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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1899)
( TIIK DAILY A5T0R1AN, WKlNESDAY MOKMNU, JINE r8, W BARGAIN Like thelollowingarethe secret of our success GRANITE WARB. No. I Tea Kettle ....... I Quart tfre or Tea Pota , J"o 4 Quart Coffe Pot 90 14 Quart Dish Pans 2P No, Stew Pan or Kttle X?o Inoh Pi Plate Other rood In proportion. All strictly first clas granlt war, no twoond or damaged rood, bought Ik for to cruet dvanod th price. VT throw out no bait to delT th people, hut giv you th beat vaiu for your money, on ALL food ALL tit tlm. THE FAIR, SOG-508 Commercial Street. The BEE HIVE 5,000 yards Xatioasl Bunting, Rib bons and Plags for the 4th of Jalv ladies Sailors, Shirt Waists and Plqae Xecnvcar. Koite riqut 10c, 12 I-2c. 15c and 20c the wry thing for shirt waists. Ladles two-piece Crash Suits la Klne and brown, the ury thing for warm weather, LADIES' White and Ecrue Chamois Gloves AT Albert Dunbar Drifted Snow flour eWO t th Pat Market. Beit Itxcnt meal. Rising Sua rtaur at, CI Commercial street. W. 3. Heckard L X. L. cream ry tatter 40o per roU at th Parlor. Thoa who bar tried th 1c ream erred at the Parlor ear It U the beat a th dty. Beet California win 10 cent per g laa. Alex Gilbert. oie agent for Aatoria. TetepbOM tX rruR trappa to order at the Parlor: am price a lee cream, except Pe apple, which U 10 cents father. Cream Pure Rye. America' finest whiskey. Tn only pure goods, guaran teed rich and mellow. John I Carlson, ol afent Kelly's tranafer wagons deliver box wood to any part of th dty on short notice. AD order left at Zapf a furni ture atore. (90 Commercial street, will rerelT prompt attention. Telephone tut The new Creamery Retaurant, Bond treet, near the alley between 11th and 11th treet, erve the bet S-ent meal erer act out In Astoria. Everything U new. neat and clean, and absolute satis faction la guaranteed all patron. When In Astarla tep Into Fisher Broe. and the new mower constructed on new principle to work among tne tamp. You can raise the cutter bar perpendicular without throwing the ma I chine out of gear or stopping the team. Bas roller bearing and rery llrht draft. W. A. Oalne' private itocx whiskey, handled excluslrely In Aatoria by John I, Carlion, 1 one of the mot popular bererage sold. It parity and quality are guaranteed, and It i eepedaUy rea, ommended for family Me. It 1 old In any quantity at the corner at Twelfth and Bond treet HERE'S HO! When drinking to the 'good health of others, be mindful of your own by drink Ing only the best whisky. The "Admiral Dewey" and "JlcBrayer" are etrletly pure whiskies, of the highest grades, and guaranteed by the United States govern, meet, bottled In bond. S. A. Arrata & Co., of Portland, are sole distributing agents. WOULD NOT SUFFER SO AGAIN FOR FIFTY TIMES ITS PRICE. I awoke last night with severe pains In my stomach. I never felt so badly In all my life. When I came down to work this morning I was so weak I could hardly stand. I went to Miller It McCurdy's drug store and they recommended Cham berlaln'i Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It worked like magic and one dose fixed me all right. It certainly Is the finest thing I ever used for stomach trouble. I shall not be without It In my home hereafter, for I should not care to endure th sufferings of last ntght again for fifty times Its price. G. H. W.W son, Liveryman, Burgettstown, Washing ton Co.. Pa. This remedy Is for sale by Charles Rogers. A Fort Wayne paper declares that Co!" One! Bryan Is "for all time." This 1 a mistake. He Is for Bryan. If it's Up-to-Date Limoges Cbinaware ' you want Try GmtiffiralfflpcrfiiiibCo'- 1 Have ioo Store That' Why ; Quality Good Prices to Reasonable 171 CemmcrokU ftratt, AaUrta. Lines CbiMware Challeng wood tram wringer $H No. a copper bottom wash bolter.... 