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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1899)
" .... ... . .V .... ' wmii ' ( . . , , , t .. '' " "'" v - - Illfc HAtLi AarrUKllN; mB$lA, BUiLNlNU. JILT ST, IMS to : r 1 c c c Midsufiimer Sale .OF- gSntlemen hats V We Carry the Swcllcst and lkt Assorted Line of lUtsintheClty. - Ail the Newest and Lut est l! locks are to be Found Here. V k Pu' exceptionally low price (UaraOte to b t leat 2A per cent Below A ccaipAriMm of our price with tho to th to buy. THE FAIR, 506-508 Commercial Street THE BEE HIVE Astoria, Oreg. Children's Tan TcnnLs Shoes, I5c Children' Black " " Odd sites. Children's Slir-ixrs, 25c 40c TM ftbor ftr deftrlnr up nn tnd ihe Yry tMc for wmaMr wv A Lot of Lawns Reduced from 12S'cand 10c to Ladies' Light Colored Wrap, pcrs with large niffle THE BEE HI SWISS RIBBED VESTS in White and Ecrne 10c to 50c. Albert Dunbar Lrlftd 8now flour 13.50 at tli Pat Market. Beat 15-ctct ma Klsing Sun restau rant. tU'ncrcJa! '.ret. Enjoy food aquar meal for IS centf t the Denver Kitchen on Ninth tret. White cook. . Bra CaliVma wtae S) cent per gaL ka Aiex Gilbwt. ao-e wt for As toria. Telephone S3. Creun Pure Rye. Amtrtca's finest whiskey. The only pure (TMxls, (ruaran. teed rich and im-!Vw. John L. Carlson, ole agnf!- Kel'iey tninsfr wairone deliver box wood to any part of the city on short LOtice. AU orders k-ft a ZapTs furni ture store, 530 Commercial strew, wt'l re. celve prompt artemion. TeJehotk 31H. Eaic-ains In new and tecond band wheels, from B up. New and fl.ras Wheels kept for rent. Sole agents for lb famous Ramb'.er. Repairs and sun dries at lowest rates. Columbia Elec trical ft Repair Co., 321 Bond. The new Orsanery restaurant, Bond Street, near the alley between 11th and 123 rj,4, serves the best 25 cent tneal ever set out in Astoria. Everything Is new. nrut and c'.eon. and absolute satif Xacti r. 1 guira-nted ail patrons. EVERTBODT LOOK. Oct yourself ft pair of John Hanh's, Peterson & Brown's and J. P. Goodman best H and gents' shoes for 25 cents. Call for particulars at C4 Weuh block. AMERICAN SHOE COMPACT THE SALE FOR THIRTY DATS. Baby Shoes, 13 cent, worth 75 cents, at Boston Shoe Company. IS Commercial street. NOTICE TO THE Pl'BLJC. Ahe Afl'xirla Russian bath will open it u.ur';rt, July 27, end tbe public are oor dlally Invited to tnract them. There are two separate bartis, for tadiea and tx gentlemen, and ttiey will be conduoted ol.a:i- and by an obliging manager. The price wUI be from 25 cent tip. Klauiy give us a visit and you will go ftway satisfied. i; advice com sme'iiing .to give mVht be the more often taken. It's Good Tea YOU'LL SAY SO AFTER TRYING IT. GreatAiricaaliiportiiiTeaCo B!j Presents Free. t , 671 Commercial Bit., Astoria. on th otlr prtc which All Competltorit. of others will convlnc you that thi The Place To Save Money TODAT8 WBATHER. Fair wrMth-r. Mvvi wWcoN thumVr AROUND TOWN. Mr O. O. Fulton h't tot wkM T- itmhiy. F. U Piu-kvr ami Will MaJWon r In Poftlft-kl Tt Rowtnc Kub nwt onW In th PiMft dub roomfc The nw Bo twMurn will fumtoh jvu a tfry nwftl. Try M. Th bt Fwci crm bonbon nd loe cra