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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1899)
NIK DAILY AHT01UAN, Ttll'UWAY MOilNLNO. AUGUST , 18M (o) L p) X i it y THE BEST UqsHdk Poudor P. H. Sharpie's Cream Separators Lntawt atml lient. FISHER BROS. General Supply Mouse for Family Groceries. Bailders' Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Ship chandlery, Etc. CONDITIONS IN SAN DOMINGO An Insurgent Sympathizer Ex plains the Causes That Lead to Revolution. THE REPUBLIC A FAILURE Liberty Is Unknown in Schools and a Free Piess Were Abolished by president Hturtiux. Stop and Think! An You Oottinir The Beat Mctiln. The Bent Liquors, Or The Bett Beda That ua to bad la th city? If aol, It U Because you have, aol visited Jeff's Restaurant. For tho. wbe require gwaulaa tA. May t Iber wll woMf ail that tar ased. Thoasanda waa km It resale MluuJ Tat H W IM rreat lnn "JEFF la Lock for the sign o( "JBFP'fV' aud take oooUier. id OUT. Established twenty year. Columbia Electric and Repair Co. SuceeHHor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoIlerMakers Machinists Foundrymen Loners' Supplies Kept In Stock Logging Cnglnca Hull! and Repaired. Heavy Forging Und$r Power Hammer a Specialty Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Sectional" Propcllor Wheel ... Contractors for Eltvtric Liglitu and Tower Plants. "Russell" Automatic Engine .A-.W- V 1 SF 1 ... a ' -a. A y-8-" "V i Writo for Catalogues of . Engine Boilers, Saw Mills. A. II. AVEKILL, RUSSELL A CO., Manager. Portland, Oregon. Co R. L. Boyle & Leading Real Estate Dealer of ASTORIA, OREGON Writo for Information and Pamphlet. ' 635 Conimoicial Street N1JVV YORK, Aug. l-H'r Adrtano Orullrn, uf the Arm "f MuttHnger It VIvW. Nw York, the representative In Ilia I'ldted Hu' ' (he Hairto Domingo revolutionist and formerly 41m IbjsIiw partner of tkitur JuiiIik. the leader of II tiiurrrl4on, h mal public in following statMnent of the reason for the ass win i Ion of President ttvureaux: The aawsilnatloii of President llcur. mm was n"t an of feveng lor ine munir of f'a-eres' father, but th ilgnal u llio ciimpniim of the uprising against III existing government there. u.t-i In a cou.ln uf General 11 .ratio Vasqurt ami wa with hhn at the time f tho shoeing. General Vanities la a m.miler of on uf ItM best famllle of "Neither Mr. Casrere nor Oeneral Va (ii-t iMn be ronl(lprfl oumnton aiwuu itm, hplr moilm wre n t prpuiUkl but iwlrlotlr. "Kr f"ur yMr llcurniui h held ler by mun of terrorlilnf. C'ltJ ien -wbitk rnt to ixiwn without the llshtel iroru uf Uw n) more than w wr itlitntlriallnrlx shot wlttioiit Ml)' trial wtmiovrr. or without even being flvrn a irawm for tlw-lr Imn-eratlcn. "Tlwre hu Own no otertlon o ny kln.l lno lu,; ihen. In orih-r to entire hi rMMinn In power, lli-ur. eaux hal to count mor vot- from the Interl Hi provliKw thn there er ai-tual lnhnliltiini. Inliulliv mm. women tnd chfl'lren. "Aa the rewilt a' thU, (1m oiMiltlon ixrty. who wilhUie w iloj-m, v- nrM tu nn. tiut after a long truKirla ui iWoalrd. Since tht time very f-w reiuititJile eltlirn hare taken iart In the rlxotlotu knowing them to be a farve. "Th oonntlttitlon of Samo PonUmro In nmmoi with moirt cViuth ami Central ArnvrltMn cwiintriea, provide that no on man .hull tioUt ulllie Ar more than one term In uixwlon, out thli'ihc lata preldeiit overruled. Ther I no uch ihtng an a free jre w tlm country; no !4er.ilare puhHili anything unlea fv, urallle to the exlullng relnie. 