1'HK DAILY ASTOIUAN SATt'RDAV MOKMM ATJGIST 12, m JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephon 1Mb SO. TERMS OF WTB9CRIPTKOK. DAILY. Bsrrt iy mail. Pr year U N Sent by nvaiL, per month , M Serve by ornT, pr month It 8RMI.WKEKLT. tat by mail, ptt fur, In advance. ...p.00 Poatag (re t subscribers. All eronaanlcations Intended tor pubis cat'tm should be directed to the dttor. Business coavnunlcatlons of all kind erd mrinuiwe must b addressed to "Ttw Astoria n." The Aitoriaa ruraBlfti to Its adver tiser the largest circulation of any newspaper published on too Columbia river. Advertising rale out b Bad oo appU. eatloa to the business manner. TO RADERS.-T "Daily Astoria Mtalas twte M as ark raadlag manor a wr etkM fafw ptUUM tm Astaria. It It tk Mtj paper that premlt II readara wlib a dally ttefrahJ efwr. Ttl ADVKRTISCuS.-Tk "Dally Ae trtaM ka eswr laaa Iwlea aa aaaay i nil ra aa alba papa pabUaked la Aats rla. It I therefore Mr tAaa tale aa valaahl a aa drrUalag aaadlaaa. , TH3 ORE JON VOLUNTEERS. It will b gratifying to very patriot . In Oregon that the disbandment of our volunteers has not unloosed the flood of crlticUji on the Philippine situa tion predicted and desired by those who find delight in discrediting the 'administration and throwing every possible obstacle in the way of the prosecution of the war. After several week's detention in San Francisco, ex pose! to every malignant device that coull be invented by the Examiner, not one wjrd of opposition to Mc Kinley's policy of subjugating the forces of Aguinaldo before considering the question of a form of government for the islands has been heard from a reputable source. On the other hand, from the first day of the arrival of the Oregon troops, it is significant that on all hands the opinion wss expressed and reiterated that the war must not be abandoned, and that men in sufficient numbers must be sent General Otis to make the proper showing that will convince the insurgents of our ability to hold what is fairly our own. "Above everything else,' one prominent offl cer is reported to nave said, "wnat is needed is firmness." It Is this quality which they failed to find in the Span lards that most Impresses the fickle natives. Another officer said the "game is worth the candle," for the islands are an empire for richness, capable of sus taining a dense population. "Their retention will add to the glory of our country and Its commerce," said he. American prestige has increased In the Orient, and It Is evidently the feeling among all the returned volunteers that It must be retained regardless of cost. The Oregon troops were the first to go to Dewey's support, and their Impres sions are all the more valuable from the contrast they have been able to witness in conditions prevailing at that time and when they were ordered home. The "military padlock," as Col onel Bryan denounced it, has been re moved from the lips of Oregon's gal lant quota of men, and yet there is no disparagement of the campaigns al ready fought In the Philippines or of more vigorous operations when the conditions of weather permit That this sentiment is the general sentiment of the vast majority of the American people Is undeniable; the ob jectors are a noisy and diminishing minority. FALL SALMON PRICES. From J. K. Armsby Co.'s last circu lar, August 7, It Is apparent that the expected rise in lowgrade salmon has not and may not materialize. The best grades of Alaska fish are quoted at precisely the same prices prevailing last year. It is likely the Increased de mand reported for all grades of fish will maintain prices at these old fig ures, but In the opinion of good Judges the extraordinary Alaska pack, which Is the feature of