U V1 'V' 'L T'J THE DAILY ABTORIAK. KATl'KDA MOUSING. JTL. 15, ,. MAKES CLEAtliHG EA hue auk. ll.hl ,," 4- ti.ia D W.ikl.. I'mm p. i.ihiIi penilee to tmylvy "u Sfe& (in P 1 is Voshlna Powder ; u Wlik tl ft cm as M ilmlH j wtu, wmIm, i tii i w eea ktw yf I If II 4 tt IMM(U far wmmm wa.a)S say yr Ktwi lug estate, t!.S, N. !( f AluOANK COMPANY csww ' it. lev; ww vow iojtm 4 full lint.f MGUGKE SHIRTS. i:vr)lhlnK Rw nnj bby l KAMTF.RX NECK.VKAK. BUFFUAV Ci PENDLETON " "" Hftttcrt 'oriel Fuanihera. 4T)iiidgUeet,Corn.rSirt. " 'rORTLAND, OREGON. Stop and Think! " " ' Aref You Owning The Beat Mcal, The Bet Liquora, " Ot The Beat Bed Tk4 CM U tkVj U 111 ?A)f It IHt, ' - rj of tM vke -'"ilr ' ,..-;. -oj ' - - - . 1mi i mi . Look tot tkita i "JUrf"" ati ColtrittibfOfElectrlp dttd Repair Co. ... i M .i 1 C ( "uccer to . . ', . COLUMBIA IRON WORKS l j m mXmtm Knilnaa EIu WtdSf Forging UndsF Power Hammer a Specialty , , T - ... M Karrlsca "ftttiO - CwiiwiM fuf K!ectH 1 "Russell" Automatic Engine . V 't ' Ail '.'t ill it r ii v ivt vivl'',,r . . A. l. AVjwiiX Wnjift- I ar . . Ci . w mmmu.-n - Ccfflmissioojiroicrage. ' Inssraitte an Shilnj. Pacific Sheet MANUFACTURERS OF Ralmon Vegetable Fruit Lithographing on CANS . cranHcrn rt ' ' Astoria. Ore. Falrbaven, Wasb. Astoria, Ore. Write eJ for Prleeat QUM 9 I UVWVVI www ilk f 'J eat IK Latest Blcick, KNOX 5ummer Styles. - fr's Restaurant. t nUSIe 11 he feMiyeawfeasee" kjrr - mi neiT. usee other. EataUUlied tomr years. . Sa?;'Sc3 Kept la Stock 111VII . Unlit pd Rplrd. " i iV - I'ropenor Wheel ... UjliU nf Power Pfants. Hoilrii. bnV Mill. i. . ; UUHSEtJUA pp, Portland, Orron. r.i.inH4 Mnuaa Brokor. . ASTORIA, .OREGON oCtnl W. t. Do.. n "noUo fcprM Co Metal Works spice and 0 Syrup Tin a Specialty. CRUEL MASSACRE WAS PLANNED Agalnaldo'5 Purpose Ws to Kill Every European Resident of Manila. BISHOP THOPBUFN S VIEWS NoCoprLfttnlUl SUMS tut to Eiforci Itt Authority tl tfei rmtippiMi. CINCINNATI, July l. lliaHop J. M. vhurch, who hM niM l tn mi lutwry. molr in Imlt. r "1,h hli loiiiy. of whom w in I" KwUh, Th btohup iH Iim la Manlt In Mmc4i ImI, n4 M In. iriiiireiK otvr of mii.' H y itwr h n 4oW n ouiirli Ix. lwrn Hit Aawrlr!) vm ri'llno wi Hifiu14 by rilll'lna lMdfi la liuiud a tnml nMuuv la Iho oHy of Maoilt. Ma eittf o o of thli tho tl' a tuny of two rtHliH rvanw who wtr mmxmmtt to -fV-w In lot rinf AauHuMo ami who Jm B t'br. 1ju wts wurnxi rtwir AJBrtn omyloy r u k1 wHWn wr lhat Wnr. onlrra baJ tut lvn to kill Zuropna Awod on bt airwla. AnoOwr .vld.nca waa lha IMiih of WO knlvw atf! In culwllo church. Only lha piid dwlyllrn of tn Ajork P md ha maaaacra. Th whola hhHory of tha prw-nA Clnilua .nuallon, lha fcuhop wvl. hul uoh a. natural and lor-cl nd vt tnvKfclt courw of avrt t thai lh fnH.l Wain la bound w aw K. au Itwilty hf- AnaKhy and aeln. dun. ha wuU follow lha wh. drawal of Iho t'nllol ita tw. H only Uoulil IWs In la O-uwn Waiid. All tha other Wl r paful. Tha P thlnaa Iht proper poUiry of Un.iad Siam la to anlM Iho tm of lha talanda. whu ara tba navtunil rertiW of U InlMbMantl f l.Uion. 10 ftM AulnJ. W' anuy. OIBcora by Amiran lhy vu!d qukkly dipot of ih ( thai Aiinaldo on muaitr. VWwinj 1ia Ittu'lon in tlx far rruni th aillBt of rolonary of 0 yra h thw pan o.' Iho wvrla, th bUhat waa mprd will llw fct thai II waa tba duly of the United Btatee, fon-d upon K V tha clrcuroian.