'lmrliif the wur fceiwven tlx United Hiatrt and Auln. Houreaux allowed hi rytuivuhy for Bimin In many at-i. lit effort on the aide of Spain were to marked and of mit-h aaal'lanoe to (hat eiHintry that they resulted In the queen of 8patn ret'ognlxlng iilm to the extent f a d.wraUin. whkb he aent o 4ilm. "He uanl every effort o dlwredlt the Insurrectionist by ivrcxSalnirng that Jim. I iw I Intended to el the country to the I'anker ami If thl was done and they fell Into the hand of the VnKed State they wkiM be treated like slave. Thl naturally r!nl crexlenoe among the IgnuraiH peule of the Island, the nunrtier of whlih ha teaVlly Increased, "because, of !ureaux'i policy to dlsrour. e educditlon of every sort. He dellbrr- lely rtoard the only hltrh wchol In the Island ami drove away Kturene liofttee, renawmnl eduoator and the founder of the hlKh achoM. VMr. Jlnilin-t desire the most friendly relation 'with; ithe United Stale and there I not he allgrrteA fear that the liumrreotl.mlet. win InteKfere In any way with the property of foreigner on the Island. Mr. Jlmlnex and General dome are warm friend. In fart, oth reside In the sa-ne house In Havana. As Heureuux waa an usurper, the vlcesprenldent I equMy ao, but btoodxhed ami Insurrection would cease at one If the tattr wvald announce that a legal publlo election would Hake iplaoe on Au. gust 1H, whb-h la the Independence day of the country." on aorsjufit f tli lratdly Irw-reuli trud. bn'ween the AUsntlo and' Ihe i'a- Murphv, of lh health 4ord, for phyW 'an V) aid In fighting the yellow fever elll! and the frequent changes naval vew ,4'l.7ilo of th solllrrs' home at II amp. la are comjiHIed t milk bwen Ihe I ton, Va. 1'resMent Murray awreed to do two ocean. The long crude ha f)o ! l! he could ami till fterwon In. ll"b. twl' , prrf)rmi by th Oregon within a ertn. th hd of liia mnllary bureau, nd five Olhr-r phytlrlaii. York f r d p.lnt. SAINT PAUL, FIRE MD MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY ST. PAUL, MINN., JAN. Capital . ... . Reserve for Unearned Premium Resorvo for nil Other Liabilities Not Surplus over all Liabilities Total Assots . , . PACIFIC DEPARTHENT. CHARLES CHRI8TKN8EN, Manager. B. QOODWIN, Anlstant Manager. 317 California St., S. F., Cnl. lot, i8qq. $ 600,000.00 1,010,407.87 222,691.07 78-1,888.78 $2,523,987.72 SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. nfs, Astoria, Oregon i fur, and last winter the Iowa luwl to l aent around frn New York to 8n CraiHiaoa Eiuplia.U to the m:lr wa rnwitly glve.i by (he misrup to Hi cruiser Nrw. ark. whti'li, a Pier ntlng wWh head wind In th ttoulh I'ikHIo on the way from M -mtevldeo to Valparaiso had to take rvfuKe among th J'atagonlan bland with her bunkers exhausted. It I belluved tlia! thl narrow ewape from nilnlutp hs. lid to th revival of in old lir!uiMiufi wrrtn irii uirousn nearly at Mlnnta jwm.m at, iwr ur.ptin ui a liaviu stall mi to the I'nltvd Hiatmt In the hlh- t (lilleao la'ltudi. Their l already Sfl alliilMlvl VMlltur lMfwit tiinfs ' Arrna. or Sandy I'olnt, In the H;ra!t of Mte(ln, owneil by an American, who charg.-e for coal, however, ;drm are tower than the extortionate price of $18 Ion. He pairtoihuJly niled the Ore. gim bunkers there on that veser fa nvais run fur ati-Mit 111 a ton. Thl coal dut la used by hip of all nation In ee at extreme necesarty, but a e'.. dom Mi.-UMe on aocoutit of It ex lien. It I polnird out at the slate depart nxiK Uist It would li embarraislng to enter Into negotiation for a coaling kiallori com! -n. rsje.'laMy one UiaV would Involve th purchase of properly In ad vsnc" of any appropriation by congrees, whkh might nave a stroke of economy afler rhe prtvllie had been lecured. At pnsrnt there I no money available ! (pl for the coaling sisUon at Pango. Pango and Ouiun will leave New IMMKNrfE CiihV OAUAOK. ' WT. I'Al'L, Aug. 1 Hejrrta rclved (by wlr froTi nearly all of the grain I growing tt!u In the western Missis, j stmil vt'Wy lnMl that Immvasureobl (ml wldeajirrtd damage to crop ta ibeen done tn the last U hour by hall and wind. The iii'm rtiat have (ufliTed th axt South Dskoia and Ne braska. Torn i crushed or Uirn up alto. "rlliT; unlwrves'.rd wheat it mm flattened and wll (trips were cut down. TO MOVE THE SOLDIERS. WASHINOT-W, Aug. t-JTist beAjr the cfjse of the war d?partment today, the final derision wa reached to send troop fron, Fort Monro to Battery Point, Delaware. Surgeon General Wy. man rfij?3ted to locating trop so far outJi. but Oeneral Merrttt held that It would be fulil m caa any of the men were InfvtM to take them north. nrs isssiisi ii i in r :o Kir ys.'v- hv,- fA. m w MORE COA.MNO STATIOXfl. One I Badly NectlcJ on U Chilean Coast to Conl Warships Qolrej Around CYtp Horn. NBW YORK. Aug. i.