' ';' ( f" ; '"" "" " ? ' .' ' ' ' ' 1 I i -. . , . , ......... , ...... , . , f ' ' "'. ' ' '"' ' ' - 4 TUB MllY ANTOltlAN. TUKHDAV MOUN1N0. JUNK 27, 1891 WASHING DISHES A mountain ol dllhfl confinnta III avrlag llniiM. tails alut nil Ihi latailjp haa illiiad. 'l imy ar irir I tjliltai, t.a. and lunl lo gal cUan with map ami tmtar, I1'" ''. aa. 1. 11, unlri.il and cli.npeal way lo waili l1. tlliliM It lo um Hilt 1 M i7 l II r i "r-r Pot THE Chlujo In 1 1 line of NHil.K.I i; Ml IK IS )lhlnu iu-w (Hid nobby In MAS 1 1 UN M CKNM AK. BUFFUM & I Icittcrn (tu !M Tl.inl StriMt, (Wilt Surk, Stop and Think! Are You (.eitlng The HcHt Men In. The Bent LiiiorM, That can be had In l!i til) If not, It I llrcsuaa you k not lilted Vnt thiiaa hs rwqulrw May t tn.ra ta th. uaandi who knoar That vt all lb arvat ealarwt, "JttT U U IIEKT. l.Kk l.r I! raiKii of MIJ.ri''h" and take Ihi i tlicr. lXuLllalir-l taruly )ratl Coliimbia Electric and Repair Co, Successor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BollerMakers Machinists Foundrymen ; Logging llnglneia lltilll nnU Rcpolrctl. Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Mannfactartrs of the fnsurpnsscd ... " Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel ... Contractors for Klcctric Lights nrnl Tower l'lanti. ob Printing The Daily Astorian. u Astoria Public Library RIADIKO ROOM FREB TO ALL. -mm ' OvM erary uajr from I oeiock to 1:10 and (: to : p. m. ubaorlptlon rate P oar annnm. Wt Cor. Bleveatk aad Duaa BtrawU. DUSi WASHING POWDER in ma nin aaiar. acta nti nni(l' , i li Ihr gi.aaa and main Um iinhM if. iu i Ivan. In latl all ' leaning It maila amirr by lull (irji 1 1.. inn, .uj al lull I In coal hi ...all. (reataat )r mi mir larga pltkil. N. K. FAIRUANK COMPANY SI. Louli NiwYork Bte Latest Block, KNOX Summer Styles. PENDLETON K uriilnhcrH. roKTLANI), OUKCON. Or The Hcnt Iiedn Jeff's Restaurant. a gaoulna f4. aoim.imy all mat tbr u bav fraalr eoc (aaad Loggers' Supplies Kept In Stock Of Any Description Done with Neatness and Dispatch. Prices Reasonable. Call at l; v. C. Jf. TRB1SCHARD, Commission, Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping. SAMPSON'S SQUADRON The Admiral and His Captains Will Be Given Shore Duty In Movcmbcr. HARTFORD IN COMMISSION ToBei rralnln Ship With a Crew Of Three Hundred i Green Men. SESV VltK, June W-A li l Hi" IMiiM truin V(iligi"ii iwy: 'itiuln II, Tylr, lf loiiuimii'la llui llHltllk. ll"" I'-rttt J1 liua illW'l. MIM'II'J 0 lh- I-HI. iih-iiC In n-iiwUi M lrrxl duty until NuvmnIxT, Winn tli" lMMrt(int -Xf;t Id-ur A'iiirl iiii''ni i ril'iiiii niitlKl ".' lit" N or I It AiliUUU: KtiUlon. Ali'iill 1H" in llnio I hit lirm of ay-u .h iy r 'imiii Hiii', itunticlliiif tli T will rllitre "1 HI ' I'l1'l mi Ktmrw duty. Vii-ii U.