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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1899)
TUIC DAILY ASTORIA N, 8ATUKDA1 MORMKO, JUNK 10, m Stxtltf glotoviam JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone N W, TERMS 0 SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. lent by uaiL pr year tat teat bf malt, mt moot M terred br carrier, nor month . BE Ml-WEEKLY, tent br mall. per rear, n aarreac.. . Postage fro to euoexribera. net All communications taieoaea ret p cation aboald b directed to tit editor. Business eosnmunlcatlone or all klssU and remittance Butt be eddreeeed to Tho Astorlaa." ' The AMoriM wtnm to na adT User tbo larreat ctraslauoa of aay newspaper published on the tJetamota !1VT. advertising; rotas c tu 0 apV eattoa to tbo business rasvgr. TI DElTA BLE June, 1899. 1MIW WATfcH a. sj'.T r. M. DATE h.mft, h.min Thu 0 44! 17ii.ll HI 11 1 Frt ., EU . Gun , Man , To . Wd Thu , ia V Bua . Man Tuo , .. Ii 7 51 i) I JlOSS .. I Wlj Ml .. 410 03;? 0 I &S0 .. s ii oi t s 'i4ii 1 4?' 1 J lte 5 1 4i 1M1MM I V II t Ml 0 I I Wj 4 4 ti i4l!-I0 ;4 l! T U 4 li TS4,-4) 6 SSI It ll tl 7 l&i 1 1 i i i I id tl iU41 14 . t U 0; 1 2s,7 4j i ; s 47!T: l ii I 4 . 0 il 8 ..Wilto-I .'11 113 SO ,.1 iSfuTt 1H1! Ml tl 47(. 10 Ml 1 19.7 I; 101 tw, UIH es,;io i Wed .14 I U til 1 J( u I'll.. IT I inu f 44,7 71 hi FVi ....1'.. -.a .11 n wl lii 6t . J7 t 5 l If: 114 Sun Won IS! 1 44 t tl7tlJ t 1' T I l 11 l 14 1 0 i I Tuo ...fcJlO SO J Wed ..rt!U44Ti I Ml It too IS tu 'is 7 4o! SO 117 It ISO II TBU ...HI 'i;h'7 1I iO&Ut Thu ......... . U 17;!!:. ...... Pri ....Xi . ..I .11 11V7S. 1M-IS' Hum fi,1K4! 1 t D1J1 Mon '.V.ts i at i! I w i ?:l 1 05'4 o'l Tuo ...S7j S4il i5 Si2S 10 HI 1 1 Ullj u i ":! 1 14 7:U i; 1 . ( o nU i"u i 1 f A REMARKABLE DEMONSTRATION. Th Liverpool Journal of Commerce for May H, one of the Aatorian's regular exchanges, and which reached u in rS ular course of riflil yesterday, is notaMe for containln a column editorial on the remarkaV.e growth of trade and (hipping In :h Ctiitd 8tates. Tho article la of especial and striking value Just now In tho diacujslon on the seaport problem of the Northwest. It discusses at leng-rh tho tendency of modern commerce to dfeper draft vessels, and brtn? out a.rongly the tndispensablllty of deep wa ter harbors for the accommodation of these vessels, by showing the astonishing decent in ocean freights due to the em ptoyment of the larger tonnage carriers. The purport of the Journal', article is that no seaport can hope to compete for the ocean carriage trade with a harbor depth of less than S to 30 feet. Coming from a foreign standpoint, without bias as to any domestic jtrl.'e or local contn- j t!on. and bem the utterance of one of i ' the highest maritime authorities in the world, the Journal's article, if properly distributed and read in Portland would convert the thinking people of that city to the Astoria proposition. It possesses, too, wonderful Importance to the pro. hicer of the Inland Empire, In Its bear Ihg on '?he mystery of the present low prli of Northwest wheat. It Is scarcely credible, but the Journal ehows that beginning with 1SSS. when the tendency to larger vessels first ' bgan to be mani fested In the shipping