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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1899)
THE DAILY ASTORIAN, SAWHDAY MOKMNU, JUNK 10, IBM i .If BARGAINS Like tho lollowing are the secret of our success ORANITB WARB. No, I Tea Kettle I Quart OfTee or Tea, Pots .Vc Quart Coffee Pott Ho 14 Vjuart Dish lns 4c No. K flow rune or Kettles Ho loon Pie Plates To Other food In proportion. All strictly first etas srrantte wre, no seoonds or damaged food, bought before the Cruet advanoed the price. Challenge wood frame wrlngere 9 No. copper bottom wash boiler..,, W 13 Quart galvanised iron bucket IS Nutmec graters 01 Mr. l'olts' nickel plated and Iron, per eet of three with hamtl and Mnnri , , N SteW carpenier hand w S Nickel pitted hammer, wvlfht 1 lb.. U All thee and bargains bealdoe. whole houe full of W throw out no bait to deeetr the people, but five you tat beat vatue for your money on ALL rood,, ALL ta tint. THE FAIR, Tlie Place To Save Money S06-508 Commercial Street. M r.-ff 3 ". !sVr . ....-"Vsr. Dainty, Tender Little Foot, that want style and com fort will look a trim and neat In on of our expuislte Oxford tie a It U possible. You ret comfort, ttyl and beauty tn our ruset or don. cola kid ties. Ttwy are the handsomest and best that we hav yet placed before our patron. THE BEE HIVE. LADIES' White and Ecrue Chamois Gloves AT Albert Dunbar TODAY'S WEATHER. Fair warmer. Drifted Snow Market flour UK) at tfa Pt W. J. Heckard'a L X L. creamery butter tOo per roll at th Parlor. Those who hav tried the lea ream erred at the Parlor ay It U the beat In tho elty. Best California wtn JO cento per rat ion. Ales Gilbert, sole arent for Astoria. Telephone n. Fruit frsppe to order at tb Parlor; am prloe a Ice cream, except ptno apple, whlA la 19 cent higher. Cream Pure Rye. America' a finest irblskey. Tho only pur goods, ruarsn. toed rich and mellow. John L. Carlson, aol arent Ramoler and ideal tttrycies ror aale or ronL Repair and oondriea at lowest rates, CaB at cyclery. S3 Bona street Columbia Electrle and Repair Company. Kelly's transfer wagons deliver box wood to any part of the city on short. notice. All orders left at Zapfa furni ture store, 630 Commercial street, will receive prompt attention. Telephone The new Creamery Restaurant, Bond street, near the alley between 11th and 12th street, serves the beat 2S-eent meal over et out In Astoria. Everything; Is new, neat and clean, and absolute satis faction I ruaranteed all patrons. Notice Piano-owner can hare their Instruments thoroughly cleaned (preven tive of moth used) for CM Otter re pairing and tuning; at moderate charge. Call at Griffin & Reed's or at Bpexarth's tore, fat Commercial street. T. Fred- erlckaon. When in Astiria step Into Fisher Bros. and tea the new mower constructed on new principle to work among the stump. Tou can raise the cutter bar perpendicular without throwing the ma chine out of rear or stopping the team. Has roller bearing and very llgtu draft. W. A. Gaines' private stock whiskey, handled exclusively In Astoria by John L. Carlson, is one of the most popular Beverage sold. It parity and quality are ruaranteed. and It ia especially ree. omtnended for family nse. It Is sold in aay quantity at the corner af Twelfth ana Bond streets. FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE L. B. BELIG. Leases and Manager. Week Commencing Honday, June 5th SATURDAY MATINEE. Sam T. Shaw Company, AROUND TOWN. Or. Davis, dentist Page building. Beat iS-cent meal. RtJlng Bun restaur ant U Commercial street. The council of the Order of Washington will hold their regular meeting tonight at rage ball. George 1 1 art man, of Cathiamet, diej at St. ilarj's hospital yvxfrJuy of tj" phoM pneumonia. ToJay is the last day on which water rates can be ixald to avoid the penalty of twenty-five cents extra charge In adlw tlon to the ivfrular rate. Lost Off bell bouy. about SO fathoms web In the lmes. Mark on buoy OA. FlnJer rewarded by applyimr to Charl-" Korpela. Elmore cannery. W. Warner anwerel