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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1899)
THK DAJLY ASTORIA N, WMrtflVWi. M0Jl133. JULY 19. I8M JOHN T. UOHTKR. Btrtar. Tslsgihwa . DAILY. BaBye by SMIL Ret1 IWimMHttit Jl art by mO. Btoatk. - JB Bsr-ti br earriar. m aath. W BExTi.WT.XXXT. teat hi ma. ht raar. t m..4M Ptag ttM t Hl"lll lit NuuikMiiM miim tat atrbea" sfcoaM b ofeart tb tt aextafv MMM ttmmraieMOtm f and rwilttaaos ba aslrtatii -Tb AWacu." Tb AiWiU ! BTBT - txsers tha lartr cUonlsUBti as asjy newspaper abttahsa a u AdvsrVjatag ninM aiioa to th kuatm TIDE TABLE July, 1899. BtOB WATBB vow warta OATS J;: a. a. r .'... 1. isjilfaiTi i ? !? 1 liN 1 IS- I IH I ra. .. i , 1 Ull . .... .M. ilon ,W l!eT.i IWJJ.i JI Si -H1 1 ; 1 I y. f L I U. I Vt 1 1 1 13 IUakI U V W M a T4j iL .l.,....!,uii...:i.j:it' ht Sua aw il 1 ikk 7 t o J a. "i i i. i lit ! J 4 I t 1 1 Tu Vd Tim Frt . Bat . ua IKII'IMIU U53JII HiTo45lj5JS t4 UtHtl The Oronlaa is Bttre!y r'ffht In Us VPoslUoB o tee w.t4bltehment ot a u cral mustrir4 out tamp at ".h Pws d!o. JCo bvt unsultBbl plc fouli t lounj on th otlr Pacific coit ai It Is cotmlTable tht th war witB al! Its avww of Information and fBciatlea for unWaed tnTtstifatton, snouia mak such a blunder. ETry hoeeat newspaper on the te uU xzrg th tovrnnnt to reconsider its Aermmatloi. A frm dV dntwo o' A Mowaotm, Sorska and Dakota onBxlimatd xolunteers at the Prei3:o iU cause mor death an tow the seeri of more l!ngrin; diMaM amors; thes soldier than years of campalcrrir In the narsbea of th PMMpp!n or ei posur to" the bulleU of the Tagsls. Of course th Oregon troop cannot now be Mred. but throug proper effort on the part of Ae pros and peop'.e of the Pa cific coast who reaJUe th baleful eonse quenn of the fovernment's blunder, tbt relative and friend nd bom newispa. prs of th roluateers yet to com can be ; aroused to bring sufflcient pressure upon I WaAington politiclana to avert the dts. i safer of a ml.ake so shamefu"y and criminally Inexcusable. Th agrrcukural building at the Na tional Export Exposition, to be held in PhUadrtpfcia next fan, will have many novelties in the way of exbfbKs. Not only will the latest invention In the way of agricultural machinery be shown, but there will be a comprehensive display of carriages, wagons and every kind of vehicles. Among the working exhibits in this bulling will be a complete mod! dairy, win apparatus for the sterilising of milk, the refrigeration of milk, butter and other dairy products, to tbey can be shipped to any distance. Road engine and traetion machines, threshers, bar. row. pUws. and th smallest of handy help for farmer' hou?wivs will be shown, and every farmer will be benefit ed, not alone from the knowledge he will gain, but also because he will see how far the American manufacturer excels his foreign competitor. The Alaskan boundary question, ln Mead of rlvlng Itself, becomes daily worse, because of th stubborn attitude of the Canadians, who, In considering a temporary modus Vivendi, mak demands for territory clearly within American lines. Secretary of Stat Hay ha ca. bled1 Ambassador Clroate to make bo con. ctwslons where question of absolute rig-ht are Involved. As a result, the negotiations are In more serious danger of falling today than they have been, and th slate department admits It In the meantime, modus vlvendl or no modus vlvendl, the territory Involved Is the Amric,an pos;on, anJ ther It . will remain unlest Canada thould take Tu" ... 