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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1899)
lilt. HAIL AST0K1AN. 1HIKSDA MUKMMJ. Al'Gl'ST 8. IBM White Linen Finished Duck..,. 7 Yards for $1.00. A 11 t-f Tinr-ihnr TODAra WEATHER. Iir MiVr, warmer except station ajy tonperature along coast. AROUND TOWN. TO cdty coaniil meets in regular ton tonitfJit- . The Rowing ciub holds lu regular weekly meeUrig tonight. IV, oew Boston ruaran will fumish you saUsfaotocy mesA Try K. X special inline of tbe Finnish Irotheroood rill be held tonight " Tb steamer Columbia, n route to Portland, U due this morning. Wanted to Rot Neat cottage In t00"3 tooatfeo. W. W. Payne, Room , Pa Block. IT., stam aohxnr Kirnor crossed to yesterday from Nehalain and Till, nook. Tke best Freneii cream bonboca and tea ocvn oa tba coast at toe ftpa candy factory. Baso IS year old whisky to the kind yon read about. Lea Herring keep. at the National. Pacific Lodge, Degree of Honor, will held a specitl meeting this afternoon in U A- O. U. W. caO. Park Vpahur and Paul Trullinger have entered as contestants In the double acu'l taoe daring the regaua. Astor rsioa No. I, Order of Washing ton, will meet Thursday evening at S o'-k In the Hanthorn ball A brkKlae passed In yesterday and went up tbe north channel to Knappton, where the will probably load lumber. Tbe place to gt a tamale. oysters In any style, crawfish or clam chowder at any time of the day or night is at the Na-.loo;l ceZe. , Tne atjamer Brunswick Is expected In today from 6an Francisco. This Is ber first trip on the new run, and she ex pects to make regular trips hereafter. Lost-About KO fathoms of net. oft the atmnKi. boor. nar Great RepuDUC wreck. Leads marked "A. M." FL-icVr please teive word at Aatorlan office and receive reward. Lort-A new not. SO fathom, lead Una marked "H. A." license number Ti. on buoy and on one ot the corks, abreast HcGowan's cannery. Thursday niga. Finder return to Elmore's cannery. Re. ward paid. Trie Dfr telephone line has been om- olj-ted to Warr.-aton and now residents of that; suburb can also call up ' the obliging "Hello" girl. Many business trip be'.weeo this city and Warrenton can now be saved by the application of this most useful Invention. Tbe steamer Fulton, from San Fran. CISCO via Loo nay, amvea u-nr noon tine yesterday. Her cargo consist, ed principally of rad wood lumber, a part of which was consigned to Charles Bain, of this city. She left for Portland to discharge the balance of ber load. Dottle Doe forfeited 110 bail in the po lice coirt yesterday, she falling to put In an apperatv to answer to the charge of appearing on the streets In abbrevi ated attire. J. Brown, who was out on HO ball for being drunk, did not appear for trlil, and his ball was declared for feited. M. De Linn, one of the city's well known a ri advised the regatta commfttee yesterday, that he would con tribute his services In superintending the onstruction of the grand stand for the carnival prosravn In August. The same were accepted, with many expres sions of gratitude. The gentlemen who constitute the per sonnel of the local Rowing club stated U at arrangements had been perfected looking to he early construction of the new club house on Youngs river. The sit Is an extremely desirable one and coounaids an enchanting view of the broad stretch of water. The salmon run slacked up somewhat yesterday, although further up the river they wtre more plentiful than hereto fore. The quality of the fish caught raw is iar above that of fish usually auht at this time of tbe year. What the