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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1899)
THE PAIL ASTOMA&, 1MIBSDAY M0J1NINU. Jl'LY 20, toh Midsummer Sale GENTLEMEN'S HATS We Carry the Swcllcst an J Best Assorted Line of Hats in the City. Alt th Newest and LnN est Blocks arc to he Found Here. W hv nut exceptionally low price on the entire line, prices srhtch. soarante to be at least 2B per cent Below All Competitor. A eomnsHeon of our prices with tho of others convince you that this Is th p.eee to buy. THE FAIR, 50G-508 Commercial Street. MDIES'... ...WRAPPERS X new line of SUMMER WRAPPERS at hand. Thess wrappers ars all in ths tatssl styles. Tbe on like the cot In FINE PER CALE srlth llJunc and fancy trimming ! only tL THE BEE HIVE. See Our LADIES' COLLAR for 10 cents. Albert Dunbar Drifted Soow flour tt-H at too Pat Market Boat tf-eent meal. Blaine Bun rtaur- aat, GJ Coamtrctal strsK. Enjoy a good squars meal for U cents t th Denver Kitchen on Ninth street. White cook. Beat California win jo rente per ! la. Alex Gilbert, aola agent (or Astoria. Telephone a. Oream Pure Rye. Amerlca'i flnost vfctsksy. The only pur goods, guaraa. sed rich and mellow. John L. Carlson, aole agent. 4 " Kelly1! tranafer wagons deltTer bos wood to any part of the city an sn&rt notice. An order left at Zapft furni ture jtora, S30 Commercial itreet, wilt reoalre prompt attention. Telephone tut ISargaJna In new and aecond band wheel, from 13 up. New and fin t-c lass wbevrfs kept for rent. Sole areata for Irs famous Rambler. Repairs and sun. Wea at lowest rate. Columbia Eleo trical tt Repair Co., S3 Bond. The new Creamery Restaurant, Bond treat, near the alley between nth and nth street, eerree the beat jVeent meal rest eat out In Aatorla. ETerythlna; la ee, neat and clean, and abaolute satis, faction Is guaranteed an patrons. EVERYBODY LOOK. Get yourself a pair of John Hanb'e, Peterson & Brown's and J. P. Goodmana beat U ladies and vents' afaoea for 25 tents. Call for particulars at C4 Weld block. AMERICAN SHOE COMPANT. ROOMS FOR REGATTA VISITORS. The regatta committee desires) ail psr aoos who have rooms to rent, with or without board, to leave Uxor namea, irttb number they can accommodate, at headquarters, corner Eleventh and Bond streets, any afternoon between now and the first of August Please state prices for regatta week. HARRISON ALLEN, Beoretry. A gossip la a woman who can make five by putting two and two together. IT PAYS TO GO DIRECT TO Breat Affiericai InportiE Ta Cb Big Value Stores. " i fTl CMttmereW Bt, Astoria. The Place To Save Money TODAY'S WEATHER. AROUND TOWN. The city council meets tonight. Country buttermilk at the Parlor. 15o a gallon. iNatlonal br mill knock the Just out of your throat. On tap at the National. Clam chowder la one of the latest aJili Uo to the menu at the National csfe. Our Ice cream la warranted to be mad of pure cream. The Parlor, neit to John Habu's, The steamship State of California sr. rived m yesterday, and after a short atop left up the river. Aster Union No. . Order of Washing. ton. meets tonight in Pae hall. Each member 1 requested to attend. The Bashaw brought down a raft of pEa ye"t-rHy from Goble for the !! trap n being built for Smith Bros. Mr liar Mcintosh, a ulster of Mrs. C. J. Trenobard and Mrs. Brennan an Dusen. Is visiting In the city from Oak. kind. Cal. Mr. A. B. Hammond arrived in Port. land but v.-UriB at It is not known whether he will come to Aatorla wday r tomorrow. For rent Three furnished rooms on ground floor, suitable for light bouse, keeping, centrally located. 