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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1899)
THE DAILY A8T0HIAN. PATI'ItOAV MOMINO. JUNK 0, 1W NOT KVF.KY KIM) OF MIIOKS And eiiimiii tn our W bar the or i mad nf iMior atix'k initially put lo lll'T, MHr nmnt iMIvor K"i'l wtil'li are up tu uur utMfiilnril, and thai' good en'Higli, olhrln f tivjr ant rejwlnl. V prt.i.nt t-vwy variety of atyl. Til)' llnllia Will llrtl'lll yU to Jlltt what lci or Hire dollar will do fir. our IK'W ruaiiluit hi. Petersen & Brown. I'nKI'AIIATIONI l KXAM1NA. TI0N8. pevlal preparation for the elate and cuutuy eiaminetlona will be given at th ummrr term of th elaie normal cnoi at Mmimouih, beginning Tuoday, Ju M. IWjular work by the Normal faculty, tirade credited toward gtadualloa. Ki. ne (mm 136 io IW for ton wneae. full Information en( on application to th .Tiary of tin faculty, Normal Hrliout, Monmouth, NUT HUmit HO A0A1N TOR , nrrr time m viiu:k. I awukt latt night with vr pallia In my i..i.icli. 1 never flt ao badly In all my llf. Whan I rama down to work thla morning I waa ao k I twuld hardly aland. 1 wM to Miller MoCurdy'e drug or and thy r'mmendnd Cham terrain a Coik, Cholera aiut Hart hoe Itemed)'. It worked Ilk ntaalv and one doe (lied me all flghl. It renolnly l id (1 ' tiling I ever ucd for ioine-h lfutil. I elmll not be wlibotit It In my h. me hei .after, fur I (liould not cere to enilui tl. u(Trllii of lael tight again for fifty tinea It price O. II. WiU oil, lJVnriimn, )lui llelown, Vliin. tun "o , Pa Thla r-rdy l for .a I by Charlc Itugera. NOTICK nU ri'llUCATION. Und Ofllre at Oregon City, Oregon. May I let. Nolle I hereby given that the follow. Ing. named ltlr haa Died nolle of hU Intention to make final proof In lupport of hi rtatm, and that d proof will b mad befor th. county clerk of CiaUop county, at Aelorl Oregon, on June tl'h. IW. via: Thorn lluah; II E Wd for the N. K. U of Heotlirti I. Tuwnatitp 7. N. It. I W. It limne th following wltnr to lrtv hi niiitlnuou re!dnr upon and cultivation of eld land, via: Abram Carlton, of Hvnon, Oreon; Jacob Hole, uf Knappa, Oregun; llrchrr !. Hloop. of Aetorla. Oregon; nj dram Hioop, of Aator'a. Oreg m. CIIAIll.KM II. MOOIIKU. naglalar. The illlTnreiM forma of nine that run .n.i.leiily attaih a youth when It U ftchmd lime are br)ond the pooer of ph ulciali tu i ure. IT t'AN'T HIC lONU. ,o One fan it mailt Well, No t'hronic In.. r fan Ho ('tired f nlea tlie Hiuinu. h I. r'lrt Mad Strong and Vtgoruu. 'Hit U plain liecuc every oigiin In the body dn-rul on the il iiiwh (or I nuurliilimenl. Nerve, hone, mrw, blood are made from th food which the tnnv. a.h convert to our ue. How unera to treat dieaa with hl. that and the oih-r remedy and nrgi 1 the mo I ImpiH-lant of all. Ilia atomarh. 1'ha erllt intiown of indigcMlon r our Hing, had ta.t in th motMh, a In atomach and bowrta, pwlpl.alioit, amrono feeling, hrtaeM, . headache, ciin.tlpalluii; later cornea n.g of flen, fonaumiitloll, liver and heart trotiblra. kidney tllear. nervou pro I ration, all of which ara th Indirect retult uf po.