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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1899)
TilK UAJLY ASTOBlAN, vTjiUKSHAf HORDING. JILY SO, IMH JOHN T. UOHTRR. Sditsr. Ni TERMS 0 CBaCMFTtOK. DsUXT. hut by nail, par rr ....... .... Beat by Mil, par Baoath. Ji Sacred by rrls. w til. aua.wTExx.T. lui kg ull, (Mr year. U mtmm..4.M FMUtt free ta al All CM eatloa should ts directed t tk coasmaaloatloaa at a raaalttaaoes mn ks addr Taa Aatortaa." T Astsrtaa imnn as na stb tktsrs the Urraat titmlUM of say ftewssapar aMtoM S tsV rrvar. Advwctastag rAo earn 1 aaOoa to th TIDE TABLE July, 1S99. Bros WATS.S !l u wawn "."V PATK l.a.a;ft 1 1 j.. . ' .1.. . tua ...1 ,l r' SI " ' ' tT wi 5n ! fi. i ",;'.. ki UiiiM tJi. ' !' WET 90CSD AND THE sax." COLl"M- W-hn the popl of Portland fully reat- fcta ho they hv ba Jupd umVr j "Jim" HlU'a manairfnww of the "Or scn" road a howl of indignation X1 ba aftrl back to PTMiJ: Mohlr. tB in hi ww atation on th Kf Pour. Nw In all bi:ory community of lntili-tat popl trlckM as rh peopK of Portland kav bn. Thy hv bn hacll and diivrd bodily, in a com mercial fw-nr. to the y worst enemi they oouM HwWr hare. But toe rea rt rayatery the whole conpiracy ha been the course of the Oreann. From the bTinnta that paper must haT kno'wa af Ae a R. NV alliance with the Sound noada, and that ik conbtoa ttoa ura hurtful to Portland trade, be cause it aole object war the protcUoo of Pur ond investment airint tha competition of Portland loca tion and her cheaply operated railroad. Tet Otvr--nUn ha maintained a j ?rw .- recardlnc this Important I fact At no U ha H printed a word W PUfRWWU ...-. - - j of the xlnce o' th rulnou combim j athm mlht be inferred. On the other band, il column have been filled with the nvrt fulsome praife of President j M--Jr. and the ptnT!nes nd ngorj of K reiitnent of the lvRhtet cri:W rtom of ia O R. 4 X ' policy frrmj ny outstoe source na tons v-n t--j ot of notice and remark. TMs Is a ttiranre attitude for a newpap'r th Orearoniin's claimed honesty and Inde pendence to ocrupy. From Its dose lartoo to the Inner management cf th 0. . . . .... .AAMtiti. ! have hen co(rn!xa-it thit the policy o" that road wa driving: trade n1 corn- gat ... itJ.niTllK I l ui ...SIlt, J' ! 'I.Mrr f Tu.-Ja.v? V t Tua ... liwt l .! ! J:1 i I ! VJ1ti- '-Pwt S.inj nJ th 0ol Vt4 .. sac US! I !' J J ! Tlu ... ..( -M ' i lx I '! 1 M - th tlsfr y: Thit ..',.... I. -I U a i i .1.; -!;;: I Vn .... ..I. .lliwifcij-iiji Tt, m,wt no;M lm-r.'!io In S.t - i WAV Itilltt. II 1 Crn th ravlfl, th v Mo '"l. I i 3 ! 1 1 J "J J J . in Hour. Whil th t.tiU valua Tua ...111 I jf J? 11 !bra.fcuff xporta from th Fw SL4 Sit l tin, 1 irni rK-r. In Ju a. tM.9l at rrt ... il . i. .rUli; iMi-',! ligUI ii If? I As Ohio lade. Mrs. Lets Hoemtre of Oaring: mere in a dally increlnT volume from; too, Man roe 6. i a letter to Dr Pierre, an: i " I had alwsvt been healthy until four vrars Portland to th Souna. Tet not a went cf protest from that paper has vr been retard. It dos not eeem reasonable 15 believe that the dHor of the OreconUn is Intfntlona'ly disloyal to Pr:land. The extent of his Investments and Interests In Oregon are inconsistent wirh sni' a suspicion. Whal. then, can be th seer of a course of behavior on the part of fcia