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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1899)
BWeiAPDBUCLIBEiEliSSOWl, UOTlan! 00J6, Periodicals;,;.uu.cs, 1,C , Are Not lo be Taken From The Library without vmiiikm, Any vvilf . !j,,bi,v p prxwftcution. '!(. ', V.- T' Y0L L AtiTOKlA, OKEGON, THUBSDAY MORNING. AUGUST 8. WW. 60 l OUR Stoves - Aro not wudo from tlio Bcrnp-jslo or in a kindergarten school. Eclipse Hardware Co. WC)lv Trading Btnttipn. GRIFFIN RALSTON... HEALTH CLUB Acne Gluten Firlna, Acme Wheat Flakes and Standard Rolled Oats AT A. V. .ALLEN'S ASTORIA CASH GROCERY Tenth and Duane Street' L.ook'nt the Poltowlna Price. Wctcrn Kcliitcry Siiniir, 18 potutJn for $1.00. KoMxt CofTco 10 1.00. (iMJ (,)imllt) Ten I " KollcJUaU 8 " .25. IIchiin 10 " .iS. Japan Kiev) 4 " .25. Good Quality Flour 1 Suck .78. OyHtcm 12 Cans l.(M). Toiuut 14 " 100. Here Is a List Ot some High Grade Goods at moderate prices KALSTON HEALTH POODS In great variety fresh from the mills. ' AROMATIC SIMCES guaranteed the finest. , TILLMANN'S l'UKE EXTRACTS. CHASE & SAXHORN'S COrfEES are un rivalled. Together with a host of other good things. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO fleui Zealand fire Insurance Go Of New Zealand. W. P. Thomas, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS. t Subscribod Capital Paid-Up Capital Assets Assets in United States Surplus to Policy Holders Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Coast over Twenty-two years. SAHUEL ELMORE & CO., Resident Agents, Astoria, Oregon Tinware books.:. Blank and Miscellaneous. PAPER... New Crape and Typc-wrltlnjf. Waterman Fountain Pens! j I lux Icorate1 Paper' and Knvltiei-ioo. ! & REED Breakfast Food Barley Food Select Bran Yeast Cocoa .Country Produce Bought. $5,000,000 1,000,000 2,845,114 300,000 1,718,792 Oregon Wild Blackberries We ait ixnr rw'lving thus d. Jlctoua lwrla trrlh every day. Today's Stone flricics ua a an and plndld ae artnnt of at., curn cm other CillffnU fnilte and '-'tlir By Railroad A m4riiU4 eaaorunent of litih, crisp Orivon vrefcl end fruit. Foard & Stokes Co. Your Wife Wilt Ilk, it; to win tb eook. Stor Estate Range atl.ry all who um Ihtra. If your batter half doaa tba eookiaf. that la aa addlttanal raaaoa why thara hould b a Biar Eaiaia Ranra In your klirban. Tha uaa of thtm pravtota worry and diaappolDtraaat. W. J. SCUU.T. A(nt. m Bond Btraat THE PROOF of tha puddtnf la In tha mUaf and tht proof of fcq-Joca IS IN SAMPLING That's an aTfiuriant tha fa olualva- damonatratjoo. Our wm atand rha tawt con. HUGHES & CO. 'ft? NOT EVERY KIND OF SHOES i And antrance to our store. Wa bar tha sort mads of poor stock nimilly put to gether. Makers must deliver goods wbloh are up to our standard, and that's good enough, otherwise they axe rejected. Wa present svary variety of styla. These Items will enable you to Judge what two or three dollars will do hers, tea our new cushion shoe. Petersen & Brown. UN ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF LONDON. Established during tha retgn of Queen Ansa, A. P. 1711 FIRE AND LIFE. bUDeonDM Captuu i i.jw.uw uo Asaeu lMUl.tW M Burplua to policy holders , 100,191 M Szolualva of paid up capital Law Union and Crown Fire and Life Insur ance Co. Subscribed or giura'ataed cap ital $T,M,000 00 Capital paid up MM.M0 00 Assata aj,ua,a nu Catton, Bell & Co. Oena.l Agents, San rraoolaoo, CkJ. Samuel Elmore & Co. ReaMant Agents, Astoria. Oregon. BATTLE ROYAL IN PROGRESS Railway Moruls Are Now Holding t Conference on It P. Ultimatum. SITUATION IS TENSE As i Result of the Meetlof the Officials Board a Special to Lewistoa. P0PCEEDING6 APE WITHHELD But It U THoufht Thit the 0. R- N, WIllCnntTrackire ftlfbts if tbe K. P. Will Bid Bl(l. RUtTUAND, Aug. i-Kgrtlwrn Pa- rlfta ofllulais, b-ad own uf the O. R. N. and ctwlrnan of tlie I'nlon PacuV' dtr.tory are now In confi rence over the ulilnwtutn of tha Northern Pacific to ths U. It. ft .S'., namely that the O. R. N. must promliw to keit out of the Nvi IVrurs eountry aud -must gi- h Northm-ft i'a-lllo full trackage riglas dn ibe OHumbia from Lea-iston to I'ortlaiHl, or nave kt line parallelled down the Columbia. The situation may tw set down as tenae. Tt acldeotva shnurtanaoua pres ence of C. 8. Slellen, president of the V. P ami E. II. ll.irrtman. chairman