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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1899)
JOHN T. UaHTJCR. Editor. Telephone We. ML TERM! 0 iCBSCs-PTIOM. DAILT. at by aaell. psr rer mt by -MIL tr month tMTei by eerrlr. w meat- II 8KM1-WXEKLT. lent by man, pr yar, t artac,....OI Posts free to wntotaw. Ail oommunlcatvons tersnaee' foe smttt itlon should b directed to tit dltr. Busineee ominunlcetios of All klU and remltt-nccs must be s-dreeeed tt Tb Astoriae." Tt iittnu g-u-ram to its iM turn th largest otreaiauM of y Btwspepsr pebllsbed or the OeteKbtt advertising retea cm o atlon to the busli TIDETABLE June, 1SP9. HIGH WATKB LOW WATSH DAW P. M. a. a., a. r. m. h.mlfl b.n);fl, ;h.mfL 0 44! lTTli") 1 1 Thu m . Hat . Sua Won Tuo wd Thu Fri . tat . Pun .. 1! I Till "WIS, .. 1 7MIJI 1 10 IS, ... 1. twill l3SI 14 1 lWi It 1 jo, JO 3 Wl 1 1 4 1 S SSI II I So' u I Ml ll 4S0i4l,i I41IJ 0 I 4 li T 15, J 1 TM-01 IKI-OS. 1 11 01 i I 1941 1 .. U Ml 1 .11 1 1 .. ..i. .1 ii.T f ill 1 M Ss SIKH IS 11 1 13,8 i i !r 4 mil' I 4T;7 I. 3117 4 iti: S7I; 145 t I II 1 so io M 1 1 Moo 01 Tim ...IS UN OS.jlOM ii;!ui If Vita ..ij iuii 10 Jl inu i-i, 1J I 44 T I ll Frl ...ii Sat ....1 T30SI; 7BTI I44t'i SlTIt Soil lOTUi IB 1J ill 47 Sun ...1S.1 141 Won ...13 11SI 1MI Tu ... 10 4011 1 Wed 44 III 10 47 111 Thu ...!.. ! -I SJJ Thu ........ . .I, Frl ....Si . ! 1 1 Cat ... lli01T Bun 1 Wll Mon ...i I mii is?!: 4 S0i- 1 4 '', J I (01 I S lutfj li i U i j I,-1I I 7 SS -1 1 III -1 J 7 451 II S 371 1 I 06-1 0 I SOI 1 1 ( 1 J) I. 10 Hi 1 I , Tim ...U 1061411 4 W Thu i,J!.l 11.111 l !; "!.: ...:ei.l.v anJ prorttab: afiwnt for ar Krj 1 14 4 7.i I S. S I.! a 1 li " w 1 I ! t ban and mvh.4n!e. aivl. "h th xr.J THE TRANSFORMATION OF Cl'BA. The country turns with satisfaction aid confidence from the troublous probiea In the Pnillppi the conipl-te trans formation that has been wrought by American rule In Cub. The condition thai now prevail la Cud not only furnish to the world full Justification of our Intervention In the government of that tland but they sup ply ample Troof of our pood Intentions ; in he Philippine. Our military adminis tration of Cub is national guarantee of our a'.I'l ty to work an industrial trans formation in the Pacific archipelago as oon as the Insurrection of the FiMplnos Is suppressed. In Cuba incendiarism, rapine and star vation have given place to industry and plenty. Brigandage and official corrup tion have gtven place to good order and honesty In r.he collection of customs du ties and the- disbursement or revenues. School houses are being opened- roads are beln built and Cuban insurgents are re turning to the tilling of the soil. This Is the testimony of Major General Leonard Wood, military povrr,or of the province of Santiago, In an interview given In New Tork. The island has b-een brought to a state of tranquility and or der, which is marvelous in the light of th strife end rebellion that have devas- tateo a it y lr. "All the people want i. work for them- selves and schools for th-!r children." eays G-neral Wool, and thtse are being furnished as rapidly as possible by the government. In Santiago province V) sdbrols have been opened by this gov ernment finer the war cIoshI The peo ple are cntend under Amerli an rule, although: tSiey cherish the hope that th-y may some day be able to gwern tnem gruntled Cuban soMier who wanted to start a rebellion could not enlist a irian in the country district, and finally went to!c.nerg; . w;i n0; fall to CJre you. work on the roads at Santiago at a d A- i lar a day. Industry arid the 6chool hous will solve the problem in Cuba. This Is what ! the flag stands for, and this is what It will bring to the Philippines. 