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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1899)
I NOT I (.5 J 1 fire Not to be Token f;:r.i irii- Library without one guilty w VOL. L .STOMA. OltEOON. WEINK8DAY MORNING. JULY 19. liS. 43 sf I I .a? J . -"S. A 4k. jV "v r w - - v v r Vr .OUR Stoves - Aro not mado from tho wrap-pile or in a kindergarten school. Eclipse Hardware W Cllvo Trndlrtjg Htntupw. GRIFFIN RALSTON... SST HEALTH CLUB 82 htm filutfD Firloi. Acme Wheat Flakes and Standard Boiled Oats AT A. V. ALLEN'S ASTORIA CASH GROCERY Tenth and Duone Streets. Look ni Hi Following Wvatcrn Kellncry Sugur, IH rumiul.t lor l.(KI. RntDfTtfc 10 " (iiHJ(,uiill()'Tt,u I " .:). KullcJOuta 8 " .25. iitiuiM 10 JurunKlcti ' (JotiJ (.luallty Hour I Suck .7ft. Oyxtcra liCuim 1.00. Ttmit(Ms II " 100. Here Is a List Ot some High Grade Goods at moderate prices KALSTON HEALTH PCUDS la great variety fresh from the mills. AROMATIC SIMCES guaranteed the finest. TILLMANN'S I'L'KB CXTKACTS.D CHASE SANBORN'S iCOrPEES arc un- -rUallcd. Together with a host of other good things. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO fleoi Zealand Fire Imnm Go Of New Zealand. W. P. Thomas, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS. Subscribed Capital Paid-Up Capital Assots - - -Assets in United States Surplus to Policy Holders Has been Underwriting on tho Pacific Coast over Twenty-two years. SAWJEL ELMORE & CO., Resident Agents. Astoria, Oregon. Tinware Co. BOOKS... Blank and j Miscellaneous. ' PAPER... New Crape and Type-writing. I i Waterman Fountain Pens ' littx Oecoruled Itoper aiul Knvelope-ioo. & REED Price.. .Country Produce Doug-tit. $5,000,000 ' 1,000,000 2,(545,114 300,000 1,718,792' Improved Mikado and Empire Cream Separators. rri n Thy r. th tmpl"t and noil fBetiit Pn I. h ' Foard 6c Stoke Co. Astoria Your Wife Will Ilk. 11; to win in. cook. Str Estate Hange Satisfy all whi us ihm. 4 If your biir half dot th eooklBK. that la an a-!dlttnal rtaann why than hould b a Star Eaiata Ranga In your kltrhtn. Th uaa of them artTtnta worry and dlaappolntnxnt. W. J. BCt'IXT. Afnt. 4U Bond 8lnaL Andrew Lake 5a COMMERCIAL. ST. !... Merchant Tailor... j Perfect Pit Guaranteed. Low Prices. ; Jlrpalrtng and Osanlsg Natly D01. THE PROOF f th. pudding m ta th. aatlag and th. proof W U.ora IS IN SAMPLING , i j ,.1 That', an argnsMst that' son-elulv- d m on trail os. Our. will ataad ta last. HUGHES & CO. ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF LONDON. Btabllsfaed during tb. rslgs, of Qua Anns, A. D. 1T11 FIRE AND LIFE. aubscrlbsd Capital 1 1MM U lamt. MW.4MW Surplus to pollor balder. 4.MJS N Exelualv. of paid p santtal Law Union and Crown Fire and Life Insur ance Co. Subaortbsd or guaranteed eap. Ital T,lst.Mtt Capital P14 P tm.Ho N AsMui njmm n Catton, Bell & Co. Qenaral Afenbj, tan rraaaUo, CsL Samuel Elmore & Co. Resident Agats. Asttrla Orscoa. STATEMENT OF SITUATION Conditions la Philippines as Shown tyOtls Corrobcr atei by Commissioners. MUCH PROGRESS IS MADE Many Towns Are Pacified ml Municipal Governments Established. REBELS ARE DEMORALIZED Friendly KtlvuColn lain Urge Numbers an! Our Troops Wel come! Everywhere. WA9I1INOTON, July 1!.-The following i"mi,-',t out m afternoon lat the ttu department: Tho stats d"artmeru received yester day frn the Philippine comcnlsstun ad. vices cunvry liar thru facts: "liy the ci Veratlon of the military and cura-nl.ston, munMiul governtnentt ha been established In seven complete town in th provim-in of Manila and Co. Vila. These are worlrng admiralty and oihf good effe.