- of Iht t'A wr. la hJld ittt Phlllpplnr. and a pftwrva order and" ei.rtnl vlv. Illtrd orriMit In lhal vat rHn. Moreover. In ho Uurt of murallty and ChrWlamiy, ha boped for lha dlaaotuHoa of the Chlntte eroplra, which bt cfiaracir. H,d aa tha moat lwljla fovtrnmml on erth. In thai event Ruaaia would have , portion. lvln It n available TacWc poM. Tha Ur'tteh baa In view lha valley ot the Yai Tea Klan a lit portion Th I'nlled Biataa abould hav. that pot. tkm opposlle th Phlllpp.n lalanda. A dlvtoMi of China. would brlnw unsold tleelno to th people Jt thai empUa and would daiica ih elvil'tlo of Iht whole world. T(i bUhoa docllnea to dlHuaa the iut from lha atamHolnt of American politic, but he tie innnot lmHi why lha f tvted 8tto ahould ehlrk from ClvuHt up her elulva policy and hi- tate W lak, her pWi tiniont the iwrllont when the duty la mnlfelly throat upon p. . U Chrn fait to nearly all wen Informed peoplt believe aha will. M wouh be unwhe If not melly wrotif concede lhat the European natlont bav a rltfM h etll the dcetlny x( lha,'. reat cenulra Mout nny reference to Ambertca. The VJnhed ! mut In. evltably beocuia th rtomlilhH navnl iwwer of lha Paclflc ocen and If h a ulurt l In or fo'.' her, h certa'nly ought W hoM an Imiwrtant tection of Hie coaM line of Kaelern (Al. Chamber of Commerce. (Continued from P4Te One) ..lira rl wan mudr tit arhedtilc Umc, and .11 d.mll r fhe trip were fully carried out by the officer, and em. pll.yca of the comiiany. In a miwwcr kk.hiv i..iunl i t'he company. ,i..j.,r, iMtll Company, who through vi. vv a Klum-v. furnlahed the com mlttee all tlw Itmiber need In making ihi. aivhea. etc., nd the coiurooia m... a iw..i flound Navlitallon Com puny which' furnlahfd the .temnwr ItbHey Ctatiert, free of charge, to convey the vSmra frotn Ktevel to "ort fltevene and ,hntu n Ai4torla. ..,rr to rmike eaneclal mention ot D, r.it,nvlnir wrNni who aoiiWed your comnflMee.' and who contributed livntely n mukliar the entrlnlnnnt a success. Tdlea' commhtee, ootiBlatlng of Mrs W.-"Welch. Mik. B. Van Puwn, Mm. J. Taylor, Mr. C, W. Fulton. Mr.. It. CnrrathwK. nd , their many ia.iv. Bjmlatmnta. ome fW In number .itlunrln. A Co'.- Foard & Stokes Thi fltt' Almercnn tmportlnir Ten Com. rmny, fmtl tx., A"n rranert-r v.o. C. O. Palmherf. The following bills ordered paid:- were '.audited and! J. it. Ui:iTnc-r, .rlntlfi fouvenlr,.!:? "0 H. C Alloti ''., tj-n nar a'ld lialiiilh ilmnilxT o ounti' re n 16M I. uui HartwlH. tlii!''" In ni'ivliHI iT lii.rary ami rT.iiti r)f -f l,UllfHr A (, tiitlon of Ju'Ittt Taylor the ma mnK to 1h! lmln nt'd o'lier t .