The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 27, 1899, Image 4

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Like the following are the secret of our success
ro, Tea Kettle ...........
Quart Coffee or Tea Pot
Quart unite roil
II Quart llh Pans
No. M Blew Pan or Kettle
t lnoo Pie Plats
Other good la proportion.
, c
All strlrtly first elasg arenlt
rnit war, no
. bought before
MiontTi or damaged Ric
the truit advanced the
W throw out no bait to deceive the people, but give you the beat ralu tor
year money on ALL good., ALL the time.
5OG-508 Commercial Street.
5,000 yards National Bunting. Rib
boas ead Plags for tbe 4th of JbIt
ladies Sailors. Shirt Waists and
Piqne Neckwear.
Volte Hqui 10c, 12 l-2c, 15c ad 20e
the very thing for shirt waists.
ladies two-piece Crash Suits in Bloc
and Brawn, the very thing for warm
White and
Ecrue Chamois
Gloves .
Albert Dunbar
Snow flour t&M at the Pat
Beit H-cent meal. Rising Baa restaur-
aat, ti Commercial street.
W. 3. Heckard L X. L. creamery
butter 40c per roll at the Parlor.
Tnoee who bar tried the lea traem
reed at th Parlor ay It I the beet
ta tbt city.
Best California win JO cent per gJ-
loa. Alex Gilbert, cole agent for Astoria.
Telephone IT
Fruit frappet) to order at the Parlor;
am price aa lea cream, except pint
apple, which la 10 cents higher.
Cream Pure Rye. America' finest
whiskey. The only pure goods, g-uaran.
teed rich and mellow. John L. Carlson,
sole agent
Kelly transfer wagon deliver bos
wood to any part of tbe dty on short
aotlce. All order left at ZapT furni
ture itore, 30 Commercial street, will
receive prompt attention. Telephone
The new Creamery Restaurant. Bond
street, near the alley between 11th and
ttth street, serve the best S-cent meal
aver set out In Astoria. Everything; la
new, neat and clean, and absolute satis,
faction Is guaranteed all patrons.
When In Astoria nep Into Fisher Bros,
and e the new mower constructed on
new principles to work among; the !
tumps. Tou can raise the cutter bar
without throwing th ma-
ofaine out of gear or stopping the team.
Eaa roller bearings and very light draft
V. A. Gaines' prlvata stock whiskey,
handled exclusively In Astoria by John
L. Carlion, Is one of th moit popular
beverage aold. It parity and quality
ara guaranteed, and It i sspeclally rec
ommended for family use. It I sold In
aay quantity at th comer tt Twalfth
'and Bead treia.
When drlnkir.g to the good health of
other, be mindful of your own by drink
ing only the best whisky. The "Admiral
Dewey" and "McEraytr" are strictly
pure whlskle. of the highest grades, and
guaranteed by the United State govern
mem, bottled in bond. S. A. Arrata A
Co., of Portland, are sole distributing
I awoke last night with severe pain In
my stomach. I never felt so b&diy In all
my life. When I came down to work this
morning I was so weak I could hardly
stand. I went to Miller 4 McCurdy's
drug store and they recommended Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea.
Remedy. It worked like magic and one
dose fixed me all right. It certainly u
the finest thing I ever ustd for stoma-ch
trouble. I shall not be without It in my I
noma nereafter, fur I snouia not care
to endure the sufferings of last n.grht
again for fifty time It price. G. H. W.b
on, Liveryman, Burgettstown, Washing
ton Co., Pa. This remedy Is tor kale by
Charles Rogers.
Paper has. been found to be admirably
adapted for bed quilts.
If It's
Good Tea
i you want
&sat AiDcricai Imparttnc Tea Co"
Bt ioo Store
; Quality M Good
Prices m Reasonable
in CotBnaratal ttmt, Aatarta.
All then and a
bargain beeld,
wool houa full of
The Place To
Save Money
All kiads of Dress Shirts from OS
cents ap.
White Kid Gloves $1 per pair.
Shoes of all Mads
Ladies Taa Lac Vesting Top. $1.65.
