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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1899)
5 T 1 THE IU11A ASTOIUIjN, KU.NfiSDAV MOKN1NU. JILY 19, m : i . f ! t .r i . ! Midsummer Sale GENTLEMEN'S HATS We Carry the Swell est and Best Assorted Line of Hats in the City, All the Newest and Lut est Blocks are to be FounJ Here. W fcav rut exceptionally low price Iwum to b at Iet 2R per cent Below A comparison of our prte with thos t th pace to bur. THE FAIR, 506-508 Cotnmcrclol Street. MDIES'... ...WRAPPERS A new line of SUMMER WRAPPERS at hand. These wrapper! are all in the latest style. Th ooe lilt, tb cut !n FINE PER. CALK with flounce and fancy trimming Is only SLA THE BEE HIVE. See Oar LADIES' COLLAR for 10 cents. Albert Dunbar Drifted Bnow flour tt at th. Pat Market. Best V-ceat meal. RKinf Boa riaor aat, CI Commercial strctt Enjoy good square meal tor U cent at th. Den-eer Kitchen on Ninth ttraet. Whit. cook. Beat California win K cent per i tea. Alex Gilbert, oI ac.nt for Aitorla. Tctapboo B. Oream Pur Rye. America', finest wttaksr- The only pur. good, fuaran. td rich and mtllow. John l Carlton, ol agenL Kelly, transfer wagon deliver box wood to any part of th. city on short. kotlc. All order, left at Zapf furnl. taro gtora, OO Commercial itreet, will (calT. prompt attention. Telephone BtL Bargain In new and .econd hand ' wheel., from IS up. New and flr.wolas wheel, kept for rent. Sole agent tor it famous Rambler. Repair, and aun Ma at lowest rate. Columbia Elec trlcal V Repair Co., 623 Bond. Th. new Creamery Restaurant, Bond treat, near the alley between 11th and Dth treat, erre. th. best -ceut meal mr sat out in Astoria. Ererytninc u aw. neat and clean, and absolute gatls. (lotion is guaranteed all patron. 'While the earth 1 g-oln; around ths aun one rt revolve, upon its owa axi. time. TWs revolution make day and night The orbit In which the earth revolve around the eun 1. an ellipse, "having the aun a. one of Us foci. Th. Blat of California U due to arrive tn this morning-. Coffee If it's Good Coffee you want ,Try t , fttatiMerican IiportiniiTea Go'x Btc 100 Btorca Ttaat'a Why Quality to Good Prices t Reasonable 171 CtwuDSTcW BL, Astoria. price which All Competitors. of others w!M convince you that thl The Place To Save Money TODArS WEATHER. Continued fair weather, with high tenu peratup east of Cax.-a.le. AROUND TOWN. Country buttermilk at the Parlor, a rallon. The Gun etub meet, tonight at th can factory dock for a practice ahoot. Our ice cream U w.rrwrted to be made of pur cream. The Prlor. next to John ' . Vatlnnal heer and Bann. l$-year.o.l whisky are playln; rh tar part, at the National thli week. If ther la anyihlnf better than the oytcr erved at th National cafe It U mora of th. mum oy.ters. The Niturta. frooi Port Loa Ansele., ia now out IS day and th Brttlh bark Seenantha. from Siiansthal. day. E-v-h la dally expected. " The quarterly mUnt of the la.rl.' i auxiliary of Gr-e church will be held in , rhe church thl afternoon, at MU. A full ' atteudam-e ia dtsired. ! Th stock of cloth, fixtures, etc, be- , lornfing to the P. J. Metmy ai. will ; be swld at private U by the admlnl. : tiator. commenclna; today. The Treeoott Cold Storase Comtiany have put in an electric lrht plant la their ; etatlihment and will put on a niht i crew In order to handle the finh. Remember we sell our pur cream for tl.S per lngte fallon, packed and de livered and for