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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1899)
AHTOIUAH, J lit K.SDAV MUKNLNU. JCLrVoT Itm THE DAILY immm 1 1 ECONOMY J L "ow """ I yur 11 m0 worth f I tow muck Wf jvu vsiwe jour euciiKuir js juui munvr worth Mvlngf Time question! will all m r iniwtria W your enure satisi-ietum u you um Washing Powder U vour cletnlnf. It will do your work In half the lime, irith half the labor, and at hall the coat of aoap or any thcr cleanier, It will nuke your housework easy and u you many an hour ol worry. For frtatest economy buy our large package. THE N. K. TA1RBANK COMPANY it. ioui wwfotK lottos OCCIDENT Astoria's Lending Hotel Mcglcr 6i Wright. PropH. I Stop and Think! Are You Ovttiritf The Bent Meula, The Iiewt Llquorn, Or The Bent That can N had la the city? It l Bkimm you have not Heda '-"'Jeff's Restaurant. for IhoM wha require feoulne tA. May iimt wiu iMKMir il mat they a. Thousand, wh. kMf II have fraelr oo Thai si ail the mat Mm "JBfF la th. I1K8T. Look lor the sign of "JEFP'B" ami take soother. atalIIaliel twenty year.. Columbia Electric and Repair Co. Succenaor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists Foundrymen Loggers' Supplies Kept in Stock Logging Unglnam Uullt nnil Itcprilreyd. Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty ...I. I. -i . i. - :. r Sole flanufneturers of the I'nsurpnnstd ..."Harrison Sectional" Propcllor Wheel... Con irnt tors for Electric Light and Tower Plants. t'AITAIN OOflAUS SAD VOYAOE. (uo "! moil penuiiuro) n nil ini4, r itrUy-l five hours ml inur." A f-l mVa4Kir Uddrd tliat Ihii first r tti lit ? Umt was dimly (Jim rtwl at Kurt M-r. i . , ? Tint flrwt nea apprising "itln JxmI nil of liu faihrr's d-ath wa rw wvid at a point hnoaw aa It I ' wharf, Hie i-nrll. rat phica apikrn on irtTlng Ban Frn i'lr) iaHur. "I w tKr ilw i-aptaJii," m11 on of he Slllp'a ffli'rfa, "wh.n ih was .Kiiaii'a:n vnm . i n wa iilllfiil, Ttw capialli hlinw-lf h. nul ln In l ;itHh f'r a nuniix-r or moiilha. unit li rtiwpH'Mially 1 suird li liN falln-r. tlw Wow tm.t-ly uiimvt.J tttin. Il duMi't rsall the rr. nutlixlrr ot tl run, iiir h l rr-d iIm. U'lillnif and rirl, lo rlv alui. Thv wmimif m u(ttd lliat be tvlini tM txittinwnd tor a liorl llm, i! InduUo a vt 'iikm fur tlx brmli ot llm ulilii of! ltl KlK'Uldi-ri, he JiiM till l'iiihIi ar lhl )w trill I In ' or.'-. imi Willi Uk hind uiftl.)n md.. Ako.ii IijiHxry rltJru a grall'nng lr iitxu.iil luirth tn)iiiui it ip nn. mm found 'l iiniumili t) aw ummlai) I ha ulllii hli-h ltHt iKr. Afi-r ha-IHia" i h-r full iniiurlty alu IFIt n( Uit Bun Kiamlasi wharf a laivn urp.ira of frrta-hl. which ncrrwarlly wl.l hav J follow Utrr. Twriily lona of raro wefa uiilkM fur I'Kvl rm-f.jiii. Tlx M r.iulnrl lwr iui htll mr than an hour. 8l fmiW amooih wit and avortUt condiilona f.r itanati-rrirn Ikh load. 18 IT ntOHT. (Fur an Editor lo Rcammnd Pt UdlCIBMT from Sylvan Vallty Nawa, nravrad, NC ll may tt a quenlon whttber Itaa tdttor of t n.wapapar hat th rUfbt to publicly rtoommand any of I ha varloui proprltty Dwdclnoi which flood I ha maraai, yet a a preventative of auffertnf we fael It a duty to say a food word for Chamber. laln'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Ram. dy. We bare known and uaed thta tnedl cine In our family for year and have alwayi found It reliable. In many caaea a doae of thla remedy would itve hour of ufferlng while a physician Is awaited. We do not believe In depending Impl.cliy on any medicine for a cure, but we do believe thai If a, bottle of Chamberlain's Diarrhoea Remedy were krpt on hand and administered at the inorptloa ot an snack much suffering might be avoided