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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1899)
HOTIOKI Books, PoriofJicals, MaR.uine3. & Are Not to be Taken Frcm The Library without pwnbir'on. At oho f jnd (.;uitly of such of fen.. Will lw ti.ihlr to ,w w,, , ,b 4Vyi (ini,it irfMJi JU B 4 i VOL L AfiTOMA, OKEGONi Fltf DAT MORNING. AUGUST 4. 57 rf0 H tiff ftl m&mm im-j ii iua. turn m -a ia m t a .OUR Stoves - Arc not made from Uio acrap-pilo or in ft kindergarten acliool. Eclipse Hardware Co. W CJIva Trndlna Btnttipn. GRIFFIN RALSTON... HEALTH CLUB Aciw GlulfD Farina, Acme Wheat AT A. Pacific Sheet MANUFACTURERS OF ...CANS... Salmon Vegetable Fruit LithopapHng on San Francisco. Cal. Astoria. Ore. Writ Ua for Prl Here Is a List Ot some High Grade Goods at moderate prices RALSTON HEALTH POODS In great variety fresh from the mills. AROMATIC SIMCES guaranteed the finest. TILLMANN S rl'RB EXTRACTS. , CHASE A SAXHORN'S COPPEES are an rivalled.. Together with a host of other good things. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO fleoi Zealand fire Insurance Go Of New Zealand. W. P. Thomas, Mgr., San Franciaco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS. Subscribed Capital Paid-Up Capital Assets Asseta in United States Surplus to Tolicy Holders Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Coast over Twenty-two years. SAMJEL ELMORE & CO., Resident Agrnta, Astoria, Oregon Tinware BOOKS... Blank and Miscellaneous. PAPER... New Crape and Type-writing. Waterman Fountain Pens i Hox Decorated Papr and lCnvelupiio. 66 REED Breakfast Food Barley Food Select Bran Yeast Cocoa Flakes and Standard Kolled Oals V. A-ULfcSrvsf Metal Works spice and 1 Syropi Tin a Specialty. Falrbaven, Wish. $5,eoe,ooo 1,000,000 2,645,114 300,000 1,718,792 Oregon Wild Blackberries W r nr rrlvln th d. Ik-lou berrl- frh vry da. yesterdiy'i Steanir Brought Ul k lrg and splendid t twirtnvnt of eiil. torn ami other California fpult and vegetable. In. eluding sweet potato. rg plant n grn pgpr. By Railroad A tndld oa"rtinn of frh, crisp Or.n vrtble and f rjlt. Foard & Stokes Co. Your Wife Will ilk It; will in cook. Star Entote Range stl.fy ll who u thsm. ft- - r.TTZ 1 r1 ZZ.i.z. l-L. 4 If your better half doei the coonia. thai la an additional reaaoa why there ahould be a Star Eatata Range la year i klirben. Tbe u of then prrf.ota worry W. J. SCVLLT. Agent, OX Bond Street jj pflQOF of tbe pudding la m th eating and the proof of liquor ls IN SAMPLING That' an argument that' rluatve 4 detmviatratlon. Ours will atand the Met. con. HUGHES & CO. NOT EVERY KIND OF SHOES And tntraflo to our .tore. W bar the tort made of poor atook fllmilly put to gether. Maker mutt deliver good, which ar up to our rtandard, and that', good enough, otherwl. they ar rejected. W. prent every variety of atyl. Theae ttema will enable you to judge what two or three dollar will do her. our new cuehloa ahoe, Petersen & Brown. ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF LONDON. EatabMatted during the reign of Queen Anna. A. D. 1714. FIRE AND LIFE. Buoaonoea faptuu liw.vwuo Aetata 1MW.4M W Surplna to policy bolder IMl.nS 00 Exolualv of paid up capital Law Union and Crown Fire and Life Insur ance Co. Bubaoribed. or gairaTitaed cap ital IT.600 000 00 Capita paid up l.tM.SM 00 A"ti .... mj,U, U Catton, Bell & Co. 0Mtl Aganta, Saa rranctaoo, Oal. Samuel Elmore & Co. Kealdeat Ageota, Aatoria, Oragoa. DYNAMITE AGAIN USED Cleveland Strikers Make An other Attempt to Wreck a Street Car. BUT NO ONE IS HURT The Passengers Were Bally Frljbttnej an! the Car Is Somewhat Damaged. ROOSEVELT ON POLITICS He SiyaTbaltfce People Cet Just as Good Cotercmenl s Ibey Deserve. . . ni'ltl . r 4 W.. -J.k.l.aa.l ' ul eev .-ral iunt.anlri of troupe wsa M li.mvj tuu.gtvl 1' another dynamite out law, but friunny ooboily waa burt. I The exixoelMO vured under fhe Jn I r.lng jvtnue car wn whloli iera were n iMnoAigT. It nui me nange uf one hrC. and xplltrtvrvd tbe running Umrd at the vidv. IMi panr:irrt were adly frightened. 