any quantity rt le than two gallon at 11 per gallon. The Parlor Candy Btor. Th excursion to Flavel given by the Ram-in; dub laat night wa a most en joyable one and th large number of younjr people present from thl city pro. nouncej It a suocee In every particular. Wanted An asltJit, on famaiar with rhe gro:-ry buiinea preferred, to work rjund th .tor and aollclt order. outside; wags US per month; steady em. piO) rTfOai W Ule rigot UIUU. Auuina a, AstorUn offlse. ' " The rWng generitljn are also becom- Ing- enthusiastic contestants on the dla. nroml . Last evening- the Pets. of which Bert Allen is captain, defeated the Astoria, captained by Charles Slckon, by a score of W to 4. - The British bark Dunreggan left Port. land yenteriay and if she has good li k she ouiht to arrive dawn lomt time to. day. She Is loaded with 97.&16 buihels of wheat, valued at l'A') and 1 bound for Queerts'.own or Falmouth for orders. One of the result of the tncreaed run of salmon -was seen yesterday In the po. lite court. Seven drunks were on the docket, but only one showed up, the re maining six f'Tf-4Ung their bail of 13 each. The drunk who appeared was fined 13. The M whiff, now 1W days out frm Calcutta, and which should hav rTVTt'-d hem rhe middle of last June, is exciting some apprehension by reason of her d. lay. Vloe.Consul Cherry attributes her non-arrival to calms, which are common In her course at this reason of the year. It Is proposed by the manajfmerkt in charge of the regatta events to Introduce a Cthtme kite flying contest and also an. exhibition whffrtHn kite will be utlllied In the life saving .servlc. Each of these features Is an exceptional attrar. fion, bein; new and novel on the Pacific coast. The private room of L. E. iWig In Foard & Stokes hall, was burglarized some time 'Monday night. About 123 worth of olsars, cigarette and ch?wing gum were taken, and so far there la no clew to the thief. It Is thought, how. ever, to be some of the small boy. Ilv. Ing In the neighborhood. The American ship George Stetson ar. rived down the river last night, after havlnir been hung up on a sandbar oppo site Tongue point most of the afternoon waiting for the tide to help her og She Is loaded with lumber and draws at pre, ent Zt feet 9 Inches. The total amount of hr cargo 1 1.Z18.547 feet of himber, val ued at 1",3M.L In this are Included 122 . W3 railroad tie. wortlhi $1,222.43. The ear. go It destined for Taku, China. Visitors In the ctty are pleased at find ins; In Astoria, one (restaurant whose tables take rank with the leading oiu-i of Portland and San Francleeo. It 1 the Palace, at 6SS Commercial street, owned by W. W. Whipple, Farmers need not take their produce to grocers, where, usually, they are given goods in ex. change. Mr. Whipple pay. cash for but ter, etrgs, vegeiaoie, poultry, ana butcher'. meU. It 1. noteworthy that in the many prog. nosticatlons made at the beginning of the fuming season, that of Mr. Peter Shlstad, superintendent of 8. Elmore', packing house, has most neatly panneo out. ite stated that In hi. oplnlnon the ran would on th entire lm. cvvmtnenc about July IT, but ou.i not attain It full proportion before July !. 