-r nutrition, i Any prraott nuffrrtng from Indlgeatlun hould mako It a praoih to tak aft-r ach nnai oha of Mtawart'a liyxpta Tablet, allow It to dlxolve In th mouth and thua nlngt with th aallva and enter tlie atomach In the mat natural way. The ahlet are tilghly reiommendiMl by lr, Jennlon bevaua they are ttmihi of th natural diges tive acid and fruit enience which a, atat th itomaoh In digewilng all whol aome fimd before It haa time to ferment and oiir. rlltmrt'i lyapepl Tablets are sold by driiKWlia, full alsed iMtckngca at 60 cent. They are alao excellent for Inva. Ilda and children. A honk on stomach dlraet and thoiuamla of teatlmonlgla of g.iiulne cures sent free by addresalnit V. A. Rlewart Co., Marahall, Mich. Plain nirmrnlsheil truth 1s ttenerally calbd sensallotuillam. HktVOVA v'Lv3--fl SMO USE ITRYING I can't take, plain cod-liver X oil. Doctor says try it. ne mtaht as well tll i.e to melt lard or butler and ty to take J them. It 1$ too rich andj will upset the stomach. But you can take u.. or cream, so you can take Scott's warn It is Kkc cream j but willa feed and nourish when cream 2 'will not. Babies and chil-, ' i a t . dren will thrive, ana grow fat on it when f he'r ordinary food docs not noui'iil. them. I i Persons Iwe U-c.i u:ya io gain ounce of ut's Ei. .JJv It Sets 9 the digestive .uic'..;..c y i.; working V order so t:w:;a:y food Is 2 properly U.trsltu f m idxtiited. & V 5CTTi!;JaM.', .linniHihwVoik. a 1 -. ' - v Wv.' VJ 'A Tim ilcantit iiii'HkhI nml lictiiflclnl rfTiM'la, of tin" M'ull liumvn mildly, Hvilt l or Yum, iiuiiiiifiirtiir. il l.y the 'Ai.lfiiiiNU Km H vntl' to, llliihirnlfl l.lm vnltin uf nlilaltilliif tho lliili linn tWa )rliii'lic of iiliitiU known to Im nipilli'limlly Irisulivii ami pri'i'iiliii(f thnin tit tlio form tiim.t ri-frr ililni; t-itlm tnntfi mil) ani'fiitalili) In tin- Htnn. H la tilt) Dtiu Hrfort aln imtlii iiinjf lung tlrt, I'lranaititr tlio avklt'iu I'llci tually, tlUK'lliif colli, hoailni'lira ami frvrra (fi'iilly yi-l pnuiiitly mi'l rniililliiK nun to ovorcutiio lialntuiil cunhtlnlliii ht inuin'iitly Ita jM-rfort frrpilmn fnm arry ofiJiTtlniiiililii iiiulltv ami anli 'Sm'Mj, ami Ita nntinir on tin' kltlnfVk, ilvnr nnd howi'la, wltlmtit wcnki'iiitiir or Irritating tliniti, tnuko It tlio lilvul Inxntlva. In thn profHH of munufuitlurliifr are iikkiI, n thrv am ilruwirit Ut tlio Ute, bnt the Ini itlrlniil (tinlltirof the rcnicily aro olitalncd frmn M ima anil other annual In plnnta, liy a mnilxxt known to tlm ('Al-irnHNia Kio Kvnt'P Co. only, In ordur to uvi lu iM-ne-flclnl ITocU ml ti) amid I in I tit t Ion a, pli-awt rmnmbrth full niiir of tlirt omnany prlntod on tlio (rout of evrry MM.'kuKe. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. - IAN nUNCiacO. OAU LOtnaviLLt Kt. vvm route, v. r. For aal by all Dtuggltla.-1'rlr (0c. per botlla l'irKi may think that thnr ran break tal new gently, but It I a Impixellile aa lo flra off a cannon ofily. 0' CiKfaoa Face Humors rimile, lilatklicads, timplc raslici, ittl, rough hands, (ailing hair, ami lby Mcminhri prevented l.y l.Vn n'kA Soap, a ure preventive ol in ll.tiiitnat ion ami clopging of the I'otci. a,440fSa1ltieMl4 f'.rtai lee ('. Cer.. ! . a. IUehreeeeireeiUiew.lie- Nu'ii air lo Iw irrmltiei1 to !' ne.. thn mill between and i JefTrlc. Hut they can lo like the prin Ipal III a flullc cncoimter- take It out In talk. Karl's Dover Root Tea lleantlih tk due tl. .ton, Purines the PIw.LvraS Heh,Uer twin, I'urr.l'un Mliii.n, lixlurotlnn, and H Kruilm. of Jli hklii. An RttmwM Ijii.iIU Nerve 1mlc, tiitlj on alwiJute giiatvitto by all ilruggUt. lit.. Cot. and l.OO. . C. VVCLLt A CO., IIROY, N. V. son raoeanToas For sala by CHAIU.Ea HOOERS. It Is a tremendously hII domestic who sixwks of tho "waah lady" and the 'slop geiitlcnmii." 1 1 1 i Make No ; Mistake : : L3JlnbuylngCon-5 densed Mlik. f Take no sub- f stltute for the f 1 . en uonien igle Brand CONDENSED MILK i , There aro cheaper and In- 1 1 forlor bnrda to tho Eagla, 1 ' but none that equal It. It ' V n .Iia4 ftwnl r.M. n r t IMa rtiva llll IVI 1VI ijt j years. Gcnd fcr r.ecipe bok. a . 