-t of thrm la that consider. able nu-uber. of Imwrg-M. are conatanf 1 dertlng and coming in, ome of ttum with araw. The yem will soon be ex- ur.ded to other 4 which ar. anklr . . i . . . f..r K. fooUnuM ,ucr,-. in U.I. direction will mean the twfftnalng ot the end. The commlaelonera Ut that the g on. era, ,..ut..n or- ,n t. message of t!ru,ral of June excej.t that a nuinlier is poru In the mirhem part of It south have lnoe been opened to on hki return trip through the southern part of the archipelago were of the same pun"rt. A inanition to accept Amer- k-an sov.'.-igniy and welcome our troops wa evarya-ture manifested. The rttrt of General Otis on Jun. S3 itferred to by Commbmloner Denby In tlte above ihstutch stated that as a con sequence of the rainy season Utile Inland csnuwlgmns; wa now poeltle In Luton. "We occupy," said General Otis, "a lrgv portibn of the Taahs country." "vur line stretches from Imua on the outh to San Fernando on rhe north, nearly ftt miles, and eastward Into the Iagutui province, The insurgent armlet havt sufTomi prea! losses and are scat, tered. Trt only large force which holds together Is about IiW In Tarlac province an.1 northern Pa njnnge. There are scat tered Airo-s in band of 60 and 100 In oilier iwrtlons ot Luton, In Cavlte and HuiatWH iwovlnce. They could vowh My awemMe many ns M0. They are lorn ral It e.1 fr'm their recent defeat. Miwt if the people are terrorlged by the iiL-.uttf.-nt ooltller but dexlre peace and Amrt.Ntn prtJtlon. They no longer flee frwi our trooi unless forced by tho In. siirirents, but gladly welcome thero." -1 1 , MX . THE ASTM1UA 81T0ATIOJ '.' STILL Fl'RTIIEH lISCl'SSED. Prominent Cltltens Advocate a Joining of Hands to Meet the Emergncy Now Confronting the City. That the agitation Instituted by the Adrian bearing on Astoria aa a future Important contmeral port Is being re celwd with exceptional favor ty As torla's best oltltens, as U evidenced by th. many friendly comments continually heard on the street. It to the Impression Dhat, unless through propitious railway pntronage, or through an enactment by st a lo legislation the only iMoourse for an abatement or tne rate comoinsuion now holding Antorla up Is a thorough ventilation in the columns of the prest. To thi end, as ha. been previously .tat- cd, the Astorian Is devoting a large part of tta space. The two questions forming the basis ot thee Interviews are again presented, with tlw tuggoettlon. they evoked on yesterday. 1-VHAT,' IN YOUR OPINION. HAS TITt'9 FAR RETARDED THE DEVEL OPMENT OF ASTORIA AS AGAINST HKR NErCWBOIUNG 8EAPORT3, TA- COMA AND SEATTLE t (2)-SUCII BEING THE CASE, AND CONSIDERING THAT THE WASHING. TON BUREAU OF 8TATOTIC3 NOW ANNOUNCES THAT MILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF NEW EXrORT TRADE 13 TO BH AT ONCE OPENED UP WITH TIIS OHIB.VT. WHAT IMMEDI. ATK AND UKfUHlVB MEABURE8 WOLXD TOU t"30K8T TUB CITT TAKING TO OIIANOE EXISTINO CONUITIONH AND BECCRE FOR AS TORIA HER RI(7HTL, SHARE OV PfREI&.V TRAFTIC T It i to Ixi botwl that Tryona Inter. tI, whthr h called upon by a npoHv or not, will favor U AMorlan with auoh rlnaa aa ht boJJi on thla vital topic, liia opinion, if In any way aon. able, will 6 given tlx pubcfty itt OMflt drMrrea. J. T. ROSA The ouertea auggeatad by the Aalortan are pungent and timely and I am glad the fight for our commercial development ta k peralntently wagl It la no 1ouM true, a tiated by Mr. Harrlnon Allen In hia Inten-lew of yea Unlay that the export trade la an all Important faotor for present oonaldera. lion- To aecur our ihare of the foreign trade, hrtwev-r. It aeena that w. alwuld aim to build ouraelvea up locally. We munt make oureeives a city of aoma con. aeqiMK-e before wa caA well aapira to rhalry wf h polma much larger In pop ulatlon. An anawer to your flrat queatlon la CJOliined In a very few worda. We have I krd the proper puh. I note that a numlxr of comparison are being made vit tattle. It la well that thry tliouid be. Quite recently I received a Dubilca. ttun (rum the City of Grand Raplda, ilk h., In which rVattle occuptt-d an entire pagn tcttlmr forth the marveloua Induce. m.