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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1899)
IM DAILY ASTU&lAh, FRIDAY MOHMftli. Al'UCST 4, 18tfS . 4 J See Our Sale Prices on Ladies' Sailor Hats Albert Dunbar TODArS WEATHER. Continued fair wvather; wanner ovr Western Washington. AROUNDJOWN. Tlx Walluskl bridg ha two repaired, nil U agiln open for travel. Th new Boatuc restaurant will furnl&h you aatlafaotory mA Try K. Th Finnish Brotherhood la to give n txcuruon to Seaside, 8irody, August 11 Bna U year old whiskey, and Nation! beer ar on lap at the National thl Wf fc. 81 jp in at the NatOMi cafe and get tamv) on your war home. C&en all sVht. Tb best French cream bonbon and Ic ct.m n oa th coast at tn Spa candy factory. Th rteara acttoooer Signal arrtvd In yesterday, wo days out from Seattle. Eh carries over M ton of ami. and will unload It at lb bunkers today. LMt-A rieT not, ISO fathoms. Wad Um marked "H. A." Ucena number JT1. on buoy and oa on of tho corks, abreast McGosnan's cannerr. Thursday ntarh. Finder return to Elmore' cannery. Re. ward paid. David Whlttlg. the lyer-old son of David Whin!. sr. a pioneer of Ne. haVm. acoidently hot NravK Tuesday who hunting near the Nehaletn river, and died soon after from te effects of his w.unds. He was crossing a log, when the trtnrer of hU gun caught on a tw'sr, ccidentiy discharging h. pareiilienaUa to and from the tnt of vMmrtj. The tndtan event will be eapevtally lnre:ur and are to contJ of w of wr eano race and other charaAterlstta A-atures, The red men 1U be a.Kirned with the richest colorlmra of their war palm and will be acvoutered In the eostune of their pyl. The bKtyvl contributed by the Fred T. M.r. rill Company of rrtland. will be dl liyed In the window of the committee room Today. IVerfdent Fu.uw and ilr. Thing went to IVwAinJ on Tuesday evening and consults with th local commute of tha city. They report that the attend, anoe from the Orevm mrtropolts will tax the ca-Mcky of the transportation llnv. Th cotnniluee ta(V nhat handsora oarvto of Invlnv.ton win be sent broadcast t once. The vote f jr queon at th crosing hour yeatsrday was as Mlowe: .Vis Louis Tallant ftstl M: UitH Tfultirmr M fuau Ktmore .Wl Me. Hrrfcn Allen i;a Alia Amy Lnon .ia Klsle rarker tw M FX RSdriu.dn til All Maud t-x-ktn su from your oeK lot)hilne.i, why doeon't Mr. llnnimonj prlti-r hi hand and wy, "her fellow, let band tVttnrr and lift th re town cnto her feet. I am in touoh with Ranein eatital; now rmt ty m and I'D induce It to com here and veubtloh the InJ'tttne w need.' For oite, t rvuld mk all reaonulle conceealona, and I am of th opinion thaj every other property owner In th rfty would do (he ame thing." A Commercial ttrvet ntetvhant aaid: "I haven't read anything in good while th.u pl?a'd me gulte a much a That Hammond IntervK w. 11 rapped tli poiy hrl. hut they needed all he gtiv the;n and mere too, The trouble with Aatrla that it harbor a Ut of mu-nplsh anBtunrlaiti who are obliviou to the town' real future, and think of only old age and approaching dewih. If they hawn't the hungvr for grow eft and .nu en-nt, they hould Jump from th band wagon and give th yjing.-r folk, who are mlUtKm, th O5portunlty they crave. rMwrl Moore Tl mw nhe unner of your yvMth; tKne m not crnt the though eorrow 1S . 1H Mini tuni Llonbencer M: Norrn Ml Barker Jlw l.ikiu Mt mm tytraon M Alustb 71 ilr. Jihn .Veljon T Mian McConnWt a Wis Iucy Morton 5" Mr Kol Srfernan SO Xi I long haa wathed them.' Kdw-ard rTavel, K. Flawl, Smith, OactMnnelt. Klllln, Wtvvkion, Trenohard, Weatdahl, lNhur, rw, Hkirina. McKeaii. H.ii. Sayre, Oil, Short, Jlerry. fthcr- I nan, Tallant. II. TatUm, HelltH.rn and Ornj'. &.