()in' of ClaK.p ("oiiity. pT-.arl by ('(.ark I. Illh'ip. wa ii'!"rwt. Tha jrt'lJa and HTlary wr aurti orUd to r-ifiit Hie chamt.'r of om. nii.ri: Sn co-jp-ratlca; wllh lh ft' rurttirtHUB In wurtiia a ttian-o'-wr t vUU Atl durum the an'iual rfna. lo rcnrol l the dly dn tti pait of the ('.vernmem w beamnlrnf th con. airuitltn of th quarantine ration fur ihla port. fllwin Wit from flim. tor J'ih HWnm waa read. Porllafld. t.. July lu.-E. ('. II ln. Kim., Trtary Atrl Chamber of Com. rr.atre. Amorta, Ore. My (1'ar air: I am In wlm of your vlucd favor of tha 7th Inat.. advlatnc me that you have bti lni'iru':d to eommunliate With m j in rfrnie to the dly In the oonetrur-', tl.m of ! quarantine elation oo the north ile of th. Columbia river, on the ti e ane"d by the I'nlled Hmtet com-" mleelotv, and hit whl an appropriation f KI JIA, Ala.. July lt.-8na!or John waa renemly maile by cwnarnat. I ahall I T Monfht wh0 arrived at hla homa hara l.ha pleur. l ta.nilc.tlnc th. uj , ca.mpa.gn or tha delay to.th conatrucrlon of the .m " quarantine eUilH. and ehalt do what 1 ' will be many. "Th, more thtra the bailor l,rin about the commencement of ' , .. ..id Senator Morcan. "Th con- work and the early completion thereof, j Very iruly youre, JEPH BIMOW IH.mTl.AND AND A8TUKIA VlfOl'LD ItX'K HANI. (Continued from Pace One.) veotura lb a.-wrJon lhal If the com. ajcial pwplo of thta city will take the j mw.e iMUice.il la hand an ami- j rbl UBderatandmc na be eaeiiy ; rrai bel and In problan of the future i dlevernincty aolved." i Mr. A!!. ,.pre-d tha Ix-pe that be f nail nK -jveraivpjvy aiv l" i" xi. amnio, from au:h Infor- mailoo M h had be b to cl-n. if w can t it free colnace wl way In, toncluilon, h aald; ' t'.v IMM.'toO or tt.OOO.fte). Once "You kav. rlr.ad which, ct.lnly j Ml ln, from th, cbrc;cr of Ha conduction. . -h, la deeU- to form the final link for m , T will be cleared. Then. Ml. the va.l traneoninrntl a-wtrm. ta ddl. taaue wUI be Injected, of the Income tu, Hon you have welUdreeed people Mda.hk.k ng tffn haa been made to collect. .ommullou4 bu.inea howee. Vltb . . 0ffr a rwn correa a- l.arnKlou und-rtmlmc whh Prt. ( . . , . ..... T -v.. .u. .emblr.. a Joint rvnoiuHoo to reqocit the uina am a rv..a pn iv....., w i battrr tlmce' will dB Ix-fora ;he moet ancuine ah.ll hope for tbvra. Mr. Alltn W( for Por'Und yeelerJay mornlna.. Diirlna hU i,rUf nUr h md .. ahlu an Inveatlanton a. pole into the flourlnc mill Induetry, and prom .re aa .rly return with ample ciil fir liivrenncnl. REAL EtTATE TRAXSrRS. Ilenrknl. E. Wlnr.rit to Chorlea L. Wirvi.rd. w. d.. July II. 1: l aw In eettlon 14. rp I n r W...I IM M'ret Mil'her.oa lo M. J. Mw half miret in lota I and . block IU. JliOure'a Aetorta E. i. ronl aad wife to 'Afrad Kin. ny and John H. Smith, ar d, ! rner tl. 14: lot from 11 to K. bloi-tc . n. Iota from 1 to IS. b:-rtl Tt. New Aforta A M mllh and wife to J"hn H. in.li. d. March V. IW. lot. fr m U to 1. block 4 and K frum S lo U bVcvk 4'.. New A(Arl. C. J. TTenohard ere wit lo Jonn 11. 