paper so strararely at variance wtih th welfare of th state? I the Ore conian in ftie porw- of the rnonled Inter est that have so lonf fattened at the expense of the producers of the Xor.h west, and who, extortion were rendered possfUe only by the barter of Portland' commercial risht umlr th stance and With the acquleeence of Portland' jrr rwspaper? These are o,u.lon which the Oritonian must soon answer a-.d explain. It ha ignored thetn In the fiast and may Ignore them now If It will tut th time i rapidly apjrtMach.r.f when a decent regard for th opinion and Ir-jn.lHVs S tha patrorf tjp;a wiitm that paper must depend win wrtr.r aa I rr!n.n from Jt, however wtlttng or unwilling It may he." It rvtus to dl cusst, ih seaport prvbm with th As. torltn. -and ft only anewar to repeated demonstrations In other papers t Port land's decline. In a, mmio ( unprec. Jen.ed. pToervsrltyv la th r-uMrcattoa of taNe artfully detained to eonfus at4 mislesd the puMte mind oo th xjaot of Piaret sound's commwrltl growth, Th Astorlaa has no UtwtU tor the. Ore gonlan, but It ther w ever a tlm when that rreat paper onouM he earn estly and. enthusiastically at work for Ores-en ami the Columbia river tt to th present. It U the duty of the Oregviuan to imt arM answer uoh statementa s the following from tha Taooma Led ger. Thee alleged statistics are trttB or untrue. It I IK good for rortland; for Astoria: for Oregon; or for the Cv h.mhia river to leav these claim of Portlai! commercial rival unchallenged If they van be auoearfutty refuted. Will the Or'gMlan forego for one it policy of silence on thl qutVn an) thl anK-t from th Tavvma th esp-vt month of a ar-nst J-VT In the wv month Ut Jr. the barrela of flour iportd in were IOCS, wlued at a i Jun asmitwt H barrel m Jun IS!, valued at CtliEl. The lower prlre of wheat r. dih-ed the value of fknir upon, but tt I Men (hat an Increaee at neariy l'O cent was made In the exporta of flour. From the Willamette district, whlrti Include Portland, tor th month of June, IS, the total value of breadstuff ex ported wa tKMT, a atralre StJ tn June. l5i a decrease of over l'W per cent and less than p) more than that from Puget sound. The export of flour from the Willam ette dljitrict f.r June Ian were ST.tXST barrel, a a-int .f4 barrvt in th rw rxmth of th pre-1ou y-r. WhEe the Willamette district shipped Ws rhxa Cin more m breadntuffs than Ti aounj. her export of flour are rrvrr4Srant beside those of the Sound l'S-iSS barrels for the Sound ifilnM ST. 07 barrels for th Willamette. . , Tie tMireio of ai. five some flirurea a to the tonnage entered and cleared durtn- the month of May. which may be of Interest In view of the recent publication la a Portland trade paper of pictures of the harbor of Port, land and Taooma. In tha PtiA-t sound district for Hay ISM. tha total lonnate entrred was: Sail 11 M; tean XSSI tmi; and cveared. sail, steam, TILS tmu. for th Wlllam. Ut dtsarict tlnciudlna; Por.landl. for the sarae period, the entries amounted to 1.T4J tons eaU and l ST ton steam, and the rj-arance to i.30S ton steam. Comment seems unnecessary in either the matter of breadstuff's or sblpptn;. Nearlv 11 women loo". forward to the otdtt of motherhood with o mack dread and antirtr that oolv after the babv bu safely arrived and