1tt Is .tftterf br an Enellsii technical industry that the tlnplate inaustry ot South "Wales is palpably dying by Inches. I . . m -t-.- vA ,. mine Marcn ,nere. ... - ports Teached only SZ.ins tons, against 500 Ron In 1898 and 93.67S tons Ave years go. One of the most discouraging fea ture) in the prvsem situation li that, with the exception of Germany and Hoi. . . v . v a-.-a e-n that ohe black man and brother shall be : Hall's Catarrh Cure is takes Internally, land there has been smaller demand 'aMowed t0 go w Manila 0 flt Fu'actlnf fflWBtly upon u,, and , all foreign markets. American compe- rltlon Is already making Itself felt abroad is the significant comment of our auth ority. An incident occurred at Bethlehem, Pa., recently which strikingly Illustrates the revolution which has occurred re cently in the department of manufac toiies of this country. A piece of armor plate made by the Benhlehem Steel Com pany weighing 11,061 pounds was loaded upon a frela-ht car to be taken to the Oramp' shipyard, where e Russian bat tleship Is being built If prophecy of i HI uner Six Years of Intense Suffer, Promptly Cured Du e O O entire circulation is in a aoprovwi cvmuiuon. iuvy Dl ) are a wvere drain upon tho system, and are con stantly sapping awav the vitality. In every case the poison must be eJimlnat?d from the blood, and no amount of external treatment ean have any effectf , . . a a , . There is no uncertivinty about the merits of S. S. S. ; every claim made for it Is backed up strongly oy conuiuauK leetimony of those who have been cured by U and know of its virtues by erporiouco. Mr. I J. Clark, of Orange Courthouse, Va., writes: For sis Ttf I had an obtrtiwi, running ulcer on my V ,, ( t'n;f caM me iutm aaeriaj(. I m tubia tor a long while thrl wa wholly unfit for butfikM. Oneot the W da-tor tweted me cowUntly bat Ud me ' no good. I then tried wious blood wmedlee, thort the lert benefit. U4wu rf" bmixM thet I oonduded to try It, end the effect w Zdiftti It teemed to get riht ft the eeet of the tad fbree the Lson out, and I wti toon oom pWtty cmred." Swlftl Spedflo- . S. G. 8. FOR drrree out every trace of impurity in the blood, and in this way cures permanently the most obstinate, deep-seated sore or ulcer. It is the onlv blood remedy guaranteed purely vegetaoie. ana con- .". n;,.ii nf itusih. marcurv. or other mineral: o. B. B. r.,i;.,a TUwl Poisnn. Rheumatism. orw. Ulcers. Boils, uron S. S. S. ; notninar can use in piace. ' VJimMrt rxwks mai ed free by Swift Specifio Company, Atlanta, Ga. uot n ivnce In lorms:lo manufiotur. Intt s thi h btvn ulunsl few KO t person who urtorwi It would hav twvn oonsiireJ an unthinking orttmft. We ar not .nly mak!ns -arhip; nl rmor pl:e for Russia, but bnlMirvn hrUlv nJ lvno:lve fjr KnRlsnJ. Cit.H in.lildrl.1 nftum'T-M1 mtl tVW A t for a markft. work will r f jrnlshM