wor'.d, ocean freights between New York and the United Kingdom have declined from 18.40 to 12.40 per ton on flour, from K32 to 11.92 on wheat, and from 19.60 to 13 on provisions. Let the producers of the Nor.hw..f t figure out the gain to them of a corresponding reduction In the wheat rates between this coast and Llv. erpool or on flour to the Orient, and they will b'gln to grasp the meaning of the "Astoria proposition" and its vital relation to their welfare. Ships of tne largest tonnage may enter Astoria har bor without difficulty, but It Is only un- der the rarest conditions that any vessel drawing to exceed 18 to 20 feet of water can ascend or descend the 100 mile chan nel between the sea and Portland. To avoid any question as to the correc. ne of these statements from the Jour nal, we quote that part of the article exactly as follows: In 171 the draft of the largest vessels running 10 and from New York was 21 feet; In 1IW8 it waa 27 feet; the draft has now Increased to a ruling depth of 29 feot, wlfh vessel occasionally drawing 30H feet, and eome ere building: which will draw 32 feet, and possibly 34 feet. In the same period freights have fallen from 18.40 to 12.40 per ton on flour; from K.S2 io 11,92 on wheat, and from J9 60 to 13 dn provisions. . The Importance of deepening and widening the channel was brought into prominent notice, and as thte work fall within the province of the general government, representations were made to conirress on the subject. Survey end estimates were made by the engineer corps, and their report was submitted, recommending that a channel 35 feet deep and 2.000 feet wide should be provided, that the east channel should be scooted, and that ultimately the chan nel should be deepened to 40 feet. Other Improvements suggested are bat the present Bay Ridge and fted Hook chan. nel alon the Brooklyn ahore. from the Narrows to Governor's Island, be wid ened and deepened so as to afford passage for Ihe deepest draft vessels from the Nsttow Into East iRlver. It Is pretty evident from thle that the authorities at New York are fully alive to the Import- Ml OH WATER Ih.mirU'ti.mjft. j a on OAII mil ft o. HOST VIOLENT OASES HIVE v mm kowi no dispiifauo to boai undw ordin- JPPEARED AT FIRST AS iS!ocwof thtyT So majoy people di from Oanoer Imply bo ll Pnp niilQl r oauM they do not know Just whl the dirM to; iitrit I LlOi they mUurtOly turn theawelTee owt to the doctor, and are foroed to rabmit to orael nd danrerou operation the only treatment whloh tho dootor know for Canoer. The dlMe Momotly return, however, and to eren more violent and dtyttruoUre than Wore. Cancer la a deadly poison in the blood, and an operation, planter, or other external treatment C4in hare no effect whaterer upon it. The cure murt eome from wtthln the last Teetlge of potooo must be eradicated. 1 ' II Cancer becomlnr at first irritated, and then diecnarfring i n,l. ..4,ilt mn Im atnt than diacon. S. S. 8. FOR THE BLOOD because it to the only remedy which can go deep enough to reach the root of the dieraee and force It out of the intern permanently. A enrgioal onerauon doee not reach the blood-the real eeat of the dleease-beceuee th Hood tan not t cut atroy. Ineitupou& 8. 8.J notjhlnjcan take ito place. 8. 8. 