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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1899)
ASTORIA PUBLIC LIBRMY ASSOCIATION. TIE A5TORIAN hu tbi UrftSt clrculatloo or any pipe i! on tht Columbia ftlvir TIE DAILY ASTOFIAN la fit tiff est ml test twt oo tie CcJsait River - Trrwaa ,Hl.'- FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS RFC PORT. VOL XLIX. ArfTOttlA. OKKGON. NATUJiDAY JtOKMNO. JL'JIK HUP. li8 Stoves Aro not miulo from tho cra-jiio or in a kindergarten school. Eclipse Hardware Co. Wo CJIvo Trading HtntnpM. V"'1 f-" GRIFFIN RALSTON... HEALTH CLUB Arm? (Jlutrn Farina, Acme Wheat AT A. ioo Rolls of Matting Of All Kinds. Our own imjiortutiuiis. Quality Chas. Heilborn & Son. Here Is Ot some High Grade Goods at moderate prices KAISTOX HEALTH POODS lajrcat variety fresh from the mills. AROMATIC Sl'ICES, guaranteed the finest. TILLMAXN'S IT KB EXTRACTS. CHASE Ac SAXIJOKX'S COITEES arc o rivalled. Toycthcr with a host of other good things. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO fletij Zeqlgnd Fire Insurance Go Of New Zealand. W. P. Thomas, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABiL.tY OP SHAREHOLDERS. Subscribed Capital $5,000,000 Paid-Up Capital " 1,000,000 Asset. ... - 2,545,114 Assets in United States 300,000 Surplus to Policy Holders 1,718,792 Has been Underwriting on tho Pacific Coast over Twenty-two yeors. SAHUEL ELMORE & CO., ReBldent AgentB, Astoria, Oregon. Pacific Sheet Metal Works Manufacturers of Salmon Vegetable ' Frolt ...CAN Lithographing on San Francisco. Cat. Astoria, Write Vm .OUR - Tinware BOOKS... blank and Miscellaneous. PAPER... New Crape and Type-writ In jr. Waterman Fountain Pens I lux Uccorutctl Paper mid Knvtl(iCH"iiio. I & REED Breakfast Food Barley Food Select Bran Yeast Cocoa Flakes and Standard Rolled Oat V. ALLEN'S niul I'atUrnH tlir lust nnl JntcM. a List spice and Syrop Tnu Specialty. Ore. Fairhaven, Wash. for Priees Improved Mikado and Empire Cream Separators. I They ar. th ilmpi'it and noil . Separator mad. For al. ty Foard 6: Stokes Co.Astoria : Your Wife ! Will Ilk, It; so will .b. took. Stor ICwtnte Rune Uatlify .11 who uii thm. TO i ftl&ilL" If your better half doea th. cooking, that la an additional reason why ther should b a Star Kstat. Range In your kitchen. Th us. of them prevent worry and disappointment. W. J. SCl'LLT. Agent. til Bond Street. J. A. Fastabend General Contractor and Builder House-moving Tools for Rent Andrew Lake 53J COMMERCIAL ST. ...Merchant Tailor... Perfect Pit Guaranteed. Low Prices. Rpalrln and Clnl.g Neatly Do... THE PROOF C th. pUcVdjftff M Ift th. .ftllfta fta4 (b proof of liquor. IS IN SAMPLING Thftt'S th miD.ftt thftt'i eo olualr- demotistrfttl.ft. Our. will fttftad U. tn. HUGHES & CO. UH ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF LONDON. Established during th. reign of Quean Ann., A. D. 1711 FIRE AND LIFE. Subscribed Capital 11160,000 (0 Asset H.401.460 00 Surplu to policy holder. 4.0O.M5 N of paid up oaplUl Law Union and Crown Fire and Life Insur ance Co. Subscribed or guaranteed cap ital T.(00,000 Capital pftld up tSM.800 M Aaaeta ,UI, N Catton, Bell & Co. General Agent, Ban Frano!c, Cal. Samuel Elmore & Co. Realdent Ag.nta, Astoria Oregon. Lil IIH t - r iirJ.i Jj! i; Bob Fitzsimmons Is Champion No More He Is Forced to Go Down in the Eleventh Hard-Fought Round. IT WAS A GENUINE GOOD FIGHT The Australian Never in Better Form, but the Californian Was His Master and Had Him Whipped From the 9th Round. Ni;W Vfi.'tK. June V-Jam-K J. J.-f. fru. ati'ilhcr turjy 'ui tf.unt h coin.' uu t of lh t to whip thr (iiatii. I'loii piiKlIlsts. At the arwia of the j i-oiw In.. (Ud Athl'-tlc Club tonight he de !fin!rd It"b.