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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1899)
Witt DAILY ASTORLAN FRIDAY MORlNLNQ, ACOl'ST 4, im JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Tel.phos N. . TERMS 0 SUBSCsnrTIOX. DAIL.T. Sent by MIL pr pw. ......... est by Mil, par moats, Jl ! by carrier, raw- neath... H snt by Ml, pr ysar, a mmt...$k Postage fir to tJ All cosnoiunl. wutoa should bt dlrooted t Mas aantsr. Bus's ooamaaioatioas at ail and remittances moat b adlrsstsd "Tba Astorlaa. tna Astonaa Users ths largsst otrcaiauosi " Mr newspaper psbllsasd m tba Advertising eeiloa to U TIDE TABLE August, 1899. is a wiru DATE b.mA. bjnlfl. Masyfn. Tua ,. "Wed . Tbu .. m ... Fit ... Sat ... 6ub .. Mom .. Tua .. Wad . Tbu .. Frt ... Bat ... Bun .. Hon .. Woo .. Tua .. Wed . Thai .. rn ... b ... Sua .. ion .. Tua Wed . Tbu .. rn ... Eat Sua .. Moo .. Tua .. Wad . Tbu .. I 1 14 t I 4 14141 1 1 1 04,-4;, I i , 4 I 01! 1 1 11411 HO JI . 1 llfcllil I WIS. . lumiiitwu . 4.. ..i. .ijU7l . 4i.. ..I. .M1KSI. . .. ..I. .'Ill 40 7 1, . ( K J 1 14 f 0 . Tl 511 ! 1 I.. ..I.. .1 I !-(. i :w-4)4 7;41! I IU t. j I44i If i 9 451 ! 10 tS 1 i' j m 11 19! I 9 i IB: 4 7 ; 1 IJ 144 41: 4 44: 14 7 111 14 TS4, il K 11 I Oil 14 9i 14 . 1 I 06,7 III 1 40 i U .lW 141 74 llvti .11' III Oil 141.1 .11) 4 104 4 41S85 .Ui IKS III 5iIS .141 411. 4 5 5.1 J .141.. ... .i ..I. .! .141 7 52 6 4 J 7 8681 .Hi VS I V, I IS I 4' .17 li) H 4 5 1 3u S .IS 11 7 V lOCtl io jui 1 1 UUj 14 12 S 144 IK It 4 411-ai; Sl - 9 1 14 i (SS-I TK-vi I IX 1 9 IW tl' 9 Si II 4 41 (43 .11 11 U.I I, .).. ..I. .1 Hi IS 1, i 4 t; ,B 1 si 1 1 .54, I 4 111 ti mi Wi 4 71 tri s i s I4vl ! I S 7. US Mi UUll SS! 17 T1S, It 11117 149, leti I 91 SI 1 4C 9 411 li 14 18 I ! 77I: 7J" 1011 17 I 49 1 4 IS II 10 SI 0 s US-4)I iiooi'ii 1 14! I S 10 071 1 9 WW 17. 1 41' I 1 49: 4 I 461 4 KM ( IS ! I 50 1 1 U.10 li 5,1 40 7 I 4 001 II ASTORIA'S HOCK HAS COME. From mature reflection It Is now ap carent that If the O. R. N. Company shall grant tra,?k rbjhts to the Nor, era Pariflo over ka lines ffom Lwljton to Portland, Astoria, must at once be oome a "oommon point" with Tacoma for wtKX exports. This will be so be csM the Xorthern will haTe direct con- n-rln- to AstDlia JT tWXS Of itS llM beeweeB Portland and Goble. Th meetlr. therefore, of President AOlea and Chairman Harrhnao and President Mlr at Lewiston and Port bud la of the very least Importance to .Astoria. There seems to he do serious opposhion fat Portland to a grant of trackat-e rbjTna to the Northern. The only question Involved Is one of rates to be charged for suah rbjhts. That question Is one to toe beteed on the cost of oonstrurtion of a nw line for the North wn Pacifle between Lewiston and Riparia. Of course, the rate will be made to equal Che interest on half that amount, wfih a further rate to cover cost of repairs and maintenance on tie O. R. A (N.'s line. To set a concurrence on this question is probably the reason why Qilef Engineer McHenry of tbs N. P. and Chief Engineer Kennedy of the O. R. A N. were taken on the special trip to LewWton lat Wednesday. Once the reorganization of the North ern Pacific, an authority calls our at- tewton to the fact tlhat that company baa cMsed to 'have any special interest In Taxwma. He says that road no longer owns any land In fhat city. It has gone out of the cityJbooming business, and W now run on strictly railroad