The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 05, 1899, Image 4

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Like tho lollowing are the secret of our success
N. I Tm Kettle ?a
I Quart Coffee or Tea Pot
4 Quart CV,ffs Pol , ....n
14 buart Dish 5'sjis , o
Mo. M Biw Pan or Ktu tie
I Inch He Pi to To
Other good In proportion.
the trust
trfcrtly first ties frenlt wi
(It or damaged goods, bought
rust advanced the price.
It war, no
Challenge wood tram wTlnger
No. 8 copper bottom wash botier.,,.
11 Quart sJvnlaed Iron bucket II
Nutme rratera U
Mrs. potts' nickel plated nad Iron,
per et ot three, with handle and
iiuiJ M
fltMl carnenter hand aawa Si
Nickel n'.ated hammer, weight 1 lb., U
All theta and a who) tioua Mil ot
bargains beside.
Wa throw out no baita to daoelro the people, but tiro jrou tfce bet tIu (or
your money on ALL good., ALL tho time.
The Place To
Save Money
S06-503 Commercial Street.
Blind Man's Buff
Tou will be playing It you fO hunting
round to beat our price on Bcrj'
ToutbV an J Children' Clothing.
Our All Wool Sailor 8ult In mixed
Cheviot at O In the latest tyle (or
youths and boy are beyond ootripetlrlon
In quality at this prieo.
White and
Ecrue Chamois
Albert Dunbar
Drifted Snow flour 8.W t tho Pat
Best 15-eent meal, Rising Sua raaunr
ut, CI Copuorclal ttreet.
W. 3. Beckard'a L X L. creamery
Votter too per roU at tho Fnrwr.
Tho who have tried tho c cream
tarred at the Parlor ay H U the beet
la the city.
Enjoy a good square meal for 15 cents
at the Denver Kitchen on Ninth atreet.
White cook. "
Beit California win JO cent per
Ion. Alex Gilbert. ole gnt for Alton.
Telephone B.
Fruit frapp to order at the Parlor;
am price aa Ice cream, except pU
apple, which U 19 cent hlgner.
Cream Pure Rye. America finest
wl (key. The only pure food, guaran
teed rich nd mellow. John L. CarUon.
ole agent.
Desirable unfurniahed room, centrally
located. ultble for office or living
room, may be had by applying at the
Astoriaa office.
Kelly transfer wagon deliver box
wood to any part of the city on tnort
notice. All orders left at Zapf furni
ture atore, GO Commercial street, will
receive prompt attention. Telephone
Bargain In new and second hand
wheels, from 13 up. New and flrsKiass
wheel kept for rent. Bole agent for
the famous Rambler. Repairs and sun
dries at lowest rates. Columbia Elec
trical ft Repair Co., 53 Bond.
The new Creamery Restaurant. Bond
street, near the alley between 11th and
Uth street, serve the best S-cent meal
.ever et out in Astoria. Everything Is
. new, neat end clean, and absolute satis
faction Is guaranteed all patrons.
Fair weather for today Is to be wanner.
except stationary temperature etong
J. E Ferguson and wife are Portland
guests. .
Circuit court will be convened this
morning by Judge McBrlde.
Rurnsted; prorhetes, Mrs. M, At. Flynnj
chief ot records, Olga Wllburg; keeper
of wampum, Mr. Elliabeth Dlllman.
Oomvnioly trttepTOet, Harry Junes;
sachem, J. 11. Hamsen; senior sagamore,
C. J. Curtlci Junior sankamore, lr. Hon
dersoci: keeper of record, Olaf Ander.
son; keeper of wampum, M. M. Ftynn.
Gateway Rebekah lodge No. 71, I. O, O.
F., Installed the following officers Mon
day nlgln: Martha tWIIwrt. N. U.; Iren
Johnon. V. O.; Hertha llnus, It 8.;
Bfllo Cleveland, U 8 ; Mln Mvier,
treasurer; Carrie Mnon. romluctor;
Xn Reed, wanlen; Airs. K. R, Hawve,
I. Q.; D. William, O. O. After the ln
stalUitlon, oysters and irther dellcUi
were served.
Georgia Stevens, a slnokc ren of
tho t:Hlrt.ln district, found In an
opium Mnt In Chinatown yestenlay by
the polio She was drur.k and w. aot
tng In a dtiordeWy ntanner. and It Is
it?o supposed "he was taking opium.