8. cure also an case of Scrofula, icaema. Rheumatism, Contagloui BloodLPol-n, Ulcers, "Soree, or any other form of blood dleeaee. Valuable bookan Cancer and Blood Disease will be mailed free to any addreaa by Swift Speciflo Company, Atlanta, Georgia- nce of keeping a good ravlgable chan. net. and their efforts will be apptvoiaied by none more than the people of the United Kingdom. la the eremng twilight of winter time, when the fire sparkles and glow and If we could only get the bait and Have lances npon the hearth, there are dreams the net untouched, what royjril!ed. hap and air castles of the future in the flames ' ,ir,, h. .., nf- ... ,11 for the young woman woo sits and gues into them. V nether these a;r castle will ever become realities, is larzely a matter of healtu. No woman can hope to be a contented wife, the mistTe&s of a happy home and the M weakness anYdiof The dehc.le organs that are distinctly feminine. All the air castles that she bnilds will crumble ' I into dust, unless she takes measures to cor- 1 rect the disorders from which she suffers. - I Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a posi- j forl ' k..i,h..,i , i. ... , wlIVho.Kl' and b::hv mother- happv hood. It rohs maternity of its pen and of nearly all pain. It insures chilJren with stronc healthy constitutions. inou.-nnus f -nrr,,n h, i,ti..H to i n-rv,.io,, mer;L,. FOT nursing mothers it is the best supportive tonic. When a dealer urges some substitute he' thinking of the larger profit he'll maki tint nf vmiT vrelfxr niing ot the larger probt be 11 make : of your welfare. A boat : mrs go my wife became afflicted with displacement, coming inflammation and much pain." wr:trj Kev. I. J. CoppedRt of Klmo. shoulder blade, constipation, biliousness Kiufiiua Co., Texas. ".She could not sund oo .,fc vj.k. . - j .,, h. .ni hrr t.-ct of grt in anv portion but h.t the suf. Ilk headache and feel dull, heavy ana fcred grai bearing; ion pain. 1 got her a Sit. s.eepy, your liver la torpid and eon tie of Ur Pierce'. V: Prrscnption which gc!td. Dttritf Utile Early Risers she soon found was hclpm hrr; to he kept on until .he had tikrn six !vt!e. Since takinf will cure yen promptly, pleasanUy and the a she has not suffered a moment from pi-rrr.anently by removing the congestion the old trouble." anJ ctuj!nf the Be acti t0 epeil , "I never could love a man who couldn't say 'no' once In a while," Marjorle was saying.. "Perhaps a man might once In '. a while." suggested Jack, "if you could ever say anything but 'no' to him." TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Ta I-aiativ Rroma Oninin. T.k'.i. a:i druggist refund the money tf It fall to cure. 25 cents. The genuine has 1 B. Q. on each tablet i Spilled milk If hoi h''f re S"'t a grl". vanc at spicl ml'k a: th' reas- n. It I perfectly hopeles to expect that , the meal will be bountiful In a bouse that hai a motto In the dining room, Man Wants But Llttl Here Below." Did Itever occur to you that a wa'ch. maker always works ovet-ime J. Df Bridge, editor and proprietor ot the Denocrat, Lancaster, N. H., tayi: ' 1 would ifiot be without On Minute Cough Cure for my boy, when troubled with a ' oough or cold. It Is the best remedy for ' croup I ever used." Charlea Rogers. Mamv