Uh PAlLY ASt'OUiAN, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNK 4, 1R9 BARGAINS Like the iollowing are the secret of our success GRANITE VTJlKB. N IT Kettles ". I Quart Coffe or Tea Pois I Quart Ooffes Pot M Quart Ilb Pan 11 No. Stw rn or Kettles ra I Inch PI. Plate. Other good. In proportion. AH strictly first la. granite rv o second, or damaged rood, bought bIrs tt. truirt advanced ths prices. We throw out no belt, to deoet th your money oa ALL goods ALL tto TTTl? C A Til The Place To X FIJQ JTiTLll Save Money S06-508 Cotntncrclol Street. The BEE HIVE 5,000 yards National Bunting. Rib boas and Flags for toe 4th of JaW tidies Sailors, Shirt Waists and Pique Xeckwcar. Yvhite Pique lGt, 12 l-2c, 15c and 20t the ry thing for shirt waists. Ladles two-piece Crash Suits la Blae and Brewa.theury thing for warm weather, LADIES' White acid Ecnie Chamois Gloves AT Albert Dunbar Drifted Snow flour M at the Pat Market. Beet tSxent meal. Rising Bun rator aat. CLl Commercial .treet. W. J. Hecfcard". L X L. creamery butter 40o per roU at the Parlor. TKnaa who bav tried tt lea i erred at tin. Parlor aajr K la the beat to the dty. Beat California wine cent per ! Ion. Alex Gilbert, aol agent for Astoria. Teiephoos B. Fruit frappee to order at tie Parlor; name price aa lee cream, except pine apple, which U 10 cent higher. Cream Pure Rye. America'. finest wtsskey. The only pure foods, ruaxan tead rich and mellow. John L. Carlaon, sole agent. Kelly, tranafer wagon, deliver box wood to any part of the city on abort notice. AH orders left at Zapf. furni ture .tore, CO Commercial itreet, will receive prompt attention. Telephone tut Phy.ician. are the friends or tie fam. By. HARPER Whiskey la the friend, of the physician. A most valuable ais an:, and one that can be trusted. Sold by Foard & Stoke. Co.. Astoria. Oregon. The new Creamery Restaurant. Bond atreet. near the alley between 11th and Uib .treet, aervea th beat S-cent meal aver Bet out In Astoria. Everything U new. neat and clean, and absolute satis faction la guaranteed all patron. "Wlen In Astoia step Into Fisher Bros, and se the new mower constructed on new principles to work among; me tumps. Tou can raise the cutter bar perpendicular wlthou: throwing- the ma chine out of gear or stopping the team. Eas roller bearing, and very light draft. TV. A. Gaines' private slock whiskey, handled exclusively In Astoria by John L. Carlson. 1. one of the most popular beverage, .old. lis purity and quality art guaranteed, and It ta especially rec ommended for family use. It la sold in any quantity at the corner of Twelfth and Bond street. WOULD MOT SUFFER SO AGAIN FOR FIFTY TIMES ITS PRICE. I awoke last n-ghi with severe pains In my stomach. I never felt so badly in all my life. When I came down to work this morning I was so weak I could hardly stand. I went to Miller k McCurdy'a drug atore and they recommended Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea. Remedy. It worked like magic and one dose fixed in all right. It certainly is the finest thing I ever used for stomach trouble. I shall not be without it In my home hereafter, for I griouia not care to endure the sufferings of last n:ght again for fifty times its price. G. H. WW son, Liveryman, Burgtttstown, Washing, ton Co., Pa. . This remedy is ror sale by Charles Refers. A French naturalist asserts that if the world should became birdktts man would not Inhabit it After nine years' time, in spite of all the sprays and poison, that could be