411 Exchange street, near Ninth. A petition for the adoption of Hugh Patrick Claivrey, a minor child, was granted yesterday by Judge Gray in the probate court to Thnothy Clancey. The Dewey brought down 1! piece, tali. TJ feet long yesterday from Goble. They are the gunwales for rbe new pile. driver scow now being buiK for Contrac tor Lebeck. Dr. T. L. Ball has returned from a month's trip to the Interior of the state, and can now be found regularly at his office In the Maneell Rulldlng, 571 Com. mercial street. The ladle- aid society of the Norweg. Ian-Danish M. E. church of Upper A. torta will have their annual sale ftitur. day, August 12. lf9. Further notice wIM b given later. Remember we sell our Dure cream for tl.S per single gallon, packed and de livered and for any quantity not less than two rallons at II per gallon. The Parlor Candy Store. The scow Dewey yesterday brought down a toad of W).'." feet of lumber from Goble fr Fort Canby. where It will be ueel to bufl a plank street from Fort Canby to the lighthouse. Korppa Jurvi was a prtaorve,. tn the justice court yesterday, chargtl with attempting to srash his family a few days ago while he was intoxicated. He pld guilty and was fined IIS, which was paid by his son. Russian baths, newly fitted up and con. nee tl with city water system. Every thing clean. Shower baths and private apartrnents for ladles, corner Linooln and Alameda avenues. Open tVednes. days and Saturdays from 2 to 12 p. m. William Broendo, proprietor. Work wBl be commenced at once In Portland on a rug for the Columbia mills at Knoppton. She will be 73 feet long, 17 faet Vara and 7 feet depth of hold. Tbe boat will be fitted with Wells balancwaCve engines, which have been found to give satisfaction under all dr. cum stances. The George Stetson and the Dunreg. gan were both towed outside the bar yesterday and shook out their sails for the long voyage to Taku, China, and to Quenstown or Falmouth, respectively. The departure of these two ships leaves Portland's harbor afxmt deserted, there not being a single ship loading there at present. Several directors of the Rowing club went around Smiths point last night and looked over the proposed sHe for the boathouse. Contractor Houston was along and amed In making soundings. The best site Is Just beyond the cove, near which the steamer Astorlan lies. There is plenty of water at that point and the location Is pRtureeque in the ex. treme. It Is likely the building will be erected there. Tickets for the match game of baneball between the Talis and the Shorts are now on sale at regatta headquarters, and are 10 cents for children and 25 cms for adults. To each ticket Is attached a cou. pon, the coupons to be used In voting for a queen, who shall serve this distinction In the regatta exercises. Each Juvenile tickets will be entitled to 20 votes and rbe adult tickets to SO votes esch. The game promises to be Interesting, and the at tendance large. A quiet wedding took plaoe last evening at e residence of Mr. Walters on the ccrner of Tenth and Kxohntige streets, the contra!) parties being Mr. fW Walter and Mlra llulda Johnson. Her. J. Jacobeon performed the eetvtNony In the presence of a few Immediate relatives and friends. The bride la a popu'ar nd eottniabl young lady, and th grm Is the well known shoe dealer of this city. Thrte young people have many friends In th's city who wish, them su.cww, long life. haiH!ne and peace. Th HrittKh bark Nat una, Captain Fret hurst, arrived In l.r night, IS day out fiom PyTt Angeles, She 1 consigned to Taylor, Young A C, of Portland, d will Kd whent for Antwerp. Srte prob. My reave up today. Captain Frethurst reported a clean U'.l of health and p'.eMiit trip. When she arrl-ed In many thought It was the long over due Mnc. Jult, but on Investigation It proved to be the Natuna. The big Boston Shoe Company bas ar-rl-ed In Aty1a and opened a store at N'.v Commercial street, where thy wt:i cviMuct a glrarrt, sacrtflce sale of eaonab!e fio:sr f r the next Ji !ay. The comivuiy has a factory at 1-ynn, Muss., and Saata Rcea. Cal., where they maJu their own good. They say they can and will sell boots and shoe cheaper than retailers can buy them. With this opportunity before us, no one in Astoria neM go barefoited.. The ext!jrion l-en by the Alor:a Mdlrary band, to be run to Seaside at o'clock Sunday morning next, should be well patronised. The A. A C. railway contributes the train and a liberal per centage of the tk-ket receipts. An en tertaining program will add to the af. fair, and a special and Interesting tea. lure will be the match gsme of basetwll between tlv bval and the Fort Steven military team. The rivalry between these respecrtv nines Insures a lontest well dejerving the Journey to see. Albert Duttliar, George Nelson. Johan Young, Dunean McU-n and M.