8-nlih q c. February t lb3i. lot I. bl B. M'Vlure e Aora Ilinnetia E. Wmarard to Mary R Tbev, w d. July U. ISO: 1 atree In neorton at, tp 5 n r '.0 w. .11-i.t.t n J .... . ' eM IM S00 avV4Vla&'vaieVVyej Small toymccs mi:jte tret 3 virj w CM. SouTml.k r ovef nif,M; no ? mlJoTaalathe X morr.Ln-: no X ern ur i.ta oaV.ec ; p ir.;!k UHJI Xt.t fortify y:tTi . X . rtJJtrrea"6l!lt., .1 h i qaBicrrins THE ORIGINAL f ? .t WORCESTERSHIRE Glvaa 'itiaet d.tiijroii fTaver to'": Hol&fidCeH Ucals, Salads, $c?iGan.e, ' 'vr-.t.,Fi$h.---- x 7cl:h Rarebiis, etc. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. A fbi ilgnaUiro on every boule John Dnnwa' Sooa, Agent., New York. What womon say' men do.r- v kv. nM many different cough remedies,' but non-has glvin'better"Mtls. faction than sChamber;tim'a" .ay. Mr. Charles Hol.hau'er druggist, Newark.; N: t "Tt i. nrfMtlv safe andxcan be re- lied upon' In aUfia.'' of 'cJuphiy cAd. ai Ihoarsenesa -Boiaoy v.nan.1 nnnm. 5 kSt"""CJ 1 LDmi eSUU U iEiie i Orai JOHN PIERPONT MORGAN TALKS He Freely Discusses tbe Many Issues la tbe Coming Campaign. i ! MUST MJDIFY THE TAPIFF To Meet Pew Condition ta Porto Rico, Hiwill ml tlii PhlUtFinei. Icreee that armuW- In December will. In privldMnc for th tavern nwnt of our r-w tKMMnmUioi. nave to modify lha lan. Iff., whlt-b will materlallly atrenctlien, the dKinx-rails poaiiton. wucar wUI glee you lMt oob. W no oo more ptacw tax on aucar from Pacta VUeo, (Hawaii tnJ fh pyupploea tia w can from , lh. - r--. - - r"rm oi me arrarwlnc of a ftnanctat ayaecea. BU-er hu m he only money knoant ejiera. lh. nmonnittl1oo. at all tlwrefort the rmoietkuUtoo oc w.ll be aln demanded by tna - - president to proce4 to collect Oil tax, which will. DO dVubt, throw It aikn In . " 1 ,wUI ba brou,ht out by tbe Ppo.nt mcrA by rtiubllcna In conre under tba new cenu and tha action to be tak en on tht 14th nd Bill .wiendtneiK. to lha coiukUuUo. ao far a It reunea. to (tatra like Loulalan.. for lnat.net. which haa dlefranchtocd the negro. Aa to tba trutft. both partlea wHl denounce them In lha earonceet tertne and neither doea anythinc Inimical to them." THE HUNDRED TEAR CLUB. A Hundred Year Club bat been organ, taed. Th. object la to aludy tbe condi tion, which promote looevtty. Attar murh atud and re earth ita member. muat arrlv. at toe eonchuuoB lhal tha onur Doaalbl. way ta attain loaf lit to aks the beat care ot health. With all dua renpecl. we preetnt tht .tudy of Hottttttr". Btomacfc Bitter, for coauuoer. atlon. Thla la a tonle for one of tha moat vh.l ergan. ot life lb. itomach. For Stty year. It bu cured conittp.tion. in. dlgeauon. dyipepala, bllloumtu. weak liver and kidney. It make, atronc atom, acha, rich red btood, and .teady vlgorout nerve. If you accept . lubetltui