-rt bt:gslmmon. tho world's champion in lo cus., middleweight ' und -K.dirht. In eleven rounds ! whirlwind flailing. II- came m '.he ring a rank out-Mer. land left it the acknowledged master of. , the man he dcfcatxl. He wa never at any time In xtI 'Us danger, and after ' site u In: he early rounds of the contert ' took the lead, lie hud the Australian ' whi-d from, the ninth round. r It acknwlrdged that he would 'have an Imm.nw advantags. In beltfit. weight and age, hut thousands who j tipM and hacked his opion-nt to win i were attre that he wa slow, and that ! he would In that respect be obolutcly 'at the mercy of the it master In the j.dence of flghtlr that he wa. to meet. j He proved, on the contrary, that he waj jjust as fast as the man he met, and beat; him down to uncorwekm defeat In a fair I light. He I ft veritable giant In stature I and marvelously speedy tor hi Immense i ilme, Less than a year ago he appeared ln,J New York, a great, awkward and un- galnly bey. Today he I ft lithe, active. alert and trained athlete. The men who,ro"- realned himself and came prepared him for his light worked won.bck hn harJ ltfft " he neck nl ders with him. They taught htm a near. ,Kht on h body. Jeffries replied with ly jH-rf .H t defence, lm;mxl UU foot j tWl "ll(t wt ' on tn fac nd Fitilm. movement and Instructed him In the bestl m,'n crowded In on him. methods of Inflicting punishment. The I Round ft-Fltxslmmons jumped across transition since he appeared last ha .the ring and Jeffries brike gruund. Flta beeii little short ot miraculous. At thelslmmona waa still on the aggrrelve and age of 21 he has defeated RoIktI Kit. 'sent a left to the face, countering llfthtly Simmon. Tom Sharkey and Feter Jack-! on the wind. Fitisramon crowded In son, and, If he cares for himself, he will with a left for the wind and Jeffries probably be able to successfully defend ! crossed his right to the ear. They broke the title for many year. Tli, UoXcaU'd pusUbi was aa good as, on the orlapy morning when on the plain of far away Nevada he lowered tho color of fhe then peerless Corbett. He was ju.t a active, just as clover, Just as tricky and Jt:t as fearless of punMiroetit, He went unfalteringly joi his, defeat, lte w the agtrsor even at the moment when he w bleeding and unsteady, and stunned by the blow he had received he reeled Instinctively toward hi opponent. He was fighting all the time and severely punished his opponent, hut found him a different on. pone it than he had met and ft difficult man to flgrht. Jeffrie fought from a crouching at tltude that was hard to get at He held hi head low, hi back waa bent down and. his loft arm wa extended. 11a kept Jabbing away with his left and found no trouble In landing It. It was there that hi superior reach told. THE FIGHT BY ROUNDS. Round 1 Kitisimmons led for th. stomach and fell short. He led for the siomuch and again fell short. Fitxslm. motis led with a left to the head, but Jeffries ducked cleverly. Jeffries led with a left and fell short. Again he led with a left for tho Jaw, but Fltxslmmojis waa out of uho way. Round 8 Near 'the close of the round Jeffrie knocked Fltssimmon flat on his back with a loft on the nose. The j Round J-Both came up willingly, with champion waa up In two second, and Fltaslmnions the aggressor, but Jeffries then the bell rang and the round closed, jsent him baok with ft straight left to the Round i Jeffries was on the aggrea. face. Fitzsimmons was still on the fts slve. They clinched twlc. without do-J gresslve, but was sent back once more lng damage. It was seen that Fltislm. with a left on the body. After another mom was bleeding from th. nose. The clinch Jeffries put In two smart left first blood was olalmed for Jeffries. Af.'raps on the nose, which made Fltsslm. tor another clinch Fltxsimmons landed Jmons" nasal organ bleed freely again, hard with a left and repeated It thre. ' Jeffries played again for th. hend smart, times, coming to th. center of the ring. 