n oil th xt t th Sp endjf fftCtOTT. Bann IS s'mu- old whisky I th kind you . rrod about. lw Hefrtivf kp It at th j Nakttonal. . I Our lc crrwm l warranted to b mad of pur crin. Th Parlor. nxt to John , Hahn'a, Mr. J. W. Conn ha rurn,l trm ! Orsj Cry. -hr h was vUttut hr dauch8.T. Mr. V. Harrt. . , u . hA... h UrdiTi v..l ru. ! The W. C, nuin this aA.Tnoon I o cSovk at ' K hall- W-tor wrtoom. Th rtace to grt ft lamal. oyrt.T In x ' any yl. crwwtHh or riam chowder at ,ltiv im of th day or night I ftt th, Nik:l .'. For rnt -Three furnished room o i r.,n.t floor. u table for iurnt nous- kping. ca:rai;y loctl. Ill Exchange , . . . . . u r.reeu near ?iDia. 1 lijut On Flftnch street. ... sma4 ! t urv cntaintng svAvml amnll artki of Jcaek-)-; finlr wUI b mutably rwaroVd by iviig nm at thto oltk. Contyrt every af .ernoon and evening ftt the "Fashion." 2S0 Astor street, giv.. by Kal'.y ami Duvis, the two Irish noo.. men. 8und ft Nylund. proprietors During U fth,enc of Dr. Jay Tut tie In. Jitlv to July inn, elusive. Dr. J. A Fulton will act a uct- ir.g asi-iUK surgeon service. I". a Fich Commi!:.neT Stranahan Is ' cxpeccai to arrive In the city In a ffW ilavs. he t prvt-nt entro;.l n a uur of coJJt, and is vWtlraj the df. f-rent laWAetie) and canneries. . . r n v .,w.nwu,. l'(tnmtMA ' 1 :W W. i. ... ( ... , t,l h.. t.v th kj hi. t.pu4yr ' huSs and boiler. Cap'aina E-lw.irds and Fuibr. The C'Mumuia wUI : Have oik for San Francisco tlws morn- iftr. - Walter F. Sinnou raturned from orx jiwi !adl n'irf-ht, wo re he has been at. nltif tfip PrAinU Busines collie, i He corniJloteil tlh business course, and j afc a oxu-se in 9twOKra;iny aru t) pe -ritkjj. reporotd 'jerday. The Aatociation steaimr El Hurd broutit m 21 ton from Ilwacj. a-hlch were unloaded at the Kin ney oilmen'. A htrjr! fleet, a u--nJ. -nt .Jt, and veteran m the service piii.-4 good nuit for the 11 day yet i maining. The suhool buard has cliand the date of coatife-noing the fall term uf achool from Septwnber 2a tt MomJay, October 2. It ie Qvxufhit that many S the chlblren w.U : ill be at tiie b&cbe by September 23. and thus postponing the date will al. kw Jt a larKer autenilanoe at the begin, nlng of the tvrm. Tlie annual picnic of Grace church Siuulay school will s held next wek, Thunfday. August 3, at Oiney. Steamer Eclip.e atwl barye leave FWier' uVxk ut t .yi a m. Come and tiave a good time lllhing and swimming, and with the usual game and e(joit. Adult 35 cent, chil dren Z oems, the memljers of the Sunday sdhoot free. The ojmmittee of ladies having In charge tlw regatta Quetm's feetlvKle ihkwl a meeting iat night at which they cwmtnued the discussion of the arrange, mem they haw in view. Nothing de ciirtve was aooompllehed, however, but the UuWen announce that, .laiur in the week lSM.