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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1899)
V11K HAILY ASIVRIAN, THURSDAY MOilMNU. JINK t 189 BARGAINS Like thetollowingarethe secret of our success GRANITE WARE. ro. I Tea Kettle Uuart Ooffe vr Tee, Pot e 4 Quart Coffee Pots 14 Quart Dlh Bans No. M Stew Pans or Kettle TJo Inoh 11 Plate Other good In proportion. All strictly first das srrentu wr, no seconds or damaged rood, bought before the trutt advanced ths prices. W throw out no bait to deceive th your money on ALL food ALL th THE FAIR, SCH3-50S Commcrclol Street. The BEE HIVE 5,000 yards National bunting. Rib boas and Plags for the 4th of Jalv Ladies Sailors, Shirt Waists and riqne Neckwear. Vhtte Fiqua 10c, 12 l-2c, 15c and 20e the xtn thing for shirt waists. Ladies two-piece Crash Suits In Blue and Brown, the very thing forwarm weather, LADIES' White ad Ecrue Chamois Gloves AT Albert Dunbar Drifted Snow flour t at th Pat Market. Beat K-ceat neat. RUInf Sua reataur aat, CI Commercial atreeL W. J. Heckart's L X. L. creamery butter 40o per roU at th panor. ThoM wto have tried tie lea ream erred at th Parlor aay It la th beat tn tba ettr. Beat California win eenta per lea. Alex Gilbert, col arect for Astoria. Telephone B. rniK frappes to order at tba Parlor, aama prica aa toe cream, except pint appie. which U 10 eenta higher. Cream Pure Bye. America' flneat wtxtkty. Th only pur goods, guaran teed rich and mellow. John L. Carlson, sol agent. Kelly's tran&fer wagon deliver box wood to any part of th city on short notice. AQ order left at Zapf furni ture Jtore, 630 Commercial itreet, will receive prompt attention. Telephone tut The new Creamery Restaurant, Bond street, near the alley between 11th and 12th street, enre the beet C-cent meal ever set out In Astoria. Everything U sew, neat and clean, and absolute laila. faction 1 guaranteed all patrons. When In A:trla step into Fisher Bros. and e the new mower constructed on ow nrtnclDleii to work among tne tim. Tou can raise ' the cutter bar nenaitilienlsr without throwln the mar ahloe ovt of rear or stopping the team. Eas roller bearing and very light draft. W. A. GalrKj' private tocit whiskey, handled exclusively in Astoria by John L, Carlson, Is one of the most popular beverage sold. Its parity and quality are guaranteed, aad It is especially rec ommended for family use. It ts sold in aay quantity at th coraer st Twelfth and Boa4 streets. HERE'S HO! When drinking to the rood health of -others, be mindful of your own by drink, ing only the best whisky. The "Admiral Dewey" aad "McBrayer" are strictly pure whiskies, of the highest grade, and i guaranteed by the United State govern. ment, bottled in bond. 8. A. Arrata & Co.. of Portland, are sole attributing agents. WOULD NOT SUFFER SO AGAIN FOR FIFTY TIMES ITS PRICE. I awoke last night with severe pain In my stomach. I sever felt so badly tn all my life. When I came down to work this morning I was so weak I could hardly stand. I went to Miller & McCurdy'a drug store and they recommended Cham, berlaln' Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It worked like magic and one dose fixed me all right. It certainly 1 the finest thing I ever ustd for stomach trouble. I shall not be without It In my borne hereafter, for I should not care to endure the sufferings of last night again for fifty time it price. G. H. W.V son, Liveryman, Burgettstown, Washing, ton Co.. Pa. This remedy is lor sale by Charles Roger. Mr. Stanley states that between 1777 and 1607 8,000,000 African slave were sold In the West Inie alone. Coffee If it's Good Coffee i you want Try Great Affierican Importinii Tea Cc'J Hare ioo Stores--TbatM "Why Quality m Good i Prices w Reasonable n Commercial ttrsst. A!. tie No. copper bottom waah bol.ers.... 12 Quart gaivatUed Iron bucket! Nutmcar crater It u .Mr, reus' n.ckel plated mJ Irons, per set of three, with hand', and stand 9t.