principles. Jf this is so. Its Interest as a railroad Ifcs In gating to Astoria on waterte'vel grades uin equal terms with the O. R. & N. Compa-iy and with the Union Pa cific. It Is quite ilkeiy a law days more will d-velop a great horizon for Astoria as the cWe ftap'ft of the Pacific North Information as to the settlement of the Alakin oouodary dispute Is being eag erly aw-iited In both official and unofficial . circles; 1'Ut the facu are do-eiy Kuarled in the tta-e dffartm'-nt and the British eiribaw. The plan of giving Canada a free port, at least temporarily, Is r garded by many ofllclaJs as a dangerous proiie'Iin;, and they are curious to see low the privilege will be guarded. If Canaia is given free port privileges, the fact will, it is said, be hailed by many opponents of the administration as proof eg the stattMient credited to Congress, snan BaJley, of Texas, to the effect that an allUre.-e had been entered Into with England. The Washington "Star," re garded as the organ of the Administra tion, says editorially regarding the ques tion: "For fills government to propoe a solution at the expense of the tariff lews. antf pern ape to the Jeopardy, through dlp himacy of which England I well known to t capable, of the territorial claims thomseive, ia more or less startling to many conaervi tlw cit liens, woo have learned to bIKv that when the United States takes a potn bated on Justice It does not recede from It. It charity la to dominate the new diplomacy, well aiMl rwd. Ths tola result, then, to WUs country of acceptance of the fres port solution by Canada Is the restoration of diplomatic calm. Is thia result worth the xt? The land of the Alaskan pan handle Is ot email value compared with the water face afforded by the Lynn Canal a a means of acws to the gold fields. What avalli It, then. It the Cnlted States retain tide to this coast and yield to the rkUraaat colony the right to (ravers It? When the fovrrjneng ob. tains tha offer ot soma substantial re- tnt W nrvW-, the bargain wilt assume a more equitable aspect than It now possesses." A desperate locktnf man. with two drawn revolv ers, is not a pleas ant person to meet at a lonely cmM-road. Jlort men will go a long wav out of their road to avoid such an encount er. T h e s a m e men will reck troily neglect their health and court death in the iruiM of consutnp- tinn a, .m nlhrt i eqnally fatal di sjease. One -sixth ij of all the deaths each tear are due o lois most suaj of maladies. Tntil very re cent years, con sumption was considered absolutely incur able. It is now known to be curable. During the past thirty years it has been demonstrated that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will cure 08 per cent of all cases of consumption, if taken in the earlier stages of the disease before the lungs are too much wasted, also bronchil.s, asthma, laryngitis and all diseases of all the air-passaKea It acts directly on the lungs, driving; oat all imparities and dis ease germs. It soothes the cough, facili tates expectoration, thus thoroughly clear ing the lungs. It punfiee and enriches the blood and tears down, carries off and ex cretes old, inert, half-dead tissues, replac ing them with the new. firm, muscular tisanes of health. It is the great appetite sharpener, blood - maker, flesh - builder, nerve-tonic and restorative. Thousands who had been given np to die have been restored to complete, robust health