This latter Is a UV oftoniw, and It I
prola.M that If found guilty ih.i will try
to drown hfr si i rows in jomo other w.ty
Report cks frwin Ilwaco that that
town fairly outvlld Itself In the celebration
line. In addition to a, line patriotic prv
gram In tho morning a full list of auv
letlc even:s were carried out during the
afternoon. But tho list was so Unit that
It wa Impossible to carry out the full
program and as the enthusiasm of the
Ilwacottrs was still up to a high pre
sure It was decided to continue the cele
bratton today and finish up the ethlette
Chairman Welch, of the chamber of
commerce ooiwiiiwee to entertain the vis
iting editor next Saturday, asks that
those who will contribute flowers with
which to decorate the banquet tabes to
have them at his office. No. ."! Commer
cial street, either Friday afternoon or
Saturday morning by o'clock. The com
mittee hope that (he ladles of Astoria wtil
be generous with their flowers ami thus
enable the young ladle who have chartte
of the taMes to make them as attractive
as possible.
The dwelling hjuse- of Watson E'.llott.
situated near the wewt side of the Ator a
Columbia River rsllroaJ. ihre.-
remanded lvck to the slate circuit coutf
for trial before Judge iMollrlde. the
ground for the motion being that part of
the defendants are vltlsens of the t'nlted
Slate and oonsequently hud no rliiht p
hax-e the cse transferred to tho Vnlivd
Stales circuit vourt. The other motion
Is by the lU-fendants and aks thitl the
Injuiiislou KKAitiKt rlMm be so ni nlm. d a
to permit ihem to run their IHi oil
fwcv ry nights and Sundays, The plain
tiff' mottut. which Is to settle whe;h r
the I'nlted S(tte or the slnte court lets
JurlsiHctlon will come up first and If
Judtie lloillnger divide thot tli,. cas-
prit.'Ky bel.mgs In the stale court tha;
will end the motkui to nuvlify the In
junction. The Can Contny Is r'l'r--sented
by John 11, Smith and Ju.liie K
J. Taylor, while the ttl Company l rep.
resentul by J, V FUnvlei s, of IV r. 'and.
The naval reserv." boy were made
happy yestehlny by the receipt of two
fltw cutters, which were brught frm
the Man IkI.uhI navy yard on the Colum
bia. The largest ot Is Sit fee: long ativl
Is fittM with two nutots, M'hooner-rtKKvd,
and with 1! or. The other cutter l
a ft long and Is tilted for six oars
louring the afternoon they ha.l iheir
ivars out for a trial spin. While their
stroke was not up to ihe navy reituUtlon,
chey miciN'Olcil In irottltig up a gooil speed
ami the sailor boy on the Columbine an-1
Mams. nl id. who were Iniervstcd specta
tors of their rowing, thought the reserve
boys did well for landlubliers, and (list
with six tnoiiKis' training they would be
cne pretty fair mnnofwarsnien. The
rewrve boys are golirg to have their
boats rviwinte.l and put In trim ready f''r
cutter drill, which lieutenant Sherman
HI Institute at once. The reserve Ivys
are taking grter ln;ervt than ever In
their drill, and propose to be the crack
dlvi-Hon of the co-i: wfi.ii their turn
comes to go on the training shii. T '
nvrults haw lately been added to the I
division, and then- are plmes f r IT nior-
young men to till the division ui tn its j
Men' flno mixed twd, tailor made.
tills, newt patterns, (lis W, R. A W.
finish, a stylish buslnes cult, our
pries per suit 17 U
Men's navy blue serge, 1 o weight, guar,
anteed all wool, all th rage for aoitttner
wear, our prhv ir suit I9M
We carry th largest and best line of
Hoys' and Youths' fine clothing In ths
i'lt y and at the lowest price.
....ft 00
mi:ys u.nruiNt;.
Men's all w,v suits, lined with Italia
cloth, full tailor made; our price pr
urt I K
Ladles fnnoy mixed dress skirls
lined, velveteen bound, full
worth K; (eotal price, each
Indies' silk finish alaiwcw dress skirts, 4
yard wide, best Halng and tailor n-de,
eaoh MOO
Indies extra heavy brocade Uk drea
skirts, made In tha latest atyls, ll
quality lining, worth 910. special pries
each H-W
ladles' whit oordury dres sktrts.