$ 1.75. $2.4.5.
Ladies Tan Lace. $1.50, fl.S. $2,00
and $2.20.
Fair weather and warmer today, except
stationary temperature along Mas:.
A special meeting of the water ccmrni.-'
sion will be held tonight.
Zack can cook oyters to perfection. See
him About !L 4TJ Commercial.
An hour with 'The Llllputtans" at the
M. E. church Thursday evervirg. June 9.
Are you thirsty? If so try the celebrat
ed Bann old Irish whisky. 15 yeurs old.
Lee Herring keeps tt.
Married, in Astoria. June
by the
Rev. I. McCVirmac. William
and Mis Peart Dawson.
The :un schooner Harrison expects
to get away today for TiliAmook. carry.
Ing a cmrso of general metvhandfce.
A marriage Decree was Issued verier
day by County Clerk Wberity to J. A
Thompson a-Kl Bertha Plunkett. both of
Clifton, Or.
Pury whisky Harper. Perfect whisky.
Harper. Every bottle guaranteed Har
per. Sold by Foard & Stokea Company.
Astoria. Orvgvn.
Desirable unfurnished rooms, centrally
located, suitable for offices or living
rooms, may be had by applying a: the
Aorlan otDce.
Strawberries are at their prime this
week. We are receiving large quantities
daily. Pricts now very reasonable. Ross
Higwins & Co.
Tw.-nty.flve centy will enable you o
enjoy on of the best enuralnmem eve r
given in the city at thr M. E. church
Thursday evening.
Do nX forget that a first-.-last cor.cer:,
by some of the bt-st local ta'.er.t In the
ci y, wui t g.yn a, the M. E. churrO I
Thursday evening, at the conclusion of
the Ullputian we.Ming.
The stockholder
nf th- T?,. c.l;,,. a. t
lr -an Land
Company, rvctntly Im-onjor- i
" we.ines.iay evening at W
i. koj s omce on Eleventh street, t
t.ect ofneers and
Married at Grace chun-h Monday a-'-
tern- -on. Jur . Hih. M Earth
PlunkKt cf Hoskir. Or., to Mr. John
A. Thompson of Clifton, Or., the Ibv.
m. Sej mvsjr Short offl- ia'.ir.g.
The funeral of Fred Barker s l,ttlo boy.
betwr. thn-e and four yars old. who
died Saturday, was Ik Id yesterday from
liUf family residence in Upjiertown. inter.
metit being in Ocean V.ew etnev-ry.
The family of Dr. J. T. M-.-Cormao. (.f
Marshfi-ld. ojr.sistinif 'f his w.f - and
three .hlldren. ame up on the Fulton
and ar, sr-n.liriir a few week.- with his
father. Rev. J. McCormac, cf this city.
The tug; Maitigie, Capuin Carr. having
In tow Ui s.-hconer Dewey, arrived down
uie river un.iay evening an'l will prob.
ably luve jut for Nehalem ihla mornlr.g,
wh'-r they will Ja-l lumber f -r Portland.
Don't forget that "Jury Trial" at Fish
ers orx-ra housr. Wedneiiday, June 2S. at
6:15. It will be the event of the sei-,n.
Tf k' 50 cents. No ex ra eharg.- for
rservwl seats. S-ats cn a at Orlfflr.
& Reikis M-iTvlay morning.
Bargains In new
wheels, from K up.
and second hand
N-.-w and first, tlass
wheels kept fjr rent. Sole stents for
ne la-iiivus iianii? er. K-pair.- and un-
dries at lowest rites. Columbia Elec
trical & Repair Co.. 523 Bond.
uurir.g this nne weather Is the time to
secure a good a'jppiy of woyJ to ?ea.svn
for winter use. The Astoria Wood Yard
Company Is notv ready to furnish any
quantity of extra fine yellow fir slabwood
from the Knappt -n mlllE. Send in your
7n our ajunt of the flowers r.regetited
to .Mr. Monashun in honor of his brave
son on Saturdiy, which apix-are-d in Sun
day's paper, we should hav said that the
wreath Which was prese- . was trm
ihe naval reserve as we,, as from the
Woman's Relief corps.
