I THK DAILY AST0R1AN, S.Vll'KUAA MOKMNO, .ll'I.Y lft. im gaihj gUUmau JOHN T. tJOHTKR, Editor. Taispaane Ne. to tkrus or rortacMrrroN. DilLr. sbi tr will ne r... ton Scot by INT MHtk Barvsd ki carrier. rr nsentn........... 41 , ear F. ; l'wiw fr to awa eneaid ft dJrerfed be fb a Iwdm castmatotioa at a x sanOtHasial MOM M "IS AaesetoAV- . . . , lb tons AMMM t Hf ..) en Mi nssa.sn TIDE TJU&Ealj, 189. Ma. Mutt. ttsJBiA' " f.tV.u fi ll :Ft:.4 imTTTi t i .r:f- '' "- r i - . ' - -i ; V4 ..iUkli 11 -t; t-m-.l. i.,B.4.-.M,4K O'fa 1 a .i, in: 1 1MM It Uci II ti.UtAll !;....... ! t 4 t .l .,- -l .,; i ( it i ii 4ll - -n - - - . -. 4 i ... i.li.-itlHH - .. ..L. .11.. ..i ":? .:,,..,. ;' l .il 1 t i i -jr S It', .. ft a f -t :!!$t.. ii!lciT.t4J;i;;af-i . t.; r. Mi !;,: i hi w i ni ; n a "TE DaUXD FOB, DEEP 'WATB . KXIiBOBS. V- Th aintaiKm f jr depr ratr hroT far hb aooomaodrntlea of th largr folk ' Ktf Atf which af nwre and more i,mmx ta wmopoUse the world curr. ta trad to not ooofiaed Kxratte - baraortng oa our own Atlantic or Pa f 'era iioard. Bveryw s tt witU, o the ret tolw to this . . t. A i ft V ! 7H. IT u wi r ' ooustry'and th vartoos deep I water lnktU of Europe. -a Ad Sou: - Amric eomBjerc l bln; rTo1ut1o tees hy th etnoloysoeat of wooaxej mod ' era ceaaer In plaec of Minng ihlp aAdMh taJl tairier craft of tea T" " ' ar. '4 TtetM letter from Cooul Harhta "IT. jSrsah af1 hf:m, to th atatw .'depart. ' .MM S tM iubjece Of th Oanadtow "i- aaf Brnblinn Indicate a arowlnf ap . prekenaton oa h part of tb Oanadlans that the Wtlland canal, hi Ha prMeoJ condlttoo..ka a losing propoaitlon to th. " ?ramnL' djj I Tb canal wa built through the nat J row Kiagara pnlnula to connect la , Brt with Lake Ontario. It totat length celJig about twentywix and TTiree-foorlh, ' roilea. There im a. fall of about W fet ta Oi twentyseean mOe of canalit necewiutinr ' twenty-ia lock, which1 1 . were tnrurted M feet In lntb by 4j feet tJ width. At th thne of K cem- j)lilo the fourteer.fost dTth of the y canal w eonMered rufflctent to ccom. jnertat th largeit Uk craft The d Sa ih 8te. Marie canal. o"-' eeer. ha pfrmltted the MnMructloa of ncti lmm"Te freight carrier that J. rnoet of .the vel which could navlgatef th -Welland canal hv been dHvea out f of the carrjl.ig trad. The magnitude of he declination lr the freight 1r81c t of th canal bring the Canadian gov. I eminent fac to face with a problem 1. n Kr,A Ai(Milt In aalvtna lit " . -'. ; the option of Con'il Brush, who hae erUently given the matter much conMd.; . ' s eraUoo. "Tb province of Ontario, aey.. T I becoming alarmed over the , cadence of tn Welland g i plea, .r, betnemadfor "rj' ' -went at Port CoJborn u , v I terminal. It la urged that the lack of .ir'a ilTtrafflc'Tne flulra such a depth of water tna Tne m , tha larger cla attempt to enter fort CoThoriw. ' Wh the vessel hecame too large to . enter n Welland canal, liglrtertng wa resorted to. The Grand Trunk railway built a branch line