4it nune were Injured and ithe car pro. 11 It way to tbe end of the run. I'UAIX VOIU8 HtOM ROOSEVELT. NEW YORK. Aug. t-Oovrnor Rooae vrlt Tke bejre the Ocei Grove. N. J.. ummf aohwl of tbeoiogy tinlglit on l,rirt.l otlili' aid P-iit PolHk-a." ll aald t prt: "ft la Idle for the na of good cttla.n to try to et them. wive at-ttt not reiniilble for our pi.llllcal hortK"lng. In the end, pol- Itktana mit be eiactly wnt the peceile Uuw hem to be. They maM represent the pll, perbniw the vK-e, perhap the virtue. perh;i; the Indlfforeme of the peo4e. Thl doe not in the least eixuw pollrt Man that are bad. and we must keep In mind the fact thm every vlctmi polltlo'an above ak every successful po- ' tMan ten.te to drfiwh the public con science lo render bad men bolder, and decent men. who are not far righted. more eynk'illy Indifferent than ever. But In Wiiilnr the plttlc!an, do not rcrget that w are oureetve to Ncme for twrmit:tng hi exlstance. Juet at tW n-vmcnt. the n;ton 1 face to face wlfh a duly that call for herolni, t mean our attitude In the Philippine. We ahall be c.ulKy of a terrible wrong lo humanity If In the Phtflp:ltici we retreat before armed savag'ry. Instead of organlilng a ultnble gur.'r:ment which shall guaran tie Jurt.-e to evjry one and an ever In. c ro!lng miure of lltwrty to those who h.w thcmsejve worth- of It." THE SHAMROCK SAILS. Site ets a ool Send-off and exiwots to Make N. Y. In about is Day. OLASKX1W. Aug. S-The cup challen g Shanrock sailed frxm Falrtle thl naming, awjmpajUed by Sir Thoma LI).Mn ateam j'a.'ht Erin, gall- decora, ted wllh flrs. A the two yachts pro. ceded down ithe river, whose banks were thronged wllh spectator, they were gn-eted with enthusiastic cheers, Inter- nUntrled with the singing of "Rule Brit. annta." Crafta In 'the vicinity displayed flag In hortor of the dcp.rthitj challenger. The sound of whlsrles and tren, Wowing In honor of the 8haimrox, waa deafen. iug. Captain lfiarth expects to reaoh Nw York wtthln 28 days, aa he doe not In tend to piu-Oi the yacht to any extent. She la Insured ut lioyd for W,000 at SO per cent. It wa noted a a good omen that the last rating yacht which sailed for Amertoa from FairMe wa the un. bten Minerva. hHiiped by "Cliarley" Burr, now aktpper of the Columbia. ttaptaln ITognrfh ut beNu-e he started mid he considered the Shamrock to be a perfect racing machine. v UVDY CHCRCirrUj BXOAGED. COWE8, Isle of Wlsrht, Aug. S. The sensation of the day waa the announce intent ot the engagement of Lady Ran. dolph Churchill to Lieutenant O. F. M. CoruwullLa West, son of the famous buty, Larty Corntwallls West. It ! Raid re murrl.ige wU occur In OoWbw. Comte and Camlets d CasteHane Ant Ould) entertained the Prince of Wale at dinner tbla evening on board of Vlielr steel yarht Vamafl. SHOULD 11ETAJN riULBPPINE Oregon Volunteer Unanimously A fret That Thl U th Only Course to Puniu. SAN' FRA.S'CnWX). Au. t-WRH vt to obtain reliable Information r tupilnt th acrlcultaral and othrr wraRb produdnc poaatMNtlw of th Philippine. ih Call tiu httcrvtowad large numb" a the Orr-on volume r whoa long atay on th lUnd afforded them ic41ent oiiportunltlea for dbrrvtkn. Uoat of tlw 1roo Mitt that tbe land of t fhlNl'Inra la wHI adaptM for American n(lojUur trl'.h tile ncrpllrm of what. but ther add ttiat nearly all of th a. rtrultural land and oertalntjr the twtt of It hi In the pxmnMlon of the church auinorttlea and would have to be pur haaed tr Inteidlns lettlera. Th oldler of Oivgon almoat to man are emphatic even to the ugveatlon of mialria natlvtt at the Philippine d'l. (rf VnM ajuwugh the otilnion wnM 40 prtvJI tht AmrVian :.dr law rouhl adrantrguualf be put In oraratkjo on tbe Uland. As for ' Amerl;Mn awklng In the Philippine, tbe aukUer deviate that la la uturly Cut of the quentl'.n. The heat I too Intense and the climate generally too en. en-ating. The I'Mltpplihra. -they aay, are tbe lai land on Hie earth for poor men to aeJt with a purjoe of Improving their oundldon. OEER'S STIN'OIXQ REBUKE. Mia Riity a Comfitalnt Ppom an Al liance Labor Leader Wbo Attack the War Department. SALEM. Or., Aug. I -Governor Oeer toduy rvcrlved a circular from Ed Roe ertberg. et'retar)' of the San Franciaco Lahur Council. In the form of an appeal to him to proteal to tbe war department anitnai the further " criminal poMcy" of mueterlng out the returning volunteer t In that city. The governor I auewer to J Ruacnberg. : j "I lv been a working mnn aS my ; Ille. .ind wbtle all mj- npathy I with j that cfae of Mlow cltlaem. at all time (nd ever-ere. your appeal In their in. I tcrest 1 Illogical, fUtemiHTed, uncaKed fi.r an.1 dimjjrJV.