-rbyn. the i H-yeaKOld son of Agent Lounebery. of tlV Ok R. N. Comany. compos a fish. Ing party now enjoying an outing In th Xehalem valley. The antlers, equipped with ruckle, a stout team of hor and a thne-ated wagon, l.-ft the rtty on Saturduy enin la:. and. barnrg nt has, will r'turn today, it I said that she Nehakm river Is Ju.t now stockwl I with the suculent trnit. In which event ! the ho should beware at making a I ItKMclesa showing. j The public ways commission hold a ' meeting yesterlay afternoon In th coun. ell chamber, and a new bylaw was offered by Mr. V. Boelling. who moved k adop tion and after being dl-usd the motion prevailed. It prhittts the riding or drlv. of any horse or vehicle over any portion of the bfc ycle path constructed by the public ways commission, excepting where aid bicycle path rosse a county road. Upon conviction thereof In the police court the offender shall be punished by a flr.e of not less than t3 or more than ll0, or confinement In the city Jail fr a period not to exceed M days, or by both such fine and Imprisonment. Whfle the run of salmon slackened on Tuesday night, still ther was an abun dance of businers for the fishing fleet whii swarmed over the river. The Co lumbia River Packers Association an nounced one of the largest single catch as IK") pounds. A number of boatK avt-r. aged from !) to lis) pounds each. The fish now received by the canneries are of an exceptionally fin quality. The steelheads which the Portland nesrspas pers report as glutting the river at this point are by no mean, ao abundant as last ywr ami im was regarded a an unusua'.ly barren sea-son. Th Impres sion was abroad rhat last night would see another extensive run, an overcast sky being favorable to the conjecture. Th, Willamette Valley Chautauqua A sembly Is now In session at Gladstone park. Oregon City, the assembly having commenced last Tuesday. From th re. ports reocived this w-mty promises to be the most successful In th history of the association, and an army of campers have pitched their tents throughout the park. Intending to stay during the entire sHSMion. The good attendance so far is very gratifying to the management, over fti people being present on th opening night to listen to Sam Jones' lecture on "Get There and Stay There." Later In the session General Shatter will e.ture on the campaign before Santiago. Other lecturers of national repuratlon are also on the carefully prepared program, and this year's asjs-mUly shows every Indication of being si suo ctss in every detail. Classes In music, hfcstory, art end every department of science are beid each morning, a well as classes In phyxlcal culture, while each afternoon a series of athletic sport take place on the fine athletic grounds, Persona wishing an outing In which rec reation and high class entertainment may be combined, could not do better than to spend two wwks at this beauti ful park during the session of the Chau tauqua assembly. ANOTHER GREAT FEATURE OF THE REGATTA MEET. Thrilling Exhibition of New Life Saving Device by the Inventor, Dr. Rlehl. An Interesting feature of this year's regatta meet will be' the life saving ex hibition by Dr. Riel, one of the world's long-distance champion swimmers. Dr. Rlehl will make tils appearance, not for the glory involved, but simply to demons strate to his fellowmen an easy and cheap method In shipwrecks to save their live and more valuable belongings. As an example, It may be supposed that a big steamer has been wrecked, say, a mile from the shore, A storm, terrifio In nature, is raging and the life, saving boats end rafts have been washed from the ship, ther Is no lite-saving station