by this marvelous medicine. Do not boy from un scrupulous dealers who try to torce upon vea something beside what yoo ask tor. There ia nothing to take the place of it, or, which is "just as good " as Golden Medi cal Discovery." "I had the trip, which left me freling miser aMe ao atraninli sad a ooogh." writes Mrs. C atavaantof East Lyme. NewLoadoa Co., Cms. - Aj some of my family died with consumptwli. I was frirhteoed. I benn taking Dr. Pterce't GoMn Medical Ditcorery. Ann taking the accood bottle I felt much better, and am sow wen." Dr. Pierce's Pellets care constipation. A3T0RIA-8 GREAT BURPRIBB. Boston Sno2 Osrjiny. Ladies' fine kid n)ers atvl .Iob. 7$ cents, worth tLSO. 43S OomsaeTcial street. It Is arwaiys the day. that you have the most to do chat finds you sleepiest In the morning. J. D. Bridge, editor ana proprietor ot the Democrat, Lancaster, N. H., says: "l would not be without On lllnuta Cough Cure for my boy, when troubled with a ooogh or cold. It Is the best remetty for croup I aver used." Charles Rogers, The tendency of the smart tie Is beaT- enward, much to the disoocnfltuiw of either the man or woman who essays Us floating, graceful style. Pears' A touch is enough for cleanliness. That is why' it lasts so. WHY NOT BUY SHOES At the Bos'on Shoe Company's store? LftdV-s One kid sho- for 11.75, wor.h 12 . 4U5 Commercial ulreet. Human nature Is generally blamed for thoe thlnfe't that It Is quite lmpos-slMe to attribute to anything else. Py allowing the accumulation in the boTe!s to remain, the entire system Is p 'Isoned. DetVltt's Little Early R.stj regulate the bowels. Try them and you will always use them. Charles Rogers. 7'nTe:!tO;"9 In a bicyile race should wear fast colored hose. flERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality Lost Vltorind Manhood. Cure Impotency, Night EmiBsionsand wasting diseases, all effects of self abuse, or excess and India J7L Jcretion. A nerve tonic and wbiood builder. Brings the 1 Y S1! piu& giuw iu iaic luccso aim Xsr restores the fire of youtn. fll By mail SOe per box, O boxes for $2.50; with a written gnaran. tee to cure or refund the money. Send for circular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton t Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL For Sale by Charles H oners. Druggist. Astoria, Oregon. Jill S 11 '1.1 Al.l MM f Dn ShiIoh7j I Cough and onsmptiony This is bevond question the tnoat suvtiil Cough Medi cine ever known to science: a lew doses lnvanshly cure the worm o( Conch. Ctoup and Hionrhitia, wt;i! tt wii. tlerful sioc in the cure ol Consumpiinn is without a par allel in theh-torvo( medicine, tiinee I's nit dimw v It has beeo sol on a guai ".. a test which no othr medicina can stand. K you have a Cough, we earne.ll ak Jn totrvit. In Vmted Mates and Canada sV., .V. and l . and In Kngland Is. W., . VI. and 4a. W. .nir PROPBICTORS HS.C.WELIS&CO. fj LtROY. N.Y. Li i HAMILTON. CAN. Ml For sals by CHARLES ROGERS. XOIV IS THE TIME. To buy children's eohoul shoes for W cents, worth and U S at th Boston Shoe Canpany, 4S Cosnmeavsal street. Very few women become stone blind m-K.n a iitanond eraraKment rinar is comfrned. There is more Caturrh tn this svtloo of the country tnan all other diseav put t.vvV-lKT, and until ma last tew years -u aunmanl to be incurable. For a treat many yws doctors pronouncesl It a hx-al dis-ttse, and prescnbeJ local rem edire, and by constantly falling