'ly wIC'n hi left. Fitzsimmons failed to Klictimmona latid'd with a h-ft wlng un the jaw and a Ifft hook on the ear. J. ffrl.K came back with a left hook on the side of th head and they cam. to a cllm-li. After me feinting Jeffrie l.d to the body and drove Fltt back with a left on the chest. Flti'lmmon lanl"d f( h-ok on the boily. Jeffrie then 'countered on the fa;- as the round er'ded. Round 4 Jeffries eenl two hard Kft i hooks to the xide of Fltiiimmon' head, 'Jarrlinr the champion. In the mlxup Fltislmmons got a left on the head and a r;(riit to the body. After ome feinting . KltiHlmmona landed a left straight on " eye which wa heavily countered on th b' Jeffries with his right. A "ru wfr 'n V r"im. mon wa .nwered by Jeffrie with a Mi " ,h nd then Jeffrie plant. ,J 4 '"av' left " head and Fill- ,lmmw rok round. Jeffries kept .' 0011 "K h( " Fita.lmmon' jaw. Round 5 Fltvlmmon led with ft left to the face, splitting Jeffrie right eye, which bled freely. Jeffries retaliated with a hard left on the ear. Fits put a left on Jeff' mouth nd forced him to the rope. Jeffries sent two left to the and a right on the forehead without return, t uxslmmons rushed, but in try Ing o aidestep almost fell through- the I from a clinch and Fituimmona sent a left to the fact and ft hard right over ,,he lnJurJ ' Fitxslmmon sent a left twice to the head and then followed with a hard right to the chest. Jeffries fought back wildly, landing both hands outside ot Fltxsimmons' guard and after another clinch Fltssimmon upper cut hid opponent with his right on the wind, This was the last blow of the round which waa In Fltxsimmons' favor. Round " Jeffries was a bit slow coming to tho scratch and broke ground. Fltx slmmins tried a right to the head, land lng lightly, and Jeffries got a left to the ribs. Jeffries jabbed a left to the ribs and got away clean. Then the Calltor. nlan endeavored to land straight tor th. face but was blocked neatly and re ceived a left counter on the ribs. Kiti simmons waa on th. asgTesslv. and sent a left back on the neck. Jeffries tried to crowd Fltxsimmons on the ropes, but Fltxsimmons got away nicely. Than In a rapid mlxup both swung rights and lefts tor the head, landing lightly. Fits slmmons hooked a left to the aide ot the head and Jeffries Jumped In with a hard right on tho body. This was FItxslm. mons' round. Round 8 Both men rushed matters without doing any damage until near the end of the round, when Jeffries shot a straight to Fltxsimmons' face, stagger ing the champion to the ropes. This was .Jeffrie' round, respond to thl and clinched. Jeffri thn thrw hi right over th heart Willi all hi might. Jeffrie had decidedly Die better ot the round. Round 10 J-ffrle cam. up looking con fident and Fl:l nmort wor. an nrnnl look on hli far, but he came up and wai flriit to land wlih a straight left on th. bdy, bringing it up to the hoad. Fits immons clinched. Oolng from the clinch, Firx.immon drove hi left bard to the wind. Jeffrie made a left swing for the head, but wa blocked, and then with ft left airing on th. jaw he put FMx.lromone on hit back, Fitxalmmon waa very frogty when he rot up In even aeconda and waa knocked down aaln with a Mt and ft right on the jaw. He cam. up In aeven nefond and Jef. frla ruehed him into hi corner, tryln vry hard (o flnlah the champion. Jeffrie. wa t'X anxious and failed to finish hli nan. Round 11 Fltxrtmmon cam. up alowly but anume! the aggr-aelve, Jeffrie tawllng off evidently watting- for a knockout. They clinched three time, Jcffiire put two hard right over Fit. .lmmon' heart .ending him back, and then ent a tralght left to th. neck, foi- lowing with a. left on the ehet. Fit - Immon crowcM In. trying with hi ritrht for the jaw but fell nhort, and u , ceded In blocking the Californian' re. i turn. Jeffrie then assumed th. ftggrea. i and jabbed hi left to the brad. Jeffrie then again jabbed hi left to th. . head and another left on toe jaw dated rlttMmmona. w-no toi m the middle YORK. June .