-ma ahe couU offer for lumbering and j aw mllj. Thi paper haa a wide dr. ' culatlon throuirhout the lumber region, of Michigan. Wtaconaln and UinneJota, and what could It aooompliitn other than 10 attract to ttat point juat auch Irxlu. trlt aa Aatorl needs at the preaent time. If I r3iember correctly, a fund ralxed In thla city about two year av, having for lit object a wMo adver tlalr.g of AatorU. The rewourcea of thla plao were to b put before the public at large and in a way that certainly would hare brought forth fruit had it been carried out aa originally oontem. lHated. But, while a number, ot aubscrip. tloiw were eecured, very little money waa collected and many who would have been willing to contribute wre never called upon at ail. No, U thla plan had been energetically punned, and tie money Ju OMally exoendt-d In the eaat, I helleva it would have resulted materially to our 'advantage. Answering question two, let ' thjU mlut AMarU Di nieda bally, la induatrkw that will yield Wroll during tho entire year. A ! "und w llswl 10 rry tar number of hta L, . monlh4 out , th, tt are a number of manufacturing MtablUh. i n'Wa that could be aupported here "with ' ; ". ru "nil1" ".en were painfully hurt. ;,,. Mther w PorXimni prXKixo. A match factory would pay. A factory kinds of !'uue3 wvu'a " ,mrm- intent. u,14. v.lolen neilil hrwuni lr nr. hnlkv an.l lln.vnuhL. f.w .hlrw 1 Inent. Thre would be a healthful de. land for them from this point and we !hx' fcundiu,ce lurober tTom n! to mane mem. l nave observed in a great many Instances that where a town Ijeta one good substantial factory, an other one It almost sure to appear and "cat. along-lde. Then they follow In a rush. C. J. TRENCH ARD I wll answer your . ...l- i , , . . w two questions in a single statement. The ' principal fault Me In th fact that our people have never been In a position to putur shipping fsx-illtles before the ship, j idnar uJa In t hmsvu 1 1 T- . III iwt rt ton O. W. 'Z wlZ. While he ships large quantities from that slat1, he also buys heavily In the north- west. Now the situation Is this: Mr. McNearwould buy In Astoria rather than go farther up the coa-st. - he rould buy as cheaply here. But we cannot offer 1 tlm the Inducsroent an.1 there you are. ' Just as soon a Aatorlans can say to the shipping world, 'we can sell you at the same price Portland and Seattle quotes, then the boom Is on, and the city will rise, from her aohes. In so far as the harbor entrance Is supposed to have toem a detriment. I attach but little un. portance to that. That matter should not be a proper one for much discussion, anjiway, as the Jetty has remedied th. trouble. If any ever existed' A. J. MEJLER-As a preliminary answer, let me say, drop all antagonism with Portland. You can't catch Hie with 'w vlmsar. In addition, the people hou:d awaken from the comatose Mat; whfch seems everywhere so apparent. The As- 1 U-rtan Is doing a great work in confront- Ing them with their fallings. I trust it will serve to stir tlvem up to a real las. tlon of the emergency. There is no ques. tlon tout that a marked change Is com- 1 in, and a chance for the better. Tf .ueh ' Is the case, there is no city which needs more than Astoria, to be ready to enter tain it. AUGUST HILDEBRAND To question Ing for the cltltens' own good. There Is 1 no effort made to foa'.er any lo-alty for Astoria's welfare. Why this should be the case one