4Mw H-J-I ! it. . . a... .i.u . i.i w.a v t 1 1 It y from us by th decision ot aaj arbitration tribunal or fey tore of mu. which will not b today or tomorrow. It b the. conviction ot Washington states men that alteration mil ( m the JyC " Fishermen generally r'ported a good run of salmon, yasterday, and It seem th Ibh hav at Urt. OevlJed t tiw in, att to vt amount of bVueston that I dissolved In tb waters at th rivr every day. If foreign stsbrtaace to ttm water w-er repcnxsib! for keep. Ins; th mIqiob outfit ther wouM not b otv In th river, 4 th tewerege from Astoria pollute tb mm of the river a thousand time, worse than blue. stoned nets. Tfc Escap. When a nan has a chance to escape from prison he rrisi Til 1 jl F ' W doea t Hop to aru about h break out as quickly ever h ca. He kwn Ji " fJi that eTrrr moment s, delay I i ' J saay leswn his chances ot T "iTt'j i cape: but when a mux is sick rT -11 tiM nftri totTKtnes his ' J' opconunitT of cttin well id sars: "O. perhaps I'll better next week ' or next BK'tith." The weeks and monina to "I a A n. .1.. V. I . I l-d of escapir.f from the dunieoa ct diMre Kiows miner The "Gol!en Medical Di co Terr otiirinated by t'f B.V. there, cf BntTalo. X.Y, offers a certain means of re cue to cvere man and womaa who i suflcnns; from any form of wrakn or disease dne to imperfect nutntioa This Biamtons " Dcoenr " creates food appctue. food J dirrttion mod blood. (Ood S. i I fA health. It r CJr solid flesh, mns- L . V .1.1 oerre jfil and keea r"aAt wits. It U -m belp yon jbsato think clearly and work ncces. Ifr. rrank A. Starts, of FSTerterille. Fsyette Co. Texas, wiile ia a tetter to Dr. Herce: "It aflbrds sic pleasure to tevttfy to the remarkable cnratir power of Dr. Pierce's Coidev Metrical tmnwr. ImwasewrelysfflKtedwuh troabl ia my lunxs rpininf np Mood, and was so weak I ki saatit to ccsrizs my work. I tried frreral remedies which five me so relief and I had eoonaenced to tkmk there was hop for me. Dr. Pierre's Goidrai Medical Dis covery was recommended to me so I tried H sad beg aotmproreat ooc. and u soon abt to mum work. I coawier it a wonderful medi an." Every man who wants to save doctor' bill should send 11 one-cent stamps, the cost of mailinf only, to I R. V. Pierce, BsuSalo. N. Y for a copy of bis icoopafe illnstrated book. "Common Sense Medical Advise." in paper covers ; or 51 for cloth boand copy Ldicw m like a mine p. The. kind you don't make yourself fenerariy baa sterns 00 the raivlns. Pneumonia, la frlppe. coughs, colds, croup and whooplnf couch readily yield :o On Minute Coufh Cure. Use this remedy In time and sav a doctors bill or tb undertaker's. Charles Refers. Any woman you ever saw would Jump over a fence to marry any man she ever saw "if he was rha only man on earrh." It makes no different sew cad tfi wound If yott us D Witt's Witch Hasel Salve; it will quickly keal and leave no scar. Charles Rofer. Isn't it furmy to se a man running af ter a car that was foing to atop any. :rj Mi' 1 . . 