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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1899)
TUB DAILY AHTORJAN. WKDMKSDAY MORNING. Jt'NIS 28, 1899. WASHING DISHES lis all, ill Hi Uiuflr hs l!'.1".' '"' '( lwl, (naiMl, yiikkMl uiii tlM II lu lilt Tlllll csfo lull line of NHil.U.I.I SIIIIM S. Iaw-IIiI(IK nvwuiiJ nohhylii lASll.KN MCKWEAN. BUFFUM & PENDLETON I InttcrH mid KurnlHherH. l Tl.inl Street, Corner Stark, PORTLAND, OKWiON. Stop and Think! Are Y rm (iettlti-f The Hcnt McmIh. The Hcnt Liquor, Or The Hcnt HccIh Thai tan bo had In the ill) II nut. It I llccause you hate nut United fur tbuM mho require a lanulo food. Mux (b.r wiilt scomjr all thai Ibsy aoed. Th iund. who know II hav froolr eorod That of .:l lh. froei oaortrs 't.rr Is tho HK8T. 1 'Mk (..r the nib-ii of .ll-?,hM uiul lake no oilier. 1 'stsMlslii'.l tweli'y yratt. Columbia Electric and Repair Co. SucoeMor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists Foundrymen Longing llnglnsja Until rtiicl Mcpnlrocl. Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Manufacturers or the t'nsurpasscd ... " Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel ... Contractor for Kloitric Lights nml Power Plant. oh Printing: Of Any Description Done with Neatness and Dispatch. Prices Reasonable. Call at The Daily Astorian. Astoria Public Library RBADINO BOOM FRED TO ALL. Opsu vary uay from I o clock to 1:33 sad tt 9M p. . abscrlptlon rats ti par annum. Wast Cor. El sv so U and DaaM lUasts. 11 "r-u lia I. . din.d. Th i. m cUatt with tnto mill wm,. cli..i.,l r lo WASHING POWDER In lli w.l.r, II iris Ilk iimkIc , ml. Ilia imiu .ml ntak.s , Hin .lulu-. irlr ll (Inall, III lad II i InililUK I in lr ll III II glial 1 limurf, mi .1 ha! lb. Cost in ,".li. Fur r..t.l minium, f u r our larg puss,. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY SI. Louli Nw York Dotls Latest Block, KNOX mer Styles. Jeff's Restaurant. Loggers' Supplies Kept in Stock C. J. TRENCH ARD, Commission. Brokerage. Insurance and Shipping. A,entw.K.4K,'.. MORE RAILROAD CONSOLIDATIONS New York Ccotral Leases An other Foad and IStgotta tlons With Others. WAY COME TO PACIFIC COAST New York Ccfltral Appears to IUvi That Idea In View. NBW YORK, June iR.-'IV Tribune : Tlwi report that the Now York Onlrnl hud ronm to an MKri-''m-t with the lluloii & Albany rndrod, 1ry Whoh th" N"W Vuik Central would Ira.. Ilii Inii & Allniiiy for a t -i in of Wi ywr ami tfuurmiira (iiT in on the. m" a. ln.t a. mirpHw flihir In rallimul elrch or In Wall .Ite.l That the ! I prsc lU ally r.i..' il a ii."lliiiHl fr'Mii a Ini. H'Miliy iM.iiri- ymlnnliiy. Krm tu' of I In. itM. Infliit iilliil ral r..uil iffli ll of Dm Vari'lrrMIt ) ntn iiw faU WT1 Klnl'l"l uln'ilt 111" iHKDllntl'ilm 1i .! I c-oiilrol f tlin lt.ilii!i At AUili. V'T nwt llwn Ion y-f William K. Vamli-r. l.llt ami III. frii iuU liave Ix i-n irkllil t K1 -..mnl of tlir Ililirti A Albany. It la l!i ('piiirit;'. iimliial otilU-l In II"" Inn fi.r It. iirni iniln. Al'ii( a yur utl'i Ir V. rl Wrlili pr-liliiil it Watftir r.ilai "ar ('uni'.iwiiy Muri'tl in la Imy llontun A AlUiny ni'xk. A. fill niiH-k U luiKpy in In llucofi, ti auiiiirii"l a f !.