-.tr A limnil Ha m I n 1'Uttli down til 1aK, CapLaln K. Ouwlwlrk , of ! Si w V.irtt. w.:i I ri'ini'dy r"i'irt mIkhv duty. IM- hUlxttnl twl IWillt).lv.' fll-ll Wtll Mill i.iini.ri... thn fiiulur irt-w of lh ll.irifoid. which will l I" f"ii' niuii't t nitniidT J. M. IUwr-, JniM" I'fl lir-'ki n f-r JJ.trf tlti.. ivun. ninmlrr lUwIry ha imiIviI r-prta fr-xn r rtiltHitf olllw ahowltif tltry hvt lrab tili"l ! Murv laiuinl V" t iln rrti lti-ii tlti will In- iraitH'd u mri-f-wir a itf i n tlw Hartfuid. AclliiK H n-tury Allut nt a rl:r j to It'-.ir A'limra! Vatni dlr'""lt'K hlui (. Unif hin!l "li-r aoilMif.xliift of-, il. vm mid inlii-1 Hi' ri "f tlic Alul ii iUdr.itt iiir-lwr .tnrn.r- io fr in army -imiiit'irlr. a H.ti.iii:u Arn.Mi'iK .( ni'i:rt HAN rilANfl"i Jutif W -I'nvatf Wimlr)- K)Iy. of cotl'l"'!) II. TW'-nly. .,lr)l Itifiiniry. thiouich h. i,s i.y iTivalu r"iiik WiKfilt. of th" a tun 1-i.nnuny. at itirir 1h-u-iiii"I' r al tlw l'ni.ilo r.- Itiw a -r tn!i tl..it :hn .Ikhj Iikt ciu'.nly uiirov'k'il. Kl' .') w-a hla. kli h n-a h'n Wit-' ..ill luaiiiil iil r-vmrr uii nn-o. r-- li- (ImI tin "li( ImI ihi rVMl Iit.uJ. hf a r.o,ll! hi Kim l.u It i tjik-ti fr.ptn him l ollur j.Miir wh" hu.tl--.t hlrn I-, tho trtMnlh ni--. No - u . alifiii-l f"r lit" aKcmm to i.iiixnl. rtmnh-r. NKW KUiNI'IKK i:XrKI'ITIt)N. NKVV Vt'llK. Juib- X-A new KM'tidlko i-tMll!Kti will atart ("in tM I" a Btrt'Ul car ovtr Hi" Vantl.-rblh nada ix-xl Ttiuriay. A l'-atiihti w'll In. .. ti .ii M..t- i.i nri tir fhe Amer hn irdd llel.U which are a lhouand ltea ii.-rer by the I niici !a:.-a tnan Iawon ttty. The i xw.lttlon .lirfera from moa: mln lug ventuiva In that ita cni;laj atiK-k la all milw-vtletl. 1 arti Inj ,i,iur am A-nator Julin I'. J-'iv-ti. of NVvada. preal'M-llt ; J AOK-a llltv.T. Vliw preaiuvm. OlUer II. I'. Hclntont. aeretar)- and tr.aurer. The tarty rxie-r to aUy l ila. at tlK" mlnea ooirtroll.tl by Utr cimi iauy. A mining expert f niitiotval repu. latum will lie taken along a well n a irg' of ma.-hliM'O' with which to dc vel. p the proia-nty which Include twin ipianx ami placer mimw. rne mtnea t l Custom House lr-okor. . - ASTORIA, .OREGON Agent W. F. 4 Co., and Paolflo Kxpreii Co'f. rr tawiired a ytr no ti4 hiive bwi x1ftlvly wrkvl, tump of c-n-aiilxrulilai tnMirMina railed ItKmont, aftor lit i''.r"lr'"'riiitirr, hi tin fii()ilHlkrl. All ititi Jfwllr ar llll riana anl Un-y - (': to wt rlwi om of iMf iMiiUili. , IMI'OlfTANT lilKtliVKHV MApK. NKU' VOKK. Jurw V. -K A atl h to Win lli'Mild frim MortUfvldno y: Tit Auwrlln rKwtiT It lr tii adKfd for hi I'luitt. M. Ic ! rlai'hw, Imiiter of Hip lal i'iifdUon. aunt up at M low it lliw inlt of lila ymriu-f no lti Aiilafil ' tv(U.ria; 1. lilMiiviry of a oifia! whlrli wa. ininrd t'it H'-lKh' canal. 2. Irllvpry of an antilii'-hiifu, form rly li-lld to ! an laolaiw! lalaM. ,T K'v Hll' aUoTi of riuiiii-r .ua rrrora In Hip DrllUiU a-lmlraHy kw orwrrti.rK Kln-lund rw WM-tiand l:iid. 4. Hif. wrir ifriTiir.iiiv iwTfiilt lh miiiollluii th.it Uufe l a toii: Irwin far lo tin- K-IUttl. Iiiiik'IIniiI dim ovit i-a ri'forrlng- tj n.rn ami f.uoa. d. Idiwovry " uiikninirn land', i'o. i'. ally I'aii'O IkUikI. ItiniK.MN'J MANILA IIKHOKH HAN I'HA.SVIWO, Juiw Vm.nc thn urr.va'a on (h Itl'i !- Jnu-lio from llo"K (a.laln N. M. Iyr. of rt- or.-, who haa Ih-i. au-i.