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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1899)
' IUE DAILY ASTOKIANi WEDNESDAY MORNING. JULY 10. 1819. ware of Imitations! ould beware of tfc tup tad taf powdert 14 to fc Juet u liins Powder -ihr U sottilaf good m mO DUST for U cleaning . Ask for COM DUST felling It. l(edoJyty LFAim wmxr, Uvlt Hew Vert iMtoa 3T THE OCCIDENT Astoria's Lending Hotel Mcglcr fX Wright, PropB. flmWrWrMYWrWrrMrrW Stop and Think! Ar You Oettlnu The BcHt Meula, The Best Liquors. Or The Best Beds K-tsLjeff's Restaurant. Foe tho k require a ainuta feed. Mar r lbr wit Moamr ell thai kr d, Tho4 wh kaew S rl ef4 Tbi of ail lb imi eeiarer "JATF I in BKST. Look for the sign of "JRFF'B" and lake do ottier. Etailltio1 twenty year. A SENSATION AT WASHINGTON Columbia Electric and Repair Co. SucceHor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakcrs Mactinisls Foundrymen Loggers Supplies Kept In Stock Logging Knglne tlullt and Itcpnlrcd. Heavy Forging. Under Power Hammer a Specialty Siile Manufacturers of the I'asurpusscd ... " Harrison Sectional" rropellor Wheel ... Cona-niton fur Klrrtrlo Light and Tower riants. "Russell" Automatic Engine V V Round Fotfn of Manila (or res consents Astounds the Aj-tnlnfctratton. OTIS MAY BE RECALLED Gcncial Dlsif.c:ion With till Re ports on tsie Condition of Af fairs lam Philippines. NKW VOItK. July IK. -A l'rtut lo lh Trlliurw from Whiilon : What vwy army officer In Washington ba tollg fred. tut f'T obviou tvssoti dined lo dlM'uw In piibiH' an J hat c.vtl. Ian. were b-vlniilng. unwilling- in moet Inmance. I bcllcv. V. precisely tun. firmed by tin r-lnrlubl c able dispatch fi-on IliH.Kloiii-. which will tak. mi k a a war Nin-r will th celebrated uounu Itobln of la" won In Ilia war department or rour hn a muntli tn fueling rxisung anion, mc higher offli -lata tlial General Oil. wat nv. placed In command at Manila ha been growing lrrin.:ble. Ilia consequent of. fMal report wen en in bo non-corrob. omtlvr, and wvrn Ui pr.di'iit. wa no lonrr awar i lh dlairu.iful acnilmmt alTwilna- wllk-r In 'll.nlU. or on duty tier, or iaWiia; tlirouh Wa.hlna'ton' to J it comnuimU vUrwhrr. The gov.fflmpnt omlll to d" pnJ for lal'r nem of Ih I'MUppln allt. au'J..n wholly on th irlif cal.le rpora from .h grral. It hvln bna iwtlie. aM ttiat tit prra dVti'hrt. wtikh had Urn o full and tail.faotory to tit au IhiirtUra parilrr In tlm campaign, had Iith Hy moil o come alncw Hi r'y trt of Jun. th inrrrmc- brln thai tti rormpondrni had htn drivrn from the flrlil by the rainy araaon. Th anxkiy wta lncrratJ by h ap lurvnt rehjclance of funeral Onia o flv dmrvd Information, hit' irulglnf rlr to qufrlra lut h men lie would nd In th fall and ht cubborn Mteratlon llut V.kt) mm would b enough for all purptiar. That waa hi tlmai alx nv nih U'; yei for th (Utprntlnc four muiilia hi forv arrtattl ovr and hard y an Inch of (round r4lnrd from the lnumnta aftr May L For four montha oltlflal telegram had comt from Oi-neral Oil. cHuglnf to hla Iwliff that rWielllon wa over and only now when event have jualldnl none i ttu avrir of roi' prediction. It la b. (Innlns to be openly adinlltrd thai On. eral Oil ha4 not known what w (ol( n in the unlry under hi control, and that he ha tailed to form any a.k-qualt Idea of 'Filipino character. At last It U bra-lnnlnc to be real I ted among the civil avUhorltle a it had already become a profound con1otlon among military men. experienced In Indian control In the wet that rhe war In Luton might not have be gun, and In any event would have bn ' ..e M u nrliaj1 In all trobblt' thwy pelll)r -will b, order from Waatklnirton will undoubtedly oaua. their abatement. It la tlw linprM'n Hmm Ih glt, If not (lia nUj ,ulJer maAler of he oof. reiKletit' cmp'.alnt will b nt. by rable 14 Oennral Oil by the war depart, nx-nt and S't he will b kd for hi vron of tlie tecin ll'm they charge. Mtiould th rejoinder mply deny the wrlou. charge. In Ih general tereotyped einir to whli'h ui.h partiality ha been ehown In th put, tiler I no doubt that ttie general officer In the fMd m K niCJI MAN'S PHOJBCT. A rich man's t'mnt (hat ha Intend lo detot almojM hi nt fortun tharltabl work h arouaed much d A. I . VLI. I k . . . 