guilty to the cbarg of drunk yesterday In Judge Nel son's court. He was fined $5. sntence to be suspended during good behavior. Vnited States Inspectors Edwards ami Fuller are to b down today from Port land to inspect a number of the small steamers that ply on the routes from this city. The steamer Elmore, from Tillamook. will finUh loading at th. O. R. & N. Kck and be lnspecre.1 today, and w:il leave early in the mornirs tomorn',w on hor return trip. The raiiroad; report business picklr.t; up since the warm weather set in. The S--aside travel will be better from now on. although no rush is exr,,,c:l until later in the season. Regular services will be held Sunday at Grace Episcopal church at 11 a. m. Junior auxiliary with missionary address at 4:39 p. m. Evening prayer at Holy In nocents Chapl at 7:9) p. m. Commencing Thursday, June S, the steamer Hassalo will leave the 0. R. & S. dock daily, except Sunday, far Poru land and way landings at ":) a. m. Ii stead of 7 o'clock, as heretofore. Swedi9i Lutheran church Rev. J. A Edltmd. pastor. Sen-ices tomorrow, Sunday, at 10:3rt a. m. and 8 p. m. Rev John VT. Skans of Portland will occupy the pulpit morning and evening. A. Torvhlanl of New York, represent. Ing II, Torchlanl, manufacturer of special brewing machinery, wa In the city yelerday on bMslites. He said that although lt Pliubung and Unltlmoro lreer had formed 'trust, and an effort was being made to consolldme the btvwr of tho entire country, k thought this would prove unsuccessful. The Rev. Air. Farrar, who for the past year has been assistant rector of the KiIs(mI chutvA t lVn.lleton, having olmrge of the adjacent missions near that city, Is expi'ctel In Astoria about July X when he will assist Itov. Short In hi work, having charge of the Kl. copal nilsivn at SktiMtrkMi, Seaside and the Holy Innocents chapel In t'piwrtown. The Stnte of tallfornU. which came In yesterday from San Francisco, hd an unusually large pajvenpr list. Among the number was Richard twrruthers. well knoan here, who Just returned frm Honolulu, where he has served the past year In the engineer corps. Mr. Oar. rut her looked none the worse for hi year- sohricrlnsr, but ie was very glad to greet his oM friend once more. J. E. Ferguson, the contractor, I making a substantial addition to ltHth'i cannery'. The cannery now use coal tor fuel, and the dock which wa formerly usevl for wood will be oi-cupled by a warehouse, whlls more room Is being cnrl by piling, as Mr. Rooth Is pre paring to pack the fall run of flh. The Improvement will require over bW.rtw feet of lumber, which Is being furnished by the MoOregor Mill Company. The Columbia Exchange saloon, on th rner of Fourteenth and Com men. clal streets, will open for business to. day. Swan Wilson is the proprietor, and he has a new, nicely furnished and well decorated place, where his friends are invited to meet him at alt hours of the day. The painting Is very attractive. It being the work of T. S. Simpson and H. F. Allen, and the graining of the 'Wainscoting in oak is eecl.Uly g.Kd. The good work of brightening up the business house, of this city goes on apace tul oon Atoria will look more lik. the newest instead of' the oldest town in the state. The Eagle drug store I now jn the bands of the pa. titers, T. S. Simps'n having the contract, and when the work Is completed Mr. l.aur,n , will have reason to be proud of the at pcaramv of his place of business, for I, will bo as mat and bright s ar.y drtw; store in the state. level grade for the mtlr diatatica. Mr, Saldern exivct to have the road com pleted, and In operation by th first of July, II ha entered a tins SS.ton loc moth- from th east, In addition to the locomotive he now has. and lll run two train to haul leg. The rollway will be on the south bonk of Mraya river, a short distance above tkity river land ing. Ail timber export who have been on Orays rlwr admit that the tlmlwr of that sectKui la the Uncut on the Colum bia river, it behit all clear, yellow flr. five from pitch, and th tree