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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1899)
I t we-af " THK DAILY ASTOltlAN, FltHMY MORN'LNG. AUGUST 4, IBM THE BEST Ut&hing Povd P. H. Sharpie's Latsmt FISHER BROS. Banders' Heavy and Shelf Stop and Think! Art You OwMIng The Dent Meula, The Bent Liquors, That cn t had li th. clly? If not, srjKii-jcff It I BiauM you For Uoee was i remure May get ! wlia. ThollMUM VM IMff That of ail las fM Look for the sign of "JCFF'B" ami Columbia and Repair Co. Sticceor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths Boilermakers Machinists Foundrymen Logging Rnglnam IImIII and Ucpnlrod Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty Suit Manufacturer of the Unsurpassed ... Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel ... Contractors for Electric Light mid Power PlanU.' "Russell" Automatic Engine ' Vj '."I.-r. Write for Ontlogtic8 of A. II. AVERILL, Mannger. R. L. Boyle & Co Lending Real EHtote Dealer of ASTORIA, OREGON Write for Information and Pnnij)hlotn. Commercial Street SAINT I Fl ID MARINE T. PAUL, MINN., JAN. Capital . ... Reserve for Unearned Premium Reservo for nil Other Liabilities Not Surplus over all Liabilities Total Assets PACIFIC DEPARTMENT. CHARLES CHRISTENSEN, Manager. B. OOODWIN, Assistant Manager. 817 California St., S. F., ChI. er Cream Separators and llcl. General Supply House for Family Groceries. Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Etc. Or The Heat Beds s Restaurant. assume i tmmomf all that (bey seed, It BSVa rrMlf Mlarsrs tmrr me sbst. take oo oilier Kalabllahod twenty year Electric Loggers' Supplies Kept In Stock v s Engine, lioilers, Saw Mills. RUSSELL A CO., Portland, Oregon. PAUL I int, i8q $ 500,000.00 1,010,407.87 222,691.07 784,888.78 f'2,023,087.72 INSURANCE COMPAK SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. Agents, Astoria, Oregon CITY COUNCIL MEET. An Ordlnaii" to License Merchants Do. Iti ar Business lii Astoria Calls Forth Considerable lirbxts, . . A ntihtr wirdy session of ni city Ctin.41 waa hvll la'l night wlitoh, bliwuvrr, very llMIe Important business was trans '11. Tn entire corps f rlty oftVlals, except Councilman iAgrn, Wef In allendaww. Th minute tlx lat meeting n read and approved. A peilis-m signed by avrel iperty owner asking for material wtlh which o build a sMswalk on Tenth street, waa laid on the nJH.. , A petition was presented by prop.'rty uwnefs asking for U Um'rovtifW of I..viiI"(iiJi mivt from i uth al'ija. .s li.t.Llln nvamlfk IA ffl north alii oK Irvlnf avi-nu. Kfrr.l 1o Ilia rrl ummllli, A iitliMi from Cliai. WU aklii for a llnwr llcnfiM aa tf'rwd to the poin- miiiN mi hiflh ami iMIw. A alimlar Hillkn frMn JUian lliiirtrfckimri aa llal. sr.) itt In th aamo my. ' A cKimiunl.iail'Xi m rwiwlvrj frm tli Imu of Amran MunitiaaHl rliri.llii an InvHatlvn to Aor1 clly official ! J- prra'nt at a wivnllii of ih twly hH In (tfit-nrtT at HYtf cut, .V I. A mown U"iwnf niyvr iwivtnan. Coumitnwn Iark'T ant (kKl. dint t' aicnJ lha jonwnllftn. ta"t a nyni. ami It w ill ll to wnd th r.mtia wnmlitc. A ('itimunKvjlVHi from th boMrrt of !