The following orders weic made yes.
terday In the circuit court: C. 8. Brown,
executor, vs. Mary Cas.-, ordered referred
to C. E. Runyon to take and report the
testimony herein. In the assignment of
I. W. Case, an inaolvemt debtor, final
a?count of assignee allowed and assigrw-e
as the road to the L7 h and Clarke
beyond the draw .brid, ilmost ln
passaWe, owing to a breai: m tn dyke
on R4tli' ranch, and the Lewis -rM
Ciarke people will be unabl' to come In
the Fourth of July', 1; will ru doubt be
decided to open the bridge for travel the
1st of fhe month and do away with the
formal opening billed for tha tb.
Ch alien wood fram wringer
No. copper bottom wash botier.,,,
11 Quart galvanise Iron buckets
Nutmeg graters ,.
Mrs. Potts' n.ikel plated sad Irons,
pr it ot three, with handle and
Steel carpenter band aawa
Nickel piated hammer, wvfght 1 lb..
8iiMTintendent Le yn make an ap.
portlotiment of wohiwl funds on July 1
ro the various school district In Ontp
county. This awortlnnment will te on a
basis of t'iO to each tNatrlet and Air. te
state that there Is Ju barely nourh
money In the. sohool nind to make this
The Wk,n trxtl yMinellnK the1 Kvk
of the 1. It A N. Company with their
main track has been fully lre,l and
kst 8nn,ly he train yunono.Hl liut
to the dock t mis't the boats, thus doing
away with tho serious liv-vvnvni,'Mv-e th
hns bevn cxtvrlfnvl by vjnitors tu the
north boaoh of ktte,
J. J. Kendall, who ha Wn quite sick
for the past frw wevk. has rwvred
sunVlmtty b rvsiune his hwiKu as
yantmastvr of the A. C. yrla In title
city. During his llln.-sw th ,
rtlll by R. K. Aliln, who otnie front
St. Paul. Minn. Mr. Allison has ac
oeptiM aiHMIior iHitton on the road.
JVre Martin, of liKll.ton, wrht dld
Sumiay nilu, ono of the eHy ert.
thr Ma" the tate, he hnvUig cMik to
Oregon In 1SU and ever sIih has bs-n a
pr mlmot factor in lt drwlowien t. Jle
an old ttttw frts-ml of Judge C,ry,
a ho was divy tUKd to leum of ht
dvdth, they having Ixs'n frlendw since
A dh.vt meeting of the Push Club w
he'd lat ttiftM. A dlstHtn In rectird
to tu:Kling a hoM In Astoriti was had,
but the nvktter was not flnaliy settled
and atil be brought up at a later munr.
A proposition whji eoinMned to Mr. Halt
mo:td In ri-garxl to bulldlitg a railroad to
Tillamook, after h,oh the club aU
One vf ttte ln'; argumenm In adver
iltig other than in.'Siuper Is cinta'nt-l
in the following exconK: A loou nwp
octant a.ksl the other day. "Have you
txxukd tho tine advertleenwtu 1 haw on
t.'v. fence out west of town?" No." re.
pli'-d the. cuyl.ntier, "bm If you will s-tk!
lt:t fitn-e anuttd to my h.ujH some day
1 will rad it over and see what ki arc
dealing in. Fact Is. I'm reading wat
Ia;vrs and don't g't much time to study
lt.gtrmlng with Saturday of next week
the Saturday evening train from I'ort.
land mil l.are that otty at 1:30 p. m
Instead ot 7 p. m., as now, and will be
run on tltrvugh to Seunido. arrni!t there
at i .J p. m. There will be no other
charge In the train sr-tce other than
that :h Sunday evening truln for !rt
latM will s'art with Its full complement
of cars from S-alde. so as to accommo
date the people desiring to return to
Portland. The trums will rop as u-ual at
The hach water In the Columbia ha
as yet dne no tterious damagt to the
tracks ot Uw Astoria & ColumbU Hlver
railroad. In a ojuple of placer the
water sxik-d Into the roadbed and s-..
enl It somewhat, but the gravel train
was at onot put to work ami the err.-
bankments thorouarhly strengthened with
rock. It wxuld take flv feet more of, a
rai-e txsjore the track would be covered
and long before that height Is reached
the I'nlon depot In Portland will have Its
floors covered with water.