this salmon year, will operate about as a standoff and no change In prices will occur. This need not be any discouragement to a good sized Columbia river fall pack,. The best grade of Alaska fish Is very little better than the Columbia river fall pack, and there ought to be very little difference In the market price. The Alaska packers doubtless have the power to set the price for all grades' except the Royal Chinook, since the best Alaska product Is generally con ceded to be next But our local can nerymen ought to be able to closely approximate the Red Alaska price by a careful selection of their fall stock. There Is no reason why the fall season on th Columbia may not be a good one th best. In fact In several years. Th price of raw fish may not be as great as wss anticipated, but the market 's unquestionably open for a fair sized pack. "W herewith hand you prices on th Alaska Packers Association's new pack," says Armbay's circular. "The rate of freight from San Francisco to all common points north of th Ohio river Is 75a per 140 lba, and th New York City via Sunset Route 0o. At th present rate of freight via Tanama w will make price of So per dozen In New Tork over the San Francisco price, cash less 1H per cent on arrival in New York, time In transit S5 to 45 days. Sailing vessel freights have not been determined and our price will be from 10c to 11 Ho per dosen delivered New York over the San Francisco pale?, cash on arrival less 1H per cent" Th prices quoted by the circular are as follows: 1 lb Fancy Red Tails $1.00 1 lb Medium Red Tails 0 1 tb King Tails 1.00 1 lb Medium Red Flats 1.00 lb Fancy Pink Tails TO In the evening twilight of winter time, when the fire sparkles and glows sod titters upon the hearth, there are dreams and air castle of the fntare in the names for the vonnf woman who sits and gases into them. Whether these sir castles will ever become realities, is largely a matter of health. No woman can hope to be a contented wife, the mistress of a happy home and the mother of healthy children who tuners from weakness and disease of the delicate organs that are distinctly feminine. All the air castlrs that she build will crumble into dust unless she takes measures to cor rect the disorders from which she suffers. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is s posi tive cure for all disorders of these most sensitive organs. It makes them strong, healthy and vigorous. It prepare a woman for happy wifehood and healthy mother hood. It robs maternity of its peril and of nearly all pain. It insures children with strong, healthy constitutions Thousands of women hare testified to its marvelous merits. For nursing mothers it is the best supportive tonic When s dealer urges tome substitute he's thinking of the larger profit he'll nuke not of your welfare. " About six nan ago my wife became afflicted with dHpUcemeas. earning inoammaltoa and moca pain." wntn Rev. I J Copped ice of Elmo. Kaufman Co., Texas. "She could not stand o her feet or get in any pwuuo bat what she suf fered great bearing down pais. I got her a hot tie of Dt. Pirrce't Fan!c Presmptioo which he moo fuatid was helping her, so she kept on until she had taken six hutlln. Since taking the b she has oat suffered s moment from the old trouble." We would not trade our griefs for other people's Joys. It makes no difference now Dad th wound If you nt DeWltt's Witch Haxel Salve; It will quickly heal and leave no sear. Charles Rogers. "Money talks," but It isn't the "Hush money" that does it Pneumonia, la grippe, cougns, colds, croup and whooping cough readily yield to Oi Mlnut Cough Cure. Use this remedy In time and save a doctor's bill or tb undertaker's. Charles Rogers. Fashion says, now that you have spent all your money on gray and violet give them up and wear pink. Doctors Can't Cure It! Contagious blood poison is absolutely beyond the skill of the doctors. The; mar dose a patient for years on their mercurial and potash remedies, but he will never be rid of th disease ; on the other hand, his condition will grow tesdily,rorte. 