- nt on til Jraln tuni. akln( that aamf U fald, u rrf'Wd to Oly Auornry Allan. Tho way and mana fommlilp rw ommondwl iMont of iha Alna Evtn. Ing ,Vnw. II M and Kulton Hrua , VM. Th cdmmWt- rwwimwndnl Out elta Itolltton of ih H'irr Trurt fV. lrlii fr tha 19 ywir plan of paj-rwTtl of a'rwt ..rmflil. not r!:rd. T)n iP"rt ran aikiptml. Th cmmltira on hfrth ami p"IU- r-.mmoniW ih aranitng (a Clm. at a iviaH llnti'W ll(n. Rnn waa a.kitd. Tha Vommlttca on aiivrta and public waya rfC.mwnrndiHl payment of tlw fol lowing litllt : flirperlmendr-nt of alreela iliy mirvrvur ,,, tioi vt Mm Co rts ttatn -MWI Co. S.M Tlie report waa ad)tfil. The xnl of aa-r mail a rrport )iiwln they ltad il!lvMd the elreet aeaetamrol agtlnat lota 4. S. I. ". S and . blivk 111. Hhlw4v Aamrla. a InairiKS- ed The r-inwl woa adit4WI. The clly aurvryor reported1 that he liad made a aurvey of Aetor trrt In aertaln the number of tiulldlnga whii-b iiml.Tt Into 4h aireel. and In cae irf atreet lmprvnent would have to b ntoved. About a doaen were ifteil, ami the mutter waa referred 40 the clly at Pirney to get hla opinion aa to whether r not the ow-.nta muld fee made to m-e them In caae of alreet ImprovemenL An or.llnanre regulatlnif Die aU of phntiarripnlc roujiona tiy iKi.rel.lent waa read t'i flrat and aecond time. On mnpn 4 he rule, were auapemled and the ordlnanoe waa read the third time and pnaacd. A in-realdeit owning to the tfty and Mhng thotograihtc coupona, rnuKC tint pay a llmna ot 1100. Falling to do thla. fine of nut leaa than I3X nor mora bhan tiMI la provided, or by lm rlanmiit !n Jail nut Ui exieed 100 daya. An ovtllnarwv waa read the flrat and aecond tinw fjddliig fr the Ui-enalng of mcruhanta dulng buelneaa In the otty. Ikn ot tM, or a bund wvxifel tx re quired of ah mervhairt, but lifter aald merchant being In bualneaa In Aatoria year, hla llcoruw money wvmld ba re funded. Tha re.ult at thli ordinance would tot to give pruteotkin to Aatoria metuhAnta by ketiptng out email atorei w'hu miwll'.tah Htcqaxilvea here for a abort Unit during the flahlng aeaaon. The ordinance aroused much general de bute, It waa htld over till next meeting. An ordinance wua Intruduwd mrprl- atltig 12(10 out of the genera) fund with wiluVhi ro purchaae a aultaMe rockcruaher to vruah rock for the clly atreota, An ordinance wua read the flrat aud tocond time provhllng for the tranafer of a warrant for 160.31 front the Adtdr drainage fund to the gvnt'rul fund. Ordln.imve vr read the flrat and aec ond tln8 appropriating I1W itw T. B. Blmp aon for iNiltUIng .the uily luUI, pX) to ultim Hro. tfor profoaetonul avrvlcea rt-mh-rwl the city, nd 1102 W A. SlcFar. tone fur rlMlr on the city hall. An urdlmuice waa rdid tlie third time leaning lot 4, block 14, Midlines AaWrla to t!he aihool dlatrlct for l period ot ten yeura M a yearly retnal II a ynr. diniP (lla,niKlon waa lndulKCd In na 4u wlihT or not It waa 'licst to transfer Iho properly to thcvliy bn)iv the school vind hud fullllicd their part f the con- ruot. The ordiniuicv waa finally phMcd. Tlio ordmaiHM providing for tho use of cr.ished rok on the clly streets In lieu of plank ' wihercvar esWl waa Itrought up for Its fliml laisange and fnlleil to pass, only Weloh voMug aye. A resolution was aduptvd that the busird of asaoHsura Untying tiled tfeMr report, should minit the board of equaJl- atlon and pioneriy apiortlon the atreet ameaaiMitt among the helra of Nancy Welch. . The ooundl then adjourned. A CVRIOCH rilACAH. The Trillil"iial "Ing and fthrt" Mm Mct-ill a LUtle WdlcuKf, la IrxMitPi to a phT ali lai, tpT an aoioyut a flgtit l ttK i-vUiti nvl mi!nirl at nlgtit. "I tbai't kip' Wlio tlia mrt wi:re," rilt Hie dootor, "Init tlia UUI fellow adva'Mi'd and kli-krd t!i nhort An In t). vUmntl cavity. Till, "inlwly nxuV dimj I, I it. tjryond tnduramw, tut h at Jlu-m ail'rta Iri lUltairunl.t, who ufTTJ frjiu tic (lnulourvux, a running Wow In tha far wllti a fiutA. Then the )nrt nun ran away. 1 cirtewaly viluntiTul lily i rvlrii, but tlia tall roan mald nw with unprltiialil djr(nty ai.d I onwnl. It wim dark, ar.d I f '.rwl for my lfr." Th ii'iynU-tan wta thnnkrd tor th lu' ld li'f'frnilfn Inipartrd. NO I'ACKAOU lfjT TO YL'KON, Urdrr iMtl.d Umlllng