The law suit at Fishers opeia house
Wednesday evening promises In the
tireeilness and In the spirit of Its pr
c-ding-s. to equal the great casea wtnch
have packed the court house to standing
ro m only As a roaring, funmaklng farce,
It has never been equaled In Astoria. The
brightest l.val talent In the city Is en.
gaged on the all the law nnd evt
der.c,. an i fun in the ruse will lie brought
out In full. The sale of tveerved seuU has
alr.-4dyhegun.ind ) many have been sold
that late c-nn-rs are llatU to be In luck
if they K-t mere standing room.
The Fourth of July committee met at
the court house yesterday morning an-1 the preliminaries to the cIf
bratton of our nation's birthday. As tho
L-wis and Clarke people will be unable
o atvnd, owing to the sjft condition of
r- .ijbc i-jau. voijr iiir ni(ii-itj
Cm;sjing the afternoon program will
'In h-ld on the A. F. C. grounds, the
.morning program consatlng of an o ra
it 1 m. reuding of the Declaration of Irxle-
!' "''"'- lrriotic mu.-lc. will be
rVM on the urt hoUfw 'uar' i th
F"alh,'r bu' olherwiw In Foard
' Sf"k"s oal1- '
Tapta'n B. F. Ilobr, who has been In
New York for the past 'our months
supervising; the building of the pair of
fjre and af: compound engines for the
new twin screw r.-am.-r Nari-otta. Is ex
fec'.l to arrive In Portland this evening
with the machinery. The work of I natal,
ling th,. engines In tile Narcotta will le
p jshe.l with all p.s.blt spe-d and It Is
expected to have her ready for service
within the n-xt two or three weeks. The
new- earner, which Is now In Portland
awaiting h-r machinery, is 100 feet In
length and foot bam and draws hut
four and a ha'.f. whereas the Ilwaco
on whose route she Is to run, draws six
ftet and Is not as large a boat. So soon
as the Nar'-otta go- on the Astoria and
IlwaTo route the Uwaco will be taken off
and given a thorough overhauling. The
new boat U expected to nuikt the run be.
tween th'.s city and Ilwaco In one hour.
In r'-srard to the demand of the War-
renton Tribune that the Asdrkt & Co
lumbia River Railroad Company put on
a mo'or ir between that place and As
toria, -h- oiflc-lals of that road state that
there Is not near emugh traffic to Jusfify
P'j'ti'g on more trains on that wiHm ot
their road. In fact the Seaside division
of their road is not near paying expenB-s,
and th company does not care to court
funkrupiey by inereanlng the train ser.
vle, with the consequent addition to the
op.-raing expensin of the roaI. War
renton now has two trains each way oach
day, running at convenient hours, which
is better train service than any of ttie
towns out from Portland on the O. It.
& N. or S. P. roads have. The Astoria
& Columbia River railroad Is as alert as
any road in trie country for business.
and so soon as they con make a motor
tnln on the Warremon section pay op
erating expenses they will put It on.
Spokane has raised a bonus of $14,000
for its industrial exposition and Portland
has raised a like amount to Insure ur
ciws to Its exposition. An exposition to
these cities Is no more to them than Is
the regatte to Astoria. The businessmen
of Spokane and Portland have found with
previous years experl'-nce that oil money
expended In carrying on their expositions.
comes back to them four-fold. Astoria's
regatta Is as yet In Its Infancy and In fhe
years to come there will be ten persona
aite-ridlng where there Is now one. The
money left In Astoria by the visitors
attending the regatta Is but a small part
of the gain that will come to the ctty
from the regatta. These visitor will,
almost without exception, take a run over
to the beach and will 4hu .become ac
quainted with the attraction and ad van
tasjea of these matehies resorti. Th
building up of Aoloria'a seaside report
I quite aa lnitortant a any other tin!
dertnklng before the clllsena of the clly
ami In nv way can It bo done more ef
feotlvety th mi by making the h'salla t1
great nhwn It e ho it l( le, and thus a',
tract people fnun all jarti of the Nortlv.
weet to come and enjoy An Otltlli ii!l
a cannot be had at any oiher puhllo
grtthermg on the coast.