-IM by I la I lift i 'a. i jlii J. M Kor'yih. atvl la on hi way '( lila o'd hotiiii III M'lrH, a auhurh Of ll, n; ('mUiiii A. N. Waiki-r, of i'oiMid, who laa ln u-ll by ciitaiii H. H. Arlk-y, uimI tu-tti on Ma way to Kruukfort, Ky , and M"llnal lu k hw J ('. Wuw. of tli llolilmorH, -no In tfoltiif Uj Wiialilnnton. Thi-a offliwra havn l M d!atoxl from duly and ar lioinn to im cure a mu0i rx-i'l tm. lfIKI WITH HONOHS. HAN KUAN'l 0, Juno W-rlard I'.rti. r ro-iH-y. ln-vt lt'Uii'narrt ruhrfi.'l and nit. of the Third 1'nlu-d Hiut-n nulry han ln hurt.il In tho nalloiial t-.-ninl.-ry with full M:tonlO I rll.-a. II wa a aradtmn- of Wm I'otm, Icliiw of ll . rvd wh dlitUnctton jiind hotuir throuKtKait the war of wm n- Im1;1.ii and latUTly h Id on tlw front V t. oiinrH isKAivmvi. woman. 'Itil.KlKJ. .. Jui a.-Tln- TdA.lo rr t'aili li-aiKd a ! r..-r to tt.a ii.h.1.j1-iii of tlhlo avktriv I hem to ay. .a: In di-ti-nnlliin: thr nio-t luautlful wonmti Iti i lo. l)i. Jihltfii. t Ih- rml ii.i. uttl'tx of MPvfUind. t'lrxinnail, I.i)toti a';d t'olumlaia. It h pnioiKil l.y thi' Ohio ii nti ol.il commlttrv lo A t.tmHw by run.iwittlvo txiUotln the . in hi iH-aut.ul W'Htum In tn.- arale ana nlin l t'i ! h raiiit In all the 1. ik7U to U- uioil by tin- Ohio i-xF-nlon. To I.KASK A HAII.HOAU. NKW VoKK. Jure K. The Time. a that the New York ('.n.ral I about to ucijlllre under lew, the llwloii lc A!' Ikiny Huflroad ayatem. 1'n.ler the t.-rttu f fhe drill already rnirnil Uan lloM.m Albany lt.irh.lden will be Ktinrunt'"! 8 Ier cent dlvldetul f..r W year". Kl,"ht per tvnl la he dividend h,v now eeei-lve rviruliLrlv. fihousti t .-arnln; runnlrw beyond auch rale have'O' urlU aftT the Fourth. irtilil-l extra co,h Ilnr..m.-n!a more llutti onc-e. ! THAT ItiltTt) Uk'O 11ATTAI.10N. ' NKW YORK. June Iti. A apeclal to , tin. Herald from Washington a: rVi-retury Alger haa ben advlfivl by ItrUrntller (J.-neral Iavla. commamllng :h deiartment of I'orto Rio. that native Porto IlliMna have bi-en enhatetl Into the laittalKm uthorltttl by the war departinettt. tm hurdrnl more men Will be soured. fill NAM AN HIIT8 A FRENCHMAN'. ! of Cieorge W. Phtlp. of thla plac. NHW YORK. June 35 A dl.-patih to, Ti, Harrlaon came tn Tuesday evening thf H.Tald friim I'ekln Kaye: ' loadetl down to the Ruards with mer- O. A. KlltcV, interpreter of thn French c!)un,l!W ror our luinej men. The Har IcgaHon h.re. haa b-en ru. k by a ; mn k. LVrhthead t'hlnanwtn and la viifferliax from brulat. The Krent-h minlfter, dtmiinda a nubile loAgy 'rom The ttuiK 11 yamen. MR. IiKI.I. NOU' KNIX1RSED. other Intenst'.HK Matters I'pftr Consld eiatlo.t at the ChmlKr of Cont. merce I-ast Mpil. ! I'tiui-tnil Interest centered ln the mtvt J g ia the tthamlH'r of commerce held last i night and notwithstanding the bad j iveather there was a rivkI representation I ,),' rite chamber present. The aecrmry i tu ned the evcnliur prvarram by rtad.ng t ctuiimuntcatlon from A. P. Charlton, j gencntil asstsinnl passenger arvnt rr the Northern Pacific, In answer to an