
ly conflict, carbines and machete be
ing used freely. Captain Ballat was
the only gendarme wounded. Tb. dead
were colored Cuban soldiers.
Tht morning payment wa resum
ed under a heavy guard.
Distinguished Party of Astoria Visitor
Take a Run Down to the Mouth
of tb River.
It was a Jolly and distinguished
party that boarded the trim govern
ment tug K?adell yesterday morning
and sallied forth for an inspection of
the Jetty and the government fortifi
cation work at Fort Stevens. First,
there was Governor Geer, tall, stately
and wearing th. characteristic mje
and unruffled temper which baa en
deared him to the heart of a loyal
constituency. Then came United
State Senator McBride. At first blush
tb. senator seems cold and unreupoa
ivt, - but introduction- quickly
breaks the seeming frigidly and a
flood of gooi-fellowshlp follows in the
wake of his vompany. Congressman
Moody was also there. Mr. Moody's
name is by no mean an indication of
his temper. He Is vivacious and en
tertaining and tells good stories for
the 'diversion of his hearers. A com
mittee of the chamber of commerce.
Mayor Bergman and a number of
prominent cltlxena completed the per
sonnel of the excursionists. The Men
dell tossed a bounding spray from her
cut-ttater as she speeded westward
towards the mouth of the Columbia
The first polat of observation was the
great Jetty which Uncle San is con
structing; to :nake Astoria a future
rival of San Francisco. Fort Steven
was the next object to demand the at-'
tentlon of the sightseers.
Evidently Commander Patterson
had scented the celebrity of the party,
for the vessel had no sooner approach
ed her -noorings than she was shaken
fore and aft by a thundrous discharge
of ponderous cannon that quaked the
earth and winced 'be yes of the
startled visitors. After 11 shots had
deafened the hearing. Governor Geer
explained that it waa the customary
aalute always accorded the state's chief
representative. The party tneu dis
embarked and were cordially received
by the officers of the forU Captain
Holbrook, who has Just relinquished
command to Lieutenant Patterson, as
slstel the lieutenant In escorting the
gentlemen about the defenses.
The disappearing gun was an object
of special' attention and admiration.
The gigantic piece of ordnance was
loaded, with a proJicWe weighing about
400 pounds and charged with 272
pounds of powder. It was then trained
seaward, the lanyard was pulled and in
exactly 20 2-5 seconds the steel missile
sent skyward a geyser of water over
five miles distant from the Fort Stev
ens shore. . This was but ope of the
many edifying dlvertlsements which
the hospitable officers provided for
their illustrious guests. The return
triD was made In time for an excel
lent luncheon which was served at the
Captain Holbrook leave Fort Stev
ens this morning for Jefferson bar
racks, Missouri, where he will hence
forth assume the title of major. His
promotion attaches htm to the 38th
United States volunteer Infantry and
he will accompany that regiment to
Manila when equipped and trained for
service in the Philippines. His con
nection with Fort Stevens has popular
ised him with a large number of As
torlans who will regret his departure
but glory in his advancement.
Makes the food more
1 IV
Determine! to Pusb Ounpaign in
Pnflippines Vigorously.
Was Understood Law Should Not B
ExttiJea Over the IsUiii-Ap-plIeltoEndtne
WASHINGTON. Aug. 21-Secretarr
of War Root returned to Washington
tonignt from bis visit to the oresident
at Lake Champlaln.
That the campaign in th. PhlllDnlnes
is to be pushed vigorously and prompt
ly la evident from the remark of tb
secretary made to reporters. He was ,
determined, he said, that .very man
belonging to th. twenty regiments of
vilunteers now being recruited, shall
eat Christmas dinner In that country.
This statement was brought out by
reference to the published report that
ten of these regiments were to be held
In the United State as a reserve fore.
Regarding the report that General
Merrltt. who had also been at Lake
Champlaln In conference wtth the pres
ident and his war secretary, is to suc
ceed General Otis in command of th
troop in th. Philippines, Secretary
Root waa non-commltal. He evaded
all question on this point
LONDON. Aug. 2S.-TD. Johannes
burg correspondent of the. Time say
disquieting reports have been received
here from Natal. It Is said that on
Sunday the train from Johannesburg
waa fired upon in the Transvaal ter
ritory. The feeling near the border la
bitter, and the disloyal NataL Dutch
are armed, with Mausers.
Chairman Jones Will Hereafter 8end
Out Democratic Literature From
CHICAGO, Aug. 23. The Chronicle
Senator Jones, chairman of the dem
ocratic national committee has closed
the Devlin Incident that distributed
the peace and harmony of the national
committee at St. Louis last May and
again at Chicago in June, by ordering
the removal nf the nreiut htiremi in
Washington and authorizing the selec
tion by Ex-Governor Stone of Missouri
of a new editor. Devlin will be out Just
as soon as Mr. Stone can And the right
man to succeed him.
Minnesota Voluntereers Requested by
the Governor to be Landed at
PORTLAND, Aug. J3.-Governor
Lind, of Minnesota, has requested the
war department to allow the returning
volunteers from his state to be landed
at Portland instead of San Francisco.
The Minnesota people expect to take
the rgiment home In a special train,
and by landing here several hundred
miles will be saved. Both the Northern
Pacific and Great Northern have di
rect lines from Portland to St. Paul
and it is understood both lines have of
fered a favorable rate.
The Astoria Naval MUltla Will Be
Taken on Board Tonight.
PORTLAND, Aug. 23.-The auxllllary
cruiser Badger will take on board to
morrow morntnir two companies of
the Oregon naval reserve and leave
down the river about 9 o'clock. At
Astoria the naval militia of that city
will be taken on board and the Badger
will probably leave for an 8 day's
cruise tomorrow night.
JACKSON, Miss. Aug. 23.-Hon. A,
H. Longino, of Washington county,
was nominated for governor of Miss
issippi by the democratic state con
vention today without opposition.
delicious end wholesome
.. ... ... .
'"-"innij'L y '