13 Quart galvanised Iron bucket II Nutmeg rrater , 01 Mr, potts' nioM plated Md Iron, per set of thr, with handle and stand M 8teel carpenter hand saw 3$ Nickel Mated hammers, weight I lb.. 14 All th and who! houa full of bargain beside. The Place To Save Money All kinds or Dress Shirts from QS cents a p. White Kid Gloves $1 per pair. Shoes of all Kinds Ladies Tan Lace Vesting Top. $l.t, $1.75. $2.45. Ladies Tan Lace, $1.50, $I.S5, $2.00 and $2.20. TODAY'S WEATHER. Fair weathar ind warner today, exevpt stationary temperature along coast. AROUND TOWN. Say. have you tried Zack's umales ytT They drive dull care away. An hour with "The Llllputlans" at the M. E. church Thursuay evening. June 3 Torn Steven pled guilty to the charge of drunk yesterday In the police cvurt and was fined & Don't ! whisky get the best of you. get th best of whisky. Lee Herring keep K ami It's Bann 1. In the probate court yesterday Gvorye Johnson was appointed administrator of the estate of Abraham Junta, deceased. Pu.-e whisky Harper. Perfect whisky, Harper- Every bottle guaranteed. Har per. Sold by Foard & Stokes Company. Astoria. Oregon. Desirable unfurnished rooms, centrally located, suitable for office or living rooms, may be bad by applying at the Ar.orian office. Strawberries are at their prime this week. We are receiving large quantities daily. Prices now very reasonable. Ross Hlggins A Co. The A. C. R. R Sunday excursion rates to Seaside are re popular thing. Large crowds are taking advantage of them every wee. Twenty-five ce-ntss will enable you to enjoy one of the best enter.aiame.ats ever given in the city at the M. E. chur.1i Thursday evening. Do not forget that a first-?lase concert, by some of the best local talent in the cry. will be givn at the M. E. church Thursday evening, at the conclusion of the LHIputlan wedding. Guardianship papers were granted to Mrs. Anna Sebree. she having been ap pointed guardian of Smith Sebree In the probate court yesterday. I A. & C. R. R. always on time. Leave Astoria at 7:45 a. m., arrive Portland 11:13. Leave AstorU :00 p. m.. arrive Ponland S:40 p. m. One-way far K; round trip 13. W. The Eagle drug store, on the comer of Ei:rr?h and Bond trts. is rereivtrnr a few ar-X!ic toufhs at the hand of T. 5 Simiwon. The front Is being grained In oak and when finished will look like new. Don't forget that "Jury- Trial" at Fish, ers opera h-iuse. Wednesday, Jun 2S. a' ?:15. It will be the event of the aeas-m. Tickls W oents. No ex'ra charge for reserved seats. Sts on sale at Griffin 6 Reeds Monday morning. The "Lawyers" and "Coles" are ar. ranging a practice game of baseball for t-hifl wek, with the Intention playing a math game later on. to whtch admis sion will be; chargel, and the proceeds go to the A. F. C. grounds fund. Eargalne In new and second hand wheels, from X up. New and flrt.-jass wheels kept for rent. Sole agents for the famous Rambler. Repairs and sun dries at lowest rates. Columbia Elec trical & Repair Co., 52! Bond. During this fine weather is the time to secure a good supply of wood to season for winter use. The Astoria Wood Yard Company Is noar ready to furnlah any quantity of extra fine yellow fir slab-wood from the Knappton mills. Bend In your orden. Union Sunday school picnic to Gar hart and Seaside and return on Tuesday, July 4th. Full-rate tickets, 00 cents, if purchased this week. Half rate, 40 centa for all under 12 years. Children under 6 free, If acoomrjanled by parents. Tick, eta sold by Sunday school workers. Judge Gray has received answers from 12 county court of the state In regard no a meeting of the county court i"-d awsensors to be held in Portland, V.'el. nesday, July 12. Trey are all In f.ivor and it would not be at all xurprisl.':: 'f representative were present from v ry county In the state, the prospect bel' g very favorable for a successful and well aittended meeting. Misses Christie Cameron and Aggie Bendegard. of Oakland, Cal