-y expeot to have choMen the nills of tujnr who wtJ attend the queen, . ., The Columbia baseball team of this cly will comje1e wtth the Fort Steven nine Scnday on tn A. F. C, ground. The local nine will endeavor to win back 4Jhe laurel captuned by ithe F-rt Steven nltio July 4. The following men will play on the local team: E. V. Owby, Ittmer Flefclwr. Charles Poage, Bt Rose, Charle Gate, WlU Pairtter, Jack Ooodell, George McBrlde and Alex Gtrard. E. J. Arnold, of Portland, heard tliat AtorU -wvmld bold another rgwft net thi ywar, and In coasequenc has brought hia huge merry o-round from irt o;y u nlrtln lh crowds who wUI b iwml. Mr. ArnoU prying laiwe l"t at lh corner n NWKh and Roml tr:a undvr which t plr hi mi.xhtn will t;. In Miuon ia niMi and treat of growing duty. I ll)r wW h hand." panvrania vr- I tnvvutK .V hMo vw Winding Ad. ndml lVwy (ml victory at AlunJ. KK HKmk, t!w -yur-M Uy who ! j CMMly tM off i' vv''.fc ,h j,xil Jtnil tho H IKv lno lh ly I nvl ha.l tnuTJW ' tvm Uro-nin, rl M r-At trm Tul)-. Ha oJanl-t ft kk th linw. nl f'U o ! th fru.Tl, frautvut hU rm ! h j it. Dr. KMKon mm, unu i !: to ttuiK iKt U Jmf wll i but wm hU I arm In ft Th uiwr Ct)r Eintwk.' to ftn. in:ly ft.vUUiMf" rh rrivl t tlw M vna M.Jult. Mtyt Ok that vwl Ivu At of r txun. tvrl f'T TM Kiwrne. nrl foe uah, ttvw: tr iMvi.A Th J.4r ft Mhier l al. t!w lovr wUI iho trt- l rtw WUtemw. ftM tho hnh W orry rh iro 'vy dUino abow Oor-Uto. Th WW h. bn n-.vlvl'u . . . . - u . s.-f t th 1 A. by th .Vft,r.ft M. 1, b. M A th, ( . . . ... 1 l-tvunwr i. " :ZZJV Z LwiUftUoa f-r your luab; M n- u.rMv.. on th ocvm of th vba to Atori el f ,h .Nual t-l'tortai a ij. Your rwpo.'tful.y. C . Hoklt. SeiKtary. i m 'IMS H."t IWTViRWHrK-w - v- Th wt!hr y-tniay a muoh oolr jm ohar of he Aurt r. l " I than on TuwUy. 1toh na y rrrUd j ll,l Miki to th muarlty j as th hoitrtit Oay of th iMion. ChKrf iwttnc tnwtacio'ift to lwj ruin ami I V iu HaU-k to:K1 av"lon to (lw!oUii th aiwxUJoa What tit : " ... ...... . . .ii .. action f tne oltKl utraia our. lr :V forwwo'V Ma of u axxal 1 1 wlt tr vlnl M. a utronit .uitfHuat -lnt), wttie far lwv a gntK banktn lot hlv cioud w.-t. aaiilr nmjrutkwlly towarJ th mrhwtt. "Thrtr, ar two ii kU h cunk.nut of IP jhv. Mf nall vk. ".ukI ' they t, g tofth.T. M of u wJ. b v had T.r. ,o oraan into - Th Kui arr.vwl In lh nttitx frnt th Suiul. Th italn rsrtd an un. ( tr. Thy ran rfiort of fu l and n irvrnlnir. arrtvlii; I b. m. Ail wr well on batird aivd f v.u:it m .r. .- r r the mn It lii Ij rm-mixrc.i at I . .. .... . .... c..,n. I 1 inc ruvtw u r w . ". i f '.lurlt th flrxi nwh U, th Klo.xtik. ... . . . ' th u oon on to !' o.t i , Yukon ! St. Mk-haW and lo. : i On a:in :: to t.w h r "rom th Sound i to Mivhai l iV trAid iinob to .tuml ' ,riv nJ forci to put l k to ( r. -,K.h; h will tv put ; ( mMk uwlrr wniam . j .v..;.a-k ind .venirjir an ti'arm . , . ...... t. 1 aas .un.ll at lire nejoiuar.r i rtit lh diin.m.s at douM.jufc-k j . .. i. nutwurtl on .rm. Itlse tnun t the tir llU.i "a a rush. ' ir.K croad si'!K- r. who nuul abl trxvj for rh irrtwiU! whcl. A fw ( th hurrylnit throi powd H.n:t:ii litl. -hkif n-rmtuil th'-m , On at th OUtwp mill a Ja-ky the for. a."ul ir.-rrtimeiitfi of the ririi)K at- , exi-:l ivnrtu;,n ""'"'' wnal'. c.ou.1 of m.'k' ' - invi in-:o:i tried t wi.irt a llr t.t I th- i v.. v.thkUt the u'.Pr bells; ftt- ta.-hnl." mid Chi.-f S.' ka n. "Al thn ht." axked th wTbe. "Oh. I u1kn jn the m:i-mTit, Uiv co.i-! Rot m in mhw ani aud the panic. It wa a l...:e.