8. 8. S. is the only cure for this terrible affliction, because it is the only remedy which goes direct to the cause of the disease and forces it from the system I was sflUoted with Blood Poison, and the swat doctors cud m no good, though I took weir treatment faith fully. In fact, 1 seemed to set worse all lb while. 1 took almoit every so-called blood remedy, but they did not seem to reach the dis ease, and had no effect whatever. I was dis heartened, tor It teemed 4? ,. that I would never be Ax cured. At the advice of ', 8. S. ., and beaan to I m Dl rove. I continued the medicine, and II eared me completely, bulld- lag up my health ana increasing my appetite Although thii wu ton yearn agu. I have otvei yt had s sign of the disease to return. -W.R. Nswvas. Staunton, Vs. It li like self-destruction to continue to take potash and mercury; beside totally destroying tbe digestion, they dry up the marrow in the bones, pro ducing a stiffness and swelling of the joints, causing the hair to fall out, and completely wrecking the system. S.S.SMIood Is guaranteed Purely Vegetable, and is the only blood remedy free from these dangerous minerals. Book on self-treatment sent free by Swift Speolfla Oompanv, Atlanta, Oa. 12 Karl's Cover Root Tea tVauttnVa th CWiplfTtoo, PoriiWa th Bd,aMwtVreh.Oer;kli. Cutest tlpatUi, Indisvstkm. and all hruvtioi" ine Saia. Aa eareeaMe LaxH f erv Tonic. Sold oo -oiul rrsne or ail draarwia at SSc, toe aad tl.OO. , C. WCLLS 4 CO., IIAOY. N. V. sett Me(CTs rot Sal by CHARLES ROtJEKS. A3TORIA-8 ORKAT flURPRtSE. TfcMton 8ho Company. Ladles' tin kd slipper sod tie. 75 cents, worth 11 S0 i Ctooxnerclai street J. D. Bridge, ditor ana prepnitor or the Democrat. Lancaster. N. II.. says: "1 would not b without On Mlnut Cough Cur for my boy, when troubled wtth a cough or cold. It I th best remedy for croup J ever used." Charle Rogers. Th dealers sell the wheels but the riders pedal them out. There la mora Oaxtarrh to this section of th country ohaa all other disease put togatber, and until ttt fcsat tew years was supposed to b tncurabi. for a great many years doctors pronounced It a local dlajavs. and prescribed local rem edse. and by cocastantly fall trig to cur lth local treatment, pronounced It In curable. Cteieao has proven catarrh to be a constitutional cttseam, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's tytarrti Cure, manuraotured by F. J. Tney . C, Toledo. Ohio, Is th only cnnatr.urloial our on the market It It takea Internally In dosea from 10 drop to a teaspoo-afuL It acts directly oo th blood and mucous surface of the system. They offer on burxtred dollars tor any case k falls to cure. Send fur circular end testimonial Address P. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo. O. Sold by Drolls:, Tie Hall's Family PI lis are th best Organdie dresses call for flat hats laden with fljwers and foliage. Don't think you can cur mat night attack of dyspepsia by dieting, or mat It will cure Itaetf. Kodol Dyspepaia Cur will cur It; It "digest what you eat," and restores th digestive organs to health. Charles Roger. White pongee Is popular for yachting gowns. If you bare piles, cur rnem. No us undergoing horrible operations that aim. ply remove the results of the disease without disturbing ttie disease Itself. Place your confidence In DeWltt'i Witch Haxel Salve. It has never failed to Cure others: It will not fall to cur you. Charle Rogers. Lace Is the key note of feminine at tire. By allowing the accumulation in th bowels to remain, th entire system is poisoned. DeWltt'i LKtle Early Risers regulate the bowels. Try them snd you will always use them. Charles Rogers. A boat may be In the best repair and yet be a little dingey. Some of the results or neglected dys peptic conditions of th( stomach are can cer, consumption, heart disease and ep. Uepsy. Kodol Dyipepsla Cur prevents alt thlt by effecting a quick cure in all cases of dyspepsia. Charles Rogers. If. F.Prael Transferee Telephone Q. GRAYING AND EXPRESSING AD Cods throned to Our Car Win Raoaiv Spaela Attention. Ho. Rt Duaa , ' Asurla. Or. W. I. COOK. Mgr. Ra. Tsl 111. IiUXUflOUS TRAVEL rPHE "North-Western Limited" trains, - electric lighted throughout, both In side snd out snd steam heated, are, without exception, th finest trains In th world. They embodv the latwt. newest sod best Ideas for comfort, convenience ssd luxury ver offered th traveling punnc, and altogether are the most eom. plete and tplendld production of th car DSimers- srt. ! These Splendid Trains Connect with The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra chars for these aunerinr a commodatlons and all classes of tlcketa are available for passage on the fsmous "Nrth-weatern Limited." All tm. jkhlt line are protected by the Interlocking bicck aytiem. W. H. MEAD, F. C. SAVAGE. Gen'l Agont T- A. Portland Or. Pacific NavigationCompany HTKAMKKS It. I. Klttiorw V. II, tlnrrlMori QAHIHALDI HAY CotimtiiiK at Anuria with tlio Orvtfun lutllnatil ,1 Navigation Oo. fur Shu Franctscis IVrllitml am! all kIiiI cast For frvIgM stul paamn gr rates spj'ly . . Hnmucl Elmore ttt Co. (ioneral Agents, AHTOKIA.OKK. COMN' ACO AgeuU, Orvm KallrW t Nsvlpitiou Co., TUXAMOOh Irw. VOUrLAND,Ore. W. F. SCHEIBE, anssrws A hill Ha ei Pirn. T as ate. Mfcef' AitkWa. 4T4Cemmrlal Ml. Kopp's The North rsoiflo Brewery, of which tfr.Jobn Kopp is proprietor, makes beer 'or domia and export tradex uar:C"'v-;-ir mmmm f4orth Pacific Brewery THE Seventh and SHASTA MINERAL WATER. I'EPPEK. NOBLE. H1CK0KY AND SHAWS MALT WHISKIES. ALL 0THEK LIQ10RS, WINES, BEER AM) CIGARS Herved Dny AUGUST KRATZ. Tm & rams' Sauce BEWARE OF IMITATIONS " Is adapted for every variety of to Steaks, to all of which it gives a JOHN DUNCAN'S lanfMnn Blahiina Plllm OMStrh AtKl UK -t lA-mi t rJt ot cl tijasva. dr.uiMiius., riM. n HsMlMn th tnts ad sscrv CMiin. rrf-fsir-st f utxisUnirM. AddroM ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF LONDON. Established during th reign of Qun Ann. A. D. 1714. FIRE AND LIFE. mMMcnoed Capital I xmv.uw uo AsaeU U.sUl.tM 00 Surplm to policy holders 4,0(1,23 00 Exclusive of paid op capital Law Union and Crown Fire and Life Insur ance Co. Subscribed or guiraitsed cap ital t 7400 000 00 Capital paid up LSM.KO 00 ai,is,H w Catton, Bell & Co. Gen al Agents, Baa rraacteoo, Oal. Samuel Elmore & Co. Resident Agents, Astoria, Oregon. WHY NOT BUT 8HOE8. At the Bonton Shoe Company's store? LaMes Fine Kid Bhoes for 11.25, 43S Commercial street. WHY NOT BUT SHOES. At the Boston flhoe Company's store? Ladles' Fin Kid Shoes for tL2C, 4.15 Commercial street pofvncy. Lott Powtjf, W'Qt-l.owi1 rf.rmaofrnos) Msomnn, pai, r.n.rii ' s? il n., ifa.au (.rmiflRl si m Iftatio'tts. L h m Jan. Warvou D tolllty, Hnr1nch Unfltrtsfin to Marry, psa of Jf 'tJ mnt Vnr.oo or torn iDfition. toD ouicknts5 of Of Irtll phori, top vou Twitching of Kvaifd. swii 'i' bV4-4 --? arwrf. film I la. l,r.r ti O.l.n.J i,t. 1 1 If U i h'nl. WS I'u I tt'st- Snail. vjaMV ONLY HIMKCT LINK ASTORIA to TILLAMOOK CITY nOMMONVIH.K Uhlw "La Belle Astoria" Clear Scheltc's Opera Star Schelbe'a Special And Other