can only conjecture, hut It Is the truth, nevertheless. I would Ilk. to see the people here start anew, turn a now leaf as It were, and trv aealn. The time la rip. for it, and perhaps the pres. 1 ent agitation will start the ball rolling. To question two I would Ilk. to be quot ed a. follows: Let each one treat the other a. he In turn would with to be treated. This would do away iwKh all lll feellng, and bring the taxpayer, and oth ers together In a way to guarantee a prosperous future. All that Astoria needs Is for her cltltens to pull In unison. Wherever any city has ibullt Itself Into a busy, -bustling metropolis, you wit; find that a cordial feeling la 1n the air, that one merchant ts friendly to the other, and that harmony exists In every propo. sltlon which can In any manner be con. strued as profitable for Uw common weal th. BROOKLIN STRIKE ON The Trouble Is Expected to Continue for Several Days. BUT FEW CARS RUNNING A Small Plot Last M.nt In Which Two Men Receive Painful Woonds. i DEMOCRATS STILL DISAGREE Clrtnax Reached Yesterday fcy a Open Utter to theAltfeli Faotloo. NEW YORK. July li-Tho Brooklyn trolley alrike U anlH on, and In all like, lihood there will be no end ot the la&or trouble for aoveral days to come. The company did not run any care over Its various lines after dark Una evening, b-M rweumed traffic abortly aiter S o'clock this morning- Numbers of the cars were run over the several lines, but the time schedule was not lived up to on any one of them, and a fair estimate of the roll. mfTg stock rn operation would be about1 n per ceat During the day the police made sev. eral art'eVs of persona wbo Interfered with the progresa ot .the- oars on th Naaau lines, but no serious outbreak oc curred' until after t o'clock. A small riot occurred a few minutes after f o'clock, DEMOCRATS STILL DISAGREE. CHICAGO. III.. July lS.-Tbe fight be tween the rNful it democratic organixa. fla.ra Af AA.tH.H n 4 . V . n Till. J r l rK"'' represented by 'Mayor Harrison and National Committeeman Gahan on one side and the Altgold wrng of the democ racy on the other, reached n acute stasTe today and threatens to Involve the national couunlttea in spite of the ttrenu. out attempts being made to keep local quarrels out of the DroTeedlns at next ..,... ., , .k ... Thurtday s mee:l-g of the national com. '" n tni "on. Thomas Gahan, national committeeman from Illinois, in . open lett-r today to the leaders of th. M 1v declining to attend the audi. torlutn meeting of Thursday olgbt. and toy indirection appeals to his colleagues , ,h. . ., v" ' ' " KemilnR the Altgeld meeting. HTOH FAVOR FOR AMERICANS IN COREA. They Have Been Granted More Conces. slons Than Other Foreigners, and Lead In Business. NEW YORK. July 18,-Horace H. Allen United States minister to Corea, said to a Times reporter last night: "America k held in great regard by the Coreans, as have always shown a friendly Interest jn the welfare of the peninsula. serlcn. are conducting e consM- ' eml)1 fl"a"lal undertakings In Corea, W e- nvJ first concession of any consequence ever granted to any nation na .., . ,h. flri. . , bullt ln ,he country. The American con. cossPotialree sold out, however, to Japan. ee just 'before the completion of the rail road. "Americans built the first street rali- wa' wmuruoted In Corea. It Is an over- head trolley road, tlx miles In length and runs through Seoul, the canltal. ... Amurloun y, h ex-State Senator J. Bloat Faaeett, of Elmira, N. Y., and Leigh Hunt, of Se attle. WojSh., Itas a concession tor a largo district in the rlchesit gold region VsSSCtUTEiyBE ' Makes the food more delicious end wholesome twi turns, A Cores. Thy are working targe mills, with 40 or mora