-Ji special to the Tribune from AVashlngton ay: Tne ciMed riort 4lvnt the American minister to Chile has purchased varlou Island nf tho AVnlllnsrlon arvhlnctagx wh the ol'Jtivt of eHtutillshlmr coaling slltiona. Is dlmvetlltol at the state. deparl.mivnt, al- though it Is nwiitloil as possible Hurt Chtlo has offoretl to sell Islnnda In that vMnlily to the American minister, and iwrhdim hits nulled to AVoshhiKton a pm port on the aubjeut whk'h has not yot been roo.Mwd. Tho desirability of mioh a co.vlliiK sUitlon In tho possession of the UntidStatat the extreme end of Bouth AmcrliNi has Ibeen more keenly recog. nixed In the last year than ever txore KHI-OKT OK ttilNEL t'lFK. tjivlng the Opt-ratton uf ihe Watiilngton nitlmenl In the Phl.lpplne During th Past Month. OLYMI'IA. Aug 2 -Adjutant General Fox ha retvlvnl a suiement f f the month of May from Colonel Ft', giving a record ( the even of the Wasitngton volunlet-r In th Philippine for that month. The report : "On t!t morning of May It, a couting drta-4ment Trom Cnmnys A. D, F. H. und I. airtitlontd at Tagukr, while scout ing along; the lake shore vouthward, mot and etiyaged a party of Insurgents, kill, ir.g thirteen and mounding a number. No casualttn on our side. "During th month, th entire regiment w occupied In ourpoi and on acoutlng tlinlr throughout the Paskt delta." The report rhowi S private and stven oftWer on the sk-k list. The of. flcera are Samuta C. liothwell. Captain Adam. lAeutenant Welgle, Lieutenant 8Hfthern, Lieutenant Armond, Caittaln Moore, Lieutenant Itallalne and Lieuten ant Drether. BINOER HERMANN ARRIVES. PORTLAND. Aug. t-Blngr Her. rr.nn. co.'nmlsalonrr of the general land cltlc. arrived here today from WaalHng. ton to p-nd a month In Ongoo, 71 An Excellent Combination. The pleaiant method and beneficial effect of the well known remedy. bTBl'l- or Fl'Mi, manufactured by the Califokma Ki Uyrup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principle of planU known to be medicinally laxative and preaentinif them in the form moat refreIiioir to the taate and acceptable to the system. It Is the one perfect atrenirtncnintr lax tire, clraodinif the aysU.-m effectually, dispelling cold, headache and fr-ren gently yet promptly and enabling; one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Ita perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and ub- rtanoa, and It acting on toe kidney. liver and bowel, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing fig are used, as ther are pleasant to th taate. but the medicinal qualities of toe remedy are obtained from aenn and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the Caxiformia Fig Stbcp Co. only. In order to get ita beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, pleaae remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Jf rBAVCISOO. OAI. MtnrTTLLB. ST. mrm tobx, m. v. far sale by ail Druggists. -Prkx ttc. per boo la Babies Take Cuticura Resolvent Because it 1 so pur and wholesome that mother can givs it freely to children ot all ages. It cooli and cleanse the blood, and is of tb greatest valaa in speedily curing disfignring, burning, scaly humor, rashes, and Irritation, when taken in eon section with hot baths ot CtmccaA Boar, and gentle anointings with Ctncni, th great skin core and pnreat of emollients. SoM0iirMttt.iri4- FOTTSt Ise sw ca ASmR STANDS OFF REPORTERS. Divn-vw to See Anyone In Regard to the Ra;Krt That ilie H Become a British Subject. LONDON. Aug. t-Wllllam Wahlrof Asior him been ibesteged by reiporter Ince the offl 'Jil announcement yesterday that he wa naturalised a British aub- Jwt, July r?. He abeoXit'ly decline to see anyone. but ha auihorlied hi agent to say be o.nskb-r the matter purely personal, and hn no explanaitlon to offer, and la quite prMU-.d for the aUtax-k of the American rxivanjiers who attacked him whcn It ws prevKusly suggested that there was a possibility