a man cannot be bouzht. but he will give himself away. It makes ho difference how bad the j wound If you use DeWitt'a Witch Hazel ; Salve; It will quickly heal and leave no scar. Charles Rogers. "Oh, there are Just as good fish in the ; sea. Clarlsse." said the young man. bit. terly. "Perhaps, Fred," laughed the little wretch, "but who ever heard of a poky o:a lobster (atching fish?" i By allowing the accumulation in the bowels to remain, the entire system Is poisoned. DeWitt's Little Early Risers regulate the bowels. Try them and you will always uee them, Charles Roger. When a man gftg excited he ewears, and when a woman gets excited she weeps, but If a woman wept every time a man swore there would be another del. uge. It you have pilee, cure them. No use undergoing horrible operations that aim- ply remove the results of the disease without disturbing the disease itself. Fsc your confidence in DeWitt's Witch Haxel Salve. It ha never failed to cure others; It will not fall to cure you. Charles Rogers, Many a time when cu thii.'c the wtrld Is laughing with via tt 's ltuvllng at yo'i. Some of the result of neglected dys. peptic condition of the stomach are can cer, consumption, heart disease and ep. ilcpsy. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure prevents all this by effecting a quick cure in all cases of dyspepsia. Charles Rogers. 0DHT 01 U I 1ER Mr. Wm. Walpole. of Ifaishtown, & D., eayet A little blotch about the eise of a pea oame under my left eye. gradually rrowin larger, from which ehootinf pains at interrato ran to ail directions I became fcreauy aiarmea and coneulted a txod dootor, who pronounced it Cancer, and adTtoed that tt be out out, but thle I could not con tent to. I read in my local paper of a cure effected by v e q fl .-4 HnMa an trr it. It acted like a charm, the tinned altMrether, learlng a email ecab which soon drop ped off. and now only a healthy little ocar remaioi where what threatened to destroy my life onoe hKi full iway." PoeltlTely the only cure for Canoer to Swifte Speciflo The country has much to fear from Its Insects. In'.la the ants are eaU Ing ail the papfr mony, and In Masmu chus(ti a new kind of bug it destroying the cranberry crop. HERVITA tr VITALITY, LQGT VIGOR Z ANO MANHOOD Cures 1 wafting dUeascs, a j Cures Editions and ! wasting dbcasca, a:l eilects ot self- u, cr exct.q and Inalo- fit J cretlon. An?rv Vvf bitKid lalli'.T. ?rvoto:ncanu Urinss the . A 1 - 1 .1. .1 . 1 ; iivvr r"-tcrts t'.-.c Cro cf ! N?'irCc r-r 0 1 -:es , to- fri..10; trlta a written pmiran ic j to euro or rciud tho mouey. NZiiVITA MEDICAL CO. tt itnn & JaHocn Etc., CtCCO, ILL. , For Salt by Charles Rogers. Urugcist. would be. rneumonla. la grapp. couns, co'ls. croup and whooping ceurti readl'r yield w Dn, Minu:e Cough Cur. Uso th!i f ":" -or th undertakers. Charles Rogers, Our working days appear to be cvery body else's holiday, ' Don't think y,u can cure that ...g.t attack of dvsneojla bv dieting, cr that it wilt cure Itself. Kodol Dysp.p.U Cure will cure It; It "digests what you eat," and ,,, the active organs to ,,. , , Rogers. A man s watch I never wrong-'nre Is something wrong with the sun. If you suffer from tenderness or full- ness on the r)4;ht side, patns under the