Mall to Gold Klrlda to Ivntera Only. NHW YUltK, Aug. 1-A atx-clal to tha Tltrura fiMin Waoidntf Ijoii waya: Tlilrd AaM.lant 1'oatmaWrr Oriwral MiKklrn hm.m l.aud an order calling the auntln uf ptntiutJU-ra vryJier to the (at Uiat -k. u .ttunot Im omJKh! to the Yukun dlatrlat. Ir:tera and put i card oii Iw wm to the Yukon Irrrhory, but Ihcrs la no way In which parveu ur third or rurli rli maJtrr can be for. wanlrd. It iwna Una Mw pMaia(t era have f t notify periwna who luiv aUcupiH to aeiid aoxh mailer ot U rule, and people who have tried to m nd rt lUitnir and other artbir to their file Hla In the Yukon have had their troul.le for Ih.Hr palnai J'uBlnm.ter. are Inatruoted to decline all aura matter. MANl F.VCTCHl-a ON THK CMI'tlCA. The Water I'oaer NVer llurg Wl.l be I'ttliged by a Southern Syndlcaie. HOSKtirnU. Aug. 1-Th great water pyWtr at Wlnch"!er, on rhe north l'np qua river, near Ittwburg. and the necei. sary lamls have been ao)d to KxSlate H-nat.-T J. 8. Johnwn of Atlanu, Gu., and his io--tte, wno Intend to util'ie itie power In truuiufai'lurVig ImluMrles. Inipruivmemi will commence at an early date. J4MA1.L E.1IIT OK IRON. riTTSdl'Ita. Aug. t-The ifalllng off uf eajwla In Iron and ateel for June, !;. form a remark sdile rhaptrr In our wmmeMal reutlons su-a the American Muivufi-.urer and Iron World. The ao4 reajuo awlgoed ta ttiat the domestic dinaod was too great, and the material could not apared for foreign hlpmrnt. Many g Kjd onlera have been urned down by BanufwJturera for ex jcrt, bJt a targe percentage of the or. drra for future IHvry wttl be taken are of. . VOlA'.STiiBil AIVOINTMBNTS. VA3UI.ST-N. Aug. t-The following amlgnmenta to new volunteer" reglmenta iJive been made: Thlrlj'Vlfth lnfantr--4.'apealna Austin K. Pr.iwott, ABiert J. llraiee, Eugene r. Crown, hirat Ueutenant H. Mint. eec. onl Lleuterisunt. Omlon N. Klmbatl. Itvacott. Ilraaee and Crowne all held commlssam In the 8ocond Oregon. REVOLUTION IN MEXICO. lOS A NOBLES. Aug. 1-Marahal P. Wright, of Kansas City, has arrived in itt oittf frurn Mexldo. 1 Siieaktng of Yaquls, wrlght Slavics tint there are from J.OWl to a.twi men under arnw ana en tjuged in bCdy contllct. The entire c untry s In a arate of terror, and people are flooing to lurger settlement. Tf.BKKCl"LOtJI8 IN IOWA COWS. tMT DODOE. Aug. iAs a result of ulie tubetvuloala tests which have been made on dairy herds suppl)-ing milk to tHs city, the comicM has taken vigorous action luwunl rotectlng tne twsens fiom di..ger of contracting disease from tubercular cattle. Thus tar 131 oows buve been examined and 31 condemned. CARPETS HA1SE IN P1UCE. OHt'-AOO, Aug. 3. -Carpet dealers were otltied today rhC after die middle of this month, w.vjlesale prices On 11 gocds of iboth home and foreign .nake will he advanced from 10 to W per cent. This Is the re"tlt of the Increase In Wie price of nvola and demands fr higher wages. TWO RBtHMENTS COMPLETE. WAS1UNOTON, Aug. 3. The number of enlistments, yesterday .were 3A-i4 mak Inir !Kl. Colonel lM"s regiment of the t.veiit.vviUi, ait Cany Meade, Is now al'.KKe tts quota, making two reg' tticnts complete. REAL IkST.VTE TRANSFERS. M. J. Phllbrlck nd P. S. PhilbrU-k to Julia llolmnii. W. 1. July II. Tr.ut of land in Pino Grove, SmsioV 00 Min. T'lt rcsa E. Piael and K. E. Pr.iel to the A.; & C. Railway Co. w. i. July "-'4, isss. i nnd 4. liloc-k it. Nww Astoria .... 300 Chus. E. Ford to the lA. ti C. Hall- may Co., W. D., August . 1S. Tract Including iortlons of lots 6, . 