The AsMorl A Columbia Ulwr ttaiiroa.i
will ll Hlckelw July i. .1. and I o nH
lJnin and return at om fniv r nrfes
(vilnts iuwl return at one fare for the
rotM trip. Tickets will he good to return
up to nnd Including July .V
On and after date Hie fcile of ten rl.le
ctMniniilutlon tickets N-lwe. n Astoria nnd
(ivNlh w ill l dlxxnitlnutsl. I'artka do
wiring to use Ihe cominutatKti ra e ntuy
purchase M-rhU tlcketx at pi each, gvivsl
for two months from dnto of s-ile.
In the iolh vourt e!eiUvv John
Iterktnaii was nmd for being drunk
and dlsonlerly. J. M. Allison waa charg.M
with entering the store of U Yik In an
Intoxicated ivndltlon and muliing fhe
furniture, lviK ahcrwke wrev-klng in-'
tasteful ill.sjilay of Ylk s goxHls. He lcd
guilty and wua tlnevl fltl. t-Vank t'iNiway
and IVter Lynch, the ettUor and luwrvling
house keejwr who mlJed on the i). M. A
N. hKk Sarurday, were also tm the
docket. Lynch lxl guilty to fighting
and waa tlmsl 110. Conway, the sailor,
denied thai he had been lighting and told
a atralghl story f iiUrnresentaAon ov
the rt of the boarding house man II
sowtied to t clearly a case of "sliaitgha
Ing." The evidence given by tit.- wit
neesea didn't agn-e and It was evident
voinevMte hud bluiulertsl in ilteir slate,
ments. The Judge, while seemingly not
conilttce,! of the itoy'e guilt had the (es.
tliiumy of two reputable ettUvra, and
ga Ihe kid tw d.ts in Jail.
The ieumi-r Victorian, was built
and for a long tittle operated by the O
It. A X. tiqaity, armed ,1 -wn from
IWtland Sunday night. dw havlig l-en
tiought by a Sound comimny. unl is Ivirg
at the i-wil bunkers, having some sl.sht
Olxilrs neV. her wlisllrM relvirv
attention and a new yur.t intt t" Ing pit:
en her foremast. It U exi-citst slie will
leave out today In tow of -.he ihk Kcort
f,r the Sound, wiure -ite w II ! n.ttd
uj1, as she Itu.s not Nvn ninnifg fT tiie
last tew )nn. ami be pli.-d on I'te nrt
between Seoatle an.l Taivma and Vic
toria, rh.s txlng the run of r!'e i:nirr
Kingston, wiiUh was at,., k-.l a short
time ago. The Victorian m to a
crcs N-twetn an --an ste.tmrr nn.l a
rlwr l stt. Slie kks a goo.1 .ll like
the T. J. Ntter, alth'Uk-h h4- has the
mu :.. .smokestack, and machinery of
an ivaa steamer. Sne can ml stand
Very h.avy mas. but mii tiinke gmsl t Inie
l Miiooth waa-r. tieirg a.hii:is for ir.
land route. She has run on the Sound
before and draws al.ut 1:! f e t
Tlie annual ivnvvnt.on i
tunl Kli.'"Mwl chun-h Is
f th.- prote
the di i-re f
lor. n wiH lie hi-M in Trinity church.