-a;iy extreme. Your j ilcvtara:Rn that the war department la ; moved by a desire to Hood the labor market and tbua cbeck the atruggle of worklngmen for improved conditions Is absurd to the degree of tmbecHRy, but equally rational with your other othte tnent that the government desires to conqxi the volunteers, driven by want or destitution, to rexoilst. "pitch demagogloal utterance as theae, whldt are not only not based on facta, "but bear unmistakable evMeoce ot a studied perversion of them, do the real ktborlng man of the United State grave Injusti ce and In the end Infinite-harm." MAYOR JOHNSTON'S STAND. Denver's Mayor Does NVH FN-or Ucen ing Prlsfltlghts. and Vetoes an Or. dlnance AcconWngry. DENVER. Aug. S.-iMayor Johnston to day voted the ordinance placing a llo ense for athletic clubs wliMj conduct si-arrlng oontests at S1500. In hto mes. Muge the mayor said: "I sjm unwtlUng to approve an ordi nance which would make ft possible In Denver for such a brutal contest as was witnessed In this cKy albout one week ago at one of these so called athletic soi'latlons." Tt ls nol llk-y that the ordinance can be passed over the veto. A RELKHOU3 JUNKEU The Washington Preby.terlan Synod Combining Evangelism With Fun. SEATTLE, Aug. S.-A novel exourston to Alaska left here today on the steamer City of SeaMe. It consisted of about three (hundred persons, including the Prexbyterlan synod, of Waahtngton. The annual session ot the synod will be Mil aboard the steamer during the voyage to Alaska. Gospel services and literary and musical entertainment will be given and revival meetings will be held In the cities on the Alaskan coast. REPAIRS ON BUFFALO RUSHED. NEW YORK, Aug. 1 -Order have been received at the navy yard from Washing ton to rush repaint and alteration on the cruiser Buffalo. She will be fitted up for duty between this port and Manila and must be ready to go Into commission by November L TO KILL YELLOW JACK Surgeon - General Wyman Thinks the Oattreak Can Be Suppressed. WAS DROUGHT FROM CUBA An Oil Veteran Wbo Was it Santiago Brought tbe In- ' fection Home. THE HEAT IN THE EAST Extremely Hot la tbe Eastern States sad Many Are Prostrate 1 Crops In Dancer. WASH IN 3T0N, Aug. l-Regardln tne probable duration " P'" demlc of yellow fever. Dr. Wyman said today: "It ia too early yet to make predictions a to the suppression the outbreak, onty four day having elapsed since the dls covery of the fev.r. Tbe Xa-ai that Thomas, tbe original euspeot. ha gone north, takes consider, able weight off our minds as he Is now ln a latitude where there Is do chance of yellow fever doing any great damage. Our past experience, though has shown, however, that yeTIw fever can be up- preawd and confined to the original focua of infection, when precaution are taken early enough In the outbreak." BROUGHT FROM CUBA. The Yet lour Fever at Hampton Traced to a Spanish War Veteran WASHINGTON. Aug. l-The marine hospital officials at Hampton have suc ceeded In tracing and locating a former inmate of the soldiers' home, ,wno Is believed to have brought yellow fever to that piace. His name Is William Thama'V He arrived at home on a trans port from Santiago, where he had been visiting1 from July t to i last. He waa admitted to the home aa aveteran and scon after devetuped chills and fever. In the light of subsequent event expert believe there Is littCe doubt he was af fected with a Hd case ot yellow fever, although tt nras not diagnosed as such at the' time,' "When well enough to travel lie left fhe borne and hi baggage was aent to Phoebus. The man hlmset' went to (JuCumbus City, Wash., where he now ia Surgeoft-General Wyman regards It as (oriunate -that Thomas vent to such a high attirude as It greatly lessens the danger of infection. Another change was made today in the destination of troops at Fort Monroe. General Merritt telegraphed the war department that ln deference to the earnest reconimendoition ot SurgeoiGenerel Wymann, he would direct that the troops be sent to Plum Island, in Long Island sound. WARM AT SPRINGFIELD. BPRUNG-F1BLD. Aug. S.