1 PILLS nil HLIOCaiSD 1X37053 13022223 tnrn' as TTtil and Pita to, 0 Btoaaci, (hcUUoera. Fttlmx ! Brsa! fiad ache. Dickreaa, Drrraiilrieea. tfrwhtaa of HeskU IjM of Appatlta, OosttveJiesA Hlotcbea on the 6k n. Cold Chllla, Dis turbed Elrr rrtehanl Drsjama A all Kervou and Trembling Sensations. THB mst DOS 8 TO 8m lEUEf tS TWXSTT KHUTEl Istrr ufferaf will aekaowledg tiuio to b A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. SeCHlSTI s1IXstaka as dlrset nlwlU quickly rostora female to oorn pletu health. They promptly r un etatrnetlonsoTlrTBerirarltlfsi of tii rr tea aad ear) slck Masflasjhes Jfura Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MM, WOMEN OR CHILDRKN Beecham's Pills are Without a Rival A4 hi th LARCEST SALE any Tate t Krdlrlne In the WorlA V. at iJl Vrv Rtores. Most any woman can ta k down car. pets like Miming Utnlnc nvr strike W.ce In ttv same place. Don't think you can cure that tilgnt attack of dyspepsia by dieting, or mat It will cure Itself. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will cure It; It "d:gests what you eat,' and restores the digestive organs to health. Charles Rogers. If fat women's flr.girs d'dri't do much lying their owners might not have to (UK to reduce flsh. By allowing the accumulation in th bowels to remain, the entire system 11 poisoned. DeWltt's Little Early Risers regulate the bowels. Try them and you will always us them. Charles Rogers. A man may not be willing to die for a Woman txi-cause his affection for her Is of the undying variety. TO CURB A COLD W ONE DAT. Taxe Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. S cents. The genuine: has L. 1 B. Q. on each tablet. art l V JL V Pretty boxes and odors are used to sell such soaps as no one would touch if he saw them un disguised. Beware of a soap that depends on something outside of it. Pears', the finest soap in the world is scented or not, as yoii wish; and the money is in the meichan dise, not in the- box. AJaortj of atotaa Ban it, aarxxtairf drtfk; all aortB of peopl am aixif iU Th m.wt prolific ft I sahl to b th lurtot. On of 3 pour! contained mor than lt.0tt.HMi . Next after that c.mew thec-'a with tU It you bar piles, cur tntm. No us undergolnf horrib! operations that s'nu bt rvmivs th results of th tflseas without dlsturblnf tb ais lt:f. Plac your confldenc In DeWltt's Witch Haxel Salve. It ha nvr failed to curs oihsrar It will BOt fall 10 cur yU. Charlea Rfera. A o'inUwr of rtower open durtnf th day. but shed their fraronc at nhiht. onty-preferrtiHt to attract a n fhtflylnj; n oth or Ins.'X to h h rhey ax tat aAaptnt for th4r fer:llisalon. J. D. Bridf. ditor and propntor ot the Democrat, Lancaster. N. H.. y: would not b without On Mmut Coufh Cur for my boy, when troubled with couth or cold. It is th bt remedy for croup I vr used." Charle Rofer. At-conllnr to the computation of Pro feor Hamy the blak race embrace about Joe-tenth of th llvlrif members of the human sper-tcs, or 1..) Indlvldu. als. DEArSCSS CANNOT BS CVKKD. br local applications, as they cannot reach th diseased portion of th ar, There la only on way to cure deafn and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is causes! by an IE flamed con dition of th mucous Mains; of th Eus tachian Tub. When this tube f' " named you have a rumbllnc sound or imperfect hearing, aad when It la tatiraly dosed deafness Is th result, and ante th Inflammation can bo taken out anal ithli tube restored to Its normal eondltlis hearirar will b destroyed forever; Bin cases oat of tea ar caused by catarrh. which Is nothing but an lnilatmd eondk. Hon of th mucous surfaces. We will giv On Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot b cured by Hall's Catarrh Cur. 8od for circulars, free. , K.J. CKENET A CO., Tttedo. 