1Ui the prewnt run cannot yet be called a heavy on, there I certainly marked Improvement over condition. heretofore existing. Every rteherman " lannecymsn I now wenrlng a smiling countettance. A veruabi pall ha been lifted from the ciiy. A. J. Johnson, connected with th for. cetry department of the geological ur vey, returned Sunday from a three week trip In WU.wa and Vnlcn i-untle. He era accompanied by ProV-. E. R. Uk. etate botanic, who l ptror of botany a; the State Agricultural Mllvg at Oorvalli. Mr. Johnson mad the trip for the purpose of making a M' 'tl n the tlntber of Wallow county, ami l at tewnt ernrM on hi prt. He y that he tr-ell all r Wallow coutvt'. anil found beautiful foreet. majtttc acenery and a country entirely tliffirent from aiiythlnit eiee on the coat. The pr-ailliir tinU-er l pine and tamarack, and otne very fine bsliea of timber were ......v.M.i in fMv-rhine rh mour. ! tains near the IwJwatT o.' the Wallowa river a curku phennienon w une. pek-revlly found, they Undine email lA fron over wilh two or three feet of Ice. Thi lake la known a lake V:nrold. ltu. ated near the aummlt of th htshest peak Known a IVwder River mountain. It la at an elevation of feet., thl. mourn tain beirur ahout mlie from lh cel hnte.1 tornicJtl fol mine. Th trav elew were much urprfed to find a lake froton over at thl e3on of the year, even at rhat aiaiuje, a the climate there I quite warm In ummer. A ma- mvnt cataract . """'"T; in iiw over r,v o.ner vh- jairuc'.l.w m Its pa for a .lttitn.-e of two falltnj altoether 2W fct In it, ,!e.-ent. Mr. Johnon and hi com. Intoi coilo-t'M ejwimen of the varloua tie. i;rowir4i In the oiwintry thrvuah which they traveled, a well a botanical .primer fvr lYo-'twir Lake- collec. lion. Mr. Johnnon cxWt to meet Mr. wr.-on. ewretary cf airrlot!rure. In j lrt!ii'id N.-ut ThuriKlay, ami wtd make - portion of the state, th country trav. amj th,. tm iak--n will, however. ; t (ho d;ixil of Mr. Wllm. Mr. Johnim will trv to Jh-iw htm the ; ,(lrUl, 0f oistj p .Columbia ami T:l i n,.,, Oout:ie. and will aV try to ehow h(m r i4r,. fumi .llntrlcts of Tillamook i county, where the revktrstt deal ruction of , forta tui annually neen rMporwUdn for ,he iWS nllni.w , f.t a" the rin-"t , ,.,rUl t0 Im- foun.1 anywhere In th coun. I try Mr jonn,n i enthuetawlc on the eutJct of Orevon HmlnT. hi re.'ent trip confirming- hl prevlou op.nliMit on th j tubjeet. He wa In charge of the Oregon f.retry exhibit at rhe Omaha exoinn as well a at the World' Pair, and ay. that especially at Omaha. Oregon did her. e!f proud In her timber display, th Ore gtn exhilitt being far ahead of that of at.y other Mite, and seven, gold medal were awarded to hi department for th excellence of Oregon timber. ROCKEFEIJ.ER 8 WHEAT LINE DIRECT TO ASTORIA. Now Nearly Ready for Operation and the Greatest Enterprise Ever Started In the Northwest. Mr. William Nlitiol. of MUton. near Walla Walla. accomianied by his son, ar rive.1 in Astoria yesterday. Mr. Nichols iim iviuo " .1 u, inr iihiw v. P..1H- j I Ir-K a camping ground near the beach for I a large family party. Special rate have it)rrn ieoulvj on ttlt railroads and the IarIy travel lelurely. stopping at !Portland A;,.or.j, ami WarreTiton, en ! to tne Mt J jir Moho ay the triple of the In. terlor are takin a great Interest In the I Astoria proposition. Some of the gentle. ; comiKlnir the nartv are alreadv in. teresteil In real enUite tn thi vicinity, I arel others may look Into a bargain or (two if the aine sort while here. Mr. 'Nkriols has some idea of starting a livery staMe at XVarrenton if he find tre prop.ot suiri'.