tte . H. board of directors, who returned. Tues. day frocn Alaska -th his party of telen. tints. scMna to na.v precipitated matters and the main Ilt'ht, wbloh, under ordl nar' rttvunmarioea, would have been car ried out In New Vorfc, Is now In progress In PortlanJ. President ilcllcn and party, alto were at Seattle, ready to return east, hurried lo Portland for the conference with llarrmiiu and with President A. U Mohler, of the O. R. & X. .No him of what .tnuilred at the con. rrinv. .... " w . kite res sit of the meeting Is cnat a peo ail train w.ia made jp hastily and le t at 5 o cl.H ov.t me O. K. ior lewistoa. In aJdlllon to the heads of the thre roaila Interesled, who left on tl.e train, wire B. Campbell, general traf tW manigcr. and V. II. Kennedy, chief tnalnefr of the O. R. N., and J. H. Ki'mlrk'k. generul manager; J. M. Han. naford, general IratQo nainagcr; E. H. MulL-nry, chief eiglneer and M. C. Kim. ImtI)-. general soperlntendcnit of the Northern Pacllc B-Vdiuly the objeot of the trip Is to go over the physical aspects of the sit uation In Idaho where the two roads nre strugrflliiK tor supremacy. It Is given out that the party will be absent four or live days. Tha sentiment In Portland Is undoubt. cOly attains the O. R. & N. agreeing iu withdraw from any part of the Co Jli.n4la river basin, or of promising to keep out In Wie future. As to the ma titer of traokage rights, the best opinion holds tha the O. R. & N. will give them, pro vlded the terms can be arninajed. The natural assumption Is that tbe Northern Paolflo will hold out for the lowest nnbl charge, and ehat the O. R. & N. will demand the highest It 'thinks th Northern Paclllo will pay In preference to butldlng down tha Col urn. bta. It kiuki aa If a crisis must be leached very soon. RraCEPTlON OF THE 8J3NATOK. The Transport Is Docked With Large OMJvds Present Who Maintain Silence in Honor of the Lata . . CoKmeJ Hawkins. SAN PKANJ13CO. Aug. t-Tha dock, lng of ths transport Senator today waa unuoosnpanJeir by the blowing of steam sirens and ringing of bells. An impres sive slleaoe prevailed throughout . tha op. ratKx. In spite of tha (lot that thous. amis of people thronged the docks to witness the landing of the vessel which had borne the Teolh Ponneylvanla regi ment from the Philippines to friendly shore. There was no cheering aa the vessel made fast lo the government dock. The death of Colonel Hawkins seemed to have lmpred every one m an unusual manner, and along the water front flags hung nt half mart out of reapeot to th. hero of two warn. Later la the day d.Aachmtnt of soldiers carried Ch casket to the wafting hrnrw, Head vera bared and n t a few Pennsylvania boy ehed tears aa tha coffin ni silently (il&red tn Um Jirara to b Ukeo to h Kral uo. dorlaktr'a1 fltlahnnt. Toroorrow niornlnf Ui Pennaylvanta boyi irlll 1m flvn a ctutnv to aHrtch their In Ua city. It Ixi bn dldd that Ria mn will nfwnd but oti mor nlfht on ttv (ran. port 8.iPt and that tby aball march to the harrackg at tit Preatdo tutnorrow under ttia aacort of tbt returned Ortm, L't and Nubmaka troopa who ar al ready comfortably lotaud at lb Pr. Idto. KOTHIXQ TO ARBITRATE. ilor iVrklM Tblnki tb Canadian UojnUry Quwtlon -'an Be Ami catriy Svttlrd. BAN FtttXCIWX), Aug. l-Cnlted Statva Uviuuor Oeorf C. Pcrktna bai uM returned fivn Alaaka. BimtkiDf of itw boundary dlaputa the senator aald: "I thl-jk, the matter wtll be amicably o tiled without arWtmtion. There H nothing to arUtrat. It would be just as iia'mille for ua to Insist upon taking up tl e o.'l boundary question betweeo the L'nlted Butts and Canada again and de clare our diuattsfactluQ with tha 491b degree of latitude. England long ago recognised tbe boundary (or which we are cuni-n'll. 6be did this when the Hudson Bsy Ooaitny (wbtvh waa prac tioajly Canada at Aai Ume) executed a Irut for 10 years from Russia of the terri.v.V she k) out intending for. This lcso waa renewed for a second term, so what better proof could any one ask for of our ownership. These lands whk'h the Hudson Bay Company leaded from Russia and England now seeks to lay clal.n to, we purchased from Rua !a." Jo regard to the contract labor ques tion, 8e wt-r Perkins said. "The. blame for all that trouble rests with Senttor Monpas Aiefcasaa. He was sent to Hawaii to frame a code tor the gowrnivtH of the Islands, and had It not been for bis opposition to tho laws row In force in the United States In re. gard to contract labor, would now be In Ifuve In Hawaii." i j The senator said that high license has proven a success In Alaska. Mt'ST NOT BACK DOWN. , 8uon , crw by the United States on the Alaskan Boundary Would Be Disgraceful. CHI .'AGO. Aug. 1-vA special to the Chronlce from Des Slolnee, la., says: Vngre!.nan Hull reached Des Mornes today, having returned from bis trip to Alaska no Investigate the boundary question. 