nude warm little place for himelf in the mother heart, does she fairly realize thit it was indeed a food angel who briflitea and weeten her life. Wo omen who are approacntna motnernood with a sense of fear and solicitude, or in a weakened physical condition, nerd the help of that marvelous " Favorite Prescrip tion." invented by Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician of the Invalids' Hotel and Surrical institute, Buffalo, X V., and designed expressly to restore healthy vijor to the delicate feminine structure involve d in motherhood. It takes sway all of the on motherhood, and confers on the baby that lusty hardihood which it a joy to a mother's beart. Bfo.e Before the birth of my child I tuffrred almost death a dotea times Hid what w call Bilk lea kx foor yesrs CouM n" U11 it to be on my leet looi stattme withoui swell. ngd ed rally " Before my last habv mil born. 1 hki rv err svTnptora ot a return oi the trouble. Mv lt swelled badly. I read of Dr. Piert-e Favorite Prescription, sod thought l would try it 1 took sis bottle, sod when mvbahy was bora 1 ws sot sick at all ifVr I an out of labor which tasted only a short time. In times previous, la bor had lasted twelve to fifteen hoars I sm wetl woman toay. and hive been sinor I f rs out of bed. waea mv little boy wis nine dies old. I rive the credit all" to Dr Pierre Fivonie Pre acnntiom. I will sever do without n dunes suck s time." Pr. euro or. la. la grippe, coughs, cold, croup and whooping cough readily yl:d :o Oae M:nut Cojgb Curt. Use this remedy In time and save a doctor' bill or the undertaker'. Charles Roger. One reaaod why some soda water cour tens are not patronized I because the flie are the best customers. It make no difference now ntd th wound If you us DeWitf Witch Haael Salve; It wi'.I Quickly heal and leav no scar. Charles Rogers. Honey talks. That's why they a woman bead on a silver dollar. put Don't thick you can cure that Clgut :::k of dyspepsia by dieting, or that It will cur lrseif. Kodol Dyspp:a Car 1M cur It; It 'igfiu what you eat," i'3 restotfj the d:MTve crgiri :o he:th. Chsrlts Roa-era. i yw-v Vive a r v: Karl's Clover Root Tea ftMstMfa ttie CVimrWl. Purl" tha fVn,mv K,VWrMt!l. ttre.lin M'salooi, IntMikiis "Ml all Krusticns tf N Mua. Aa s.-erent-la Sr Tviat. Sold r NJiit ruTni bf ett 4nmist M Soc. Oc. sod (1.00, . C. WCLLt A CO., UROY, N. V. il Moeaitreaa For al by CICARLE8 ROGERS. If vou bv Piles, cur tnem. Na Ba undrroln( horrtb! epra:loni that 'm. ply rem it th mult of th without duturhlrj th a lta, r:ce your eonndeiic In PeWttfi W'.tch Hsxel 9lve. It h nvr falJ to eur other: It will not fall to cur you Charles Rcftr. Ju a o.n a kn-ent feel privilexed to rvad e.-h oth-r- corresixindem- there Is -otn to be trouble. Foul-Smelling Catarrh. Catarrh it one of the moat obstinate diaeaae. and hence the meat difficult to irt rid of. There i but one war to care ft. The diaeaie it in the blood, and all the prays, washes and inhaling mixtures in the world ran hare no permanent effect whatever upon it. Swift' Spe cific cure Catarrh permanently, for it i the only remedy which can reach the disease and force it from the blood. Mr. B. P. McAllister, of Harrodsbura;, Ky., had Catarrh lur year. He write: "I could sa bo toiproTenrnt whatever, though