application front the tJiambi'r ia lng tlat j as yet nothing had been done In riwrd to gU'liu: Itiuulgrnnrs or htune seekers laics to Astoria. The pr.iKislilon of Corbttt Bros., ask- It'tt a site and t. nus to establish a flour. ' IisK mill In Astoria wits read t'd the : secretary Instrucbtl to ask for further Information. The committee on arrangements for eniertiilnlng tht National Kdttorlal Af Koclatlon reKrtcd that everything wns pro: lei is lug favorably and that the vis. Ming editors would1 be shown the many points of Interest In and around Astoria to tho best advuntege. The committee, apixrtntvd at the special ; nu'eilng Inst Monday evenlnit on an 11- , '.nutratttl filler for ' presentation to the edluis as souvenirs of Hielr visit here, made ii report of their progress end suit- ! milled a copy of a folder. On motion the . maiier w reicrivu to tuo piesiucitr unit secretary and itw copies were or. ilcretl printed. , . The mailer of Sidney Dell's book on Cluls- p ctmnty then etime up for J3io cltH'mber's endorsement, as Mr. Dell had compiled with the chamber's request and hud rewritten the first chapter, which he itgaln i.resented with a letter. The mat ter was tllscussed at (rrent lengrh, the members makliur apeetthee both for and"' agmhirtt. A motion tanic very near pass. 1 ltg that the, chamber endorse the book. provided Mr. Dt'.l wubmh bhc proofsheetB to the presUKmt and' secretary for their perusal. After more debate a motion imsscd by one vote htvt the whole matter of entK)rsemtnt be laid upon the taible. A committee was aptwOnted to druft suitable resuhrtlona' . niwn thd.ileatii of SnmMil -I."-Blnvnwn; Mr. Slrat"tin was, a llfa MMmbor of -Uie. cluuby- ,lutvlnK been fleeted .such, jltbout dues) Jav No., vemher, lsMt"at wttit-h rlnje' ive-'vfhote th. piiem 'fjtiftiiriclilng Vf the 'Orefroij." This iwem was rt'ltignajfed to Mrs. Narctssa. White Kinney, vtibs In San Francis co, and sh tecltej.lt at the launching u the Ivattloshjp Oregon, which toe plhce from the Union Iron Works In that clty.l The secretary wift. Instructed to oorre.; spond wllh Somitoi1' Joseph Simon asklrar the cttise of the delay In establishing tlie qilaiarttlne slftilon. bcr. after which th meeting adjourned. PHILIPPINE SITUATION 4' General Miles Says It Is Strict tat Does Not Went to Goto Manila. MOORE TROOPS NEEDED So Says General Miller. Late Gov ernor or llo Mo. NKY VfUK, Jun- y.-A ap'."U to the llirald frti Waahlnjaton ay: MiJ.r OttiiI MIU la an advocate of lii diKiat li of priri fori .iiiiiMa I fnra4 (la. Il dei-Hm-4 to dlif UM Uip political l.iilon lr th 1'hllli.j'lTfw ot!;r than w i H WM (-Thul m WfJ(jW w tny ( of )w M tjiiM (o lh ltillil'!dii' t li-a- the arohliclaKO titWin- Atn.-rt-iui control. On-ral Harcua I. Miller, who recently arrive.! from the rhUljipltH-a, wlrw Tib iroverrw-d llo llo. haa Ut ti llvlna: h re alnuo hla return. OniMTdl Mllb-r'a- v'kjw aa to the number irf tli. rn.-rt rulrrd for file uhJuat'.oi of th lalanda la vo- diff'-nnt tr-tm h oi ;.