-ria k by the mMHiMii ntl no dam- w.'ji llumrtT. I line wai a .1 h ... ... ).w,r th- vans out . ! mail um.. it. ..- ,v v. .... w, n , Kin murhi n. t a?w ' time." Tnp; p. c. A. A. A. sl.MIITED Ily Ui Ai.Su RKaita Conunitt L-olr Prviddrtrt lKK-kman U) th S an Francisco I'apem. The San Frinuisco pr?s 1 d.ioting a ' tireat deal of it space to ch lnnwrtuni attaching to te Auria ivgawa met mxc momii. 11 " flurry atteinHn: the coming event kmu oarwnen in that city have reached a state quite bonri(ig on disruption. The troubK so it 1 chiiroed, U due to the Ajvjtu racat'ta c.muniat' putting Hif .n oorreHpcmd'ncJ with individual oors ir.e;n in lrwian where .the aatociation aawrw tt shoukl nave been cotwulted. It fc well to say tlat the Astoria commit, tee hatrel no ut,h intention. It entrr- tain nothing but the roost cordial frk-nd .v.L .... .v.,. .Hf,OT,i rowitw fra. mop .or i.k - - ternV.y, and ha bent It energies to. ard securing skilled In one and aH directions where it wa piU'U to ob tain it. The matter of securing crew a taken up with Mr. 8. J. Pembroke for the reason that he was early alive to the situation, and ha been particularly active In aiwintrng the. regatta on pre. vtous Oftsion when hi (te vices were wed.1. Communioatfon Crttm PresWent Boca.-nan, of the P. C. A. A. A., wW be a readily corwldMred a from any other source, K being the sole ambition of the management tuare 10 "lake the UM meet a gmu. a suoces a the undertaking 1C permit. The following, from Monday' Ban Franniso Examiner, explain the sstua. ISon. "A split hi rowing circle Is again threatened. At the opening of the sea son there was manifested a spirit tfi break away from the paternal organlza. tkm. A movetnent to secede from the Amateur Athletic Union and Join the Na tional Rowing Association got a good footing among at bast two & the oluJb. but was checked ly he prompt action of the PacMlc Coawt Amateur Athletic A iwatlon In modifying It bylaws. The kwurgenta wore beaten at the time and dhey accepted the situation with philoso phical grac. But now the whole propo. in U ono ikt un Ma and ftp- PrnUy mor fttwly than vr. "H l U on wuw of th Ator r. au'.M. wMoh tk plao nxt moffvhi and in whvh ft number of th voJ ro ar i gvotig t, participate. At th ItMUuruml MJ( hM at AU1a last year twu of I Ui ollb South and Alameda I vr,t civw at th Invtwi-n of h A. I tor rtvwtlft .nmtit 8vrl of ttw uha oMKilitrt WOMvHuil mit"'' J. lSTlfk of t! Aianiwk vlutv vt ho ormn ut llw rnl, nl I tlwr k m jlrtl(.t lwt o hl rwrvt )tM wrlt tliio . f uoo I 0( ,,. wm, 'TYu, )-vr t!i lnKtkn to tlw I ,wr,mM) ri rnm A!n tnrann i i.nil.itc.. mi.l h wn muwvrtiNf vr ,t m,,rv itutviwrnh inly vf th " rh ixlim.t! Of ttw 1' i i v A o klKw fu- j n , , havo I :,xlprJk, ,h,.lr oWrail ,tftj. frly thl I v,nlwk. wkm too m.ioh on h I I . h h,iuhwr to rtH(uUn f t tvru which . rf , i Th hM of wrrtt. t . twrn, fru(m uv,,t.,, ,tw An j s,t- ke thto prtw. ' 'ji,k, ) .wviarnitKm that Orsno i out U th Jurlm t th 1 O. A. A.. lMnhr than that, th ) . wlJ tw unnui.KM at A!orU th l" eo 1 ',Wt brft.K-h f th NatK-Htl owi. j j Am viatuvv Thta U o rh orlmU moyinc. nd ... ' oont.hmmt of th. n rm- to b at .ll . lhr ., A " ' .MiU'um ot n iiinr m If th Aacorla iy! dlr our nwn ti Mi.