lni constantly treated with stowys ana wasnes, anu ill rrer ent Inhaiin remedlea la faei. I euld trl laat eaea winter I was worse than the rear preeioua -FlnllT tn brnaht to aiy a o 1 1 a that catarrh was a blood disease, and alter ihin the natter. I anressitnabla beeured by Bleu obit th sortara. I rifled to In 1 8. a- nd atier a Jew bottles wr used. I wo Oeed a perrepilble iBiBmvesienl. t'onllnolrf lb rsneiiv. ta diaeu was forced cut ul my aysteB. and a etBipiete cure was the result. I advise all who hav this dreadful diasaae to (bandoa Uwirlorai treatineBt.wliirh hasnevet atoa theai any (rxi. and laa 8 .V K I re to ed T thai ean reach the disease and esre IU To continue the wrong treatment for Catarrh it to continue to fuller. Swift' Specific it a real blood remedy, and cure obstinate, deep-seated diseases, which other remedies have no effect whatever upon. It promptly reaches Catarrh, ana never fai It to cure eren the moat aggravated rates. S.S.SMlood is Purely Vegetable, and is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no dangerous minerals. Books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. By allowlnf th accomulanoa ro th bowel to remain, tha ntlre lysiam i poisoned. DeWltt'i LKll Early R.aer retu!: th bowels Try them and you 111 alway use them. Chart Refer. I'ntll one g-et mixed up with the law ;h rel deflnltln of th word trouble Is not underatood. TO CURS A COLD IX ONE DAT. Tax Laxatlv Bromo Qulsln Tab'.et. AU drurrt refund th money If It tall to cur. B ceo la. Th feauine ca u. B. Q. oa tacb tablet. A oo::ar by the sea may sound very mo.h-t. ttA acoorl-.ns; to current real entate rates it Isn't. J. D. Brldfe. editor and propnttor of th Democrat, Lancaster, X. H , y: "1 wou'.d not be without C Minutf Coun Cure for my boy. when troubled with a cough or cold. It I th best remedy for croup I ever used." Coarie Refer. Ther always come a time in th rich, est sroman' life when ah ha to hunt f'r pit, on the floor. DEAFNESS CANNOT EE Ct'RKD. by local application, aa they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. Ther I only on way to cure dafn'. and that la by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an Inflamed con dltlon of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tub. TVben thi tube get In flamed you hav a rumbling sound or imperftcx hearing, and when I! I entir:y closed deafnes 1 the result, and unless the Inflammation can he taken out and thl tub restored to It normal condition hearing will b detroyd forever; nine oases out of ten are caused by catarrh, atikh Is nothing but an Inflamed condi tion of th mucou surfaces We will giv On Hundred Dollars tor any case of Deafness (oiustd by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall' Catarrh Cure. Bend for circular, free. F. J. CHENEY sV CO.. Tt ledo, 0. Sold by Drugglsu. 