manufactured for the d est rue tion of insects. The bugs and slugs would .Imply eat up our orchards and crops. Extracts If it's Good Extracts you want Try GratAwailffiportiTeaCo's Have 100 Stores That' Why 1 Quality m Good Prices so Reasonable 171 Comas eroUl ftrwi, Artart. Challenge wood frame wringer H J .v k MtMvr bottom wash bober.,., fit 1. tailAet pYnlBiWt Irwii bucket. IS Cutm craters M Mr. potts' nickel plated Mil Iron, per set of three, with handle and stsiwl 94 StMl Mnwilfti hand saws f 'irkl nlated hammer. wvilht 1 lb.. 14 All these and whole house fu',1 of bargain beeld. people, but give r" ts best valu. for tlms. All kinds of Dress Shirts from W cents ap. White Kid Gloes $1 per pair. Shoes of all Kinds Ladies Tan Lace Vesting Top, l.6o, f 1.75. $2.45. Ladies Tan Lace. $1.50. f I.S5. $2.00 and $2.20. TODAT'3 WEATHER. Fair weather and wa.-T.er today. xe I't stationary ,empra;ure aiot'.g coast. AROUND TOWN. Zack can co. k oysters to perfection. See him about It. 4TS Commercial. An hour with The Llliputlans" ut the M E. church Thursday e-n.r.R June 2. For Sale Gasoline launch. For par. ticular. address B, care Astorlsn offlce. Mr. F. Warron. proprie.or o Warren', cannery, at Cathlamet. was m tne city yesterday. The steanwr Fulton. frm San France co. C-?os bay and other ooat Int. ar ri"ed in yesterday. Are you thirsty? If so try l!e celebrat ed Bar.n old Irish whisky. 15 yrs oUl Lee Hrrins; kps it. German Lutheran service will be held next Sunday in th Congregational iurc! at 2:3) p. m. by Rev. C. Buohler. Delruble unfurnisihed rooms, cfntrally located, suitable for ofrl or llvinx room, may be had by applying at the As.onan office.- Strawberries are t tbeir pr.me this week. We are receiving large quantities daily. Price, now very reasonable. Ross H'gina ft Co. The steamer W. H. Harrison arnvl In lan .evening from Tillamook. Cnam f rv products t r .hi dty and Portland furmd the prlnilral part of the carca. In the county clerk's office yestrd.iy J. Norman, a citizen vt the republic of Frame. declarl hi Intention. of Ijwom. ing a cltiz-n of the t'nitfd Stated. Do n-: forg't that a flrt.-Ui concert, by some of the b-st lo- al talent In the city, will be giv-n at the M. E. chur Thursday -venlr.?. at th conclusion of the Liliputian wedding. At the P-arcit church Sunday the pas tor will sprak In -iie morning about the past. prent and future of th" Baptists In Oreron. and in the evening about wat he saw and heard in San Fran isco. Plan are being mad by Archiu-ct De Lin for the !mprov-ny?nt of the Fulton Di.ient buUdlnir. com-r Twelfth and Commercial. A n-w frcnt and rciof and an addition I'xTj fe-t will le built. Batrair.K In nw and S'ord hand wheels, from C up. New anl r.r'"'.laM wheels k-pt for rent. S'Ae sg-r.ts fir tre famvus P.ambler. R patrs ar.d s :-. dries at lowest ra-.M. Columbia E tr!?al & P.pa:r Co., 5- H-ii. Tclay a n'-w w ore. knoT) as te A. tor:a Cash Store, selling groceries and general merchandise. commences business on the corner jf Tenth and Duan. It Is operated by Eastern parties who promise fresh goods and fair treatment to all. During this fine weather Is the time to secure a good supply of woid to .w-avn for winter use. The Astoria Wood Yard Company Is no ready to furnish any quantity of extra fine yellow fir slabwood from the Knappton mills. Serd ;n y;-ur onlers. James Hansen commenced work today putting a gravel and asphalt roof on Booth's cannurj. This in the eljMh roof that Mr. Hansen has coated with this material