18 and 19, nnd all of lot 7, block 24, Nev Aslurla 500 L. O. West and wife to Jovian West, W. D.. Mamh 4. ISM. North half of th donation land claim of Al. vlrt Condtt XX feJ) mm mew An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beueficial effecta of the well known remedy, hrnt'1 or Flo a, manufactured by the Camfokxia Via HrHi'P Co., illuNtratc the value of olitaininif the liquid laxa tive principle of planta known to be meuicinauj laxative ann nrrnrniing them In the form moat ref reahlnif to the taate god acceptable to the system. It Is the one perfect atrcnjrUicnlnir laxa tive, clcaosiotr the avittcm effectually, dlipelllng colda, headachea and feveri gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual con at i nation per manently. Ita perfect frerd'n from eery objectionable quality and aub ttanoe, and Ita acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or Irritatlug' them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing tn are tiaed, aa they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qnalitieaof the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic planta. by a method known to the CAuronniA Fie Sritrp Co. only. In order to Rt ita beneficial effects and to avoid Imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AST rAH CISCO, CAI XT. WgW TOBJK. V. T. For aale by all Druggbxa Prior 5Uc. per bottle WHY .VOT BUY 8H0E8. At the Boston Shoe Company's store? 1-a.He.' Pine Kid Shoe for PK. IS Commi.vlal a(r?et. LADIES CAN WEAR SHOES. One alas smaller after using Allen's Koou Ease, a powder to be shaken Into tne shoes. It makes tight or new shoe, feel easy; It gives Instant relief to corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort is cuvery ot tha sge. Cure, swollen feet. blisters and callous spots. Allen'. Foot- Ease Is a certain cure for Ingrowing nails, sweating, hot, aching feet. At all druggtata and alio, stores. B eents. Trial package free by mail. Address Alea 8. Olmsted, La Roy, N. T. If the wages of sin Is death some people are slow In collecting what Is due them. Cyficura REMEDIES THE SET 1.25 CoKtsffit CUTIOIA SOAP, b) ctaJSf ffic it cCTlCl'ttl Ointment, to kol tbc stia. astf aimi RfSOLVEtT, ti cool UK Mood. U tlai ssffldat to art (He nnst tortortar. Hs- CrurlBf sUb, seal;, vA Mood knsors, nsoo. BiltorvaliTttjr)ons,itti (be best pfcjsJdiodani Kka rooctlla tiiL t.Uim)- THi Srr. IIJI; w Crncru or. .i Oinurr,aH.i Rc.T(UU limkM. rams Dsr us Cm. Cue., o. rwn.. Biima. sar-H.ieCai Bun'erM,tM. DON'T OO BARErXXXTED. Wen you can buy children's School Shuea at Ta cents, worth 11.60. at Boston Shoe Cotntiany, 435 Ommvrclal street. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Notl ,-e Is hervtoy given that the regular ccunty examination of teachers will be held In Hhe hteh school building at As toria, Ore., coxrmeoclrag Wednesday, August t, 1(3). Tlia following program has been pre pared by the state board of education: FOR STATE PAPERS Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling, algebra, leading. Thursdtay Written arttOiroetlc, tlheory of teir-hlng, gra.nmar. bookkeeping. physlj Friday Phyaloiog-, geograjihy, mental arithmetic, composition, physical geog raphy. SmturvtayHotiny, pUne geometry, gen eral history, English literature, pejxftol. fry- FOR COUNTY PAPERS.-Wedneeday-Penmansalp, history, epWUng, physiology. IDiurmlay Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, gnunsutr. FrliUy Geography, mental arithmetic, reading. Dated thla 31st day ot July, 1S99. J. T. LEE. County School Superintendent of Clatsop Cou.lty, Oregon. GOOD NEWS. You can buy gems flne calf shoes tor 11.25 warth 12.50. Boston Shoe Co., 435 Commercial street. PICKED L'P. A skiff painted green, was picked up rear the Young's bay brtdige. The owner can have the mine by calling at th llersili otllce and paying charges for this noMoj. NOTICE