-.r iaetd, H. WIlMn, J. WKeon. lllirgliw, Jhnont lr. Flnvh. Shermai. Dr. Itating, Dr. Watker, U. tnmihv. Lt. Ittttenam, C, I!ellt.rn. lUn, MKen, Splttlf, IVrruther. J. Young, UadthileM, tMrner, Mclean, M.- tu. Voting, rVx. tlray, WeK-h, Ortmth and Trulllnger. ANOTHKit 8TVXa.Mr I'AMHAOK. T!ie tlond 8h(p CVlumbt Keachr Her IVvk With th l'u U,t of iat?ra and rrelghl. Th Col.itnbl. with her'fcody deeily hmneiwd In th water, ami wrrytn cloe to two hundred rl and n. ota paMentrer. teamrd U4 to th t. K. N. dock at 10 o'clock yeteiMy nH-rnlng and thrw out hr faaienimra fvr a tw.h,Hir' ile-um When th gang, way w.ia pnrd, th majority of voy. agera ruhd pe.Km fyr u, landing. Then there wwa batl and a onring. "Buy Your Goods at SHANAHAN ' S and Vote for Regatta -Queen. 1 iII rlghu W ar now on th threhod land a futllade of queationa at th atern REXTITINO OFFICER IN ASTORI.. Utut. Collin) Talk Entertainingly of Cnd &un' Inducvtnenta for Good Men In His Military Service. lieuleuM Robert W, Collin. SJth ln fantry, V. B. V., reacM the city on Tuesday evening and yeterday eatab Ityhed recruiting office In the Kinney Bloi-k. corner of Commercial and Elev. errth mreela. ATthough but 2 year of age. Ueuten ! ihctu no t.iUn, !vf good timea and CA-ndMona r In our favor. All w need I for lh tnt-urable to tand aille and gtv tho who wlah a adance the city an open chnc to do A triv.llng man t In front of the tVctJent and ohaited wttn the reporter; "My home 1 !n an Fra'a'liR.'o." h aaid, tvut I cover th Northwwit territory for ci.e of the lrrfet houw In California. I rejid Mr. Himnond'i lnter'rw and rwt ih:h ail down rather hard on th local pe-Jtl and their lack of enter prise. No ft tr.n to me that It would be an enoy matter to make tlx the Oregvn me:r.Hol1 If the right ort of en-nry u evinced. Portland I at aicd with a dronUh lot of oM-tlmer who njvsr would bother you If you paid Seattle will wrely vietged young man who examined all ttvketa a they ram from th vrael. A llttl woman, with tanned Ve nd black a4Hr.l, had hwt or d1Wcd her Irea. ured paxtflboard. "You can t go inure. nmilain. until you ahw II." mid tlM omcer. JSvketi and puree were inrtln j d t mlMlng th-ket untH her ur. ! rounding were blurred y welling of twr. "And now," he otwerved to ytander, "wht tti lh world will be.' runt of me? Tnrt 'trnn-rd rnri J wlH never 1 m go away until they I t It. " The CoranrtHa wa furtunat In flnd!nj iri.d weather during her en. tire northwwrd J'Hirney, The tint day out frotn tili tk:,h-n 0.te, the sea w U.nifiy and th dec wnmtir tern: liaHmi cloth IWwd ed. A hewvy .well ,l dde.l to the , wor:n W' d!vmfrt tT the paawnger and tn ' M'n' ftne an wool wonteil fii Men' rvvitde ItrMted Bulhi, tailor , tnwde: hex qiialWy tUMtt, worth t: 'm, per uit Ml) OUtftrro thrill wi!hin the rtvxt two vmr ' Clnuml an nn.tvt..- ik. although in truth, .h, ha nothltv, to I reached. Hut the aun held ,y In the ",un ',",'n, "ror'n ,ll'W' prT ,u" Blsre Morris waa a passenger for 6ea-ide on yeswrday" train. H wwa adcoropanied by a carpenter, who go down ;o begin the construction of eald reld.nce on the church property at that place. It will be for the use of all the clergy of rh diocese and will be named the "Prophet's Chamber" strik en! Colllmi ! well vrsed In army tae tlce, liavlng devwted th laivvr part of n years In trie Clemson college ami th bark hrr but vim and lot of vltaiitr. I Heavens, and the ..ii K.,r.i i.v State Mljltary Sohool at Charleston. 3. 