-l-ntly em-ouraerlng. j In the course of convernation with an j Astorlan representative on the subject of the prexent tlr throughout the Inland j Empire in favor of wiheat exports via A. . torla, Mr. Nlch.U sold one of the move, j ments mrst talked about Is the proposed portane railway around the lllo rupiils. I I "It ha been kr-pt very quiet," laid Mr (Nichols; "but It is coming sure and will I beat all the Nicaragua canals In its Im. i ! mediate Importance to us northwestern j fanners." "Tell me what you know about It," ald the reporter. "Why, you rnul know the Standard Oil Company is behind rhe scheme," raid Mr. N.oliol.i, "and It Is the greatest enterprlee ever undertaken In the northwest. llalW road f"eders will be constructed up every valley and available cross section. These lines will be lnde-pnndent of any existing railway eytero and will all run to the river and deliver the wheat at convenient landings to Kpecially construct boat, for transport direct to Astoria. An open ralW way to AKtoria, Which I am now satlsfbd we iftall have within a short tftne, will add at least 10 cents a bu.thel to our wheat values, but the wheat which can be rendered tributary to the river by this Standard Oil scheme will bring 20 cents a bushel more than It now does at Port, land. "Of course the matter ha. not yet been generally advertised, even In our sec tion of the coun'.ry, but those of us on the InMde feel greatly elated over the prospect. Dr. Blalock wa In Portland conferring with Rockefeller about It on the occasion ol the Ml King', recent visit to this resloo. It la the Intention to put on a separate line of 'boat above an.l be low the rapids when the portag now building Is completed, but the ultimate plan contemplate the twe of a patent boat as soon a. enough can be oonstruot. ed, and then there will be no tranfT at the portage, but the wheat will come through without breaking bulk. It I. a gTand enterprise, and, In connection with the common railway point from remoter Inland section, It will make the mouth of the Columbia the greatest shipping point on thl side of th continent. You will surely have one of the greatest and buitiest cltiea on this coast at Astoria within a very short time." "What do you know," queried the A. torlan man, "of tv reported purchase by She Rookerfelllers of terminal facllltle for their wheat line at the mouth of Sklpanon creek?" "I have no definite knowledge where tU teeniiial will be." aM Mr. NVcholn, 4ly that It ha iwen enird In one . the beet avlaptet Katlon on the harbor, Ttie h 'U plan I nearly ready for x ll,ltation an.! then I upioe )'u A toriana will rind out eomethltig itlwut it youreelve." AsTOHIA S RKvVVTTA AN ALL AltIUINM THKMK. Many Kvent Ulrd for the Attractive rroaram and a llue Attend, on.e AntK'iatrd, 8e.Teliry Alle.i. of th Al rla r-a!ta, talk n;hu.uuc!y of the attro'hlii nt, and be:iVM Ihe mret will he the mot rrner"!;)' attended of any In tte city' hietory. "We are meetln with every ehr.-u.ra i nx-nt pottle to hope for." aUI Mr. AW j Irn. iMpli.vlnt a mart of correspondence frm prpe:lv artM;a:t in Ihe af. fair "l have a letter here from 8. J IVmhrok. of San Kraiv-liK-tv ayln that orree front the l'nlverlty of CIWrti. a!o from AI ela and the South Kd. will certainly be prent. Then, advlcea fn Vancouver. Victoria, IVrtland and i , Uurrad'a Inlet are all to the me of. j j fw.. i f,. every communication I an ; j..urtmf one. Th Atort crew I In j j practice, and peot to take part In the j .tr nd icll rce" : -How I th ub-riptin fund grow. : ,tir" ak th reporter. "It I txitl'tlnc up plen.lidly." J.l Mr, Allen. "Thi mornln a lady called ami axked if he nlht be permitted to con. ; trit'Ut to rhe r.