tlranda "Best 99 A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AND ABS0LUELY PURE. Bottled beer for (ami) naa, or keg beer supplied at nj lima, delivery Is lb city Irso. LOUVRE Astor Streets nnd ISIsHt. - - Manager The Original Worcestershire dish from Turtle to Beef, from Salmon famous relish.' SONS, Agents. N. Y. SOIQI lu twf if u ir (u rran try lh lvl. l tks Ma. ! CA- It. uU tn4 y.mt sitlr cij -t. Our kOt Manhood. In 000VJ lvf, A f h f m ill, hmmkm A wrinm raartMM, kicwsj r Hmv co,. pft FraneieO For BfU by GHAHLHB IUXJKJU.. TEKPLB LODGE NO. T. A. F. A. M. Ilegulsr communications held on the first snd third Tuesdsy evening of each month. J. N. ORI1TLN, W. M.; K. C. HOLD EN. Secretary. ATTORNKTS. J. Q. A. BOWLBT. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Offlc Bond Street, Astoria, Or. Astoria Public Library READINO ROOM FRBS TO ALU Open arary uay from I oetoek l IM aad list to I p. as. flabacrlptlon rates U par annum. Wsst Cor. nvatli aad Duaa ItrwU. fl MILWAUKEE." A familiar nam for the Chicago, Mil wauke i St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Oret Railway running the "Pioneer Limited" trains every day and night between 8t. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect trams In trie world." Understand: Connection are mad with sll Transcontinental, Lines, assuring to passegenrs tlhs best seme known. Lux urious ooaohes, eleotrto light, steam heat, of a verity equaled by no other lln. Se that your ticket read via 'Th Milwaukee" when going to any point In the United States or Canada. All ticket sgemt sell them. For rates, pamphlets, or other Informa tion, address, J. W. CABBY, C. J. EDDY, Trav. Pass. Agt, General Agent, Portland, Of. Portland, Or I ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Lr. I m s. m l MN s. in. "PORTLAND, ' Arrlv. Portlsrwl Union rwt.ltl:U m lor Aatorl ana imrt t . p medial point. ASTORIA, I :a.m.irr Portland and In lltmsni I Mp, m.tsrmdist point. 2" A!5!L.PIYI,1!91 p m la m I m. p m iwn.wi.v ....Asiuri..,. ar I'M U IIH.v ".Wrrnton.Ar u) ,a I SOI I (ViAr ....nVajIds,,., t.v I III I' ftTRClAL nlCAilPK M'NPAT TRAIN 4svs Aforla at I M a. m l arrives at lleaild a m. paswangsr may rslum on sny train shown on soheduls oa sam data ALL TRAINS to snd from eaid run to riavel snd New Astoria via Warren. ton. All trains make eloa connection si Clobl with sll Northwm Paelflo trains lo and from th eaat or Sound points At Portland with all train leaving Union depot. At Astoria wtth I RAN. Co.'i boai and rail tin to and from Ilwaco and North lleaeh polnta TIIROUOII TK'KETS en a I at As Mori for Sacramento, San Franciico, all Eaattrn and Kuropran points. City ticket vfflc Aatorla. U4 Ootnmar. tlal atreet. J. C. MAYO, Uen'l rr'l and I'aes. Agxtt. You Don't Change Cars If you go eaat via Hilling and in Durtlngtoa roue. Th Hurling too rout run through tourtwt alaepera twlc a wrk. Hea'.tl to Kansaa CtV (M on at any point along th main Una of th Northern Paiflo In Washington or yootsnagat oft at Ka-wa City. Htandard sleepar. vry day In lha week. Iluot o HI. Louis via Un -oln, Ocnahsi and St. Joseph. A. C. HirtCUHiN. Oenaral I'aaawiiger Agnt, IVrtland. Oregon. Through Tickets TO THSV- EAST AND SOUTHEAST -riA- PULLMAN PALACB n.EBPERS. TOURI8T8 SLEEPERS and KRKB HKCUN1NO CHAIR CARS Dally to Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha Chicago, Kansas City b4 othtr Ksvatvre eltltt. Bt STf wT. nhatnkaial IHPnua. .. aaailtiailoai "H,v vw, itvai un, iowbbc mm, Hinf siraX llarkg In .11 For rY.' nd H119r InformaUoa call oa Vf UUrVatsI U. W. LOUNSDERRY, Agent, O. R. N. Co. abtsui i vrion ' awsil , VTBM, 1r ass intra oi. or. Aiatr, forUftDfl Or. TlVta 5C Ml! DUI.ES From Portland DKPABT Assits Pant Mall 1 p. m. alt Uke, lienvi r, Kt Worth. Omaha. Kan Fant Mail 6 4.1 p. m laa City, HL Loult, tiiiicaKi, ana rasu Bpokan Klyer Walla Walla, Hnnhane Mlnneapolli,Ht.Fiiul liiihuh, Milwaukee Chlnngo aud Kant, Hpokan Plror :ao a. m. 1 10 p. ra from Attorla OCEAN BTEAM3HIPS All Hailing DaUia nib lert lo nliaiiffu. For Han Fraiioin'o-Hulll July 7. 