don't nn tl u ear. I!k Hoet.rttr'a Bitter. See that a prlv.t revenue .tamp cover the sec. et tat noma. Ht who can pay bormure to the truly dtepleable 1 truly eonteroptlbla. ' TRT ALLEN 8 rOOT-EASE. A powder to bt ah.ken Into the anot. Tour tin feel .wontn. aervoua and hot. and t tired aaaity." If D Ye am.rt. m feet or tfgbt .boe.. try Alloc " ree ICa.e. It cool. in. feet d make walk thready. Curai' .woilea, kweattnaj feel. Ingrowing nail, bll.tar. aad'ealtoas .pott Kate oofM a4 bunion, bt all pain nd rve. nit and comfort. Try tt te. if. Sold by all druggut. and .hot .tor. h.r E cent.. Trial aackaga tree.' Addra. Allen OUnwed. La Roy, M. T. 1 A' woman never mlnaa a m.de-over dreaa o long a. It 1. made over tUk. IS IT ISIGHT. Fr an Editor to Recommend Patent I " ' ' . ' : ' Medlelnett From Sylvn Valley Ntwa, BrtTrad. N.ti It may bt a que.tloft whether the editor ot a ntw.paper Xa the right to publicly recommend any of tht v.rtoe. propriety mediclpet which flood tht' waraet. ytt at a preventatlV. of tultermg we teat n a Aniv m . a eood'word for Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy. W have known and used lb it mso cine In our family for ID year, and hart alwaya found II reliablt. In many case. . doe of this remedy would save nour of suffering while A physician ta awaited. Wa do not believe in depending lmpnctly on any medicine for a cure, out we ao be'.levt that If a boltlt of Chamberlain'. Diarrhoea Remedy were kept on hand and administered at the tnceptlon of n -tr.ob murk .uff.rine murht be avoided and in very tn.ny case, the presence of a physician would not be requirea. ai least this hu been our txperlenc during h PAt yr- . For salt oy ,v-n.nes Roger.", , " .. ; Pn-ili-rA- Louhcfls the -la'tekt ''.convert i trie omn-iloor polliT-'. He Is 'obliged to k-n -hlw open, day and nhrht. to.'atcom- moilatt' 'the .siinilng mob., ' ' ' . AN EPIftBMlC OF. DIARRHOEA. r. A. - Sanders, -writing from' Cocoanut nrnva Pi.. AV there lifts Veen Quite an il'.rrhoea there. Ha had a se- atlwk and' was fured by four doses Of Cttnmberlaln a cone, unoie ana i.i-.r- .u umev. Ha .ays ht also recom. tPeudea, It to others and they say It Is- the rW'WfllelTte they ever usefl. For- ! iby'-Cliarlei Roger.. " ' - Ti An Excellent Combiqation, Tha pleant method and ieucflriai 1 effect of tb well known remed. tlTMCt- or Flo, m.na factored by the i C.uroKXiA KltJ SrntP Co., Uluntr.te j th. value of obtaining the liquid l.z- . tie. principle of plant known to be ' i..in II Uv.tiM an. I t.ru.ntimr i ineu m umi zuein inoai mrraniuc w ine Uat end acxptkbl to the) lynlrm. It b the oae perfexii MjncBgtnetiinir ka , i --- tive, cleaoMUir thai avston. effectually, dUpell!of cold. beaddkei and fevers tITV, cieaoiMUir UN .Tawena ciiecboauj, dUpelllo(f eoids, beaiLhe. and fevers fentlr yet prxunptly and enabllDfooe to oeercoma) habitual eonatipetlon per- II J m pc. w .ua .iuu. eery objectUinable quality and aub ttaasa, mid it. ueiiaff on tbe kidneya. Brer end bowela. without weakening or tmUtinjf tbem, make it tbe Ideal kiatire. Id the procea. of manufacturing fit? iH r.. Wu Imm. .