.Wuhlo stitched lap seam, flaring skirt,
each 1 W
lAdtsa' taffeta mooiins under skins,
ctrlel flounce, t'ti Tto
I-kiUe' fin French eateen under skirts,
carded flounce, with drop ruffle,
eaoh II
Ovorstiicksd wlih r,dies' fJallors nd
with season advapoeil, w liav mad
bif roliiclinnt on all sailor hats, a we
nitlst close tlhin oui, Wo down w loo
tl DO hat down M Tld
We are ahowlng Ilia largos and bed
assortment In fine end medium priced
ists t toe, THo, l, up
wash (ioons.
W are headquarter for wash goods; 11
piece fins figured organdy, per yd19o
Tweaty piece fin dtd ewlsa In large
flower! effeots; handsfma good for
summer wear, per yrd U
Tn piece wlilte corded pique; all th
rage for suitMuer skirt and waist, at
per yard IPs". Wo l-
Children' wtlt mull hat and bonnet
at each tOo. . V
lnMren' large rim trw sailor. saru
ed triors, eaoh ..Va
The Punragen loft up yesterday
Portland In tow of the Queen.
For the hungry. The new Boston re.
taurant. opposite Cooper' store.
Leon Manser, foreman of the Kna pr
ion mill, spent yesterday In Astoria.
Mrs. George Wllden is home from Port
land. wh?rv she has been for the past
month on a visit with friend.
Those toothsome oysters at Zck' Just
fill the bill for a hungry man. They are
prepared to suit the taste of an epicure.
Mr. L Cohen returned from British Co
lumbia, where be has been for the last
two month looking after business inter
ests. The harp Is many people favorite In
strument. Harper Is everyone favorite
whlifcy. Sold by Foard ft Stoke Co.,
Astoria, Or.
Strwberrie r t their prime thl
week. We are receiving larg quantities
daily. Prior now very reasonable. Ros
Hggin ft Co.
For Rent Three furnished room, on
ground floor, suitable for light house
keeping, centrally located. 4H Exchange
street, near Ninth.
Wanted Position In a grocery tor J
an experienced young man. fipedks two
languages. First class references. Ad
dress Alfred HUlston. Knappa, Or.
The Dwyer took a big load of Vpper-
town people to Ilwaco, where thfy great.
ly enjoyed the festivities pertaining to
the celebration at that place yesteroay.
The city council will meet tomorrow
evening. In addition to the routine bosi
ness there will be some Btreet Improve,
ment propositions up for consideration.
H. Wilson, a sailor, who was celebrat
ing rather boisterously last night, is In
Jail, charged with fighting and tlisorotriy
conduct. He will tell his trouble to
Poll' e Judga Nelson today.
Mrs. Le Herring and Miss Clara Dun
bar l"ft on the train Monday nisht for
Shanahan Bros.
576-580 Commercial Street.
THK OAR NUT Hll.l.'S Ti;.IHl.H.
The lurk llarn.-t Hi!!, which sailed
frm Port! md for Taku la-it f tl'. n.nv, 1
tco 11,. to g.t Into port Nefore l! WIS
olo.ed by l!le tee. an, I . r eM'erten e
quarters of a mile this : Ule of MsrsMa'M I s;nv t:n n lias r rm. a , i,- , o:i :ihi.m
station, was burned yesterday noon. Tne har.Wuck story. t.lo.-.!'s I a of J. l ie J
lire originated In the garret and It Is
not known whether It was caused by a
defective flue or from matches carried
there by rats. But fw of the contents
wvrs saved and the total loss will b
about Se. with only a small Insurance.
The dwelling was a large two-'tory
s.ructure and one of the llnest farm
houses Irr that section.
round trip rale of fcS cabin passage,
eluding meal and berth, from Astoria W
l.os Angeles and return. In connexion
with I'.ieltlc ts: S!.a.inlHt Company
frMi Sa:: Franclscj. Tickets will be good
going on steamer State of California,
-ailing from A: rla July ,.r on Colum
bia July 7. TK-k-ts good to return 011
vuys ; a survey was held at I'heefoo of (.fore August 31. Tills rate will aln
In February, wlnn li was found that , Bl,p',y for tickets going and returning via
s. me bulwarks an I ;an.-tiH i. had been t n jy inmers between Astoria and
carried away, bri ken. eemciit In
the staried. rivii broken, etc.