have been visiting Mrs. M. Foard the past tew days. They came up on the eteam fccliornr Signal, whloh Is loading lumber at Knap pton, and experts to get away Thnr':ay for San Francisco. Miss Bend A.ird's father Is captain of the Signal a. d h; young ladies are enjoying their out.i g very much and expect to return with the Signal. A new switchboard arrived recently from San Francisco for the telephone company and yesterday Manager Clinton tm busy superintending It setting up In the Fulton & Imant building on Commercial sirret. where the central of- floe will be located. A more outside i terlnl, consisting of cable, etv, must r ri b,-fore the new offW can be started, It will prvfeably not be Kill next we.k some -tlm that It wibe ready for ot atlon, . ' The Astoria A Columbia Rlvw lUllivnd wai -ll l-k.-M July :. S. and 4 1 !l poln.a and nturt at one fsre f orfes pxilni.-t and return at one fare for the roud trip. Tivket will be gvod to return up to and Including Jvdy &. On anj after Jte hb sale of et ride conmmmtKvn tWkeU b-twe-n Astorin and 8aslH wdl be dixitliiuiM. I'arth's vie sirln to use the tvnuntnatKn rate may purchase rlde ticker t t ech, goo.1 for two months from date vif Kile. In the circuit court yesterday. In the c of the United States vs. John Mc. Car.a, plaintiffs wt allowexi till July . IW, to We bill of vxcoptkm. A'gu menl In the ce of O. WliHtate el al vs the city of Astoria occupl.M much of the day yewlvrxlay, aivd will be concluded isty. Tr ooivn4 ttr )Mi.uiurt aw Geo. Noland and JuUo Howlby and for the defense are Harrison Allen and C W. Fulton. Two very attractive nvktws are no tlced on Convroeivlal etreoU Tlwt of Petersen Hrown la very ta.tefully dec orated with the natKMtal caUw and at. trao attention to the shoos, -hich wvu. py place In the exhibit. Hetlbom A son hv a window of picture which shown artt-stlo arrangement, they btn plal In good light and to the best aU mintage. SiK-h windows as the above are a credit to our city and show that our merchants are up to date. The crew of the two live saving t. lion a: Cane Disappointment ad Fort Stevens are undemlnir their yearly pnys li-al exdmitiation. wnicn are niucitsi 'by lr. Tut tit The Fort Stevens crew have been oontliqf 'n one or two a a tlnwi during the past week, but - the Cape D.SiUj)Olntnient crew Is too far away to d this. Doctor TtRlle will, as a matter of courtly, make trip to that station on duy this week. Beginning with Saturday of next week the Saturday evening train from Port Isnd will leave thai oity at I D) p. m. Intt,d of 7 p. m., as now, and will be run on through to Seaside, arriving there at :5) P- m. There will be do other change In the train service other than that th,. Sunday evening train for I"rt land will s art with It full complement of cars from Seaside, so as to accommo date the people desiring to return to Portland. The trains will stop as u.-mal at Astoria. The law sul: at Fi.hers opera huso Wednesday evening promises In the bretxiness and In the spirit of Its pro ceedings to! the great cases wliich have packed the court house to standing ro-n only As a roaring, funmaklng farce. It has never been equaled In Astoria. The brijrhrest Uttal talent In the city Is en gaged on the case, all the law and evl dent and fun In the case will be brought out In full. The sale of reserved seat has alreadyhetrunand so many have been sold that late comers are Habit b be In luck If rhey get mere standing room. Peter VranOclVv a Gt- fljermar. answered not guilty to a charge of ma liciously destroying personal property In Judge Hughes' court yesterday. The com plaint was sworn to y John JuMon. an Austrian, who testified that on Monday h-s no; and rhat of Franklin becitm en tangled while both were fishing rs-ar S.ind is'.und. and that the defendant rath, er than take the trouble to urrtarntle them. t'X.k a knife and cut Jublch's net. damutrlng atwut six farhoms of the web. A numi-T fishermen were place,! on the stand, alio testified to the guilt f the prlsolner, who stoutly denied having even been tang-'.ed with Junlch's or any other net. and denied all knowledge of the, affair. The Judge, satisfied that ; Franklin was telling a falsehood, fined thlm the cxms of the oa-ie, 115.0). which i he ;ld. I I The school board held an uneven ul ! meeting Monday nK'ht. They advert.sed j for ld for 23 corls of wood, ami dls. cussed at considerable I'-ngth rhe b-.