parallel with the canal. Enough of the cargo iwas trans. fcrred to the railroad to enable th vessel ' to pas through the canal and then the , cargo wa taken on aaln at the other 1 terminal. Thi expedient ha worked ' fairly well until recently, but In th meantime th lake vessel have been J growing In size each year and with each increase came lower freight rat-s, drlv. 1 tng the smaller vessel out of competU , tkm. Bieamer with 2000)0 buafoels' c ' Iac4ty now comrol th grain carrying ; trade, and these cannot enter Port Col- Lome harbor. The vessels that van enter r growing les in number ce.h eeesin, ami wn fi-a (h vxiwlii'-'U of lgh:rtr., xjI tll not suffice to bring traffte to th- c:vl. "While the government Jmlt the ne oesnky of i bojur harbor, li seems un willing U tako immediate eter toward providing one. It is urgvd that this will prov of only t-npormry value nnlews th canal I enlaiwd a well; and If canal were enianrcd so to admit th lrKwt Mc ctuf:, there would stilt be heavy enpefxlltur required on th 6t Lawrence route, which doe not even have a tMoot channel for IK entir length, although that depth l erneoted to t ccurd this season. ' T The Wetland canal, up to date, has. coat the pwmt C4.in.SM It bet year In twooax vu 1(68, when l.SHSJJ ton of grain and merchandise pawn) through U Mat and wK. 8ce teen th derttn la grain ahlDment has 4ra especially mark!), although' th grain traffic oa th lake Increased every year. In ISM the grata that passed down th Wetland was about M per xwt of th grain received at Buffalo; in IK it w abort I pr ctat. or a Iom oC 43 pri cnt, aa eoanparrd with Buffalo. Tfc gral tTmt paaanT down nha W'rfland tftM yrar wa Im than It year ago, wall th raM tyyripta at Buffalo wrr marly the ttas what thry wcr 11 yar I. aldra tim fBHake . (hta MMM to iiowci cpoa tturfaatiw au muacr i patafu! aod betrfbl tt lam. Me eoifd them? rT:f " Rim iik whip and hot wore aair. doth -aeat the (r akin iLty and aitrht, Kinrattai awril eracl renur u diaeoaau i om mn so a lorlnn04 ihemMirea. la a mavrco a vt4iin) taaaitrt tfiud. Tbcyarf. Kt their twaKh, i4) aflcl4 phy irat tontf f ta tt im riiiT inr- t a m ftxee feea kata a i4 tmpmfrA .minmi'ia. toaa aa mW am oo iaapwrib af IB tan taken aaeaat Btnta to ail part of the kody. Th ctnv, aeawctM ia tt tb w Dot oale atarred bat jniwacd. The tmaerdiaat f. aa phyant auTit ham which th old ti-a; alot wewki back is hoerac Th aaal teenil I di- and dtata. 'D. PfeK' Cotdea MedKal Duv eoeer to a arieutiile reawdj thM rordinc to aataral law. It a aot a etolent trnn to aatert or a tner artiirial apttueer. It iMUy. bwt earery ad P"" f"" atotee the aataral procc aad exoroo. n crtatt approw. th a imiHtioa ai the food f IBTJ nat th ber and pariae td eaneaea tfe Dtaaxt h fcailda irav avatof . ti mm umi exhaaatam. oBU- keoleaBa aad a'4 th 0 aVat UitTSl thaw traT:o at all a-di-erakw. Jon bnrt fhaj atay la. cnor. .. r:a Ca a a. waiclnxaia. var aau pitfna' a aotauf e a. fyoo 'General