-nral Otla. He brlkvra men at It-aat are riulrl, for th con- tr- I of huaon and the rrnalmW for the r-i oration of vnuf and ortkr In tlw" othT iKlan'W". i fin.-ral MUler'a vlr cotnehlea with (i-n.r.il lAron'a rxl .ht of ottvr of flii-ra Hiitntliiut.- to General OU. In fact. In other than administration clr. --a tlw-re In a illaff :lon to believe that (ii-neral Otlai' tvt'.inuti of the men re quired wa made wtu-n he knew of the il.aire of the prvHblMit not to ralw vtie untivra If e.ib to avoid It. i ; There la no tniln In the atory that GT. letul Milea haa app4 to l f-ni to Ma j nil. O.Ti-nil J1II.-H would not w h to tuke any a'tlon to illir.ilai-e Ocre-ral Ot! h.-n tha' .itllreT la doir all h can to queil the reb.-U.on whh fhe limluxl m-atia at hia continan.!. N"tl'.heiaiidlr.g lh n ; rt to th contrary, tli: prv!d . -. M'.lKli.il wl.h (rernsrul Otla' courne and li ta no Irtfeiulon or n-ll' veini: him. It 1 'eiiil.y untrue. K ia u.-wcrted by Aotlng ' Set rry M-UkleJ jlin, that General Ot.a haa -ablrd that he will be cotnj-lhd ri-.reat unit jmrniitly reinforced. TILI.AMtxjK NKW'3. County H-wtd I'lar.k Sawm'll a Sucm 13it In. of Kiiin DLsoourifces Klt-ycllaM. The fjlr-wUw lt-nv of inter,: con-o-rn.nir our nelirhbom on :h? south are uU.vl fr im the weU lilled nt-wa column tf the Tlllamx.k Herald and Headlghil: Thei Truckee mill coel down Thur.- i W. R. K.-f haa an tngiisa wajnui j tic on hia place l-iavKii with nut. The. Tiliamook Water Ompany stork w, laM m Portland to Mr. v. H. t'ooiwr and Dr. W. J. May. J. H. Miller 'haa ordered tttie Herald to hl.t a.ldreiia at Knaia. Ore. The boya biy aK know where to gvt the new. ! INje-tmaieter A. W. S-verance haa put In a worlon of keysa boxes for the ao !c nun.tl.vlon of the patrons of th city , olllce. Clurtnce M.ll.. one o." the mksln sol id! r boy in Uie Philippine that was I with Ijiwrence and McC y. I a nephew ' I'lnviv had It last wwlc Commissioner Ray tr lapht up a load of rtiefse from hut factory at Heoo 8un duy. He has 1J or 13 tons on tiand now, titivl will bring It up as soon as possible f.r shiment by the tiettt boat. Messrs. Holnian anl Richardson, the cattle buyers from Dallas, left fr home Saturday wtth about ZM heud, which they 1al purchaseJ In this county. F. M. Trout and fl. E. Ijeach went part of the way with them. There is no truth in the report that the bv.ard of county commissioners contem plate purcho-iing two more portable saw mills, one for the south and th other for the north end of the- county to plank roads In both parts. Claude Thayer has, we learn. Seased the Tillamook limbering Company's plant and will manufacture lumber for the San Francisco market. Wlltiam Itarker will retain hla position as sup erintendent of the mill and John Edwards will still kwp the ynnis. Judge ISolse opened a special term of fch equity deiartment of the circuit court Wctlm'silay. and as we go to press It ftlll In session. Tse attorneys from a distance In attendance are Wallace Ma- jcajnant ami W. J. MoilaJion, of Portland and M. E. Poetic, of Salem Tho people of the south part of the eoiinrv. evidently want a p'.ank rvd r.tty naWn(t m, a proposition to t vnimlssloner Ray that they, will prepare th , w .aul and tav the plank If Lk. ,wimv .