P. Tl. 5harples Cream Separators
I.utent nml I lct.
Tho damage was cue. by u .a e m th
China sea, and on arrival at I'hoWoo.
she was miking one two nolie of
water In HI hours, and th,. surveyor,
twummondi-d that sh t,e towed to Taku.
a Mtiiu l ih, siunniw hnml com-' her tlrst port of dlu'liarge, and afti r
mlttee, ii,k.-h guaranteed the right of I being Hghtenci there she would tv Me
m hA Astoria TotumbU River i to proceed with saf-ty under sail for
Railroad Comiany. was held at the
chamber of commerce room Monday
evening. Judg C. H. Page, president of
San r'rnncts-o and rail lines of rJoumern
I'aeltl- lietweett San Francisco and I,o
Angeles. Itate Is .-pen to the gerreral
public. For tl'ket and reera'lon In
! quire at O. It ft N. ticket offl.-.
0. It A N. St'MMF.R si-inii'i'i-i:
. ! Yar.fouvr. Wash., wh.-e Mrs. Herring
During thl. One weather I. the time to c,ftra
.. . .aj1 .nnnlv nf wood to seSJjn ' 1
IWWS . r r J -
for winter use. The Astoria Wood Yard
Company .' now ready to furnlh any
quantity of extra fine yellow fir slabwood
from the Knappton mills. Send In your
The day that a wife announce that he
Is going to try hfcr hand a-t pie crust for
the first time the husband generally man
age to remember something that will
prevent hlra from coming home to din
Allen' Foot-Eae, a powder. It cure
painful, martins;, nervous feet and In
growing nails, and Instantly takes the
sting out of corn and bunions. IV the
greatest comfort discovery of the age.
Allen' make tight or new
ohoe feel easy. It 1 a oertaln cure for
sweating, callous and hut, tired, aching
feet. Try it today. Sold by all druggists
tnd shoes r.ores. By maJl for Bo tn
damp. Trial package free. Addres.
.Hen fl. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
There Is nothing that makes a man
more tfurlous than to have a woman
evince any nervousness when he is driv
Irg. If the is his wife he scolds her In
no measured language for It; If she Isn't
his manner speak volumes.
visit fcT uncle. Judge Duribar.
If it's
Good Coffee
you want
n??it I TH.imnan Twin
ti.buiAu.iiUL- imp
Ilawe ioc Ktorea--That's
Quality Good
Prices s Reasonable
171 Comnerd-l Itre, is aria.
In. Hastings made up a party of bis
friends and w-nt down to Fort Canby
yesterday on the Electric, where a most
dfllghtful day was spent In the quiet
pl-.aures of that romantic place.
The Han thorn made the Deep River
run yesterday in place of the Dwyer, and
brought over a big crowd of people from
that place on the mornlrg trip, who,
after taking In the celebration in this
city, returned to their homes on the i
o'clock trip of the boat.
Misses Mary and Ruth Garner left Mon
day evening for Ironwoods, North Mich
igan, where they will spend a month at
the home of a brother at that place.
The will also make a short trip east be
fore returning home to again take up
their w ork in the schools of Astoria.
Captain H. B. Parker will have the
work commenced tomorrow of repairing
and overhauling the steamer Astorlan.
Harry Coateg will be In charge of the
work and It i expected to have the A-
txrian ready for service in a couple of
wveks An to what route the Astorlan will
iro on and In what traffic she will engage
in in not given out yet.
The. celebration at Skamokawa was a
decided success and in the evening a
grand ball closed the day's festivities.
On the way down the Gatzert brought
d iwn about 23 young people from Catb-
lamet to Skamokowa and on her up trip
In the evening she took nearly the same
number of young people from Astoria,
bound for the dance at Skamokawa.
Deputy District Attorney J. E. Young
wa Invited to deliver the oration at
Jewtll yesterday and expected to have
complied with the Invitation, butj the pre
liminary examination of William Martin,
who did the shooting Saturday evening,
having been set for Wednesday mornipg,
It was impossible for Mr. Young to go to
Nehalem and get back In time for court.
A joint installation of officers of the
degree of Pooohanta and Concornoly
tribe, L O. R. M., took place at the
Knight of Fydhia hall Sunday evening.