'To yield to the demands of Great Britain In the Alaskan boundary que, tlon would be nothing short of crime," he said. "The boundary Is all one hears In Alaska. It would be disgraceful for the t'nited States to back down In the matter and allow Great Britain to hart Skaway. Skaway Is the key to all the trade In the gold regions. If we !- linv K.iK'an.l ,to have Its way In this boundary matter, we virtually turn oyer the Alaskan trade to England; we as sert our rhshts In the matter and retain Skagway w, are assured ot perpetual coirtrjl of the Alaskan trade. The trade belongs to the United States. Most of tbe miners are Americana and desire to buy American producta." THE STATEMENT DENIED. British Colonial Otlice Did Not Admit Tbait Alaskan Boundary Turned on the Ruaslau Treaty. LONDON, August 1-A few daya ago a news agency Issued a statement on the alleged authority ot the colonial of fice hire that tha Alaskan question hinged on the Interpretation of the An gto.Russlan treaty of defining the boundary and explaining Great Britain's position with considerable detail, saying; "The oala'iaJ office Is not aware that the United States offered Canada, a port on the Lynn Canal," and adding that It waa no correct to state that Lord Sal. Isbury's government waa hampered by Sir Wilfrid Laurler. i "John Anderson, C. H. G., principal clerk of Joseph Chamberlain, secretary of state for the colonies, says no such statement has been Issued by the col onial office to the representative of the news agency and that absolutely no such particulars In regard to the Alaska ques tion have been clven to any represents, tlve of that agency whloh has therefere the authority of the British colonial of fice entirely without warrant REPUBLICANS OF IOWA State Convention Nominates a Ticket and Passes Resolutions. SHAW FOR GOVERNOR Tbey Support tbe Dlngley Tariff, tbe Gold Standard snd tbe Administration. DESTRUCTIVE DYEA EIRE United States Military Post it Tint Point Goes Up It Smoke Ditnife $125,000. DES MOINES. Aug. t The stats re publican convention today nominated the following ticket: Governor , Leslie M. Bhaw, of Denl .n. Lieutenant Governor, J. C. MUttman, of Logan. Superintendent of Public Instruction, 8. C. Barrett, of Osage. Railroad Commissioner, E- A. Dawson. of Waverly. Supreme Judge. John C. Sberwtn, ot Mason CVry. After approving the administration of President McXinley, and Governor Shaw, the resolutions state; "We commend tbe action of tha Iowa deltajatlon In congress in Its support of Protection, of the Dingley tariff, of the maintenance of the gold standard and In Its faithful support of the administration ard President McKlnley In his policy In peace and war. "Industry and commerce should be 1st free to pursue their methods according to the natural laws of the world, but when a business aggregation known as trusts, prove hurtful to the people. Jhey must be restrained by law, and If need be abolished." ITOREST FIRES AT DYEA. SEATTLE, Aug. t-The news of the destruction by fire of the United States military post at Dyea on Friday of last seek, waa brought to this city today by returning pastfengers on the steamship Kumbolt. Military stores to the value of 15,000 were destroyed. The Are also consumed the wharf a' the Dyea Ktonitke .Tramnray Co., at Dyea. ' The total damage, thus far done la estimated at $13,000. At one time' tt was feared the entire town of Dyea would be destroyed, but fortunately the wind changed. Passen gers of the Hu.nbolt say that when they left' Skagiy last Sunday, the country fifteen miles to the south was lit up by burning brush. Allout CA.Oa) of stores were saved by the prompt work of the sojdlers under the command of Captain Hubby. The nre started in the brush back on (he hills and