Portland, hegtnu.r.g Ttiursikiy ev-nlng
the lith. A "quiet day'' for the clergy
will tie heM In St. Mark s yhuri-h all ,ay
Thursday, beglniiirg w th an early ewSe.
brut Ion of th' Holy tnmmunlin at Tt30.
followed by a twlul breakfast, after j
whliti the day will 1m devoted lo a series '
of wn-li-s with sermon.exerciw-s and , talks by vixltli,' cH rg yinen. The
bus:ii' of tiie o niemMn 'Pt"-r will
be taken ut Friday morning and eon. ,
tlnue urttll Satimlay tvenlng wk.h a j
mo'titig u.' auxxilUiries and !rot(wrhools
o:i Friday evening m Sunday services
will Ih. rwld in all the -rur.h.-s with
sermons by Um visiting i-Vrgy. I1imi.
More.and. of sVicTiwiwnt", will prea.'i, at
Trinlry. Tiie ammal ng of the wo
man's auxiliary will be h. Id In Trinity
church on Monday. July 3, at lo a. m.
The Rev. 5lr Short will attend this n.n
wntlon. bug w-rvlow wlil l hel.l at ijrn. n
nun-n on ttumlay as usual, at II a. ni.
ami 7:10 p. m
t'hillr n-hoiir
m., by the Itev. T. A llyi in I.
Is Tii-sdily and Friday
DISTR ESSI M" A" 'i ' 1 1 K .NT.
Ru b-n tian.ey. an Elith'-V.-ar-i lid l..y
Drowned Yesienlay Wh.e lloaing.
Rue'e-n I-o Clanrey. agl s y.-urs nnd
K innths, was drowned yesterday after
noon atiout 3:. TO while playing wvh oth-r
boy In a couple .,f lusits n.-ar th.- oK-ri
Incompany with oth-T hoys he was p.-i.l-'Ulnar
around In a skiff, the tide 1,-Ing
high ind w.-re ri'iir the oi ra hou.- h-n
th. neidon' oi-viirreil. s-.'Uin th-r--Were
two boats anil while young I'l.irb-ey
wus trying lo sf p frtmi one to the other
he f.-ll Into the wafer, and l-lng
to swim, was drowned, as his com.
panions were bs much frlghlemd to r-n-d.
r aiststance.
The cries of the hoys attracted the
attention of J. W. Belcln-r. who hurrle.
to the spot and wade. out Into the water
and brought the boy osh'.re, where Mr.
Uelch.-r endeavored to resuscitate him.
Some women coming up, he Instructed
them to work with the lioy, which 'hey
did, while .he summoned fr. Finch, who
continued the work, using every effort
t) bring life bock, although the toy was
In rhe water only a whort time, their ef
forts proved futile, and the body was
taken to the morgue, where It now ll'-s
awaiting Interment.
The boy was tlw,. son of Mrs. finnc-y,
who keeps a small store on lower
Twelfth street. The father Is In Hun
FrariHsoo, h- Iwing Jut oat of the hos.
pita!, where he has been sick for the
past f-w months. It Is probable that the
funeral will not be held until the father
arrive from S.m Francis"), although 'he
date has not been sot.
An a-cMent of fhls kind Is very die.
tresslng and exHles the symthy of nil,
iho more so that the mother Is really
Sione In th.. world, and must flgh-t life's
bat ties) for herself.
The P. D. Q. club scored another social
ixres last Saturday t-venlng. the oc
taslon Ixing a party at the residence of
Charles Hellborn, on Franklin avenue.
The t-venlng was very pleasantly occupied
by conversation, music, card playing and
dancing, and at a late hour d.-llclous re- I
fr.-odiments were sorv'-d, I
Those present were: Misses Thcrlce, I
Hellborn, Jesse Sands, Elsie Elmore, Bee. i
sle Reed, and Allle Orey. Messrs. Harry,
Wrenn, Ralph Worsley, Oxcar Prael, Nat
Tallnnt, Charles Wright, Jack Allen and
Herbert Griffiths. ,
The usual reduced rate of one fare for
the round trip, account of Fourth of
July, has been authorized by the O. R.
& N. Co. fcetwv-n all points on the Colum
bia river, Astoria to Portland. Rate will
also be In effect between all Willamette
river points and all rail stations In Or
egon. Ticket on sale July 2, J and 4;
go. si returning1 up to and Including
July a.