-0 iMnvnlrn hand uri M Kick) mated hammer, weight 1 lb.. 14 All these and a whole nous full of bargain beside. people, but give jrou the bet valu for tiro. The PI nee To Save Money All kinds of Dress Shirts from 9S cents np. White Md Gloves $1 per pair. Shoes of ail Kinds- Ladies Tan Lace Vesting Top, $l.(v5, $1.75. $2.43. Ladies Tan Lace. $1.50. $1.S5. $2.00 and $2.20. TODAT'3 WEATHER Fair weather nd warmer today. sfr'Pt stationary temperature along coast. AROUND TOWN. Say, have you tried Zack'a t.unales yet. They drive dull core away. For the hungry. The new R.vto.1 res. taurant, opposite Cooper's fiore. The pilot schooner San Jose came In yesterday for water and supplies. An hour with "The Llllputians" at the M. E. church Thursday evening. June S- The steamer Fulton arrived down the river yesterday morning, and left out fvr San Francisco. Don't lot whisky get the bwt of you. get the best of whiiky. Le Herrin keeps H and It's Bann lyearold. The fourvnasted schooner Novelty ar rived in yesterday. She will load lumber at Knappton for Guaymas. Mexico. Pure whisky Ifarper. Perfect whisky. Harper. Every bottle guaranteed Hax per. Sold by Foard Stokes Company, Astoria, Oregon. Desirable unfurnished rooms, centrally located, suitable for office or living rooms, may be had by applying at the Astorian office. Strawberries are at their prime thU week. We are receiving large quantities dally. Pricv now very reasonable. Ross H!girins A Co. The A. & C. R. R. Sunday excursion rate to Seaside are the popular thing. Large crowds are taking advantage tx' them every week. Twenty-five centB will enabie you to enjoy one of the best entertainments ever given In the city at th M. E. chur.-h Thursday evening. After wafcing almos: a weK after clearing, the British lrk Gunford enme down tthe river yesterday She is bound yueensiow-n or ra.mojin oruers. A bleyde excursion will be given next Sunday to Ilwaco by the Cohimbia B.eo incai neTiir . ouisui. . i in: w..-ajiier Mner will leave at 7 a. m. Ro-jnd tr.p fare 50 cents. A. & C. R. R. always on t:m. Leav Astoria at 7:4c, a. m.. arrive Fortiarxi 11:15. I?ave Astoria 6:f p. m., arrive Portland 9:40 p. m. Onewiy far- I-'; round trip J3 00. Do ret forgt that a flraV-iasi concert, by some of the best local talent In the city, will be ftva at the M. E. church Thursday evening, at the conclusion of the Llllputlan wedding. A committee has been appointed by l Cyrus O'.r.ey Cabin No. of the Native s to solicit subscriptions for the oo!. lection and publishing rjf the poems ff the late Sam L. Simpson. The feturwh Eliha Is being rebuilt and a new engin. Is being pint In at the a. torta Iron Works. She will probably be ready to go into commission the firM part of next week and will be in charge of Captain Lowe. A part of the cargo of the steamer W. H. Harrisan, whloh sails for Tillamook on Friday morning will V a carload of 32 Studebaker waon. concigned to Mr. C. A. Bailey, one of Tillamook's enter prising merchants. 't lie Astoria & Columbia River Railroad wRi sell 'tickers July 2. 