are all of an extra largs le usually running from four to eight feet In diameter, and from W K I.VI feet to the first limb. Them Is fully kti.WM feet of this find tlmler that Mr, Saldren can reach with his railroad, and It will l year befcre he get It all cut off. Every Un of Industry In Astoria l feeling the Impulse of the prosperity that has come to this ctty. So great ha been fhe rush of work at the Astoria Iron Works that uporlntemtcnl Fox ha had to keep everything humming about the shop to get the order out on time. The work ha sever) order In for cannery machinery to go to the onnd, A part of this work consist of a corns plete cannery plain to go to Falrhaven for itv Pacific American Fish tVmpany. The balance of the machinery Is for the camienes. A part of this work consist of ltH cooler., six retorts, six dry presses, three solderlinc machines, three horse power fish cullers, two can formers, 'wo solder cutter, and three rotary crimpers. The enllre shipment will amount to some four or five and the first shipment will he made the first of next week, the cars going over the A. & C, It. railroad. The Iron works has considerable local marine and other engine work In ha'id. One f the largest Jobs Is that of rebuilding a large lodging donkey for A. Inawsun, who Is operating a logging camp tnsir Sklpanon. In ad.!!, tlon to making repairs a new boiler will he put In the donkey, which will make It when I: leavr the shop a good as new. GREAT SALE! Of Black and Colored DRESSGOODS. Wo rt j;oiniv t0 0Vi'iy jioco tf tlit'tiotls in tho hoime out, (M or rofit outs no lijjuro with thix mik Huriiins for ovoiybody. Illnck flood. ,1tl Inchest wide tdack figured mohair suiting, worth SJo yard; sal price only, per yard Inches wide black figured mohair suiting, new pattern worth &0o yd, sal price only, per yard , aic 40 Inche wide black figured a la mod fancy dres suiting, worth Bo yard; sale price, only, per yard To 44 Incite wide a la Pari fancy fig. ured tiros sultUig, worth II yd, sal prlc only, per yard two W ln-he wide blk llonrlett. worth tfe yard, sale price, per yrd lJo il inches wide hjack erol fin nic hair curled silk flnlah, worth II 13 per yard; sale price, per yard to Colored floods. JC Inche wide fant-y mixed dress suit ing, worth fin yard, sal uic. per ' Uo M Inche wide fancy mixed wortd suiting, worth S6o yant, sal prio only, per yard rra M Inches wide all wool fancy Invlsl. ble plait) check, mohair curl, worth Wo per yard; l price only, pr J"1 no 3.1 Inche wido Henrietta, svenlnv shad., worth o and 38o per yard; sale prlc only, per yard ,, iTo M Inches wld fancy checked suiting, all nice dark patterns, worth Wo yard; al price only, per yard tie New Id paper patterns reduced to lo pattern. M places fancy weavs plaids, all nloe bright color, worth Ho yard; sal price only, per yard ItO III piece wool henrlotta, colors red, navy blue, worth tto yard; al price only, per yard llo All wool silk finish Henrietta, color red, brown, green and blue, worm 75o yard; sale prlc only, per yrd.. 40 U In. he wld ladle oltslh, all shades worth i&o ami Wo per yard; sal prio only, per yard te M pl'e ontton warp dreas suiting, fatny mixed, siwclal sal prio, only twr yard o Kvcrylimly should -take advent; of till great money saving sale, W must eJI every ple.'e of drea goo.1 q th house. , lrsa lining at is I prio. Shanahan Bros" ItE.M. KSTATK TKANSKEICH. es'erlay was The regular menlng of Cushlng Relief Corps No. 3 Will be held Monday. June 12. at 7:9) p. m, A full artemlanra is desired, as there is business of Im. portance to come up for consideration. Captain John Hegbloom is having his steamer, the launch Uncle Bam, i painted and hrightened up until It shines Mke a new dollar. The Uncle Sam Is tender for Schmidt & Co.'g cold storage establishment. The county court will go to Knarpa this morning to look at a bridge near thwe which has been reported unsafe. They will return about 11 o'clock a. m. and will probably conclude the session this afternoon.