run lacks In quantity seems to be partly made tip by quality. Tbe Sunday school picnic of Grace church will leave at Fisher's dock by steamer Eclipse and barge Thursday morning at 9:30 o'clock for Olney. Come along with your rod and line and lunch ibavket ujid enjoy a day's outing to the woods. Athletic sports and games, with prize. Tick 36 cents for adults and 25 cents for children. When Good Tea i Big Presents Are wTaatea Try Gnat Amfirican iEptiiii TBa Ctfn Ci Valuo 5torts. tn Commercial St., Astoria. The H.insalo Is again on the rortlenJ Astoria, run. Her shaft was cracked a short lime ago and she was laid up while a ww one was put In. The OM shan wes Uv small, being only 11 Inches m sue. U ws sub-stunted by a B-lnoo . The K- R- Thompson lb, ilaal's run. WUUam Uron, rsllr a bl- c-cle frjm th's ty t hi home cto Youngs ba- trlle, Tud.v. had an axlvx-wture hivh he win w hk" to remonbervor Kome lie rode H the o-.. dra. and his wheel a lost In the rtwr, but he. being a tnuamaiv quite u.-d ;o water, fo n ni escape. It la said that the case of Q. Wlngste et a. vs tue ca- -w 'u the cly from collecting sttvel as. n-ems. levied for in imitvvement o Orand aveaue. wlU be appealed to the uireni court by the plaintiff. It will be rwnenber.'d that the ..i m the circuit court a short time ago iu favor of the cliy. A ma with a sympaahellc Jag and cur. rency rlore found his way to the merry- go-round la night, and decoying aooui nun the large crowd oT children prnt. proceeded to baaaue-t them with peanuts id canJy un;ll the resources of tbe re freshment su-d were nearly exnausteu. The youngsters still awarmed ar-uuu aim as be moved leisurely svuth on Bond street. Cuainlaiuts bans been mad to the county cojrt that the Walluakl bridge U out of order and It win be closed for travel today in order that the neces sary ivfwira may be made. Parties going to Otnty will be obliged to go via the old military bridge and the new bridge at IrTlng a. It Is expected that the repairs to the, Wallustrt bridge can be .vmilted in one day. John La-iiiJi was arrested yesterday by Constable Wlckmaa on a charge of assault and ba;tery on Fred Eiwuiat, tbe tarteoder of the Last Chance ea.oon. Th row started over the pay for some drinks, and Lanqjlsi, becoming enraged. st-Ued a chilr ami atie-npted "tri the bartejd. The kmer dodged and the chair str-J-'k the cash register, com p:etely wr king it lyonyunt will come up fjr trial today in the Justice court. Benva;h thiir lrge store at Commer cial and TwelTh streets Messrs. roam atokes have a cellar measuring ltWxl tl feL It Is a sttfragu vault for a huge .ariety rf goods, and during the past ew nwitns has requireu uiui -n of repair wjrlc Appreciating the neces- ity of a substantially constructed cel. j The game of hesrts was imuuxe.1 in lar, the firm has employed a force of j by the ladles, and Mrs. H. O. Van Dusen workmen wtij are now eng.ied In tear-. won the first prrse. Mrs. Ryrte the see ing oat the underlying wooj work and I ond and Mrs. Lighter the consvrtatlon repiaclnsj it with new material through- ; prlie. out. When completed It will be the most ; Very dellclou. r.'reshmenu were Curable repository of Its kind In the j served and th guests, on departing, ex. cJy prewswd themselves as tiaving greatly en- Joed the afternoon. The Nehalem valley Is an attraction to j Among the Invited guests were the fol- Astortans. despite tbe rough corwnwu of the roadways leading thereto. A Jolly party tft for that vicinity yesterday momlnsr. among whom were Mrs. Al bert Dunbar and daughter, Mrs. Martin Foard and children, Mrs. Dr. W. C. Lo-, gan and children, and Mrs. A. HUde. brand and son. (Master Rudolph, a nepheJr of Mr. Foard, who halls from Alameda, Cel., was also one of the num ber. The tourists are having what they term their annual picnic, and will protra-;t their absenoe for a week or 10 days. On Saturday evening next the sew ml huifcands interested will, tor a day or two, toss ashie bu-'lnesa worries foH.