3, and 4 to all pulms and return at one fare f orfes points and return at one fare for the roud trip. Tickets wlil be good to return up to and Including July 5. Bargains In nw and second hand wheels, from C up. New and first. ;!ass wheels kept for r-nt. Sole agwts for the famous Rambler. Repairs and sun. dries at lowest rates. Columbia Eleo trlcal & Repair Co., 523 Bond. Members of the Cotigregniional. P,ap. I st and M. E. Sunday scholH, tmiit pur. liase tickets from Dr. Blutliop, Rpv "rumbull or Rev. HoJlingshead, In order I to secure special Sunday school Tates to Gearheart and Seaside July 4. During this fine weather 1 the time to secure a good supply of wood to season for winter use. The Astoria Wood Yard Company Is noar ready to furnish any quantity of extra fine yellow fir slabwood from the Knappton mills. Bend In your orde-s. Union Sunday school picnic to Gear hart and Seaside and return on Tuesday, July 4th. Full-rate tickets, CO cents, If purchased this week. Half rate, 40 cents for all under 12 years. Children under 1 free, if accompanied by parents. Tick. e' sold by Sunday school worker. Edward MoFarland, the young , man Wbo was Injured by falling from a trestle near Guble while working; for tbe Challenge wood frame wringer . Borthwtck Lumber vMmiiy eome lrne o. dtod at th 1yital In Portland Tuly, and yntrln.v ol Ny was Iwousht down on th train to OUtaknlne. wber his hvm wan, and whor he will be trnrlwl. On and aftw date rt sale of n rid ctvtmnuialhm tl-ket Ntt.ii A.trl ami SoaaUh? will be dlntlnuM. PartK s li. firing to u thv owMiiutathMt ra:e mny IHitvhaK 8-rlde tickets at frl evh, erA.- for two nionihs from dt .f !:. U lx-twck has t! vvnirait to miI In a new irnr and omnwioe'to Sunny. ai.e kUvum), oand ly J. L. tHrliwn, and ctmnxnvJ wwlt yosiwtey. The ft nt f tho place will ! be iUntel Jnl a now lde walk biit In front vc h lrH erty. Tho ftitral of lubn Clancy, the ry win wtu dtvne.l Monday. plaitv yesxorday frxn lVhl'e undortaktng par lor on Ta-Wfih tiv!. utvWr th duv. tlon vt Father IMetnuvn. at W . n. y tx-rvtay, liniment tvlng In Orwnwoml onitry. Th steamer Eusw. Wi. It will b rom'ntrt, cam to grief while being uwel to the Yukon In 1ST. but which ne--r got beyond (! Sound, will be brought laok here. If aaMs-faotory ar raniremem cannot N made to d4 of her there. Th vuetom house and banks of th cfcy will be ckU mxt Monday. July J, In hvrKr of th destruction of Or vera lleot at SVuUav. a year aro. It Is likely th circuit court and h county and city offices will also be i'Kn J during the da)'. Georye Johnvfl, admlnitrMr of the eal of Abraham Junta, filed hi twrnlj n rtw probate cvHirt yeaterilay. wrih t.. W. Tallant a N-moVnwn. Th following 'appraisers wr all-i.f.l for the s.ilJ estate: IVter ShlstaJ, tVJcir Itury and MUhaW t.udemer. The nine blacksmith ot wnsen r' malo an aitremenl to advance the price of hors.,,io.'Hi. the ad-anc In the prn-' of Iron and shoe, they allere. I the .