75c Haul s Family Pills are th tet. "It wou'k! be a blesiiti to humanity," -ays the Mar-ajunk Philoeopher, "if a fen-ler could be placed on the tnru of ttie woman who I ahvays rjnnir.g d wn hee ne:ghV.ra." Some of th result of rrg;ected dy. peptic condition of th tomach are can- er, constmptlcn, heart diaease and en. Uepsy. Kodol Dyipepia Cur prerenu ail this by effetlrg a q.ilk cure in all rases of dyspefiila. Char'.e Rdter. tr7 ( i;:t. V5 1 JT In over v.. - saw R was - T L -"" toexiieeltn FT .Nik. remedies a iVNiar.b. rN ' fc I j raciticiNavig 8TKAMKR8 . v It. P. r.littor W. II, llnrrlttott GARIBALDI HAY (Vnmcting at Attoria with tha Orrtrou IUilrtaJ Navigatloo (V. tor San Frani'lsoo, Irtlaud and all iolnt cast. Kor (rciibt ut aaen Set rate apply J Hmut Elmor & Co. ticiieral A,tut, ASTOlilA. ORE. 00HN 4X, AnU, Own lUilroa.' Natrlation Co., TlLI.AMWK.tre. WHrLASD, Ore. W. F. SCHEIBE,"- AsaHHaaaf Fleet, Teaarra, a 3iar' Artkto. 47 Commercial at. CUT-RATE OFFICE Can Save You Money On All Railway Rates. 12$ Third St. Kopp's rs-"v5X a-'"' The North Pacific Brewery, of which ar John Eopp is proprietor, tsakes beer for domet'ie sod export trade. Horth Pacific Brewery THE Seventh and SHASTA MIXERAL WATER. FEITER. NOBLE, HICKORY AXD SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LIQUORS. WINES, DEER AND CIGARS Served Dny nnd NlgHt. AUGUST KRATZ. IHffllM SiseioDse fill m Mil II . nf T nSM. ym Sns. TEMTLE LODGE NO. 7. A. F. A. M Rsgular communication held on tb first and third Tuesday evening of ch month. J. N. GRIFFIN, W. M.; E. C. HOLDEN. Secretary. ATTORNETS. J. Q. A. BOWLBT. ATTORNET AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Offlea Bond Street, Attoria. Or. IlUXURIOUS T UXUHIOUS 1 HAVEL THE "North.Wetern Limited" train, lectrlc lighted throughout, both In ilda and out, and steam heated, are, without exception, the finest train In the world. They embody th latest, ntweat and best Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury aver offered the traveling public, and altogether are th most com plete and splendid production of tha ear builders art. These Splendid Train Connect with The Great Northern The Northers Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra chirr for these superior sc. commodatlor. and ali classes of ticket ar available for passage on th famous North-western Limited." All train oa hhls lint ar protected by th Interlocking Block vtem. fw. H. MEAD. F. C, BAVAOE. Gen"! Agent, T- A. Portland Ora, (9 potency, teat Powar, Mirht-Loaaaa, fMematorroa Inaon In Back, a ll Desires, ninai Tilioia, lama -lac, M DHItr, Msaaacfva l'n'.t-asa to "-arry, . ess or I w.m wamaa, vancoea.-. or cona'ipaiion. Stnoa Quickness of Ola- Irt 1 1 enarga. Siobs Mae TOUS Twttoniaa of Siallat. -i-u tmi-'t. rt'i I.M.i . u, i a iwi Im(uu. t -i m n, i. s i a t s,i.t. r-: , . -m. mmh. wumi y ationuompany ONLY DIHKCT LINK AHTOUIA to TILLAMOOK CITY IIODMONVILLK nuUctur at He ! Hallaibl) "La Belle AstorU" Clfir Schclte'i OprSur Schelbe's Special Antt itter Mrsmla Portlniid, Oreg. "Best" A DELICIOUS DRINK... AMD ABSOLUELY PURE. ? Bottle.1 beer for family txae, or keg I beer tnppliej at aa; t)m dehvsry tn ' I tb city free. LOUVRE Astor Street' - - Manocer t ' rn sv iw .iia. M. rr.w (; u - . WO iHooeYlm in. a, i rvoH Da S f . ft -a, sisie- Rouse. Cew. n rranelaao, Oak ror aaia a csanaa Racara. U LEBECK Carpenter and liulldcr General Contractor HOUSE RAISlMi A0 WVl IFilsVA Tnet tiny Ciptultt trt Supsnot io os 'urn ot vopua Cubebj or Injetton naAru CURE IN 4 HOURSVj th tarns d teisst with-V. Oul inconvsnencs. rV all j-iV-ff. A familiar name for th Chicago, Jji. wtukes aV St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union aa th Or,; Railway running the "Piork-er Limited'" trains every day and tight btwewi St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. The only perf-v train In the world." Under snd: Cjnr.ctlon are tnd with all Transcontinental Lne. to paeg-nr the !t aentc known. Lux. lurlou Cvche.s. electric light, neam h-af. of a verity equaled by no other lit.. See that your ticket read via 'Th Milwaukee" when going to any point In the United State or Canada. All licket agents sell them. For .rates, pamphlevs, or v. her Inf rma tlon. address. J. W. CASEY. C. J. EDDT, Trav. Pass Agt.. Oe-era' Arnr, Partlani Or. Por'land. O.r KM 1. Yl IS ASTOHIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Lear. " MhttaAND."" Arrlv. I a. m Portland ITnlon DpoI 11:11 am. 7:0u p. m r.vr Aatorla and InlaN l;p.i. nieillats polnia Afrronu. f at a. m 11 p. m. FW Portland ami In- HMffirrT.' trmadih polnia - Ill !j p.m. Kmr)B PivrmoN. p m.. m. . . . t. m t:l! I t HI I It II1 l t ovu T, ..Atorl.. Ar -w IMJ t.v W'arrnion...i(r W I W Ar ....nVaslds,.,, .v SPECIAL SKABinR (I'XPAT TRAIN tavss Aaiorla at I M a. m. arrival at l,l it a. m. Ps,asent;r may return on any train shown on tchsdu! on same datt, ALL TRAINS to and from fteasut run to riavl and Nw Attoria vta Wtrrsn ton. All train mak eloaa connection at 0.b! with all Northern Paelrla train to and from th at or Bound points At Portland with all train leavlna l'nl.4) depot. At Astoria with I R. A N. Co.' boat aid rail Una to and from I'waro and .North Iteaoa polnta. TllROl'rtH TICKETS on 1 II A. iiona for Saoramsnto, ttn rranci.., all Eastern and European points. City ticket offlo Aitorta, ttt Comnwr. Rat llreet. J. C. XI A TO. t!n'l Fr't ard Pa. Ail aninMHnuiMMtsS Only Line via Custer Battlefield. taBl.iund train of the Hurling, ton rKita trou nnnH with liwm at IlUllnas,. Mn4 I ftaai m lull View of Cualer llaltleneld. Tha that nvark. Iha U.t reiln la of tb tirava tronrs uf the W rtuh as Hills mr thi a mt- frtn the llutk Inriun'a in. -k. Vou a stue.y. dul vww of II fnm th iwr win. dow ut pawins train. Trus h. one of th riduslvs aW vantaa-ra o ih rouie via llilllt , iH.Sens are-ihriMiah aiarklard lei. era laily Hutt t.i iinuhi art aisl H: leujls ,hrtua-h l.mrw.t slvrs. laic a wi-k. Mil. Ui Kama city Ak at.ut ttwnt. A. C 8HK1.TVN. tlmeral VtM"r Ani, Iatian.1, tinsjn. Through Tickets -TO TaV EAST AND SOUTHEAST -TU- PULLMAN PALACE KJCEPEM. TOURISTS SLEEPERS a ad FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS -Dally to- Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago. Kansas City and other Eastern cltlea. Batgag chscksd tnroum is aestinttloa. v iiiLs. iiii time, lowsai rat. Pin I ifh I ht In .il ..H Fee rates and other Information call vr auuress . W. LOUNSBERRT. Agent, O. R. aV N. Co. . . -1 " vivn, ar j n iFriiKOf, uen. Assat, la Third St.. cor. Aldr, Portltnd. Or nm .acnerniLeA From Port land I'KPABT AtatTS ah lak. rer-i, Ft , I W..nii, Omaha Kan' '' i ' ''T. i liui., . .."" I ( lilranH .lid tL P " Ma I P ra ! ',,ia V all. Hno aneJ if.k n Hpokans flror ,io a- m. . vinneaiiu,Hi.r'.iilj II l.i i. ml I'uiutll. MllaaiiteeJ """l llilraa-oatidMst, j f ass Awwia j OCEAN STEAM5HIP5 I All alllli liatea tub )-ct M rhanse. For ran Franeisro Hal, Jul' X 7 l X'.SLV. j . . Uf J tiday T i. in 1 uew (fur. fun .aaaex Mo ColrmMa River dteamer Tn Portland aa4 Way Laadtaga, ndsy i 1 1 in Tues jliiiiri i p j m Ktnird y I .tn a. m. From rorllsnd. WillaaMti Blvsr. fa tn. Tue. 1 hue Tnr, Thui and Sat .d s.l Mm, Alkmy, I'nrial-j it d wsv'sndliir ! WHUaseiu asd Va ' lp m. kill HHera. IT, Oit ti flf , rtaytoa, Ar rd Frt. 1 W.v-ljirdlnga, I !