'They tell me that you have a regutta j the shore, rendering the vo)-:e umw. AM a-i to in particulars or nw 1 anil big carnival coming off eorael'me i "ally pleaiaant from a 'rnio )lnt of Men' all ! rVrrch Twl riaat c- ami tn-n .. . ,. lt new ty.e Itnltin doth Hned, with 19 m W have a fine line of all wH taMor nude clothm to lUW per mil; w saw you m-y on every utt. vlow. Twenty-D ion of cargo wrre : unNadd fr Astoria merini. ' recruiting wont ax im station, th ; .hiring the pret monih. Thi U a Beurenant ald: j good thin rj copy mKar depart. "U I Tnt-h? Sam's intention to equip jiru pra'1-d by ibe piwhirg cltle o( tweh-e now regiments of Infantrj'. 'the Eist. Nov. I will tB you what I Ten of The are to be orvwnlivd In would do .if 1 wiu chairman of your the United States ami two under dencral 1 comnvrvhl ort:inlii:lon here. The 0 Otla In the Phillpplnea. All rold. It will ,irtuni:y is ahT.irded In th! rosntia. ! tnenn that between Bftven and sixteen would extend that Seattle chnnrtwr of thousand fresh and stunly soldiers are ; CAmnvrce a sjieclal Invliatlon to com to be thrown aroinst the lnurgen! on , down here. 1 Icikk the nK'n who com. Uie fclands. The recrurting atarlons are : pose It. and they mive thf Chlcaao itln. kxTe, to cover as nearky a possible gt.r n hem all thromrh. Thvn. when j h tvme. will It b us the u.' Hc' l-plwi Vtae lluKa. wool ol. mr, large swllur cvkar. irtinmrd wtrti t;k brM; very na suit: p-r ult..HU lt'J a all yiddr uii with larg ilor rJIr rvitliMtlun 7 doth aa.) braid (rnnd, wr run 3tj !'' Ivxtle Itmuied Hulls; ool.ex. navy. blM.k wnd brin; a good mir4 rilt f. a boy; j-r ult ...lit Hoy' all woi Twvd fliili, s'rhily pu Irrin; lined wh Italiaii ri"iti; all xlnntgtr swil; fiHid Value for Ilia n.,nm akel; p-r suk am l,U -.' Call.v Wrappei awiat Html; git Wide acni r of Indigo bla. klrla, lT gaiw M cent ltdlr' gol qiwlllr Permla wrapper. nmrtv Innmnl; run wtiUk skirt: tNtrgaln, pr garment ,..H) Initio beet Qii!e Se,wl Wrapper I tartre M'M ico fulfle; nw'ly trimm4. .!" h lt. now 11 M All our Tio M.Ha' Uhln Waist, a brat qunlliy rr ul, reduerd to...,, .loo rdl'V Whit (rliry Hklrta, kuji enk n and deep hem. ach ,,. larga ..11 Iadia' Uskvx Kid Olovea ar th best) keon than repaired for all nia(h fre uf charge. HENIIY VIUVUD'3 VtlT. Will He Com as the Ou.i ot Prc'Jcnt Ha iiiu nd, and What Will lie the SlgnuVaiH-e? im soiling tho Host Lino of Moroliniilit in tlio city, nt Jo mon-v tlinii can lir purcluiuotl t!."ovlnTo,('iill uml mo I's, U Henry Villarvl coming to .tor A.xr.ung to the Oregonmn. Ie l Shanahan Bros. tl,e lensTth and brea.hh o' the land. The y,,u g?t thorn here, irlv the arti- Sng ecrlptural term mioh as Bishop Morj Xth 'na:ry organlie at the Plans, good ti n and mil up with them. Kind ris Is famous f.jr using m an apt manner. barracks In Now Tork; the rth out ho-r they piam lhw .fltan.-e no nrn at fa np r.: th Wh wires, ami talk o anliu-iivetv i. v.- at Frt MoPherson. Ga.; the th at York and Boston capitalists. 1 don't Fort Sheridan, III.; the list at Fort earn my nam quoted, nor do I want Thotms. Ky.; the End at Fort Sam to farter my-Mf that 1 know a b mre Houston. Teg.; the SJrd at Fort Leaveiw than anybody else; but Just for the time worth, Kas.; the Win at Denver. Colo.; befng. I wuuhi like to engineer the Al and the 35th at Vancouver barracks. . torla Ctonroerdal tlub and be on the Waahlrorton." reonvlon committee while the toova were 'What are rh recruiting retrulaflons. here. If some . the Artorlana dUln't U Franlchine. famous French chef, who lately arrived In Portland, haa been secured by Lee Herring and rook onarg of his eating house yesterday. Mr. Franidiine ha the repuiatioo of