-.nise for their nils. Tholr new schedule H a- j follows: New shoe, from 0 to ts. II j: new shoes. Is is S. Il.Ti: reset ting. $1'. Fre.1 Henry rturnJ yesterday from the I'Ptx r Nasel. where he has a horn st.nul and h.t. len looking after his cr.a. He t art- there Is a large party ot tlm. ler cruisers who are etimatln the tlnv. ber in that dHrrk-t. The cruisers were, as usual, non-o-miuital. '! lecUml to rruike kno-n whom they were cpratir-g for. In rtie drvult court yesterday the fo!. lowlrur or'.ers wer made: Dean Rn.. .earn Pump Work vs. Astoria Iron Works, m.nion for new trial overruled and plaintiff allowed 8 day In whk-h to prepare ami file bill of exception. Una Oreen vs. tTiarles Oreen. by default. G. Wlwcate et al v. ctty of A'torla. agreed and submitted. The Astoria Wharf & Warehouse Com pany expect to commence -ork next week on repairs to their waroue. The rxit will be Irfted and a secornl story added, givii more rxim for storage purpose. A bill of W.o ft of lumber ha been orderwl from the McGregor Mill Company, and tlv Improvement will - a sulrtantlal one. Mr. M. Onsside. -ho has Nn spending the past month with her daughter. Mrs. G. Wirarite, ami her brotner. i niiri.-s Ward levv-s for her hme In Juneau. Ahska. today. Mrs. Garrioh, pr-ntous to (vt arrival in Astoria, hail been on an extended vlh to relatives In California, and thoiurh w years of ae. travel with a!! the cnfllenc and ease of a young woma n. The contr-vtors for the county on plete.1 the notrh approach ami g'ade on M 'he Young tay bridge lat evening. Judge Gray says tmw the bridge ran be ois-n-d for travel, at any time thtit the icmmirtee. Messrs. W. E. Dement. J Q- I A. rs..w-ny and H. C. Thompson, having I -hance i-f the planking or rhe ayns con. in - ting with the brtdire. are ready to hal. th0 trame turned on. j ( Misses Pe-rha Slmpon and Fay An- (dr w announce that a sale t doll hats I w ill le- held at Petersen A Rrown's Sat. , . at 2:30. The little mUMi un have not decided yet whether the profit i t -he will be used to buy new bat. hands for the naval reserve or to pur 'tias.i a trojihy for the youtur n n of the P. D Q. club t row for during the he. gatta. The young ladies exepect lanr sal-s ns the ha's will be trimmed In the tvirfccst style t the art. Beginning with Saturday of next week the Saturday evening train from Port land will leave that city at 2:30 p. m. ins;. tid of 7 p. m., as now, and will be run on through to Seaside, arriving; there at 1:30 p. m. There will be no other '.hang- In the train service other than uhat th.- Sunday evening train for Port land will b 'art with Us full complement of cars from Seaside, so as to accommo Kite the people desiring to return to Portland. The irains will srop as usual at Astorh. Adjutant General Tutle has Informed the naval reserve here that the navy ae. purtrm-nt has sent wijrd that In answer ro his f 'lue f'-ur ships' cutters are to In- H.-nr from Mare Islanr navyyard a: Han Knirui-o July 2, Till will arrive h'-re July 4. Two of th'e cut. ter win taken to Portland, one V and the other 2'1 fi-s-t long, for she re. vTe th'-r", and two 24 foot, 12 oared eut- t'-rs will V put off here for the Aoria Oividon. nn- efuimrru of these boata is run known, but it Is supposed that they are provided with a swivel gun. sails, etc. Al,m 9 o'clock yesterday morning Otto Libke, the lUyrar old son of Ernest l.lhke, while hnulInK logs up by the TewlM and il.irke. nut with a very srl ou and accident. He had ' a large log to the rollway, where the )ors re rolled down to the rivef, and In some way tie fell down th Incline, the log following him, nnd striking him on Hie ithigh, dlslwatlng the l-rt hip Joint, nnd crushing the thigh in a serious manner. He was brought to St. Marys hoirjdtal, when- Dr. Henderson attended him, and he wa, resting easily lam night. Tho doctor does not tthlnk there are Internal Injuries and expects to save the leg. The British ship Macduff, from Cal cutta, for this