The following officers were Inet&Ued:
Pocahontas, Mrs. F. Ahraes; Wenona,
Mis Lizzie Lasell; Powhatan, Mrs.
the committee, presided. After some In
cidental business was transacted the lust
of delinquents was taken up and read by
Secretary Brenham Van Dusen. By a
unanimous vote the attorney for the com
mittee. Judge F. J. Taylor, wa Instruct-I
ed to give notice to the delinquents to
pay up at once, or suit would be begun
against them.
The great mortality among the lu kles
canine who were so unfartunate as to
be compelled to accept the hospttali.y
of the city pound during the month of
M;iy stimulated dog owmrs to be mire
alert in taking out licenses for their
household pels, with the resu.t that dur.
Ing Juno Poundmaster Jarrk-s Pe.ty otly
had to put an end to five ownerlers d'jgs.
So vigilant has been Sir. Petty while act
ing as puundmaster that Astoria Is not
cursed with a horde of hungry, homeless,
howling curs, such as Is found In so
many towns, and who turn rUht into
pandrjnonium and make sleep to people
well nigh Impossible.
Warrenton Lodge No. SI A. O. C W..
held a public Installation of officers last
Saturday evening. The work was con
ducted by Grand Guide A. R. Cyrus, of
this city. The following were the offi
cers installed: Master workman, N. J.
Crain; foreman. J. M. Carmer; overseer.
Frank Sweeney; recorder. Emsly Hough
ton: financier. A. J. Hill; receiver. W.
E. Harmon; guide. Malcolm Griderl In
side watchman. Gun M-nlng ; outside
watchman. J. W. Wafllngford. At the
close of the Installation a short program,
Including1 vocal and Instrumental music.
recitations, and readings, was given.
which greatly pleased the audience. War
renton lodge ha the honor of making a
greaiter gain during the past year than
any other lodge In the state, having In
creased 2W per cent.
Five coaches were filled with the crowd
that left Astoria yesterday morning for
Gearhart and Seaside. The Congrega.
tional. Methodist and P.aptist Sunday
schools constituted the majority of the
crowd that got off at Gearhart, which in
cluded nearly all the excursionists. The
young p.-ople spent a Jolly day In games
of various kinds. The football and has.
ball games were closely contested an 1
created great sport. A game of baseball
.between two clubs of girls was extremely
funny to tho onlookers. Strolls thrugh
the beautiful grove of Gearhart pirk and
along the beach gave diversion to those
of a romantic turn of mind. The weather
was very pleasant, the sun shining m"st
of the time and the young people w-re
l.,th to give up their fun when train time
arrived for the trip home.
The Eclipse arrived back from Grays
river at 1 o'clock this morning with a
jolly load of about " Astorlans who had
been to Grays river to npe.nd the Fourth,
The Astorlans one and all declared that
th celebration was one of the most
enjoyable they ever attended. The ex
ercises were held In a beautiful grove
n'-ar Meserve Bros, store and the entire
program was carried out In a manner
highly credirable to those taking part and
to the committee having It In charge.
After the singing of the national air by
the choir, Miss Laura Fosj read the
Declaration of Independence In a very
effective manner. At the conclusion of the
reading President Lawrence Introduced
Judge J. Hughes of Astoria, who de
Uvered the oration. The address was well
given and was well 'worded and jer.
tlnent to the day and those who heard
it give Judge Hughes the credit of being
an orator of considerable ability. Pro,
feasor Pender was marshal of the day. A
barbecuo dinner was served on long
tables in the grove that was a feawt thai
was a splendid compliment to the culin
ary skill of the women of Grays river.
A grand ball el'oed the day's festivities.
Tho case of the Pacific Sheet Metal
Works vs. The Columbia Oil & Guano
Company known locally as the fish oil
factory Injunction case Is to come up
before Judge Bellinger In the United
States circuit court In Portland tomor
row. There are two motions that will be
presented for Judge Bellinger to act on.
One by the plaintiffs that the case be
Kia.i Chau. her final port of d'sehnrge.