-mm are tuaa. u inejr are pinnant to ino taat. but tiie medicinal e,oa!itieof th remedy are obtained from Minna and other aromatie ptaats. by a method known to the CaXiroftxiA Tu Snacr Co. only. Ia order to Ret IU bencikual effect, and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of tbe Company , . .... printed on tha front ot avrry peke. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ilaraal Aa rwajeoeijav ea a. . . m. w - - - Pea aala by aU DnynP-ei-rk. Stc per bouia IxmBnm.LB.KT. ""TOWI T, The oral ereut to call fort demoMtra winntaay of the y.cht race by the Oe- lumbra. . ... KnlMjwnA h.t all uw. m t&k. It with pteatura and benefit. Ita mUalon ia to eool and cleanae tbe blood In ectasia and other vorrnrtBr. dtaagnrinc btmma, nebea, aad IrTtUMM, whUe warm bathe with CrocpaA Boar cJeaaee tha aartaee of cm aad Kalea, and geaUa aBoiatlDga with Crnn u Oiau aMntwotbaaadbealltfbmg, boraing ikto. Mtwlntatmtl. rnmnitii'tCTO tw.fn.li I a AUAMrai.M. A CHILD SNJ0T8 The pie.sani n.vor, gemit .cuon, aoa a k.. need of t laxative, and If tht father or mother bt costive or bilious, tb moat; gratifying reaulti follow It. oe; .0 that It ia the best family remedy known and every family ahould bare a bottle. Manu factured by the California Fie Syrnp Co. CALL FOR WARRANTS. Nitlca te hereby dvea te alt partlea aciatng cwiaiy ihh h- dorcd prior to- July SL VSR. te nreeeut th. aama te the ooua.r treaaarer at his office, 144 Tenrh streeu for payment. In. trt oa arter thla oat. . - Dated at A.iorla. Ore, July t. ISM. . H. C THOMPSON. County Treaaurer. PROPOSALS FOR FORAGE AND BEDDING. Offloe of C. Q. M., Vancouver Barrack. Wash., July I. IS Sealed propoeala, la triplicate, will be received here-until 11 o'clock' a. m., August t. 199. and then opened, for furnishing forae and bed ding at the .everal military poets ta tht. dvneremenr. for fiscal year ending June 36, 1900, Information furnished here or by quartermaster, at poate. U. 8. reserve, right to reject -or accept any or all pro posals or any part thereof. Envelope containing proposal, should be marked: "Propos.1. for forage1 and bedding ' at , and .d dressed (o nnderslgned. ' - f "W- JACOBS. C Q- M. ; If you sutter from teneemea. or rtll- ates oa the rht ;.. paws maer tht shoulder blade, eonsttpailetv bllWawe sick headache An reel1 dull, heavy a no sleepy .v your . liver 4s toepMI and eon. teated. vDeWlU'. Uttle Early Kltera will ear voo aroaTDtUr. Bleaaaatly and permanently by removing; the congestion and causing th. bile duote ia open and flow BMVraltr They ar good ptiu. Charles Rogers. - i - ' Ii . F. Prael Transfer Co Telephone hV DRAYINO AND EXPRESSING il aU Cood. Shipped to Our Care . ' Will Receive Special ACennoe. No. Rl Duaae Bt, W. J. COO ft Vgt rtaa