for a'.l who are Willie to Jo If. A baby is like cry pat :h work. vonipo:d ci bits i.f ! tts ancestor. Ail ot thcni contribute some- j .,.,... or mental or moral j es the largest share. To a 'x great extent tne l"S health of a child drpends "r.l ".ti. ' spy VI 1UV Ull'kUCi. both before and i h'P mftef hirth If dunnr the period of ei- pectancy, the mother enjoys good general and local boviy. an alert bum and rigorous health. ! Yon Cdnnot expect snch a child from a i weak, sn.Uy, nenous, despondent woman. ! who is broken down by derangement ana atseaseoi uiraisuuciiTirmimnei.iij.ii.. A woman in tnai conaiuon v airami uir to hare a ouny. sickly, peevish baby. Dr. ! Pierce's Fsvortte Prescription is the best i preparation for motherhood. It relieves ; maternity of its dangers, and of almost all its pain. It restores the delicate ana ira- , tereity to perfect health and strength, and , .ists the reiralar snd healthful Derform- ancrof all the natural functions. It ban- isbes thr ailments of thr critical period, and makes baby's debut easy and almost painiess. msurr tnr iiuir nr. tealth. Thousands have tti6ed to iU -rii. rwvid medicine deilers sell it. and no honest druegist will insult ronr inlelli- grnce by urging upon you something ele as "just as good." The "just as good" . kind is dear at any price. I J2!?'2F-.?: V?.ZTZhT,ll hapov mother of a fine healthv baby jirl I feel that your PiTonte Prescription ' hs done me more rooa man 3y-.niug . nvr nn 1 took three bottles of the renptwn and I the rnniMinmrft were I wa. onlv in lahnf fortT- fire minutes With my 6rM baby I urfered rightrrn hours, and then had to low Him. , A home doctor-book rfT For paper-covered copy of Dr Pierce's Common bense aieuicai .luvisei enu ji one-crni stamps to cover cot of mailing only. Clotnnmaing io cent-extra. Aaaress ui. t IF .. D m fT 1 11 V: General Gomez hac b-en namr'l a. ti il'.ptel &,n tjt the ''Vy of Havana. iJomez mad a wror.g P'ay. If he had w..rk-d r. rii'ht he mish; hav tot th ar.ti-imi-rrialists to name his a? rhe fa:h'-r of hi" country w..h ;r:n'!n jir:v- ' .leg-s. If you have piles, cure tnem. No use undere-oing horrible operations that lm. i ply remove the results of the dlse-aae ' without disturbing the CJjeafe itself. 1 Place your cor.fid.-nc. in D'Wl't's W.tch Hazel Salve. It has r.ever failed to cure Poultney Rlgietw ! ov-r In Enuland 'telling Th peT'U? there how the T'r.iKwl I Stated blunderel In fih wpr with Srln. i He has rwt .ueyedl, however. In con. vlnclng any of the Eng!ishmen that SiJn W'jn. T. m.lfM ns. rHeTF-rfei-.f-A r,r.w tied Mi wound if you use DeWitt's Wlt-A Haaei I a,,,..- i, -ui nni.kiv kui ,n4 !v r J ' " tv ;-- v. r- In anticipation of securing the na-JoneJ I rf.-morrsLtic mvt--n:lk n of l'. Knafl ym ot the delesjaies, walklr and Otherwise. The Seattle variety theaters have re. used to admit negroes .to their perform. anc. but there seems to be a very gen. fcr8j opinion over the whole United States) pmB and malaria, Pears' Unless you have used Pears' leap you probably do not know what we mean by a soap with bo free fat or alkali in it noth ing but soap. The more purely negative soap Is, the nearer does it approach perfection. TMK DAILY ASTORIA RE S ANKLE. Obstinate sores and ulcors which refuse to hoal under ordinary troat mont soon become chrome and doeiv. seated, and are a sure sicn that the " t 1. . 