flow naturally They are good plirs. Charles Roger, There ar few such generous persons that they do not care for thanks, HOW'S THIS We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Caiarrh that cano: be crti Hall' Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY lc CO..Props.. Toledo. O. we, the undersigned, have known F, J- Cherry f:r the last 13 years, and be. lleve him perfectly hcnoraole In all bus. lnes transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligation made by ihe:r firm. WEST & TRUAX. Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O. WALDING. KINNAN b MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure I take Internally at'ng directly upon the blood and muc oi:s surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testi monials free. Hall's Family Pilli are the best. Tne hardVr it Is to acquire a thing the longer you will retain It. This Is prob a,J ' th rea!,n hr v women stick th,r husbands as they do. Summer rest to many m-ans paying flv, dollars a day for a room that In therr own home they would xha consider more than a closet. " " " wwwt)tag 4 SAUCE THE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE BEWARE OP IMITATIONS This tir-atare is OB erary botll: f John Doncan's Sons, Agent, New York J 3 CUT-RATE OFFICE Can Save You Money On All Railway Rates. 128 Third St. Kopp's The North rwifle Brewery, of whloh U t). I' 4- x. "t Wr.John Kopp i proprietor, make beer beor auppllwl at any time, dollrsry lu ?or JomwMo and expurl trail. he city lr fiorth Pacific I3rewerg Pacific NavigationCompany STEAMERS R. P. Elmore W. tl. Ilnrrltaon GARIBALDI HAY Connectinc storia with the Orvipm IUilrvxul A Natation Co. for San Francis Portland and all olnti casl. For freight an. I pssx'ii ger rates ap;lytj Hntnuol Elmore i Co. (ii'heral Atr.ut.s, ASTOKIA. lKE. COHN" AC( Agent, Orotfon lUilnrnd & N.intiou C., TILLAMOOK. Cre. IVltfLANI. "re. THE Seventh and SHASTA MINERAL WATER. I'EI'I'EK, X01SLE, HICK0KY AND SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. Harvcd Dny AUGUST KRATZ. Mormon tiuvm1 N i .1 J.i-.,-.r., , i v j A woman Is always mot gushingly anVctl,rra.!. as a prvface. to some Wr. tkularly dlsagreble remark. A great many housekipJin discover that 'th-y have ben unwittingly buying conlen."eJ milk whn measurement vealu the fact that a little over a pint losses for a quart. mm m i mm mm - mmm THE NET 'North Western Limited" C'lTH Cf!Tl:PY TkAIN.) t belwrcn Minneapolis, St. Paul anJ f:hicat;'. is entertainingly -ccril'cJ i.i an illustrated b K-'klct. which will he fur nl-hc! rut (..i applicat Mri to W. II MEAD. Gen. Agt., n'aaliiDi'io HlreM, POKTLAMD, Otl. F. W. PAPKLK, , Com. Aitent, :e Flrat Areiius, SEATTLE. WASH ttUXURlOUS Tu AVEL fPHE "N electrl orth.Western Limited" trains, ctric lighted throughout, both In' side and out, and iteam heated, are, without exception, the finest trains In the world. They embody the latest, newest and best Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether are the most com. plete and splendid production of the car builders' art. These Splendid Trains : Connect with The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT BT, PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charge for these superior ac. commodatlons and all classes of tickets ar available for passage on the famous "North-western Limited." All trains on this line are protected by the Interlocking Block system. W. H. MEAD, F. C. SAVAOB, Oen'l Agent, T. A. Portland, Ore. ii V.