being on of the best tamwle tnakftrs on the coast. He also mak3s apedky of cooklns; oysters ui every style. Patrons of Mr. Herring will have an opportunity of testing the new chefs skin by calling t Mr. Herring's today. A suit for divorce waa filed In the county clerk's office yesterday against TLomu Mont ei Mi by Nellie Ifonterth. The complaint alleges that Montefth bo hold their notes for town tot and lieutenant V nen. a man mini range in age from other Interest before they got way. t W to X years. Any applicant under 71 j am willing to concele iha i lose my must furnish the written consent of his guess.'' parent or guardian before his name j 11 can be placed on the enrollment list, j GRACE CHl'RCH PICNIC. Then there other conditions. A man's . weight must not be less than 133 nor: On of the Beit Atterulrd and Most En. Joyable Affairs of the Season. need cruel and Inhuman treatment to. j over 190 pounds. Me roust also, be over ward her at Intervals since they were 1 5 feet 1 in height, physically sound j married in 1SS3. A Kmg recital of bar- j 01 S0011 moral character. The pay j Friends and pupils of Grace church baro-is treatment Is given, whfc proves j prirate l $13.00 per month. The 'Sunday school numbering over two bun. the defe.idant to be brute and brand ! ta,e Per cent Increase, however, now : dred pe ie, araibed at .the dock early makes tils Income lb.9) per month. In taterdy morning, and Awarding a Urge addition to this, he Is entitled to ; barg, were tuwed by rh steamer EaUpa clothing allowance of tor the first J to uln?y. where they impaired to Kajnm'i month service." j farm for a days outing. The weather "When wiB you commence enlisting." was perfect and the picnic complte "I am waiting for men right now. I j succcsa, lth socially and Unanclally. No -would Ilk It understood that man accident of serious consequence hap doesn't need to declare his intention of Pned to mar the occasion. It Is true becoming an American citizen in order j that two or three small hals were blown to Join the volunteer. They should also 1 Into the rumbling waves, and a boom of be aware that they are entitled to both I K'gs uV.ayed the pletwurv seeker for rations and quarters from the moment ! brief spll on the river, but these were they are accepted. Transportation will ' harml mishaps and soon forgotten. be furnished to Vancouver the day fol- What a J.iyous aoclaim 'thre was when lowing the enlistment." the bislutts were emptied and the as, Mr. Collins was hon.raMy dls.-harged I vory lu-ui served under the mreadlng from the 19th regulaT Infantry to accept j trees. Thn TWIowed games in iirxrfutlon his conmlsslon of Lle-jtennnt In the which o.?c-ioii-d rh tim nnii i n in Vcluntei service. He accompanied the the aftrrn-on. There were Co and 100 ISch Infarrtry to Cuba during the Spanish, yard running contests, sack races, egg American war, but saw no actual hosi I and spxin races and even three ieerged tr.ftles, as his company wa held in re-jracts. Some of the boys contended In serve. He says that the Irarrwks have Jumping, and others o the little folk advices .that the troops will be tran-. found sport 'n the game of Aunt Sally. porwu to jiani.a as soon as tne organ 1. The hiiye children went swimming and laraon i cmpieira aim tne men nave angM for trut. The priies for tie dif- bhn as moaater. The plaintiff aaks th custody of a ttireoyearjold child. Mrs. Hamrtck of Chicago Is at C. H. Cooper's with a bewirti'til line of needle wx-rk. ff you keep up wtth th times ' ymt -" 5ippr?cSate her new dehrns of Calculla. Russian. Penrvlan. Battenburg, ere "New brown linens" a