1- . II'L . THE BLOOD Scrofula. Cancer. Catarrh, Ecaema, or any other blood trouble, insist That gallant M firvbrund, ilemTuI J Whevlr. voMinurs to make iu-h mrenu- on apiihuitlon for aoalve nTvle at Washington that the simplest way of preserving the no. would seem to be m put him to fW;htmg at once. Don't think you can cure tnat siignt attack of dyspepsia by dlttlng. or that It will cure Itself. Kodol Dysp'P'la Cure will cure It: it "Mjcestj what you eat." and restores the digestive organs to hra'.th. Charles Rogers. All iwmls ha.v Uvn brken In T't n-ss. bv th.. man w ho tllej as the r-uH of nun: t.w whisky lial'lt. The .'ix-ae will not tei-vviie epidemic. J. D. Itrldge. editor and proprietor of the Democrat. Lsn. astrr. N. H.. siyi: would not be without On Mnut C'ougn 'Cure tor my boy. when wi n a cous(, or coj. it is the beet remedy for cnup l ever usea. uirw nogcr. , 'tk grat pleasure In .Wscribing ap- tain .ogninn as an irw.mrr an imi .have wmwihlnir to do with the Kaillant on,tain- emiatlc ditpprmil of the hyphemileU" brand of American .-i ll-.- Pneumoni. la grppe, couros. coUls croup and whooping eouirh readily yield to Ont Minute Cough Cure. Use thu remedy la time and save doctor's bill or the undertaker's. Charles Rogers. Tort Jisputch says that Cnartes Murphy, paced by a locomotive, ro.1 a mlk on. a blcj"cle In one minute and live ..on,) if Mr. Murphy haJ ben by 4 locomotive, wr could s-e . "e r-"on T Ms unusual haste It Is perfectly bopelesa to expect that the meals will be bountiful In a house tnaJ h a BOtlo , tb, dlnlnf r(0 Mn Wants But LittU Here Below. . The Fourth of JuSy celebration at Ta ooma. has ben placed beyond the rea. h faaUre by the fact thai ex 'ngrest- , . . , r. man L'" x'nrn"1 " ooca-ion by hla presence. he will consent also M act as the flr- works Some of the resu.ts of neglected dys. Deotlc conditions of th. stomach are can cer. consumption, heart disease and ep llepsy. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure prevents ati tB)g Djr effet-tlng a quick cure In a . 0pl.a Tlnpsr. of trjspepsla. Charlas Rogers, - H will be worth a trip to New York upon ,ne orctli0n rf Dewey's return, I""1 ca-', a casual glance at trie fea- tures of a man who has r.ever madf mistake r allowln, ,ne ,ccumulation in th bowels to remain, the entire system li pf loned. DeWitt's Lrttle Early Risers regulate the bowels. Try them and you wlil always use them, Charles Rogers. So far England nhowg tio inclination 10 ca.i on The Hagu to umpire that lltt difficulty with Oom Paul. D'jb:le Or-at Hrttaln thinks arbitration wltti. a Dutchman is a barren idea'lty. . TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Taxe Laxative Broroo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It fulls to cure. 25 cents. The genuine; has L. B. Q. on rich tablet U fortunate that t'nele 8a.m his mndei no effort to buy the annv of the Ki 1 1 ii rr-f . Le-t tihe latter k'-ep their a' m. W.thout them they would have difficulty )n carrying out their plots to destroy one another. HOW'S THIS We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward lur r . ' oured by Hall's CaUrrh Cure. F. J. CHENET & CO..Props., Toiedo, 0. We' th undersigned, have