-ViaV in Hfwk.'E il ti-ait". dimn.if .mli t, ' ' i .e, H out Twito'"it prh'.,id, i ' " " ' . i A 1 ! ' ,t 'SS i" Si.".i i.,Pj ..VT.i. U " - I- I n I ''"". n-Vwl I . Sttea-M tnia -v4 at. r-l . li. ,.-' --- -- c". .S m -: a mm. Cii-m . Addrew, "incn Rvmaxt dv, anrt Pranolaeo, Cat, Portlniul, Oreg. "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AND ABSOLUELY PURE. i.:r I BvitlKsl twer for family ow, or keg ONLY OIWECT LINK AHTOHIA to TILLAMOOK CITY HOHSONVILLK LOUVRE Astor Streets ALL OTHER LIQVOKS, WINES, 11EEK AND CIGAKS nnd INIaHt. - - Mnnaeer ' !'"" i" Ji". m m tm tarn a) nof). Im. nl;i, aln arout o. ! r ..fv' . r -Lort witenof). K ir sale liy Cart Rocora. MAdOVIC. TKMI'LK LODGE NO. 7. A. I. A. M. Regular communication! held on th.- first and thirl Tuesday evening of each month. J. N. GRrFKIN, W. M.; E. V. HOLDEN. Se- reiary. ATTORNEYS. J. Q. A. IIOWLU?, ATTOItNEV AND OU'NHHU.OR AT LAW. Office l!o';d Street, Ai'.jrli. Ore. Theie tiny Capiulet are mpenorl to balsam ot t-opaiBa, . Cubebi or I niection t andAtinu CURE IN 48 HOURSVr tli same diseases vith. out inconvenience. Srld y itI P'r-urp'tt. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COKPAMV 07 NEW YORK RICHAKD A, M".CUi.OY PwoimT STATK-fiNT Tor the year ending Decambr .11 I HO According to Ihr I of the Iniurance iK-wrtm'iit of t lie sti'c i,f New York IM'OHE Beealred fir I'r.mliimi ruai all oilier iMiurri-a . l-.Hm,7IH SI I:m,s:,sO ut ... ..i,ioti,ea! 43 imiiii i!s; i is To I'Mlri.lmWiTN li,r I laliiia br IV I'filltj.lioi'lf r. liir r. ','' ipiilit. iiiriiinnill,. l ie. . 1I.4S.I.7..I Ho For all ollirrarruuuts IO.IIi.j,HVI i.i '. . ... M.lM5,Uil! bS tTsltrd KtnlMi Ilondl sad oth' T herurllU . . . tlilO.Wfl.l II 33 Flrat l.lru Imriis im llouil and "riiir .... oh.oOJ.SiO 1)0 Mjummm iMinua aau nmrr Tit rir"1' 0,3im,fl 00 bwbi K.iatr apprniM'S ny inisr Sara HuurriiitU'lrnia at 123,5!ll.H-.ii.tiH i lh,k Talue !0,0l,fll 01 CtK In lisoka and Truni Com. aaalra 11,1,377 36 Aecrord Interrat, Net Pffrrr.d rrtuiluiii,(c. ... fl.ini.n.-,: i M!MH,M. 88 Puller ItMnrtfii, e'c. . . $i33.fl',fl.fl If) RH (ontfniff (jiiarautra Faad 4t.f.',,iyi lit IMtlalble Surplua ... oo, Istnranrs and Aaasltlrs In force 11)71,711,0(17 7S I have riri-fllMv esr.imln''d the forrcrnlmr tnent and find Ihr aninr lo be correct ImliliniM calcuUttd by the liimrance Lx-iiiirtment. viiaat-hsA. i'Mkixna Auditor From the Divi lilile BiiitjIus a dividend will h apportioned as uaiul. ROBERT A. ORANNIEJ Vicf-PainotaT WALTP.a B. Cn.LKTTll Isaac V, I.ixivd FlKDKKIC ClOMWRIX Khokv McClintoci General Msnsger ad Vice-President Treaaurer Actuary JWpWa 1 r1Wr. ilolmo illo . I TIM0 CHll)ULI!. I) K I' ART. Knuil IhiHluud Ahsivi Fast Mull a p. w. Rait IHMiy.T, Kl Ka.t Mull H 4 m i,.... 1... City, HI, l.oilla,; t'lilCMSu and Kl. Wall ISalln, Hiknp, Mnnii-aimlN. Ht.l'.uil iMllulli, MMwrtilkiH., rltti'iuio and hasl, Fium Anuria Dixiksiie river 1 10 p. tn Hiiokaii Klror .10 . 