-,n of engine house No. 1, It being dei-tded to ue only the UMT l'Xr for hod purposes next winter, ami to divide .that floor Into f'Air large rooms. Th.y also made a formal resolution of acceptance of the building from the city. The matter of electing a Janitor and a nub'lltuie teacher were brought up. but not st'.ld. The reslgnarion of T'rofeas-T R. N. Wright was aoenrted, he tx-tntc a'l vised by his ph-siclan to seek a hlglw-r altitude for the benefit of his health. H-i ha.4 a'-f-etited a position as prlriciptil of the sr-hools of Iewlston, Idaho. Profes sor Wright will le missed from Che schools here, as his energy anl ability huA brought th school up to Its present high s andarj. CRUISER BADGER. 4 A Elg. Fine Ship-Naval Battalion Notes. The, United Slates auxiliary cruiser Biadger, which Is to arrive In this port n August 21 to take the Astoria and Portland naval reserves on a practli ilrlll a; Is not a little, old tub on -'nl''Ji th'Te would not be room enough 'for our bold men-frf-war's-men to propeny Badger is a line steel, screw steamer, Isohooner rlggeil, having a diijlaemen.t f 4 7H4 ton, telng Ml tons larger than riie Columbia and low tone larger than th State. She Is 32 feet kmg and 42 fet beam and her enlflnes are of 3.200 hor poa-er. She is rated at 16 knots. The. Badger was built at Chester, Pa., ami prior to the Spanish war belonged to the Ward line, running on the New York, lllavana and Panama route. She was bought by the government at the com- menjmemt of the Spanish war, and re fitted Into an auxiliary cruiser. During he war the Badger was on blockade sluty before Havana and for the greater part of the time she was CornmodVre Watson's flagship. ThU spring she wua ordered to the Pacific coast, oomlng by way of Cape Horn. She Is now lylnsy at San Francisco. At the time the Badger was the flagship of the blockading squads ron C. P. Upshur, of this city, was an ensign on her and was flag officer for Commodore, Watson. The Badger carries a full complement of officers and men, but 3iey will sUvp usl'le when the naval battalion Is aboard oti their practice ule, end merely direct the latter, who will man the hlp from executive officer to stoker. It Is probable tihat whan the Oregon naval battalion goes to sea that they will be under com mand of TJeute-nant W. A. Sherman, of this city. Lleut.Com. H. R. Lewis, of Portland, Is commander of the battalion, but he la now off on a six-months' leave of absence and is on a buslnem trip to Manila. He 1 not expected botn until In oteinler. )n tliat ce t JouMiant Sherman, beltur ranking officer, will Imv eoinmiil of the three division compos lug ill OregAMt l til a lion. Ueiitenunl f herman Is crollled Wlih having 4he best Irtlled dlrt.loii In 4he iMttallou. and his superior olthvr consider hint well mini for the comntaiid Uk' battalion, should tlmt honor twine to him. There are mw obvsji 1W men In th bat. lallon. Tl Astoria division Is not up N Its maximum and 11 young men, of ml nKrl clvraot,r, nd who are willing to UiemsWvv In iho duties of a man, will be accepted. P.VNGEIl KUOM TIIK Pl.AiU'K. .V VhysioUn Thtnks Thai the DUis. Will CiMiie to America. ' The buhould plague sivr to be mole prevalent hla than for several year past and I rapidly spreading over south ern AU ami the Ktst India Islands, With the IncivasAl number of vessels ll1ivg Nweeii thu coast and the Asiatic port and txtelher with the