the past month, which how that building operations are live ly In Av.oria. Rev. T. C. Mufffrtt. pator of West minister Presbyterian church. Prrtland, arrived in the city yesterday for a short outing and will not return until Monday While here, Rev. Moffett will conduct the morning and evening servlcts at the Presbyterian church in this city In Sun day. Sunday Mrvicea at Grace church tc morrow will be cemducted ag usual by Rev. W. S. Short. Preaching services in the morning at 11, and In the evening at 7:30. Sunday school at 12:30 a. m. Services will also be held at Holy Inno cents Chapel in Uppertown at 3:30 p. m. by Rev. Short. The services next Sunday in the Con gregational church will be. conducted as follows: Morning at 11, sermon on "Hope," followed by the regular com munion service. Evening at , theme, "The Preeminence of Christ." Ail are welcome to these services. Ewd. Curran, pastor. Rev. Mr. Curran, pastor of the Con gregational churdh, will leave next Mon day, accompanied by his wife, for their annual vacation, which will bo spent at the former liome of the latter In the eastern part of this state. Mrs. Curran expect, to be absent about three month., but he will return in about four weeks The usual service, will be coducted in the church verv Sunday bv other miniit during the pastor', absence. W, K. Miller, of Portland, ha aiveptod a posltlivn wttn the II. F. Prael Trail. lMriRlkn CVmipany latnmire chk- man. II. i gxx-s u i e A. A V. train eW nmmliiw ant back owning to ilw-k bAKrite and miwiln buslnes fir hln oMiiiwny. Mr. Miller la a member if UaKory A, of the vvvkmttvr artillery, lUrtcry' A havlivg biiv ra!.M lit Port land. The Jury Trial at Fther' Wwlncsdtiy ewnliig. June . bids fair f. lrvve a grst aiSM-tlm. If you wlh to we an up-tolale !w put on the slajte in true lcl ntyle. don't fall to lx preont, ft will b bh amusing and litriitlv The proce ss rr U rhe benont of the Public Ubnrv. an Institution which Is deserving of the uikm-1 of every vh1 cltls.n of be eHy. Tho bvrl of directors of lh Lewi an.1 t'tarke road opened the bid for pinking the road yeterUy. and as a result Frank 3. ivw has the conduct for laying the plank, ami W. J. Initatls for dnllverlng e Itunber. their bKIs twin the kw.w. Ttie bid were as Mlows: Keith Wilson. t5V: J. F. S-ile, Frank S. Dow. laying lumber only. 11?; W. J. Ingtvlls, delivering lumNr, IS) . Ttve date f lh 'lr h Xvfn Axed frvwn September 16th to CM In elusive. Tlie state board of agriculture heUI a meeting on Wedneaduy ot thi werk and selected the olllcers f-T the fair and tfie.hrads of the varum do Pnent. The board of agrvulture gives out the announcement that the state fair J to be flmi-.laM in every re spect and that It will bo an Improvement over t!ue he'.d In rwent years. Th,. Por.Utnd rxtoltln manAg.ment I upplyii'.g the buine men of tht c'ty with enveloivs upon which Is prtntl an attractive advertisement for the expol- Hon. in addltln to the curd o.' the per- n using rhem. It U a very ,ff.. tKe ! w.v o.' advening, ami -uch a scheme ! oM,ld be emplocM to oo.l advantage by j 1 i... h .. v the ixatta a..Ki:ticn in or nstiiif A- , . ., . ! tori gr-at wi'r carnival to the n - , . . , ,K, ,w,.. rice ei .iff i-vi'i.' v.-..-.. i Judge Xehwn Is an exivrt ches play-r and Jame Hansen Is somethlrg of a che-s plaver himself. Thereby hanis a' tale Ttcr.l.,y tb.e tw . rdoul.uV.e j players o the royal game flnlsluM the l'l.t icarno of a tl-s whK-h have been on the do-.