auloaUlo doe aot md bit bran kasdi Hki tMuatea taxa ken V aurS aa laeejte..fUFpfHac 4b fDOua lata, beeea that h eeuMa't near tn anar drum IThe had on. ' r. as Kafa:Cbver.nfTea BMnfMaa k f wtly PmlUa tfaa IWaad, n.h,t, it arhin. larMCon Itnfion. IjMiljMftion. ftni All Ernft4HMS el tJ blwa, Aa armhia Lauii" Nrr Taaic. gold oa (.taoiytt (vnruitai b til ncaiata it Mc.. aoc. aadi. " . CkLL.A CO., ttaot. N. t Mtl eaoeaiiTOaa for by CKABLWI ROGERS. t ' J ;" Budyard Klplmg wa mrlee In hi deter, miattion i,0 regain ja Vermont until he calendar of time would be eur to brtnr trim Into close conrpetltlon with ( Admiral Dewey. By aUowlnr tB, i0c1Jmuiatl0I n th, ta nmM, lht enUr. nr.ttm I poUocad. . DWttf. Uttto Early Rkwt regulate the bowel. Try them and you i klway. u them. Cbarle. Koger. - An elertc .ocomotlve In a Canadian - " It make no difference now Dad th wound If you use DeWItt' Witch Hat Salve; It will quickly beal and leav no car. Charle Roger. j0 pollh desr horn, scrub them with a bruh and land to eke off the dirt and loos fibre, then pollsn with rough and rotten tone and cloth, and varnloh wlrh copal varnish. . If you bav pile, cure tnem. Mo use undergoing horrible operation that aim. piy remove tha result of th dlseaa without disturbing th alseaa itself, Place your confidence In DeWltfa Witch Hsiel Salve. It has never failed to cur other; it will not fail to cur you. Cbarle Roger. i V, l i a lLmm - an But aanatlated ia tka blaaaV lastead, tb mlm mi i ni amil aawill awtj t aw mutk 1 .4 ofWM rll' - -" aw .inr Doctors Can't Cure It! Contntfioiiti J'UhhI polmw i alwlutol j beyond th UU u( the iKwtora. Th' rnaj a pationl for jvnr n thit metrurial and poUsih retmxllc, out n will iweer be rid oJ th diaeaxe ; on tha other hand, hi condition will grow teaJily wim. S. 8. B. I the onlj cur (or thi terrible affliction, beoaus ft U th mf ratoed whioh goe direct to the nuw of th) diaeaaa and turoea it from the ayni. 1 ' I adVMM wiailaeJ tHnn. and h aM awoa MatM paa Ihoush I teak 1 KUy. ta k V I m4 t , a von all th wkila. I ". alaal C vmf aiMKlled kleed ,,iiaww W nark Um dia kad t ki'aiw d.kt It ibai I wh avr O wrmrt M dM ei . hul I thra mh Mttali.aad earad amafWwy. i.i kMlikaad mw$ t " yet kaT.- -..I t I Kaa wlt-&mtxitM to eontino to tek pot and krtwnry : kdet iataily rojtnx in irwa, tarj nn mino fe b Noet, teo- dueinf k fttiSMBM 'and rwalHn, tt th Juiiita, taaM"c ia aav w iw wu,.wi hBxrinrK?!ri-..4)i 1 it mwrejik-ttd hnll Veeti, k4 hi eu!y biwd renei f?- mun. MM 4w?ek iiai.- ''!- ' " kMtk oa ;!-tei3KBi WBa Itm Vj gr rl" CWfWi;, Avanaa, wk. Oeaerai M. tl CHla waa a editor t for h wa auary eowir, ana hi aot. afraid to tockl a Htito Job Itke that of , aecretary of arar. Pnaumool. la irrtppe, oouh, colde .tous and wheoplna oeuch readily. ywM i Oa . MUniU Cough Cur Va ia remedy k hn and mv a dvncwr't bill -or the undartafeer". Charlea Roger. tat reeent meethtf of octopua tamer In Buffalo the Bakent ctoiroed o muoh of tb time that the aecretary ""H able to read any letter of rrgr!. Some f th rwtun r neglected ey. peptto odtriena of la atomadl an oan eer. eaaimptieD. aaart daw aad en. Ileaer. Kodol Dyeyepa.1 Cure prvt an thhf by Scrwi a nuielt eure in au eaea f dyaata. 