- To those who drink whiskey for pleas. ure; HARPER Whiskey adds rest to ex istence. To those who drink whiskey for health's sake: HARPER Whisker makes life worth living. Sold by Foard & Stokes Co., Astoria, Ore. Work on the O. R. & N. dock, repairing the damage done by the steamer Colum. bla on tier last trip down the river, -was commenced today by the comoanv's ear. penters from Portland, and will be fully completed In four or five days. ,tVr In an Entire New Repetoire. MONDAY Lov and Law. TUESDAT From Sir to Bon, WEDNESDAY Pink Domino. THTTR3DAY The Last Stroke. FRIDAY Jim the Peuman. SATURDAY, Matlnee-VaudetlUe. SATURDAY, Evening The Pheeoix. Prices- 10, , ug oeata. Reserred Seats at Orlffla A RmJ'. toturday monc JT!' First M. E. church, W. B. Holllnc. head, pastor Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; clafs meeting 10,13 a. m.; Bun. day Fcfirol at 12:20; Junior League 3:3i) P. m.; Kpworth I:aue 7 p. m.; wi-k ntht prayer meetlnf Wednesday at 8 p. in. The planking on the foot of Eleventh street In front of the Flave dock nan be.-n qul'e weak of late, so 0 that it had b.-coine unsafe tor teams. Yester. day a force of men wag put to work rtplanking all that pan of the street tliat is In need of repairs. Entrine house N. 1 will be turned over to (he school board for school purpose, so the authorities have decided, and a smallfT, onerfiUry building, perhaps cost ing JCOO, will be built on the comer of the court house lot to accommodate the horses and apparatus now In No. 1. The Oregon City Transportation tVnis pony's steamer Alton, which has had a new hull built for her. given a trial trip oo the run between Portland and Oregon City Thursday. No material dlf. ft' renc wa noticnble tn her speed, for the Alton Is one of the speediest boos running on the Willamette, but her draft has be. n lessened nearly one third. To get her down to a lrhter draft was the rea.n for building the new hull, and now the Altona wilt be able to make her resrular trips up the Willamette at all seasons of the year. The Altona will resume her regular trip, alternating with the Pomona, of the same line, on the Portland. Salem and Independence route. The Telephone yesterday brought down a monster crate containing two but plates of glass for a new store building bring put up in Uwaeo. The crate made th.- rounds of the transportation com Iatiies in Portland before it finally got start. .! on Its Joiirr.t y to Astoria. It was llr-t tak,-n to -he Lurllne dock and laid th-r-. a week, and finally was refu d, as that boa: was afraid to assume the rUk. It was tb-n taken down to the O. R. & N. Company's do-k. but the crate beimr too large to go under th toothpick of the Hassalo that company was to transport It, and yesterday calie.1 In the Telephone, which Is always equal to any emergency, and the crate was quickly loaded and brought to As. toria. Owirg to numerous requests sent In during the Wek Mr. Shaw has decided to change the bill for tonight from "The I'hoenlx" a originally announced o the rollicking rural comedy. "Farmer Siebblns." This play needs no Introduc tion, as it was seen here during the ompany's visit one year ago. It dals with: the mishaps of an old Vermont far mer during his first visit to New York, and Is full of that quaint Now England comedy which, although old, never b comes tlr-some. Like the "Old Home, stead" and other plays of Its clasa. It is tilled with those little tou-hes of na ture which appeal to the heart, as w;elt as to the risibilities. Doa't torg-t the vaudeville matinee this afternoon at 2:30. Evfryb'sly wll! be I here, so get In line. fF.RSO.NAI. MENTION. S. Dattttger was ;n Port'a-id on business, tlt-orge V. lU.ks. of Foil Stev In As.orla yest.rla). The MUses Tai:a: t.Hk pas-uitc on the llasalo yes:, r lay for Portland. Miss M.iu.le Warr.