-ket for some i nn, Th: resul; i that Mr. Hansen Is icir ganns a.ici.l and is con-Mcred the ishumplon of As toria. It la but Just to y of rhe Judge, however, that although defeated he is not dismayed, and Is still in the r.tg. j The dredger owr.e.1 by I. N. and J G. Hay has been operating the piist week j deepening the channel at the O. K. X. : iUxk. Yestenlay one of the long spars j attat-hed to rti- shwl br.'k'. n.vessltat- j In a op of a few boun. This drlger j dies up the mud at rhe rate of nearly three yrds per shovelful, which I j dumied on muil scows holding alwut 8) yards, which, when full, are taken out j ro the middle sands ami emptied, the i Sadie B doing the towing. It Is expect- eu ma rne areoger wui spena a.-.umer wfk at this work. The National Editorial Association Is to make the r first st-) In Oregon at Itakcr City. They are due there on July 3. and will make a stop of three hours for br-o.-kfa.st and to see the town. The citizens o.' that live young city are pre. ! paring to give the visiting editors a true I western melcome. a Ieaiin feature of j which Is tl b- a breakfast of home--ooked victuals fu.-nishtl by the ladles. Ast rla will fully j-usaln her splendid rvpu:a:ion as an entertainer when it om-a her turn to re.-eive the newspaper men. 1 - The river at Portland vesierday r-irls- tered 24 2 feet, a r!.v of thne feet, ut Tb-e Dalles 4J 2 f- t. staKonary. Tne ui p-r river -h -wn a fall. The report say all r.vent will reach hlgiw!t point on Saturday and there Sk no further danger cf a flood. The lower deck of the steel bridge at Pjrtland Is now but a few feet I m preference to all her to S.sashle ure: above water, and the draw has to bej'Flnst. It Is the most d:re.-t rmite I,n.,,.,!nrnvhln h.ro-..r than - r.1 u!nt 1 and It Is nractlOttlly a b Ve rulltv, and I All the bridg-s except the Burnsl" ore (can be made without any noticeable jnow near the water, ami gwollro grade. Third. There Is abutida.i.-e -.f bo: h lauru-hes call for a draw when they wish gravel and basalt rx-k nlong the p.ute lo Vj go by. t Ikad. also hard sand rock, which Is a I s rt of cross between sandstone anil Isi- .Nns P-:eron, brother.ir.-law of the I salt. ThH very best kind A n k for road Af.derson b-jys who were, drownei by ' f sjiidutlon- Anl. fourth. It will lw all foiling off rhe old G -ws trctl arou.nl ! the way. excejn fnm the old gentl-mun Smith's point three or four week ugo, Su. k"tt' house, to .lie rmd by the llyrl I was walking on this tr-stle We-lnes-Uy mill, through fine farming land that Is I when h- fell off In nearly ih same s;wt j sure to have many settlers on It to Im jwher; the Anderson boy were drowned, I prov.. it from y-ar lo yar If Astoria i arid had It not been for an old skiff near wants a good rud lo the seashle that will i at hand Mr. Peterson would surety have filled .t watery grave. This trestle s-cm-to 1 a dang-rous pla for Mr. Peter son a:.d his relatives, and deserves to 1 avoided by ttv-m. The Manianlta arrlvel down from lort land yesterday with Captain Rigliter snd Lieutenant Commander Fields on board, and as their guestsi were (Congressmen George W. Stewle. of Indiana, and John Dalzell. of Henn-uivanlia, aooom xurbsi I by their families and Portland friends. the entire party returning to Portland on the night train. The congressmen and their famiHe are members of a party who are making a pleasure tour of the coawt, they Intending to visit AJaaka as on as members of their party return fr'm California. The warship Badger will emrbark the