-tik' 'n th mrafta." mU lrl. ilW vk-n:in, rhy ahowld hav h d h. lAiurt'wy to addrvra Tha olflwrK of th a, oxtutiim. At Inwl that to tn way w rr . f.r lir MlUA .1ft.kf tO lit. N.W. th fit. rvi atAtnts. i-liarKJ uf lh kal nl II ha. tH crwltr. a'iTK al ail. I'M ha m:I. ti.hili.U ourmn dkitatnw who whall iro north. Ui- yr ' w r" Trw A!.ir nr.xn commit tr b,i of- i. .-. ... --. . urss Jtr. frwr--a !""" r an.1 Huii:h Kml. T' i" - - .Mrh End lia-. not w..n a m In to . . ....... ,' . M.r..nlt). )r, aw u.j - - tt nvw to mi on. inn - nv. th Arlv atvi wv. aHitT-icly to to A!orS. and I think ;.hf w h iM nut for.h our l-t n-n. " "If n ry. u i Tn rrAna oamiiiov w pi". j to ty th x,-.iiw If a IMr.1 cr; anil. : In t.irt, ' any n-n wla awt tn no to . .. ... . i ... iji.ii tn a lit.r tc th ... ... - - ritart comrotfO. I do t"t wit'!" t'K,t .... .... i.. tfi.m ..j-'ir from i-m " tcVme "-jrih. m.r .lo w- wish to try but "h to man a gooo i from h.m. or tuy In our own wut-ws. Tiiy nil I wouM not haw a worn to ay u un- wr o. but X l n.t o. th R WE SEA.N WIIX HE KSFOliCI'.M. Fish C.jnm:limf Ke'd Ha No Aulh or.ty to Extend cl- Time, and Kiyn Kittnn Mut tHo HitfUst 1". I CuimWWT F. C. H.-..1 wax ak.l jywierlay If h.-n wim any viKutal !nu-;t4l whrby. In an nwcKu-y, the flahlrur siAon WUii! I exSentll. 1" - ...... ii.t.lnM ar.ttw wan d.wurmring. tny uiuirr a k Iv dVaw." w'd Mr. Ku. I miro I haven't th power myst-l'; and to i,ven the l1iUitur would cot Mily la much a th profit wouWI lie I rta.iiwl fr"m .the wilmon cat"h." j "If It wr found .blrabi to oKimi I af trr Auiruet 10, coiM you not t nt !away and eo riiv any mlirn- H it I won't be sM away." exciuVmiJ Mr. R '-d. "1 n going to tay nimi hr nn. the Kriun.1." tiin What Is the fine for ylokmlng IWhtng orHnance From fifty to on thousand dollar.' "Tii.'re are fourteen day lft yet. Mr. .l" Do still expect a profi-aMe Rwl lwiueT' I wTt for two good run yet. -Th, output b dat ha. been nrjM U- nam Y, ................ ... .teuk. has it not?" , "Kot much a ha been generally pu-jASANT AFTERNOON TEA. represented. It must oe rn"mbred tlhat , the cold utorage peoplie have reduced the very Mijoyalile t was glvn by Mrs. cannery reeetjrf rwry tnftlertally." jThtwrei Ryrle at hr relii on Uie "More so than Jam.. yfTX' ;o.n-n-ir of Irving avwmie and mfu-enth A greut du more. ine waimiu 1 ttw.hrrs. fbr inntanne, packeid at Port. . . .1 ... ..11 kin. kon tmn. llrJ " hw. and I understand thirf In one day Inirt week they receipted for 40 tons of raimo-i." ' "If. you were vested with the auOuirtty wiMild you exfcml th seiusti, Mr. Reed 7" "No, lr, I wouldn't extend tt one hour. T!Te are fellow on the river who WfJld take the last fb U they jofltlvsly knew they wlu1d never get an one. The flermen should not forgat that they a well as other buJ. new people must Ww and then tinve off soason. I have bm on the river for twenty-five years, and I recall more than one period when ootid Won. were a great deal wjrie than now. In 1X77 there was little if amy Ashing." "What would be your estimate of thl year's shore ie " "Well. tho.