0. Bold by Druggists, He. Hall's Family PUIS ar th best. Tru poetry Is better than science. be cause R Is synthetic and seism at one what rhe combination of all th ;iencr Is able at most to attain as a fl.ial re. ult. The soul of nstur ks divined by the poet; oh man of actn. only rv(S to arcumu.ate materials for Its dem"nsa- t;un Amlel's Journal. So in of th results of nef.ected ays- peptic conditions, of the stomach ar can cer, constmpuon, near: oiseas ana ep. Ilepsy. Kodpl Dyspepsia Cur prevents all this by effecting a quick cure In all cases of dyspepsia. Char! Rogers. Any man who can tU a woman a pa. thtc baby story can get money out her. Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana. Utah, Colorado in J all Eastern Points. Gives choice of two favorite routes, v! the L'nion Pacific Fast Mall Lin, or the Rio Grande Scenic Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME 1 1 Days to Salt Lake 2J Days to Denver Days to Chicago 4 J Days to New York. Free reclining chairs, upholstered tour ist sleeping cars, and Pullman palac sleepers, operated on all trains. For further Information, apply to O. W. LOUNHBERRT, Agent, O. R. A N., Or Astoria, Oregon. C. O. TERRT, W. B. COMAN, Trav. Past Agt. Gen. Agent. 124 Third St., Portland, Or. NERVITA VITALITY. LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOD Cures Itnpotency, Klpht Emissions and trastlns; diseases, all effects of teU- atmse, or excess and lndla- crAefrtn A TiSrrAtAnlsslid Iilrxtd hiillilpr. Rrlno the V 'fly pink glow to pale cheeks and f7 restores tne ere 01 youm. By mailfiOc per box: t boxes tor $2.50; with a written gimrniu tee to caro or refund tbo inoucy. NERVITA MEDICAL CO CHRtin & Jacteen Eti, CHXACO, ILL For Sale by Charles Roarers. Druggist Astoria, Oregon. Pac if ic N avigat TRAMKR R. P. nimor W. H. Hrrlion QAKIBsVLDI HAY Connecting at Astoria "lib th Oreifon ltallroaj k Navi.atIou Co. for Sao Francisco, Portland and alt point! east. For trel.tit aul paaarn-ge-f rates apply kj Hamutl Elmoro V Co. Oeueral Atfouls, ASWIUA. OKB. OOHtf .OCX, Ageusa, TILLAMOOti. Cre, W. F. SCHEIBE, A rait Ul fit, Tacw, aad 5sskr' Artscss. 4T4 Ctmmtrslal Ml. CUT-RATE OFFICE Can 5ave You Money On All Railway Rates. 12S Third St. Kopp's Ttia Vortti Pnciff? Browfrr. of wi. atr John Kopp ia propriflor. makes Wr fot dtmto and xptrt trada. Iorth Pacific Breuerg Seventh and SHASTA JltXERAl WATER, PC ITER, NOBLE. HICKORY AD SHAW'S SALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LIQIORS, WISES, HECK AXU CIGARS Served Diy ntid Night. AUGUST KRATZ. f?sr, 5 MANHOOD RESTORED. f? sfJ Hon of a faUXUHU rvrx-h PUrartvn. will autcatlf f- m jm swam a mrrnmm ... irrrl all ih. horr.1Mi.1l tmrnlr-r. t rtlpg.kErl.n.iUwUt. UK 'run "run k i4nr.aiilibrtnrrorraiisof aUUspunus, rtriDIKt irtreiifthnsoitik,i..niil .Mltmu , Th. - .efT.f.r, .rs aotrurM br lniors I. berwo. ninety psf eenl ar tfwwefl wria S"sslallll. CCFIIiKNKISlbeooiwtrionrviiilnciirewlilKHiliifreBon. lrrt.l 