-n was a s.enger n yesterday in. rMitig's train for Port land. A. Krusc, nunag. r of the i'..artiart h 'tel. was Ksiklttg after busititss inter ests in tin vity y.sit rduy. IM. MtlUr has accepted th' position of city tl. k.t attenr of the A. & C. It. It. vl e 11. A. Ui Harre. resigned. F. C. Savage, truvellng freight and i passenger agent of the Northwestern, t was doing business In Astoria yesterday, j J J. It. )tltrrtp to Ksiello Thorite. I f lull, tl 'tei l.,i t.i.w.t. is . toria addition to Warronton $l.f C. I! Thomson and wife to A. & O. It. It- Company. W. I. May 1 '!). lot 31. Nrcanlcum lirove ?0 tito. Ntilaiid and wife to A C. It It 'o. W, IV May 3. '. pro..riy 111 Nis aillt lllll lirove, at Seaside 1 V ll.Miling to A & C. It It Co., W. t, June 3. - lots y, and V,. N.-cuiw. Ictiin ttrov pl its.) im: and wife to A. At t H. It. Co, W. IV June I, 'w properly In s.s-. 2. ip ti, r la w, and tracts In Hills second addition to Ocean lirove and In Mulkey's first addition to Ocean tiroo Mo Latest Block, KNOX Summer Styles. l ull line of m ;i i;i i: sink i s 1 .i tIiliiK not tttitl h.ibby In I AS J UN MCKWI'AK, The darkest night is always the longest. THK imvint OF TIIK PltHSS. "The power of the press'' Is a emmon expression, but few realise It actual lKiw.r. IVep thinkers do not hr.ltat to assert that half the crime of our country may h traced to this source Hut irreat Mr. William Harder, general passenger le mwne. of prr ,. eanno, gent of the Ureal Northern, was In the (0 .. a ur,f of ,lo,etrr.t ity yesieroay, iiccoinj'ar.ii.i oy nis wite. ; Chris Anderson, a locoinoth e engmeer who formerly made his home In Astoria, was in the city yesterduy, greeting old friends. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Carlsn left lo day for Seaside, wh-re they will S'tld a fe wdays In pr.,ar!:ig their cottage for th s-ason. UifT. r:v. mievr. and ex- I Stomach Hitters over disease. Most ills, eases original In a weak stomach Th Hitler strengthens the stomach, purifies the blood and cures constipation. It will tone up the nervous system and stlintl'ato Inactive kidneys. As an appetli'T It Is unequalled. It cures sick pep;, and an occa rial dose regulates the iHiwel and prevents well people from becoming sick ' If you wnt to get well ,and ke. p well. ue Hosteller's Stomach Hitters. I. N county S'.i.'r'.iitetid'-nt of Clark county, i win In th,. city yes'.rvday, a gu.-st at the Parker house. I Whenever a man get an bb-a fiat he has a command over the Kngllsh lan gii ig". b-t him resid a f.-w pas' of the li.-llon.iry. T. I!. Morrison leave tomorrow for S a ; side, where tie goe to Work upon one . of the new ihut Is being reeled ' A meeting of the committee appointed to mak arrangements for entertaining the editors was held this afternoon, In response to a communication from the Portland committee aakinjj atx.ut the program arranged by the Astoria com mittee. A far as arranged the following program will te carried out. The editors are expected to arrive at 11:30 a. m. Sat. urday, July . Upon their arrival they will be given lunoh, consisting largely of salmon, clams, etc., a being arranged for by the following committee: W. E. Tallent, F. J. Taylor and Hrenham Van Dusen. After lunch they will be shown the canneries and other points of in. ten st, and a steamer will take the as sociation, down the river to the bar, and In the evening a ball I talked of. On Sunday a train will take the editors down to Seaalde, where they will bathe and upland around in the Pacific to Ihelr heart's content. Monday they will leave for the; eaat, Astoria being the terminal point of their visit to the coast. The county court yesterday ordered the monthly allowances of Angus Mc Lean and Joseph Supple, $10 each, and Mr. Furney and Mrs. Lalkka, Jj each, to be discontinued. The report of the viewers on the road petitioned for by Olaf OliUon and others was read the second time and petition granted, and supervisor of road district No. 3 In structed to open ald road for public travel. A communication from H. Ohler, supervisor of road district No. 2, that the bridge near Mrs. Wlngate's place waB In rad condition, was read and the court ordered that the BupervlHor of road dis trict No. 2 be authorized to procure 1,000 feet of lumber to