-The Rev Alfred of the ring. Jeffrie, looked at him for oe jru, who four month, ago a econd and then he knew he had him fountjd ' the Congregational church in at hi mercy and swurur bla r1fcTt and the clty of ntvhn has returned to thl. left to the jaw and Fltilmroon. went ' uatiy for aid In h.s rellglou And du down and out. nlinquUhing the cham- i eatkmaJ work In Cuba. ph.Ti.hlp to the CallfornUn. Mr Barrett gpo toa,y about pre. Th time of the eleventh round wa one fnt .jitlon. In Cubm and the posslblU n inute SS and M seconds. Fltxslmroona )(. of M outbreak against the Amerl- came to himself quickly and Jeffries walked across to th. defeated cham. pioir comer and both shook hand warmly. Judging by the expression on Fitrslmmon- face he did not feel much disgruntled at his defeat. Jeffrlei. had the good wi.ohes. of his clergyman father out at Lo Angele. This wire was placed In hi hand as he rtarhd the rlrnr: "Jim. we know you will win. Keep m good spirits: be con. n.l.iit of our b!lcg. ( 8!gned, Father, M ther and Family." VOLUNTEERS AT MANILA WILL BE RE-ENLISTED. Skeleton Regiments Will Be Formed and Filled Out With New Recruits to Be Raised. WASHINGTON, June 9.-The cabinet, hi connection with the possible necessity f enlisting an additional force or vol. unteers, today dlscu&std ft plan for en. lis' lng several skeleton regiments In 1 Manila from among the volunteers who de.olre to remain In service, and subse quently filling out the regiments with recruits enlisted in this country. Gen eral Otis, according to this plan, will be given authority to select tne officers of these regiments from among the vohm. teer officers who are to be mustered out. The plan, which commends Itself to the favor of the members of the cabinet generally, would form a nucleus of vet. eran officers and men seasoned to the climate and familiar with the work to.iust arrived at Ensenada from the Slett be done. Such a force leavened with , r Fintada placers, gives a very gloomy veterans would be Immeasurably superior ylw ot the "eged gold flejds. He says to a force af raw recruits, undisciplined inhere Is nothing there worth the while and unaeollmated. The plan was only discussed in connection with future con. tlng-'ncles, and did not reach the stage of action. ' The attorney general announced his opinion that the army reorganisation bill, fixing the maximum strength fttt fiC.OOO, did not enlist ft hospital corp.. about S.600 men. 80 that the enlisted men ,f an j be increased that number. ANOTHER FREAK STORV FROM THE -WINDT CITT. Romantic Re.Marriage ot a Returned Volunteer With His Divorced Wife. CHICAGO, June S. A special to the Chronicle from Hlghmore, S. D.. says: The return to this town of a man and woman, divorced five years ago, but who are again husband and wife, adds the last chapter to a romantlo story ot ove and war. Five year ago Henry Ballantyne and wife, of this place, agreed to separate. They had been married not quite twelve months. Ballantyne was & prosperous grain buyer and owned several good farms near Highmore. These he deeded to his wife. The few hundred dollars h was able to scrape together In cash he put Into his own pocket and left to Makes the food more dovm tumo bgln life