-e. I haatened to a- j mire her rhat ladle a well a irntle. men were elisttJe to Ihe honor. She ' tav me " I "Vou mlfht y that we are In eorre j iw.nilcn.-e with the leopU rf Maryvl!l. : Cat., and rxivct to have the t:, mean. , ilerine 'M:l.iv irnuton that Ml eo litter. tin; an attraction lat year. Tti Chine. of :lil city were enraptured l'h it on li 'orovr pwara!-e, and w e. pect flHni to aid Iiter4ly in e.urlnc It rhl time. Mr. r-.trker ha In hn, the tayk 0 nt-r-tliiit them financially" our erT.rt a re.-tve,l today. .Manager Ttiatrher. of the Oregon Telephon Com. ;any. eeiM a Seller tonderina- the uv of the free, and eniwd a number , tone paiwe. which will wr u !o (., .f.itate our w.wk ery much " "Tiie pa.t -r b. been eventful with m.itiy tlrrn ami menraWe im-dlent. The rwtait m-et will llirure lrK-eiy In nwiklnit it one not ro be fomolten," . TIIK StVLMt'N UfN AT LAST MATERIALIZES. Larg Cifchrsj H-niortwl at All Cannerle and Cold Storage llousei. Monday night marked an era In the fi-ihlnrf Interest for the ourrent year. The first kmiwrtam run of the ewn wa reported, gnj many torle we1 clr. t uiated a to marv-lou. haul, and fabu. bu sum realia-d therefrom. On man, Hoe name could not tie Wrned, accord, ing to the story, cleared rhe neat nn of 'rm I amount th night's work. Many Nftng frra tS to 1110 wer mentlourd a profits In .Ingle Instance. Tie Columbia River Palker Ai ilallon, who are exten.lve dealer In th salmon output, registered S0 pound as the day' receipt. Th Tree, eott Packing Cominy handled between LV.i and 1010 pound, and expect to be butler todiy than yesfrday. Manager Percy, of the latter company, dlpyed with more Mian ordinary Interest, a f malu marked hatchery salmon, whiifi Kpiwd Ihe main at 13 pounds. It was one of th largest catoh'W of the year. An eatimate placed the outitolog fl.hlng fleet las! night at ZSK) boats. If the heavi er run continues, as It doubles will, for the balanc of the eaon, condition In Atoria will change for the better, and a period of prosperity at one dawn for the local buslnem public. DKLIGHTLL RECEITION. The residence of M. J. Kinney, on the corner of Franklin avenue and Eighth treer, wa thrnged with guests e teplay afternoon, the occasion being a t-a given by Mrs. Nari-Ia XX'hlte Kin ney ami -Ml Kinney In honor of Mle Killen. of Portland, who is visiting them. Cherry thl week. The parlor, were very artistically deco. iInrwy aift, f Montague. Cnl., went rated, and a n'el feature of the oci amon , n ()rly, rv.P yewtonlay. Mr. Swirt U was the deo.-tjon of the front p.irtl-o, !tieret, In b-gKlng. it being entirely enclosed with flower. ,mtry n,,,,., ,,e f()r BhoW(UlV ami green follae, anil It was here th hiy iary y,trri,ay. morn lo ,iev.. dainty r"freehments w.ff served. , day ((J Mn oytlrT 4nt,..t at that Mlso Florvtta Elmore asiOeited Ml Kinney and Mies Kllb'n In retwlvlng the guests, ami Mis LeslU Walker. Ml , THA.VKS Kinney, Mies Killen. Mis Boeling. Ml CARD OF THANKS. Olga Heirborn and Ml Bowlby assisted j In the ri?rehmiit room. ' j I desire, on lehalf of myself and fam. Among Ihe gueeit were th following: t i:y, to convey to the cltiien of AslorU Mlse Adelaide AX'llson, Hel..n WlWvm, of In general, and to the then acting corn Portland, Elmore, Floretta Elmore, Lu- imltteB, member of the ctty and county cas, Bowlby, .HeiMjorn, Tallant. Harriet j government, the Grand Army of the R Tallant, Elliot, of Portland, McKean, (public, ladle of th Women'. Relief Crang, Morgan, diennett, Flavel, Kath. 