make necessary repairs, It was ordered that Phillip Condlt, su pervisor of road di.s-trlct No. 3, be In structed to post notices calling for bids for repairs to the bridge across Stanley lake, 'tbe bids to be forwarded to .the county court on or before the 6th day of July, 16J9. Tne usual list of .claims against the county were ordered paid. L. SaJdem, the well known logger. whose headquarters Is In Portland, to In the city registered at the Occident. Mr. Saldern is having a logging railroad put In on G-rav'a rlvne flint will h. Shit. rtf titiA ret their wheels carried free, but they j biggest camps on the Columbia river, have at last won with nearly all the The road will be over four miles in length companies. ; , I and b9 standard guae, with a water The O. R. & N. company base made an order permitting bicycles to be checked as baggage on and after June 15. The weight of the bicycle to to be deducted from the 150 pounds baggage allowance. The bicyclists have had a long contest wita the transporUition companies (to at that p'a Amir..-- Car' son. ; r at the water works h.-.idk'ai. s on i re. k. was In Astoria yesterday on bus.ness with the wat.r commission. K. W. frclghton, of the White Collar Line, and whose headquarters Is In Port land, was In Astoria yesterday nn busl nes for his company. T. S. Townse-nd. proprietor of the new creamery, went to Portland yesterday on business connected with the creamery. Ha will return Monday morning. Mrs. W. N. Conyvrs of C'laiskanle was a Seaside visitor yesterday, and return. Ir.g to this city In the evening spent the night with friends. Sh leave this morn. Ing for her home. George P. Irving, superintendent of the new Saldern logging railroad that Is h. Ing put In on Gray river, came over n the last evening to attend to some business for his company, Georg,. C. Plunders, the superintendent of the Standard Oil Company's depot In Portland, wa In town yesterday. Mr. Flanders was accompanied by his wife and they were on their way to their summer cottage on Elk Creek. Mrs. C. W. Hoot, wife of the engineer In charge of the railroad work at West. port, was a Seaside visitor yesterday, stopping for a short time in the afternoon in this city to visit with friends before returning home on the evening train. Imn O'Neill, who for the last 30 years has officiated as purser on the different lines of steamer plying on the Columbia and Willamette rivers, and is well and favorably known to a lrg circle of friends, registered at the Occident yes. terday.. Mrs. Sidney Thlrkell. accompanied by her two children of Hlllsboro, arrived In the city yesterday and I a guest at the Bay View house, while spending the week here to be with her husband, who Is on shore leave from the lightship, on which he Is employed, while It Is being re-paired. Tnr ALLEN'S FtXT-EASE. A powder to be shaken Into Ihn shoe At th.s season your fe t fi swollen, ner vous and hot, and get tired taslly. if you hav smarting feet or tight shoe, try Allen' Foot-Ease. It cools th feet and make walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blister and callous poti. Relieves corns and bunion of all pain and give rest and comfort. Try It today. Sold by all druggist and shoe stores for Kc Trial package free. Ad. dre Allen 8. Olmstsd. L Roy, N. Y. BUFFUM & I IntterH mid HI Third Stroct, fornvr Stark, PENDLETON KitrnlHlicrH. POHTLANI). OKF.GON. 'V.VV.rVWi i A CTAHI A h A T" -mrAMrI Telephon No. J Handles Only the Choicest Meats 4B Caairtll HI., east Plr Itestsar-.). W. F. SCHEIBE, s5rs.7 ut Pipes, a .tnaktr' Article. 