- dly .aak Blver. i W a ta. i Klpaiiain lyewiilon. ,Lvlewitn I i: m. ' risliy rri.w rorila.i'i ' " ta.u,. ILKUKUK KIVFR O. W. bOOtUBKRRT, Ag sot Astoria. W. H. HTTP-LB URT. Oaa. paa. Art. Paruaad, or. tX TICKICTS to all ERST .... nalao and l"Urtit lapra. dlnli d lll"- '"STl"' Br.KOANT YKmiivi.! Na. I Limit" !" rMrtla4 SI I.M bV. . .'. WnMlaaa ai a No, I uaiitaa mw . - - Vur f-taa. o,j r .1'W.llkRHT, Aal 0 R. A N., As'orts, ' BALTIMORE and OHIO RAILROAD Royal Blue Trains HKTWF.KN THK EAST AND WEST Only lln OMearmg ns l Ihruuih train aw waea SH, Las. Uulsvlll. irlnnl4. Cindnnail and hs J. via WasliiiiMiia. lialaaaars and l'hlla.lelihUL Tha over th 110, Is permitted V aala) glimpses of tka grwaieai sosoary Aartos. pmc lunniT. PaeM Coast A ral. taa Room & Mill Bttlktiac WHITE COLLAR LINE eu osa Rtrsr tad Paget tad Mtn. gatlss Coaaaay. Tatar raava Astsrta sally, aaaas KIPorTiaaw tally aioas Sisada, all a. as. Whit Collar lln tirksl lalae. SaagwaSIa os Taeapaoeia. T. J. Poller aadli.IL 1 tuKtiueoa (or Aaioela tad all way patata, nsy.f, llwaoo. Seavlaw, UaJ baack, TATLOR. 0. B. aXTiTT. Aioa Agaat. lliaiwi . ia, A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When peopl ar oonle oiilattBg tr. whether on buain or plaaaura. laey naiurally want tha best rvia ok. talnabl to far aa sd. comfort sad tafy I concerned. Employs of IK WISCONSIN CKNTRAL UNIX art usld to srv th pubiio and our irtiae ar operated so aa is mak elna So, neotiiwi with diverging lo at aS Junction point Pullman I'aiscs Slping tnd Chair Cars on through trains Dining Car aarvlt unstcellrd. Meal served a la rari. la order to obtain this fi class serrtoa. ask Iks ticket git is sell you a nrkst ovsr TheWlsconsIa Central Lines. and you will mat direct connections at st. raul for LIUvwgo. Mnwaukt a ad ail Dotal seal. For any further lnfnrmatlKfl call oa aa ticket agent, or correspond with JAB. C. POND. Uen. Iaaa or JA A CUK'K. Milwaukee. Wis Usneral Agant 1st Siark Si rurtlaad Ora ElSTm S01ITU LEAVK POhTLAND ARR1VI IHIKHII. for (,m'. Am land. . ri.w or-1 lean and th East. ) A. M Roeburg paasangsr Via Woodhurw, for Mount Anaal an. it m p, m Dally scent Dally a leapt anday varton, Waal , Sunday fruwnviii DIJ and n a. m Corvalll paaaenasr rt 10 a a. IndspsndsncrpaB,',,; g H;M P. M ",' .V,r,0,'In,l;'.. with Oeoj. anio e.mAip hn-e." " jKinn. i n NA, AUHTHAItA 1 1" A2L TH! IMIIlTllTlsti. n..i J il "" iiiy oetwsaa p,.J n?,1rl 1 Kasis'rn Polnia ass in, Auitrwi Z' hln,l """"lulu, t kii i r V" haobialne,) fr,im J. R. alsnam. . P. P. A. Throiish tlrkota en - . .'"?""; VI i"wat rat. Kodo Dyspepsia Cure. n; a . s . viyesis wnax you cat. Tt artltteutinji. ...... . . ... w..r... " ' '" t hp rooa snr aim stfiirtinR the cxlmimtitJ dluwtlTs o Jo?"." ni V t.h0 ',"Ht ri "w wrtxl fl Ifrest antand ttm c Nn nthn e,e.,..iI rtnt (, roll.voi.Rnd pennanntly curat te;18' Lndl'''n. Heartbural .in.h-. ' , '"""alfn.Cramrit.and 0..Lr,,',Vltl'"rtdl(iMtlnil; rv- oewitt Co.. Chlcooo, Por tad by CHARLES ROOUli,