swept down on the tort. The soldiers with their remaining sup plies, have been moved to Skagway and are naw quartered In one of the large warehouse near the water front. Forest fires are said to be raging all along Lynn canal. The glacWr stations, roundhouse, out buildings and water tank of the White Paes and Yukon rai:. way are reported destroyed. ALOER WELCOMED HOME. Is Greeted With Cheers toy the Cltiiens of HI Native State. DETROIT, Aug. t Whatever may have been the personal feeling of late, Secretary of War, General Russell A Altter, concerning the recent Incidents of his official career, all sentiments save jvVAn K1 Makes the food more delicious and wholesome nv,i lUHiMfj poqfr co., hp.' Tome those of general bapptns were very evidently banished tfcfe aiftern'Wn and evening by the magnificent wetcmna tendered aim by the people of bu ova cl'.y and state. From four e'er-, wheat the welcoming committee crowded rnta Ws private car, upon Its arrival at To ledo, until nlne o'clock, when tbe general ceased grasping outstretched hands, tha Kens waa a constant and apontaneotu oration. Smllds and tears repeatedly struggled for tie maJtery over the Secretary's bronzed countenance, as be cased Into the eager faces of tbe multitudes arna) loudly and convincingly Insisted that "Alger's aH rhrht," and do dlaaentinc voice was heard. COLUMBIA AGAIN LEADS. She Clearly Outdistances the Defender, But Mt With an AocMeM, Break ing Her Mast. NEWPORT. R. I., Aug. l-Durlng trial rase today between Columbia, and Defender, while off Bateman's Point tbe Columbia's ma.: broke off about SO feet ftom tbe deck. She waa dismasted and lbs sails fell In the water. A number of tugs hastened to her aMlsHaoce, At the time of the disaster she was fully mile ahead of the Defender. Never before bad the Columbia showm such superiority over the Defender aa she did In the fragment of a rave started today. Within a few minutes after tha start, she was well ahead and after that seemingly dM not try to Increase her kad. The Columbia suffered a little Injury to her bun. It Is expected she will be towed to BridtJl at once where the pine mast, which the steel one replaced. Is stored. It will take two days and per hat longer to fix the rigging and It Is considered unlikely that the two boats wai oseet again until the Nenr Tork Yacht Club's cruise next week. HOMECOMING OF VOLUNTEERS. The Special Train Bearing the Oregom Regljtent WB1 Leave San Fran dsjo August Ntnti. BAN FRANCISCO. Aug t-Ia sneaklnc of the return home of the Oregon vol unteers. Colonel Summers said: "About & men will go on tbe special train, starting on the Mb. The train will be met at the state line by Gov ernor Geer and Ms staff. Company B Kill be dropped at Roseburg and coma p&ny C at Eugene. Company K may stop, at Salen, but we hope that It will go through to Portland. The program ks foe the men to dine at Ashland, take lunch., eon at Grants Pass and late supper at Roeeburg. Breakfast on the second day will be served at Eugene; dinner at Salem and the train will reach Portland at o'clock In the afternoon. There will be trade and the colors wH! be turned over to the state officials at the armory. The men will be unk.'or'ned and wtll go through all the evolutions except the) manual of arms. 'About 90 men win go north by boat and perhaps 100 will remain here. Three of our officers have been assigned to the Thlrty-flfih regiment They are Captain Preacott, of company D, Regimental Ad jutant Crowne and Battalion Adjutant Brusee, all of whom will have the rank of captain." TO WELOOME VOLUNTEERS. Ashland lnst?ad ot Astoria to Be the First to Greet the Returning Regiment. ASHLAND. Aug. i-Ashlttnd clttxena met In a mass meeting tonight to take in hand the arrangements for the re ception of the Second Oregon regiment on Its arrival In the state next week, and great enthusiasm marked its proceedings. Ashland proposes to entertain the entire regiment at one meal. HALE IS NOMINATED. ST. LOUIS. Aug 2. The popullats of the Eighth congressional district today nominated W. R. Hale for congress to flu the vacancy caused by the death of R. P. BUnd. TWO ASSASSINS SHOT. SANTO DOMINGO, Auk. 1 Two as. gastrins of President Heureaux have beea captured and shot. The country lg en tirely quiet and no movements of troopa are In progress. t