2, . wntMi sormree five and amr rvrornrd it brna ii 004 ul.i a perauiwuieww 1 1 Ot a bos, sis fit 5.0), by mmO. fi ras orculsr sod testimooUUsi Addres AVai BlIICICO..P.a Box 9KS, Ban rrwettro, CL brAstsftv CHABLXa xtOOERfL (S Conraardal It. TEMTLB LODGE NO. 7, A. T. A A. M. Regular communication! held on th flrtt and third Tuesday tvening of esch month. J. N. GRIFFIN, W. M.: E. C. HOLDEN. Secretsry. ATTORNET8. a A. BOWLBT. ATTORNET AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Offle Bond Street, Alton. Or. T JIUXURIOUS 1 RAVEL THE "North.Weatern Limited" trslnt, electric lighted throughout, both In side and out, and tteam heated, are, without exception, the finest trains In th world. Thy mbody th latest, newest and best ideas tor comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered th traveling public, and altogether are th most com. plct and splendid productloa of th car buflders' art. The, Splendid Trains ' Connect with The Great Northern The Northern l'acific and The Canadian l'acific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charge for these superior ac. commodatlont and all elastes of ticket! ar available for passag on tb famout "North-western Limited." AH train OB this Une are protected by th Interlocking I Block - hV. H. .1 Block system. MEAD. F. C. 3AVAQE, 0s'l Agent, T A. Portland Or. ion Com pan y ONtY nmitcT LINK ASTORIA to TILLAMOOK CITY ItOHWONVILLK Orr.n IUllroa.1 1 Nrikntioti Co., UmrLAMOr. srlanMlwCturor ot IH Alwayw Moilahlo "Lt Belle Astoria" Cifir Sciielbe'i Opera Star Scheie's Special Act Otrtr tWsmli Port In ml, Orcff. "Best 99 A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AND A B SOLI ELY PURE. Bottle bi for tMBlI naa, or kef beor lorplieJ at any tirna, doilvry tu h city Iree. LOUVRE Astor Street - - Manager "dupidifWf" This rraat VM.ubla V:uiiMr,ia.srwnp- Bonof taauMn yreoeb pkrwian, will quickly curt Tim 0 ml I sr voos r Oi-aM ot Ui. g.urus rriu4, suck Loti MmS'xhI. Insumitls, rinslolh.Jii'k.Sailiil .oim,im N.rvnns lOtlllr. finiBlrS, I'eflinM to Starry, tltlUMUlia limn, VtrvnrWS 4 CoosiiMtlolt. lt.Ussllli.bvilyoenht Y: rants 4nlrk tttmtJ Aivun. wlileb If hotrherve.1 mn li Mpenilstorrria avid L. LEBECK Carpenter and Uullder Oervernl Conirncior HOUSE RAI5IMI ANU These tiny Cipiula ' tupsriot to Balsam of LopuD!, Cubebs or Injections nrturrw CURE IN 48 HOURS'. tha ivtii d ieasat Tvilh-' Out inconvenience. SfM h tH "MPrr'rr, A familiar name for the Chla, Mil. waukee A St. Paul Railway, known a! over the L'nion at the Ore.' Railway running the "Plonker Limited'' trains every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "Th only perfeerl trains In the world." Understand: Connections are made with all Transcontinental Lines, awunng to passeg-nrt th best eervtc known. Lux. urlous caches, electric light, steam h-ut, of a verity ecjualed by no other Una. Be that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point In the United States or Canada. All ticket a (tents tell them. For rates, pamphlets, or other Informa tion, address, J. W. CASEY. C. J. EDDY. Trav. Past. Agt., Oeneral Agent, Portland, Or. Por'land, O.r ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. MiitUrm." '"Arti;: Portland Unliin IvJimt.llitlls C a. ni, ;! p, m for Aiorta and lntr ,w