- are two week to consider yet. Already the pack I fully ftty Pr cent of lat season. I might soy ten per cent awd the caniiry receipts from fifteen tx twenty per cent. Thl 1 con. .llitionol that the run bt fairly good from now until August 10th. Approximating Halt fifty per cent I alrrtady pocked, It ill be pomfVe to pack fully half a muih again, and mayhe a llule more." "Then you f"l that there should be n) siriou appr-Aenirton as yet?" "None to speak of. I aim told that last r.fcrht one boat caught a ton and another one very nearly a ton. If fhls Isn't goad nhing. I don't know where you'll find It. Bat suppose they do ml ft few ; BEST VALUES : Q - Olrli' ArHM. of rxJ prvU. ft'l 'n polk Jot. navy blu ftrml pin. yo" rvl oapoft. trlmml ith .mroll'iry: in uf th mo.t (f.tlv iyl ,vr hm.I; 4. I. 1 10. 11 yr, jirlo H Blanket Specials. W 4 or r,y cMon Ooobl. WWfc llr(kVJr ,u.( ,h. lhln of ,-lr . .hit. or rry cotton blank-t.. ir. hr,v qlm.; writ worth II pr pftir; m-oial. tr tMlr TO - tv n fom.'.ri, fllloJ with pw whlt ,.0(,ni fn, y nnrl l"p! t-ll P1 l w v ortin cav-rtn. our whu - - cotn Binoa iiiin.., ..... racn l iliShanahan r. - now Th tW IH pwii nml thry wlU i ;h '.n tv; yor im h aam. t ' ,.n t liifcut mny ' tv Bhnnm win iro nwjy." ! ) mm vk.:0 to any Ki-"tr" , It l TOiv-li'M with -ry hm-nl)ly. j Th lay IW tlw "t MnK hour at 11 o'cli'k wv, Aucux 10. AfiT rtl tlm ihm will l WTf litioi flHtilivft. .koi. A , f..w nny nh f r th-sr own uv l.u- if rlv-y artonpt nark"l any ....o..- eh.-v w.!l (mkkly ! ai!l"t" Mr U..mI f I'WC tl' n'-"i"ft i ... . .... .m i.i b tint.'): m , r t;,r, nr f.wr ilays. . - , TIIK gl'KKN CONTEtrT. M vny Voiit N '- cili;w In nd m f Arnrlii' Kavwrliiw Untwiinat V-t' tl T-HCtlHr. Tn ' iMmmlK mt y.ii-riUiy a. th- iiKutil hour A o.,nmimliMttn wi rd from ri J. , mlir..k-. "f ia.'i Friinw. utiiUmf that a k..'i rlv.ilry a to -l.imtinhlp" ( no atnw nveral of til rown thr. nr.. I :hit inin (H'll cr!wl alll b tie'l wittfi a Ww lo .-l',lliK il si'dliw t" A .rui a crww to tli nii al rtiuly ihmi to r-.nwn th I'nlwHy of (alif.iriilu. liu- Al.ini"!tt ftjl : T. J. llk.wy wrtl. IU lioth l:f Miv! i"r''W '"d l"H crun!"l i , rmkiiin t wtttnl. Htitw-rlpilon -r PHlvd from tn . f( tKim: n. i,ir I'I'ol as lv:i.n. p; Jolin Ki(i, Tr.; Bovrt- Btnl lmri!ir 111: NulT'T A WHiwr. jt'!, Al. Ix-pt ImulMir ailvkiil Hunt n wnim w cni Q! iili r'..lon of 110 to 120. Th. mmmlttr iii"Iii1 to priiar the iniitnim g.iv nolk-e Ul Uiey were c lilk r.uly n,-a.l at the work. All.n ntiwrtwl Oi totii4 vote for (iu-.n tnM night a foliows: Mbw lsat Tr.imiig 137" -.iiy I.iU..,itl v' M(n Himiu Klmont " SUm Amy lvmm Mr. HurrUon AIN-n l Mow l.ucm ...... ji W liarkcr ' KKn Ir-n " lt. ItOML t'lKNlftW " ,jrii ynieTluy ant.wmxm Th iwn were wry ohnrmlngly diti. rat-xl, pltik flow;r only ti..nx uil In the .Ira wing roam, die partor was drid In rvi ami the hall was tastily deWTated with y'llow blossoms. Tlw afbiraoon paed very iantly with a varloly of entertalioiw, one of the principal fwiturc of which wa a cherry game, Mrs. Brenham Van IMiswn caTrtiirbiK the flntt prlso, anl the booby prise wo awankil to