-in furnM the lumber. Those JP(lll!t? jeWrvw good : roads, and If we htt)l olr w,. aboat we c;cse ne ,i..i .i,h. nh.vm tomorrow. We think a number of cycllrts nre talk ing through their hat when Ibey sihtik as though It would take" but a-i Insnlfl- catit sum to construct a bicycle path be tween Tillamook and Ray City. In all probability they have had no ex. )rlence or Insight , how a putb should be bulh. esHvlally in. title county, where the rain fall Is about 13C luohe. a.yeer. Severail kUrts are ti-vesnry to make a path that will be subalnnlhtk First, a good grade wHh the wtUiagw. ptvperly: attended to. SeooJHl, a foundathii of rock and plenty of Ii them several.lnchee af coarse gravel wvil rolM down, arid over this several' Inches of fine gravel. Figure It out wthat this will coM to construct per 'mile and then one can gtt ait an Approximate esti mate of thb"fosl"6T conatructlng a. Wwcle 'patiH to 'Hay City." - ' .-y. :!. -r .,t vBl'!;y m tlHA d.rl;cjt. oVjCj rtir;ncw lpUik, roaqjls .In ,ra-pjt of.tJeiknit 'toe little, mill tvt .work, "and, If posBlble, get ting, more mills nd putting itvtrn at work. There are- no longer ainy "jiKnibt itvg Tbma?es,", they now bave the evl ttenoe andu are .convinced that It,,.! the rtjesi)e-Lnd praj(.l road for this onunty. 0oqlte to go Into egtenelve road bul'.ding Is.expwlve. and the. bur den Is, heavy,, but, th time, has arrived In the' hlotvry .of thi county, when trav eling with teams must be done In winter aa well aa In aumnwr, and th expert eri(! of fhoa who iv trlel thot mod of travel the paat winter are auoh that they r a-mina; to mak any reaKinble ffairlfH .ftither than have J umlenfo thoae expertennea aaln. VJlOPMMJt WANTED. WantedHda for tenrlng down, rrniw. Ii.it ih laviterlnl, and reulldlng a anhool hou(. in the J'.n lay dlatrlct. John Lew la. clerk, Aatorla, Addrena I HKAI. KHTATB TKANaKERH. Jt'.y uf Aarorla 1o !lr'lel ItuhUa et u . i c, June If. K'J, lt 7. bK k Mi'.ure'a Aatorta , II W A roOLISII MA.V. There wa on- a man who thousht what a dreadful thru It would be If h were hilnd, and cloaed hi eye he wiik'd nl inar to how It w- u:d be. In 'he valut) of obtaininif tnu liquid juia thla war he walked over a turn, of vl tie principle of plant known to b whl'.h ano'.her man picked up. Tbera r people to.Uy Jurt a foollah, Thr moan uvw their poor health thinking; nothing will r.p them, when trial of ter-a Btomaoh Hit! era will cur their all- menta. It bring, .tealy. vlgorou. nerY' f. nervot people. It purine the Wood, j to overcome habitual constipation per tone up the atmaoh, and, bclnn bark ; manently. Iu perfect freedom from r-al health br maklnc Indla-estlon and ronatipvlon Imp xitbl. It la abaojutaly the rreateat rmr- kr-wn for all atomac! troublea, and l to be found m every drug etore. n The old KnirtJuh ix.unil mteriin wai Vrived from the welifht of 7.W) gralna of aouM whu from fhe middle of the ear and well dried. LADI1.8 CAN WEAR SHOES. 