ot his becoming British subjHit. snd In conclusion that a try lnte -view punoHhig to come from him are devoid o foundation. Though we grumble at the world It I sfter all, the bet we ewr saw. I Small Annoyances IfOSPlTAL. SHIP RELIEF ARRIVES. aN FBAXCTSCO. Aug. t-Th Unit. ed Stt'.e hollal ship Relief, laden with Kdc and dlsaibled loMlers from the PhHIpitlnes, pa?d throusrh the Golden Gate at i o'clock this Tnornlng. The Rclletf steamed up the bay and snchorcd at the quarantine station. No ona will fee allowed) to leave until she Is boarded and examined by the govern. mnt quarantine officer thl afternoon, rite Is reported to have on board over K0 Invalid, ropcisentlng nearly every regi ment now In the field, a well as fhe Ndbraska, tft,ih ami PennsyUunla volun. tecrs, who have already returned from the a Ml of war. fret aid worry w one. pcurmlik over nigh: : no milkman la the mcrr.lrr ; no crcsn f;r t'-.o coffer; no r.:ik for the bat. $ CONDENSED MILK i Is always available. I las stood , I first for forty yctrs. i Ttsl for Sooi oa Tlibirj." I BOgoOTS CONOCKSCD MT. K CO T. Y. R la always a iwoman' fate to wear a linen collar on the most melting days. tOHMIIHMHIIIIHIIM . Constipation, Indigestion, 1 Biliousness, Skk HedAcn, VWS Ww4vlaMs) dUMfMsV CaaVW f llllllllllllllllllllllll EECH1EIVS PILLS GetthegenulnelfTOQ want to be cured. 0 rest IHcsiu, NOT KNOWN IX WASHINGTON. NEW VORK. Aug. t A siwlal to the Herald from Vashlnton saya; Ho in. formation can toe obtained here rejrard. Ir the story of John Zaohort, of San FrancliKio, that the Russian government n 1S;B eslttilll!eil monuments to mark tl.e Al laka boundary )!no. It is oon- aldered lrnurkatile i rlimt! . If any much monument wflre In existence thy would ndt be mentioned In the treaty by which Russia ceded Alaska, or .were not IndU nted on any of the nwp prepared by Gn-rtt llrltnltv or the UniuM StAtc. MOHB DtK-lVRS SENT TO HAMPTON NEW VORK. Aur. 2.-Oeneral Conklln, who Is at the. head of the various sol. titers' hivnea. and General M. T. MdMa Imn, an assx'late orl the bonrd o man. ugerj, sent a reqilKt to Presldtnt It U he easiest thing In the world to get Into debt, but It means struggle and self.a:vlfice to get out of It. til. "t. j. I I lll S' . J Karl's Clover Root Tea Besutlfies the Complexion, Purifies the Blood, gives s Hieh, I'leHr bkin. L'uresCon Itlpation, Indigestion, nd all Kniptions of the Sklu. An snwal'le Lsxntiv. Nerve Ionic. Sold on n'xolute E'lirnnlee by all druKKUts st U.V., 60c. snd S1.0U. S. C. WELLS ft CO.. It BOY, N. V. BOLC SROSSIETOn ft I III For sale by CHARLES ROGERS. A MOTHER TELLS HOW SHE SAVED HER LITTLE DAUGHTER'S LIFE. I am th mother of eight children and hare had a great dtl of experience with n edlelne. Last summer my little daughter had the dysentery In its wont form. We thought she would die. I tried everything I could think of but nothing veeined to do her any good. I saw by an sdvertrsemetit in our paper that Cramberlam's Co'.lc Cholera and Diar. rl oea Remedy was recommended and sent snd g4 a bottle at once. It proved to be one of the very best medicine ws ever had in the house. It saved my little daughter's life. I am anxious for every mother to know what an exoeasnt medi cine It la. Had I known It at first It would bar saved me a great deal of anxiety and my little daughter much snf ferlng. Tours truly. Mr. George F. Bur dick. Liberty, R. L For sale by Obarles Roger. THE INTERNATIONAL AUTOMOBILE RACE. France claims to be four years ahead of America n the manufacture of aucomo. bileev sod naturally expects, to win. So did Errand In Hi. and Spain la We'd aee about the race. Result Is the real criterion. Judge automobiles, medicine or anything ele by ttoetr works and you wll net go astray. Take Hone tiers Stomach Bitters for Instance. Behind It there to a fifty year record of cure of stomach Iris. There are Innumerable ImJ tattoos of U, which by ttoetr failure to do a they promise serve but to enhance the value of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. It will cure