'ftrine Flavel, Belllng, Trewbnrd, West. dahl, Hltfglns, Reed, Bherman, Vphur, IBolden, AVood, Sayre, WaTr-n, Kloe, of Oakland, Llonherger, llobson, Short, Gray, Ball, and Walker. M. E. CHCRCH SOCIABLE. Last evening a very successful social wan given at the IMethodlat Episcopal church. The church wa. filled with a large number of people who thoroughly enjoyed the evening and the tasty decor. a lions added beauty to the goon.. Io. cream, candy, and fancy work wer. for ile at the different booth and good sales wr reported. The loe cream booth, which, of course, did the most business, was In charge of Mr.. Holllngs head and Mr. Turner. These ladle, were My assisted by Misse. Elmore, Zlegler, Martha Powell, and others. The candy booth was charmingly presided over by Mlsse Minnie Lighter and Elsie Elmore. The fancy work department wa. In charge of Miss Whldby, and the many pretty specimen on exhibition excited much favorable comment. An Informal program was rendered, a follow: Vocal solo, Mi. Sule Elmore; InKtTiunental duot, Mlsse Laura Fox and Carrie 'Borarth; reading, Mis Whldby. Th evening wag a succes. throughout and the managers are to be congratulated on a very creditable affair. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. Thursday morning, July 20, 1859, bright BEST MliUES IH tlirl' dree. of o'd per.!, all In 1-oik dot. navy lilue and pink, yok ami caie. trlmme.! with emlrMery; one if th. nto efte-ilv tyle w hav ever l'l; ! . . . W. 1 atwl 1 er, prU- II Blanket Specials. 10 whit or gray cotton doulle blanket. g.od heavy quality. Jut the thing of inmp-rg out, ir tlr .....Wi' 1W whit or gray cotton bianki. egtra heavy quality; well worth II per pair; leclal. per pair Hw lliMd all comfin. filled with pur whit cotton, fancy figured ti; ptir cn H.W m.Zxi heavy cr.t"n covering, pur wh .to rllllivg comforter, extra value; ra h II Shanahan Commercial and early, the reuMit of This city will b glvm an opportunity llat conw. tail l.,i,m to th pe.t.1, ..f a tmmmunlty. it that date the big lloaton Hbo CXnv lutny .Kefutlng extenalv faotorlr at Lynn. M.i.. atul Hanta Kiw., Cal.. will Inaugurate on of It mammoth hoe mle. and th w-ratlon ' lil b M" ....... 1 i.v ih. olio rairchang men). wninlulUlr. A no.ow) at will be slaughtered, Irrespective of value The early purchaser get th PH k. ami everybody gl a pargaln on Thursday morning In the storeroom No. 133 Commercial tren. at PERSONAL MENTION. A. A. Cook I in town today O. II. Prael I visiting friends and rel. , ttve In Aatotia. Mr Ha-miel Madd.xk I in Portland log friend. Walter II. l'pton, a l'nrtlan.1 attorney, was In Piwn yesterday. W, H. Ing. the wholesale man of Portland. I In the city. XX'. . Howell l In Portland and can be found at the Imperial. Mr. Ethel M-Kenils, of IVrtland. M vMtlng relative in the city. Vy Attorney Allen mail a bualneaa trip to XVarrenton ymfM-day afternoon. J. C. Tiirney. a Wlscon.ln btger. 