A,! ,1. jf ' i vr
i. mi e - Kit. '; ! i
i ti'': -'
I'lirllic HciK'flt of" the Aotoria I'tib.
lie I ihnu y Will He Held at i Mi
cr'sOpvru House. WcJiicxJ.iy
I veiling. June JS-.-Caoc
Will He Called at
N:IR Miarp.
The def Is accused, by prosecut
ing :i ti..i of lulling rti'leii her goat, a
ituo-t and affectionate animal. Jury l
be drawn nnd enipin'iled, ltn.- for
pront uti.iti and defence will Ins eiain.
' linsl, va. eiii'ink lol to Jury, verdict rin
dor.d and wntence lmiHM-d, on the stage.
Many ritrx-moly amusing and laughab
In.iilejits will be lMiigt out through the
examination of wltnrpeea, and you w II
lilies tile funnies eivnl of l.'le ca-'tl If
I you do not att nd.
! ' CAST.
Judge Hon. Frank J. Taylor
b-rk ( court
Mr Harry J
...Mr Thotnua
... Mr H H
. Mr. ' K
Pro-iriing Arusrnev . M r. Frank Spltile
A'Soi-tace 'ouns I for I'ro-ecution
I Mr. Harrison Alien
1 PiMM'iitlng WltneM
, Widow nirrady T-rrv M-Kean
tWumsee for Prosecution, "Me-lf '. .
! Pat Uwb-r
l"ote IVwvy Washington Kd fair
, II raiv Virgil Cicero . ...S'-llo Jonn-on
Attorney fur IVf-n- . Hon. Johan Young
Asamrate Counsel for IMm.-f
' II n J. It. Smfh
j Defendant Mr. John N. (Inmn
J Wltnrs-.- f,.r i.-f-niv:
Hiram Velv. . grass . H Ti-e
! Long Pun! Trii:imr
Kan Sing Paul !ta.oll-t
llms llan.i Fr-d Jolm"ti
Tlie iiiry will be drawn from th- 'o'.
I -wing well known cltlxens:
Hon. John Fox. Mr Siniu'l FJmor.-,
Mr. II. i". Thomiwon. Mr. S. S (lordon.
Mr. Wlllinm Barker, Mr. II. i Smith,
Hon. Benjamin Young. Mr M J Kmn y.
Mr. P. A. Tnilllnger, Mr. (' M. Wright.
Mr. f). O. Moen. Mr. W. 1 fjosailn, Mr.
II. Van Diw-n. Mr K. W. Tallnnt. Mr.
KIk-ii Rog-rs. Hon. Isnar lli-rgrnan. Mr.
W. T. Chuuer. Mr P. A. Stnkes. Mr O
W. I,)unsberry. Mr. Ueorge II. lieorgo,
Hon. ('. W. Fulton, Mr C. It. Thonfon.
Mr. F. A. FUher, Mr !. W. Sanborn, Mr
J. K lliwlns, Dr. A. L. Full n, Mr. II,
F. Prael, Mr. J. V. Marlon J ( Hati.
I J. A. Fii'tatx-nd. th.
contractor, was
In Portland yesterday.
W. A. Sherman returned last riluli
fr m nn ov-r-Suiiday i-.sit in p .rt land
' Mr. i'. A. ImiIs, .,f Chinook, was In
1 No city yeslerduy,
! II. ('. Zimmerman, of Wasiilrtgion, !
'.. s-nl Sun. lay In Astoria.
I iiy Attorney Harrison Allen was do;ig
' business In Rainier yesterday,
j W. F. McGregor, the sawmill man.
i riiiule a business trip to Seaside yest-r.
, d.,y.
I Judge Cleveland was a passenger on th
, Telephone lust night havlig been In por
i land over Sunday.
rnnt Johnson. w4w In lnt-rcs:i-. In llsi
I traps at hln'Mik, n gUl'-reil nt the I'lUk.
i-r house yesterday.