near the seen of the wreck, or If present, the breakers are so formlda. ble that the crews find h Imposslbl to launch their small craft. Again, the distance from the shore to the wreck Is too great to permit the shooting of the life line as far as the vessel. These are the Ideal condition desired by the doctor. In th emergency tie wl.l enclose in a rubber coat his apparel and valuables, give wings to his kite and leaping into th tumbling billows, tall with I he same ease and safety as the cill who hom la In the tcmpnst. The committee, at lis meeting yester. Uy sehxMot Chief of polio ItwUnk a the most suitable. pron lo nrtutend th sqtMtlc siHvrts. The prtgram to tall under the supervision of Mr. Ilaliixk will Inclmto th swimming oiuitesta, climbing tl greasol poes, hltih diving, tvut of wiir. ba lon aih'n, tlh Ing exhUdllons, log rolling and kindred events. The list of rowing events w an. ncutu'ed we follows: single stvdl, ngl outrigger skiff, fotirwrrd shell, dotAiie scu'.l atl Imix. Additional to UteMe will b the regular yacht, schooner and fi. ermert cumpetttons. The name of Mr. J. N. tlrifllii was -Ul.d to the regatta committee. Seor.'tary Allen stated trial arrange, mvnts had been made looking t hs purcha. of nsrdal for awards. The decvrstlve advertising was en trusted to Mr. Swiipe, TALtS AND SHORTS. Th basoball gam Suturtlay between the Talis and Shorts premise to be the ledlng baseball fWK of the season. Ticket mill be placed on sale todsy. The pricv v admission will be 15 cent for adults and 10 cents for children. At ltd to Mill XLcent ticket will be a coupon good for W vote for the queen of th regatta and each UVient ticket wtl have a coupon attached good for JO votes. Titos who come late will have to take back seals. Dr. II iM Hastings will coach for the Short He Is a Kentucky player with a reputation. Frank Carney will wear th Bhort' colore and be out with a green parasol. He Is city treasurer and eaya bis action antlctiwtrs future contlmrenclc. Mayor torgman and party will occupy a box at th gam. Ctty Attortxy All u haa rTKlerwl an opinion that the city exix-utlvo should txhUU tbe "Iwtby blue" of th Talis. Juvlge Wlnton has promised to lend his walking cane for the use of the heavy batters. Ad iks Johnson Is ex(wtrd to display the latent SiaJiford grace of iMuery. d has ,turej a special disp nsa:ioJi to uiw a pllliow for any liner that route bis say. Hilly Chance has kindly consented to tell aluut th first ball game playrd on the coat. of which he wa umpire the game having ben played by two teams of Concomly's braves. Tru-s Inleresilng anend"tes will occupy the tiillous wait between drink. PLAIN TALK IS GOOD FOR THE LIVER. Mihter Edltoor: Ol note In Soonday'a payper phat Judge Tsyhw. Senator Fu ton. Commodore Trulllnger. Judge Oray, Colonel Adair an Dr. Dell asy on the Common pint proposition; thy' all P'K'y near right; now do yes want my O'pinloa or don't yes? OI'll g lv It to yei anyway. Question No. 1. An phat hex retarded the devil op nw nt lv Astoria alongside lv Se attle? Well. well, any little by with an ounce lv grey matter In hi llttl red topoot should know that. Ohver In Seattle a mosstxuk can't live, Che air Is too brisk! the pushers Is ver lastingly pushing slow coaches off th sidewalk: If wan wants to succeed as a storekeeper, a professional man or a me chanic, he must pull off his coat an work for Seattle. How Is It in Astoria? Do yes wont a Regatta, a 4th of July, oounly roads, base ball grounds or common pint, or high toned pints, som wan will say, put Wise, or Jones, or Brown on that com ml Wee, they always work: all right lay goes on: leave their stores for a week or for a month, wears out their lungs an helr shoes, an everybody ses they's good fellows; but while they're out on the flr irg line, the pull em In fellows pull you In from off ths sidewalk; then yes for get ths hustlers who got thin an' tired while the Donothlngs get fat an stingier from day to day an yes have hard work to get any wan to hustle at all, at all. Question No. I Whin the people lv A torta will make up their minds to patron ize the coworkers an let alone th no. iworker then, an not until then, will It be worth while to hustle; an hustling Is what make live town. Truly yours, FLANNIOAN. in tare v Herman Wise, The A No. 1 Clothier and Hatter. P. 8. This Is not copy wrlted. READY FOR BUSINESS. The Bo"l- Shoe Company Open lis Store, The Boston Shoe Company has opened Its sale at 4.15 Co,nmnr.