1 Cbarl Rocert, The largest printing office 10 th world m Waahingtod, O. C. It I for print, ing government document. " ''' !f ; . im 1. ' 1 4 It n perfectly kopetosw a xet that in meal wdl b bonnoroi In a nenae ekal nan a ntattn In fa dJewg rnaa. ,-Man Waiki Bin titti Bare Beiew." . all d so much better in ltf aa on heel. U thre hj sore one to t the 'pace for u. Daa't iniok. iwta. saa . cur thai ailfnt afueh f oYsyevw by awtac tt taat It wlta nttr lawn ' Kodat tVfffensto Care will .am fr; rt -tfw what mn ." and reefn4Urjv t Maltn aafy Jtanem, Th man whom los would make de perate, gooU luck would make equally to. TO Ct'RS i QUE B ON AT. Tax Laxative Broat Qutole Taa!u, All druggHt' refund tn cy at tt faila t ear. eetuu .Tb tnata ana 1 ., enen tnbtot , Th meaoeet type of man 1 ha who taeddafitag: of tb. widow aad or. ohana. 1 : , . ptfAFNEfB CANXOT B CURED. by local ajf Hcallcni, aa they cannot reach tn dMeaned poftiea of tee ear. ThT-l'OOly ene way in eer deajfo, andf that, to-bjf aesUtuUotial remedle. OMfowsn le eaaee cy n mnaaw w ditian of lb vttomtx ltmnej of the En taehtan Tuba. When tbi tube get nanxdyen ha n mnenttag tound or imeerfeot bearing, and wo H 1 entirely !ed dtftfaeea In tb result, aad urn :ba Inflanunatkrn can b taken ent and hi rube' restored td It nertnai eonetrign bearlna? wfll n dawtreyed lerever;' ulna enntnv out ef. ten' ar ousd by, aaierrn. wtvlcn la nJthlJif but an Jnflamed oondV tlon of tb muooo surface. W will ft 0" Bandre Dollare tx toy case ef Dafh (cuad by aatarrh) than enmot ft no red by nfaU'e Catarrh Cure, AVnd for oirculare, fre. P. 1, CHETtBT SW., TOieoo, V. Sold by DfUffiehV Hair Taaily Plilr are the nt. !. '.. X p. Bridge, editor and . nroprieter et The Inhabllants of Arran, where the matderrhalr-fern grow pUhlifully, em ploy K a a MrbetaKKe- for tea. ' th Democrat, Lantnater, N. H , ayi "1 would bet be without One Mmui cougn Cor tot tay ney, rbn- rmbled wttn a oaugh-or coid. It I Me neet reaeoy for oreoa) I ever need." Charle Roger. Old age' I lovely a seen In a life of mora than fourscore years, brightened by a Christ faith, and rich to peace and Jopr ttoesn W, Bush FIH01TA vrrAirnr. LOST VIGO AMO MANHOOD Oterei Impoterjcy, Nlpbt Emlastonn and watting- dineaeea, nil effect of neiX- abase, op ezdesn and lndia t rrfiian. AnsrrvAfonlafliid Wood buUtlor. JBrlnes the Xt nlnk plow to oale cheeks and 7 AiiN Cy mallBOCTwr liox; boxes for $2.i0t with written enaran- te to core or refund tbe money. KCriVITA-pEDlCALCO. Cr.-.tcn A JaOtaon Ctn, CHICAGO, ILL. For Bala by Cbarle Rosara. Druggist. Astoria, Oregon. PacificNavigationCompany 8TKAMKH8 It. P. I-Itttoro W. 11. Ilnrpltaon OAKIBA.LD1 HAY ConjhVtinji at Atturi wilto the Oivfrua Railroad k Navitfatloo Oo, of Saa FrancUro, Fortlaod and all pojtttt ), Fur frd!,hl and paatn mt rat pjly m fetrMl Elmore di Co, T ' ' , (.ieaeraJ AirenU. A.ST01UA, ORE. OOVa ACQ. Atenh I ni.LAMQOIa.tr. W. F.