1 One fixe t mailer after oalmj Allen'. KooU Kaae, a powder to be ahaken imo the S1 'SZ H bunlonj. Il'a the reatcft com for. cii- cover of the agv. Cures iwo len feet, b.lateri and calloua ipo'.t. Allen't Foot Kaae la a certain cure for Ingroarlng natla, iweatlnf, hot, achlnc feet. At all drugget and inoe atorea, S centi. Trial package free by mall. Addrea A' len B. Olmnted, Le Roy, N. T. One of the early Wa.ahlngton crwiui. of which only two apectmeni ar known to exlal. Wra the legend, "Waahlngton the fJr.at, I. O." THE MODERN BZACTT i Thrive on (rood food and sumhlne, with ' plenty of ex'rclse ln th open air. Her i form glow with health and her face ' blooms with It beauty. If ber system need the cleansing action of a laxatir remedy, he use the gentle and pleasant 1 Syrup of Fir, mad by th California . Fig Syrup Co. only. It Is said that so few of the or mmon people of Russia are able to read that In v.l'.ax etre pictures of the article for sale ar-) hung on tho walls In place of reading notice about them. j A CARD OF THANKS. J I wish to say that I feel under lasting obligation! for what Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has done for oar family. We have used h In to many case of coughs, lung troubles and whooplna; cough, and It ha always given the molt perfect at. tsfactlon, we feel greatly Indebted to th manufacturer of tbl remedy and wish them to please accept our hearty thank. Respectfully. Mr. S. Doty. Des Koines. Iowa. For sale by Charles Roger. Ne.w coaling stations for the navy will . soon be reaity at DO' Tonugaa ana ew Londo. Conn. War ships can be supplied . ther under all conditions of weather and . tide. I If you suffer from tenderness er full- I ness on the right aide, patns under ths j fehoulder blade, constipation, biliousness j sick headache and feel dull, heavy and . sleepy, your liver I torpid and eon. gested. DeWltt's Little Early Risers ' will cure you promptly, pleasantly and permanently by removing the congestion and causing the bile ducts to open and flow naturally They ar rood pllla. Charles Roger. Australia has an area about equal to J that of he United States and a popula- i tlon about equal to that of Massachus-1 eus. I Last fall I sprained my left hip while J handling some heavy boxes. The doctor i I called on said at first It was a slight strain and would soon be well, but tt grew worse and the doctor then laid I I had rheumatism. It continued to grow ! worse and I could hardly get around to work. I went to a drug store and the druggist recommended me to try Cham- ! berlaln't Pain Balm. I tried It and one. i naif of a 50-cent bottle cured me en. i tirely. I now recommend It to all my friends. F. A. Babcock, Erie, Pa. It Is for sale by Charles Rogers. H.F.PraelTransferCo. Telephone tt DRAYINU AND EXPRF.SSING AU Cood. Shipped to Our Car. . WiU Rclv. Special Attention. . "" j No. 538 Duan 8L, W. J. COOK. Mir. Aaturta, Ore. Re. Tel. Ul I I II I' I I ! (I n ii