( limk.T l liuy ail llw nl.H-k lif ri. flii'l In :h. 11 lon mrkit ami ill.l not ttiniiatK rhr, out uM 1'i It. In n1ut l'l iU Ilia l.r .ki r ! vr-r. llit In- lin.l ruri) otitnrlliliiK "Vtf Im'i tiafi- anil wanil ti. If h alioiiM K') all'"!. Iti .M. p lia-l IT 'i'i lip ul"'il t'olnla In thi'" f-w U Th'ii a nt"i a imt to that. Tim t k u r lom-ly !n-:.l itit many !tlwniftK 'tirr. nrvrr ioul.1 ! .x-iirnl ihl. i-rKlnti-ni work ti iM-n '1-, ami k aul t i bavr- l- n rroom. 'J luK'.-n. Tin. irrnrr.U iilnl'm In Wall utrwrt. altlMitiirh ni iffli' iiiflrni'Jon of the '.laiiMirlhin CiUl.l l- il . ( I T) -! , In In line l:!i ttir- Information that ttw Ii virtually Ixnhi fltwlnl an. tho vU-w w tiik.-n rliar. till. Ni'W Kndanil arriiR nifiif woiilil Ix-forr Ion be follow.! by rh kmir talkrtl of inlon of Ihr Now York I'rnlml iflm loRh I'.v Ifli" nwt tmm lt Tniiil wrnrn trrmlnua In i 'tili-aif. Iiy oona-illitaUon wllh tho Chi rrt.i tt Norhwi-m, ih I'nwti I'arlflr an.l Hie r"i.'on Hhort IJn. Tti lto-i.n A AlUny ha paiJ al .lltl..n iltvlili'iula at vurloiia tlm'. It pall 3 11 jht twit In WW nn.l a utork illvM'-nd of 10 j-r ot-iil In 1VM AN KAHTHyl'AKK AT SKA. SAN FIlANVtsk'O. June r.-'aptaln Custom House Broker. ,t ASTORIA, .OREGON C, II. MmIc4, niatf pf the Amwlrgn lnrk Hnfoa K, Wwl, fler1a a vM'fit li'M'k thai ha rxirlnioril at v on April 1. Thn bark w on tliti way from Mid. my, AixtraU, to T.tilil. Tlw jar acvcrtj Wiat It1i raplnlri thought hi h'i'l a tu k a rtrf u) isllwl all tianiln v li"'k, T1f v'"l cnilmw-il to rll nl plrrli In tlm 4kn for ) or Hi iifi.vjntl., II.NHKiN MOKA'JIIAS H Kf 'NKIIAI. HI'(K ANK. Juim Z7.Tlir' Ihinuixl IftuU- Wi.nt In t t,4.i al vroc-lon Unit folIoH'-d lli Into Kriaiirn John llolo-rt M'UmHli'tit fr tn Hi" city hn'.l to OonxitK i hup' I, wlillo i'M morw llm il tho n.r" .n th" Hiiu of iiyiri.h, Korinr H.imtir John I.. VVilwm iHlvriil th" i-ulony u,l I lui (miImIi: K-illn rlt ul d Kn."hi'r Ju' iU"l, Moii iKlwti'il 'lu h"T In lc (!, u.o d i:vi-M- mi iiil'lr-, rfubniirt rripiu in nu, uli Uki Cutholl. cii rjty in the dty pal 'lh . Ipuilli, wua n'ioiirntl ttl thff t niirt'i). whli h u crowil"! to overflow 1 1 ik- I)) liiiiiiuliatc ft'li'Mla ami rvki.lvi, 1 nli. J Ht4t.ii r.-K'il.iK, iti" inuiUa, ti' 1 po.l' o (J'vf'i"l a'wl iM-crut o-rii'tli-4 pur'.li. IpJIjirf III Uu) wrvlo of u "is i. lun ii.nurr. Itoiiiitfhuii a In . . 1 1 ii mi Kairniviiiit, h.iil' loo iruvi of hi Illi -l, HhoUoxi Jio-t hi'firc hv .i "l ( ji ft'.niioa on thu J'hlluU'-lphU. MrtfiVKItCU OK Till: THEMiWV.lA. MINK ill.-WIN'i. HAN KKIlANt lrt. 0. Juror T,.-V. E. Ih vtiK'. llio WHI known Alaskan mill" r, i.t.oiii- lily m.lni "It n-m ix J'i-U-." the tloa. cuu:h.t ol hi iweoralr! I rmowvll mliio ii '-4 r JumttU. ha. Ixt-n tnlaalnc nur HI arrival lit th- t-ity a w.