great num ber of soldier returning from the Phil. Illlie. the dangvr lo this cot from Itie phigue Is greater than ever. t:i this sut Jecl Dr, August C. Kinney, mho w lately In Chicago comrllu,cd lo the ttironlcle of that city the following ar-'i tMe, giving a clear stictonient as to the origin the d and ttie danger that the l'nltl St lew In frm Us Imrodoc tlon: The Cojrue cnumaiy to Uhe jr,svit colved) vulon uf many Is a separate and distinct disease ca lled by its own (ecultar mli'robe. That tnlcrolv was by Kltasalo, an eniliwni Jaisin ee u few year uu-i. Although there Is much promise if cure by the an tliox.u mrtthM, -et we nui"t aduili that It Is a most deadly ili.o-a.-v notw Ittixtand lug; and unleMt we obtain a tuie in tti ttiununlty principle our effort must ts mo-tiy pventatlve. It sM-nnis tv me almost certain that this In ad hitherto unknown her", will cUnie to the l'iU:,sl States within a year. For It must be roiiK-mbcted that It is drawing nearer. In llHiso:" the J.S.O.M- Is Inrrmstiig. as al-o in Al xnn aiulrta. At Formosa, lying mar to he north end of the Philippine-, the dt.-"-a' at latot accounts was killing 1 a day and tucrcuir.g. If It U net l!n-r a ready w must expect any day Its .n,nion in Manila as m-uily ,-very large p.rt with whkh .Manila Is in com 11. mil, ml ou is now infected. A mwt valuable fac: re,-a.ed by sen n liflii research lutely is that tats are par ticularly subject lo the disease, and that from rats It Is conveyed to tiulM thiotigfi the bites of tl's partl.-ulat ly . 'Tie dls-,-a being conveyed ttiroUKh in.- br-uk In tlw- skm, allowing the intrixlu-'tlon tiie mlTulf. and n t l means ot in luilatloil.l So we can now u:u. rstand more niulily the dillleulty -f eiaduatlng flie disease wlwn it has once apiar,l In largn cities, an.1 now It has trav,-l along the cour of the large vesso I 'raf fle as at Bombay, Hongkong and Alexan dra. Now k will be a miracle If with ad the returning soldier from the Philip pines ami the great In the num ber of vessel sent to and from that plusrue-strlcken country on errand con IH-, t-,l with this war, that plutcu,- as well as other hitherto unknown dts-sis" will not be lntro,luced In Amerli-a. Not only should strict quarantine vlglleiwe be esitab.lshexl al all seal-", but meas ure should be taken lo d-:roy the rats n our Urg cities and on board ships. A FOOLISH MN. There was once a man who thought what a dreadful thing It would be If ho were blind, and cios. d his eyea a he walk'd along to ne how it wou.d be. In this way he walked over a purs,, of go's! which another man picked up. There are p.ple tol'iy Just as foollah. They moan over their poor health thinking n-hlng will he'p th-m, when a trial of Hostel ler' Stomach Hitters will cure their ail ments. It brmgs ateejly, vigorous nerve l'. nervous people. It purine the blood, tones up the sDrnaoh, and brings back real health by making Indigestion and constipation Imp.jselble. It Is absolutely the greatest r-m.-dy krswn for all stomaiih troubles, and is to be found m every drug store. THE HfitfTON REST A U It A NT Will ls ore-n tills trsrnlng to the public an,l will Is- the flneM olai-e of Its kind on ith It will serve llu- bsst meals ever et out in this city, and In today's dinner will Include the roast tur. k-y and evTy Lhlng that can be had 'n the loo-il market. THE LILIPUTIANS. Tho "Ullputliin W-ddlng" to be given at the M-thodlst church Thursday even ing, June 29, will be composed almost entirely of small ohllrden. Thle Is in re ality a miniature wedding. After the cweiminy a concert of high merit will be given by some of our best local talent Program will appear In these co.unyis later, price of admission to both wed ding and concert 2T cents; children under 12 years, li r'iit, FOURTH OF JULY EXCURSIONS. The usual reduced rate of one fare for the round trip, account of Fourth of July, has been authorised by the