specialty, quickly made and effective. She will remain a few days and give lessons at th store. Don't oils the opportunity ft win be the attraction of the town for ladles who have beautiful homes. Les sens given. Stamping done. Order taken. CaH before too late. "SAME OLD GRIND." Regat'.i Committee Plugging Away In Pr3a'.fon for the Greatest Event of the Kind In Astoria's History. "It Is the same old grind." said Sec retary Allen yesterday, when the reporter asked hi n Tor the particulars of the com- tnltve meeting. "We are plugging away, xd tfie wrk Is making me decidedly gaunt. I am not growing thin for noth tng, however. You can say that the events this year will eclipse anything ar.d everything heretofore attempted in the reitte fine; that It will be red- letter affair and b5awout such as the town never anticipated nor saw before. Here Is a verse by our poet laureate: "R"jatta day Is drawing nigh. The prjudest of the year; We'll meet it with a, sparkling eye, And end It with a cheer." I wjo't mention his name for the rea son that I need him for other work." The flaB and pennants were ordered yesterday. The pennants will be made in the regatta colors, viz; a blue ground with white letter and a white ground with blue fetters. In addition to the of ficers of last year, there will be an extra, admiral and vice-admiral. IX I now definitely settled that the Columbine and Manzandta will be In attendance. The committee Is advised that large fleet of steamboats will come down the Colun bia with the Portland offlcials. President lioomls of the I. R. & N. Company ha tendered the committee tranBDortaXlon for the Hhoarwater Bay Indian and their Always Good Coffee Big: Presents At Great Affierlcaa Iirpsrtiiij: Tea Co'i Big Value Stores. (71 Commercial at, Astoria. resident Ha.ninond? This latter qu.'H rioii was a popular query on the struts all of yesterday. Everybody k'"W of Ib'tiry Vlllard. In day gon by. he was the urknowl. edged king of rulroad builders; (he sorcerer who. with his wand, toxahed the Northwest Into an airy stmt of unrr.-afH prosperity. But fr many years, now. th n.ited Walt Btrewt mag nate hit hidden hlnuetf within th fold of obs'urlty. I he to reaiipcar on th stage of action ami atari the world with a coup de main? At on time. Mr. Vlllard wa receiver for h Oregon A California raihray. Subsequently, h irwanlsed the Oregon, Ralrway and Nav. Igatlon Company, which, within rea. sonabl time, absorbed the Ompm Steam Navigation Co., a powerful urporatlon errag'd extensively In Columbia river traffic. Later, Mr. VKIard obtained con trol of th Northern Pactl ralVway and organised wihat w known as the Ore gon at Trans.contlnental RaSrwd Vm. puny ,whk-h emboilled the O. It. A N the Northern Paric, the Onvon In prove neot Coenjiany and nunilwrlra smalle!- corporation. It was 'Mr. VII. lard who ooiwtrirote.I the connecting Jink In th Northern Pacific, thereby welding the east with the nourishing west. But this final trlunph marked the epoch of lis do if ill. The Demon of Insolvency unmasked In New York. 1 Column of stories could .be written of Mr. Vlllard. It wo ihe who originated the "Hotel Portland," and Jlenry Vlllard who m.uld-'d what was known as tfi "Blind Pool," and within a week raised eight millions of dollar to be expended in a projevrt unknown to th lubacrlbers. This Nnoloi of the railroad world had talent, aptitude and unequalled clever. ' ness. If was only the Fat- who decreed ! his remrluible overthrow. He is weU come In the Northwettt. Astoria would ' give support to any Vlllard aiileve. mcnt, I 2 STORES STORBS 2 I W III 99 W p vw mm