FOR BIDS. Bids will be received by the county of Clatsop. Oregon, until Wednesday, the 9;h diy of August, ISM, at 1:30 o'clock p. ra for delivery at the court house yard of CO cords of spruce Hmbs or vine maple, and 10 cords of hemlock wood; the same to be of good, sound quality, full cord lengths, and delivered on or before tho 1st day of September, 1899. The right la reserved to reject any and all bids. By order of the county court. H. J. Wherlty, County Cleik. WW WANTED, Illds wMI be rw-tved at the office ot W. T. dement till Saturday noon, Aug. 5. 9, fur ownrpbrthig tha laying of the piunk on dj-lta of IwU and CUrka road. H. C. THOMI'SON, Chiilrman. TUB WjtrrrjX WlOE COMPANY. Otrta' Frenc h Calf hoea, fj, wntl H. 43i tkrfnmercial street. When two women have different views they consider eaw h other peculiar. A MOTJIER TFAAJB HOW BllE BAVED IlflR LITTTE DACOHTERg LIFE. I am the mother of eUrht children and have had a gTat d-l of experience with ndloine. Lat summer my little daughter had tile dysentery In Its worst form. We thought et would die. 1 1 mi everything I eou'.d think of but nothing eeerned to do her any good. I saw by an advertrmnt In our paper that Cfcambrlaln'e Collo Cholera and Dtar. rl oeaRe-oedy waa recommended and sent and gJt a bottle at once. It proved to be one of the very beat medicine, ws ever bad in the bouse. It saved my little) daughter's life. I am anxious for every mother to know what an excellent medi cine M ia Had I known It at Brat U would have saved me a great deal of anxiety and my little daughter much auf ferlng.-Tours truly, Mrs. George F. Bur. dick. Liberty, R. L For sale by CharVee Rogtrs. A;TTJRIA'B ORHAT SURPRISE, Boston 8h Co. Ladles' fine Kid Slip, pvre and ties. 73 eta. worth II M. 4X C'amrai.iclal atreet. iMIas Ellen Terry sa-s that In her youth ahe "wanted to keep a shop, a baby linen ahjp, or a che-nlet's, or to be a sailor." THE INTERNATIONAL AUTOMOBILE RACE. France claim, to be four years ahead of America n Uhe manufacture of automo- bite, and) naturally expects) to win. So did England to '79. and Spain in 'H We'll te about the race. Result la the real criterion. Judge automobiles, medicine or anything else by their works and joa wil not go eetiay. Take Hostetters Sionuch Bitters for Instance. Behind it there Is a fVty year record of cure ft stomach ma. There are trmumeraWe lml taflooe of It, which by then- failure to do as they promise serve but to enhance the value of H oa ureter's Stomach Bktera. It wHl cure dyspepsia, lndlgeetion, bilious, rwas, cn tuition and oervousness. See that a private revenue stamp covers the neck of th. bottle. PROPOSALS FOR FORAGE BEDDING. AND Office of C Q. 1L. Vancouver Barracks. Wash., July I, 191 Sealed proposals, la triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock a. m., August I 1S99, and then opened, for furnishing forage and bed ding at the several military posts In this department, for fiscal year ending June 30. 1900. Information furnished here or by quartermasters at posts. TJ. 8. reserve. right to reject or accept any or all pro posals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked: Proposals for forage and bedding at ." and adirsased to undersigned. J. W. JACOBS, C Q. M. WHY NOT BUY SHOES. At th Boston Shoe Company's afore? Ladles' Fine Kid Shoes for (1.23. 