-t-k ao ).i: MuiMliiy. Il )Jit.icl-l to go la tho r.ii,l.iniu holi.l, w.'o-ir mail and other mu.irr were HalUraf f-r hl:n. but lion ;t h. frlnd have Men him lnc lie, and a ...infi fvrliliu l.u proved futt.e. TO W'llSHiX JI'Koim Al.l.At"!-:, la.tiu. Jiiiie r;. Klmor tliith. riaii.l l. rt ,oa) lor I'l -tc- (My, and liiw noil th end of tlwi county aftr r. Tlilii will rry him 2j mil.-, from h-r-, thrmiKh Koottnal. I.ata.i and Nrt. l iw ouu:lr. Iifciho. aivl Whitman i mil y, Vj-,iliiton. No Jurr from that end hi lei In th,. dlntrkt -ourt i-fo:e Iim the county f.-at moved fr.n I'lerc. 'urn UK'i. City to Murray. 10 Tll(MO!t KtH BKwLUl.V 1'AiUv. S.VN KIlA.Nri.St'o. June T,. Tr.iop F. S:tn caalry, C.ip.ain K. K. WCcox. l.miMtiworth, Ka. The conitiutnd will protvtl to Svyuoia (Ktrk. Com- pjnle. II and F. Twent(iri Infantry. have aim) reaiiied the 1T.-i.ldlo. The renialnliiK comintiilm of the Twenty fifth li.fantry are on their way to Kr.inioo. The two rirm-ni. with ' the r.-inaliili troop ts the Fuuith cav. airy, will noon aail for Manila. ItltlNU LITTLE ALASKA HOLD. SAN FltANOISeO. Juive Kvht mln. er luve Juat reached here from Aka with lijO.iU". the remill of two year dlK- kiiik within 9) mlks of LawiH.n. tme of j tti.-m. named W. N. Armntrong. ha. a ' nuKKotl worth H). "Th- ,iii..'.v I. full t !.ll- m..n " aj, I., I Amnf.roiig, "and every steumer brlmpt i a lol more to swell the list. There will i r..i..i.. t. H .... .ki.. ...... ' ,,v a lii.tij ftvin, i Uj, ,4111. JTIir around lwn, hut It will belong to ten i llm- a many men a iast years out- 1 SHIP SBLKIRK U"T. SAN FHANCIS(X. June. V. The news j the total lo." of the ship Selkirk In 1'ie Philippine Inland was brought from j :'ie Orient by tho yUiimshlp IVrto de Jitielrtv. I Owned by W. t. Oomeron, of Nova I otiu. the Selkirk h.ul salKl from Ma- ! i nlla on May 9 with a ().imi.i cartto for i ! l.w.oti. t'aptaln Crowe was In command. n the nlKla "f May H (he h p rin on ! Ah reef at Mltidano. one of the souther. mwl Islands of the Hilllppine grouie. Sh,, he.-ame a total wreck, but no lives were lost. (Uni AOA1N3T lU'BCVNIC rLAUl'E. SAN FRA.W1SOO, June JT.-lnforma-'.Ion of ithe presence of the bubonic plarue n the Nippon Muru. bound for this )ort and now In iiuur.uHine at Honolulu, has mufni no aianit hiihouk tue nuamiiuiie i authorities here. There Is no expect. lion thivt the disease will enter San Fran- cbxM. The federal sys;m of quarantine has not yet Iwn tstab;ishtsl at Honolulu, but there Is a ropteventatlve ot this gov- cinineist nKached to the Amerlntn con. sulnte there, whoso business It is to see that; s fur as this country Is concerned the quarantine laws are properly en forced. , ANOTHER Sl'OAR COMPANY. SAN FRANCISCO, June ST.-The Ma- knwell Sutra r CumiMny has bevn Incor. porated w llh a capital stock of t5,0t0.000, of which $1,500,000 has been subscribed. The directors are, Henry I Baldwin, Samuel T. Alexander, Henry F. Alien. J. SkraKsbuiycr, V. H. Chlckerlng and Wallace Alexander. The company will do .business In the Hawaiian Islands. Now coaling stations for the navy will sooiv be ready at Pry Tortueas and New IiOHilo, Conn. 