-SCHEIBE,a sMkMarlM, Tea aa ,1yeisrtr Awjutoa. 4f G rkt tt CUT-RATE OFFICE Can 5aye You Monty On All Railway Rates. m8 Third St. ,t rafeSitHy.-: - y Tvj. i i? : srs t 2 i S- 1 a. J The Korth Paeiod Bewry, of hlo Vr John Kotra In preprVtor. nah hr nw dmnain and aacnort trad. THE V aJk 1 kf r f aV:w'3a-. JMh'Pcicific Brewerq ..Seventh amttor Streets SJJASTa XRI3AL.WATC8, IftlTES, SOBLE. , f n RlCXOirX AXt SHAW'S MALT WHI9&IC3. ALLCTHCR LKHXIRS, WlXES, BCCR ASD CIGAR5 ' ' Boryd Day AUGUSTS Ktt'XTZ. r'" ' J" -: --' " - '- v t-." to. ,; w rejat.etV?t . at f r r.T"n"' . - fei.hMMf el urn et,u: H4W K..ft4Mfw1MIWitwi4HM V tr'iiiiv w. t M Swf ?'"' ,1 . -. . 5J ' ' X. . . ' 4 ' , T r,.V, , - .-.-..-. a avavt MMa, ta M c. fcw. .awiMHiww. ae '' ' . . .' ' PC.w..-l ',fr' ,v ."f TWtTIeV LODOt HO.' t-.'A. rVavA. .:la-RguInf ceaunnnientton beM en .tn. flrat and laird TtSay rvenltf of each montn. J. V, . 0BITTIN,. Wv af.; t. C BOiCBK. aVcrry. ATTORNXI8. j. a a. Bomer, ATr0R.NET AND COCNiELLOR AT LAW. One Bend Btreet. Art or I. Or. T HUXUHICUS 1 RAVEL THE "Nortb.Weterrf Limited'' tramk. electric lighted throughout, born ta. aide. and eat, and steam Denied, are, without exception, the flnatt train ta the wertd! 'They tmbody th latent, Mwast and best K'ff enntforT, ednveeienee hen dlxer- bftoMd fh trevsimg nubile, and aHnnetner m maet eeau ptote and npleneld nrvduotlon nf tb ear bunderf art Tbeee Splendid Train Coneeet with Tie Great Northern The Xorthcrri pacific sod Tbe Cioadiai Pacific AT ST. PAUL 70R CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charge for these superior ac. commodatton and all classes of ticket ar avallabl for paanag on the famous "Notth-western Limit." All train on nhl Una are protected by tb Interlocklnr Block aystem. Iw. n. mead, T. C. SAVA0E. Oan'l Agent. T A. Portland Ore. ONI.Y LUUtECT LINK AHTOMIA to TILLAMOOK CITY HOUSTON VIL.LR Oreuoa Railroa. Navigation Co., VQuTLAND, Qf. j anuNtMrf et th Always) HUblw "UBetii Astoria" Our 8ibeltfC8fSur JUtlCVaSffClAl - And Outer Brand PortlnndsOrcs. 9$ . 1 . ACUiaOL'S AND ABSOLUELY PURE. Bottled wer nir lankily oaw, or kef beer inpoltod at any titan. Iirrry la nweitTtW and Might. " -r" - " Manager v, ' ft J.. V ; ,vrfnr t"i ir'trf B "' yi hM M. " mm m m jf li is " but i ass S WI'WIXI ' , T" 1 fle, a -f,aef . " v I ; r...... , e S I : s". M. vei-oe ej - .' ' r t"i'' c .. . s- nMHHr0.a4s remain bt Cnariaw aVowena . . . L. LE0ECK Cnrpnntr nd Bwitdwr 0rtrenf Conlrasdar HOUSE RA15INO ASO """e u 1 I - I I U..,.,.M r'0nnV -rl.;f lk- . ll.lim I U'V., siissltrsl 4 mnmf U ii.- . ft ear rlii.n . ,. .ii,n 1 . . , ri 1 .r 1 . ... 11 "1'Hfrl0iil,,A r. !.Mi.inn iii 1 V . b ki a smu. la Sl.lB .niM trw, I 1,1 1 my Cnril.r 1 t.rtll-. 1. 