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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1899)
THK DAILY AST0R1AN THliRSLUl MORMJiG. ArQI'ST , im gjailu glotoriatt. JOHN T. LIGHTER. Bat. TalePBsSM N. . terms or subtupttox DA1LT. Bent by BAit, par yaae .. sat Br mH, par assath. ........ JB Kia-wurbT. wit by Ban. par raar. m aTMoa..4IM Postag (rat ta All saooa should ba dlrcd ta BatM oooiinaaMaOcaa of an aad rsmlttaaeas 74 AMorUa." la Aatanaa roreimi na aar- largast ctTcalauaa sf aw pabUaaat tt. Advai-tlalng satioa to taa boats TIDE TABLE August, 1899. iea wars DATE a- at. ;j r. 1 A- j h!aTin!!ihjn!W. (-tuaia Tu Wed Thu Fn . Fn . Sat Sua at on Tus W(J Thu m . But . I : s i i a i i i w- i .i i I 111 24 I 1" !ut S t i i I I U)l 1 1 ... .... ., a T J ( 4 to - jilt 4 . .! ..!.. -II 1.. . t.. ..i. ...ii4v.;, . l t! i u i i l n s u 7 v - 4 : I if 1 4 112 J tS . , - I ' I ..I IK ..;; ..W 141 T 4 ..u ltl ii 4 h- 4 . U t5 lvV. IS1 I ; xst i! Witt: I l Hull' t M 5 J '"Si !;::;!'.! I 6un . u mil hi.. ..I. .! .. .j. .i ii iy it 'fue TtXt4iT(lita 11 J5 Vd ..1 IUJT.I I1M4 IK. I 1 Mi II Thu ...lTteKil: 'Sl i I44.l ! J, IS Fn ....If U7 C 441'- i 441 It 8t ... 1115171 ,US1 111 Jt I 141' J 4 ei, j.. ..i. .: a c 1 1 1 1 if J f i n; i J mo ...iii ihu i in it !i i! Tua ...K 1HH 14J l - I u l ..a, ui ii is i u- ' . M i4trliii i IS l7! S ao 9 IS 1 1 11 Jl I ati!iH K lis;- '..17' SSIti IUII 1S !!"-'; ..' 141) I1SI., Ill' 7'lll I 4 ' I 5 T T 7 I 1 41' I ! 1 M! 1 1 Med Thu Frl . SAt . Sun Moo Toe y?ed Thu "jl.ttIJi ..: I I4K44 A COMMON CAUSE. PredAt Melleii admliteJ that the Northern Pacific had been f Jrce.1 into Ita present poelilon by topography. If the road la to haul to the eabard any con aideraWe ahare of the cereal product of the Columbia river baaia St taust do so "through the cap in the Cascade muuo. taina," aa Sir. Kellen expretaed It. If It can not the ue T the O. R. N. tracka on which to run IU trama It tcu buUd a track of its own. It " uatta to continue the attempt to fVfht nature tj dracfinc wheat cart over the Cascade nounnuns to tidewater on Puret aound. Furthermore, Mr. MeUen admitted that If bit company wihrd. as a permanent tbii;. to carry any oonef Jerable taare of Portland-! frewht from the east, it muM hare a shorter line so St. Paul. This shorter line ail I be built up the Colum bia (ta owe trarkage can not be secured from the O. R. A N.) to Lewlston, and tteoce throus Clearwater pass to Mis soula. Yesterday's Oregocian. Here te a proposition upon which A tcria and Portland can unite. If the low jrades cf the O. R A N. are to be oortrolllB facr f readjustmg- the tranaporU'loa yteois of the northwest, At chW -ronrition of Aworta will have been trained. Business which beiotie to th Columbia river is new betn car- rko to the Sound. This 1 In consequence i I of a policy of manikin rt on the part of the O. R. A N. dictated by the Bound readv and designed to deprive PorrUnd of the advawaes of Ks low frade haul. Jn comptf.ion with the Pueet sound. The j first consideration for Oregon Is to g 11 at bwln-ss back. Astoria has loyally enlisted In this work, and so we believe arin Portland, when the situation Is properly unr.nxM by her business ir.en. If the Northern Pacific proposes to good faith to make Portland Its Co lumbia river terminus, under traffic ar. arngeiieMs with the Oregon road, or by the contraction of an independent line. Astoria will rejoice even If the corn iron point at the mou-h of the river, so essential to the ?ull realization