0 C0CC.VSC0XK'sr.DMHKCO..N.Y. I Vaillldlll O IVIUilVI ! . 5 Hits no ptitial ia UWumss of tho Klilnoj's .n.J UriuuryOrjunH. Hne . you ni'luctod your lvUttoyK? Unli" vot' ovorworliod your ncrvottb aya-i S'fm ami cnttsiil irnuMo wltU J'ourl (Kitlnoys nnl Klti.iititr? Utivo youi pnlus In tho )o!t", uiilp, little. proini tx'iirnnixi of V'n f'uoo, ei.pocitvli.y in.lor the i'ViiV Tioff((iiHnttU!-c i.Jre ptiHNiiriaoV Wllllnm's KKlncy i I'lils will Imnurt new life to tlolM ! iittil muUo a new man of votu li ; " f mull 00 refits p(r bt x, " ' H t s ,,i'yJ;AMSjMi;.:ji'ropa.,i;,u. ' An rxnllcnt Combination. I ew an HI 0i Ule Wmw ea f f n I ar i ,a an ENGLAND UP TO A SCHEME Sbcls Oppressing Jamaica Out of Some Design Against United States. . HER PLAN LIKELY TO FAIL Little Interest Slwwn at Washington lo the Cornlnf Reciprocity Commission's Visit. NICW YOHK, Jim .-A to th rrW'UMe from WaaliliiKton )'a: Wa!w lugtoii oltli'lal Iwvo an ln(r.i In the .lining of th Jumui's m;lproclly cotn- mUeloiiiia grealcr than tho trade of th llrltiali jione.'ina warrant, Ttinr la a feeding lliat liefore th'y gel througli theae Jamalia iiinuiilliiiu-r will bring to a f'M iia tlie wllole ijueetlon of (tie tuiuro of Iho llrll'iih Went Indlr. T)T will art nominally In iiijum-lin with th !trltlh emlKienv, birauae to do uth-rwl would not Imj pormltled by the llrlilah foreign ortlro. Neverthele.a Die jamalrana are apt to provo h-adtrong. far'ful tte. meiita arc mado Uiot their prcaenca nothing o do wtlh the pr--nii of H'r fuvetidleh lluyle, wlw I n rernltig llrltleh Oulaiia In pending- negotiation. or wlih the prnjKid reprlproolty rrunv menta with thn llarliadoe. Nrverihea the hlea I prevalent that Mr. 'ham berluin. the colonial minister. In haimx-r-In; Jamali-a. and that ' want the other di n.eni-li In the Went to arrve a an i.ftei t. Another Intimation In gln. I Im I If J.iinal.u do' not .t along well wlih the I'nlieil Htatra he will t.irn to Canada. The nlluiwc lxtieii funada and the HrllUll Wet Indie hax Weil aerhiualy dratniyeil In tho dominion. riome Moiiin-iil eapltallai have lately ItiW-rr.ied ttirmaelve in ,i'trlo llglit and atieet railway enterprise In Jamah a and they are Hid 10 t urging a ciom-r union iBlwcrri Dm, dominion and the Inland. The notion la too whlnudtml to rnelv much attention, beiuue neither the tuheile nor the fruit trade ufford a IiukI for either political or comnirclal union b' lwern t'anada and Jamalia. I'rlvaie letter received from Jamaica have recently uiilemelited publlrhed and offlital report regarding ilyj- depth of the ilmc.ntent there. fi.e, the fulled 'H:ati act nMire generously than Kng .'id ha done by granting trading 'U vantagi without eqiilvulonl return It i said tlm I the d. muiid for aniirgat on wl'l Im op-nly made, rlome of the U adlng men of Jamaica have no faith tn Hie present negotiation, and with the fear of 1'ub.i and I'orlo Ith-o before rhelr eyes, they want lh Wand to eek political union with the fulled Stales. They are not particular whether they are traded for one of the Philippine or for some other ki of land. Apparently Mr. fhsmberluln ha most at slake. He had a carefully matured schrme by which 111 trade was to be taken away from the New KntilanJ cp llwllsls who had Inverted their capital and developed the fruit raising Imfus: try, a well as Hie railroads. A the Kngllsh flirt was to replace the Ainer can fruit fleet which runs to New Tork. Iloston. Philadelphia