433 Commercial street. Sir Blindon Blod, the new British gen. eral. like so many other well known sol diers. Is an Irishman, having been born in County Clare. During the civil war, as well aa In our late war with Spain, dtarrohea was one at the moat troublesome diseases the army had to contend with. In many In stances a became chronic and the old sol eters still suffer from it. Mr. David Tar tor, of Wind Ridge, Greene Co., Pa.. one of these. He use. Cnambarialn'S CoUc Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ai d says he never found anything that would give hhn such quick relief. It is for sale by Charles Rogers. DON'T GO BAREFOOTED. Vha you can buy boys shoes a 75 cents, worth 11.50. at the Boston Shoe Company, 435 Commercial street. NEW LINE OF Side-Boards, Dining-room Tables and Gbairs Chas. Heilborn & Son. affe A THE Mil! I Astoria's Leading Hotel Megler & Wright, Props. ftSAiiltlia STRONG COURSES Well equipped quickest and- best way to State Certificates. Expenses for year from 1120 to 1160; per term of ten weeks. Fall term begins to September L For catalogue address . Andrew Lake &aa COMMERCIAL ST. ...Merchant Tailor... Perfect fit Guaranteed. Low Prices. Repairing and CUanlng Neatly Don. THE BOSTON SHOE COMPANY Sella nt Frerwih oalf shoes for C orh 14. 4TJ Cominer'-lal street. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Tuition Free. Firjt term begin B-pUi ntr IS, 1SW. Excellent course, la ancient and modern languages, sciences. mathematics, etc. Graduates from the tenth gride and from all accredited schools admitted without examination. 8tudu not fully prepared to enter, can take inline In which they are de flcient. In the Eugane city high school. For catalogues and further information address the Prwldent, or Hon. J. J. Wal. ton. Be-.Tjta.-y, Eugene, Ore. -tin Wanamaker's first salary waa SIJS, which be was paid by a publishing firm. TO CLEANSE THE SYSTEM. Effectually yet gently, when tawtlve or MHout. to permanently overcome habitus al constipation, to awaken the kulneys and liver to a healthy activity, without lrrttadng or weakening them, to dispel headae, colds, or fevers, use Syrup of Figs, made by the California Fl Byrup Co. Alfred Uarmswbrth, of the Lootlors Mall. Is as great a devotee of the autoa crobile. as Is James Gordon Benivett. The soothing and beating properties of 1 hwmbe-raln'a Cough Remedy, Ita pleas, ant taito and prompt and permanent cores, have maie It a great favorite vlUt the people everywhere. For sale by Chart's Rogers. AT 435 COMMERCIAL STREET The Boston Shoe Company sett. ladies French kid aboee for S3, worth S4 and IS a pair. Sardou's plays are written and rewrit ten until the original manuscript, lUegU ble even fo himself, can be deciphered! only by his secretary. If you suffer from tenqersess or full, ness on the right side. patn. under the shoulder blade, constipation, bUlouaneaa sick headache and feel dull, heavy and sleepy, your liver la torpid and eon. rested. DeWltt'a Little Early Risers will cure yon promptly, pleasantly and permanently by removing the congestion and causing the bile ducts to open and flow naturally They are good pills. Qharlea Rogers. THE SALE FOR THIRTY DATS. Baby shoes 25 cents at Boston Shoe Company, 435 Commercial street. It Is alxaya the man who has but two suits to Ma name Who gets one of then pearl gray. THE NET "North-Western Limited'' (20T1 CEtTOltY TlAifl.) between Minneapolis, St Paul and Chicago, is entertainingly described in an illustrated booklet, which will be fur nished free on application to W. H. MEAD, Gen. Agt., 048 WaahtsgtoB stmt, PORTLAND, ORE, F.W.PARKER, , Com. Assac, 808 rtm Aeenoa, SEATTLE, WAL af& nSk Rat fx sTl f State Normal School MONMOUTH. OREGON Training School for Teachers. ' New Buildings New Departments. Ungraded Country School Work. Graduates Secure Good Positions training departments. Normal eourss, Board J2.50 to S3 per week; TulUoa, td September 19th; Summer term June It F. L. CAMFBELU President. or Vf. A. WANN. Sec of Faculty.