'War ahlps can be supplied :hef,r.ttndtr all condltions'"of jvaather and i ij t . Ki . . Dr. Williams' Indian Fib Olntmeiitwlll cure iinaa. Uleedhib and Itohinx Flics. Il absorbs the turnout allays the Itching at ouoe, ao:a itullire, gives instant r. illiams'Iuill-.inFiic oint. spreparotl for t't'esana iicn Inn of the private parts, r.very box nrninuii. nv driimisM. b ms'l on re- (pt ot prieo. 40 cent and IH.OO. WILIHT aaJl'lIAtlUfilnC Cq.. i'rdl. -V-volt-. Oi.-r fTk.ll PS li i H I tm LVIL nu anus a J tier. nr. v OM s Of mn( li 83 THE ENGLISH RACING YACHT Speculation ato tbe Size and Bulll of the Sham rock. DIMENSIONS NOT KNOWN Sail to Have Great Stability - Plate of Manganese Bronze anl Bolts of Aluminum. LUX UON, Juno JT.- Wllh th txwptlon of th Tlin', th0 paper, do not Imlulifo In (iMTCitiatlori lo th lulld of the Hlittinrk. The Uandarl. which etl nult t-r Irrjft1) nt in ft and hr ilranidit at l'J fft. oy: "In lh Wdt.-r h lookfd light. H-t Iwv tt. hlifh, Khowtnif h wHi bv to curry much wt-ight to hrlny II down to i h Wiit'-r line." Thr lily MU ewtlniat' her nth itl M 1i Int-hc. her waU-r llni at (0 fwt ImJif. hr l)m U iraiiKhl at I'J (-t I In' hf and her auil r.-a IJ,i qar fwt. Th Tlrm- ty: "The lost part I evld-n:ly murtani- brotii. whk-h len.1 Vjm'.l to admlrab'y to rolliriK Into jlate. wtMT" a". I no Vi-cl. So far ai Il can ? Ju'l-d durn; Xhv viry hort time the vtitefi under ' water n.ily wa vlnll.le, there 1 no null- i (, lerture wlih reirular ahape. Th-re ar he lonif count.T, raklntf itcrn pot and on-rh.ins forward that eharcterlxe (the mMlern racing )a-ht. The profile of Die liow un- eally and gradually ! aft. until rhap a third of the lenirh I ! r- a -ti d an.l ti-n the outline take a t;ddei dip J.n. almoin In a verllcai ilne. "If the lxly plan be compared with , of the In-fn.der, It may be Judged ! thai the Shamnx k ha. the flatter floor 'and the iuar- blln..- and will, therefore, !iwm utahllWy of form than her I ; rival. ! The TeP-Kraph ayg obviously j lh-re Ik very Itu;.? wuul about her and ith,. b'l:t. rlvetlnir the pl'':e. are al- 1 iin.uniim: but what mnal kt ued mut i r. -nut I n a mystery. It ycem to be the Bi-ni-ml ImirrHwIon (hat he U larger than mlc'ht have teen rXiected. ntOPOSALS WANTED. I Wanted Hid for tearing down, remov li the materia, and retMilldlng a school houv :n the John lay district. Address J-.-hn U'flit, clerk, A-torta. j Kx-t'ruimition Fitt-i(mmon Is a be.ler , ir-ix-ral than Asulnaklo, and comes near ir kit .wins when he has been whipped. j j Otsn Paul and Jahn Bull can agree uiion arbitration, but the tus of war wilt : com when ihey try- ao atrree uion arb (rators. ,f pj.