1. Kill .MAM pll.h rou'b good. It I a praiseworthy V75kS,?j endeavor, but tbra are many other Pv f agancle which aocooipllari juat aa mucH Pt. , tto:i. Tke HoaletUfa ajt0mac1 Blttera r"".-. II r tor In.taoc th araat AmerVM remedy. I -' Vut fifty years H ha cured eonexlpatfon, dyepepila and all th Ilia which arls from w"tk Hi y Urn. This medloina will ke-v th stomach la good shapa and th bowels regular. It Is a wonderful raitor. tlv tonlo and health builder. It la also a Dreventat.v for malaria favae rut rl J ague. A.k for It and lnit ooon having w r.. to i.uon win be die.! on djreny for brief t- ww stamp An Excellent Combination. ii Tba pleasant method and beneficial A woman- teh I. less likely to hav. ' "J .n.r wr ",, ui.tium micu vj .jiv CauroKiiiA f 19 Htuvr Co.. Illustrate the value of obtaining the liuUl laia- rport of th condition of affalt. It I a fam that lion -f them have had an opiwriimMy lo ppaeni any iiemeni re. earW:b In It thn a:Ptlte. sarllng them hT th-lr aunl of the opening of htllUe early laet Kebruary. A CHILD ZNJ0TI tirn principles of plants known to be aZjtiZ Hepori of the Condition ' of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK ' of Aettodu, Al Astnrl,' In th Brat of Or.gon, at th OtoM of bualncaa Jun JO. 1S91. REaOL'RCF.3. Loan end dlKOunt HM.TSil M Orenlrafi, acured and un ourea i. vh in V. t. bond to secur circulation HMO 04 Premium on U. 8. bonds ) 0 Block, necurttle", to 104,011 W, Uther real tat and mortgaga owned ttaii Due from national banka not reserve ejeinU) i,VO IS Due from (lata banks snd bank er M (23 n Due from approved rtaerv anent 104.KM tt Check and other cash Item.... TA it Stfte of other national bank.... 131 w Nlvkol and cent ii hi Lawful money reserve In bank. and .hat General Oil ha permitted four!.. .mn, , . . m..cua..j .axaiive ana nreaeni.n? Th pleaunt flavor, gntl aetlon, and them in the form moat refreshing' to the month to paa without sen-ling a slngl t0othlng effect of Byrup of Figs, wbn In taate aod acceptable to the intern. It mall report to th war departmerl, pre. ; need of a laxative, aad If the father or Is the one perfect strengthening laxa ferrln to confine hlme!f to tr1nf nd generally lndeflnte cable dlptie. HOW IT 18 VIBWED IN W A 81 1 1 NOTON aiU"LE3. Member (t the CsblnK 8y Otl or the 'orreionilent Will Have to Go. mjther b cotlv or blllou. th moat live, cleaohinir the system effectually. gratifying retult follow It use; so that ' dispelling coii. headache and fevera it Is th b-.t fsmlly remedy known and : fently yet pr.nptly and enabliu one every family should h.v. a bottle. Uano. overcome habitulonrtipatoti per- m .- - ' manentlr. lbs Derfect freedom from aciurto iiy u.. vauturnia orup uo. I f.t.i:M- .lif. ...K. ytanoe, and IU acttn(f ou tne umneya. FOR FORAGE BEDDING. NKW VOIIK. July li.