1 In th ctty. Interested In the bwirlng In. ditry. Ml 8htittlworth. of I'eklu III., I. In th city, th gueet of Mr. W, 0. Harm-. fMliM Kathrlne Burn and 1-anra Jrlan are the guct of Mr. P. K corps, Naval Ileeierve and the pre, our heartfelt atiprorlaitlon of their kind .0. Ilcltude and ympathy, a expressed by tti honor shown to the memory of my son, th late Ensign John R. Monmrhan. JAMES MONAOllAN. NOTICE TO FISHERMEN. A. many complaint, have been mad against th use of blue sboti for tan ning salmon n"t aind a. it may be Injurious to the salmon interest and 1. without doubt contrary to law, all per son, ar hereby warned against allowing the same to be put In th water of the Columbia river F. C. REED, Fish Commissioner. NOTICE FOR BIDS. Rid. will be received by the oounty of Clalnop, Oregon, until Wednesday, the 9th day of August, 18f9, at 1:80 o'clock p, m., for doMvery at the court house yard of SO cords of spruce limb or Vine maple, and 10 cord, of hemlock wood; the same to be of good, sound quality, full cord lengitli, and delivered on or bnfor. the 1st day of September, ISM. The r'ght to reserved to reject any and all bid. By order of ' the oounty court. H. J. Whorl ty, County Clerk. flick women usually lose all they gain by flUitng up and telling caller how awtfully .lok they hav. been, Clothing Department. Iloya outina; fiannet overihini, cent aiij oit, each .... worth IK Mim'a odd tllo In outing fiaimel and iltK-k (hin. reatilar loo ch; p.-ial prtv Ij clo them out, at.,., ,..& M.n'a balbrlggwn umlertlrta. worth Bo each,. pevl prtc ach ,.llo Mni'i all wool fcittrh twerj aui. lined with Italian clolh; aohl every, for HO per uit; our prto only I4 00 Men' fur feK V,U,r hal, color. 6U. k and hrowit, our prlc .....Ttc Men' celluloid collar, our pri. a'h.,lo Mt'a and boy' craah hal. adl Jk: Men' Iteavy all wool .wrater. moh .ll Men'a Jean pant, our prlc worth lloo pr par: He XV cirry Ievl 8tru copper riveted inmall. th bet ov.rall made; verjr lalr guaranteed. P. H. Sharpie's I Builders' Heavy and Shelf FISHER BROS. NEW LINE OF Side-Boards, Dining-room Tables and Chairs Chas. Heilborn & Son. R. L. Boyle & Co Leading Real Bstato Dealer of ASTORIA, OREGON Writo for Information and ramphleta. A5T0RIA MEAT COMPANY T.l.phan. No. aa Handles Only the Choicest Meats 4 CiWMll It.. Mit Palae. 8tatai.t. STRONG COUR8BB-WII aaulppd (raining department, Normal eoxiraa, quickest and beat way to that Ortllleat Expense for year from WO to WO; Board WM to n par wk; Tultloa, It per Urm of tea wka, Fall tnn beg) Bptmbr lth; Bummer term Jua W to 8eptmber L For catalogu. addr P. U CAMPBELL. PrMal. or W. A. WANN. fM af Faoultr. SAINT PAUL ID MRU INSURANCE COMPANY FLUE ST. PAUL, MINN,, JAN. Capital . ... Resorvo for Unearned Premium Rcservo for all Other Liabilities Net Surplus over all Liabilities Total Assets PACIFIC DEPARTMENT. CHARLES CHRItTHNBBK, Manager, B. GOODWIN, Assistant Manager, 317 California St., S. F., Cal. THE CITY m if Olrl' dree of firjham think of It. gingham cape, and yk trlmmd wllk enitrollry and fatti-jr brahl; it i I. I, M. U id II year, prl. ao tM aX.t) paer napkin. In plain hlt nt oolor; pecJl ptlc per V l Thre. piec. hoe, rak and p4s, rf child will want on. tr th bch pr t V4 Itadiaig cop, guaranteed to b wlr prKf, each i Ita Bros. Street. Cream Separators farttl Hot. General Supply house for Family Groceries. Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Etc. 63ft Coiiiniorcinl Strnok State Normal School MONMOUTH. OREGON. Training School for Taohr, New Build Ing. New Department. Ungraded Country School Work. Graduates Secure Good Positions. iat, 1899. 500,000.00 1,010,407.87 222,691.07 784,888.78 12,623,987.712 SAMUELELMORE & CO, Itgents, Astoria, Oregon-