and in very many cases the presence of a physician would not be required. At least this has been our tsperlenoe during the past K) years. For sale by Charles II of era. An-! I-"!'ti I ou a h"noitr4ihV Mr. llrt-"Nl on )ur life! I'm married." Weport iit the Cundltlon of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK A? Aatorla, 1m the Stat et Oregon, at the olost of bualneaa June K. U9t. ' RESOURCES. , ; . lana and dlacuunis ...IU4.7IOM (vpliafia, awurad and una. ouml I vn v U. H. donds to secure circulation 11 W W 1'runluina on U. S. bonds Hi ' k, aKurllis, etc 160.(42 at Oili-r real eaiale and mortgages uKlird I EI 14 Liu from national banks not re.orva aaemai 1,(4) 1 Due from stale banks and bank et. M.OIM Uiie from approved ' reaerve a-iila lot K C h.i k and otlxr ca.h Hems..., 41 of other national banks.,.. I'l " Mi k. ls and cams 44 U l.aaful money reaerve In bank, v.s: pi tm.M oo tender notes , M iW 1 w rtixtentt'tlun fund with U. B. trea.uitr uf circulation)., CO SO rfv WW i "Russell" Automatic Engine yv-1" i 1 rA- Tw Writf Ur I'utiilocjnoM nl' Knitiu l'oilri, Si Mill. A. H. AVKKILL, UUSSKLL A CO., Manager. Portland, Oregon. c. R Commission, Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping. Custom Hoimo Droker. ASTORIA, .OREGON A sen I W. f, A On., and I'Rclflo Kxpre.i Co's. Pacific Sheet Metal Works MANUFACTURERS OF Salmon 'VefetaMe Fruit CAN spice and Syrop Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. Falrhaven, Wash. San Francisco, Cat. Astoria, Ore. Write Us for Prlooss "Ws have sold many different cough ramedlea. but none bas given better satis faction than Chamberlain's" says Mr. Charles llolshauer. druggist. Newark. N. J. "It Is perfectly safe and can be ra iled upon In all cases of ooughs, colds or hoarseness. Sold by Charlss Rogers. Tlw meanest type of man Is who ukra advanuae of the widow and or. pinna. CALL FOR WARRANTS. Notice Is hereby given to all parties holding CUtsop county warrants en. dorscd prior to July 11. 1ST. to present the same to the county treasurer at his office, 164 Tenon street, for payment. In terest ceases after this aate. Dated at Astoria. Ore., July I, UM. H. C. THOMPSON. County Treasurer. NEW KNTERr-RISB. Thi lloaton Shoo Company Willi opefl with a new stuck of ahura am! goneral footwwir. Tliunnlay. July 10, at IU ConwiwrclHl irevi, next to AMorlan of ftce, Tho Mniany Is Interested In the S.uKit ltua factory and In another at Lynn. Miiw., and will offer a la rye stock which Hie nmtin!.-nn-m thvUtvs will t old at tlKtircn than caniwl be iKiipn and ar at'Mcun approachml. Tho stock Is helna; i)la-el now. It will lm openl 0 th puldlc ThunMay. July . IS!, at III n. in., when nil enn sc the opportune ties lo get good footiwenr cheap. T"ll SMMiei) LIABILITIES. I'miiI stork paid In 1 MOOO" Huniiue fund o L'li'llvhled uroOia. es exPtnaeS snit taxes paid Xl.CIt M National tiank notes out.undlng line tu other liatlo!ial bank.,... HM Iue to atate banks and banket 7i 77 IilUdrn.U unpaid tOUOOj ikIiviiIusI t1i-po.:a sub. J.-.I ui chk t-rr.lTJU ri'-tnand Cerillt ales of I-alt OIMM Oriitl"! checks i-'J 4ii . 4m us e Total li8,41M STATE OF OREOON, ' las. COUNTT OF CLATSOI'.i T. S. 8, Gordon, ca.hler of the above nsmed bank, do solemnly swear that the aoove s atrtnent la true to lb beet of my knowledge and belief. i S S. OORDO.V, Cashier. Suhifrlbed and sworn 10 before me this lit day of July. 119$. C. R. THOMSON NJtar. Public Currejt-Alleati JACOn KAMM. J O. HANTHORS. W. F. MeOREOOR. Dirjctors A woman think. If he p-fata gJlp Ju.t a. ahv herd It. thrre can be no harm .aLSM." Make No Mistake In buying Con densed Milk. Take no sub stitute for the Gail Borden Eagle Grand i CONDENSED