Oregon division of rh naval reserve on August 21 here and at Portland and will take a practice cruise of eight days, dur ing which time the bys will be. given thorough drill In targ'-t practice ami th; routine duties of men-of war's-meri. The Oregon naval battalion will be glad to ses; some ac-tive service. They are an organization of which Che mate may well b e proud, and having drilled ashore no falihfuliy, will no doubt glv the Badger an enthusiastic reception when she ar. riven on August ZL Captain R. J. Christie yenterday found to his dismay that some person who th'jugi-it more of a piece it canvas than they did of the ton commandments, had stolen the sail to his nmail boat. Though all was lost save b i.or. Captain Christie secured a piece of -i.ialk and some can vas and shortly al erward wis aeen cut ting out a now .ill on the Telephone dock. The resul; of the operation was quite a nice sail, fully as good as the one he lost and Captain Christie nwoars by all the gods at once tfiat If ttila sail .noiilr disappear alo there will be wrk for the coro.ier. Held P,a k, jr., of Portland, was In As toria yesterday, returning on the night train to Portland. Mr. Back ha many friends here and 'rut. dlntlngultmed him self as being uiiBually progressive for a member of an unprogreaslve race. He has organized a company of Chinese boy. which drill onoe a week, wear United States uniform, and carry real guns. There are about 39 in the company of very well drilled aoldlem who. In time of need are patrotlo enough to enlist in the cause of 'tielr adopted country. Seld lUok, wh la explain of Ihl onpny, la al quite a Klngvr and hi voice I often aiVmired by Ills hearer. A TIUM'TK W IIHAVKUV. Oomniltteea Will Strew lr on the lller Ctf Knslgn Mo.nrlmn, H Hero WhotVive III l.f I" in l"lei of Another at Apia. Samoa. Thl m.rnhig Mh ninamer t'llmnbU, flm Srttt Fvttnolsoo, Is exectel In wlih (he remain of Knlgn John Mono, nn. whrt was kllstl noar A1. S-umm. .Itiflmt the attack of the Maiaafa rt'M m Vhe nblncl K,ntU"h and A meruit l.v Tlie Uy Is en route to HiH.kune, where hi parent live and wlietv the rMln of th,. brave ennlgn wl Inn1.l. The -uity eotin. t'tL-lilng H- lhf trt No. 1 Nsval Hewrve tlie city gorttnent will wnd rcprwonlu ltv. to the dock to lir the noble dd. Tte following i-onumtlw will be In at tendance: tVutv.y ciwirt. Judge J. II. P. Gray. 11 J. Whcrlly d Th mh. Uiw vllle. W. K . C Mr. tlrvcn, Mr Hello Cleveland anvl Mr. Pauline '.log- U-r. NjvuI Meerve. W. A. Shomiail. W. F. Vll.-n ami tl Zivlr illy of A tora. tVimu Hrlx. K. I. Parker and A. Sihorn.vk.ui. Flower will l. tak'-n lo the dvnk and the rtmt of Ashu-Uin wiiuwn lo die ntenwry vt Knlitn Monotfian. A iM'aul: ful wmiih which Kw tcn r.-revl will be one of Iho iiwll rVrul offerlint.. Tt father of tlie decvwsvd will aoiiiw, ln- We corpse on the wm r. winch U x;wtd to arrive alwut 5 o'oUwk thl : mtuniiuc. it would lo tlitiim tribute to the d.Vel to have tlie tlags aroutwl town flying at half limt during the ttm UiJ Columbl I in the iwrlw. j The :tr of the entU'tiB doaih Is one v.f romarkable heroism. Tlie Auierlcin , and Knglh forces were ambutlicd ly the ' - - - -f , "l ' bcr.-tr.at an., hnally , hr tvu" ,:x, " f--tli-r and ord.-rl bs men t. k vp ii' t o retru: and bve him Hi.Un Men. cha:i won d not do Hi. and stayed with. . k ... I ... s.ll K.-.l I I. II. tl'.. Ileal il.nnt. dof-uding lilm till the Vai, wh. n b th were h t uiul N!nMled by the ivirlsirwus tvlHis I " """ " ' '''"V of the UU war. It would, N harxl to ilnd a nor gallant .. tUm th'in Ui.it rird.