and Italtlmore, Sir ,r Henry Wako. the former the Island, presented to the London chum. ber of commerce Its opponunlths. Plans were really mado by which capl-1 tal would drive "'it the American capital, i Thev came, lo nothing and now their ' fmluro la ailtnlttnl in Vlliei IV ieMir m lala of nclpwlty with tlie United sued a Siato. tho colonial li'glalature pam' rvuilliitory tariff bill. Thin waa only done aftor atrong liroU'nta anil after the threat of th iltrlllah forv'lgn ollloc to redue Jutimli a to the condition of a crown col. ony Imil liccn withdrawn and 8lr Aiw giiHtua llemmMig, the premmt governor gcinTrtl, had given aasurajK'o that ttte lilH-rtlc of tho colony would not be In. torfcred with. NeveTtheleR. the day tlie lunuwge of the tariff bill, Sir AuguHttia Humming and Sir Joseph fhanilierluln were burned In 'tlU:y. The feeling waa that the couraa tuken would ciiuite Irritation among the otllclalu of tho United State Inatead of aecuring the oonci-aaknu whli'h they wanted. It can hardly be ald that the admin istration Is Irritated. Titer la no little Jitnwtlm trade that to allow reenlment would be alMiird. However, no reason haa boon found why tlio United State should do more for Jamaica 'that the IirlUnh foreign olllcc. l able to do, and though Mr. Chamberlain may be highly CKtienied personally, he In mt likely to recvlvc much aid In hl plun of pacifying Jamnlca through Ainorlcan prlvllegea. The American comimnica which have handled tho Jamaican fruits In the mar ket of the United States have not com plained of flie tariff. They huve done a satisfactory butdiiona without Interfering wlih fruit growers at home. As for the sugar, It Is doubtful whether the United States could restore tho Industry by granting to It reciprocity, tts may till'. malely bo granted lo Cuba. The whole question of Jamaican reciprocity Is a political ralher than a commercial one, and Is of more concern In London than In Washington, W'An ON TUBERCULOSIS. CHICAGO, June 9. iPublic war on tn- beroulosl , was formally declared Inst night when t'he Chicago veterinary ac. doty art a meeting decided to take the Inlilativa In tl krunrvWt agalngi. 4h scourgn. To that end th society ciJet a joint voiifeTBiwe of the veterinarian and phyldan of Chicago lo ml on Weitmsd4y, June 21, at a plaa to Ix dwldi'ii upon ftr ll Is determined whether thfl public shall b admitted. Mayor Harrison, Oovernor Tanner and Hie aldermen will be rnvlted, The pur po, of th" meeting will b to form ( clhc plun for 111 prevention of the sal of milk In lh" lil gi market thai I not known lo have come from non-tuber cu, .hk tows. A commltt'Hi was appointed lo con er with the Chicago Medical Ho-My and oi hi r Instil Mifona In reference lo the d tall of the c.infi ri ni. The paper to be read at the ronMeiiie are to be con lined to thn subject of regulating th' a!e of milk with a view of extermlna:. H tf ihv source of luli'TcuI'm milk, The vererltmrlana will advocate leglrlition for the ltuH"Ttlon of cow that supply the Chicago market. The p. an Out stood mot In favor at th meeting was that suggested by tr, K. I.. (Jultman. He said: "It la necessary that w Induce th city council to Ink action for the ap pointment of at Ira at CO cow Inspectors. Th lnnciora sh ill tm n give llci-n lo such owner whose cow are found to b ron.'ulM rrulot.s The rows shall be test id every three miTiths. The city shall apiMiltit as many depot for the Inspec. Hon ii( lnconlng shlpmnts of milk as ar, b-eniel necessary, Every can of milk that Is ahirpet InM the city shall Iwar upon It the number of the ship, pcr's license." DfNH Wrcr.KLY TAIK ItKVIKW. lllse In J'rlces fnequalled In Any other Week In Many Yiars Iron and Hterl Kpe"lally booming. NEW YOHK. June .