port wHh a cargo of gTaln baps, Is now out 139 days, and her ap pearance Is anxiously awaited. As the voyage ha been made under l')0 days, and is generally covered In 110 days, she will soon be long overdue to cause Hie under writers to beewne nervous, and, cast about for reinsurance. Nearly all of her cargo of bags has been sold, and as the wheat which Is to fill them will oon be ready for market, her nonarrival may cause trouble for a number of Interested parties. Another vessel which is slightly overdue la the llrftlsh Iwuk Piliirettgtin, J day rom Yvkliam. As the record from Yokohama (o lSu-tUn.l Is down near St days, and the avernwe Msjre only alKutt M day, the vessel ouiiht to slKiw up by th end of th week, or she a III be subject for relnsurtuxv. So many vessel have been lost on rhl nin.elllo riu aitliln the past Iwo years thai a soon a in becMnes overdue, uncnsmi Is flt tor her safety. The tltvat Nivihern special car. "A I." arrived In with th morning iraln yester day with th folwlnn nrty on boarl: tVptaln Trr'. of the Ixutleshtp Iowa; which I now In drj'dwk on liniM sound; William lllshon, iraitlc malinger "", Great Northern; WlUlatn Harder, eral vn for the Gr.-at Northern; J O. Wv.'dsaorth, getieml freiBlit tvn for th t). It. A ,, and Kdward I'arwmore, a St. Inils capitally. The trnrty wn sluuvt) around the oity yesterday, taking In the canncrle, cold moras plant, ami other point nf iutertvt. and roturtie.1 last nlvsht h IVrtland. They stated that their visit had no significance In cn msxlon with railroad, or anything else a they wer her simply on a phsisur trip. Thi afternoon th "tVle" will play the l-awyer at th A. F. O. groutnV. The maketip of th team I follows; 1. tl-X, 1 JohiLn. pluher; O. U. lllgstii catcher; II. Trlnwl'.h, Urst !; F. P. Shield, svnd base; J. F. Wilson. hortct; W. E. VI. left field: A. A. Finch. rlrht field. Ijw-.ts A. M. Smith, pltWier; Harrison Allen, ontiihor: G i', Kullon, firm base; J. II. Snlth, se,md base; John.n Young, third (' ; J. A. Fnkln, simrt stop; tVorve N -land, Irft field; C. W. Ktiriitn, rW-'ht tl.ld; C, J. Ourtic. wnter Held. The following Mars will he Ix-ld In reserve until ne.Hle.1: K. J. Taylor C H. Thini-on. J M. Hiihh''t J. K. Hamilton and C C Hrower l'ni talti Allen r..)u.-ts that all his men l -n the tV-ld promptly at I o'cI'Vk. Itehenrswls for Itimn llalngton are prtvresslng. The play, founded on the famous novel "Miss Nollv lYoin N.-a-her.'." by An-htlwld t'laverh Gunter. 1 an adap a'ion hv Mr. I.rvui. It Is a four net society comedy, ibaal ng with the i marriage of rich American girl to Im. 1 p.vunt' us foreign ti '!'cmn .ithi incl. dentally hri": m a very pre'ty love ' :ory and romance. Aiuustas d'- I'uiwt. r Van tlcckman. a New York .In le. is ma.le to li-lleve himself an Ei;llh lord. , with a larvo Inconxv He piling- lino ) dels. Jilt the heiress to whom he l en. dels. Jilts the he.res to whom tie i. en. . ,u , , , ,. ,,..r, m)ill frn,.(l CivW. and gets into trouKe gen. rally, j ( ,,,,.., ,... matrimony. afford ng many amusing sttua: ton.. N-w .l.rim.. :i,v or any oih. r old kmd nery -alllb used, and the great t!iad.(if w, pi.m, tl..r fl. , a it wlil be s-MaIly bul'.t f"r the pnstu.i. if ( f tt n. The iwt Is a str .ig . ne ana will t,, niimrtinx-. later. Ilaron Hasstnsron will h- g.vwi for the regattii fund on July k h. MORMON F.LPEKS AIUUVK Tw.. IVtmlrfn. llll.l.l.'A Vl4h IMtLStire Are Is.klnir Over H h.. Field Pre- parotory to Establishing a Mis sion Here. Twelve Mormon elder were In the city yesterday. relurnlrg to Portland last evening. When ask-st In remird to their vlsla. Obey said their tr.p was for pleasure, but they were also looking; over the field for the establishment of a mlssh-n. The makeup of Wie party Is as folh-ws, and Ch.