-w ihrfr better halves for a brief recreation and pleasure. Rabbi M. S. Levy, -vbose sewatlonal stories of sKvery in the Hawaiian Island have surtled th Hberty-iovlns people (he United States, Is a cousin of L. E. SelSg, of this city. 'According to Rev. Mr. Ivs-Vs atVementa In the San Fran cisco Examiner, the condition of affair In relation to contract labor slavery In the Hamralian Islands call for the at tention of the national government. The story is backed by Irrefutable evidence tn the sbipe of official documents and records. It shows that the crimping agents of Hawaiian plantations Infest European ports, ready to sign needy men and tlMr families Into slavery, to be employed on the most severe and ex. bausilnsr labor under a tropical sun and malarious oomdltlona at a nominal wa?e of $18 a month, the slave to find his' own board, clothing and furniture tor the wretched lodging prcsriOd by the plantation. These contracts are enforced by penalty of impr'sowm-nt In the peni tentiary on the Islands, wthere the pris oner doe hard labor under the most degrading oondt'Jons and in the company of felon. That Was the actual fate of Jacob Teper, a suSJeet of Austria, and his 9! compatriots, who refused to con. tlnua in the service of the Oahu Sugar Company, deeming the5)wlves unju-tly treated. A corporation that traffic In human slavery Jias no rtfhts In a civil lied court of Juctlce when It seeks the enforcement of its barbarous contract. The supreme court of the Islands Is said to (have announced that, as the govern ment of the country Is In a transition state, the laws of Hawaii are still In force, even where thery conflict with the corwtttuti-m of the t'nlted tSates. If that Is the po!t'on of the court It Is lime to bring this proce of transition to an abrupt close, it human slavery If to b permitted and enforc-, fiy .avasre penalties tinder that pretend. YBSTr7RTAY'fl REOATTA MEETING. Several Substantial Cash Contribution Mad to the Fund A Number of Now Prizes Donated. The gentl-ren ha-vlng In hand the sub scription fund for the regatta meet are desirous that all citizens or rnre4deits who eont-snolaite contributing to th' same shall do so without further delay The dite for the "bur carnlvaJI are rapid!" approaohing, and It is necessary thnt the committee) b advised as to their finan cial resources before they can estimate and HSt the prize events which are an ese.ntial feature of the program. Telegraphic advices were received fr -m Washington yesterday to the effect tliat the United States warship Badger n. ght fall In reaching Astoria by the f-'e sneeHled. Every effort possible f. ?.e n ade to burry her northward, altho jh she Is now ex'enlue eight osys at Bun FrandfcOk Secretary Al'.en rep.rted that he was In receipt of fcS W fntn the rVurth of July commwi the name being suriuus htl ov.r front the hilidy veMra. tlon. It was movl and seoondM that a vote f thanks be tendered the cvMiwnlttee tor ahe vv"rlu:Kn. vwrrled. J. t Mrgler pnfTi'r.'d Ih ue Ihe temer Edith for the August meet. The coninWtlee was alo advlel that the of ficer and crow of the vessel would up. ply their servive grarultouiy. A communlca;lon was read rrn th Vnvuver Racing