-The Wa.hlng. PnOPOSAU FOR FORAGE AND liver and bowel, without weakening; or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. ' Offlr of C. Q. U . Vancouver Barracks. In the process) of manufacturing; Bits Wah.. July I, ISM. Sealed proposals, I are used, a they are pleasant to the in friniieaie win b received h.,. nmii taste, but the medicinal quautlea of the ton correspondent of the Herald quotea . (1 o'eii, m.. Xugu.t 1 18W, and then ' reol'rly re obtained from senna and a member of the cabinet a follows: opened, for furnishing forag.' and bed. ?thCT JotnaUe pUnU. by method Liin. .i .h. m,...L.. i. .vt i known to the Cauforkia Fio bracr Biihrr M.J.r General Oil or th. new jding at th. several m lltary post. In this , , OTder t ,u i,...,,. iwier correiondent must go, I " ' " . ' ' 1 effect and to avoid imitations, please ,h ,,i. nroiujiiv 1 ..... Br u, remember the lu I name of the Company To dep rt th. correspondent proi4iy .quartermasters at do. U. 8. rerves I -.;.i .v.. . win be accepted al home ana abroad as right to reject or sccept any or all pro- e- TtrrpwjT A PTf CVpvvp ey a return to the old 6nlh method of iPoaals or any part thereof. Envelope. -AWUj?Jjr UJ containing propossls should be marked: "Propouls for forage and bedding at ." and adlretsed to undersigned. J. W. JACOBS. C. Q. M. Legal tender notes Redemntloa fund wlrh V. S. ueaiurer (S of circulation).. WW M3S nautili the pre. To relieve MaJr O-neral Oil wiK m-n ait om nai acknoieigement or hla fault and a demoralisation of military djuSpllne." The above atatemen: wae ma le Men the member of rhe cabinet akrd to illn'UMi the pr bm which cor.from the a.lmlnlatratlon aa a reauk of the publl. cation of the neeisper correspondent.' "Round Robin" proteetlreg against the emirae of General Otl In preventing the Wlsa'a. real fact ivg.irding the I'lUllppine situ. atlon from becoming known. aax raAjrciaoo, cau tVOtrtsTTIIXB. STT. jTBW TOStat JT. T. For sale by ail DTttggits.-Prlc JOc per bottle TWO Brc.Ct.ES FRtE. Every penoa who trsdes with Herman Wise now receive a ticket for every W cents worth of goods bought at Mr Wise's store. These tickets entltl th holder to participate In th drawing for two flriKlat Stearns bicycles; not on but two "bikes." remember, at Herman One of wvjruui's pet economies la sav ing trina; that She never uses. Total tHS-CtU LIABILITIES. Capital Mock paid In MW riorplu. fund B,i0 M Undi-flded profits, lees expenses snd tax paid CCft O National bank notes outitandlng l,V1 Due to other bsnkv t4 M IXi to stst hanks and bankers ffft Tt Dividend unpaid IM01 ndlvidual dpo.t; ub. . Jeet to ehek IWT.1TJ R ' Demand eertifleatea of denoli , J Certified Check M H 5J.I15 Total 8HAKR INTO IfOl.U SHOES CMIf U STATE OF OREGON, I l. COUNTT OF CLATS0P.I I, B. 8. Gordon, cashier of th above named bank, do olemr.iy awear that the aoove catement la true to th best of my knowledge and belief. 8. 8. GORDON. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before ms this 1st day of July. 1S. C. R. THOMSON, Notary Public. Corres: Attest: JACOB KAMM. J. O. HANTHORV. w. r. McGregor. Directors HANQUCT AT TRIESTE. tew.' Wk-f Ifc WI4 lAcceitt On Tenders! Hint by I'mted States Minlater llsrrts. NBW VORK. July 1S.-A dispatch to the World frrn Trieste. Austria. : Admiral !. ha aewpted the banquet . florid hint on hi arrival here by Unit- J Auitee "Minister 'Harris, who baa In. vKd ad the Anrt.Mn oonauls aad vli tonaula.ia AeVlrta and Hungary with the r wlvea. to meet him. The admiral wires he has quarantined his fliatahlp alnoe the left Colombo. Cey lon, arid ha had no communication with h re. o he can land wilh a clean bill cf health tmmedlaiely on hts arrival, a Vienna to enable the crulter Olympla to enter fh:s port, owing to the regulation Bffiv.lng wimhlps. Minister 6'.raya. at tVnlanlln:le. strongly reused Admiml leiu-ey to vinlt him, but the latter was afral.l of the .'atlgue, he gre:ly netdirg c. nndete rest and medical treatarw'nt. KENTlTCKT CHIVALRY. LONDON DEPOT, Ky.. July ly ev.'ry man m Clay oounty Is armed quickly ended had General Merrltt re.' " horseback hastenlnc to either li J v'S Write for Cfttnlouos of Engine Iloiler?, Saw Mills. A. II. AVKRILL, RUSSELL & CO., Manager. Portland, Oregon. RElNCHAPb, Custom Houmo Broker. ASTORIA. .OREGON Commission. Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping. Ageul VY. H, AOo.i and Pacific Kxprett Co't. Pacific Sheet Metal Works Salmon Vegetable Fruit MANUFACTURERS OF ...CANS spice and Syrup Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. San Francisco, Cal. Astoria. Ore. Falrbaven, Wash. Write Usi for Prices twined In crnvmand or had General Oil ' or' the WVT- "" and oln tor nows and protecting each others h.imn. Lights ar flashing from bouse top to huae t p and the horn ar blow. :-g liu from hill top to hi'l top, con. veylrg l. ;ormt!on thnt can not be read but by the can for which the message Is lt:erd:J. IMMIGRATION RETl'RNS. SAN FRANCISCO. July 11-The re port of the local Immigration commis sion f. r the fiscal year ending June ' com home last ummer. There 1 no dlw.iuon 1n rhe army to declarj unqualifiedly thai General O'.l s Incapable of doing ome thing In Ma tvlla better than any other officer near the ir-p of the army list. ID ability as an adimlnlHtrator Is widely recognised. He Is unusually syotemntlc aibout his office affairs and has enjoyed an enviable repu tation for discipline, particularly In his dea'JneM with transnreiwrs of civil ard military law. He has long been an au thority on drill rewulalton ami his In- rhows ttmt S,"26 males and USD females terest In the efficiency of the army or were landed during Mie year. Of the ar. gnHlsa Ion was shown In Ws etbsh- rivals 16t.7 were Japanese. 1464 Engl'sh, nuit of the 4avalry school. Put since 1 Germans, loJ Mexicans, 83 Corens, 11 the civil war his field service waa never Filipinos, 150 Irish, 73 Spanish and 133 noticeable and his friends are reticent ' IVrtugucse. They brought with them a about II. For that , r-aie.n Genera'. (jiw'-on. Young, Whee'er and Schwan, at well a others, have been sent lo htm as expr -ly ttl by the war department, "In or. thT tfhal General Otis might b relieved of muit of tlhe resnoniMbLlliy In the actu al enmpahrn, to devote more time In ad. mlnlnlerlnaj affalr.ln the rest c the blands."' The regulation now made about the censorship antound the leaUVivg officials here. When complaints were recently made aMout the way dlnpfttches were be ing atopped and mangled at Manila, the wir doH.rthwnl waj satlslled wl'h n explanation of General Oil that (treat liberality was now being allowed, with only u:h retrl.ilons ns prevented ad. vnnce Infomiu'lot, of military oncrtitlons fivm bei'cmlng known to t!v enemy. The president has freqiieitly remarked to visitors who bronvhed the subjrtet, Kiwi ho was anxious to have th.. fullest knowledge of HilllpiUne affairs dltweonV rnltd mA (hot he was illsiwm'd to have tho wldmC latitude conMnewnrate with military necessity given to the American ivrrespondenta tihroUKliout the brands. When the laUst disclosures rtffurdlrg th.' ix'tty annoyanceit wrnii;nr.JcilU havt toliU of txr,.7A. ff 9v. Shilohj ) Counh and i (YByisJuiiipiiii vj Cure Thlt tt bewnd rjuentlon the tnnat succeMti) CouKh Medi cine ever known to science; a lew doses invariably cure the wort cases nf t'mich, Croup and Hionol'itla, while its won derful tuctcii in the cure of Consompt'on i. without a par allel inthehlhtoi vof nwdicin. (Sine its fit -1 0:ovry It has been old on a guntantee, a 1 H Irst which no other medicine l " 1 can stand. If you hv frfj 'Al Cough, we earnesily ask you v totrvlt. In I'niled Mutes and yl W Canada sc , K"c. and $1.00. and Sl 1 In KiiRlund 1. Sd., U. 1. and Vj (J SOlC PROPRIETORS JV !5.C.WEiLS&Ca) lij LEROY, N.Y. Ul ' HAMILTON, CAN,, M ' For ial by CHARLES RCXJERS. Esoeciallv Mothers m Ar most competent to appreciate the purity, weetneaa, and delicacy of Cro xba 8oAr, and to discover new use for it daily. Its remarkable emollient, cleansing, and purifying properties derived from