-nt Loubet wants to keep the iot boiling he should Invite Zola to a it In the cabin. .. .. Iohs 11 I its Couqh and 1 f (onsunipiion OV Cure This is beyond question the moat successful Cough Medi cine ever known to tcittice: a few dones invariably cure the wort canes of Couch, Croup and Hrcnchitis, while its won derful success In the cure of Consumption h without a par allel in the history of medicine. Since its fust do.covery it has been sold on a Btiaranlee, a test which no o'.her medicine can stand. It yi-u have a Couch, we earnestly ask you to try it. In Cnited Mates and Canada 2V, Wc. and, and in EiiKland U. iii., -". 3d. and 4s. 6d. SOLE PROPRIETORS 5.C.WELLS&C0. LEROY. N.Y. LH HAMILTON, CAN.. JIA jw - or gale oy CHARLES ROGERS. Centrul IVrk. New York, cont.ilns over ttVW building lute, each valued at about liO.OUO, or in all over J-JW.OOO.OA'. Iloxusious Trrvel rpiIE "North.Western Limited" trains. electric lighted throughout, both in side and out, . and steam hcaud, are, without exception, the finest tra.ns lu the world. They embody the latest, newest and best Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether are the most com. plete and splendid production of the car builders' art. These Splendid Trains Connect with The Great Northern The Northern t'aciflc and The Canadian Pacific AT ST, PAUL FOR (-; ' CHICAGO and the EAST ' ' '' f ' V1 '$to extra charge' for tMese superior ac. commodatlona and all classes of tickets ar available tor passage on the famous ''North-western Limited." All trains on this Una are protected by the Interlocking Block system. W. H. MEAD, F. C. SAVAOH, - OeO'l Agent. , T- A. Portland Ore. wh - s s vr. 3ni PS Him tt An Kxccllent Combination. Tim plr-riMint mi-tlifxl uriij Ix-tiKflciol effeota of the well known rineily, HtHVt- or Fl'.ff. iriaiiufactnrvd hy t) C'AUroKNIA YlO Hvri:p Co., Illustrate the valiift of ulitainiri)( the liquid Laxa tive principle of plunU kn'.wn to b tnutli'.'irially laxatirtt ami prewntiriff thutn In the form most ref reiiiri(f to tho tante and acceptalile to tb- aval m. It 1h the oob perfet.-t tr-iirtluTiin(r laxa tive, cleannin the vtrn r ffectnally, di.p'Ilinff coltbt, headaehfa and fovera gently yet promptly and t-nablinK one to overcome habitual coiiHtipation per marjcntlf. Ita perfect freedom from every objttionablo rjuality and anb ftanoe, and ita acting on ttip kidneva, Jivcr and bowels, without weakfDlnir or Irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the proof of manufacturing flira ! are naed, aa they are pleasant to the taste, bat the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method koown to the Califursia Fig Stri p Co. only. In order to tret its beneficial effects and to avoid imitation, pleace remember the fall name of the Company printed on the front of every package, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. saw rauuf Cisco, cax. 1juisrn.n, it. ira-w tox w. t. For sale by all tmicftHta-f rice Joe. per bottle ffen-ral (ifim- has been adopted by I the efiy of Havana as one ot Its honored sons, over tji rjroteats of some or tbs I other mecnljers of the family. mm PREVENTED BY The most effective skin purifying and beau tifying p, as well as purest and sweetest, for toilet, bull, and nursery. It strikes st the ca of bad complexions, red, rough hands, falling