dub to the effect Phat the people v that city are manifesting an ee.'lal lntervt In the owning re. sat'.a. ami that th a.'eral rowing crews have arranl a series of trial contest to determine the class of athletes who hall be selected to atlenl The Fred T. Merrill Cycle Company, of Portland, ha dona'ed a handsome wtieel ftr the bicycle event. Tie A. A C. Hallway iVminy adxised the committee at ihe road would con tribute WW) to the enpense furul. A comniunicailon wa received from the Columbia River Packer Asvltlon to tbe eftect that that Company would subscribe t to the regatta fund. The vote for nueen Is dally increasing in Interest, and at the dosing of the poll yesterday stood a follows: Mlas Lout Ta!1ant :Mt lsatel Truilinger Miss Sile Elmore Mrs. Hrria Allen MiMB Amy Unmoa Mr. Blla Shanxtetn Miss Maud dtoestuw Miss Clara Ujnbergtr Miss Nor"kn Ml-ia Barker Ml-is l.ucas Mif Kllen Larsoa ., Miss Muet'Jla Mr. John Nel-n yisa McConnell Miss Lucy Morton Miss Kosie Siif jraian F.XJOYARI.E RECEPTION. Sto) ! ,.4 ,.S14 . rr . i ,. . tu . 1 . 1 . M . n . n . w .. . w . to A very deagntful recp:ion and tea mis given yestenlay afterrKwn by Mr. Curtis Treihard at her resllence on ' minals alreidy burtt and here e shall Franklfn avenue. A lry number of j continue to fhe main bulk of our Orl frieruhi were In attenUmv. and tasty ental business, as long as we can keep decorations were mm In evidence. The ivavn enough to handle II." pannr was decorated with sweet pea. I the drawing room with California IM1 plea, arnl the reception KH wUh r.M poppies. A short musical prarmm was rmhh enjoyed by the srueeit.i. vocal s'los b-Mng remler.'d by Mrs. Madduck. Mr. Civorge, Mrs. Wilklnn. Mrs. Taylor and Ml MiOMinril. and lnjtrum.inl iklo by i - re re thoroughly appreciated. lowing: MesdVtt'S Tarlant, Frank Taylor. San. born, Ed. Tailor. 11. O. Van Dusen, thrlstensen, Ryrle, Parker. Lighter, 0. C. Fvel, Richards'. C. R. ThonxMon. C. Brown. Ed. Ferguson. Del. Ferguson. J. Smith, Hetlch, Griffin, 'Newell. Orfboro H. O. Smith. Alfred Kfrmey. Wilkinson, Georg. M-gter. Mch'enate. Berry, Hnib. Houston, Olsen, Maduock, Lounsberry, Thlnj. Woreley, BodefeM, Will Warren, Albert Allen and Chutter; and Misses McConnel, Boelllng, and Westdahl. IMPORTANT CONFERENCE OF RAILWAY MAGNATES. On the R-uit Probably Hinge the Que, tlon of tfw Northern Pacific's Build ing a Dirot Line Into Portland. Last nltfhit's Telegram: An Interview fraught wltn importance tf-ok plaoe todiy between President Mel len, of the Northern Paclllc system, and E. H. Hirrlman, president of the Chi. cago & Alton, chairman of ehe board of dlreywrs of the Cnkm Pacific, and one of U.e most pronlnent railroad men of the day. Mr. Mellen arrived In his special car from the Sound at midnight. Mr. Har rlman, wno Is patron of the Ale."ka scien tific expedition, arrived In the city yes. terd-iy. It Is said that Mr. Mellen came here siMX-i.illy to consult with Mr. HaTriman and that the resulting Interview tor place In the presence of President Mohler of the O. R. & N. Whlls the officials concerned are retU een reg.inling the olJec1s of the consul tation. It Is understood it related to fu. ture traffic arrangements between the O. R. Ic N. and the Northern. Pacific, Now that .the O. R. & N. Is practically con trolled by the Union Pacific, the Nor thern Pacifies feels uneasy about future traffic; arrinronents. During Ws visit hst week, Mr. Mellen declared that un. less the Union Pacific gave the Northern Pacific triffic arrangements over the O. R. & N. to Portland, his road would build a direct line fnto