ASTOPIA. July J -Editor
The aitove clipping Is from the Portland
Oregonlan of date June 1T. lvJ. n'ld t
ll..ilo leaves Atoru dally, except
Sunday nt a. in ; returning leaves Por'
land dally, except Sunday at $ P- m ;
Saturdays at 10 p. m
T. J Potter leaves Portland Tuesdays
and Thursday at a. m. and Saturdays
at t D. m. On Tuesdav and Thursdays
quite Interesting In view of the fact that j,ner will arrive at Astoria about
the bark Garnet Hill, on her trip from1; p. m., and Saturdays " p tn. After a
Portland to Astoria was on ground hard short top at Astoria the Potter will
' proceed to Flavel and Ilwaco. Returning
and fast at the mouth of rhe lllam. tie , w)1, Turuys.
river f r several days wherohy her cargo ; Tr,,,,.,,!.., and Sundays at 5 p. m and
had to be llghter-d that she could get off .storl at 7 p. m.
the sands. Wonder If she was n d heav
ily strained and It Is now telling .-n her
ami b-lrg in a storm In China s,i. should ' j.lU, ,. j, hereby gi vu to alt parties
be In the Willamette river on a sand 1 bidding t'lits-P county warrants et
di.rsed prior t July :i, iv.v to pre
the .ltl;e t Ihe eotl-! y treasurer at 111
General Supply
Mouse for
I -amity Groceries.
Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardcuare, Ship Chandiery.Etc.
nrtl.-le says she Is h'-av'.ly
bank, as th
SuHy no vel ran be heavily I ad-sl
and lay on a sand bar for u w-ek unto
and nor bo strained Won.l.-r If the dam
age to the Garnet Hill was really done In
the Chlr.a sea or In the Wtilam-fe rlvr?
I bell-ve much of It was cans d by her
being i.n th,. nd lr tietw.en Portland
and Astoria. f course the Insurance
companies will h ive to pay f r th
p'. Ten lib sireei, for payment. In
terest ,ifler thl. da'e.
Dated at A iirta. ' re . July J. Wi
ll. '1 TH' MPS' 'N.
County Treasurer.
We hive sold many il fT-nM cough
P-m-dles. but none has given le tter satis
faction than Chamberlain's" sayn Mr.
(liurles II llhaii'-r, N'Wa.k. N.
I 'Mr tM-rfectlv safe and can I"' re-
lam- Urd utKiii In ail cases of cwiighs, colds or
s. 3 ild by Charles Rogers.
' pli Ions of the oil- who seems to lie
1 miliar with the methods.
Ul soothing effect of Syrup of Figs, when In
.ii to her but ii Is Vis'lce to th Insur- hour
anv companies ihat they know she was A w mian d.slikis a man who Is awk
on irronn.l after leaving Portland, so ward at low making mil she Is u-
they could Investigate and find where the
blame lay.
Should the Insurance comr-nntes refuse , A cmi,D ENJOYS
to pay the Insurance on h-r w h. re woukl : "
. .... be an.l .1.. vou. f ,r one The pb-asant flavor, gen-., action
minute, think they (the owm-rsi wouie
take any such t-nance ir tn.-y Know "'e,, b, c0.Ve or bilious, the most
exact cans. ? There, was a pretended siir- grat.fjing results follow I's use; so Ihat
vey made on the Gfirn.-t Hill after she
arrived at Astoria, but her inrgo wis
in her. How can a surv-y be thoroughly
made of a ship when h- h is a heavy i t ,,., in, reill.e ihut a woman can
cargo In her? I.iok as If It was m.vle ' li.- bad f rrn who has u good Ilgure.
solely to cover up the tracks of what
the Oreironlan Is posing to do. C-foot
channel 'j j Mr. A. Sanders, writing from Coconut
This Is no small matf r and should he 'Grove, Fla., says there has been quite an
, ,w lepld-mlc of diarrhoea there. He had a se
looked mo, f .r the commerce of the f .... , i" '
Ivere attack nml was curo by four ooses
lumbla river won't stand such work, i f r.h;imherlaIn'B Colic , Chobra and IlT
If It is known abroad that the Garnet j rr,c,ea Remedy. He says he also recom-
will wa airround between Portland and mended it to oiners aim m-j .i -
gest medicine they ever usea
s the b st fuinlly remedy known and
v. ry family should have a bottle. Manu
faMiir'd by the California Kg Syrup Co.
R. L. Boyle & Co
Leading Rcnl BHtnto Dcnlcr ol
Write for Information ami I'limpliUt.".