p.m. raiiai polnia I ABTOltlA. T O a. m rtr PartkuHl asl "Tn-ltt : 1 'm 00 p. m. urtnadiar p-inia l;p.m. ftK ARIDR DIVISION. m a. m I i'tl I, ....Astoria.,.. MUI 11 l.v "arrenton.. I UN I an A r ....casld a m. ip m, Ar rati t.v T:' IN 'Ar I U I U l.vt 1:11 I HI UPKCIAL UKABIPB t?NDAT TRAlrf leaves A si oris at I a. m. arrive at Beastd I a a. m. ' Passengers may return on any tram howw on lohedul on am data. ALL TRAISB to and from easid run to riavcl and Kw Atorla vi Warrn to. All trains mak eloa eonnsctloa at 0bl with all Northern raelflo train 10 and from th at or Sound points. At Portland with all trains leaving I'nlofl depot. At Astoria with I. R. A N. Co.'t boat and rail Una to and from ItwarO and North lleai polnta TllltOUUK TICKETS on sal al At. 1 tori for Sacramento, tan Francisco, all Extern and European points. City ticket offio Aitorta, Ui Commsr. rial 1 1 rest J. C. VIATO. Osn'l rr'l and Pats. Agent , SSMtttttttHMtttttttSttttMlimttSIHIi Of Cars 00 th Burlington standard aleepers, tourist sleepers, chair cars, smoking cars. Th standard Jwrwr run through Hun to IMiialia and Nt. Louis vry day In Ih k. The tour 1. 1 sl.tMs tears Drat, tie. Taooma. Hpokans, and liuit twlc a wak, and go through to Kan.aa Oly without chang or dly of any kind. The chair cars run btlirrso, nillitn. and Ktds.. Cur. con. rwotinsi n mm with oain tor iwtiaha. I'eona. and Chtragix No matter whhh car you rid In, you will be runtfortabi If you tak th Iturilngtoo rout via Hillings. T all southern and southeastern cttlra. It t hundred, of mil. shorter and hours quick r than any other. A. C aillLDON, 0a1 AgrSt, ronautd. Or. aaf)fjjakajpjfjB)a)faJ fj IMkMWMC9$)C99AtBtasBsl Through Tickets -TO THsV eAsrf and Southeast -VTA bicTO PULLMAN PALACE .SLZEPERA, TOURISTS SLEEPERS aad FREE RECLININO CHAIR CARS -Daily to- Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha CMcarb. Kansas' City tad other Eastern cltlsa. Baggags chckd tnroura to aettlnattos. union uepote, rast urn, lowest rat, Plntach llsit Iri all nri For ratea aad other Information call a or address U. W. L0UN8BERRT. Agent. O. R. A N. CO. Astoria. OrMaa or 4- n. lAiHinir-, usn. Agsni, IX Third St.. cor. Aider, Portland, Or 0 ri A SCHEDULES Krnni fortlaiid IiKPART, Aaaivl env r. ft I U Knn-j Woiiii, Onisl Uily, el. I. on I.. 1 men. ..iid 1 ai. w I n r.,11,, hm anM Miniieai.ll.,g,,'.uJ "1- Imliiih, Mllwanke 31 IIWNllkl'J . and t:l, I A"t-.ri Klror i lilrHKo an 30 a. m. I cm At-1 lOVBA-M bTCAMSttlPS I All bulling laU4 tub I j.-ct lut'liaiige. I rur eaurrHiieisr.-rwi.1 Jnv3,7 IJ 17, tt, T. J in i rlii tiday 7pm Tne llmr. Kun la nex Mo nilty ! p m Tuei Tutiri 7 m Saiiird'y Colrmbla Rlvsr rtteamers , To Portland sag Way Landings. I liuni 1'urtUiid. ?nui Rlvsr. 4, .il 6.1 S ileui. Alli.itiy, 1 orval . IJ 4 a- d uny 'niiillnKs i t) a. m, Tnes. Thur kMul .Sat .Wlllaineite and Yam. 1. ri. I 1, m uinrs. I'HOp d. Uon..Wrd. ai d rrl. UUMl. 1 WKT-UlldlllSS. letre dly J i. m. Snskc Rlvsr, Itlparlatn l.ewl.lon. i Lr Uwlnln l m, I dully j rniiii i'.illlHMiJ I 6 a. .WILMMmR RIVril- ; Kx.Su,,d,,'.rK ; ""jrg. K,Hd.y Q. W. IrOUNBBKRRT, H. HURLBURT, dsn. ps. Agt. Pwrtlaai, or. life All Kinds 0 K.t Mill I II p in Ma I k p. 111 Mpnktn n ir S 10 n. 01 POr-AT TICKICTS PJ,Vf POINTS ERST Throuah M)a and tourist alMoars. dining and library observation sars. KUKIANT VEaTIUl7I.II TRAINB. No, Usnllsd Vsatrs PorUaa4 t liH attv I LtBsltaa arrtvas Portiaaa tt i: ... ...... r,w Agast O. K. A H.. Asiorla fcC?'