afresh In a new location. AJ soon he had gone, hli wife ued for ft divorce. There waa no defense and ft decree waa granted. Th. land riven her by her hunband the .old to advantag. and by shrewd reinvestment, aocumu la ted within th next hw year ft com fortabl. fortune. The put winter ah. .pent In touthsrn California. On ber way horn, ft month ago ah. .topped In San Francesco. On th. itreet ther. on. day ah. met an emaciated figure In army blue hobbling about with th. aid of heavy cane, in ft ivaln Mftrch l-r employment It wat I Ballantyne, dlachargtd from lb. United State, volunteer eervlce and Invalided home from the Philippine after ft fever which left him In uch poor health a. to dotroy hi. naefulne. aa ft eoldler. Kallantyne wao about to paaa hi for. mer wife without tpeaklnf to her, but she, when he n hi waited form and mliyab!e condition, felt all her old lov. (or him revive. She hurried him into ft carriage and) to her hotel, where comfort- j able quarter, good food and the rTice . of a competent physician oon produced a marked rmprovement In bl hearth. Last week th. two wer. remarried and 1 have jut returned to H'.ghmore tone-ther. ' A CLERICAL ASS ON THE STATE OF CUBAN AFFAIIIS. Rev. Alfred de Barrett Think th. Cu ) bans Badly Treated by th. 1111. Itary Authorities. cans. "If thin occurs." he aid, "it will t (he fauIt of the Amerioan. The Cuban, are m ou, ,re aio proU(j and .en.mve. and many thing have been done recently to anger them. The Cuban feel that they ar being trf.ate1 vrry mucn a, tbough they had been conquered by urn. At any rate, th. Washington authorities should do away i(h ,he prewol military government It is worse ihan unnecessary; It la doing an Immense deal ot harm. A great many of the American officers do not Ilk. Cuban, and do not scruple to let this be kno-vn. How ran you expect th. Cubans to like them? General Brook. ,n(1 Gt.neraj are liked and trusted, but lnelr ,nnUe,not for good Is nullified, b). atltuJe of other officers. "The payment ot the Cuban troops and -requiring them to lay down their arms was a mistake. Th. disarming was a great humiliation to the men, and th. first thing many of them did with their !7j was to buy new guns and machetes. There Is as yet no distinct Idea In th. minds of the majority ot people as to I what they really want, whether annexa tion or Independence. But they obtain , their ideas of the United States govern, ment from the American officers, and these are not favorable." NO GOLD IN 8ERR1A PINTAJM. SAN DIEGO, Cal., June 9 A special to the Union from a correspondent who has of Americans, not even wages. Dally earnings per man run from 50 cents to - The placers aro extensive, but th. I gold Is in small quantities and quickly , 'y worked out. I Th general Impression In San Diego , t that the rush to the 'new placers Is ended. GRANTS IN SAN FRANCISCO. CHICAGO. June 9.-Mlss Julia Grant and her mother arrived In the city last night. .Mrs. and Miss Grant will be In Chicago for a week or more and during that time will be th. guests of Mrs. H. N. Honore, 2103 Michigan avenue. Miss Grant was unable to give definite new. concerning her approachlg kveddlng with Prince Cantacuxene last night. Miss Grant will be the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Potter Palmer, at Newport during a part of the summer, and the rest ot the time she will spend visiting friends at the eastern resorts. THE GOVERNMENT OBJECTED. SAN FRANCISCO, June .-Notwlth-standlng the objections of the U. S. government, the California fish commls. sioners have deckled not to abandon th. work of reducing the seal herds and operations will be continued at the rookeries not under federal control.. delicious and wholesome SOWflf CO WW www.