-lal street, and th clerks bare ibeen busy supplying oueitom. ejf. Despite hard work to get ail the stock unpacked and ready for th In pec. tkm of cuswners, some cases were ur opened. They win be ready today, bow. ever, and the dressing of the show win. dow will bo completed. The st-3k of shoes Is large and the prices at which they are offered will certainly draw customers to the entab. Ilshment. EvJry article In the place Is marked as a bargain and only on price prevail to everyone. The sale will be kept up all this month and our people should avail themselves of the opportunity to get bargains In footwear. NOTICE TO FISHERMEN. As many complaints have been made against the 11 of blue ston for tan ning salmon net and as it may be injurious to the salmon Interests and 1 without dou'ot contrary to law, all per sons are hereby wamsd against allowing Che same to be put In the waters of the Columbia river F. C. BE ED, Fish Commissioner, NOTICE FOR BIDS. Rid will be received bv the country of Clatsop, Oregon, until Wednesday, the 9th day of A'.FUnt, 1899, at 1:30 o'clock p. m for delivery at tbe court house yard of 60 at sprues limbs or vine maple, and 10 cords of hemlock wood; th same to be of rood, sound quality, full cord leni-'tlis, and dollvered on or befort the 1st day of September, 1899. The right fcs reserved to reject any and all bH. By order of th oounty court. H. J. Wherlty, County Clerk. BEST VALUES Olrls' dresses, of gi-od perx,nl polka Kt, navy Wus and ln. 3ro and raies, trimmed with embroidery; en of the not effe tlv tyle w have wver auld: sues , t. t W, 11 n! Hi years, prlc 115 Blanket Specials. 10 4 white or gray cotton douW blankets, ; rxxl heavy quality. Just th thing of t camputg out, peg ir too 1M whits or gray cotton bUnkots, extra heavy quality: well worth II per pair; : te.-lol, (let pair t5 tViod !i comfort, flllej with pur whit ! cotton, fancy flgiinnl tups; prlc c-h H.iV TIaM heavy orcton covering, pur wht Hiteiti tilling comforters, extra value; 1 eaon II Shanahan 576-580 Commerciul C1IANOK OF A LIFETIME. Thursday morning. July V. 10, bright and ariy, Ih residents of Mil city will b given an opportunity that cmr but slisksn to the ppl a community, on that duts the big llolot Shoe Com pany operating extensive faolorles at Lynn. Ma., and Sanla ltis, Cal , will inaugurate on of It mammoth ho sale, and the occasion will lng b re mrmtH-rt by the whoe (aircha.lng mem. ber of rtvta wxlre community. A HO.nui stock will be slaughtered. Irrespective of value. Tlie esrly purohsstr gets th pick, and everybody gets a bargain on Thursday morning In the storeroom at No. t5 Commercial street. HEAL rTATB TUASFKU8. Alfred lloltnun snd wnf to N. It l-ang. w d. A;rli 10. 1K; 13' acres In section i. tp t n t w 11 0 Frank A. McMann to 1 W. Whit. w tl. F.bruarv Hi. 1;; IW acres III 1 sw-tK.n . tt S n r It) w S Ueorg'i W. White and wife to the Aiurl t'oniiwny. w d, July I. lvv :o acre in section It. tp I n r is w l.W Michael Lrwhy and wife t J. II. Walker, w d. AprC t. IM'C W m in section Is, tp n r t w., 1 Duo ll.iry Jones to J II. Wilkr. w d, April 24 W". lots 1 and 3, section !. tp n r w. also n e ' In i(i n r l w 1.100 M M. Ie to Heln I'epoon, w d, June 20, 1K. lot i, block C Clwl I UO A niCit MAN 8 PROJECT. A rich man's statement that h Intends lo devote almost his ntg fortune to rharllab! work has aroused much dis ruption. Thl I because It will aceom. : pllsh mjch good. It I a praiseworthy endeavor, but ther are many otnr agondea which accomplish Just as much good. Tike llo.ite.tter'1 Stomach Bitter) for Instance th great American remedy. For fifty year il ha cured constipation, and all th Ills which arise from wak dlg?sion. This medtolns will keep ths stomach In good shape and th bowels regular. It Is a wonderful rsstors alive tonlo and health builder. It la also a preventative for malaria, fever and ague. Ask for It and Insist upon having It. St that a private revenue stamp rovers th neck of th bottl. Mrs. Smart "Why, before we were married, you said you loved me unspeak ably!" Mr. S.