1 avui wu raiitMi J V ''IV', ,M1- p7 0 0 Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially di entn the food solaid Nature in strengthening and recon tructlngthe exhauxted digestive o gaDi. It Is the latest discovered digest ant ana tonic. No other preparatlor can accroach tt In efllclencr. It In. rtantly relieves-and permanently cure UTspcpsia, inaigesiion, iieartmirn, Flatulence. Sour Stomach. Nausea SlckHeadach,(Mat,ralgl,Cramp,ark! all other muluof Imperfect digestion Prsparsd by E. C D.Witt a Co., Chicago. j-ve-n ey CHaHr.me ROOEBsV LOUVRE ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. iarT "" I -M a. m iVTCltUNrt. " Arrlv. Cortland I'nloii Pl"i. tll:U " rr A. tori and Inter I.W p.in. m.dlat points. I AtToniAT" I . For WrOaml and ln lU M m. trmAl;t polniA flk'Mp-m. j o p, m 1 4S a. m uaj), tn. MRASIDR DIVWOM. p m i. m I a m ip.m. 1 i'ii w r.v I at II W1 Ar I'M. It II I.V I w t'HiiAr Aiterta..,. Warrenton. Ar l.v liM I 'Ar U I I ..'Mid..,, IM I: It' I N P0CIAI. KAtlDS IUNDAT ttlAI Lmvm Aatorie, at I a. m l arrive at aVsaaid 1:1 a. m. raai'ieiarera anay return o any train bow o tohedule en asm data, AM. TRAINS ta an traen teaeid run t riavet' and ffew Astoria vwa Wnrran. ton. . ".- All traMv snake ejeaa eonieetloae at Oobl wKk all Hertharn Paeifle tram ta and front the east or ftoued point. At I'ortiand wttti all tratn I saving Union dpot. At Aort wlrh t It A N. Co.' boat aad rail tin to aad from Ilwaee and Noma Itoaofe Main, TICnoUOH TICKJKTI en aal tt Aa. eorta for awxraxnanua, tan lYeaeiece, alt Kastera and Kurofxa point. City ticket ofrle ArtorU, IM Conimer 01 atreet J, C.UAtO. 0n'l rr' and Pa. Afnt ,Jtlrjfi It All Kind Of Cars r on the Burlington standard (lespera. tourist sleepers, chair ear, araoklag odr. .' Th etaiulard ltwr run through liutte to Oman and Ml. every day In th wk. - Ill tourist sltr svnv H'i. tlo. Taouma, tfcwkane, and Hull, twlrw a wiwlc and g through lo Kansas City without obang or oVtsy of any kind. Tha chair car run betw.ao Hilirus and Kin City. con. neonn- en nut with train for tUsak. IMrla. aad tYitraga, - iXx Mtuv wkk-rt ear you rid In, yoa will h ramforiwnw It you sk th THirWriaion rnt via IMIIiur. To- all southern - d . uintKrn rlil. It I hundreds of mil stwtar aad hour qulak. r ttvan nay other. a. c tnmxDOff. Oen'l Aawnt. fNiettoawV. ore. i.V. ThriQugh Tickets -TO TKnW EAST AND SOUTHEAST At n...wa.nH 1 m 1 w PULUf Alf PALACE SfJCEPERai TOtntUTd ILCKPEIU and PRES RECLINIXO CHAIR .CAR -Dellr ta ' ' Salt Lake, Denver, Czili, actto, Ktzzis City ,J " " U:.,herUrAia; Beef ohanked inrsae te MtleatlY moj uepni, ast twe, lowest raise, Piataofe lurht in all aata. re r sni ether intermatlea nail en or eddrre . . T a VV. UKJWBEftRT. Aystit. . . O. R i K. Ce . . ' Aetorle, Oregew, or i, n. iri nnvr, ura. ni, Third . AMr. i,ortled,:0r. 1 -t i'r.;rvrT OaUl'-aUUeJ . .JjJ?A .-- . .J rmjCrlBBCLSA 1 D8rw Pirnn rortlsod ,, AW" &! alt lake, etiv.r. Kt. . i7, Woith, bm.li. li.o. tloTm iu'uth. MIIkH 9 ' 0 m.m. OCEAN (TIAMAHIPS ; AH Bslilba" i'ibJ if ' . irt'tuitjieiitr. .t-.i "FoTeaiiyraneiseii eal. f Jul 3. T U 17. M, 07 TTaenni f" . I uday Colrmbta RWet rnlsy . 