111. OCUAN Tl!AM5MIPJ All Kallln I'.li'a tub I Jwl III llltl(, For eau Krmii'in-n-N!!. June 9, 7, 111, 17, Mi; "a una Ml ' I Colrrnhl River HlMtnera 6a met Mo iliilay To T'lrtland Way Iandlnga t m I r'nm 1'nrlUiid. I'uraltiiJ Wlllanwtl Hlvsr. audSil Mali-ui. AlWmiy.t'orval Hi end laMilliin 4 a a. in. I'ui'a, 1 hur ami ."! vVlllam.lU Yam. ii m. ' a. m. hill Ultara. Mon.,Wd. .lui'iaL ,Own t li. lytiiu, A, and Krl, and Hat. W) Ijnnlllma, ' It.t dly 5nkRIr. t so, at. Klpariatu LswNloii, l.rUwlaln I i; m. dally from l'"rllsuil ...m. nuwuxtiuivitH KitfuiiiU) vit"ii iV' N1l'w,r.,' K,Miuid.y I rtalnuiA Waj-Unja. , ' O.'W. ItOUlisHCRRY. " A sot Asiorta W. U. HURBDRT. Oeav Ia. Ait. Psrtlaaa. or. PflPAT. . TICKETS lBAllVAVpoilTS EAST Through palace and touriat sleeper, dining and library obeonrallon ear. CLEOANT VEHTItlULK TRAIN). He. 4 Umited leave Portland at 1:10 P. sa, No. I Untiled arrive poruaan at I a, so. for tte, ete., eell or dilfee d.V, lUNHIlfcRRT. Agent O. K, H.. As'oHa 1 atfD.,E0 Or. Through Tickets -TO THaV- EAST AND SOUTHEAST -TU- O'aT!! Pt'LLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. TOfRISTS HLKEPERS and KH HE M ECUS' I NO CHAIR CARS -Dally 10- Salt Lake. Denver, Omahi, Chicago. Kansas City and other Eastern clues. Iinxtag chirked through to dstlnalton. Union t)eMitg. fast tlina, lowest raise. Plnisch light In all cars. Kur rates and other Information call on or addrsaa U. W. 1JUNHIlEitRY. Agmt. O. a N. CO. Astoria. Oregon. ur J. II. LOTHROP, Oen. Agent. 13i Third Si., cor. Alder, Portland, Or. LEAVE 6ktland OVERLANn EX- VRh.HH. for Salem, ItOMhuraT. AaklA,! 7:00 P.M.acramsnto, Ol'l'n, 'i'JiOO A.M. I Ha e'ranclsco, 4o-1 lave, Lo Angela, r-i i wmo, riaw ur lean and th East 1:t A. M Roeebgrs; pasaenfer N:o p. ai Via Woodbura), for DaHy except SuniUr MujtAnsV, Sil- vrtea, Wjt g 1 tT:10 A. M Corvalll passenger I Independence peas' t4:W P. It Dally, trMilre-excVpt' Sunday. Connecting ec Han Kranolsco with Oeol. dental A Oriental, Pacini) Mali and Oce anic aeeamnhlp I'nea for JAPAN, CHINA, AUSTRALIA HAWAII AND THE PHILIPPINES ' Reoatti tickets on sale dally beiwcen Portland, Oranjento, and Ban Pranols co. Net rate 117 firat-ola, and 111 seo-ond-cla . Incliallng sleeper. Rate and ticket to Eastern points ana Europe. A ao Japan, China. Honolulu, and Australia Can be obtained from J R KIRKIANP, Ticket Ag-rtir lift Third"." R. KOKHLER, 6. tf. MA H Kit A At Manacor. o. F. P A. Through tickets East for lowest rate Call on C. J. Traivhard. local agent' Wei. Fargo Comcany'a office. Astoria. BALTIMORE ...... and OHIO RAILROAD Royal Blue Trains BETWEKN THE ' EAST AND WEST Only line operarmg Its own through train between St Look. Louisville, Bprlngfleld, Cincinnati sand New York, via WaohlnKton, Balttmor and Philadelphia. The traveler over the B. A O. I permitted to catch glimpse of the greatest scenery In Amartoa, . PETER HABVHT. . . feeifte Coast Agent, San rranelseo. Room It, Mill Building. south ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Lear I Astoria (isiiy rnv Port I arm ami Altonai m pat, u.anna. Clifton. West- orU Clatskanle. Qooieil nnoiioa l tiiible rr I Hast al J'ugtl iu4 polata cm th W0U an pm. p.m.i a. Astoria, sUaaltf aswIUiM ( 11:111 w Asiona r fasMflaarl I'arrealuul llralm a. via ..A tTlairai. I ID Holiday Hunter1 pe- ttitf lal Asion to slde) j. a