12. 17. ii, 37. a m es din tames Mo nday Colrmbla River Steamers To Portland aad Way Landlnga nday 7 p rn Tiip Ipnl Tun Tliur, Krll Timr I'll; 7 p m Hal Hun. Wlllam.tt and Yam linn. 7 s. m bill River. Mon.,'Wd. Tud.Tliur Oregon City, Dayton, dj sua rn. ana oak way-uinuiiiga. lare dly 5nskt Rlvtr. RIparlatoLewUton. LvLewliiln i:. p in iM a m. dally From Portland I WII,LtMKTTK KiVT.Ilj Asm 4:110 n. m Mod, Wed rT"n i'VH1 N,ewbf.r'Tiie,Tiiur Friday nnivui oa r a'Uiiiv . Saturday Mm O, W. bOUmiBBRRT, W. H. HURLBTJRT. Oea. paa. Agt Pertlaat, or. -IT TICKKTrt li nil HDPOINTS EAST irkik lulin and totirlat tlrsiurt, dining and IHrrr otwarvailus rrs. KI.K.l ANT VKHriHin TIIAINB. Nv 4 Llnlted ls I'Krtlsnd at liW p. m No I Limited rriv l'rtlnd l I.M . in. Tor rata, ste.. eU ddrs ii, w. urNHUKitnr, Aaeiil O. MAN. AsmrU. or A. II. t. IKNN1!MMN. - O I. T A ..Portland, Or " BALTIMORE and OHIO RAILROAD Royal nlue T HKI'W KKS TIIK EAST IN J WEST Only Una oirsna it wa Ihruuab trains baiwaa M lulavlll. lrlasuL t'lneinrtall and t' Trk. via Waaklaaioa. HaiSaatrs snd I'hiladMbla. Ta trarstor Ik B. Ok Is sorailiitw I alw gtiaipo wf tb (raatawl aery as pmtn ItARVST, Coaat As Ml I. Sea B. Mill BuiMamg. WHITE COLLAR LINL junl! ItWnc aiul lut Sairid Navt gallon Cuuiany. ItalUr (Intsrn Iraro Atwl daily, a. ci Maiur.lar. at I p. m. Um isrind daily Sunday at I a. m. Whlia ititar linn t.tii ritlr.iana. Hiltaiipy )(. O. It. .N imara T i. I'ittr ami Itaaaaio fur ArrU and all way mts I'laial. llwaav, HiUv, Aivt M.m.i ami NansMla U. II. ratriT. Asaorta Agt. Vra.l'nl. Txlsfirnn No. 11 L A FEW IMTCniTCTIrVIP. Ill I LIILO I II1U FACTS Waa popls ar ooMtmplatlag a trtf wbwibsr on buainaa or sUsaur. lay naturally want tb bawl sam aw. toiiiabl so far a a a, euanfart aad saMy la rorxwriMd. Employs g Ua WIHrONHIN CKNTRAL LINsX ar uakt lo arv ih pubno and eur train ar operated so aa to make ato o. naotliwi with diverging ia al all Junrvtlon polnta Pullman I'alar Blawpiag ssd (tvalr Clr on ihrough train Dining Car anrlr unsii-allsd. Msal earvad a la rarit. In ordrr lo obtain tbi fl.ai rlaas sarTtes. aak Ih llrkat igMil lo r yo a llrka ever The Wisconsin Central Lines. and you will mas dlrxH ennneollua al HI. Caul for l'ilsio. aliiwauba Sd all pwni aat. For any furrtwr Information nil oa sat tlrknt asent, or eoirrapond with J AS. C. POND. Oen. I"a. Agent, or J AS A CUX'K. Mllwauk, Wis aaaeral Asnl M Siark m nnual Or. LEAVK PORTLAND ARR1VI OVKHUND EX f'HKHN, for Salam, 7:00 P.M.k """""I. Aahland, lacrarnasto osj.iwo. 11:00 A.M. n rranoiaro. o Jv, Angela, Kl f-aao. Naw or. loans asd th East RoMourg nangtr Via Woodbur. for Mount Anaal. Mil. 1:1a A. M HM r. M Dally leapt Sunday Dally icept Saoday varton, Waal iclo firuwnTlll dm and 17:10 A. M t'orwallla . . 14:10 P. Ml ," ' iniuwt in A., at Independano paaf tl; A.S dwntaT A oTlentaT V.c7n7'lui.,"d oit anlo steamship linn for JW JAPAN, CHINA. AUSTRALIA .A,.!..'t.Nil''r"K PI I IM Pl'l N KB. . ond-claas, ncli.llng sleener.' iisiii iii mV.T' ' '"".lnl mim JJ.lCom'lu' otnoe. Astoria. Dyspepsia Curo. Digests what vou eat. Tt arf ia.nii j. ...... . ... structlng the extiausted dlBestlva o liX: J V' l.he dlscoTered dibT8 ant nnd tonlo. No ot her preprUor can otant HJy relieve, snd permanently ot IDCnS a. InHluoutlnn curet rii -..""""V,,.ciu,"iraiffia,L!rairir SOUTH i rtwinnr..!. T J. '7 - K-fati C: "o'ltesuon, Heartburn, .ana "r uruuuiCB tUXtSSuk