O. R. & N. Co. betwen all prdnts on the Colum bia river, Astoria to Portland. Bate will also bo In effect between all Willamette river points and all rail stations In Or. egon. Ticket on sale July t, and 4; go-si returning' up to and Including July . In May, 1S98, the deaths In Havana were 24a and In, May of IWs year the number woe W7. The general sanitary condition of tho city Is probably better Uian ever before. USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE lil YOUR GLOVES. A lady write: "I shake Allen's Foot, Ease Into my gloves and rub a little on my hands. It saves my gloves by ab sorbing preaplration. It is a most dainty pollet powder." We Invite the attention of physicians and nurses lo the absolute purity of Allen' Foot-Ease. Dr. W, C. Abbott, editor of the Chicago Clinic, saye: "It Is a errand preparation; I am using It constantly in my practice." All drug and shoe store sell It, 25c. Sample sent free. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. A CARD OS" THANKS. I wish to say that I feel under lasting obligation for what Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has dona for our family. We have used K In so many case of coughs, lung troubles and whooping cough, and It has always given the most perfect sat Isfactlon, w feel greatly Indebted to th manufacturers or mis remeuy a no wish them to pleas accept our hearty thank. -Respectfully, Mrs,. 8. Doty. Des Moines, Iowa. For sal by Chart Roger. SPEGIflltS FOR THE Shanahan "A TRIAL BY JURY" I'or the Hciu tlt uf Clio AsltM'lu l'uc lic I Ihi ui y Will He I KM lit l er'sOpciit House, WcJncsJay t eiiinn. J'e JS---('ue Will He ( ullevl al S:I5 Miurp. SYNorHIS : The d I accused, by ptovut !ng whio-" of having r.olcn her goat. quiet and aff'tlotiate animal. Jury will W drawn and empanelled; wltne- for prosivutUrti and defence will be exam. Ined, cus,, u!ni '.n to Jury, verdict ren dered and sentence ltnosl, on lb tag. Many .xttvincy amusing and laughable lii.-hleiits will be broiiglu out ihr xigh th examination of wliiieese. and you w II nil the tuiiiilest event of Hie eaan If you do not attend. ; CAST. Judge Hon Frank J Tsylor Vlerk .g court Mr Harry J Wls-rl'y SlH-rfT Mr Thocna LUivlll italliff Mr II ! Wor.y Htemajtraphsr Mr. ' K ltuy n Prose, uting Aet-nny..Mr. Frank Spittle Associate Coursel for ITiswuilon. ... 1 Mr. Harrison Allen Pemecullng Wltnns Wllw iVirdy T'rrv M--Kean Witresses t"T Proewutlon. "Mlf".. I"at tatwlrr Geoivo f.-wey Waslilngton lat Carr II raiv Vlrgd t'l.nro NtiUi Jt.hnon Attnrney for Defancn Hon. Johan Young A.i'K-hite I'ounsel fnr tefrnc Hon J. II. ftmrh i I efen.nt Mr John N. (Iriffln Wltiies-i for ln-f'fiev; II I ram Velvo gra Hi Long Kan Sieg Han Han-en A 8 Tee Paul TriiHInger ... Paul lln.lollet ...Fred Johnsswi The Jury will ! drawn from lh 'o'- I -wing well known rltlsens: I Hon. J,hn Fox. Mr. Samuel Kinuirr, i Mr. If. P. Thompson, Mr 8. S (rdon. . Mr. William Barker. Mr. II ( Mmlth. I Hon. Benjamin Young. Mr. M J. K'nn-y. Mr. P. A. Tmlllnger, Mr. C. 8 Wright. : Mr O. O. Moen. Mr. W. G. C,oslln, Mr. H. Van IViisen. Mr. E. W. Tallant. Mr. Kben lingers. Hon. Isaac llfgman. Mr. W. T. ChiWer. Mr P. A. Stokes. Mr 0 W. Iiiinlerry, Mr. George H George, Hon. C. W. Fulton, Mr, C. It. Thomson. : Mr. F. A. Fisher, Mr. G. W. Sanborn. Mr J. E Hlgglna, Ir A. L. Full. Mr. H. F. Prael, Mr. J. V. 5f.trlon. J. o, Han- thorn. : Governor Plngris l'l the Michigan ils-glslnture that It I run by the lobby, I To pn-vetf! Incident of this klml In Mis. tirl tlw lobby run Ihe g-overtior as , well us the legislature. THE MODERff BEAUTY , Thrives on good food and sunshine, with , plenty of exercise In th open air. Her :form glows with health and her fare I bloom with Its hesuty. If her system 'needs th cleansing scllon of a laxative 1 remedy, she use the gentle and pleasant Byrup of Figs, mad. by the California , Fig Byrup Co. only. Another exslll1on ha start'-d In