-y are all from Salt Iike City and vicinity, 1mm for the last IS month have '!en holding forth In Portland: F S. rtnimwoll. pr sl.. nt of the NorthwHtern ! states' Mission, nnd wif-. AsyHtant ITes. Jent William Hill, and Elders G-si.. t ! Perk. W. A. M'.n.on. W. I.. Flint, W, P. j Oayton. II. E. Gardner. F. !. Bennett. , J W. I'r-. Jr., J. II. Stoney, and Gsrge . Ilmnt. They will go to Seaside this nu.rninir returning I.Uer In the day. and i:l Purr. til Port'and this evening. Presl'U m Itramwell state that tills was the first time that th'y had been In As - torla. but they iik.-l rJie l.siks of the town, and were satisfied that In the near futur.', p'Thai within a w'k or at any rate sometime during the summer, as soon as arrangements enn be made, u mission will be establish, d her. He X- pr.-ssed himself as confident tlmt this ctty would prove a g M place tr a ml- lon and had no iloubt that many cm- I ver's could lie secured. He said the plan .if their mission work was the same as j that of the am i. apostles, two elders going together to a new field, and this j w. uld Is- the plan here, nt I'-a-s: two. and possibly more of the elder, b- Ing stationed here. He fur'her stat'd that Ih.y ha met w-l'h much sii's-ess Iti Por laI. tln-y W- liif llsleneil t with it RO.--I ieal of Inter- cut., and mii'-h courtesy Isdng shown th.-m. In fact tlu-v luul rsen very mic. cisful In other parts of Oregon n. well, havlnsr iilte a colony In the Grand" R md- valley, where one of the elders go-s next wis-k to organlxe a church. In Georgia, Kentucky, and other parts of the south, they had male mii'h pro. gress and In the east and northern parts of the United States had 'lone -iiually as well, having c.'lm-nt.s In Montana. Idaho, beside many on 'the Atlantic coast. Mr. P.ramweil afcrltied their suc cess to tfhe fact that their rcllgb.n was one which did not npT'-al to the excl a. bllltv of fh audience, but to the Intel, le., nd the underlying pr.nclpie were stflettantlal and would bear Investigation. He sees a vast diff'Tnce In the way In which he Is tfibii-t In America from his rrtl'n in Eunpe, as In the latter country no protection Is given, and life is often In danger, while In America no prtes-tlon Is nelsl, as pwvple realign that it Is a counjry t free srn-ech and re ligious tolerance. Mr. P.ramweil has rosy hopes for the fuiture, and says that the church Is gain ing ground ev.-ry dsy, and that In frre. gon, as In the other state of the l.'nion rapid advances are expect'sl within the next few years. TRIAL BY JURY. A Full Houce Present. Who Pronounce ithe Affair a Success. Fisher's op.ra house was filled last evening to wtness tho "Trial by Jury," which was a success In every detail, The eas was compis'sl of local talent who showed that whether as lawyers, Jury, men or witnesses, tlioy were equally a success, and their previous legal train Ing wod thorn well in hand In handling suh a complicated oas as that pre. aerated last nlKht. Th trial vs-nel with the empanelling of the Jury, the following Jury serving; C. R. Thompson, Is. Young, Harrison ATen, II. C. Thompson, P. A. TruIIItiger, H. OSmlth. II. F. Prael, Willam Bel. tfher. Samuel