7 m Tlle4 lltsamsr 3pm Tilxs Tliur, Who. To Portland aad) Tunr; 7 p n I Wy Lendlnga, .mHsiutd'y ... i frSVirUsiid. Sa. oi. ,, 4 w a, m. Tu. Tbur1 Wlllassstt Rlrr. Tnes. Thin and Bat lem, A Isitiiy, t'orval and Mat ! Il and sy landings Wlllsmt. sad Vaaf no,. Tu tJiuJ R'Vm- ' "-.Wed. inS'aai Oregon Oltr, Duyton. end frl. "" v W.y-Uiidines. leave dly arnks River. LvUwkto ii:W. m. j RlHarlstii Uwlton, Jj1 1 frum I'ertlsTid , " " Sa m ""-litMalTK HiVKIl "-B'i0IKAVfftoT O. W. LOUMSBEJUIT Anaai Astoria. W. B. HLTRLBURT. Oea. pan, Ant. piertinnd. Or. TICKKTS LfitrRf 1.1 aii 10ilWAypoints east Through palai- and tourm lDra, dlulnf and library obrvetlo r EMCOANT VMTItil'l. TRAIN. No, I Limited lva gHKtia at III Ka I Umltd arttvea fua4 at I fr .(, et' Agaal ( K H., tK"IST,. BALTIMORE and OHIO RAILROAD Royal Blue Trains ' v EETVTEFS TUI EASTiNDiWEST iOaly'niin'eeaearasf IW w tbratlfalM wV Cuwiinxf d "W Tar. i v v 5 t be - e '.rinB. A IX in 1 . min sisfioT an Antarli'ia, radii Ceaet AcaeN, ) ften a AiiSkV toW k , L a v- -4 WHITE COLLAR LlfiL . V! : " t ' t Oaeawiea wnr And Tf tnH,9 ' , ; n iiay. . .. m Si, nnsfcWn swA4a JnMavt wMTn 'ewVllaJld dnuy en nnVto, hUv Wm 'il 11m le tWttri (r Ara imi fi Hand, wae, nTWrW, L h-A. af Haawatan, A. ; TtT . ttE,XrZddaK Tsnri ATR7 INTERESTING FACTS 1 it f r Wn ar eoatapHtia a nan, rbwAer a ksine ay ajeseur, puy naturally ai k Bsev swvl,. tlN ea far ( d, nmfrttJ4 aatatr to reaoenled. Xflaly ef tin WISCONSIN CI.VTRAL UNEt Af naid tn earv tn avail and ear Uein ar operated se en to ntake eow neaUonn wtth dlrria la al afl Jaaeniea aseatn . . itltovHi falaae sUeeetan and Chaw Cam tbmort araian Dm Car narvte nneiceilsd. bleato served a In carte. In order tn oetait ton l.ai etoa enrviee. I k M kieh sarento-eell M a'Mekat even theWbccMfa Central Lines. and yweartU aaaaaewnot eoraasxtona. it nU istTu CU' M,""uk Per any furaVtr IwftrasaiM eall en aa ttekt anwnt, r etrreenecd with J A. C POWD, Oen, Peae, Agent, er J AS A CLOCK, Wlwaukee, Win, general Ansel M tinrt St. Portland Ore, . ., f SOUTH LEATs? POKTUKD ARRITS .4. Tiel P.A1S iS;0 A. to. INi Ptanctaeo. ftw ADarmldna r -a tul ta Eaet AWarnyeieenger fA.tl t II P. If r fiwOima. m. r". i t-i. riuv 44 W MwnaT. fto!i JuBUay Daily ISospt laadny eeteam aaa niliJia t-W A. M JtaTja i.fl psM)': tDnliy s.cepc .CoRneur at fa in aundar. wtal A Oriental, faetOo laaS aad Oaa. raneiar with 04. w ."ifimo una Iw , , Selat ll. k Ml' ,"ilVa ?"?,!? '"", end tta freiiJ? rJTt V ,cftSJr"-i ,or l?t ratasT wtf-TnySneint Ms Nerverine Pills C"Cyi o' v .,,an S35S vx,luch a Ncrvou. Probation. Falllne. si wunnood, Impotmry, MeKj mi. iona, Youthful Error, MU lead io Coruumvtlcn n,d InJ-nJ1 nn ""n" u'tiltA. CD., r.-oc. Clmlind. Ohm rais IU nrM-oiaae. lid IU hs. ond-claa. jncliallng sImmt. U J''. and tloksts to tester point aan rnr erne by BaTOsVCOrOf DROtJ OU,