Anvrfcan oveneera and everal Corean miners. Their ortupects are sufficiently good to Imture them t. buy up tha r'Vernmem's Interesta for a good round aura and to embark upon enlarged expenditure, and development. Thfl mine, will be undoubtedly heard from k th. near future. "Cor fa s a good place to live after on. geu used to It It has lino cllmf, good routine and good bhrycllt ran rtd. everywhere by following lh narrow f'ot, ptfb. American wtieel are used 1 almost exclusively, though fliers iwas muoh prejudlcs at drat. "The trad of Core for the M year was about ill.MO.OM). United State, money. Of that w had a half million in rold. EngUxa g'tuh take the "lead at present, but American goods are cotnlnc In Increasing large quantities. "One of the largast concern doing busi ness In Cores ts an American firm, Meaars Townsend A Company, ot Chem ulpo. There are about SI American resL dent In Core. The largest proportion. are mlisionarie and are particularly a . high class of people, tnen and women of education, ability and good sense. They have a fertile field for work and hire no time fur cant and nontenew. The Mrtho odlst hare about W communicants. I ' believe, and the Presbyterians fcav up- -, ward of TWO." AMERICA AND ENGLISH TEAMS NOW TRAINING. Preparations for the Great Interawtlonal Event Are Progressing Favorably. LONDON. July 11 Both the American ini ths SnsrUss teams In their iracticsj at the queen's county club, are dotntj good work but th records given out on each side are Inaocunvte, as the trainer, prefer to underestimate such perform ance. The Americana did extremely well at the hurdles and In the quarter mil. and tho ErrglMj In the broad jump. The American team is lighter and more agile than the English athletes and are In fine physical condition. The experts now concede b hammer, throw, the . Ugh. jump and the quarter mile to the Amerl cans and the broad jump, mile and thre. miles to the English. The remalnrnsr thre. events are doubtful, with rhe pro, ability that the Americans will take th. half mils and have a flphting chance for either the hurdles or the 100-yard dash. Two or three sporting writers) bars ven tured to refer to Qutnlan and Burke aa proopslonals, who ought not to take part as amateur In those intei-unlverelty sport. There Is no great ground for tha- charge, since both are 'Harvard students and never has ever run for money or against profewlonalt. It may be stated that the Oxford and Cambridge managers are entirely satis. fled with the evidence that these two mn are not In any sense profemtonal. and that there It no ground for suspicion of any sharp practice on the American skie. The most cordial feellnr Drevalls between the two teams, and th. con tests will be won on the merits of tha men. THE SECRET OF THE SHAMROCK S CONSTRUCTION. - . She Is Made to Slide Over the Waves by a Peculiar Form of Hull LONDON, July 18.-The Daily Mall, which gives what It calls the "secret of the Shamrock's construction, hitherto carefully guarded to prevent it toeing being utllixed by America," says: "The Shamrock Is designed with swan Ilka lines, rounded In such a way as to hardly cause a ripple In her wake. She displace. the smallest possible amount of water. Her keel is shaped almost like a thick letter T. so that she can turn as If on a pivot. It is claimed and proved that th. Is two seconds tamer than the Columbia in stays. The secret, therefore, was an exten sion of the theory that rhe yacht should endeavor to slide over, instead of cut. ting through the water." DR. ALUS DEAD. VALPARAISO, Chill, July li-Dr. Allls, president of the American Presbyterian mission, died yesterday. The funeral wilt take plac. today. vmrn co., nrff -r?rr.