u curs sith W-l treaenvent, prwnounortl It In turabla. Scivnoe has ptovm catarrh to be a constitutional diwase, and therefore rvouires ccuKltuttonal treatment. Hall s CVktarra Cure, manufaotured by F. J, OVeney A C, Toledo. Ohio, Is ths only consr.k'.utto-Md CTire on ths market It U taken internally in doaos from 10 drops to a NuspooifuL It acta directly on the blood and mu ous surfaces ot the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case fc fails to cure. Send for circulars r.nd testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by Drovls:a. Tic Hall's Family Pills are the best. "How to Troat a Wl'e" Is the title of a magasine article occupying three pages One little parwraph does the subje.-t Justice. Treat her as you did before n-.arrige. Pneumonia la grippe, coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough readily yield to One Minute Cough Cure. Use this remedy In time and save a doa tor's bill or the undertaker's. Charles Rogers. Leading musl-iaas are In favor of a lower musical pitch. Patrons of the op era are also In favor of a lower scale ct admission. soma ot the results or nrglecied dys. peptle conditions of the stomach are can. oer, consumption, heart disease and ep ilepsy. Hodol Dyspepsia Curs prrrssvu ail this by effecting a quick cuss In all esses of dyspepsia. Charles Rogers. The girl who "an speak seven languages Is less sought aft?r than the girl who can hold her tongue In one. Don't think you can cure mat sllgnt attack of dyspepsia by dieting, or Ikat It will cure rtself. Kodol Dyspepsia Curs will curs H; It "digests what you eat." and restores the digestive organs to health. Charles Rogers. The man who never trirs to do anything and the man who tries to do everything are both foolish. It makes no dtfferencs now cad ths wound it you use DeWlrt's Witch Hasel Salve; It will quickly heal and leave do scar. Charles Rogers. The man who goea on a racket at night la apt to find h!ms-?ff on the rack next morning. If you have piles, curs rnetn. No use undergoing horrible operations that slm. ply remove the results of the disease without disturbing the disease Itself. Place your confidence In DeWlrt's Witch Hazel Salve. It has never failed to cure others; It will not fall to cure yon. Charles Rogers. The safest wa-y to pass counterfeit mony is one Che opposite side of the street. Wh-n a man Is fined only $2 f 'r throw, lng "n'-s frigid down stairs no one in hon-sty can nay that summer amuse, tr.'nts are deir. Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIP.ECT nOUTE TO Montana, Utah, Colorado znd all Eastern Points. 0-:ves choice of two favorite route, via the Union Pacific Fast Mall Lino, or the P.Io Grande Scenic Lines. LOOK AT THE 1IME 1 J Luys to Salt Lake 2 J Days to Denver 3J Days to Chicago 4J Days to New York. Free reclining chairs, upholstered tour 1st sleeping cars, and Pullman palac sleepers, operated on all train. For further Information, apply to G. W. LOUNBBERRY, Agent, O. R. & N Or Astoria, Oregon. C. 0. TERRY, W. E. COMAM. Trav. Pas Agt. Gen. Agent. 