o Young Mothers Gail ORDIN-e Pacific Sheet 'JeWj? MANUFACTURERS OF Salmon Vegetable Frnit Lithographing on San Francisco. Cal. Astoria, Ore. . Writ Ua for Price. A .Ml -jin ble IPfA r'S i mm An Excellent Combination. The pleavtnt Dictlinl and tH-neflril effocta of the well known remedy, SrRt'r or Fio. miintifacttired hy the CALIFOH5IA Kio MyHt'i- Co.. illtist re t- j Diediciunlly laxative and preacntlnif h;ro ln V'e U,rm r''"',lnK " th l.1" "m ' vfm. n iLr.r.m'T diarlllnr hearlarh... an,l I eeDllT vet r,rmtr nA .nabllmr one : every objectionable qnallty and inb j Itance, and its acting on the kidnera. 1 UTw ni bowels, withoot weakenlnff f irriUtinif them, make It the (deal I aJ'1'1'- i iu hue iui.tm oi ujauuiaciurjDg na ! r ned, u they are pleasant to the tate, bnt the medicinal Iqnalltiea of the r ""on, leani ana ! 2th" MWMtie plinU. by method only in order to tret iU beneficial effect an r4 tr ftvnM ImitAttnn. nl remember the fall name of the Company printed on the front of every package, : CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ,,rTTm.i. wt hw.t w -r For aale by all DrsiRiMa Price 5oc. per bottia It la undemood that "Oom Paul" Krutrcr la to receive an ultimatum in btt mail before lor.g. If It haa the aame f feet upon hint that ultimatum have had upon the aoJtan of Turkey the ultlaodera will probably have t keep rtrht on ult-Ing- and reaolutlng as heretofore. i MaketheHairGrow With warm shampoo of Crricma So Ay and light dreasiDg of Ctmcrxu, purest of emol lient kin cures. This treatment at once stops falling hair, remove crusts, Kales, and dandruff, soothe Irritated, Itching surf aces, stimulates the hair follicle, supplies the root with energy and nourishment, and tnake th: hair grow when all else fails. Sold Biiaiilwal ta wat Forms 0. C Cota otoftiiaBiMaaa. Utw Is Hat baaattfol Bait," The gray haired man Is being pushed to the wall everywhere. During a UJ- cuwlon ta Lon,n of "" " r.f m memhera attaten t h-1 n -hajt ha an - ' ' , 7 assured by a local halrdye seller that th j enormous majority of bis customers were i workmen who dyed their hair to secure : employment end retain it when found. su. nr, : Karl's Gover Root Teal Bnwtlfies tha Complexion. Purifies th Blood.irlvesa Kreth.tlearbkin. CureaCon atipation, Iniligtstion, and all Eruption, of the bauu An ajrreeabl Laxative Nerv Tonic. Sold on ataolute gtiarante by all druggists at 8&c, 60c. and 1.U0. S. C. WELLS 4 CO., LCROV. N. V. soli aaoaaiiToas iFor sale by CHARLES ROGERS. Chaimplon Jeffries is gotraj through ta coumry showing how he whipped Flt timman3. Mr. Jtttri brolh,r arts FitIs!mm ln or(ler :o make the to tration realistic. It would seem that th. brother ought to get an enormous s ary. ahould learn early the neces sity of keeping on band a supply of Borden j Eagle Brandj CONDENSED MILK for nnroliiflr babies, u well at for X Take no lubiut'ute, Sehd for Book ON " Babies." I - tii etrvvi th Im ft.r fort VaVrm. T CONDINSID MILK CO., NlW tOSS Metal Work.'- Tin a Specialty. Fair haven, Wash. CANS.;.B. .