MILK ' ' There are cheaper and ln ( ferlcr brands to the Eagle, J J but none that equal It. It ( , has stood first for forty years. Bead for Bscise Beok. ( BOttCtVS CCVDCtttD Mt CO, S.T. i1 r;Vrrrj An Excellent Combination. The pli snanl mctlux) and beneficial ; err ecu ol itu- well known rrtntay, KrKi.i or Flos, manufactured by the Calipokxia Fio rirKl'P to.. Uluktrate j the value of obtaining; the liquid laxa- llvej principles of plant known to M BieUicinall laxative and nrcM-ntinjf them in the furtn moat ref realiins; to the taate) and acceptable to the system. It Is the one perfect atrenjrthrninff laxa tive, clcaoainx the avsteto effectually, diapellinir eoldii, headaclies and fevers Sently yet promptly and rnablinir one overcome habitual constipation per manently. Ite perfect freedom from very objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowela, without weakening or irritating- them, make it the Ideal laxative. In the proceM of manufacturing flirt are used, aa they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qnalitieaof the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic planta, by a method known to the Calipokxia Fio hvFir Co. only. In order to get it beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. saw raaHciaoo. cau Mcrtamjui. ST. ww you . T. For sal by all IM-urtisti-r'rlc SOc per bottle. State Normal School MONMOVTII, OltEOON Training School for Tsachara. Now. BvUdlno ' New. Dapaitinewta. --i . T UnfTaded Country Sekool Work. Graduates St-core Good Positions. STROXO COURSES Waif aulpped Irainlnc department, Normal ooOTea, quickest and best way to S.ate Certlftratca. Expenses for year from J1J0 to IIM; Board ttSS to B per week; TnlUoa, SOI I per term of tea weeks. Fall tana beraa September Uth; Bummer term Jan St to September L For catalogue address) P. L. CAMPBELL, Presides. I or W. A, WANN. See of Faculty. If you suffer from tenderness or full ness on the right side, pains under the shoulder blade, constipation, biliousness tick hesdscha and fee dull, heavy and ieepy. your liver Is torpid and eon. gested. DeWltt's Lit lis Early Hisere ill cure you promptly, pleasantly ana permanently by removing the congestion and causing the bile ducts to open and flow naturally They are good ptlta. CbarWa Rogers. !,tvnnutfvinvwwwinnAuw ThcJMPERI AsU Hotel THOS. GI INEAN, Proprietor Seventh rand t a 1 a v l wowhington st si. runiunu, vjr tnrl W F l 1 t atv T J w n 1 FOR RED ROUGH HANDS FOR ITCHING PALMS The woman who- la truly domestic Is he ho bu-a something for the house In stead of something to wear wtr n fhe has to make a choice. I'ROPOSAI,S FOR FOHAOE REDDINO. AND Office of C. Q. M.. Vancouver Barracks. Wash., July I, 1S99. Sealed proposals, In trlpllonte, will be received here until 11 o'clock a. m., August 8. 1S99. and then opened, for furnishing forars and bed. ding at the several military posts In this department, for fiscal year ending June M, 1900.. Information furnished here or by quartormastors at poals. U. S. reserves right to reject or .accept any or all pro pmwls or any part thereof. Envelopes conlalnlns; proposala should be marked: "Proposals for forage and bedding at ," and addressed to undersigned. J. W. JACOBS, C, Q. M. two nrmct.Es frrs. Every person who trades with Herman Wne now receives a ticket for every 60 cents worth of goods bought at Mr. Wine's store. These tickets entitle the holder to participate In the drawing for two flratelnss Stearns bicycles; not one hut 4wo "bikes," remember, at Herman Wlse'a. NOT I VI'.KY KIM) OF SHOES find entrance to our store. We bar the sort made ot poor stock fllmally put to gether. Makers must deliver goods wh;ch are up lo our nndard. and