known F. J. jnM!y ivr me hsl la aim u 1eve Mm prfeotJy honorable to all bus. transacuons, ana nnanciany r-ne 10 carry out any oougauon roaoe vj meir firm. WEST & TRUAX, Wholesale Drfiegists, Toledo, O. WALDUfO. KI.VNAN A MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. ous surfaces of the system. Price Ho. '.par bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testi monials free. I Hall's Family puts are the best. ' Of course Mr. Hanna Is going to Europe , to condust that Russian famine to a sec-. cidhfiil conclusion. , TEMFtu? LODGE NO. 7. A. P. A. ! It Regular communications held on th Orst end third Tuesday evening of each month. J. N. GRIFFIN, W. M.; B. C. HOI ) EN. Secretary. ATTOIU4-ITS. J. a A. BOWLCT, ATTOKNET AND 43ODN8ELL0R AT VtM. Offlo Bond Street, Astoria. Ore. N, WWESDA. MOKMNO, Pacific Navigation Company 8TKAMKHH , s II. P. Eiitioro W. II, llnrrlnou C1AKIHALDI HAY (iautvtintt at Atortn with tlie Otvtm IUHimh.I .t Navigittlon Co. f-tf San Francisco. IVrllittnl end all ixilnt !. I'or (rolylit nti.1 pnwi'ii- Kvt ratt' apply cxrnx co Agt-iu, TIl.l.AMOOh (.V. W. F. SCHEIBE, A lull lint ( Pipes. Tabaccs, sad .Smokers' Attklet. 4T4 Cortimcrt ll st. CUT-RATE OFFICE Can Save You Money On All Railway Rates. 128 Third St. Kopp's I'm-; 33 Tb North rwific. Prewerj'.of wbift I BottU-i te' '-r family or krg 'r..Iohn Kopp is proprietor, niRk rer I bf stii plievl at any time. ,Wir-rjf In for domeaie ami export trade. be city fren. jNorth Pacific Brewerg THE Seventh and SHASTA .MIXEKAL WATEK. I'EITEK. X0BLE. HICKOKY AND SHAK'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL 0THEK LIOIOKS. IXES, BEEK AM) CIGAKS Hcrved Dny nnd !Maht. AUGUST KRAT2. - - Manager Cooillpatit.ii. iiewof luwfe, all lbs horrorsiil r - .. sll IDS normrsiu impotvm-r. a a ..r. w. r..w. m m., BIFvnl ana srun aui;i..a.iiihennnaryorvaolaliuupuaUfai TPIDKWR atf isunsj)liu.rsamailweSoiaiia, Tbs reao-u(Teren art nut rurel by l-lni M ninary prr rani sr. rF . ,. .iM. oi'i'll.KNKIatb.oniyaknoain m1y lorur.a,iitHiuiain.p..rUuii. rTAwminri.rni'tieoaii monry r-iurn-i If an l-.ii not adi a p.ri.oic i fX)s box, six lit i0U. by malL nl tor rasacircuUr an.t leauaiooilla, drsBAVOi.KDICI.1Et'O.,P.0. Bus aW.ltan Ira.wsiro.t "si CHARUC ROniCRS. 4t Corsoierdal St. NERVITA BentetsVITALITY, lost vigor' AND MANHOOD Cures la: potency, Ulclit rmlsMons and f wastlntr tiibcascs, all c"l'cw of self- alius., cr csccsa ana rref'nn. A ncrvelonIcnil i l.lrwwl l.l?il'!iT. Ilrlr.i'S tho t T rink P-'JW to tia'c checks ar.;l 9a r,'st')rf"' tVe vl yot.t.1. SrH3!'IWnr.i!.f;3crr1)(:fxH lor it.nt,j with a wrlfton j-mran- tec lo "irocr rct'urnl tho money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Ctlr-.ton A w'ackcn Ctc, CHICACO, ILL. ' LKor Sale by Charles Roaers. Drugglnt. wiiy( T hew tiny Cipiulei tre superior to Balsam ot t,opaiDa.-. Cubebi or Injecboniandiii-y CURE IN 48 HOURSUWUI the tame disease! vyith-W out Inconvenience. Sotf by all 1mirriitt. WW"WWWWWWWWWWWWWKWWWWWWWH ! LED & PEBHIII8 SAUCE THE ORIOINAL WORCESTERSHIRE Jeha Daacsa'i Seas Ageats, New York KM ' I : i I t W Si1 fr C BEWARE OP J : IMITATIONS 5 1 This aiinstart is ' I es tetry boUlt- J ? Jeha Daacsa'i Seas, Ageats, New York 7 JUNK US, IW ONLY 1)1 WCCr LINK AHTOIilA to TILLAMOOK CITY IIOHNONVILLK Hrttmiol r.littoro Ai Co. tiriiornl Aoiit", ASTDKI A. lKK. Orvhtm Hwilron.l t Niivlttali.m Co., n)ltl'LANl.Oro. Mnnutrtclurer ot "La Belle Astoria" Clear Schelte's Optra Star Schelte's Special Ami l)ttr Hrnivla Forth) ml, Oreg. "Best 99 A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AND ABS0LIELY PURE. fv-'-V .'