of the ben?fV of Portland's and all Oregon's lo cation, la not Immediately obtained. This will come : must come, later. Portland eamvw projper without helping Astoria. This has alxays been the Astorlan't claim. Get our buMnesa back from PugH sound an I It wtll seem like old times In Orfin again. But there may be some room for misgivings. These rallroafl manlo'ilatort are very sharp. They are hired to make money for their tvk holders rather than to benefit th com munities !n which they do business. Or .gon nviist not be cauifht napplf a second time !n th'-se railroad deals. TYe repr'nt this mnlng an Interview with President Mellen, published in the Tacoma News the othr day. The attention of the Ore. sonian !s callrf to this Interview. That Wr can do much to guard Oregon' Interests in this critical Juncture, If it will. The ieiple would like to know the Oregjnlan's editorial opinion is to the Northern Pacific's true Intention In the arrangement H is now seeking with the O. R. A N. Will the Oregonlan discus lfc nutter la th light of rreldeM McL kn'i Tanxna lntrvVw? Vnder Mtjtn&ent management, the eVund roAd stand no show In comprt. uoo with th 0. R. B. N. for th anr and eitjwt tr4le of th Pss-ttlo North west. H It recognition of thi faot which Impel th threat of th Northern Padno to parallel th O. R. A N. Una. (The 0. R. N. will naturally not want IU Una .jarall.'M. Th altematlv cf fern) Is for that road to accord th Northern equal tramc faclUtle with It self up and down It watrr level grade. Thli may mean that tha Northern pro peve to yield to natural condition and bmr It efforts to divert bu4ns to th &anA. it may mean th coercion of the iw tnaaigemeni of th 0. R- A N. to ta maintenanc of the present p-jpet sound Hazard on the product of the Interior t e e. If th North, era's move seek the attainment of the latter Object ft must be stopped. The coming mariAgers of th O. R. A N. want to take notice that a different senti ment wl'4 confront thn In the Clum I kin bln frJra that with which their t rvJe.N-wom haJ to deal The producer t of this region have a better understand. in at ttie aif:ln of mtea and the man aawment of raiiwA.v. than they ued ! hav. They can n l-vr be forced lo unnatural and Inequitable condtltonf which nonr preveall. Tbere mu.t be a change. If the O. R A N. line can be operated at an erpense threw fourths cheaper than the Sound road, as ths Oretronlan recently said, tha leople of the CVIumbfan basin do not prjpoee to pay Puget sound railway tares on their protracts to the sea. If restoration of natural transportation con utstons In the ColunaMan basin tends to Impair the value of Northern Pacific terminals and wild-cat land investments at Ta-.'-ima. that la purely matter for that roud s look-out. The O. R. A N. will never aain be used against the Columbia river and rr the benefit of Inconsiderate speculations oa Pucet sound. There Is going to be a complete revution in the railway situation of the Pidflc Northwest. The people of Oregon want no more railway pools on the O. R. 4 N- They have the remedy hi th!r hands to prevent them, and It will be applied against all future games of that sort. It will be wise for the Union and Northern Pa-tfle to take due cognl. lance at these facts. The producers of the Columbian basin seek no battles with either the new or old comers In the Pa clrtc railsray Held. However, their ees are ope.v They fully appreciate tne meritt of their rights and will defend them to rhe ut limit. There Is an effrtive way optn to thtm to protect Uemslvs if thy are Dre!d too far. Copper Colored Splotches. There it only one core for Contagion Blood Poison the disease which has eompletelj baffled the doctor. Thsy are totally unable to cure it, and dirsct their efforts toward bottling, the poison p in the blood tad eonoealing ft from vitrw. 