124 Third at. Portland, Or. PacificNavigationCompany 8TKAMEH9 It P. 13 1 moras W. H, Hnrrlnoti QAKIBALDI HAY Connocling at Astoria with Ilia OrvKyn Rallnvul Navlsatloo Oo, fur Sail Francisco, PortlauJ ainl all points east, Kur Ir ijlil aihl tiaaaen gs rates apply ... Hsmuol Elmors si Co, (ieueral AiU'uta, ASW1UA. OUE. COHK JkX), AgsnU, Orvvn IUirroa.1 Navigation Co., TILLAM0Oil,Cr). I'OKTLAND, Or. W. F. SCHEIBE, as ipsa, sad iasakars' Arti 4T4 Comma rc la I Kopp's The North Paeifle Brewery, of whloh Mr John Kopp is proprietor, makes ber for domee'io dJ export trade. .lJfTT florth Pacific Brewerg THE Seventh and SHASTA MINERAL WATER. .'EtTER, XObLE. HICKORY AXD SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LIQV0KS, WINES, BEEK AND CIGARS Served Dry otid INIsfit. AUGUST KRAT2. MANHOOD RESTORED a tktBisJ ft ftTwIWh DhVsssrlskfl. twill sluacaT 1 Uoa al a taasous urn ' ila. hJm CtauUMIkia. M3 Isiernar ... a rrr B) aii uiaaommoiisisowary. tirisiisn SKI Mvaand STVS'BDBI.K lunfumuv mCHWIHI ww orvn Taa rnnrni sunt ren ara not rar4 by Duriars w af. ninety per rent aia tmablMl with Uti. ctJrIur..HElsuwoelwaoowarwmsrioeiirawiiiioui.aoplUiua. auiinoi,n a:a A wr1tla fftMrmnivi.a eod moaey i.toiKMi if sis bnia df But tffa a aaraukaui sura ai.oeDn,srxfif 4&iI,Tniil. tt.naiorrasaclrciiUraDdir.unaiiiaia AJSrrai PATl. BSD I CI SB CO T. O. Sol X74, Sa Tli aro, CVl. Urtoitbt CKABXM ROnCRB. 4bs Can as atrial lL "THE MILWAUKEE." A familiar saens for the Chicago, Mil waukes a SL Paul Railway, known all over ttie Union as the Ores Railway running the "Pioneer Limited" tram) every day and night between Bt. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chlosgo. The only perfect trains In ths world." Understand: Conoocttons are mad with all Transcontinental Lines, assuring to . paaeegenrs the best servjes known. Ltix , urtous oxsvches, eleotrio light, steam heat, ; ot a verity equaled by no other Una. I Bes that your ticket reads - via 'The , UllMobu" vKan vntn tn, antf fwtfnf In the United States or Canada. All ticket agents sell thm. For rates, pamphlets, or other Inform- Astoria Public Library REAPING KOOM FREE TO ALL. Opn every i-ay from I o clock to l:tt and l: to !: p. m. ubscriptlon rates per annum. Wast Cor. Eleventh asd Ouana Btraats. H.F.PraelTransferCoJ Telephone 23. 1 DRAYING AND EXPRESSING j All Cood Ihlpped to Our Cars Will Receive Bpedal AttenOon. No. n Duan It, AsU-rla, Or. W. J. COOK. Mfr. Re. Tel. Ui. TEMPLE LODOE NO. 7, A. F. A. M. Regular communication held on the first and third Tuesday evening of each month. J. N. GRIFFIN, W. M.; E. C. HOLD EN. Secretary. ATTORNEYS. j. cj. a. BOWLirr, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office Bond Street, Astoria, Or. ONLY UIKKCT LINK ABTOUIA to TILLAMOOK CITY HOUSONV1LLK nufac turer of Alwam Wsllabl "Li Belle Astorii" Ciir Sthelfc 0pn Star Smite's Special And utrtor Hrands "Best" A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AND ABSOLL'ELY PURE. Bottled ber for family tue, or keg beer snppliej al any time, delivery lo I Ibe city tree. LOUVRE Astor Street - . Manager curiozNf" Tha traal Va.u6le rnora pk;Mdu,wiu aiuckireureyoanl all ar- at ui saru ursux. wa u Lu.1 Mwliml, la U. Brt . Haailn! Euuaotia inmplea, t'aSuiaBi la atwry, kihauauiis lrint, Vimi a 4 Italocaall li.Mtt. tJcb II iq4 rh-1 Im.1. to NsermatirfiiM and nmot lsisoi.acv. I'TTirr r W "'inn iria llr.r lli. ib.srtnwyorvansol aliuuDosnMa, L LEBECK Carpenter arid Builder Oeneral Contractor HOUSE RAI5INQ AND MOVINfJ A SPECIALTY J. A. Fastabend , LrCnefOl 1 p M . . ov-lu ! and Builder ianTo,,,R Tools ft,. Rout. Il UXURIOUS 1 RAVEL fpilE "North.Wt'Stern Limited" traint, 1 electric lighted throughout, both In- " 01". nd '-eam heated, are, j without excvpilon, the finest trains In the j world. They embody the