-K. O. Uun ac "o.'s weekly review of trade will say: The past wek has brought a rise In pilces not e.illcd !n any o lo-r week i f many )ear. Iiou prwlucis have a'b, valu ed 2 per cent lu one week, and l-lg Iron Ik per cent, following the ak vane of H per cent In pig and t per cent in other iron product during May. I Cotton has advam-cd I per cent and cotton goud I.S lM-r cent the week, wlin woolen gowls six per cent and boot uml shoes otto per cent. A little traction of six per cent apwars In lea- thir anil seven per cent In hides, but the ..ku..,...l.,l.. a. ik. Cm. I u.-h thm I buying far tn advance of the require menu of consumption. Tills 1 a s)mplom of danger, and th moxt conservative maniirc'urer, eg. pcvlally In Iron and steel, have striven to avoid It. but an actual Inability lo bllver the products demanded leaves them little p-'Wcr. while the peculu i Hon In wool and other lines is running i i awny from ixmsumpllon. "Uuoiatlons are larselv flctltlojs. I "r.r the t-urrent week the faCureh have Ixvn In the fnlted .-itats. agnlnst S last year, and 10 In Canada against 17 last year." HIT THUKE RETCRXED. VICTORIA. It. C. June .-Three sur. vlvors of a party of nine from Halifax Nova Scotia, who started Into Alaska one year ao over the Edmonton route have arrived here. They are Jacob Bou. ti.-r. of Halifax. J. U Punbrock. of Vi torta, Krank Johnson, of Halifax. They rtport that their six companions per ished on the trail. Their names wee 1. 1 licks on. clerk; Dommlck, A. Ll sard, machlnlit: Dunsward, engineer; 1 itlKhnnw iitftmllh .Tthn Tlmmn Jew''r' j BpraBM my eft hip while handling some heavy boxes. The docor I called on said at first It was a alight t jil. a.rttM .nin k. 1l K,t I. ,h((l rh(umusm, u continued to grow . ororsa and I could hardly get around to liim wucse .iiu me uwiur .ncn iu work, I went to a drug atore and th druggist recommended me to try Cham berlaln'a Pain Balm. I tried It and one naif of a 60-cent bottle cured m en. llrely. 1 no racommend It to all my friends. F. A. Babcock, Erie. Pa. It la for sal by Charles Roger. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that the under signed haa been appointed administrator of the estate of Alexander Malcolm, de. ceased, by tha county court of the atate of Oregon, for the county of Clatsop, and all persons having claims against tent the aame, verlrted as required by law, to me at my residence In the city of Astoria, Oregon, within six months from the date of Uie first publication of this notice. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, May 30, 1S9. ROBERT CARRUTHERS, Administrator, H.F.PraelTransferCo. Telephone U DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Gooda Shipped to Our Cant Will Receive Special Attention. No. ESS Duan BU, W. J. COOK, Mgr. Re. TL 111 Astoria, Ore. L. LEBECK Carpenter and Builder General Contractor HOUSE RAISlNd AND nOVINd A SPECIALTY CUBAN PLOT FOR FREEDOM Pleasing Plan to PI I the Island of American ''Inter fere, cs." PROPOSE TO BURN US OUT All Foreign lovtstrntnts Will Be De stroyed From EnJ to Eni of trie Island. NKW YOItK.June .