.PW Or. ' BALTIMORE and OHIO RAILROAD Royal Blue Trains UETWKr.N THK EAST AND WEST Only Uno epwranag rta wa through train ba St, Lirta, Loulsvlll. apHnsflsUL CUwinMli and Nw fork. via W tstiirf4ov ItsJraBBST and Tb trawr over the B. A 0. Is permitted to ati gllsnpwea of t grswtsst toMery ta ABMrtcsV, rrrtn hahv-t. MM Co. A)t. lava Roosl ft. Klllf ITtaiaUBti. WHITE COLLAR LINE OslasBiXa Hrrar sad rg4 bHwb4 rfW gall) Otssaay. TaistAon Vaavaa Artatta Aally. LWaor(ia. AtHy is at 1 a. as. Whit Crilar lln tieket inton baagsabl sa TststAona, T. t. Potter assjf. ll. f notnpsea tu Asiori bob all w. b-ABia. ruvilwwos, Saavtsw. Loatj aa O, & aCVJTT, Astewta AgeaV pTsallsat. Tl kssis Ma a A FEW INTERESTING FACTS Whea peopl are contemplating m. whet her oa buwnsas or pieasrures 1 hep naturally want th best aervle b taJ&able so far as tweed, comfort tld.', aafbty la conrefrwA. XasplOywo of tk' WIHCO.S'SIN CENTRAL UNIX ar uald 1 arv th publlo asxl our train) ar operated so as to mak otoss sob neotlons wHh diverging I at all Juacvtloa potnta Pullaian I'alac Sleeping and Chair Car on through train. Dials Cor strvlr ua.iceilod, tteala srvd a ta carta. In order to obtain this (.at otaas TTtea, ask th Uckst agot ta sell you ttctrat over TheVYiscoQSIa Centra! Lines. and you will mats Otrsot eonnecttoea al at. Ptal for Chicago, Mttwauk ana all ul. For any furahsr Itiforavatton call oa aar Uckst agent, of comspood with JAJ. C. POND, 0n. Paaa. Agtnt, ar JAR A CLOCK. Mllntuke. Wis. 0nra Agwnt 141 I lark It rortlaod Or. EAST .,. SOUTU Leave PORTLAND ARRIVB OVERLAND. EX- PRKftri, for Ralrm, lttM.burW A. hi. nil 7:00 P.M.IRacramtnlo. Ogden,' 1:00 A. la. tan Franclseo, ajo. lav. Los Angsles, Kl Po. Nw Or leans and th East 1 tt A. M Roatburg passsngtr Via Woodhur, for I k P. M Dally xotut Butmay Mount Angel, R Pally arspt Handay vert on, Wl Bclo, tlrownvlll. s. up ring - 011 and nation. tt:i a! M Conrkllt passenger tl:U A. M M M p. at lndpndno pass' itt.n A. at Dally, tDalli except Hunday. Connecting ai Ban r ranclsiH) with Oeca dental Orlantal, Pacino Mall and Us anlo steamship lines for JAPAN. CHINA. AUSTRALIA, HAWAII AND THK PHILIPPINES, hbal ticaeis on al daily owa Portland, Hacramsnto, and Ban Francis co. Nt rat 117 Hrst-clast, and U as-ond-vlaaa. Incliallng sleener. Rates snd tickets to Eastsm points ana Europ. . Also Japan, China, Honolulu, and Aii.lrsiia. 0ft be obiained from j. B. KIRKIANO Ticket Agent, lit ThJrrT a", ManaaW o. F. A P. A. inrjusn itcxeit nasi rnr lowest rat. Call on C. J. Trencharcl. local agent. I. rarao u fompany't orfloo. Astoria. Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you cat. It artificially digest h tlin food anc olda Nature In strenKtliDiiliig and reoon structlngthe exIiniiHtml tllHOHtlve o gans. 1 1 Is t he Int est (1 Iscovured d I nest ant ana tonic. No ot her prcparatlof cud approach It In olllclency. It In stantly rollevos and purmantintl curat Dyspepsia, IndlKt'stlon, Heartburn, Flatulence, tSotir Stoninrh, Nausea. SIcltHeiidiu'lie,rnttralKln,C'rnmps,anci all other resultant Imperfwtdltrestloih Prsparsd by C C. Oswut A Co., Chicago. For aw by CHARLES ROGERS.