hair, and baby blemishes, vii , the clogged, irritated, inflamed, over worked, or sluggl-li Pokes. KM ,.Si. l"oTti Dtio . C.m. Coe SnK Pw,. aau. t'. Bntwh !.: f. !1W IUI t fvik Ln irm - U WCm notHoi." It Is ask) that so few of tbe common people of Russia are able to read that In ! village stores pictures of tbe articles for aale an hurut on the walls In place of reading notices about them. tflOTTS PENNYROYAL PILLS Thry overran ytmkwm, irrvv Isari it and omsfotuiirtae isf aui4 Mitlali "paint of rnenauvt twvM lUs-jf air Ul Haaytj tOaftrtfajf omJlho. SVKtlUal ds Tnlofvmettlof o.yaM atnd loj. Nc fernowD rrry for voiwa eqiiaUf tirm. Cannot rto brm .if tst s VI J H Tbe Kind Too Have Always in use for over SO years, and ftff sonal &C4M Allow ffilCBla f S0AP I r v w a i j All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Cast or la is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and . Soothing Syrups. It is llminloss and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Teverishness. It cures Dlarrluva and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tlse Food, regulates the Stomach and Bonds, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS y9 Eears th.8 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TNI CKMTaUn COMMNV, TT MUPtRaV TUCtTT, NCWVOMH CITT. Pacific Sheet MANUFACTURERS OF Salmon Vegetable ; JlJZy... "J Fruit Syrcj Lithographing on San Francisco, Cal. M r HIE NET 'North-Westewi Limited" (20TH Cl?lTL'y TlUIN.) bdwn Minneapolis, St. Put and Cliicai,''), il t iitrruinliijly ilcribei in in Iilustritt4 bK)k.let, which will be fur ninhifi tvn on application t W. II. MEAD, Gen. Agt.. 5H WMtiluiiton NtrMt, PUKrUND, Ott, F. W. PARKER, Com. AaL IVJfflM, 1m... rSrjSr ' srATTie. was NOT EVERY KIND OF SHOES And entrance to our store. We bar th sort mads of poor stock fllmatljr put to gether. Makers must deliver goods which are UP to our standard, and that's good enough, otherwise they are rejected. We present every variety of styls. These Items will enable you to Judgs what two or three dollars will do bera. See our new cushion shoe. Petersen & Brown. B0L TICKETS to all Harare EAST Throufh jptlace snd tourist sleeper dlnlnc and library observation tar. ELEGANT VE8TIBULE TRAINS, No. 4 Umttsd learss Portland at 1:10 Na I IJmltsd arrives roruaaa at l:3u a. as. For K-tss, etc.. call or address Aceot O. it. N Astoria. Z a C DEJTN18TOH. C. P. T. A- rstilaai. Or. Preserves r-rralts. JIlhs, pkalos or eauop srs mm Mallr. more aatrkiT. mors hWthfullr MM wttk R Rtlnt PinSMWu tha by any br I method. Dooms of other """Refined liltillllaW 1 ass la orery bonsetioM. It U eln. :Lm .nt tmintUm .If. WIT and oeid proof. Get a poand cok.ot II wits a ll Of no mony from roar druCTlator groevr. bold Terrwn ta aj STA-1PSKeH,lO. I I H Bought, and which has been has borne the signature of has been made under his per- suiierviidon slnee Itsinfanejrs no one to deceive you in thls Signature of Metal Work Tin a Specialty. Astoria, Ore. Fairbaven, Was!. Write Ua for Prleea