latest, newest :and bem ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury tver offered the traveling public, and altogether ar ths most com. plete and splendid production of ths car builders' art. These Splendid Trams Connect with The Grcut Northern The Northern I'aiific and The Canuiliun Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charge for these superior ac. commodatlon and all classes of tickets ar available for passage on the famous "Nerth-wsstern Limited." All train on thi line ar protected, by the Interlocking Block system. W. H. MEAD, F. C, BAVAOE, Oen'l Agent, t A. Portland Or. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. tsava."" I'M a. m." t.oo p. m, " POUTTjAHD. Arriva. Portland Union Datmt.lUiII a.m. for Astoria and Inter) l:l p.m. mod la la polnla I AtTORIA. T.'4i a. m Tor Portland and In-IVlTm. tarmad'ata Hull, Uil0a,m. ill p. m. RAirW DIVISION, p m a. m. a m p in 4 00 I I 10 I III i:i ll l,v ....Astoria.... Ar 7:40! SSillMAf ... l,v 1:H l hl IMS l.v '"""' Ar Ml I l (U'Ar ....ftvaald.,,. I,vj :ll SPECIAL flRAslPR it'NDAT TRAIN Iavss Astoria at 1 10 a. m. arrtvss at Seaalds I a. In. Passangera may return on any train shown on soheduls on sams data, ALL TRAINS to and from (Vasida run to Flare! and New Astoria via Warren, too. All train make clos connection at Oobl with all Northern Paeifle train to and from the east or Bound points At Portland with all trains leaving Union depot. At Astoria with I. R. A N. Co.' boat and rail tins to and from Ilwaco and North Ileaoh points TIIHOl'OH TICKET on sal at As- Moria for Sacramento, tan Francisco, all Eastern and European points. City ticket offloe Astoria, 434 Com mar. tlal street J. C. MATO, Oen'l FY I and Pass. Agnl. You Don't Change Cars If you go raA via tllllUig. and the Dniilngton rout. The Uurlitajton routs run througli tourist sleeper twice a w-vk, fr-a'tle to Kanaas ClU-Ort on at any point along the main line of the Nunharn la'lfla In tVa sill net no or Montana gat off at Ki mi City. 4 nl sleepers, avrry day In the w--k. ituate to rH. Unit, via U11 vln. Omaha and Bt. Joseph. A. C. nKKLDttN. Oeneral l'aeiigr Agent, Port land. Oregon. aMsassI Through Tickets TO THaV EAST AND SOUTHEAST TLA iero PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS, TOURISTS SLEEPERS tad FREE RECLININO CHAIR CARS -Dally to Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago. Kansas City and other Eastern itls. Baggags chscksd tnrougn to flMtlnalloa, uuiun mpoia, iai time, lowest ral, Plntson light In all ear. For rates and other Information call oa ur aaurees O. W. LOUNBBERRY. Agent. O. R. AN. Co. ... Aetorla, Oregon, or J. H. LOTHROP, Oen. Agent, 138 Third St.. cor. Aider, Portland, Or. I'KPAHl. Kmm Portland Aaxivi nail Uke, Meiirtr, It Worth, Omaha, Kan (lity, hi, Louis, ClilraKo and fast. Wlla Walla. Hmhane, MliinesHill. Ht.Fniil, Iluluth, Mliwuultw, ( Ulra(o ami Knit, Mall 8 p. in. Part Mali 9 4ft p. m. Spokane Klver I lu p, m Hpokan yivor I:ho a. m, fiotn A.torla OCEAN STBAMAHIP5: AH Hulling date sub Jert to rliMllKO. For nan KranctK'o-Hiillj July S, 7. Vi. 17, U 27. niei'liii Samel Mo li'lnjf 2 i 111 T'lin Tun r Krl; 7 III H111 n (HI p. m, Mon., Wed. and Frl, inlay 1 Colrmbl River 7 1. 111 Tin' Htramera Ihur, rrl Tn Portland and dun. I Way Landings, Wlllsmett and Yam 7 a.m. 1 hlllUlvars. sndKai iOrg"n city, iisylou, 4 nnyi.iiniiiiiK". I.0KTS illy1 nskslvsr. 