8. 6. S. cure the disease posi tively and permaoaiitly by forcing oat err trace of the taint. I was sAtetsd with a terrible blood dlstaas. WhMh vas In spot at first, bat sfttmrda spreaa au over ay tooy. Theas tnom brokt oat isu sons, and it Is easy lo ImsglBe the su&eru I endured. Before I be came convinced that the doe tors son id do ao rood. I had spent a Sandred dollars, wnien was rcall; thrown away. 1 then tried various saaaol tbedJciniA. but they did not retch ths dlaesse. When I had finished my first bolile ot . 8. 8. I wss greatly Improved and was dellghtsd srlth the result. Ths lsrae red snlotches oa mi chest began to grow paisr and smaller, and before long disappeared entirely. 1 regained my lost weight, became ttronssr, sod my ap petite greatly Improved. 1 was soon entirely well, ssd my skin aa clear as a piece of elaat. B. L. MrlAA, lOOUnlberry St., Newark. N. J. Don't destroy all possible chance of a cere by taking the doctor's treatment of mercury and potash. These mineral cause the hair to fall out, and will wreck the entire system. S.S.S.rfieBlood is ft belt TEGETABLt. and is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no potash, mercury, or other mineral. Booki on the disease and its treat ment mailed free by Swift Specific Com pany. Atlanta, ueorgta. ASTORIA'S CHEAT SURPRISE. Boston Shoe Comrany. Ludles' fine kid slippers and ties, 75 cents, worth 11.50. 435 Commercial street. There Is one, subject always man's mouth her tongue. in a wo. It makes no difference now bad ths wound If you use DoWltt't Witch Basel Salve; It will quickly heal and leave no scar. Charles Rogers. aOS et1 saiam Moonlight oa th. sea. There ate pic ture and dreams and castle ia th air for th woman who sits Afd (airs out over it Pic tures of a happy home, dreams of a manly husband. beautiful caxtle to be built by th lone hands of tautoal helpfulness tad Slltd with healthy, happy children. Almont without etcepttoa these dreams Bight become realities if mothers would oaly teach their daughters the moat com mon sente facts about their owa physical make-up, and adviw them how to protect themselves from the penis of th three critical periods of theit lives puberty or maturity, motherhood and the "turn of life." Womea at these times tuflet from irregularities and weaknesses which, if eflectl. will develop into dangerous dis eases and make thru whole live wretched. The delicate organ that make wifehood and motherhood pwsible. cannot be nrg .-4. i - ,.k i..r.ltlT k tnty aIr urilrct- eu lue ieuil i uuhappy wihiifod, and motherhood will be a menace of death. Ir Pierce's Favorite Prescription is an un failing specific for all discAet of thee orgsns, It rr-ttorrt them to perfect hrslth. It promote rrsulsnty of then sprcial (unc tions. It fits for wifehood and mother hood. It tone, invigorates and builiU up the nerves that hve been shattered by pain and suifcnnf. " For vesrs mv wife uffered from what th dctfton caltrU pnUpu of the utrniA," wrHrs Mr 'srrv nani. 01 ju itastsru rm. iaita, TraAs. She a nenrm. had ftlt hABtl and feci. M'nutK. headache. bAckche. cuatira- tioo. a Ui4rrabe drain, beanng-dowa parn and no appetite. She rot to weak the could out get around I arn onU a lalwrr. and wa Alaa in debt lo the fkxWx'and alt for o food, an mine of them did h aav ftvd. she beran takms Dr Pierce a l-'awirile lre.n;Hioii and 11 tertued to wor like a charm 8hr haa taken about thirteea botte and la ttxlav aa stout and healthy at any Koaua ia the Coiled Mates. . NO'V IS THE TIME. To buy children'a iihool shoes for 14 ,vr!j. wjnfl II and I1.S at ths Boston Shoe Cjnpatiy. 