Ato7 o, r. p. a WHITE COLLAR LINE Oolutnjl River tad lv( Ieua4 NarV atloD t'owpaay. i t Tl(ona leave Astoria dally, aieeal ll'a dally luae, Ti (iIUr line tijant lnln r.i.h...i T J. Iiillr and K. IL 1ii,miiiiii (or'Asiurl and all wr Hni. Klav.' 1 I1WSOO, B..TI.W, a I Nahcotia, A. i. TAYLOR asiuri Talwhone Asiorta Ageat, He. U. M4tlllSiS44ltSIMIIIIMMtalllMIalMMllt You Are on the 'Right Road" if ur ilrkal reads via Tiltllngt and ih llurllnatoa Route. It it lh shortest tin lo th Btiuthaaat-the only line Ibal of fers through car servlo from Haailla. Spokan, and Hln le Lincoln, SI. Joseph, tad Kaaea Ciiy. Through tourist s 'pr twlee a k. Ak any Northarn Talfl iikt agani about Intra, or write lo A. C. IIIULDON. (loo'l Agnl. Poctlaad. Or. setsstsiiMtiMUNutisetii.nMntsttatess; A FEW INTERESTING FACTS Whan poti. ara mnirmitlatlng a tela, whether on luriia or pleasure, tasy naturnlly want th beat aervte eb. talnable a far as pd, comfort aad aafoly la roiumd. EmployM of the WISCONSIN CUNTHAL LINK1 r uald to arv iha pjullo end our train are o;raid ao as to maka el eua iwiiona aith d'vfgtng I nee at ail Juncvtlon pttinia. Pullman l'ala rlling and Chair Care on through trains. Dining Car avlr uneaeellod. M la rv0 a la carts. In onlrr to obtain thle first claae rvtoe, aak Iha ticket tgntil lo aril you a tlraa ovae ... The Wisconsin Central Lines. and you will make dtr it connection at St. Paul for Chicago. Mlleauk and all potnt east. For any furrtur liifortraall.ia call n a? tlckot gnt. or rnrreafxitid with JA8. C. POND, Oen. Pas. Agent, or JAS A CLOCK, Milwaukee, Wte. Oansral Agw it IM Stark Si.. Portland Ore. - -.iA:fH i(oi ia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially dlRcttn the food ao alda Nature In atrenKthenliiK and reooa atructlnffthf) exhausuxl dlestlY or fan. ' It U thelate itricTerp(l dlffeaV tot and tonlm No ot hur preparation can approach It In cfllcli'iicy. It la atantlr rellerciand permanpntlr carat Drspi-pala, Indlrtlon. Jleartbura, riatolcnce, 8our Ktotnach, iNauaea. 8lcltHfladc))P,GfwtralKln,Criirril,an(j all other result a of Imrrfeot d ideat ion. Prepared by E. C DtWitt Co., Cblcogo. ror Sale by CHARLES KOOEIUs. 5 ISkT ' H win.tWB.Bn. W, e.1 I ' r t"r oi,i,rruu a, 'lllHK-? :. rmaiunliira, a Vlii".. iiuaaloral ilia. dwna I tl ihaik a, of au llifialiima' M u ur. ll. .ii. iiiliaima ur uii.r. M.tatlM. II. n .f m lie,, ii a a,.n. lmttmOMISirilfia branea. Nun aalrlui.ul. tawiiiun.0 ,7! ' niwatiats, jK n in plain wr.pp.r -a"ai !'.' l,r, arepal.l, 1,4 I.O. ur I IkiiiIm. ai rl. 'V Circular emit on rauueaa, or IODIDE OF IRON 1 for ANMIA,P00pNP.5of itirlll.OOD, I f laJCTITt i-r inai . a,.,., .... ... I vi.ainui IIHAL WltAHNIibS ICU(lllll A. Ite. None genuine uitlraaalgtird "Mlancamii" LB. POUOUttA i CO., N. V. Agt. for U. . MI I. III! Ill ll . II1TU Jlott's Nerverinc Pills TV The ej r m .- - I ''"CV.-4r.iV'', h a nervoua h JZii IMn Idiieiiefoftha VZalUChaS Ncrvrfllt Peo.lenlUn P. III.,- . t Ivttnhood, Impotency, Nirhliy Eml. sions, Youthy Errora, Mental Worry, eg. cea.iv us of Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Conaumption and Inunlty. $1,00 ptr box by majlt 6 boxea for $5 00. Hons CHtMiCA-: cp.. pTt'&JA sgisiPt) a " ai ism aw am Mmm IIW Far sale by ESTES-CONN DRUO CXa,