- LOUVRE Astor Streets MANHOOD RESTORED Hanoi a taaiuua Krench iAn. will quickly ran rouni all o. r vous or diarM ol lb. gvurr.tive ..ntsitt. au-S m Coal Manb'-t, Inai.tniil, ls.nalO the fUrll,aelulr. i mlaab.iu Nerrnti, lta4Ultrf Pimples. VnninaM Co Marry, Mha.iillr.t liraii.a, m I, a uatops all hyiar fr rilfhL r-e-nta fiiib-i- whicr, iinotrr-rae-i w.r Impolaocr. 4 I'PIWI'.ajr. rli Wietprmaiirrhi. arid ' . .- ; L. LEBECK Cnrpcnlcr csncl IJultder CJertcretl Contrnctoi. ; i hOUSL kaim.ncj ami THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK RICHARD A McCURDY PwEbiDEnT STATtmNT Tor the year ending lcsinhr ii I HON ActonliiiK to thr Mandard of tli. Iii.timnce Lrjurt iu-iit of thr Male of New y.itk IM0XF. Reealvrd fur Premlome . Iron all inner tvmrrte l.'.SIH,;iH SI I'.', 117, ltd i .i.i,IIOIi,n':l 43 DISIHBSrlJIKMTS To Pollry-holilrre for i talma by 'at k Sia,f.1.008 00 To I'nllry-h'iMrra fur Kudu"- stasia. Ill, lilanda. etr. 1 1 .4H.1,7At IS For all other areouau lu.iii;l.;i .a ll..t!4o,oa 88 ASHHS Halted Klatrs Donde sad olher Kersritlet 11110, .",, 141 M I'lrtt I.Irs lsas oa Hoad sod Mortsas .... i.,r,0l,lHO VO Least na Uoads nd olher He- rarllle. O.IIM.OIV 00 Baal Mate atipralaed ay Isatr- aae KspcrlaUisdeBtt at 23,;.bH t Hook Tslat lr).AO.40 tl j Cssh Is Usska sad Truat turn- j psalea 1 1,61 ,8 7 7 St I Aerrord I a Ureal, Hat hafrrred PrsslB-t,sU. fl.4SI.OH7 Ifl J77,rl7,3iil M LIABILITIES Pallry Reaare.t. ste. $2(t3,Or,M,n40 flf) . 4,I1H.N4 H - t.ttomo 00 I CesUBseBtfJaaraatst I'tsd omtiiiit Nsrpist lt;7,ftlT4i6 IS Isisraar aad Aaaaltlss Is fvre 1871,711,997 79 I have rarrfully evaminrd the forepring Btate mrot and find the tame to lie correct ; liabilities calculated by tke loiursnre Department. Chaslks A. PasLLKa Auditor From the Divisible Surplus a dividend will be apportioned a usual, ROBERT A. 0RANNISS V,cl-Pir 0T Walsh a R. Gillstts Isaac P. I.lovd Pskosric CSOMWSI.L Enoav McClimtocs General Manager ad Vice-President Treaturer Actuary ASTOHIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Iav. MKl a. m fflfttLANlV " An Iv. Portland Villon f.r Astoria and lntoi 140 vm. tnrdlats points. 7;W p. Hi. ASWIUA. T: a. m For Portland snd In ill"1 ' IM p, m. lrmHist polni. (ili-i r.m. PKAS1PR DIVIStON. in. I is I" ' in Ar 7 "l 4-w 7 J"l S Ar Ml I U J 5" R;(V1I II V l.V "y ii M' Ar r Mi'U iri.v mi i it. Ar .Asiorl,.,. Warivnioit. ,.8.'ald..,, SmOIAI. HKAHII'H Ht'NlUY TltAIN Ivs Astoria at ) a. in ; arrives at I 43 a. III. AM.ii(rs may return on nny train atiott on s.' on ani 0m At.!. TRAINS to and fr.m rim !. Flavsl and NVw Aslnrla via Warroiw ion. All trains make- oil", eonnooltoiu at Utt with all N.ii'thwn Psclrtvi imlnt lo and from tho rt or Hound points At I'ottliiiid with all trains leaving Vntn deHit. At At.rl olth I It N. Co 's boat and rail Ua to and from I wnco a'ul North IWa.'ti piliits TlllUU'iill Tli.'KKTH on sals A" tvri for Hacranietilo, Han t'raiu'is.v, all Kastoiii and i:nr.v.n poliita. t'lty tl.'kc! oltloo Aalorla. Ut Coitmier. tlal street. J. C. MA TO. U. n I Fr't ad l'a Agnt You Are i on the 'Right Road' if yjur ticket raads via Hillings snd the ilurllngton Routs. 