-The Herald says! In a private letter received from a d s llnguUhed Cuban, now resident of the fnltid H'atcii, I g most sensational rat" men! about the plana of the lrrconcl!ab!e Cuban bailers. The writer Is coriscmu tlve and la in a position to know what Is gcotntc on at present In Cube, Tlwj Informailon la aa fo'.lows: "Tlie latet story from Cuba, which I have every reason lo believe, having been told me by a prominent Cuban who tv tlimu y with the leader In Havana lends authority to the statement, is that the former revolutionary element haa decided to make a virtue of necessity end grace, fully, to outward appearances, acefpt American Intervention. "At ihe end of two years, however. If Cuban Independence l not acknowledged and the government transferred to the I Cuban, the torch Is to be appllH from one vnd of the Island to the other, by which means all foreign Investments will t d,troyel. When It Is mldcred that ,(, wrlth of Cuba Is deident upon 'agricultural developments, chiefly cane an(j tobacco, and a fire brand ma ' n, ouly applhd in a dry cane field weuld j au. ;he destruction of thounds of i rioliars of value In a single night, the j enormity of the plot becomes apparent." Ml'RDER AT 91'OKAXE. ' tolorel t orporal Shoots a Citixen and One of His Brother Soldiers. SPOKANE. June S. This afternoon tn i the hallway of the second flxr of the Minnesota House. Corporal illlam Wll- son (coKired) of company M. Twenty. fourth Infantry, shot Charles A. Dix j through the right lung. Inflicting a wound which the doctore believe will ! prove fatal; and shot a brother soldier, Corporal Itev-.-rly Williams, twlc In the j right hip near the croln. Corporal Wll- i eon surrendered to the chief of pollc. i Captain Hach-lor. the commandant of the post, visited Wilson tn hi cell and i with a penknife cut from the prisoner's uniform his corporal's troes, raying: "A pretty rcamp you are. You've dls graced your regiment and the army.' Admiral Dewey professes to be amaxed at the preparations now being; made tor his reception In New Tork. The admiral should remember that he Is a much bis the pay of men who know how to fight. Astoria Public Library READING ROOM FREE TO ALU Opeat every uay from t o clock to 1:9 t i lMW to M D. A. t. rjiM BubecrtptlOD ratea U rer annum. Weet Cot. Derentk and Duane Streetav The-Daily Astorian. Beware of Con aomert should bewara of th cheap god laferlor washing powders tald to b jurt u foodu mm DUD er washing Povd They are not there la nothing m grjod u tie genuine QOLD DUST for aJl deaninif bout the boa. Ak tot COLD DUST ad Inslatod getting It Made only by THE N. t FAIR2AM C03IPANT, CWag. StLonlg NawVtfk BUt Columbia Electric and Repair-Co. Successor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths Boilermakers Machinists Logging Engine Foundrymen Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Manufactnrers of the Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel ... Contractors for Electric Lights and Power Plants. SAINT PAUL FIRE ID HE I1ICE GOMPAHY fST. PAUL,, MINN.. JAN. ist. 1899. Capital .... I 500,000.00 Reserve for Unearned Premium 1,016,407.87 Reserve for all Other Liabilities 222,691.07 Net Surplus over all Liabilities 784,888.78 Total Assets PACIFIC DEPART! ENT. CHARLES CHRI8TEN8EN, Manager. B. GOODWIN, Assistant Manager. 317 California St.. S. F., Cal. am! r G9a ttik b r ran nrrra Astoria's Leading Hotel : Megler S Wright, Props. Of Any Description Done with Neatness and Dispatch. Prices Reasonable. Call at C. jr. TRENCH ARD. Commission, Brokerage, insurance and Shipping:. Imitations! Loggers Scp;Iics Kept la Stock Built nnd Repaired. 11 $2-,523,987.72 I fULUIllOl i I V 9 Astoria, Oregon Custom House Broker. ASTORIA, .OREGON Agent ff. P. APo., and Pacific Kxptcu Co'l.