-"Qulte true, my dear. But you see you nev;r give me a olianc to love you that way now," TRY ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, A powder to b shaken Into th stiosi. Your feet feel swollen, nervous and hot, and get tired easily. If you hav smarts Ing feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot. Ess. It cools ths feet and make walk ing easy. Cures swollen, sweating feet, ingrowing nails, blisters and callous spots. Relieve corns and bunions of all pain snd gives rest and comfort. Try It to. day. Bold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25 cents. Trial package free. Address Allen Olmsted, L Roy, N. T. A CHILD ENJOYS Ths pleasant flavor, gentle aollon, and soothing effect of Syrup of Flgi, when In need of a laxatlv, and It th father or mother b coitlv or bilious, th most gratifying results follow Its use; so that It is the best family rtmtdy known and every family ahould hav a bottle. Manu. factured by th California Fig Syrup Co. AN EPIDEMIC OF DIARRHOEA. Mr. A. Sanders, writing from Coooanut Grove, Fla., says ther has been quits an epldemlo ot diarrhoea ther. He bad a se vere attack and was cured by four dose of Chamberlain' Coilo, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. H says he also recom mended It to other and they ay It Is the gest medlcln they ever ud. For sal by Charles Roger. Clothing Department. Hoys' outing flannel ovr.hlrt, worth com and cent, each ism Men's nld lllea In outing flannel and duck shirts, regular too sachi special price lo do I hem out, at V Men's balls Iggan uudrrshlrl. worth tto each, speoal prlc each.,, ,,.,....1J , J4,n l all wool Hcoteh twrd suits, lined with Italian cloth; sold verysrhnrs for 110 per sull; our prlc only ,.KD0 Men' fur feH Fedora litl., rt4ir hlaik and brown, otir (wtcs ,., tic Men's celluloid collars, our price Man's and boys' crash hats, each K5o Men's heavy ail wool sweaters, aoh..t! Ot Men' Jeau patils, worth II W Bor pair: our prlc V' U' carry lvl Stratus copper riveted ovnrall. Ih bel overall mdi vry llr guaranteed. P. n. Sharpie's Lntsi Builders' Heavy and Shelf FISHER BROS. - ..j......... NEW LINE OF Side-Boards, Dining-room Tables and Ghairs Chas. Heilborn & Son. R. L. Boyle & Co Leading Real Bstatc Dealer of ASTORIA, OREGON Write for Information and raniphlstH. 635 Commercial Strwl I AST01 ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY Tlshn Handles Only the Choicest Meats , 411 Cassrdsl St., at Ptlae Rlart,t. Thft DAT AsH.t? y W. W. Whipple, Proprlwtor. Finest Restaurant North of San Francisco ATTENTIVB SERVICE.... FIRST-CLASS SOrSINB.. PRIVATE ROOMS FOR LADIES. 538 Commercial St., SAINT IE AW MARINE INSURAHCE COM! ST. PAUL. MINN., JAN. it, 1899. Capital . ... Reserve for Unearned Premium Reserve for alj Other Liabilities Net Surplus over all Liabilities Total Assets . . PACIFIC DEPARTHENT. CHARLES CHRIBTENSBN, Kaaagsr. B. GOODWIN, Assistant lfanagsr. 317 California St., S. F Cal. THE - G1TY fetl'''-ll" ' 7 Qlrhf dresses of ginghams think, ot P. gingham cap and yvk irlm4 wit einhroltery snd fncy brahl; sites 1 I. I, jo, and II yars, priv. ach . ppr napkin in pUiln whll a ad oolor; special prlc pr 1 Ma Thr cs, hoe, rah and ipl. rtf child will wattl one, ! lr t llathng caps. tirntd to b wmtf pro'f, each Ha Bros. Street. Cream Separators and Hct. General 5upply House for Family Groceries. Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Etc. No. da S and Night. Astoria, Oregon PAUL I 500,000.00 1,016,407.87 222,091.07 784,888.78 $2,52.3,087.72 1 nuiiioi U ' AHtorlu, OrcBorv