that's good enough, uiherwlhe they are i ejected. We pi sent every variety of style. Thee I. ems will enable you to Judge what two or three dollars will do here. See our new cushion shoe. (3t)cDraW WTI FOR PAINFUL FINGER ENDS Osx Niarr TaSATHtxr. Boak the hands thoroughly, oa retiring. In a hot lather of Ct-Tici'SA&OAr. pry, and anoint freely with Cmci-aa ointment, the gnat skin cure and purest of emollients. Wear old gloves during ths night. For sore hands. Itching, burning palms and painful linger ends, this oa nigkt rreaf steal Is wonderful. UnMCU tapedal'y Horhera awainl a,at nUllir.ll W Ik. iwarkmu. dwala(. partrrht. 4 aawiUnt anenwM el Cnwu sur s4SSa. a well tol'y. SnM tknwWMIh. r14. Pnnaa D. m C Cote, riS,aace. UeiUanBwaiilaiUaaaa,''ba. Xbe Kind Yoa Have Always Booght, and which has been la us) for over 30 year, bas borne tbe signature of vf and bas been made under his per- no one t0 deceive you 1 All Counterfeits. Imitations and Substitutes are but Ei peiiincnts that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR! A Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, I'urcgoric. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Harm!o: s and I'lcasant. It contains neither Opium, Jlorphino nor othtT Narcotic substance. Its age is iU guaran:. ll destroys Worms and allays FeverKhnes. It cures DjirrUn-a und "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Trou!)!'-.i, onres Constlpntion and Flatulency. It assimilates the rtcvl, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, glvhig buliay and catrtml sleep. The Children's P;iaaeca-Tho rdother!. Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 1 m m :bwww aj- mM mw j Tte Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TtisT MTaU MMMUT, tT UUMMf TWCrf. CW 45TTT. Petersep & Brown. Astoria Public Library reading room free to all. Open every i.ay from I o clock to I: JO and I M to i:W P. m. Subacrlntlon rates U par annum. West Cor, Eleventh and Ouana Streata. Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana. Utah, Colorado rnJ all tasttm Points. Gives choice of two favorite routes, v s the Union Pacific Fast Mall Line, or the Rio Grande Scenic Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME 1 1 ')ays to Salt Luke 2 J Hays to Denver . 3 Days Chicago , , Days to New York. Free reclining 'chairs, upholstered tour. 1st sleeping cars, and Fullninn palace sleepcr. oieratea on all trains. For further information, apply to Q. W. LOUNHBERRT, Ayent, 0. R. 4 N Or Astoria, Oregon. C. 0. TERRY. W. E. COM AN. Trav. Pass A&t. Oen. Agent. 124 Third St., Portland, Or. Of the Very Finest BOOTS AMD SHOES Must and will be sold here in Astoria by Boston Shoe Store Within the NEXT THIRTY DAYS. WE manufacture all ot our own goods, using nothing but the best material, good upper and solid sole leather. EM 1M.OY ONLY WHITE LABOR. Pay the highest wages and get the beat work. We guarantee every pair of Shoes t wear as represented. We are selling shoes for less than any retailer can buy them. 1 California Factory, SANTA ROSA. CAU Gents French Calf Shoes, J2 worth 4.00 Gents line calf shoes 11.25. worth .50 Boy's school shoes tl. worth $2.00 Children's school shoes 5oc. worth 1J5 Mn' and ladies carpet slippers 25c. worth 50o Eastern Factory, L1N. MASS., I-adSes French kid button shoes 12, worth WOO Ladle fine kid button shoes tl.25. worth $2.50 Lad:a fine kid ties 75c, worth H.50 Misses school shoes, 75c, worth 11.50 Babies shoes 15c, 50c and 73c. Sale Begins Thursday, July 20, at 10 a.m. So come and lay In a supply of shoes now. v You wilt never have the opportunity' again, . BOSTON SHOE CO, Our HendquarterH tr 435 Commercial St., next Amtorlo ti 0!t!c,