Elmore, B. Van Dusen, P. A. BMces and J, H. Smith. The witnesses gave oonclusivo evidence of 'the defend ant's guilt, and many local hits were made In the testimony. Judge Taylor's experience on the circuit bom made It poaierble for Mm to hold the attorney down) and keep propel order. His charge to the Jury was unique, as was also the swearing In of the wttneatve by Clerk SPEGIAIiS FOH THE l 1 Wo. Lr- Shanahan Wherlty. Terry McKean siistnliusl hu pan well as WMow O Grndy. did a! J. N Gnitl'i. (lie southern gonllcinaii. who jo'ed n defendant. The attorned , Johan Young and Go.tite Welch for fie defeime and Frank Si.ittl,. and J I'unls for the pro-eu. tKn. wi re In evilent form, th. lr do, j I Ittg arguments to the jury h-Hig ;sirt cu I tarty apt. j I Itin Hansen. wi nes.. . a pro. ! !. .tim.d siici-. . and i!o.ig- Washing, j ton Hurt', Hliani Vrlwijrr.un, Go Long! at"l Nun f" s ' r.' ai-o in. i oi i"ii'iiim- "-j Withal: nil !i .lis i.-!.ii the J .rt.l 'he vetiltct that the g"! is churged. and . -s-.d the roM of th ease to the attorneys f.r the iate. ThrY j g.i I Hera ee t he ae- Messrs Wil lam He', cher. II. i Tli.-mps'ii. II G Smth a'ul ' J. N G-iltln sung ' My Did Ke' tu. ky I If .in. ' In a vef manner Tin: I'oniTii at . I'r'-aratl..ns for an i i.!Fas.u,.n. .1 tv bratKii In tl Gr vo. ol.NKY. June :x -Editor AtrUtr. The l..H. of olncy Intend to liave a big oele- ! brat ion on the Fourth ..f July I Sutv. I .lay a large and enthusiastic crowd a s.-mbled at the n'.m-y school Imhim and ohi the Aider gT'ive on the Kamm farm, as the mor suitable place f"t rri- I Iir.ktlng the nation's Mnhda) A commit. f i. i,f u was apinHnted to conduct the usual ex. rclsc "f the .lay. Surp.uiidtng , have Us n ltivlt.l to attend and to par.iclpale III the literary .-v-r. el-., which will eoa-ist or l.nmiti'.n.. ,iik. etc Arrat g.-mni ts have !. . n made lire a .s,,run to d- liv.-r the oration. At noon .1 Dim- lsiket -tin ner wlil ls scrvl by the lade-s At the o.ncliislon of the Sls-rury i-rcis ami athletic sprt a free lance will I given 'for n few hours in th.- ufternnon. In the i.vtilng a grand ball will Iw given in ithe hall adjoining the (rr The onv. ;mltt xt.nd a cordial mvi'.it l..ti to nil ai d a.-esur.. ih.m a ni" ' , time. , I rEUHONAI. MENTION, j ' Mrjl nan4 K. fr.-r. ..f Wmst lan. III. W !,h(i ( Mnl Jolll Trer:luir.l. f i..,-,i,,ul. Is .SI..-., ll'iirletta llilut 'the gu.J! of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Tallant 'this Week. James Sri'ticer, ,.f Clifton, who Is In. i.-ri-st.-d in w.nvrl--s at that plaie, was in the cliy yes'eplay. Miss Kate Htnno'r. the leipular tiuher, ! t Tuesday for Ivcland. waher- she will vlsdt fri.-nds f..r several weeks. W W, cis-.-l il ntt'Tit for a prom. j)M ,pl llf( ! j.v.incsi iro-urinoe oninny of 81m was .11 'he .'Hv yesterday. Mrs II 1 Van Iu-.i r"lurn"d Mon day nUhl' from a lclays visit with frl 'tKls In Forint Grove and P Tt.and. I'ifita n Tat'oti the bar pilot, returned Tn.. .lay from an extended visit with ft lends In ill- east. He will go on duty again soon. It, v. G. W. Gil'', presiding elder of the' Portland district of the M. E. church, arrived In the city y-etfirdny morning. Ir. (In., com.s In discharge of his duties as e!d-r. Mrs. Pauline Zlegl. r nnd d-aughter Lucy, and Mlf JuMu Hs-k. will I'ave this morning on the train to spend a few lnys In Portland visiting friends. UUPITIAN rO.Nf'KRT. Following Is the programe that will l rendered at the Metfhodlst church