1: is I ha shorlsst line to the 8outhast the only line that of fers through car service frow Seattle. 8pokan. and Helena to Lincoln, Ht. Joseph, and Kansas City. Through (ourlil s.erpars Iwtee a week. Aak any Northern l'a ln tUk't agant about them, or writs to A. C. NHKLDON. Oen'l Agnt. rortland. Or. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS Whn pHpJe a . cntemnJatln a tn p. whathsr on businaes or pi Maura, tnay naturally want the bast service oh Ulna bis so tar as tfad, comfort aal afwty ta ron-M ed. Employs of tkt WHH'ONHIN CENTRAL LINEi. art uald to srv th publlo and our trains ar operated so as to make otos cos notlwis whh diverging linrs at ail Juncvtlon points. Pullman I'alac 8ls-4ng and Chair Cars on through trains. Dining Iwr service unsioelled. M'als servsd a ka cart. In ordnr to obtain this first class service, ssk the ticket sgent to aril you a tick"! over TheWlsconsIn Central Lines. and you will man direct connections s St. I'aul for Chicago. Mllwauks. snd ail points e st. For any further Information call on as ticket agent, or correspond with JA8. C. I'OND. Un. i'aaa Agent, or J AH A CIV'K. Mllwauks. Wis. (Jrnoral Agent 11 8 lark 81.. Iortland Ore. TlVl'i 5CMHIH I.I!. I'KI'.tKl j,,,,,,, .rtiH, FM. "lt l-iiHe, I'l-ny. r. Ft Mil I Wurtli, 'luialia Kmi hi, I.. a I.'itv, it hmla, Aaaivs Ka.t Mall n ti p in ( hi. in;., and i"t n"k.iii i , i In ii. ni. W . Walla, Hnsns. Miu.a.ii. Mlllll..Mlla, Jt.Pnlll. H"J titih.ll. ltnuu..b r ITl r I i iiiiiiu.'i u.'.fi v 1 " -'u a. in. 1'lilniKo and a.t K om Aaliitla OCI1AN STIiA,M.MIIP All -ti U I n u I mt. a .ui. Ji-ct to i liniiti., 1 fur fhii Kratir'erit hll '.Inn.?.:. IJ. I". '..', Ti. i a in i i nu inlii) Colrmbla Klvsr flleamsrs To Portland aad Wsy Landings. fta m ei Mo inlay . 1 turn, i Tuet Tliur Khun i'ortluinl. Wlllsmettt Klvsr. 4 m a. in, Tiivp, Tlnir and el Salem. Albaiiy.Corvsl Hi and Hay IhiiiIIuks i and ijnl - 1 - j Wlllsmttts and Yarn- 8 M() ii m. tIZJmL "'".."'V"' J";Vr'' and Hat. . yii-K"n . uy, imytfiii, or sun rri. Wy latiidlnxa. I,., dlyl 2. in a. ui. I Snake Klvsr. KIirlaUi Uwl.Uiii. Lvliwlslu I .' in. dully rnim I'nrtlniMl flam. WH-LAMKITK KIVKK Ks-flu'iiday'Oir-iKMi ( llv. Newlirr, K: ., I Miruiii di Wny-Und t" 0. W. IrOtTMSBERRT, Agent Astoria W. H. HtTPABURT, Om. Pee. Aatl Peruaaat, Or. tajiiii- .1 Bill si I a ssiiuaiii o rviuncy riiiv nan no ennal In dlHeuMa of the a) 1 Kidney ulJ Urlnury Orguus. Have (you nefltcted your Kidneys? IiseT you overworkiMl your nervous eye- I la'm end caused trouble with your Kidneys and ISliulder? Have yonC parns in tho loins, wile, buck, groins, I loind riludder? Iiuve rou a tiabuy ep- . pcarance of ttio fiuio, especially1 under tho eyea ? Too frequent do- ( I r,lra panfl urlno V Willlam'H Kidney , I'll Irf will Impart new llfo to thu iMtH 1 aAod organs, tone up t.a system i onl rtali A niMtJ man rt a. 1 1 . ssva fiiisnw a a tv iiiuii ui j vla. 'J maU 50 cents per box. f Wiluams M ro. Co., Props., Cleveland. 0. 