-d otxiv" and the rvil lnr;m and sei.'..icr:rt.v of Hi.- criejti Bill lottg 1h- tl !!! IllNTitl ! .'Ur (''ic. A ROAD TO SEASIPK. Pracilral Noire. U't.h L.lu G a! On ll" ! by Mr !""ff r'' l-t,.TSi.l June -Kdiier of A-Mrlan: n y.mr i(vr a few duy aw that A .j fn,m n ,,.wis and v'larke UrWtg.. Wll, tl) j,,. opened toi'.atsop I'U.n-. n.irth of (w ,ne already there. wh ch a live p..r .t.,Jt Krade was t ! had. To how ht ;he onmg of Hie way to twn is nKl.iy u do. I'll Just drop a few line m1 JUl ,lIloth, r route to the .-sl.le. After imj the bridge of Uwl acd Clarke. , (..uirut rv.und he hill, where It Joins the tide laml. and cr-sslng .he ravlms at their mouihs. Insiead of higher up. a road practically lev-l can be maitc to the warehouse Uiow Mrs. Harder's. Fn.m th- re to l-Man 1. rs the r ud l o!-n a!ut as It will have to be. only r piir. j ,n)f a llrtIp change near l. J Ink-all's j nous mtK i the Anderson funn. From L., in,,,r, t, w,n foll.iw along the f t of ,ho h(1 n,xl ,he )Ktpm land 'o near ,ou,n ,1,) 0f the t'harles Sa k-K h,,mestid till It reaches a ravine tha. jt4 h,itl ftt tli,. ,,ld Sa. kett noli ivt ',lar, Sa. kerfs h iis. thetn-e along ! the rav.ne to fts h-ad by the mill, thence amg the present ounty road to the h"Uss- of th" old gentleman Sackett i.nd rhe other old mill, thence, PMVlng the nail. Mluwlng down a ravine o a en- notion with the county rd n-ar where Frank Ilyrd's mill was lialed. tHeiwe by county road as now laid out to the Seasid. . Ths? arguments In favor "f this route be it pbflsailt drive and llrsti la-w In every resss. this Is certainly the pute sh Hiiould pay her iartlcu!.ir regards to. Some think th" t-ku should go on the eairt side of I-wls ami Clarke. Instead of cTosalng the bridge ut llm-kard's. but thin would make necessary another brlilg.. n-ar the warehouse by Murder's, but a bridge Aliere woo., he an everinw. Ing tremble, by p-aeon of freshets and drift, and although a rond on the west side might be a little more dlllbult to make, when d'ne It would ceas.. to I exrxnslve. D. F. STArVORM. SCICIDE AT CATHL.AMET. Insane Chinaman Hhullbs riff This Mor tal Coil. Some time Wednesday night I,un Y'ot, a Chinaman employed at Warren", can nery at Cathlanv-t, committed suicide by harming. Karly Thurs'lay morning the Chinese employ of the cannery found rh,. tirxly hanging frm a tree, a rthrt distance from the bunk house, ,ut when found life was extinct. ft was at flrist thought tha' munU-r had been committed, but later develop ment showed beyond question that it wart aulclde. ns be wan well liked by all the employees at the cann'ry and no poselble m'tlve for murder could be fourul, bealdm every Indication showing that he cumo to tils death by his own hand. The wrorier'n Jury had not made thsir findings known when last heard from yesterday, but their verdict will no doubt be suicide. The body was taken to Portland yesterday, wtiere the t,nlne of that cliy will attend to the burial. Additional K"'f "to support the suicide rlKfcry la furnished by the fact that Lun Yet had bm dLs;hargl aa cur'-d from the tate Insane asylum atout two months ago. Very likely his Insanity resumed and prompted him to end his life. SHAKK INTO YOl.'H BHOKH Allen'. Foot-Ea?, a powder. It cures IMilnful, smarting, nervoun feet and In growing nails, and Instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It", tne greatet comfort discovery of the age. A lion's Foot-Ease make, tight or new hoe feel easy- It la a certain cure for sweating, callous and not, tired, aching feet Try it today. Sold by all druggist, and shoe. Korea, By mall for ISo In .tamps. Trial package free. Add res, Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. T. SPECIAIiS FOR THE HlsftT '--VlY'.A II Shanahan A TRIAL BY MY" I'm-the H.