.V'S.") t'tuniut'icinl Strfcl
g Telephone No. .!-
I Handles Only the Choicest Meats
4$ CsrUI It., it Palss-e HeslMrat-t.
iNormal School
Training f'hool for Teaobsui.
New Ilulldlng
New Department.
Ungraded Country School Work.
(iraduatfs Secare (ioik, Positions.
STRONO C0UR8E8-W11 equipped training department. Normal cure,
quickest and best way to StaU Certificate.
Expense for year from 1 to 1; II rd li.M to O per week; Tuition, W
per term of ten week. Fall term begin September lth; Summer term June
to September t For catalogue addrsa P. L. CA MFD ELL, Praeldent
or W. A. WANN. Seo of raculty.
Astoria's Ueadliig Hotel
Mcglcr tS Wright, Props.
Astoria and she Is heavily damag'-d or
strained before s.he rea"h" her destina
tion as said article claims she s, then
where does the blame lie? Hop, this will
tie given ome attention.
carefcl op.snRVFin.
For sals
by Charles Roger.
A. I.(iwon. the Kklpanon logger, was
In town Monday, and hlppd a logging
donkey, w-hbh he had rf-en"y pur
chassd. to hl camp. He hid It nt Ihe
AMorla Iron korks to have n new ol-r
put In and the engine repaired. The don
key was fired up and furnished Its own
power to haul It to the slip, where It
was placed on a scow for transportation
to Sklpanon. So well built was the boiler
that when the steam pressure came up
not a leak or blemish was fosind, In fact
Ihe engineer, E. M. Houghton, compli
mented Manager Fox, of the Iron works,
with the statement that the donkey was
wtronger and In Ix-tlcr working order
than when It was nw and frenh from
tlhf. Portland shop. The new lioller Is
I'.lds Will be received at Chadwell school
House on Thursday. July!, at 12 o'clock,
for ilHIvrlng material from floss trestle,
and laying same on several places where
the county road crosses tide land, on
line of road between K. C. Jeber place
arid Clatsop Plains. Plans and speclllca
tlona can be ss-n nt the store of W. E.
D'-rniuit, In Astoria. W. J. Ingalis.
Chairman Subscribers' Committee.
And now It Is said that Insanity n
suits) from to., much meal eating. I
In not stated that the butcher ever go.
mad oth-r than with Joy over th., car.
nlvoroiis fury of his customers.
For an Editor to Recommend Patent
From Sylvan Valley News, Rrevrad, N C.
It may be a question whether the editor
eight feet high, 4S liv-hew In diameter and Lr a newspaper has the right to publicly
htm 140, two-lneh tub' and Its strength r,.c(mirn(.nd any of the various propriety
permits of a working pressure of to : ,,., lrm.H which flood the market, yet as
175 pounds and higher, If necessary.
Mr. Dawson will use his donkey for
yarding flut and will put his ox team on
the skid road to haul the logs to the
river. He is logging spruce for the Ore.
gon City pulp mills and Is employing 12
hands. He has nprue timber sufficient to
kep bis camp running another year,
but he Is planning to put In hemlock also
thl fall If the price will Justify, as the
pulp mills are now using considerable
of this Umber.
Account the National Educational As
sociation meeting at Lo Angele July
11-14, th O. R. & N, ha named a special Roger.
a preventative, of Buffering we Md II n
duty to nay a good word for Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy. Wc have known and used this medl
olno in our family for 20 year and have
always found It reliable. In many cases
a dose of this remedy would savo hours
of suffering while a physician Is awaited.
We do not believe In depending Inipbctly
on nny medicine for a cure, but we do
believe that If a bottle of Chamberlain's
Diarrhoea Remedy were kept on and
and administered at the Inception of an
fattack much suffering might be avoided,
and in very many case the presence of
a physician would not be required. At
least this has been our experience during
the pat 20 year. For sale by Charles
Russell" Automatic Engine
Write for Cataloguos of Kngino Uoilcrs, Saw Mills.
Manager. Portland, Oregon.
1 1
HT. PAUL,, MINN,, JAN. it, i8yy.
Capital .... $ 500,000.00
Reserve for Unearned Premium 1,016,407.87
Resorvo for all Otlier Liabilities 222,691.07
Net Surplus over all Liabilities 784,888.78
Total Assets
B. GOODWIN, Arltnt Manager.
317 California St., S. F.. ial.
Astoria, Oregon