43 Commen.-tal street. Ixks of men who prwecvd that fhey do n t know a woman's ptke exist ar ltt trdi cunstaat reskders. There Is more Caturrb In lhi tectlon uf the country than all other dleves put ttv-xher, and until aha taai Tow years um suppuW to be incurab'e. For a grnu many dax. tw pronounced It kx-al dl.ue, and presvribed local rem edtes. and by constantly foiling to cur atth l .nl trewitneot. pronounced It In curable. Scietk.w has ptoven catarrh to be a cunstiuiliecal disease, and rherrf jrt requirvs cooatUuttonal treaunent. Hail tVarrn Cure, manuOaotured by F. J. l.eney C, Toledo, Ohio, Is th only conerU'.utloiai cur 00 th market. It Is taken InternUly In dosew from 10 drop to a leuspooifuL It acts directly 00 th blood and mu.nui surfacrs of the system. TVy offer on hundred dollars for any case It faa to cure. Send fur circular and testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY ft CO.. Toledo, O. id by Drivilsts, Tic Hail Family Pills are the bst. A w.ip.b.ofc. trifling as It may appear. Is one of the most vaitmbt possession anyone) can have. Pnsumotila. la grippe, coughs, colds. croup and whooping cough readily yleid 0 Ow Ml nuts Cough Cure. I'M tail remedy In time and save a doctor's blil -or th undertaker'. Charles Roger. Th sntppiness of big pewple Is always a ma-ter of wonder to their admirer. Bom of th results of neglected dy. peptic coodltloot of ths stomach ar can cer, consumption, heart dlaeas and ep ilepsy. Xodol Dyspepsia Cur prevents all this by effecting a quick cud In all cases of dyspepsia. Charles Roger. rn. Alger't getting a grewt deal more aympftlhy now than anybody thought of end-ring to him when Tie petjly nerMI It Don't think you can our mat night attack of dyspepsia by dieting, or mat It will cur hself. Kodol Dyspepsia Cur will curs H; It "direts what you eat," and restores th digesttve organs to health. Chart Roger. C'rsjreismaJ Robert and his frU"nri ought to do the square thlrag by chWDln in and helping to pay Mr. Cannon's tin. By allowing th aocumuiauon m th txrwet to remain, th entire system It poisoned. DeWStt'i IX tie Early Risers regulate th bowel. Try them and you will always us them. Charles Rogers. Uncle Sin's forter is not the running of lorsj-dlstanos foot race, either In Great Brltian of the Philippine. J. D. Bridge, editor aos proprietor ot the Democrat, Lancaster, N. H., ssyt: "1 would not be without On Mlnut Cougn Cur for my boy, when troubled with a oough or cold. It it rh best remedy for croup I ever used." Charles Rogers. Nothing so fully Indicate the different trends of taste and preference as the va riety of pets chosen, by women. Th lat est is a turtle, and how any one can enthuse over that seem beyond belief. If you bav piles, cur mem. No us undergoing horrible operation that dm. ply rmw the retulti of th dlteaa without disturbing the) dlaeas Itself. Place your confldenc In DeWltt's Witch Haxel Salve. It has never failed to cur others: It will not fall to our you. Charles Rogers. What a slwk to her valnglorlou UiVrtvledirs wh-n th woman, discovers that the footstep she was absolutely