Portland. Mr. Mellen's well known conversation and the fact that he never boasts makes It clear that the Northern Pacific is not trying to "run a bluff," but means buslntss. This accounts for Mr. Mellen's anxiety to see Mr. Harrlman and understand clearly trie future policy of the Union Paclno towards the Northern Pacific as regards the granting traffic prlvtlesree via the O. R. & N. Mr. Harrlman Is In a position to give these aaiwirencew, but should he refuse to do so. It Is probable the Northern Pa cific will bgtn building down the Co- lumMi Immediately. . On no account does the road Intend to be cut off from Portland. Prenldit Mellen Intended to go east from the Bound, but upon learning at the prospective visit of Mr. Harrlman to this cRy he changed his plans and came here dlivot The foot that he has made such a close study or Portland and sur. -"tindlngs wfille here, and that his party i''lude, the chief engineer, Mr. Henry, li -"Ides most of he other executive of- Petals of the Northern Pacific, are slg nlflcant In themselves. Whatever the character of today's In. tervlew, the res lit will be made apparent In a very short time, for If Mr. Harrl- n-an refuses to give Mr. Mellen any sat Ifcfaotlon, thre win soon be gang of men grading a railroad line down the west side of th Columbia river. The fast that Mr. Harrlman has seat hi pary, which Included Ms wife, at. ahile he ha rwimnwd lnd, shtms (hat there are Interests here write h need hi lm:nll attention. It la mK known hw lo-ig he ill renwln. THK N. P. TKHMt.VAlii AT tKAri'I.K. President Mullen AnmHinrea the Policy of Northern P-IHc. Tacoma Nw: Then the Nvrlhern Pacific will con. ttnu to make lV-on H nMin terminus on th( IV-lilo and Hie vlc where the Orient! vnerc Is carrleM onT" "Yea, a long a we nave our dlts and ternilna: here, if we had the same terminals In Seattlo we could do the busltiees there at Just as vod advantage here. With the 'Iwlroer ceil lUetol Ihe ittunc to Seattle (rin the runnW will lw Just as short as the diss tanre to Tacuna, and w could run In there Just as well. "Win the- trattio of Ihe Orient be dl cMa! m al:h tteattlo if your company I .vMi. .-.i'iirv iMr.-iiinsIa over there? "We have already nco,iitrd lnw ter ntlnals In Seattle. The deal has been cloeed, though It has not been given to the puWie. Hut we have cHwed a deal for a large train In Seattle. shall naturoily utilise the land. We have ter. minals here aud shall cuntinu to do iHuUne here, however, and a 1 said In the first Instance. Tscoma la vur fa- do the malu Oriental ami wheat tmi'"1g buslaees." "Where Is this laadi you bv pur cruised In Seattle?" "That is again coming tow close to our private aftolra We dwa't care to g've that Infor-natl'.in out Just at present." "Could the tlrtental bu.ineas be done s cheuti at Seattle or d'ortlaud as al T. CAKla. provUlvd you had dock aud tel ... . . m.w.,s at me ner pces a. yvu i here?" I "If wo had the fi.cilnlea Ui 8cartl that w, haw her. we u,d wel, do U"! buslneJH lh?re as here. The alienee I . w reitr. But hTe we have the er. ! - THK HAUSTViN Cri.Tl.BE. j Pr-ifess r T. A. tfcxl.hird. On f the j Teu.ier of Thai Famou System. In Astoria for a ort Time. , T. A. Mtod-lard, a Itvturer Haiton ' physlcsil cu.ture, inlwj in Astoria on i Tuetay evening train from Portland, j and siH-nt --:erduy alghtseeii'sj sround the city. Mr. Stoddard cv-mes tTe al iIm ivq lest of mnvnil of the kxMi ltal. ', storrltes to lovik h town over and el.u- lish classes here during the luiraw, He h is had everal years' experience la th line of wvwk, baring asiisted Prof.'S M lio -ver In Lo Angeies, Cal., where he taug-it over Sixfl pupils In on year. He has also successfully conducted ckisaa in Sana lsibura and Portland. Raletpn i-ulf ur hut become quite a fad In California and throughout the eatrn state and It well deserves all that hua been said in Its favor, as h contulns th beat of the Emersonlun del. art and Swrdlsh systems of culture. The peiple of Astoria will hardly per mit this opportunity to escape them for -uring a term of lesson In this fa mous system of culture, for It may be a long time before they will again have a chance- to be hu favored. Mr. Stoddiod announces that he will return to Portland ey B-ptemnr l to open his fall classes there. PERSONAL MENTION. R. 8.. Payne, of gulncy, is In the city. ' Max Gillette, f SeasMe, was in town j yeuterday. T. J. Coleman, of Portland, was In the , oily yesterday. Jn Turple, of the John Day, wa In Astoria yet?rday. Victor Berg-nan, of Warrenton, was In the city yesterday. F. A. Weander, the South Bend mer chant, Is In the city. A. Borennon registered at the Occident lost night from Grays river. H. 8. M iGuwan, of Chinook, registered at tne Occident yesterday. Mrs. Leavy, of Portland, Is .the guest of Mrs. 8. Danxlger thta week. R. L. Knaw, of the Wurrenton Trl. bune, was in Astoria yewteruoy. C. H. Pomberton, of Gray's river, la In the city and 's toping at the Park'-r house. Dan MaAIIen, of Portland, was look- lrg after business Interests In Astoria yesterday. Billy Swope, of Ihe Portland Mercury, paerd through Astoria yesterday, bound for Seaside. L. W. 8cott, one of the reportorlai staff of the Oregonlan, registered at the Occident last night. Judge George Allen and son, of Denver, are In the city, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Allen. Mrs. Ben CamieU, wife of General Traffic Manager Campbell, of the O. R. & N., nasHed through the cJty yesterday on her way from Portland to the beach. TO CLEANSE THE BYBTEM. Effectually y gently, when oostlv. or bilious, to permanently overcome habitu al oonatipatlon, to awaken tm moneys and liver to a healthy activity, without Irritating or weakening them, to dispel headache, colds, or fevers, use Byrup of Figs, mad. by the Clorn1a Fig Byrup Co. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Tuition Free, Flrjt' term begins BpUinfoer 18, 1899. ExoeHent courses In ancient and modern languages, sciences, mathematics, etc. Graduates from the tenth grade and from 11 accredited schools admitted without examination. Studsiti not fully prepared to enter, can take studies) In which they are do. detent, In the Eugene city high school. For catalogue and further Information address lh Pr3sldcnt, or Hon. J. J. Wal ton, SbcrJtavjr, Eugene, Ore. One strain ot music or the faint per fume of a flower can open a whole vol" urn of reminiscence. Buy SHAN AH AN ' S and Vote for Regatta Queen. ity I f I Men's rVxN Prsaeted Oult. tailor ket qualfr satloetla. worth IJ: row. per suit ' Men1 all wwl fVo-ch Tweetl: neat p; I....- .-loih llne.1 snu w-ii "j ,u r M-ei'a flne all wool wnnrted. tn new - W have a One hna nf all wH tailor niAde citnes 10 ir hv, we ' - ).u miy on every eult. Wo are st'llinj; tlio lU'-t Lino of Mt ri lriiu1iso in ttio than enn bp iurclinstl tlsowliiri'.C'iill mul mo I'd. Shanahan 2 STORES vooooooooooooooooeoo THE BOSTON SHOE GREAT SALE ...BOOTS AND Is now Roing on nt 43.5 Coinmcrcinl Street. Come and gut your mipply of SHOES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. We nre nmnufacturors. liny from ua t'lirect. Weiisd nothinj; but tlie bPHt material, good uppers and solid nolo