47 Commercial Ht. "La Belle Astorli" Clgir Sc he I be t Optra Star ScHelbe'iSftclil Aittt Dlhtr llrnntl ' Not being able to write your own nam Im less dlsgra.s-ful than the cultivated habit of signing other's names. JIM, THE PENMAN. Another large audience witnessed the Shaw company's performance last even. Ing, upon which occasion was presented Sir Charles Young's famous play, "Jim, tho Penman." The play was well staged and In the hands of Mr. flhaw and hi sikpiiort lost none of Its beauty or in. terest. The struggles of Ralston to break away from the chains of crime and become an honest man wa excel. li-ntly portrayed, and the audience do par tod well satisfied with th'-lr evening. As James Ralston, the forger, Mr. Shaw had a dlfllcult role and had an excellent opportunity to display his ver satility, of which he took advantage. Mr. a the cool and calculating Haron Hartfelt, was clever, while Mr. Ross as Captain Redwood, tho delect. Ive, made his habit of going to Bleep at critlcnl times very funny. Miss Ytagcr's "Nma" was an excellent piece of cmo. Monal work, and the balance of the cast was In most excellent hands. Tonight the company will clone their engagement by presenting "Farmer Stebblns." A person has absolutely the gift of se cond lrht who can dress at 11 so that It will be In keeping with the weather at 3 . You may own at leant ten different kinds of gowns and rarely If ever hare one 'that will exactly suit the weather. THE MODERN BEAUTY Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise In th open air. Her form glows with health and her fare blooms with Its beauty. It her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy, she use the gentle and pleasant Syrup of Figs, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. It Is In the thought of a dead rose that th., sight of a live poppy grow sickrn.og. A CARD OF THANKS. I wish to say that I feel under lasting obligation for what Chamberlain' Cough Remedy has don for our family. We have used it In so many cases of coughs lung troubles and whooping cough, and It has always given the most perfect sat Isfactlon, we feel greatly Indebted to the manufacturers of this remedy and wish them to please accept our hearty thank Respectfully, Mrs. 8. Doty, 1 Moines, Iowa. For sale by Charles Rogers. Stop and Think! Are You Clettiitu The BeHt Meula, The BeHt Liquors, Or The Bent Beds That can be had la the city? If not, I Jl T A j jeff Restaurant. for those who roqulr a gvnuln feed. May gt there wll eeowotar all that tkey aL Thousand who know a have frly oafs4sj That of all the great mterer "iztf to th DEBT. Look for tho sign of "JEFF'B" and take no other. Established twenty years. Bend t-oent stamp to pay postage Migwi Tide Table for IM. FISHER BROS. When a woman paint her face, It Is generally In pretty fast colors. PROPOSALS FOR STEAMBOAT. SERVICE. Office C. Q. M.. Vancouver Ilairraoks, Wash., Juno 6, 18M. Scaled proposal, In triplicate, will be received here until 11 a. m. Juno 20, 1S99, end fhon opened, for furnishing steamboat service between Asjtorla, Oregon, Fort Stevens, Oregon, ami Fort Cunby, Wash., for fiscal year commencing July 1, liM, Information famished hera. U. 8. reserves right to rcjerjt or accept any or all pro posals or any part thereof. Envelope containing proposals should bo marked: "I'ropoeals for steamer transportation," and address's! to undersigned, J. W. Jacobs, C. Q. M. Sharp-ioriKU'-d women very rarely have a dull time when they get together. Oeneral Supply House for Family Groceries. Builders Heavy and Shelf Hardaiare.Ship Chandlery, Etc. Cm Bar Tn tsoaer om Etlmati of Material f Brery Dsaxrltrtloa, R. L. Boyle & Co Leading Real Estate Dealer of ASTORIA, OREGON 535 Commercial Street Write for Information and PumphlsLs. "Russell" Automatic Engine fl. Glassware Day. Everything In crystal and fanor fflassware, table sets, fruit bowls, ake stand, tumblers, pitchers, waler e!n, lemonade sets, vass and hundred of useful and orna mental artlclos at greatly reduced prices. Bom articles out 60 per cant. Some articles cut SO per oest. ODDB AND RND, HALF rBICV. Great American Importing Tea Co. (71 Commtrclal Street, Astoria, xi i xx inn. T , ' - r 1 L W. X - y I a r a a v v Writo for Catalogues of Engine Boilors, Saw Mills. A.H.AVERILL, Manager. RUSSELL & CO., Portland, Oregon. m M t v ar w - U The I VIUsfLH Ul . I .... . SI A v fan, JUaXk.MXTLaU -H-PEPl THOS. Gl INEAN, Proprietor Seventh and w-sa . - C nosmng.Qnmi. k 3 1 fV I O.T1 U . t Mf.