dyspepsls. Indigestion, bilious. ncs. cuMtrpatlon and nervouiness. See that a private revenue stamp covers the neck of th bottle. TRT ALLEN FOOT-EASE, A powder to be shaken Into the sno. Tour ft feel swollen, nervov and hot, and gtt tired easily. If yen aav smart in f-t or tight thoes, try Aden' Foow Ka. It cool eh feet and makes walk ing easy. Cures swollen, sweating feet, Ingrowlngnaiis, blister snd eallou spot. Rtlkve corn and bunion uf a.) pain and give rest and comfort. Try it 4o day. ld by all druggist and Shu eures lot & cent. Trial packag free. Address Allen Olmsted. L Roy, N. 1. TEAOHKlUJ' EXAMINATION. Norl.w I h-r.y givea that the rnular Ant rtanlnmitw of teachers will be teld In the hkrh sctnot building at As toria, Ore., cumnvmctng Wednesday, August J, vat. The following program ha been prey, pared by the tate tMard of education: FOR STATE PAPEIi3-Ve.Jneaday I'enmantlt, hlory, eipelllng, algetwa, leading. Thurrfcty Written, aeicbmetlc, theory of te-blnr, grtsnnur, bookkeeping, physic. Frllay Physi-jMgy, gecsrraphy. mental orltiwrv'ttc, ooroittsltlon, physical fHf rsptty. ftaaurdayBsfaojr, pun geometry, gen. era! history, Ea-1htt literature, peyenou "y. FOR COUNTY PAPERS.-WednewUy peanu-iavtlti, hUvry, miMiiatf, pnyslol'jgy. ThorwlayWrttten artthowctc, theory of teaching, graovnar. Frlliy-ograpbr, mental arithmetic. ruiH nr. Dated thl &t day of July. J. T. LEE. County Sohool guperltcecdent of Clatop Cou:itr. Oresrrss. PICKED LP. A skiff painted green, waa picked up rnr the Young' bay bridge. The owner can have the same by cat tag at the HeraM office and paying charges for thl notion. NOTICE FOR BIDS. Bid will be received by th county of CI loop, Oregon, until Wednesday, the l.h day of August, 1S3S. at 13 o'clock p. nv. for delivery at tb conn bou ) rd of H cords of sprue limbs or Tin niaple. and U cords of hemlock wood; the sams to be of good, sound ernsilty. fti3 cord lesgths. and delivered em or fcefor) th 1st day of September. 1S3. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. By order of tb eoonty C.TUT. H. J. wnenty. Coonty Osrk. During ebe ctvll war, as well as In our lata war with Spain, dtarrobea was one u the moat troublesome dimases the army bod to contend with. In many ta stamv ;s It beeatne chronic nd the old sol. firrs still suffer froci tu Mr. David Tay. lor. of Wind Ridge, Greene Co.. Pa., IS one of these. He? uses Crwuitfxn ain't Cone, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy aid says be never found anything that sould give bkn such quick rettrf. It ta for sal by Charles Rogers. PROPOSALS FOR FORAGE BEDDING. AND Office of C Q. M.. Vancouver Barracka, Wash.. July t, 1539. Sealed proposals, tn triplicate, will ne received here until 11 o'clock a. m., August ft, 139S. and then opened, for furnishing forage and bed. ding at tb several military posts In thl department, for fiscal year ending June 30, 1908. Information furnished her or by quartermasters at post. U. S. reserve) right to reject or accept any or all pro. poeals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked: Proposals for forage and bedding at ." and addressed to undersigned. j. w. Jacobs a a sc. NEW LINE OF Side-Boards, Dining-room Tables and Chairs Chas. Heilborn & Son. State Normal School MONMOUTH. OREGON Training School for Teachsr. New Building New Departments. Ungraded Country Scbool Work. Graduates Secure Good Positions. 8TRONG COURSES-Well equipped training departments. Normal ooursa. quickest and best way to State Certificate. , . Expenses for year from tUO to tin; Board tin to 13 per week: Tultloa, m per term of ten weeks. Fall term begtn September Uth; Bammer term Jan Sr to September L For catalogue address P. L. CAMPBELL, President or W. A. WANN, See of Faculty. 1 Gofe WMAlrWVrViAMxV 1 m ran H H I1B M IULI 1 1 Astoria's Leading Hotel Megler S Wright, Props. Pacific Sheet Metal Works Salmon Vegetable ruit MANUFACTURERS OF ...CANS... spice anl Syrcp Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. Saa Francisco, Cal. Astoria, Ore. Write Ua for PHeea Fair nayen, Wash.