Mrs. J. E. Hlggln. Mr. Ryrle wa assiHted In tvUig l.y Mr. 11. Van Dusttn, Mrs. F. J. Tay lor and Mr. F. L, Parker. Those prent wore: iM.dam. M. J. Kinney. Alfred Kmmey, J. E. Hlgtfn. W. O. AVtlklnson, E. W. Tallaift, Owge A. ftlii'id, F. Oilllam, Hylandi W. S. Short, C. P. Upshur, M. J. TrwKiharvl, Fox, C. J. Trenchard, Way McIretoHh, F. W'Mtdahl, F. W. Neweil, C. 8. WrWrt, E. C. twl. C. S. Brown, Uolln, A. V. Allen, II. O. Smith, J. T. Lighter, and Mis Shield, of Dtawer. WHEN YOU RIM? TOUR WHEEL Always shake Into ur noes Allen's Foo'.-Ess, ft powder fur th fet. It keep your feet cool, prevent iwetlr feet, and makes your endiraic ten fold greater. Over one million wheel people are using Allen's Foot-Ess. Tbty all praise it, It gives rest ftnd comfort to smarting, hot, twollen, aching feat and 1 . certain cure f r Ingrowing nail. All the druggist and shoe store, 26c. Sample free by mall. A ldresa, Allen S. Olraced, L Hoy, N. T. Clothing Department 11..)' outuwc llanntl ovrhlni, worth 81 renin ativi H oonlt, ach Ud I Mn't oJil ! tn ottlfi( flanml aiwl iliK'k liirta, r ocular tV Moh; aplal pro lo cloa thtu out, a( He Mn' ba)tr!wn undirhlrti. worth bo vaoh, apvU trl. taoh ,,Ho Mw'l all wool tfcoich Iwrrtl inr4 wl'.h Italian cloth; told wtryaliar for lit pr autt; our prlr only .WOO Wn' fur fH Ftom hai. rolors ttla.fe and brown, our prV 1t Mn't rllulild oollari, our prlr a.. i M' and boy' crah bat, a'h tk Mrti't bry all wool iwa!rr, ( (n' Jran'pft'ili. our prlr ......... worth 1100 p-v par: V carry Ivl liriuu coppr rltd ovaralla. th twat ovrat tnad; vry pair (uarntd. Rt rnmmercinl P. n. Sharpie's LtitvMt FISHER BROS. Bailders' Heavy and Shelf Hardoiare, Ship Chandlery.Etc. NEW LINE OF Side-Boards, Dining-room Tables and Gbairs Chas. Heilborn & Son. ruwuw uvvaaruw uvruvarutru u r w-Tim . --V POKT1.ANI), OH. iri... rt..l., KlDularinais llntssllrt I'ot-t In tsct 5 inv J rw -. - - - - - - j SxanAAAnvrm'iAAAnuanruvvAAAniAAnrt The PALACE W. W. Wlilpple. Pfoprlrtor. Finest Restaurant North of San Francisco AtTBNTIVB 8ERVICB.... FIRBT-CDABa CUiaiNK.. PRIVATB ROOM8 FOR LADIES. 538 Commercial St., A5T0RIA MEAT COMPANY Tlphn No. aa Handles Only the Choicest Meats Ait Comm-rtl.l it., Palae R.slftSjrsnt. SAINT II II mi MAR m BT. PAUC. MINN., JAN. Capital . . Kesorvo for Unearned Premium Itcsorvo for all Other Liabilities Net Surplus over all Liabilities ' Total Assot PACIFIC DEPARTHENT. CHARLES CHRISTENSEN, Manager. B. GOODWIN, Assistant Manager. 817 California St., S. F., Cal. TJE GITY 3& Olrl' draun of nHm think of lt finf ham cai and yk trlmm V tubrollry and fan.7 trald; t I. 10, It ami II rr. prh. oh M . papr napkin In plain anil a4 eulon; poUI pri pr IW l 1hr p ox. ho, rak and pd, trrf child will waul an fur lh bacn( pr ft H Itathlni oap, turnid 10 b wt proof, ai-h Bros. Street Cream Separators atrtd ilct. General Supply Mouse for Family Groceries. iAAftAvruirunwvuinnAAnunvu ATT W aV m.TI 5 Open Day and Night. Aetorla, Oregon PAUL I int. 1890. I 500,000.00 1,01(5,407.87 ' 222,691.07 784,888.78 12,623,987.72 SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. Agenls, Astoria, Orvgoik MICE COMPANY r V - j