1 rer sale by WTBsVOONN PB0O OU lift a ' ea . fllolaiolil BALTIMORE and OHIO RAILROAD Royal Blue Trains IIF.TWT.IN TIIK EAST AND WEST iinlv Un. otwraime ita ab hrun iraina neiosaaji mt ol tMitoliinatl aaul Naw fork. vta Washliiadm, iaJUeire and I'hlladaJphla. The travel over the D. I 0, la iMrtnlttaaJ to catoh gtlintiaa) of the grlMt aMisry la Amertn. PKTRR ltanvar rm..ns Cat An(. -a lom It Mills liulldlag WHITE COLLAR LINE (Mlumoia Rrver end tugst srsuna Han. (Stlea CoKpaey. Tslepkons Isavew Astoria dally, tl rorTla., aaUy lued at Ta. am. Whits foliar line Inter. - waoo. a view. U ilearh. aa4 Nahcol tia. A. 1- TAT una. Asiurta Agaev TeUsifcoee No. U Through Tickets -TO TH- HAST AM) SOUTH IIAST -VIA- o a .....a" rri.i.M a n rvui.-K hlkkper. T'l Itl.HlM Hl.r.KrKUJI snd Kill i: 111 ri.lNINH CHAIR CAR - Dally to- Salt Lake, Denver. Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City and oilier ICaaisrn cltta. Ilasiafa ilia.ked Ihroush to dest'.ttslloe. t n on 1 .!., la fast tlma, lowrsl raise, rintach light In all ears. Kor raira and Infur matlon rail on or S'l lrrae U V. t,Ol'N8llKllUY. Ag'nt. t It A N Co Astoria, Ura0i. .w J II IxTIIIU'l', tlau Agant. IX Third 8: cor. Aider, I'ortlsnd. Or HIST , SOI 1 11 LEAVE PORTLAND AltRIVI (iVKKI.ANtl EX. I'ltKHrl. for Balam, Itoaaburs. Asblsnd. 7:e P M.Karramanlo. (i.ln. .0U A M. nan rrancisco, mo i is vs. IMU Angela, ill Paso. New Or Usns snd th East. Rnsaburg passenger Via Woodhuraj. for I A. M M H P. M DaUy scpt Sunday Mount Angel, H. Dally an apt Bsndsy vtrton, Wsat Hclu, llrnwnvlll 8pi prlng- ntii and Nation. mo A. M Corvallls pa tangsr tl:M A. M It! - A M H M P. M Indtpsndtnc pass' 'Dally, tlNitl) .sent elunday. ConiiiM'tlng ai Han Francisco with Oeol dental A Oriental. 1'arlno MaU and O anlc at.nnialhlp llnr for JAPAN. CHINA. At'HTrtAt.l A HAWAII AMi THE I'lll I.I IM'l NKS. K.iiata tKlcta on sale dally tiaiweas Portland. Hacnimnntn and Han Kranols co. Nt rate 117 nrvi-claaa, and 111 ond-rla.. Inclifllng sliwpar. Rate and ilck.ta to Eastern points ana Euroiw. Also Japan, China, Honolulu, and Australia. Can b obtained from J. B. KIUKIANI). Tlrkst AtMit. a4 Third St., It KOK1III.KR, C. II. MAHKIIAM. Manas' t. r. A P. A. Thiaugh East for lowest rat. Call on C. J Tr.nchard local a-nt, Wsl.s Fsmo Comoany's office. Astoria BLANCARDS IODIDE OF IRON f.AN4!MIA,POOKNI!..e.ofllirltl.lH)l). CONSTITUTIONAL WI:AKNLS5 ICUOI'IILA. I'le. Nonr genuine iinlraa alunnl "lit. nca i'' AM, likl'ifi'.IHTH, ttc. ruimtK A a CO. , IS. V. Aste. lor V. ' ti ft non pxut.hi f t .u l-.r .iiiiMn rii-i 4, H tmi ini t lur W ii... uunftlurl lu t.Mirf,.i, nf any ItifUhim ii. irrluiluii or ulr4 IVteeni e-HMiiloii. tl'Mi if lit ti r ft tl I nifift iMilEvWlCHIUiPH Tn. i'tm Nun-Mirlnrii. MoltJ hf IIrHUU. or -4-nt In Blaln wrsiinrr tl,ll. ..r 3 lH)Ilr, ou riuM-s Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ItartlflclallydlneHtsthe food ni'.aldi Nature In fltrenKthenlnf and recon structlog the exhauHted dlKestlfe o gans. It la the latest discovered digest ant ana tonic. No other preparatlor can approach it In efficiency. It In stantly relleei and permanently cure Dyspepsia, IndlgeHtlon, Heartburn, Flatulence, Bour Stomach, Nausea, SlckIIeadache,Oastralgia,Cranjps,anrj all other resuluof Imperfect dtsrestloa. Prepared by E. C. DsWItt Co., Cblcago. For Sale by CHARUOi ROGER, m I2zf ie-' "Tll OiOaasajnUWi-. f la I v.M.n.l Afii V OaaianiMS U Y"iiiaisn,o Km