to- night, Immediately fallowing the L1IU put Ian wediHnsc ceremony: VrwAl wilti Smith "Thou Art lake I'nto a lively Flower." Mts Gussle (iray. Insirumenltnl solo Fran Llsr.t "Itit'olelto." Miss Lnura Fox. Vocal t.lo Helectlof Mlfs Reba Hobson. Vocal solo Gounod "Come Tell Me, fleaiitlfill Maiden," Mr. J. W. Heloher. Vocal solo Y. Bhoppard "Then I'll Think of Thee, Marie," Mrs. Maddock. Vocal duet Buck "Scene From Golden Lcgond," Ml Hobson and Mr. J. W. Belcher. Accompanist for the wedding, Miss Carrie Boaarth, and for the concert Miss Uiiira Fox. A FOOLISH MAN. There was on"e a man who thought what a dreadful thing It would be If he were blind, and closed his eyes as he walked along to e how It would h. In this way he wnlked over a purse of gold which another man picked up. There are p.ple today Just as foolish. They moan over their poor health thinking nothing will help them, when a trial of Hostel, ters Stomach Bltiers will cure their ail ments. It brings steady, vigorous nerve to nervous people. It purifies the blood, tone up the stomach, and brings back real health by making Indigestion and constipation Impossible. It Is absolutely the greatest remedy known for all stomach troubles, and is to be found In every drug tore. ' Wo liavp the largest lino of ami at tlio lowt'Ht piict's. CilWI.H OVKWAI.I.M Made of fin Ttll IVnlm, blue with a hit thread, large pearl bullous; Just th tiling for tho beach; save washing; price per pair Wo t'llll.lHi:N'8 IIK.U'H HTTS; thrss piriN. hoo, spad ii ii J sliovol; goml larn alt, per tot Ita HOY8 OVERAM. made of good (willed dunlin, copper rlvltrd, patent strap fmatonltw; your boy wUI want a pair; price per pair Da t.AlIKM' KUHHKU I1ATH1NG CAI'X; warranletl wa'.rprf; aoh Wo Tli cheapest plac In Ui city to bay TvlMcupf llaakett and (traps P. H. Sharpie's I.Mtn( FISHER BROS. Builders' Heavy and Shelf v . I J I JT ! VX I . I jl I -X , Lending Real liHtntc IJcnlcr ol ASTORIA, OREGON Write for Iiiforinution atnl ramphlgLs. A5T0R1A MEAT C0ftPANY Telephone No. .IJI Handles Only the Choicest Meats 4Jj C.rcUI g., ( Pslare Hsia'il. BTHONG COl'ltHES-Wsll equipped (raining departmonts, Normal oojrsa, quickest and brt way to 'atr Cerilltcata. Expmaoi for year from l 10 1D; ll jrd 2 M to 13 per wk; Tuition, M per term of ten weeks. Fall term begin September lth; Summer term June sT to S..ixember 1. For catalogue addrea P. L CAMPBELL. Prestden. or W. A WANN. tho of Faculty. ' J UUiV.VWiVriV.W.Vi THE OCCIDENT Astoria L.cadliig Hotel Metier t5ir WrlRht, PropH. Russell" Automatic Engine 44 Write for CataloguoH of A. II. AVEIULL, MannRer. SAINT I ID 1BI ST. PAUL, MINN,, JAN. it, i8yy. Capital . ... ltoscrvo for Unearned Premium Resorvo for all Otlicr Liabilities Net Surplus over all Liabilities Total Assets PACIFIC DEPARTMENT. CHARLES CHRIBTEN8EN. Manager, B. OOODWm, Assistant Manager. 317 California St., S. F Cal. BEACH I Miiiiinei' goods in tliccity Bros. Cream. Separators txnd Ileal. (icncntl .Supply Mouse for Pnmlly (Jroccrlcs. Hardware, Ship Chandlery.Etc. - T 1 VV I T I t (X I I AW V.V tM Ctinirtit'irial Strifl State Normal School MONMOUTH. OHICOON. Tralnitig Mohmit for Teacher. New llulldlngv New Dnpafmonta Unrradnl Country -hool Work. llmJuaifs Sfrure (iitod Pnslilons. it Engino Hoiliirs, flaw Mills. RUSSELL & CO., Portland, Oregon. PAUL $ 500,000.00 1,01 0,407.87 ' 222,091.07 781,888.78 12,523,087.72 r-SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. Agents, Astorlu, Orcgort ft NSURANCE WW