ii p V9 vv THE BOSTON SHOE GREAT SALE COMPANY OF ...BOOTS AND SHOES... Is now uoing on at 435 Commercial Street. Come and get yuur .upply of SHOES AT WHOLESALE I'll ICES. We are manufacturer. Buy from u tlirect. Wetmd nothing but the lest material, good upjxirs and solid nolo leather. Wo employ only White Labor, pay the highest wages and get tho best work. We guarantee wry puir of Shoes to wear as represented. We soil Shots for kwa than retailers can buy them. HERE Ladles rVcncb Kid Shoes, . Ladles fine hid Shoes, . . Ladies Fine Kid Tics, . , ChlldrensSehool Shoes, . . ARE SOME SAMPLE BARQAIN5 $2.00 worth $4.00 1.25 worth 2.50 7.Uorth 1.50 . 50 worth 1.00 Mcb'h Flae Calf Shoes, Mca'a Preach Cair Shoes, Hnlilcs Shots Hoys' School Shots , , $1.25 worth $2.50 . 2.00 worth 4,00 . 25 . 75 worth 1.50 Sale now Going on and will Positively Close August 31. oecome sufficiently drilled. MR. HAMMOND'S INTERVIEW. SHU te Topla of Discusifon and 'Praised and Condemned From Differ, ent Standpoints. The) Interview with President Ham. niond of the A. & C. railroad, published In the Astortan on Tuesday hut, and reproduced In the Oretjorrian m Its Ij. us of Wednesday, Is still an assorting- topic among the people Interested In the city' future. There are some who be. lleve that Mr. Hammond's utterances were of rancorous and spiteful nature end not calculated to promote en amicable and advantageous spirit. Oth ers, asraln, declare that he candidly pre sented the existing conditions, and that the tax-paying dement needed Just euth proddlna; a he gave them to incite a disposition to boldly press onward. An Astoriam representative talked with a number of leadlntr business men yearter. day, In ordor to gather such Impress. Ion a are held regarding Mr. Ham mond' forceful remarks. A gtntleman who desired that his name be sui pressed, but who is known a one of As. torla' largest property holders, said "Wihllo I regard Mr. Hammond's Inter view as lllthned and vindictive, still. I think It the duty of all loyal citizens to stand by him and the magnificent road he ha given us. Of course, a large number of our merchants have their ware rooms on itne docks and thus find It more convenient to receive their frelgWt by water than by rail. More, over, there may be a slight discrepancy to shipping rates In favor of the steam ship companies. But notwithstanding all this. In so far a It is possible to reach, the A. & C, that Dne should he given the local business. Another welMcnown end extensive lend owner reasoned as follows: frfnt athletic contests were furnlsTied in- cnun-n urotnernooa, and con. slrtd of stick pins capped with blue and white rMwns. The management is de. slrous of thanking the public for Its gen nous pnitrorrage, and County Commlw ssontr C. Peterson, In particular, on whose spacious lawn rhe refreshments were served, and who, with W eieoHent wife, contributed every effort towards making it the succewiru and enjoyable affair that It was. DBMOHTFUL SOCIETY EVENT. The dancing party given by Mrs. W, 0. Wilkinson at her residence on Four teenth street iant night wa one of th leading social event of the season. The large and cmmodlous building was thronged -with Astoria' society leaders, and the youth and beauty present, to- gether with the elegant decorations made a very pretty affair. The room were decorated In pink, sweet peas and La Franc roses being the flowers used, and a (charming effect was produced by their artistic arrange- ment The front veranda was enclosed by hanging draperies, and this cool alcove was a favorite place for sitting out Ui dances. Punch was also served to the guests there. At a late hour light refrenhment of tempting nature were served. Musks for the oceaHlon was furnished by the ColumJMan ordhestra, and their enlivening strains added much to the pleasure of the evening. The larfcw num. tier prwent express thamselvei as hawing enjoyed a most delightful dajice. Follwlng were Mrs. Wilkinson' gueirts for th evening: Mr. and Mrs. Thin;, Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar. Mr. and Mrs. TrulHnger, Mr. ar.d Mrs. H. C. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Maddoik, Mr. and Mr. R. Prael and 'Tn i Mr and Mrs. P ',v,0 i . vi rtead of Denting Astoria tor Warren, Brown, 'misi Kinney" BOSTON SHOE CO., Commercial Street, 435. NEW CREW AT THE OCCIDBNT. The WaUcrs at Thl Famous Itowtelry Will Hereafter be of On Color. Benjamin R. 0iyle, the colored steward of the Occident hotel, went to Portland yesterday to obtain a crew of Mack men to reipfaoe the striking white waiter who went out on Tuesday. The Occident management secured new ahlte help from Portland Wednesday, but The men on arrival learned the dr. cumstances of Tuesday's iminlty and re fused to accept the positions. There vp on the proprietors, Meeers. Megler and Wright, determined to obvlat any fur. ther difficulty by, employing men of th same racial extra all on a the steward. They ar expected to arrive today. 1 fcaftfJJhsjajJBk Finnish Brotherhood ANNUAL... EXCURSION To Seaside on August 13th Special Train leaven depot at 8:30 a. m. Returning will leave Se;ildti at 5 p. in. Tlck?t Including admission to grand tell at Fourd and Stokes hall, ft Children between J and ton, Z cent. QrlV1T's fuU band will furnish mmlc, TlckxiM can be had from member of tb. Brotherhood, BUSINESS POINTERS. lit-lfted Snow Market. flour W W at th Tat Beat U-ont me.!. Rising Bun reauui. nuit, til Commercial street. Our Ice cream la warranted to be made of pur cream. Th Parlor, next to John IIhn' Enjoy a good quar. meal for II cents at th. Dtnvtr Kitchen on Ninth strt Whit cook. Beat California, win SO cents per gaJ. ion. Alex Gilbert, aoi agent for As toria. Telephone 12. Oretn pur. Ry. America's finest whiskey. Th only pur good, guana. teod rtoh and mellow, Juten L. carlaoo, sois agoot. Conoert very af ternoon and vnlng at the "Fashion," as Aator street, tireo by Kally and Davl, th two Irish noble. men. Bund Nylund, proprietor. K alloy's transfer wagon deliver box wood to any part of th olty on short notdoe. All order left at Zapfa furnl. tur tore, (30 Commeroial atreet, wdl re. oeiv prompt attatvUon. Talephon till. Bargain In new ana second hand wheel, from It up. New and nrtMa wheel kept for rwvt Sol a rents for th ftunou Rambler. Repair and un arte at lowest rate. Columbia Eleo- ttical Repair Co., 621 Bond. Th new Oaamery restaurant, Bond streot, near th alley between lWh and 13(01 treeta, erve th best 2S cent meal ever set out in Astoria. BrerytihlnaT I now, newt and dleam, nd boVut satis, faotaon I raat4 aS patron. tjnnuuirtAruutiwwwvAnAAruvruvi PORTLAND, OR. P The Onlv PlraatClanta Motel i di p - - ... sj ua j C. J. TRENCHARD, Commission, Brokerage, Cu,om hou Drokar. ASTORIA, .OREGON Insurance and Shipping. Agent W. F. 4 Co., and Paolno KiprM Co'.. dnAAnWVrWU ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY Tlphon No. oa Handles Onlv the Choicest Mute 1 -ww w . I H,U 1 411 Camnirclal at., nit Palace Rtitaaraul. lhe PALACE Open Day and Night. W. W, Whlpple.ProprlwtOr. Finest , Restaurant North of San Francisco ATTBNTIVB 8BRVICB.... FIR8TCLAB8 CUISINE.. PRIYATH) ROOMS FOR LADIES, 538 Commercial St., Astoria, Oregon. I . .. ' 1