-iK-flt tf the A-tii la I'Mh lic I ibnii ) Will He HcKI ut I i-h-cr's ()peru I louse, U'cJncsJtiy I vci.liu. Jmic 'JS.('msc Will lie t olUvl tit SYNol'SIi The .b f. ndant U se. u-el. by prosecut ing wtim-.s. of having sti-en her goat, a iiiii-l and aff.s-uwuile animal. Jury will be iliawn and etnp uoiled . w lliosts for pr.siiilKiii and defence will bo exam ined, cas,, entail. t-tl to Jury, verdict tell ... i iii a.ii.1 !! lice llliHr.. oil the stage. Many xtrvme y aniusiiuf and laughable 111. Idetits will 1- brought out (hr iigll the exaliiliKitloii of wlinecses. and )"ii wil nil- tlie ftinnlent event "f the soa If you do not att' nd. CAST. Judge .. . Clerk tif court Sheriff lintlirT Hon Iraiik J Taylor Mr ll.irrv J Wherny Mr Tb.-iiws l.uiville ... Mr H rt v..r ry ... , Mr. C H ltuiiy"'ii HteinnrruplnT l'ros- irtlng Arnwnev Mr. Frank Siotlle A.S.--IH e CimiiwI or rroeecuilun ... Mr. HarriMin Alien IV vseciitliig Wltnir-s Widow oiiruilv Terrv M. Kenn Wrtiu itm-s f"r 'roe" Uthn, '.Me..f .. I'at Uiwlrr ibiirvo Iiesev Washington ... VA 'air li ra.-.. Vlrgd Cteero . . N'elli. J .bn.oii Attcrney for mf-ri,-.. .lion. Johsii Young A.'Wxiife I'oiuis.i for I s-fence II. .n J II. SmlMi Iiefernlatit .... .. Mr John N. Grirfln Witness, s f.rt le-f.fj.v, lllrnm V-lv a gra-s A S V Hi l.ong I'niil Triiiinger K.in Sr-g Paul lbi.p.ii. t Hans H. itvn Fred John-ini The Jury will 1 drawn from lb- 'n' I wing' well known citizen: lion. J'hn l"o Mr Samuel Klmore, Mr. If i' Thump-on. Mr S H Gordon. Mr. Wlllam Itarker Mr II G. Smith. Hon. llerijiinlti Young. Mr M J Kmney. Mr I. A Trulling'T. Mr C S Wright. Mr G. (i. Moen Mr W 1 floss. In. Mr. It. Van Down. Mr I". W. Tallant, Mr. Klri It.g.rs. lion. Isaae Il"tgtnan. Mr W. T rtiirter, Mr I'. A Stokes. Mr. T W. teoiiioherry, Mr. Georg-- II G"orge, Hon. W. Ful'oii. Mr C. It. Thoni-on. Mr. F. A KIMier, Mr i; W Sanborn. Mr J. ll HlKVlns. !r A. I,. Full n. Mr. II. F. I'rael. Mr. J. V. Marlon. J. ii-Ttan thorn. A MI'.ltllY Sih'IAI. KVKNT Ye-phiy evening Mls ",aru Young eriteri.uii'sl a arty of tor young friend at (he home .,f !r fuih.-r. Hon. lien , Young, In CpiM-rtown. It was one .,f t.t' in'. delighifnl affairs of the s,ikoii und Mis Yi.ung prove.l herself to be a net tiiiniilj g lett-?K Tlw ery i-iri of the evening was s-nt on (fie eiarlMis lawn , enjoying tin- beautiful HUU..-I o rial pl.iy.ng gaues Tlie guenfs then adjourned to ,tlw ho.isc, wltli-Ji had Ih-iii tiiHilly d.s-"r-a'sl fur the 0.1-a.sloti, and cnpiy.il tnem selvim with ilaming until a late hour, the music being furnish'il by froniin's , urchvutra. The plenstir s if the evening ,iomiu, sl wlih an l,gant lunch s rvesl on the VT.iiidii. ) Thm. r-nt wt: i .lise Young, .'