cer tain lielonged to her sweetheart wst the poesnlon of the huckfter. ftlien a man Is fined only tl f'-T throw, log his frlft-ul down stairs no one in rm-Aty can say tlut summer amuse, ments are dir, GOOD NEWS. You can buy gents firs calf Shoe for 11.25 worth 12.50. Boston Shoe, Co., 436 C'mmerolal ttrewt. PacificNavigationCompany STRAMERB It. P. Clmor W. 11, llnrrlnon QARlBeVLDl HAY CVnmvting at Aitori with the Oretfuu JiailMaJ A Navigation Co. for Sati Froiu-lsvo, lVrllaud and all points east. For freight ami paaann per rate t(v!y t Samuel Blmors i Co, General Atfetil. AST0U1A. OKE. COHN itX), AgutA, T1I-UMCX)K, t w. W. F. SCHEIBE, : A tall Haw at Pip ir. aaa Jssaksra ArtMw. 4Ta Cnnnwrtltl SI. Kopp's wJ-t Tha North Paciflo Brewery, ot vhioti Ur John Kopp is proprietor, make beer tor dotDestio and export trade. I Jorth Pacific Brewery THE .Seventh and SHASTA MINERAL WATER. t'EITER. XOBLE, HICKORY AND SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LIQl'OKS, WIXES, BEER AXD CIGARS Served Day nnd INIgHi. AUGUST KRAT2. - - Manager 0tolC3gC3lpiriC3jlQl0 tsarmon ormofi isnopa' PIM ml wllaeaM., tice ' m POtenCTi W POWSe, Wlgnva.oasS, iptnnoirTwii invu.-no, r mjrrw KVmcl, tV 6... res, t'emnaTs missions,. tswitao, Naoout Da billt", Nadaeha Uniinssii larr, psj.or t-y-tj ;, VarTc oeyJe, er con- pat on, im , q' sous, OfukaSia AdSreas, -AntnsPsA "TIE MILWAUKEE" A familiar nana for U Chicago. Mi waukea A St. Paul RaJrway, known all over rhe Umon sa tDe Great Railway running tha "PJoneer Ltmlted'' trains very day and night between 8U Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. Th only perfect train la th world." Undemuand: Cwnwcttona ar mad with all Transcontinental Lines, aawuruig to paasegeor th best ervo known. Lu urlous ooaoh, eleotrlo light, steam heat, : of a trertty equaled by no other 11ns. I Rea rtiat vour ticks reads via "Th i Milwaukee" when going to any point in th United State, or Canada. All ticket agents sell theon. For rates, pamphlet, or other Inttama Oon, ad drees, J. W. CABY. C. J. EDDT, Trav. Fata Agt, General Agent Portland, Or. , Astoria Pabllc Library RXADINO ROOM FREE TO ALU Opsit awstT uar from 8 eioek t 1 sad l:BJ ts M p. am. abacrtptlo) rata a P annum. Wast Cor. Elrrsath and Duaa Btrawta. HFPraelTransferCo. Telephone 23. DRAYINU AND EXPRESSING All Coods Bhrppsd to Oar Cars Will Rscalv Bpwlal Attsntloa. No. M Duaas St. AsU.rU, Or. W. 1. COOK. Vgr. Baa. TL UA TEMPLB LODGE NO. 1, A. F. A. M. Regular communications held on th first and third Tuesday evening of each month. J. V. ORITTIN, W. II.; E; C. HOLDEN. Brrtary. ATTORNEYS. J, Q. A. BOWLBT, ATTORNET AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Offlos Bond Slrest, Astoria, Or. MBl, IrtBlBtoaml ONLY IJIWKCT LINK AHTOHIA to TILLAMOOK C1TY llOUMONVILLR Ongon lUllro k .Satiation Co., IVKTLAND, Or. stnulclurr ot riw Always Hallartl "La Belle AstorU" Clear Scbelte's Opera Stir Sctielbe's Special Ami otliar Hraml "Best A DELICIOUS DPK.... AMD ABSOLLXLY PIPE. I Bottled beer for family use, or kef beer supplied at any time, delivery In the city free. LOUVRE Astor Street a u e j r" f im flt - imwa.. Curat Lost MaeihoO. Im E7rlZL MU K'-TJi.r'-.'T. P'ano" Jlsmsoe Co., Ban Pranolaaca Oat, Fjt sals by Charlss Roarers. L LEBECK Carpenter nnd Builder Genera! Contractor MOUSE RAISING AND MOVINQ A SPECIALTY J. A. Fastabend 1 i IjCnerQI Contractor and Builder 'p.aTo.riIl0USe-m0Vi,1K To0'9 for Rent- I T UUXURICUS 1 RAVEL THE "North.Wettrn Llmltsd" trlni, Uclrlo lighted throughout, both In aids and out, and (team heated, ar. without txception, th fineat train in th world. They embody th latest, nawest snd best Ideas fur comfort, convenience and luiury vr offered th traveling public, at 4 altogether ar the most com. plete and splendid production of th car builder' art. ' The Splendid Trains Connect with The Great Northern The Northern I'aiiflc and The Canadiun Pacific AT 8T. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No ztra charg for the superior ac. commodatlon and all olasies of tickets ar available for passag on th famou "Nrlh-weitern Limited." All train on this lint ar protected by th Interlocking I Block tyttem. W. H. MEAD, F. C. 8AVAOE, Gn'l Agent, T- A. Portland Or. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Lear, " PORTUKtV "" Anrtv.' M a. m. .iM p. ta. Portland Union ftrxt.lVI:U .m." nr Astoria ana inisrs i;w p,m. medial points. ( I ASTORIA. " T 4S a. m Fur Portland and To ll! Warn, ip.m. isrmsdiaii polnta, fll;p,m. RAtn prvimov, p m la. m l t. m.ip m. :' II : ! , J V II W Ar -W II II I.r ' I ' I iw Ar .Attorla.,., Wartwnton, ..Beasld,,. Ar t:a 4 ton T:' I Ml I 19 l: IU t.v "Ar I.v SPECIAL BRASIDR BUNDAT TRAIN Lsavs Astoria at I a. m arrives al Beasld I 41 a. m. Paasangsr may rslurn en any train shown on ichsduls on earn data ALU TRAINS to and from Beasuu rus to Flavsl and New Astoria ria Warrsn. too. All train mat cloa oonnsctloo al Oobl whh all Northern Psoitis train to and from th at er Bound points. At Portland wllh ail train leaving Union depot, At Astoria with I. R. N. Co.'s boat and rail Una 10 and from Ilwaco and North lieaoh. points THROt'OH TICKET on tat at A- 1 tori for Sacranxnlo, Ban Francisco, all Eaaiern and European points. City ticket ofllo Atiorla, 131 Coromer. ttal trl. J. C. MATO. Osn'l Fr't and Pas. Agwot. You Don't Change Cars If -nu go ea-St via IlUIWiga and the llurlintrton route. Th HurUrariun rout nans through tourtait slotior twkw a rVra'lls lo KanMis Oty oti at any inl aloeig (he nuatn line of th Northern Pacific. In WasirlnaTt'in or Mmianw got tff at Kawas City. Htandant slesiHWS, every ilay In he swlt. p-ire to 9t. LuuU Vl Un.vln, Oinaha, and B(. Jueepn. A. C. JnCLtXlN. General Passsnger Agent, Purt I a ml, Oregon. Through Tickets TO TBaW EAST AND SOUTHEAST -txaV, PULLMAN PALACE tLEEPERts TOUHI8T8 ILEEFERB sad FREE R ECU NINO CHAIR CARS -Dally to- Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha Chicago. Kansas City and other Eaturn till. Baggaga chacktd tnroua-n to aasttnatloa. Union Depots, fast tuns, lowttt ralaa, Plntscfc lisht In all r-.r For rates and other Informstloa call oa ur aaarvss O. W. LOUNSBERRT. Agent. O. R. h N. Co. . . . Astoria, Orgoa, or J. H. LOTHROP. Sen. innt. Ut Third 8(.. or. Alder, Portland, Or. an wahaw I it I 0 UUd ring From Portland PKI'ART A (SITS Pat Mall I p. m. sail Uke, cenrir, PI. Ka.t Hail :4fip ta. wnrtn, umans, Kan aaa City,- Ht Lou la, inlcaiti, snd Cast. Wall Walla. Hpnkan MliineaKill.,HLFul, I111I11II1, Milwaukee, Chicago and Kant, Tr? im AMoria 8pikan Flier 1 10 p. m Hpnksns riror lino a. m. OCBAN BTCAMAHIP5 All Hulling Datet tub lect tocliaiise. For nan FrunelKo-rlHlll .lillv 2, 7. 11. 