Tai. Ut. Asuria, Ore. I If it y 1 i w" I Astoria's ''Leading Hotel I Megler X WHslitV Props, v , ............a. .. a eaaeaea.aes -- - mmiWMItitWtotfflfNNW-'"'" .v,,,xm:,r f (.l . Mir fvkkv ki.ndof shoes 1 tntr.nc. la our .tor. We bar Ift4 d of poor atock fllmally put t. lher. Maker, muet deliver cl which .ra o to our atandard, and that', rood enomS. otbenrlae tbey are rejected. . . . n. . u T Thee kerne w::i anable you to Jude wbt lwo or , our three dollar. wtU da Bera. ge our f cuanion hoe. I , M i PetCrSCD A CTOWS. Report of the Condition f of the ,, FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Ator.a, ; , At AaU-ria. In tba Btat. of Oragoa. at , tb, t builnre. June . 186. RESOURCES. - u,ah and dlacounta 4J3,T8I II Overdraft., aocurrd and ane : rd h m , U. B. bond, to ..core circu.aiion u wi yrtn.,uwt wl y g boad. ....... staue, wcunn.. .ts w a Othr real eelaia and mort.a. t I Wit ' nu. from 11.. O , d ue from national bank not j,mv a M.CSM Ikw from autie back and bank- . ........ ru from en, approved reaerva .Check. l and .th h Item.. i 4 Nfltr of uther national banka.... 131 M ' Nick. I and cent 44 1 Lawful money reaerv ta bank. ' vis:- "Specie tlOS.StfOO : Legal lender notea . -. 1C5JJSM j Redemption fund with U. S. treaurer W or cireiuaiwni.. Total ... .. Cf ta LIABILITIES. Capital tock p.ld ta ,...MM .... .IMN Surp.u. fund and tajea paid fl.W W National bank note, outstanding .' '1 Due to other natloaal bank.... M Du U atat baak. aad banker. ' I7J TT Dividend, unpaid W ladivldual depoatta aub. jeet to check t337.1T? S3 Demand certificate, of deposit CM O Certified check. 4 4 .ov.iia Total ., .....tS.C. a STATE OF OREGON.. I , . ! . COCNTT OF CLATSOP.) I. B. 8. Gordon, cashier ef tha above named bank, do .olcmnjy .wear that tbe aoove at. tement ta true- to tht beat ot my knowledge and belief. 1 . . . 8. S. GORDON. Caehler. Subscribed and .worn to "before me thla 1st day of July, 1899. , . C R- THOMSON. Notary Fubllc . . Corre;t-Attt: I j n niwram . W. F. MCGREGOR, , Director. j. A. Fastabend I General Contractor and Builder Heuse-moving Tools for Rent. Oregqn Short Line Railroad.; THIS DIRECT ROUTE TO - . v Montana, Utah. Colorado '.tot sit Cs stern Pjlnts; 3 Give, choice of two favorite routes, win the t'nlon Pacific Fast Mall Line, or the Rio Grande SccdIq Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME " 1 PaytTto Salt Ltite 2 Da'8 to Denver 3 J Days to Chicago 4 J Days to New York. (Vm recllninar ohatra. nohoMered teuiw 1st .leepmc can. and Pullman palace sleepers, operated on an tram. ' For further Information, apply to G. W. LOUNHBERRT, Agent. O. B- N., Or Aatorla, Oregon. ' C. O. TERRT, ? W; B. COM AN. ,' - . Trar. Paas Act. ' .. Oe4K . Agent, .. 114 Third St., Portland. Or, Astoria Pafcllc Lifcrary J READING BOOM FREB TO ALL. Open every .ay from t eclooa to l: . and !: to I JO p. m. Subacrlptloa rates tt per annum. ' Wi Cor. Elavsnth and OuaJaa Strseta. , . i