leather. Wo employ only White Labor; pay the highest wages and get the best work. W guarantee every pair of Shoes to wear as represented. Wo sell Shoes for lees than retailers ran buy them. HERE Ladies rVtnch Kid Shoes, . . Ladies I'lnc hid Shoes, . . . Ladles Pine Kid Ties Children School Shoes Sale now Going BOSTON BUSINESS POINTERS. Lrtfted Bnow flour IS S0 at the Pat Market. Beat 15 -cent meal. Rising Sun restau. rant, 612 Commercial street. Our Ice cream Is warranted to b made of pure cream. The Parlor, next to John Ilahn's. Enjoy a good square meal for U cants at the Denver Kitchen on Ninth street. Whit cook. Beat Caltfornle, wine 30 cents per gal. Ion. Alex Gilbert, sol agent for As tflrta. Telephone 83. Oreaim Pure Rye. America's finest whiskey. The cnly pure guoda, guaran. teed rich and mellow. John L. Carlson, sole agent., Concert every afternoon and vening at the "Fashion," W0 Astor street, riven by Kaily and Davis, the two Irish noble men. Bund A Nylund, proprietors. Kid ley's tranafer wagons deliver box wood to any part of the city on abort notice. AU orders left ait Zapfs furni ture store, 130 Commercial street, will re ceive prompt attention. Telephone SIM, Bargains In new and second hand wheels, from 86 up. New and flrauoiaaf wheels kept for rent Sole agenta for I be famous Rambler. Repairs and tun dries at lowest rates. Columbia Bleo trlcal & Repair Co., 623 Bond. The new Oreavnery restaurant, Bond street, near the alley between lWh and latfli streets, serves the best 30 cent meal ever sot out tn Astoria. BveryHMnf If new, nnsvt and oleain, and absolute aatlt. faction la rusj-antead all patrons. Your Goods at noy'a I ni Vte BuMs. wool oal. mrs, targa sailor cottsvr, irtmmed sneh ilk brakl; a very naat auw; per sut..tlM IWiy'g all wool Middy Hull, with large ailor collar cucntsnatkui i Wotb arvt braid trtn oed, per uK HtJ ll..y's IVnjii! Bresufted Bulls: ooliwe. rutry. bUik and irin: a good atruist 'It fr a b -y; per suit 1.M l.y's all smol Tweed Bolts, s-ghily rut'- tern: nrx aim Italian ri'tn; ail enmf!y nil; good value for the money akl; per suit hod ARE SOME SAMPLE $'2.00 worth 94.00 1.25 worth 2.50 75 worth 1.50 50 worth 1.00 Men's Flee Calf Shoes, Mco's French Calf Shoes, Untiles Shots, . . . , Hoys' School Shoes , , on and will Positively SHOE CO., 2 I IflTRl' T-aafMfcrXM 'i TrVTTV 5 PORTLAND, OR. The Only PlmtClanH Hotel In Portlnnd uvtvutAAiJuvnAfvnrivui C. J. TRENCHARD, Commission, Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping:. I ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY Talaphon No. 02 : Handles Only the Choicest Meats 4S Cemsserclsl II., assrl Palse Rtsarst. Ih! PALACE W. W. Whlpple.ProprltetOr. Finest Restaurant North of San Francisco ATTENTIVE SERVICE). ... FIRST-CLAM CUISINB.. PRIVATE ROOMH FOR LADIES. 538 Commercial St., Astoria, Oregon PCr i ist Iliml, gd am uie skirta. gar. , H cams) ladles' good quality Pemals) wrappera, .x-aiV irxnnsMl. mil wt-Msi skins; a txtrgaln, per ganneni t-0t Ijadl he-it qtitnty pereate Wrppsrs ksnr H..i rum; raMy tnronwd. wt"h II t; nw H All our TH tsvtW Uhlrt Walsis, of lMt qualKy pril. rluod to, ,,.,. Ladlis" Whhe Corduroy HklrU, larg. Kp k n and deep hem. each ......lias t-ad" Woo Kid flloves are the baetl k-ir hn repaired for sit momha fre of charo. ci(y, nt lt monoy Bros. STORES -2 CXKXKXKKXKXXPX COMPANY OF SHOES... BARGAINS $l.'.5 worth f'.'.ftO . 2.00 worth 4.00 , . 25 . 75 worth 1.50 Close August 31. Commercial Street, 435. tKJiX 1 JUiiJLJ Cuslom House Broker. ASTORIA, .OREGON Agent W. t. aOo and PmIBo Kistsm Ce'l. Opem Day and Night,