17.Zt.27. faTiTei "M nday 1 7pm Tiie" Thiir,. rl dun. I 6atneiMo mtay '.' p in Tuva Timr Krl; 7 p 111 Hal ColrmUa River Hteamer To Portland aa4 Way Landing. Wlllametts and Vsm Ts.m. ! hill Hlvsrs. IHpm, Hon., Wed. and Frl, '"".'u".' ":Oriu City, Dayton, 4 Wiiy-ljtnilliii. Ihv dly 'i 30S. m. I Snsks Kivsr. Klparlsto Lewlatoii. Lv Uwlstn 2;M p m dully 1 Knun riirtlimd ! iWILUMKTTK RlVKIl (I a. m. 4: n. ill Mod, Wd:"wHin 1 iiy, Mwrnirg, Tne.. Thiir Krlday nuiem s n ay-i.anu a. Satunlny O. W. LODNBBKRRT, Agent Astoria. W. H. HTJRLBURT, Oan. pas. Agt. Prtlaa4. Or. iife i 1 1 mNLi0fc B itii 11 11 TICKETS ujpVVA. POINTS EAST Ttirouah aalaca and totiriM llsspsrm. dlnlMI and library obssrvatlon aara. EbROANT VETIMITI.I TItAlrtB. Ka, I Limited laayas Paruaad at liM N I Umlltd arrtva PortlaaS at 9 BALTIMORE " and OHIO RAILROAD Royal Blue Trains I1ETWKKN THK EAST AND WEST Only Una opsracmg iu swm through train b4wssm Bt. kswks. LouUvllI, BpHriaastA. ClneiniMti snd Nw Tort. vta WaatdngAiMt. UeJMsssv and PhlladUphlAV Ta trwvsaxr vr ths ft, Q, t psrwtlttsd to salak) gllnpsaa of Us mitst soaoary m Amsrloa. PETER HARTET. fWa Coast Arxl. sma L Mills Bulsslasj WHITE COLLAR LINE Ofisaaoka ftmr aad Paget a4 HavV gatla Cemsaay, Twav4Vss ! Astsrm Bally, ShuU, m 1 a L Priiil Bally asoeft at 1 a. sa, WitCoilAr lin tirkst iBswvajtj ftoalpoo?' Aaiorta asd'afl Wa M"t ria rat, lrs 00, BVaarUar, Loc lie, aad A. J. TATUOR Astoria AswtV US. U. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS Wtv pro pis ars oontamplatltvg a BrtSA wbatbsr on bussiast of plaasurSk tBssr nalursklly want ths best ssrvtss , taJnabl so far aa , comfort aad safety Is concerned. Employes of th WISCONSIN CENTRAL LIN EX U aald lo aarva ths Bvbll aad oar trala ar oprald so as to mak ssoas os aaotlona with diverging w at al Juacvtlon points. Pullman pslae Blseptng and Chair Cars on through trains. Dining Car service uneicelled. Maia aaresd a m cart. ta order to obtain this ft si elss serrloa, ask ths ticket agent to tell you a ticks over The Wisconsin Central Lines. and you will mak direct connection at St. Paul for Cliiosgo, Milwaukee aad all potma aat. Tor any further Information call oa savf ticks agent, or corrrepood with JAB. C. POND, Oen. Paa. Agsnt, or JAB A CLOCK. Mllaask, Wis. Osnsral Agant M Stark Bu Port land Or. LEAVE PORTLAND ARRIVE PRKaitfo? BaRro llnahurw . A aiil hi TrM P.M.Iflacramatito. Ogrien,' 1.00 A.. Ban Frsnclaco, sio las angsiss. iso, nsw Or sad th East lBS Ii A. Mi Rottburg paassngtr Via Woodhura, for Mount Angsl, 811 verton, Wst Bclo, 4:11 P. M DeMy sxoept Sunday Dally icspt Bioday tirowBvius, B nM sad Nation, ft A. M Corral! pasngr 14 : P. laospsaaao Dally, tDalli except Sunday. Connsotlng at Baa Franolsco srlth Oaat 1 Krai dental Oriental, Paolflo MaQ and Oss anlo steamaMp lines for JAPAN. CHINA, AtlBTRALIA, HAWAII AND THE PHILIPPINES. Rabat ticket on sal dally btwa Portland, Sacramento, and Han Franoi. 00. Nat rates) 117 final -olsas, and 111 ond-olaa, Including Blearier. Rats and tickets to Kaatam points and Europe, Also Japan, C'hma, Honolulu, in, C'hma, Honolulu, obtained from 1. B. o. r. pta. ano Aostrniia. t in us ooiaineq rrpm , KIRKIANU, TICK! R. KOEM1ER, Manaawr. Through tlcksts Esst for lowest rat. Call on O. J Trnchrd local tgeat, Wtf.t Fanto Compaur' sfflo. Aitorla. Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially d I robIh the food and aldl Nature In BtrenKthenlng and reooD structlnK the exhaiiNtcd dlKestlvs o gam. It Is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No ot her preparatlor can approach it In clllolnncy. It in stantly relieved and permanently cure Dynpcpsla, IndlKCBtlorj, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SlcklIeadaciie,GntralKln,Crampg,anl all otho r remi Its of I mper f ect d I gcstlon, Prsparsd by C C. Dswitt B Co., Cblcaga, For Sals by CHARLES ROGERS,