Mr. . Harris, one of the lending gro-
c. rynn-n sf (regn ily. was In Astoria
yesterday on a short business trip
Miss Lena Llcbo, of The IUles, arrive
in ,siorm yesieruay iiiiu will muke a
exlend's visit at Ihe homo of Council.
man S-iinmeckati.
Mies B. Johnson, the efficient West- rn
Union iperator and ticket agent for the
A. C. R. R. Co. at Biwlde, was In As
torla yiMterday on a brief vacation.
Mls Horetia Elmore went lo Portland
j yesterday to attend a reception that wi
I he given this afternoon by Miss Belle
.' McK-e, a former c-lussmate of Miss EI
mo re's.
:. II. Wheeler, of the firm of Whw-le
A Helmple, the sawmill men of N.-hulem
was In the clly yesterday. A good deal
of lumber from this mill Is being slupis'd
u San Frariclso and other coast points
this sprtnr.
Mies Mary Dcaly, one of Astoria's most
successful and populur, left on
tho Columbia this morning for California,
where she will sis-nd a part of her sum
mer vacation seeing Uio Bights nnd vis
iting friends.
Mrs .1). F. Rober, of Ilwuco, received
a tel'-gram yeslmrduy from Captain Ro
ber slating that ho would arrive In Port.
Urul this evening from New York. On
lij receipt she came over to this city and
last evening' left for Portland on the
Telephone to Join her husband.
The "Ltllputlun Wedding" to be given
at tho Methodist church Thursday even
Ing, June 29, will be composed almost
entlr-ly ot small chllrdcn. This Is In re
ality a .miniature wedding. After the
ceneminy a cxmcert of high merH wlil be
given by some of our best local talent.
Program will appear In these column
later. Price of admission to both wed.,
ding and concert 26 cent.
Wo have the largest lino
iiinl at the lovvt'ht ric'-.
Made of fine Twill tvnlin, blu Willi
while thread, large prl billions; just
the thing for the beach; save washing;
price per pair 4V
pecs, line, spado and shovel; gool
Urje slie, par set l4o
IIOY'8 OVK.UA LI. md. of goo.1
twilled denim, copper livltetl, patent
strap fusien'.itg; your boy wilt want a
pair; price per pair Xo
warranted waterpriwif; aoh SUo
Th cheapest p!ae In th city lo by
Teea,xie llaaket and t'.rar.
Bend t-eent stamp to pay poataaw aad rt a Tide TabU fur UMl
Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Etc.
Car aavs Tou Uoacy on Estimate, of Uaierial af Ever? Dosertvllo.
R. L. Boyle & Co
Lending Rcl BHtntc Dcnlcr of
Writf for Information ami ruiuhlt.. .'i:!' I'tnuiiii-icial Stm-I
Telsphon ISo. iU
Handles Only the Choicest Meats
4s Ceanntrclal t.. aest Palar litaaai.t.
STRONG COURSES Wsl equipped training departments, Normal course,
qul-kest and best way to S'ate Certlfl. ates.
Exp'nsra for year from I1J0 to 1; ll.iard 12 M to n per week; Tuition. HM
per e,-m of ten w-neks. Fall term begin September Uth; flummar tsrm June tt
to September I. For i-etalogu addreaa P. L. CAMPBELL President
or Y. A WANS, Sec of Faculty.
Astoria's LeadUng Hotel I
Mcclcr tS WrlRht, Props. 3
"Russell" Automatic Engine
AVi'K. je-4 utaj
--. - i r-1-
Writ for Catnloiios of
Capital . ...
Reserve for Unearned Premium
Reserve for all Other Liabilities
Net Surplus over all Liabilities
Total Assets
B. GCOD'VTTN, Assistant ifanager.
317 CttllfornJa St., 9. F., Cat,
of suminor goDtlo in the city
(Jencrnl Supply
Mouse for
Family Groceries.
Normal School
Training ftohool for Ta.-her.
Xitr llulldlngs
N"W Iepartments
rngradl Country fl-hool Work
(Graduates Secure (Jood Positions.
Engine JJoilers, Suw Mills.
Portland, Oregon.
mt, iBiici.
V? 500,000.00
& i)
Astoria, Orcgoiv