. Young, Klmore, V. ; Klmore. Tallaiw, H. Tallnnrt, McKean, llcillsrn. Short, Htockt'n, lmoa, llolmiss, K. Holmes. l'ehur, flotefuliT, KreilerU kHoii, I.loiilwrger, llowlby, .Shimnan, Ib-ed, lllgglns, Fiiws? Fox, Mor. ,lon, rtzlnger. Warren, and M. Isin Messrs Shields. Hi.ltlle. Illifglns. lladel lct, HimilngH, Flm-le, It. Wllwin, J. W'll n. Ilolwle, Johrnum, I). Mdan MI,e.in, : J. Young, CarnitbiTs. J B E Young, W. Young, U IJn, Sherman,, ltenn.11, Helllmrn, Kuechlcr, McKean awl Hell CONCHRT TO.MI'JHT. The following program will be rendered by the Astoria Military Hand at the gmndxtanl on FlavH's dock ut 7:30 lis evening: l-Mareh, "Colonel Moillton". Hill Madison 2 Intennezo, "Iove" Uream After lhn IJnfl"-. n. "The Hall," b. "The VImIoi" Ilzlbulka J Giand Mlpurrl, "O Fair fJove,"., Hyt e-"fom:eTt Polon.ibMt," clarionet hoo M. J.J. Ilugties 5 Introduction and wallz,, "Ta'es from the Vienna "Woods" Strauss e-"iickanlnnles on Parade." Frank Parker It Is tha Intention of the band to give a concert evry Saturday evening dur ing the summer month.. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Thomas IJnvllle to Robert Car- ruthers, HhirllT's deed, Juno 2, IMS; all frontage of lot No. 3, block 1, MnCliirVs Astoria, said fnmlni! being M feet wide east and weel, exl-ndlng north nliout :m feot 12,443 THE MODERN BEAUTY Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise In the open air. Her form glow, with health and tier face blooms with It. beauty. If her system need, the cleansing action of a laxatlv. remedy, she uses the gentle and pleasant Byrup of Fig., mad. by the California Fig Byrup Co. only. Wo Iihvp tlie liugp.Mt lino uf iitul ut (ho lowt'ft jiiiifs. (1IWI-H OVKHAI.LH Made uf Due Twill lenlin, blue with while itirestd, li tie poaii buttons; Just Die thing for lh beach; save waahlmt; prlc pr pair to fltllJiiltMN'U IIK.U'H HITS; tlir piri-,', hiMf, spade in shovel; sol Urge !. Xr sot 11' HOYS OVKUALU. mad of imwl twilled denim, copper rlvlte.1, patni ttap fttatenlng; -uur boy will want a pair; prWe pee pair KSo LAMICS' HirUHRH IIATIIINO fAIVj warranird aierprvf; eaiih Wo The !wpet pine. In th lily to by Trlfwcope llaskrls and strap. Bend -oM .tamp to pay poatag FISHER BROS. Builders Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Etc. Can Tou Moacr oa RstlmatM of Vlsitnal of Bvrr Deaortpilu. R. L. Boyle & Co Lending Rcnl BHtntc Dcnlcr of ASTORIA, OREGON Vrit fur Inforiiiiition nn! Puiiiili!t. ei,Vr.rViVViVrnW I ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY I t Telephone No. U Handles Only the Choicest Meats 4s CorUI atil plr Usitaaru.l. ii ok. urn. STRONG COUHSF-S-Woll equipped trwlnlng drpartmoiga, Normal oour., qu.cket and best way to State Certificates. Kxp'-ns's for ymr fr'mi HJl to 111, Hoard I.' M In U per week: Tuition, AK per term of tnn weeks. Fall term begins Hepterukor Hummr lonn June IT to September 1. For catalogue ddrrs V. U CAMl'HKI.I., PrMldent. or W A V ANN, Sec of Faculty. J - fTHE Astoria's -Lending Hotel Mcglcr 6c Wrlsjlit, PropH. "Russell" Automatic Engine ''.e ;. rJft r-f' - Cx'-Jfi'M C. , J'aM Writo for CntaloguuH of A. II. AVKRILL. Manager. SAINT III FIRE ID ME BT. PAUL. MINN., JAN. int, i89y. Capital . Rcsorvo for Unearned Premium Reserve for all Other Liabilities Net Surplus over all Liabilities Total Assets PACIFIC DEPARTHENT. CHARLBfl CTIRIBTEN8BN. Manager. B. GOODWIN, Assistant Manager. 317 California St., S. F., Cal. miiiiiiior gnoil.tin lliccily Bros. aa. gsx a ltd Tabl. fur UN Clcncrnl 5upply ousc for I'nmllv Groceries. !M ('tiiiinifit iiil 8tr-l State Normal School MONMOUTH. OWICOON. Traliung ft-hmd for Teachers Now lluildltvgw New liepajtmonfa t!ngrad.l Coiiniry flclviol Work (irailuates Secure (ioorl Positions. Engine Uoilers, Suw Mills. RUSSELL & CO., Portland, Oregon. PAUL $ 500,000.00 1,010,407.87 222,001.07 781,888.78 $2,523,987.72 E & CO, Agents, Astoria, Oregon T i it ' 1 (I! Mf JLjUAAAJ-I OCCIDENT! ., . . . . NSURANCE COMPANY