Ctm ccka, the great skin cure, warrant it use In preserving, purifying, and beautifying the complexion, hands, and hair, and in the form of washe and solutions for ulcer ative weaknessea, annoying irritations and chafing, as well as tor many sanative par pose which readily suggest themselves. In many of the above conditions, gentle anointing with Cutktba, the great skis core and purest of emollients, in addition, will prove of astonishing benefit. Sol4tf)rMftltli.OTt4. rem Pare an Catla rraa.BMaa. - sua swnta,-M, (fear.!1 , . . . I A woman pays compliments with th Alien . Foot-Ease, a powder, it eoraa jg,m, rtncTfty pretwd, to pa.Dk th ' baby when she doesn't. painiui, smarting, nervous ten ana in. sting out ot corns and bunions. It' tns greatest comfort diseov.rr of the age Allen' FootEae make tight or new shoes feel easy. It Is a certain car for weatlrc, callous and hot, tired, acning feet Try It today. Sold by an druggist and shoes Kores. By man for Be in t lamps. Trial packag free. Address, Allen S. Olmsted. L Roy, K. T. NEW ENTERPRISE. The Boston Shoe Company wtUl open with a new stock of eboee and general footwear. Thursday, July 10, 18S9, at 433 Commercial street, next to Astortan of. flee. The company Is Interested In Che Santa Rosa factory and In another at Lynn, Mas., and will offer a large stock which the manastanent declare will be so'd at figure that) cannot be beaten and are seldom approached. The stock ts being placed now. It will be opened to the public Thursday. July 9). ISM, at 18 IT RIGHT. For an Editor to Recommend MedlolsasT Patent From Sylvan Valley News, Brerrad, N C It may be question whether the editor of a newspaper th right to publicly recommend any of the various propriety medicines which flood the market, yt as a. preventative of (uffermg we reel tt duty to ay a rood word for Chamber lain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rata. edr. W have known and used this media cine In our family for X) years and nav always found It reliable. In many cases a dose of this remedy would av hour of suffering whll a physician 1 awaited. W do not believ In depending; lmpHctly on any medicine for a cure, but w do believe that If a bottle of Chamberlain' Diarrhoea Remedy were kept on hand t and administered at th Inception of aa attack much suffering might be (.voided: 10 a. to., when all can see th opportune j . . " , r and In very many eases the presence of ties to get good footwear cheap. a physician would not be required. At least this has been our experience during; Married couple are still lovers when !th past 10 year. For sal by Chart hey eojoyi reading aloud to each ottrer. -Roger. a o)c7r3P n ITU U if il Of the Very Finest BOOTS AND SHOES Must and will be sold here In. Astoria by Boston Shoe Store Within the NEXT THIRTY DAYS. WE manufacture all of our own goods, using ncthlng but the best material, good upper and solid sol leather. EM PLOY ONLY WHITE LABOR. Fay the highest wages and get the best work. We guarantee every pair of Shoea to wear as represented. We are selling shoes for less than any retailer can buy them. California Factory, SANTA ROSA. CAL. Gents French Calf Shoes, 12 wor'.h 4.0O Gents fin calf shoea J1.25, worth 12 50 Poy's school shoes $1, worth $2 OO Children's school shoea 50c. worth J12S Men's and carpet slippers 25c, worth Wa Eastern Factory, UN'S, MASS., Lad es French kid button shoes $2, worth 14 00 ' Ladle fine kid button shoes 11.25. worth 12.50 Ladles fine kid ties 75c, worth 1150 Misses school shoes, 75c, worth 11.50 Babies shoes "5c, 50c and 75c, Sale Begins Thursday, July 20, at 10 a.m. So come anl ly In a supply oX shoes now. 1 fou will nver have the opportunity again. BOSTON SHOE CO. Our HendquarterB or '135 Commercial St., next Astorian Office.