2:m a. in. I ltl.nrlato I,nwlton, l.v liwlntn 2:M p 111 dally I Kroin 1'nrtlsinl 1 .m. Iwna.AMKn'K K.VKU :Wn Moil, Wed "f'n HIv, hewtwrg, Tims.Tliur Friday j "''n 4 Wsy-Und s. sgturdy lMil!)l! mm. O. W. LOCNSBERRY, Agent Astoria. W. II. HT7RLBTJRT, Oaa. Pas. Agt PsrUaaa, Or. T TICKBTS to Mil HjUTP0.NTS EAST Through plai snd toqrlsl laepara, dtntng and llbtary obaarvailun tars. KDKOANT VUBTimu.R TBAinav K. Umltsd leaves PorUaa4 al t 'hi I Umltad arrlras rwuaad ss, . A. BALTIMORE and OHIO RAILROAD Royal Blue Trains 1IETWKKN THE EAST AND WEST Only Una opera nag na ss-f throusn trains batwaasi gC LlsSa. CoulavUla, SKtng(U CuKSnnati and Nw J, eta, Wsatmua. lMJaaasr and pbJla,Jpfcla. Ths travatar aver tit B. A 0k is parsnittaa ss aaiaai gltmpsas St las graaiael SB.aary ss J rrneR rartbt, rWM Coaat Agvat. Caa Room A MIUs Bswa. WHITE COLLAR LINE Osismost HJvsr sad Psgal Vsaa MvV galiaa Cosiay, . TatapfeoM Vsarst Astoria sally, asaas laraPorl'iajLd AaDy as oast Siad WTilta ootlar Una tlekst Inar.aaall4 ft TalapSMis. T. f Potlar aaaTK H. bosnpaoa lor A.iorta aai all way IvAota, lavel. ilwaee, aaavtaw, Luag baacA, Sad Nahootta. . J. TAYLOR. 0. B. txxrrr. riaslssst Astasia Agaav 1 sa. u. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people are eoMsmplallaf a Irsa. whathar on buslnasa or pleaaurs. tasf naturally wanl the best sarvlos oh. talnabla to far ts spad. comfort asd safety Is concerned. Employes of ths WlaVONSIN CE.VTIUL UNBL uald to aarv the pubtto and our train) ar operated ao as lo make etas ooss nantlntis with divarging line at al June vt loo potriia Pullman l'alace Sleeping and Chair Car on through trains Dining Oar service uoeicelled. Meals served t la ran a la order to obtain this ft, -si class sarvtoa, ask tl ticket agwil lo sell you a ticket, over The Wisconsin Central Lines. and you will man direct conoaotlOM at 1. I'aui for ctiloaga, siiiwauke and all putata saal. For any further Information call on sa. uctat agent, or correspond wtth JAS. C. POND. Uen. Pass. Agent. or JAS A CUH'K, Mllwaukas. Wis. Oeoaral Agent M Stark St. rortiaad Or. EiST m SOUTH LEAVE PORTLAND ARRIVB1 VEItLAND EX HKhB, (t,r riq. ,1:00 A. la. Han rranolsco, sio Java, Los Angeles, Kl Paao. New Or. laans and the East A. Mi Roe. burg paaaeogtr Via Woodhurs), for I IS P. M DaHy aioapt Sunday Dally aacepl Sanday varton, Wast Solo, ."-.Tin. npriDg- flald and Natlorr.. 17 ' A. U Corvalllt passenger A.H Tt:w r. at '" uJijej NUsTJ . ,"',"T"." rrano aoo With Osot dental A Oriental, paclllo Matt and Oss anlo ateamshlp lines for 0 "'?"' . in A, Al'nTRALTA, nil'.1, N, 1 "K 'HILIi'I'lNKS. PortlVnJ. Ki. 00 N., in aaiBafiC Rurnnl ?i i " R"l,rn poini and anrt i.!., roJ"p;n' hma. Honolulu. R; KOKHLER-. -6sV. EftJ-fc Q. I". A P. A. Pi - " t""S.""i '?w"t mr V. Kf ' 7. '"""naro oral ageat, Wei. Fanto' efflc. A.tort. Dyspepsia Cure. digests what you eat. It artificially d IkkhIm tlic food aDfl aldl nnf.nru In i n,.,iii 1 . siructlnR tho cxhnuHlud dlir&stlva or (7RnM. It. la I ha I,,!,... ".jji!. . ant and tonic. No ot her prcparatloc can approach It In crilclcncr. It In stantly relieve and pcrmannntly curd DySDCriSlH. Inrllonutlr.n Il...k... nyHpepsIa, IndlBCHtloo, Heartburn, h IRt 1 1 1 fnnn Slnttm u l t - oi-i.ii j ' . D1-"int;n, nausea. SIclcIIcadache.QftRtralBla.Crarnpanfl n .V ' 'i "iwirai i(i a, uram pg, ana allothorreHultHoflnipiirfectdlBegtlon. Ivf iuawr i Q oavAg) J ly.wwrtt 7qI - - - w win it. Qk Q,t vnlGQflO Tor Sal by CHARLES ROOmiA.