-ll&y waa the hottest day of the year, the govern, ment thermometer registering 87 degrees. HOTTEST FOR TWELVE YEARS. CINCiNATI, Aug. i-The weather tburea-i recorded a temperature of S9V4 de grees here this afternoon, the highest for twelve years. Seven persons were prostrated by the heat. CHAPLAIN PROSTRATED BY HEAT. LINCOLN. Neb., Aug. l-Dr. W. H. Mllbiirn. the blind ohaipJain of the Untied Sia'tea senate, was prostrated by the heat, and fell unconscious this afternoon while delivering a lecture at the Ne braska Epsrorth Assembly, at Lincoln Makes the food more ftmM fwiTMA Park. He was brought to th cHy and revived under the car of a physician. Tonlfht he U much Improved, and the doctors look for an almost oomvlete r oovery In time, HOT WAVE IN NEBRASKA. OMAHA. Aug. l-Thl is the third a serle of very hot day In Nexiraska. The ma slant tanperatur at Omaha wm 90 T-jesdiy, tl yeserdsvy and B today. High wind make condition very tw corafbrtaMe. 'At Syracuse th thermometer recorded 1(4 la the shade today. Wymor( report 107 ln fh shade (of today. Th corn orop I n'r In a critical con dition and dUmage ( l!k)y to result If tbe extreme beat cxmtJnoes. THE BOUNDARY DISPUTE. Discovery That Canada Once Made aa Important Conoesalon to th United 8tate. NEW YORK. Aug. t-A epedal to the Herald front Ottawa, Ont., aays: It has developed ln connection -with tbe Alaska boundary matter that Canada not long ago made a territorial concession of some Importance to tbe United States. In 1U cominhsoner wore appointed to get further data tor lha delimitation of the boundary. These coromiseloner General Duffleld, for the United State. and Mr. King, Dominion astronomer for Canada, wer empowered o engage sur veyor, who were to locate in particular the Hist meridian, which la the boundary mentioned m the oM treaty a dividing Canada from Alaska up to a certain point. When th observation had been taken ft was discovered that the Hist merid ian struck the coast over the western shoulder of Mount St. Elta. The Unite States authorities suggested that it would be nor coowaeo to take the apex of Mount St. Ellas as the starting point of the boundary line, fchua moving; It S41 statute miles further east. It was agreed that the new boundary line thu run should meet the true meridian S 1-12 statute miles north from St. Ellas. Tbe United States by this arrangement secured S square miles of territory. Canada realty consented to make this gift as the United States desired to share equally with Canada In having th high, est mountain of North America within her territory. This fact Is recalled as proof that Canada doe not always here to the Chamberlain mono of "What e have, we'll hold." even In diplomatic dealings with the Unhed States. ; - -',".-. f SHAKING HIS MANE. British lion Dbq't dJIVe Dunwoody'a Seizure of the Canadian Fishing Vessels. , ' PORT TOWNSffSD. AUS. J Advices recelvid here today from Washington say the British Embassy baa made a de pond on the secretary of state for the release of the six Canadian fi.hlng ves. s4s recently selxed near Blakne by Lieu, tenant Dunwoody In command of a Unked States revenue launch. The ves sels were selxed for a violation of the 'awa for fishing In American waters. An Investigation Is now being made and when completed the findings will be forwarded to the United States At torney general. SECRETARY ROOT'S FIRST DAY. Consid?ring the Y allow Fever Problem and Will Endeavor to Restore Harmony. NEW YORK. Aug. t A special to til Herald form Washington says: Mr. Root sent his first day as secretary of war in dealing with the yellow fever problem, seeking Information ami en deavoring ro promote harmony. He de, dared that he did not purpose to be In flunc?d by factions but would do what h thought was right for the service anJ the country. PATE OF A DESERTER. DES MOINES, Aug. S. The Adjutant) Gtnenl Is In receipt of ManlTa advices that Burton, ot company B, Fifty-first Iowa, from Vtlllsca, has ibeen suspended for cowardice nd t now at Manga awaiting xth4noMlble 'dhtc'tiarge. He la reported to have deserted his troops la an engugeunent and hidden ln a ditch while the company went Into action .with out him. l I J r- delicious and wholesome okfwni m. . attw woe