search of the north pole. If h Is found this time It ought to lie made a csillng station without delay. If you suffer from tenderness or full- ness on th right side, pains under th boulder bliae, oonstlpatlon, biliousness Islck headache and feel dull, heavy and j sleepy, your liver Is torpid and con. grsted. DeWltt's Lltile Early Risers will cure you promptly, pleasantly and permanently by removing the congestion and causing the bile duct to open and flow naturally They are good pills, Charles Rogers. Captain Dreyfus wtll get bark pay for ihe Um! ho served on Devil's Island, but most of It will be exhausted In feeing brass lands and feeding scronader. Last fall I sprained my left hip while handling some heavy boxes. The doctor I called on said at first It was a (light strain and would soon be well, but It grew worse and the doctor then said I had rheumatism. It continued to grow worse and I could hardly got around to work. I went to a drug store and ths druggist recommended me to try Cham berlaln's Pain Balm. I tried It and one- half of a 60-cent bottle cured me en tirely. I now recommend It to all my frlends.-F. A. Babcock, Erie, Pa. It Is for sale by Charles Rogers. The Flllplnoa are not udh bod shot, aftwr all. General Lawton reports that one of theiir battcriea hit the edge of the town in the last battle at Las Plnas. H.F.PraelTransferCo. GRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Cood Shipped to Our Car Will RcIt Special Attention. No. M Duaa St., AsWrla, Or. W. J. COOK. Mgr. Raf.TM.lU. Wo have tlio largest lino of ami at tlio lowest jtrin's. (ilULM OV1CNALI.M Mads of fine Twill Denim, blu Willi while thread, lai-g prarl bill tons; Just th llilng for th, bsa.-ti; save waslilttg: pile p.-r pair 40o flllLDflEN'S rtfCACH UTTH; three plrcm line, pd slid shovel; good tars per H lto HOY'S OVF.RAMA made of food (willed denim, copper rlvtled, iiant strap ftning; your boy wilt want a pair; price per pair Bo I.ADIKM' HUllllKU UATIUNO CAIV; warranted waterpr'f; eaivh (Oo Th cheapest pine, n Hi, ,-ny t ,ty 1'vlestvp llaakel and Strap. end t-M stamp to pay awta FISHER BROS. Bailders' Heavy and Shelf Can Ten Money oa Etlnat R. L. Boyle & Co Lending Rent BMtntc Dcnlcr of ASTORIA, OREGON WriUt for Information ainl PiunjiIiUO. M.1 Cuiiiiiit'U'ial Strft'l ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY I Telephone No, ,11 Handles Only the Choicest Meats 4( CBsrcll it.. Mat Paler Utttoaiei.t. 8TIIONO COURSES-WU equipped training department. Normal Oour, quickest nd beat way lo State Certificate. Expense for year from 1130 to UK; Board IIM to 13 per week; Tuition, M per term of ten weeks. Fall term begins Bnotember II th; Bummer term Jun tT to September 1. For catalogu addrea P. L CAMPBELL President, or W. A WANS, Oe of Faculty. (r-iViViVrtV.W,ViiVrViV,,V,ViVV,VW. THE OCCIDENT Astoria's Leading Hotel McrIct 6c WrlKht, PropH. 4Russell,, Automatic Engine sjnt - issT' '1 ! - ,1 ' H .. I "IH Ml I I 1,111 I j - - " - - i Writo for Catalogues of A. II. AVERILL, Manager. SAINT PAUL Fl MD MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY ST. PAUL, MINN,, JAN. it, i8g Capital . ... Reservo for Unearned Premium Reserve for all Otlier Liabilities' Net Surplus over all Liabilities Total Assets PACIFIC DEPARTHENT. CHARLES CHRIBTEN6EN, Manager. B. OOODWTN, Assistant Manager, e 317 California St., S. F., Cal. BEACH I huiiiiih'I' goixlsin tlieeity Bros. sag g a TVJt Tabl r.r UN (lencnil Supply Motic (or ! Family (Jroccrles. Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Etc. of Material of Cvsrr Dorltiok State Normal School MONMOUTH. OUKOON. Training itohool for Teacher Nw Building New Department. Ungraded Country Bchool Work. (Jriduates Sfcure (iood Positions. 14 kiiSA 4 mill I I .J '4-4 v ' Engine IJoilors, Saw Mills. RUSSELL & CO., Portland, Oregon. $ 500,000.00 1,010,407.87 . 222,691.07 784,888.78 2,523,987.72 CO, Agents, Antoria, Oregon